The Big Problem with Color-Changing Cars

**E Ink Technology in Cars: A Concept with Potential**

Imagine a car that can change its appearance to suit your mood or the environment. With E Ink technology, this is no longer a fantasy. The company has created a concept car where the entire left side of the vehicle blinks when you want to merge, indicating turns and signaling to other drivers.

This innovative technology uses special microcapsules that reflect light in different colors, allowing for a wide range of designs and patterns. You can customize your car with stripes, polka dots, or even give someone a virtual "finger" if they cut you off on the road. The possibilities are endless!

But what about functionality? E Ink technology is not just for aesthetics; it can also be used to save power. On hot days, the car's surface can change to reflect as much light as possible, reducing the strain on the cooling system. Conversely, on cold days, it can absorb heat from the surroundings, warming up the interior quickly.

However, there are some limitations to consider. E Ink displays can be fragile and prone to damage from scratches or weather conditions. They may also have a grainy appearance and limited color accuracy compared to OLED displays.

Despite these challenges, E Ink technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our cars. Imagine being able to download custom designs online or even using the car's surface as an indicator for low battery levels. The future of customizable cars is here, and it's exciting!

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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Have you ever been shopping for a carand found one that was justultimately perfect spec,except for the color?(person yelling)So, you can paint it, you can wrap it,but that's gonna be expensive.Or you could Plasti Dip it,but we already know howthat could turn out, Nolan.- Oh God.(scary music)- This is the worst thing I've ever done.(Nolan laughing)- So, most of us do what's easy,and that's just live withthe color that we got,but BMW engineers, they hatehaving to pick one color,so they did unthinkable.They developed a car thatcould change color on the fly,and even display images andcomplex shifting patterns.What?Could this be the futureof automotive finishes?I don't know.We're gonna find out.Let's go.Paintificus-lithicus.(whimsical music)(Jeremiah laughing)(energetic music)Thank you to Keeps forsponsoring today's video.Hair loss has been eradicated on Earth,but in a universe wheretwo out of three guysexperience some form ofmale pattern baldnessby the time they're 35, we're on a missionto tackle universalhair loss, for we are--- AstroKeeps!- Captain Mane, ifwe don't do something soon,this meteor will crash into that planet!- I bet I could blow theserock up with one punch.- Don't punch me.- Oh, who said that?- Me, the rock you threatened to punch.- Easy, Hawk.The Starship follicle respects all life.Even destructive, out ofcontrol, sentient rock.- Hey, I don't want tocrash into that planet.I just don't know how to stop.- 30 seconds to impact.- Mr. Meteor, what you you need is Keeps.They make hair loss prevention easyby shipping your hair lossmedication directly to your doorat about half the cost ofa traditional pharmacy.Now, that rocks. (laughs)Oh!It's working!Now quick, Mr. Meteor, useyour new hair like a parachute.- Wow, thanks, AstroKeeps.You saved the day, andhelp me grow confidence.- Scientifically speaking,you can't slow downwith a parachute in spacebecause there's no air to--- We're standing on a talking meteor,and you want to debate logic?I'm a dang robot with a southern accent!- Start yourhair loss prevention todayby going to,or by click getting the linkin the description to receive 50% off.And check back for another adventure of--- AstroKeeps!- At CES in 2022, LasVegas, BMW rolled outone of their iX electric SUVs,and it looked pretty plain,until the whole thingstarted changing colorslike a kaleidoscope.Hmm, you don't put akaleidoscope over your eye,you put it over your mouthand taste it. (laughs)The BMW cycled through gray scalethat ebbed and flowedas if it was breathing,then started throwing up trianglesand all sorts of designs.This was an entirelycustomizable car surfacewhere you could theoreticallyput memes, NFTs,even your Instagram handle onit, or sexy logo like this.So, what kind of alien wizardry is this?Well, it's not based on heatlike those hypercolor T-shirts you worein elementary school,andit's not trick of the lightlike color changing chromatic paint.What BMW did is in fact takeanother decades old technologyand make it amazing.Back in the 1970s, researchersat Xerox were messing aroundwith the idea of a lowpower paper-like displaythat could be used forportable reading material.Something like a newspaperthat would scroll throughstories with no interruptions.Does that sound familiar?(bell dings)The iPad. (laughs)They never realized those dreams though,because it was the '70s, and a computerwas bigger than your car.Books and magazines werestill a whole lot easierthan hauling around an 85-pound monitorjust to do a little reading on the toilet.But two decades later, acouple smart guys at MITpicked up were Xerox left off,and made the electronicpaper display a reality.Unfortunately, it wasstill pretty much unusable,because well, it was the '90s,and computers were still here.But those MIT mathletes didn't give up.They refined it, and woundup going super small.Small enough you couldcarry it in your hand,and that was that.They called the patentoffice, and everyone got rich.E Ink was born.But to see how thistechnology made the leapfrom Kindle to car, first, we need to seehow this E Ink actually works.So, those engineers back in the '90salready had the idea of how to make E Ink.They just didn't havethe advanced machinerywe do now to pull it off.Originally, they envisioneda ball with a sphere insidethat was half white, half black.But back then, they couldn't buildthat little, tiny microsphere,so they shelved that idea for a while.And later, smarter engineerswith tinier fingersbuilt microcapsules thatwere the size of human hairs,and they filled them with lotsof super tiny black and whitemicroparticles that weresuspended in a fluidthat they would allow electricityto easily pass through.The black particleswere positively charged,and the white ones werenegatively charged.They laid all those tinyhair-sized capsules in a rowand applied a film overthem, which is a screen.By running an electrical chargeacross the bottom of the microcapsules,they could control wherethe particles were.So, if they ran a positive charge,the black microparticleswould be repelled,and they would jump tothe top of the capsule,making the surface appear black.And if they used a negative charge,the white ones would move to the topand make it appear white.Now, the benefit ofusing the microcapsulesinstead of the original spheresis that you can produce shades of graywith a miXed negative and positive chargethat splits up the blackand white particles.And by using tons of littleblack and white capsules,that basically makes apixel, which can be usedto create larger graphics and designs.In an E Ink display, nobacklight is necessary.Ambient light from the environmentis reflected from thesurface of the display,back to your eyeball.The more ambient light, thebrighter the display looks.And it does all that with no glare,so you can look at youre-reader on the beachwith no issues.To be honest, I e-read alot, but I do it in the pool.And I wear this hot bathing suit.(person whistling)One of the biggestadvantages of E Ink though,is just how little power it uses.Aside from the initialcharge to charge the design,it uses zero power.You zap the little blackand white microparticles,and they run off to theirseparate sides to make a graphic.And that's it.They're stuck there andthey're not gonna moveuntil you zap them againand change the design.This is why Kindles and other e-readerscan run for weeks between charges.Also, when the battery runs down,there's actually still a display there.I've done that a few times. (laughs)This glare-free, super displayis manufactured into a film,then integrated into allkinds of electronics,like phones, watches,e-readers, and a lot more.Now, the first phone tomake use of this techwas a Motorola, whichboasted days of runtimedue to the low power consumptionof the E Ink display.Okay, but that's nothing new.Kindles have been around for years.It's easy to program a displayto work on a flat surface.You tell your flat displayyou want a picture of a duck,and then you got afreaking duck right therefor your eye holes to see.Yeah, but what if it's three-dimensional?If you want to E Ink the globe,it gets a bit more complicated.No matter what your unclesays, the Earth isn't flat,so you can't just send a flat imageto the globe E Ink display andexpect it to show right up.Oh, no.Have you ever seen those maps of the Earththat properly representthe size and locationof the continents, and it'sall up and down in weird shape?Well that's because when you flatten outa three-dimensional object,it just doesn't look the sameanymore due to surface areas,topography, and all that kinda stuff.I guess that's why I'm not a map guy.I'm not a cartographer.I'm not Lewis and Clark.I'm not Sacagawea, obviously.I'm not Napoleon.And the same goes for a 2022 BMW iX.If you were to skin the bodyof an iX and lay it out flat,it wouldn't look like an iX anymore.It would look like agiant, misshapen rectangle.So, you can't just send yourduck picture to a 3D object.You have to create an algorithmthat will interpret the image of the duckso that all its duck bitsshow up in the correct spots.Otherwise, your duck's gonnalook like a big, old pieceof Cubist art, and I'mnot a fan of Picasso,unless it's Pablo. (laughs)when you're creating an E Ink displayin the shape of a BMWiX, you're not actuallyjust laying the E Ink filmover the top of the carand calling it a day.You're actually creating algorithmsin the shape of a BMW EInk to manage the displays,and that is the hard part.E Ink is superior to any oldpaint job in every single way,even if it's better thanmetallic plum, crazy purple.We already talked about howE Ink doesn't use any power,but it can actually save power.So, on blistering hot daysyou can switch the carto be entirely white to reflectas much light as possible,and reduce the strainon the cooling system.And when it's freezing out,you flip it to the dark sideand absorb as much heat as possibleto heat up the interior more quickly.But what if it's April25th, Jeremiah Day (laughs),and it's not too hot,but it's not too cold?You need a light jacket.Well, forget about theclimate for a minuteand start thinking aboutmore useful things.What if instead of adinky, little turn signal,the whole freaking leftside of your car blinkedwhen you wanted to merge?What if the car would quicklycycle through black and whitewhen your battery was low as an indicator?Also, letting all your other friends knowyour battery's low. (laughs)What if you got offyour plane after a weekof partying at Ibiza, andyou forgot to take a pictureof where you parked your car?Well, you hit the parkmode and your paint jobjust freaking like disco balltrying to catch your hungover eye,and that is the whole point.It is totally customizable.You can put any design you can imagineon the surface of your car.Are you feeling like a zebra?Well (beep) slap them stripes on.What about a cheetah?Give me the polka dots, Mr. Bot.Did some guy cut you off?Literally give him a finger.Put the finger on yourcar right on the side.You're only limited by your imagination.And even then, you'llprobably be able to downloadcustom designs from other people online.But just like everything,there are some compromises.It's not all fun and games.Now, I just want to say ifyou've made it this far,I apologize, but E Ink for acar doesn't really exist yet.- What!- Yeah, yeah, they made thatone, but it's just a concept.The reality is, is that there's no waythey could release thisright now to you and me.Okay, first, there are some limits.If you have an e-readerand have accidentallypulled up some images,they're soft and a bit grainy,and kind of stuck likea image in the '90s.Second, there is color,but it isn't that great.E Ink color is basically an RGB matriX.So, if you want a splashof green across your hood,it will have to mix in a bunchof yellow and blue microcapsules togetherwith different charges, andthat will never be as preciseas an OLED display.Also, it's pretty coolthat they skinned a Bimmerwith E Ink, but they'll neverever park that sucker outside.E Ink is super fragile.Scratch a fender, or even an angry exwill cost you thousandsand thousands of dollarsto get your customizablepaint job working again,because simple damage can createan all-over glitchinglook to any E Ink display.There's also the weather to account for.Even with a very solid,protective clear coat,any single weather event could renderyour E Ink whip totally unreadable.Two thumbs down, or brown.♪ Mm-mm ♪Many concept cars never leavethe brains of the engineerswho cobbled them together,but some make it to auto showswhere people drool all over them.If E Ink catches on at all,it's gonna be a very long timebefore we see it out there in the roaddue to its sheer volumeof hurdles to hurdle.But that's what concepts are all about.We may not see a full E Ink covered car,but we may see E Ink trimpieces that can indicate turns,or tell other drivers freakingread between the lines.Either way though, the futureis gonna be customizable.We're into skins, and NFTs, and your car'sgonna be one of those, man.I got my own NFT.No, I don't. (laughs)- Last night I had a dream.I was on this ranch, andthere were horses everywhere.Not just regular horses.Big, beautiful, sturdy buff horses.That place is called Buff Horse Ranch.Now, unfortunately, that was just a dream,but these shirts we made are 100% real,and 100% cotton.Available now at music)(upbeat music)- Thank you guys so much forwatching this episode of B2B.Follow us here on Donut @donutmedia.Follow me @jeremiahburton.There's a dog right here.Hey, bubby.Can I lift you up?He says, "No, man."Also, leave a comment below to let me knowif I'm keepin' my stache, or shave it.- Well, you already decided.- I shaved it.No, I know that Max. (laughs)I know, I'm just sayingI can regrow it, though.- Can you?- Oh, yeah, man.It just takes me aboutsiX months. (laughs)- Like E Ink.- Yeah, it's like E Ink.Thank you. I love you.Bye, for now.(upbeat music)Yeah, yeah, yeah.Okay.But first, we need to see howthis E Ink actually works.Electronic ink.(male laughing)It's like a digital squid.(group laughing)- Electronic ink.- (laughs) It's electronic ink.Electronic ink.