Intel 9900K - Making AMD Look Good

**The 9900K: A Powerful CPU with a Significant Price Tag**

Over the past few weeks, there have been some exciting developments in the world of computer hardware. The launch of the NVIDIA RTX 2070 in Beijing has generated significant buzz, and as a result, many enthusiasts are eager to see how various CPUs will perform under the new graphics card. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Intel Core i9-9900K, a powerful CPU that's been making waves in the gaming community.

**Gaming Performance: A Look at High Frame Rates**

One of the key areas where the 9900K shines is in its ability to handle high frame rates. We put it through our usual gauntlet of gaming benchmarks, including Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and DOOM at a frame rate cap of 200 FPS on Vulcan. As expected, the 9900K performed admirably, with no bottlenecking or issues to speak of. In fact, its performance was so strong that we began to wonder if the high frame rates were truly necessary.

**Moving On: Power Consumption and Efficiency**

In an era where power consumption is a major concern for gamers and content creators alike, it's worth noting that the 9900K has made significant strides in this area. With two additional cores compared to its predecessor, the 8700K, the 9900K is not only more powerful but also more power-efficient at load and idle. According to our tests, the 9900K consumes around the same amount of power as the AMD Ryzen 2700X at load, making it an attractive option for those who want a high-performance CPU without breaking the bank.

**Overclocking: A Look at the 9900K's Potential**

As with any high-end CPU, overclocking is a crucial aspect to consider. In this regard, the 9900K has shown impressive potential. Patrick, our motherboard reviewer, was able to push the 9900K to 5.1 GHz using an ASUS Z390 motherboard, albeit at the cost of slightly higher power consumption. While we were unable to achieve identical results on other motherboards due to some unknown issue with the BIOS settings, it's clear that overclocking is definitely possible and will be a key area for enthusiasts to focus on.

**The 9900K vs. the Competition: A Value Perspective**

So, how does the 9900K stack up against its competitors? On paper, it looks like the best of the best, with its eight cores and 16 threads making it a powerhouse in both gaming and content creation. However, when we consider the value proposition, things get more interesting. With a price tag that's significantly higher than some of its rivals, such as the AMD Ryzen 8700K or the AMD Ryzen 2700X, it's clear that the 9900K is not for everyone.

**Conclusion: Is the 9900K Worth It?**

In conclusion, the Intel Core i9-9900K is an incredibly powerful CPU that offers impressive performance and efficiency. However, its high price tag makes it a tough sell for many enthusiasts. If you don't need the absolute best of the best, there are plenty of other options available at a lower price point. In fact, our recommendation is still to consider the 8700K or even the AMD Ryzen 2700X, which offer similar performance and value without the hefty price tag. That being said, if you're looking for the ultimate gaming CPU with no compromises on power and performance, then the 9900K may be worth considering. Just make sure to carefully weigh the costs and benefits before making a decision.

**A Final Note**

We'd like to thank Patrick, our motherboard reviewer, for providing us with some valuable insights into the 9900K's potential for overclocking. We'll be keeping an eye on this CPU closely in the coming months and will provide more updates as new information becomes available. In the meantime, make sure to subscribe to our channel for all the latest content, including hardware reviews, benchmark tests, and expert analysis.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthe Intel Core i9 9900k theworld's best gaming cpu that makes AMDlook goodwhat's up guys I'm Dmitri withHardware Canucks and today is a good daybecause we get to see performancenumbers on this new processor and thiswhole fiasco will definitely come to anend but Intel still in the hot waterswith reviewers and consumers especiallyfrom a value perspective and also tryingto fudge the numbers that didn't workthat well for them then as you'll see inthis video the 9900K as expected it ispowerful its power efficient it tops allthe gaming charts but it also doeshighlight the competition and itsstrengths not just within AMD but alsowith different generation of Intelprocessors like 8700K so I'll do thefull analysis right after this so you'relooking for something with class goodvalue comfortably populate an ATXmotherboard are you it's all about theuser experience and great airflow whoknew your temperatures would drop thatlow route the cables behind the coverilluminate your hardware with built-inLEDs the age 500 I is for you todiscover this one's in real life not inyour dreamssay hello to the link below the HR 100series from NZXT is a go so first of allthe new nine generation coffee-likeprocessor lineup looks pretty promising9600K 9700K although that one doesn'thave hyper threading and that's kind ofweirdand then the 9900K which is an 8 core16 thread part so it should check off alot of the boxes for productivitybecause of high thread count and gamingbecause of the high clock countsespecially because it can boost to 5gigahertz on its own obviously with thecoffee lake ecosystem you can expectgood overclocking I have my 8600Krunning at 5 gigahertz my 8700K at 4.6but I can push that to 5 gigahertz noproblem and the same is expectedhopefully with the ninth gen coffee lakeCPUs and we'll touch on overclocking butlater for the 9900K you know everythingis kind of there except value and sothis is where we start talking about theprice the pre-order price of 580 dollarsfor the 9900K now that price isinteresting because if you take a lookat the competitionyou know the 8 core 16thread part from AMD would be the 2700Xand that's around $300 and then they'rea bunch of bundles and deals thatinclude the motherboard so you can buy amotherboard Z or X 470 and the 2700XCPU and still have a bit left overversus buying the new 9900K by itselfso value wise definitely it doesn'tfavor Intel but also if you look at the8700K you know if your team Intel andwant to go with the higher clock countsif you're using video production withthe new quick sync support 8700K is afantastic chip you can still buy this8700K with a Z370 motherboard and thatwill still be less than the pre-orderprice for the 9900K the price in Europefor this new chip is 650 euros that isexpensive my friends and so if you lookat a bigger picture the 9900K may bethe best CPU gaming processor butobviously it's also the most expensiveespecially when considering you canpurchase entire CPU and motherboardcombos for less than five hundred andeighty dollars now because the 9900K ison core and thread parity to the rise in2700X so if you want that many coresand threads for productivity and gaming- I've highlighted in the benchmarks soyou can kind of visualize on where the9900K sits in comparison to the 2700Xhere's the specifications for our testbed system running the same cooler andboth chips running the same memory andlatency on both rise in an Intel let'sbegin with the benchmarks starting offwith Cinebench r15 the 9900K doesbeat out a 2700X and the 2000 points ispretty strong well done this is in amulti-core test in the single core testbecause of the higher clock speeds wedefinitely see a nice little significantboost in there - versus the rest of theinter lineup and obviously 2700X aswell looking at PC Mark Creative Suitetest it does top the chart obviously butonly what 400 points more versus 2700Xso the difference there is not thatsignificant but it does score highersame thing with the home conventionaltest where the 2700X I'm guessingbecause the slightly lower clock speedsis kind of at the bottom of the chartthere for W prime and single-core testperformance is quite strongthanks to those clock speeds but thenmulti-core benchmark and the gap closesbetween the 2,700X so not reallysignificant difference theremoving on to Aida 64 CPU AES benchmarklook at how far below the 9900K isbelow the 2,700X the same thing withthe CPU hash benchmarkyeah like 2.5x performance on the 2700X which is quite nice in Aida FPU testthe 9900K tops the chart so pretty goodperformance there in either 64 photoworksso it simulates photo environment thehigher clock speeds are better here butagain the difference here isn't thatsignificant but versus the 2700X andeven the 8700K and definitely keep alookout on where the 8700K sits sothat you can kind of compare on what thetwo additional cores at thesebenchmarks so here's some real-worldprocessing benchmarks 7-zip 9900K ispowerful but look at the you knowmassive lineup above it it does beat outthe 2700 by quite a lot though andwhenever our that performance gap widensquite a bit tops the chart very nicemoving on to pov-ray the 9900Kbeats out the 2700X but the highercore counts on the other CPUs above itdefinitely benefit with this benchmarkand hen breaks the 9900K againbeats out the 2700X but not thatsignificant and there plenty of otherCPUs that perform better in the GIMPthis is where the core clock counts forthe 9900K it does atop the chartright there along with the 8700K and3dsmax the higher core and clock countsdefinitely benefit here the 9000kleaves the 2700X and the 8700K quitebehind there in blender same situationslightly higher performance versus 2700X but many other CPUs with the highercore counts above it that perform betterand finally Adobe Premiere this is whatQuickSync off the 9900K performsvery well right along the lines of likethe really expensive 7980XE and I'lldefinitely domore Adobe Premier testing with quickSingh support utilizing that Intel UHD630 graphics versus the 8700K and the8600K and I'm hoping that because ofthe additional two cores and higherclock counts that I will see asignificant improvement in renderingperformance versus what I use now on the8700K but now let's begin with thegaming benchmarks starting with 3D markfirestrike the 9900K performsvery well almost 25,000 points here butthe 8700K tails just a little behindthat 23.4 and almost 21,000 for the 2700Xfor the time Spidy X 12 CPU benchmarkthe 9900 K is quite powerful 11,000points over here while just under 9,000for the 2700X and look at how belowthe 8700K is well for the entire timeSpidey x12 benchmark the 9900K tops thechart over here at 9600 81 points andjust nine thousand three hundred pointsfor the 2700X so it's not that farbehindmoving on to Battlefield 1 and DX12 so yesthe 9900K is the top performer it isthe best gaming CPU it tops the chartover here but look at that it's only forframe difference versus the 8700K whichis much cheaper and then about what 17frames versus 2700X and when you'regaming it that high frame rate anywaydoes it really matter and again when youlook at the value equation the 9900K is67% more expensive than the currentprice of the 8700K at around $390 $380dollars but it's only giving you 3percent extra performance in bf1 hmmmoving on to Deus Ex mankind divided anddx2 again the 9900K tops the charts ofcourse but at what costmoving on to GTA 5 again it's a charttopper and the separate itself quitenicely from the 2700X but then that 8700K is right below and that's 6 FPSdifference really is down thatsignificant but a very powerful chipregardless same thing in the overwatchit tops the chart that what almost 300frames per second butso do the rest of them over 250 framesper second on every single CPU in thischart so that performance you know thatperformance King when you're looking atsomething over 250 FPS does it reallymattermoving on to Cod infinite warfare so allthe CPUs are powerful no issues here nobottleneckingand the same idea with doom at Vulcan atthat 200 FPS frame cap now if you wantto read the full review with many moregaming benchmarks make sure to read itin the scription below and you know thepast few weeks have been kind of crazywith the RTX 2070 launch with Michael andEber in Beijing so these benchmarks arenot in the full scope of what wenormally deliver but definitely staytuned for more because the 9900K it's ait's a powerful beast of course but thenhow does it compare to others that areso much cheaper then that performancegap really isn't really worth it forthat giant price hike moving on to powerconsumption and this is actually prettyimpressive with a new 9 gen familyso the 9900K has two additional courseversus the 8700K yet it's more powerefficient at load and at idle too andit's kind of they consume about thismuch power as the 2700X at load so thepower bills are not as much as theywould be versus the other CPUs in thestack and that's really good to seepower efficiency on both AMD and anIntel with this eight core 16 threadparts now I am excited to see what wecan do with the dhobi premier and whattype of performance we get where videoproduction where the core clocks aremuch higher versus Rison and that's ahuge benefit with Adobe and the secondthing is so many cores and threats toyou know for all the processing tasks tojust happen which is awesome that wasfor overclocking I have my notes herefrom Patrick our motherboard reviewer sohe was able to push the 9900K to5.1 gigahertz at 1.35 volts andhe was even able to achieve 5.2gigahertz stable with the exact samevoltage for gaming and day to day butCinebench r15 with crash thereforedeeming the overclock not 100percent reliable so overclocking 9900gain is very similar to what you finddoing on the 8700k but what we're toldis that the memory controller on the9900K is weaker than on the previous8700K chips so you need to give morevoltage to the memory controller toachieve higher clock speeds on memory onthis new a9 processor and also he wasnot able to run ddr4 at 3866 megahertzon the asus strixz390 email the board while every recentIntel motherboard was able to achievethat memory speed no problem sotherefore most likely something ishappening in the BIOS on that z390motherboard that will have to beprobably updated in the future in termsof the actual speed performanceimprovement with that 5.1 gigahertzoverclock we had a nice Cinebench r15score of 2179 so giving us roughlyabout the hundred point boost inCinebench r15 versus when the cpu wasrunning at stock and finally the peaktemperature that was recorded with the9900K at 5.1 gigahertzwas 87 degrees Celsius which isbasically identical as what you wouldfind with the 8700K at five gigahertzwith that identical 1.35volts and so there you have it the 9900Kis out it's powerful its powerefficient that overclockeds well justlike in 8700K wood but the price pointthat price Delta between it and let'ssay an 8700K or the 2700X does notreflect the performance differencebetween those CPUs and therefore youkind of have to ask yes it's the bestgaming CPU right now but from a valueperspective it makes no sense becauseyou can buy a motherboard and the chipfor that much money and performancedifference I mean it's there butyou decide if it's worth to you and somy recommendation is still looking tothe 8700K it's still cheaper to buythat a motherboard then the 9900K byitself look into the horizon 2700Xperformance there is lower in gamingbecause the clocks are not higher butthat's just the nature of aim D versusIntel debate but in terms of its overallumbrella performance is really good onboth 8700 K and the 2700X and so yeahif you don't need the best of the bestjust might as well set off somethingthat performs very similar to the bestbut is a lot less alright so that is itfor me make sure to check out this otherrelevant content subscribe to a new bootsequence Channel and we'll see you inthe next video\n"