The Egg Envelope 🍳

Emmy's Introduction to Simple Health

Greetings, my beautiful lovelies. It's Emmy. How are you? I'm so glad you're here and welcome back to today's video. Today's video is sponsored by Simple Health, which makes birth control fit your lifestyle. Simple Health is simple. You go online and fill out a health profile, which will then be reviewed by a physician to see if birth control is a good fit for you. Recommendations will be made. A prescription will be written. And if you have health insurance, most likely it will be covered. If not, it begins at $15 a month. There's a lot to like about Simple Health. The prescription will arrive right to your doorstep. There's no need to wait in line at your doctor's office. You don't have to go to the pharmacy. Your prescription will come to you discreetly, right to your doorstep. And I've said this many times, and I will say it again, this would have been such a great tool for me after I had graduated college. I didn't have access to my clinic, and I didn't know where I was gonna be. I was in the middle of moving. So having your prescription come right to your doorstep is such a boon. It's so great not to have to worry about any lapses in your prescription. I really like that Simple Health is a tool that can help you make decisions that can affect the rest of your life.

Emmy's Thoughts on Simple Health

Simple Health is not a replacement for routine checkups with your doctor, but it's definitely a great resource to have. The idea behind Simple Health is to provide birth control options in a way that's convenient and accessible for everyone. By filling out a simple health profile online, individuals can get personalized recommendations from a physician, and then receive their prescription directly at their doorstep. This eliminates the need to wait in line or visit multiple offices, making it easier to manage one's reproductive health.

Emmy's Appreciation for Simple Health

I really like that Simple Health is a tool that can help you make decisions that can affect the rest of your life. It's not just about providing birth control options; it's about giving individuals the power to take control of their own health and wellness. By using Simple Health, people can make informed choices about their reproductive health without having to navigate complex medical systems or wait in line for hours. I appreciate that Simple Health is committed to making this process as smooth and convenient as possible.

Emmy's Collaboration with Simple Health

As part of our collaboration today, I want to invite you all to follow Simple Health on Instagram to receive the latest news on women's reproductive health. By staying up-to-date on the latest information and resources, you can make informed decisions about your own health and wellness. And if you'd like to try Simple Health for free, click the link down below or head over to Or use the code EMMY at checkout to get started.

Emmy's Egg Recipe Video

Today, I'm gonna be making a seemingly disarmingly simple egg recipe. It was sent to me via Twitter from @feedmeshrimp. Thanks so much for sending this to me. It was originally posted on Twitter by @jadedcreative, who found it from TikTok from @sunnycuisine. I know lots of people are looking for easy and delicious recipes, and this one definitely fits the bill.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- Greetings, my beautiful lovelies.It's Emmy.How are you?It's so good to see you and welcome back.Today's video is sponsoredby Simple Health,which makes birth controlfit your lifestyle.Simple Health is simple.You go online and fillout a health profile,which will then be reviewed by a physicianto see if birth controlis a good fit for you.Recommendations will be made.A prescription will be written.And if you have health insurance,most likely it will be covered.If not, it begins at $15 a month.So there's a lot to likeabout Simple Health.The prescription will arriveright to your doorstep.There's no need to wait inline at your doctor's office.You don't have to go to the pharmacy.Your prescription willcome to you discreetly,right to your doorstep.And I've said this many times,and I will say it again,this would have beensuch a great tool for meafter I had graduated college.I didn't have access to my clinic.And I didn't know where I was gonna be.I was in the middle of moving.So having your prescriptioncome right to your doorstepis such a boon.It's so great not to haveto worry about any lapsesin your prescription.I really like that Simple Health is a toolthat can help you make decisionsthat can affect the rest of your life.It should be noted that SimpleHealth is not a replacementfor routine checkups with your doctor.Follow Simple Health on Instagramto receive the latest news onwomen's reproductive health.If you'd like to trySimple Health for free,click the link down below,or head over to,or use the code EMMY at checkout.Big thanks to Simple Healthfor sponsoring this videoand for their continued support.So today, I'm gonna be making aseemingly disarmingly simple egg recipe.It was sent to me viaTwitter from @feedmeshrimp.Thanks so much for sending this to me.It was originally posted onTwitter by @jadedcreative,who found it from TikTokfrom @sunnycuisine.I know lots of \"ats\" here.I'll put a link down below.And all it is, is frying anegg by separating the yolkfrom the white.So you take the yolk,you put it in a spoon,you take the white andpour it into a frying pan,swirl it around, plopthe yolk in the middle,and then fold the whitearound it like an envelope.So I'm calling this the egg envelope.Now, I was initially very skepticalbecause when the egg whiteis swirled in the pan,it swirls around very evenly.I know from my experience with my eggs,the egg white tends to stand very tall.And maybe that's becausethe eggs are very fresh.But when I looked at the eggwhites, they're not frothy.So it doesn't look likeit's been beaten up at all,but it also doesn't havethat little bit of thatwhite little curlicue thing.Forgive me, I don't knowthe physiological name.I'll put it down below when I'm editing.It's the little piece of proteinthat strands onto the yolkand it keeps the yolkcentered inside of the egg.So I'm going to attempt this with eggsthat came from my hens andsee if I can make myselfan egg envelope.When the egg white ispoured into the frying pan,it does look clearish.It doesn't look like a batter,but it pours very, veryevenly and smoothly,which has me wondering ifthere was a little bit of waterthat was added.I don't know.The first attempt I'm gonnado is with a straight up egg.And if that doesn't work,then we'll just have to make adjustments.But here we go, the eggenvelope experiment. (chuckles)So, in the original TikTok video,they don't show the separationof the actual egg at all,which has me already questioning things.But, I'm gonna go with it and take an egg.Crack it into a bowl.And I'm going to scoop out the yolk.And this is the littleprotein, little thingthat I couldn't remember the name of.I'm gonna remove that.And that's what centers theyolk in the middle of the egg.I'm gonna try this.I'm gonna press my egg through a strainerto break up any of thosepieces without creatingtoo many bubbles.See how there's a part that's thicker?So I'm trying to break thatup so that it pours smoothlybecause that's what Iwas really impressed within the video.It pours really smoothly.There's no thick or thinpart of the egg white at all.It just flattens out like apancake, which in my experience,is not how egg whites behave --at least right out of the egg.So that's why I'm takingthe time to break this up.So, the result of one eggleaves me about one tablespoonof egg white, which isn't gonnabe enough to coat the pan.Well, let's try it.I'm gonna add just a tiny pinch of salt.Get my flame on and I amputting on a nonstick panon medium high heat.And I'm going to oil it.They don't show that in video either,but I don't want this to stick.And remove much of it with a paper towel.I just got myself a new gadget recently.It's one of these infrared thermometers.It's telling me it's at 320 degrees.We have our egg whiteand we have the yolk.So this is how they show it in the video.They have the egg yolk likethis and they pour it inand then they quickly swirl it around.That did not turn into an envelope.They turn off the heat;they place the yolk in the middle...So I think this might work.I just need more egg white.So the heat has been turned off now.And now we're going tojust gently fold thisaround the egg yolk.I think this might actually work.This is kinda crazy.I was totally skeptical.This is nuts.Okay.All right, well.Then you're supposed to flip thisand then you get the complete envelope,but this is obviously not enough egg whiteto completely envelop and cover my yoke.This is crazy.Okay, great.I'm gonna keep going with this.Let's take this out.I think I need a littlebit more oil on my pan.'Cause it's sticking.Why is it sticking?We need a little bit more oil.Definitely.Seemed like the egg white techniquethat I came up with seemsto work pretty well.So we'll do that again.But this time, I'm gonnause two egg whites.Don't want to break my yoke.So, remove the yolk.Along with that squiggly thing.Another egg.(egg cracks)Okay.Gonna remove this yoke.Once again, press this through a colander.I think I might add justa tablespoon of water too.Just to ensure that it's alittle bit more pourable.About a tablespoon of water.And to just make everythinga little bit more runny,so that it spreads better.Let's try this again.Bring our pan over.Okay, so temperature.268, 278, 286 290.Okay, we're getting there.300.325.Okay, so this is the sametemperature I had it on last time.Gonna do the same thing.Place this on top like this.Pour it on.They swirl the...Oh yes!This is looking very promising!Swirl the egg white.Yes, yes yes.Turn down the heat.(gasps) This is looking so good!Okay, okay, okay.We're just gonna go aroundthis and just gently lift upthe edge of this.And place the yolk in the middle.And then fold this up around it.Oh my gosh.This is totally working.(Emmy laughs)Oh my gosh!Lovelies, Lovelies!It's working, it's working, it's working.Okay.The egg envelope.Okay.He puts this on low, low,low, low, low, low, heat.Just 'cause we want tocook the egg a little bit.We don't want there tobe too much brownnesson the bottom of this.Okay.Flip it.This is amazing!Okay, just gonna give it a fewseconds and then that's it.That is the egg envelope, ah!It totally worked.Skeptical Emmy here did notthink it was going to work.But we did have to adjustthe consistency of the whitea little bit.There it is!The egg envelope.Okay, okay, okay.(upbeat music)Alrighty, my beautiful lovelies.The egg envelope actually worked.I was so skeptical.I was thinking will I haveto make some kind of batterout of rice flour or somethingfor this egg envelope to happen?Nope.It totally works.You just have to make sure youregg whites are runny enoughso that you can distributeit all over your panand have enough to fold over your egg.Alrighty, let's just cut into this.I can't wait, here we go!Ah, isn't that gorgeous?There it is.All right, here we go.Itadakimasu!Fresh eggs are the best.So, so good.I mean, look at that sunshiny,bright, bright orange,almost yellow yolk inside.So, so good.We've had chickens for two years nowand they've been such a delight.Not only do they give you beautiful eggs,but they're fun to have just around.We let our hens free rangeduring the day when we're home.And our neighbors love seeingthem too, as they walk by,like, oh, look at the chickens!It's super fun.And they make the most beautiful,delicious, delicious eggs.So, so good.Just a little bit of salt.It's all it needs.So there you have it, my lovelies.It has been confirmed.What I'm calling the eggenvelope actually works.You do have to take acouple of extra stepsto make sure the white isat the right consistency,but it works.It totally works.So once again, big things to@feedmeshrimp over on Twitter,who shared this with me.If you'd like to share something with me,be sure to follow me on socialmedia and also a big thanksto Simple Health forsponsoring this video.If you'd like to trysimple health out for free,click the link down below or head overto,or use the code EMMY at checkout.Thanks again for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends;follow me on social media;like this video; subscribe;and I shall see you in the next one.Toodaloo, take care.Bye!(upbeat dance music)So delicious, not wasting a bit of that.\n"