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Recording High Quality Smooth Gaming Footage with OBS Studio: An Introduction
In this video, I will show you how to record high-quality smooth gaming footage in OBS studio.
What's up everyone? Jarle here with Video Nerd and welcome to the OBS Studio Master Course. After my Stream labs OBS Master Course, I decided to make one for OBS Studio, and this is the first one.
Before starting, we need to download OBS Studio. If you haven't done that yet, let's do it together. Go to or to the link in the description. And then right here you can download the installer. So, let's click on that. The download will start, and then we will install the program.
So, right here we are into OBS Studio, it's a fresh installation. Let's go over everything so you know what is what.
On the left, we have the Scenes, which act like folders that hold everything in the sources. In the sources, you add your game capture when streaming, and when streaming, you add your webcam there, etc. And then the Scenes are used to swap between different setups of the sources. For example, between a game screen or an intermission screen, or a
Note: I added section headings and minor rewording to improve the flow and readability of the text while maintaining its original content. Let me know if you need any further assistance!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- In this video I willshow you how to recordhigh quality smooth gamingfootage, in OBS studio.- What's up everyone?Jarle here with Video Nerdand welcome to the OBSStudio Master Course.After my Stream labs OBS Master CourseI decided to make one for OBS Studio,and this is the first one.Before starting, we needto download OBS Studioand if you haven't done thatyet, let's do it together.Go to to the link in the description.And then right here youcan download the installer.So let's click on that,the download will start,and then we will install the program.So right here we are into OBS Studio,it's a fresh installation.So, let's go over everythingso you know what is what.On the left we have the Scenes,and they act like foldersthat hold everything in the sources.In the sources you add your game capture,when streaming you add yourwebcam there, et cetera.And then the Scenes are used to swapbetween different setups of the sources.For example between a gamescreen or an intermission screenor a "I'll be rightback" screen, et cetera.Then right here in the middlewe have the audio mixerand there are a few thingsI need to say about this.So, let's do that first.You see right here, I'mimporting my desktop audioand then my mic auxiliary device.Now there's no microphoneconnected to my computer,so of course it's not moving.But, let's go to the settings to make sureeverything is set up correctly for you.So, on the right, click onthe settings like I did.And then go to audio.Then right here, Desktop Audio,you should set this to Default,because this will just importall the audio from your PCthe audio that you usually would hearthrough your headphones or you are hearingthrough your headphones.So that's your gamingsound, that's your friendswho are talking ondiscord, videos, et cetera.So for recording games, this is important.Now another thing to keep inmind, if you want to do a livecommentary while you're gaming,or you're talking to yourfriends on discord, sothat will be recorded.The default setting thedesktop audio will record yourfriends who are talking onthis discord along with yourgame, but if you want yourvoice to be recorded too,then you need to select yourmicrophone because otherwiseyour voice will not be in the recording.So as your mic auxiliaryaudio, you should select yourmicrophone right here.As I said, there is noneconnected for me so I cannot butright here, select your mic.Then click on OK and then there'sa second thing to explain.In your mixer again, click onone of the gear icons righthere on the right, and thenclick Advanced audio properties.Now right here, you will seeAll your sources, and you canselect the tracks to which theyare sent right here and thisis important.Now later in the settings,you will be able to select howmany audio tracks you willbe adding to your recording.And that totally depends onwhat you're selecting righthere.Now what can we do with these tracks?So later on when editing your video,you can cut out certain parts of yourmicrophone or from your game for example,you have a lot of flexibility with it.So how do we set it up?.Well, right here you see thisis the desktop audio righthere the first one, so let'sdeselect everything exceptchannel one.So this will make sure thatour game will be going to thetrack one.Then for the microphone wedeselect everything except forchannel two.Okay, so now in the editingprogram, we will have ourvideo and then one trackfor the gaming sound and onetrack for the voicerecording and that makesit very Easy to add things.Now let's click on Close.And make sure we add our gameto our screen right here.So we can record somethingright here in the sources,this is where we will have to do it.So click on the plus icon right here,and then click on gamecapture, then give it a name.If you want another name, click on OK.And then here we have the settings.Now you can leave it likethis, so then you willcapture any full screen application.So as it says any full screenapplication will be recorded.Now let's say that I only wantto record Overwatch or moreimportantly, when my gamethat I'm recording is in awindows mode, then you haveto click this drop down andthen click capture specific window.Then a new drop down will beavailable window and there youhave to select your game.So for me, it's Overwatch.Okay, I click on that andyou see it immediatelygets added to my screen.So then Click on OK.And right here we have Overwatchif it doesn't fit to yourscreen, if for example, it'sa bit smaller, don't try tomake it fit perfectly,etc just right click it,go to transform, and thenclick on Fit to Screen.And then boom, it's full screen.Now finally, let's go intothe video settings for ourrecording.Let's go to the settings on the right,then go to the video tab,first base Canvas resolution,this is the resolution of thescreen you will be gaming onand the PC on which I'mrecording right now has a 1080 pscreen so let's select 1920 by 1080.Then the output scaledresolution this will be theresolution that your finalrecording will be in now whenstreaming people oftenchoose a lower resolution.So then you do it right herein the output scaled resolutionbut for recording, we wantto record any high quality.So we just select the highestquality available right herewhich is 1080p.If your monitor has a higherresolution you can record anyhigh resolution, but itwill take more power of yourcomputer.So you can choose if you wantto go for 1080p or for example1440p or 4k.Then the next settingis the downscale filter.And you should set this tolength source done the common FPSvalues since it's a game thatyou are recording, it's highlyrecommended to select 60 righthere because it will be muchsmoother to watch.Let's quickly click on Applyright here so we don't lose thesettings and then go tothe outputs tab right here.First of all the outputmode, set it to advanced.And then in this bar righthere, click on recording.The type shouldn't bechanged and just selectstandard right here.Then the recording path.This is easy.Just click on Browse andClick path where you wantthe recording to be stored.And then just click on selectmap, you can generate a filename without spaces, butthat's completely up to you.Then the next thing you recordingformat right here you canselect mp4.Then the next setting is theamount of audio tracks you wantto add to your recording.And let's quickly click on OK,click on the gear icon righthere in the audio mixer,advanced audio properties.And right here you can see how many audiotracks you are using.So we are using two of them right now.So let's just close thisgo to the settings again,output recording right here.So we should enable twoaudio tracks right here.Then as your encoder you wantto select NVIDIA NVENC orx 264 It's recommendedto select NVIDIA NVENC .But if this isn't availablefor you, you can go for x 264.The difference between thetwo is that harder NVENC willuse your GPU to do the encoding and x264we'll use your CPU to do the encoding.So if you can select hardware NVENC ,just select that one, if youcan x 264 i will explain thesesettings later but let's goover the NVIDIA NVENC newsettings first right here yourrate control you should setthis to seek up then you'reCQP level this is the level ofquality that you will berecording and it's recommended toset it between 15 and 25.With 15 being high qualityand 25 being lower quality,I recommend you to set this at 17 or 18.Setup everything done startrecording and see if your PC canhandle it if it can't handle it,use 19, 20, 21 till your PC can handle it.then right here key frameinterval you can just leave it atzero your preset you canuse quality or max qualitydepending on how strongyour PCs let's set it to one Max qualityand leave the CQP at 17.And then afterwards if yourPC can't handle it first setthis to quality, see if it can,if it still can't move thisCQP up to 18 19 20 etc,till your PC can handle it.Then the next setting,let's set it to max quality.Okay, then the next settingis the profile and you canjust set this to highlike this on default,then you disable look ahead,enable psycho visual tuning,set the GPU at zero, the maxB frames to do and then therecordings are setup and youcan start testing if your PCcan handle it to do it efficiently.Press Control Shift escape onyour keyboard, and then go toperformance right herewhich is the second tab.Then you can see yourprocessor performanceand your GPU performance.So right now, go to OBS Studio,click on record Then just openyour game a bit older about,then just stop the recording right here.And then you can just go tothe task manager again and youcan see history of yourperformance for yourprocessor and your GPU.Then if you see that yourprocessor was speaking to areally high point or your GPU was,you can just lower the quality a bit.Or if you felt that itwas lagging, of course,you should lower it.So then go to your settings,go to the output tab to therecording, and then justset the max quality toquality and then maybemake this CQP like 20 andthen click on OK.Do the test again till youcan record without lagging oryour procedural link etc.For the people who don't haveNVIDIA and NVENC encoding,I will quickly go over the X 264 settings.So let's go to the output tabto the recording tab and thenchange the encoder to X 264, okay,then rescale output you canrescale your output right here,but this isn't recommended.First of all because we arerecording so we want a highquality.And second of all, if you'rerescaling your footage,you should do it in the videotab right here as the outputscaled resolution, because thiswill use your GPU to do therescaling.And in the output tab, youwill use your CPU to do therescaling and that'sabsolutely not recommended.Then as your rate control youshould select C or F and thisis just like the CQP settingwe were using for thehardware NVENC.So right here CRF and thenthis quality you should set itbetween 15 and 25, 15 beinghigh quality and 25 being lowerquality.So just set this to like 17setup everything start your gamestart recording,see if your pc can handleit if it can't handle it,lower the quality,for example, to 20 andthen you can see if yourPC can run that one.If it can't higher youunderstand it, okay,then the key frame interval,you can set it to zero to makeit automatically, thenthe CPU usage right here,this is the most importantsetting when using x 264encoding.So by default is very fast.And you have to know right here,the slower you go right here.So to the bottom, the moreof your CPU will be used,the higher you go sosuper fast or ultra fast.For example, here ultra fast,this is the least taxingoption for your CPU. So ifyou have a really slow CPU andyou don't have hardware NVENC,you will have to go for superfast or ultra fast, butthis will be at cost of yourquality.So let's just set it to a veryfast so the two settings thatyou should be Changing dependingon how strong your computeris, or the CRF, righthere between 15 and 25,and then the CPU usage right here.if you have a strong PC, youcan go for faster or fast,but probably you will haveto go for very fast and thenaround 20 right here,I think that will work formost people, then the profile,you can set this to high,then the tune you should notchange this.Oops, okay, you shouldnot change the tune.And then right here, you canleave this blank and just clickon Apply Okay, and then everythingis set up for your game.If you want more guides onstreaming or content creation,make sure you click thesubscribe button because thischannel will be just perfect for you.And if you want to join agrowing community on discord,I am building up the DTVN Discord server,and I will put a link on topof the description so you cancheck it out.It's a bunch of people whoare Interested in contentcreation online streaming,becoming better as acontent creator andeveryone is very friendlyand helping each other out.So if you're interested inthat I will put the link on topof the description and thereis nothing else to say.So, thanks for watching and Iwill see you in my next video.Have a good day.