I've Been Realistic About My Book-to-Movie Adaptation Tastes

I'm trying to be realistic here, so I don't know if I'll ever want to watch these no don't even have an inkling of like wanting to watch them. I know that's harsh to say but I'm trying to be honest with myself so I don't know also The Maze Runner I saw the first movie it was okay I don't really have a desire to continue on the movie series I actually haven't heard too many things about it I don't know if it stayed true to the books or if it didn't I don't know I like The Maze Runner it's a great series but I do think the ending of it was a bit off. But hey, that's just my opinion.

There are so many dystopian series being turned into movies right now and some of them just don't seem to be doing it justice. Like, why are we making so many of these movies if they're not going to be any good? I mean, I get it, people love a good dystopian story, but can't we do better than that? I know I'm sounding harsh here, but I just don't see the appeal in some of these movies. And I definitely don't want to watch them.

One of those series is Ella Enchanted, and oh boy, I have strong feelings about this one. I read the book when I was younger and it's actually one of my favorite middle grade books. I loved how dark and serious it was - it was a real page-turner. But when I heard that they were making it into a movie, I was excited at first, but then I saw the trailer and it looked so light-hearted and fun. I was like, wait a minute, this isn't right! Owen is such a sad character in the book - she goes through so much and it's not all happy and fluffy. But I guess that's just how they decided to make it, and I'm fine with that. I just don't want to watch it because I think they're going to mess it up.

I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, but in this case, I genuinely don't want to watch the movie adaptation of Ella Enchanted. I think they're going to make it too light-hearted and fun, which is just not how the book was. But hey, if you've seen it and loved it, that's great! More power to you. I'm just not interested.

Before I fall, written by Lauren Oliver, is another series that I haven't really been into. I read the book, but I didn't love it - it wasn't my favorite series or anything. But then I heard that the movie was actually pretty good, so maybe one day I'll watch it. I don't know, though. There's just no reason for me to want to watch any of these movies right now. The list is growing longer and longer for me, and I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed.

I do have to admit that there are some series and movies out there that I really enjoy - like you, the show, which I can binge-watch all day long. But when it comes to book-to-movie adaptations, I'm just not as excited anymore. I used to be a huge fan of reading the books before watching the movie adaptation, but now I'm just more relaxed about it. If I read it and loved it, that's great - if I watch the movie and loved it, that's great too. But if I don't like either one, then what's the point?

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everybody today I'm here to talk all about the book to movie adaptations that I still have not seen ever since I started booktube even before then book to movie on patients have been happening forever really but I would say you know lately over the past five years or so in particular that it's really exploded since the book community is getting bigger and bigger each and every year what I'm super happy about you know film company's production whatever notice books and try to make them into movies there's a lot now like I used to be able to keep up with it very very easily because there was you know a few every year but now there's like a lot every year and I am so far behind so today I'm gonna talk about all the ones I still have not seen yet know what I mean by I still haven't seen yet or the ones I'm going to talk about today are books that I have read but I have yet to see the movie adaptations there's if I had a list of all the books I need to read and that of pages I have to watch that we would be here for forever there's some that I'm just not interested in there's some I'm just behind these today I'm talking about are the ones that I have read and I have yet to see that updation of and I'm sure I'm missing some even on this list what first up why have I not watched them yet time is the main thing for me I don't have a lot of time I don't watch a lot of new things because I'm the type of person that will rewatch something but I've seen 50 times over again like the office Parks and Rec things like that rather than watch a news show because of comfort and just time and I just I keep saying that the time is a big thing for me I don't have a lot of times a young child especially this quarantine I'm home with him he's home all the time now so time is just what is it so yeah that's the biggest thing some of them - I'm just really anxious to watch that patient because I really love the book but this is a forever long intro to the book to movie at pages I've still yet to see I'll tell you about why in particular with each one of them first up these are in no particular order by the way the Sun is also a star now I read this book I want to say three or four years ago and it's my favorite nikola newman book I loved it I gave it a 5 out of 5 I listen to audio book it's a great wide contemporary book about a girl that is from Jamaica and she's actually being her family's being deported back to Jamaica and she is her last 24 hours and he and then she needs a guy and you know they kind of fall in love within 24 hours and it's a beautiful beautiful book that I just loved so much and I have yet to see the adaptation of it I think this one in particular is because I'm just so worried I won't like it because Nicklin EWTN's other book everything everything I read the book I liked it I watched the movie I liked it so I'm kind of just nervous I'm not you know I don't know if you've seen it let me know should I watch it or should I not next up is one that I don't think I'm going to watch I don't know and that is the girl on the train so the girl on the train is one of my favorite thrillers and it's a very controversial thriller because people hate it or people love it it is my first thriller that I ever read I'm still very new into the genre I read it like three four years ago something like that and I loved it I thought it was a great introduction to the genre and I was very excited about the movie because Emily Blunt I just was so excited that I heard really bad date it so I've thought I probably won't see this and I still think I won't see this because I don't like scary movies at all really but I've read the book or know what's gonna happen but again like I'll stay with all these if you've seen it and you think I should watch it please let me know cuz i really value your feedback but this one i don't know it's just like i've already read the mystery thrilling aspect i don't know but i mean gone girl is such a huge success the girl material isn't for it like the movie adaptation wise the next up is one that i really want to watch but i don't know when my heart were we ready to and that is the art of racing in the rain so i read this book a long time ago like when I first started book two I just found it I think at Target or something and I read it I loved it it's all about forgive me I will forget a lot of details because I'm telling you it's been like maybe eight nine years since I've read it it's a book from the dogs point of view and it's about you know the dog and he has this owner that's a racecar driver and then he meets a girl and then a lot of sad things happen a particular dog looks like you know what's gonna happen and like your heart is never gonna be ready for it like I watch Marlin me once never watch it again and so that's why I probably won't watch this movie or maybe one day when I heart is ready but I don't think it will be because I say gonna be a freakin bucket of tears when I watch it I haven't heard a lot about the movie it's like wow it was one of those indeed have movies that just came under the radar I haven't heard anybody talk about it but I loved the book would highly recommend it the movie I don't know next up is one that I do plan to watch and that is weird you go Bernadette I read this one again a long time ago this one maybe six years ago so my memory line lot of these books is very vague so when I watch the movie if they changed a lot I might not even realize so where'd you go Bernadette is I think Cate Blanchett's in it I believe it's on Hulu and it's kind of light-hearted but kind of deep it's a movie I could definitely watch if you can't tell I don't like a lot of like serious serious things because my heart I'll just cry a lot and I'm never in the right mind space for that but again I haven't heard anybody talking about this movie I read the book years ago I loved it it reminded me kind of Gilmore Girls the way they were very witty and back and forth banter like talk talk talk talk um yeah I do plan to watch this one how I feel about it I don't know with all of these another one I meant to watch Buddha didn't that is the Netflix adaptation of let it snow so let it snow is like a Christmas why novel it's by John Green Lauren Myracle and Maureen Johnson and it's three short stories they all kind of interweave together and I was very excited for that adaptation because I really enjoyed that book again like the theme of this video I heard this many moons ago but then it came out and I heard nothing but bad things about everyone was like don't even bother with it so I didn't will I bother with it next Christmas I'm a you know there's you know occasion where I just watched kind of weird not the best Christmas movies maybe I'll watch this one I will tell you right now I'm not expecting a lot from it because a lot of people have just been like mmm next up is a show I know I've said booked a movie but we're gonna throw a show in here because why not and that is little fires everywhere so little fires everywhere is now on Hulu and it's a show and it comes out week to week I believe if you don't know this is book written by selecting I read this a couple years ago really enjoyed it I've heard mixed things about the show I've heard they changed a lot which I could see because they want to make it much more thrilling and mysterious and I could definitely see why they may have those changes I do plan to watch this my fear as it is but they're gonna do with big little lies I really enjoy a big little live season one I never watch season two because I didn't think it needed to be done because the book was a one and done book and I don't think you need to expand on that any more so I didn't watch season two because I was like there's really no points I don't know if they're gonna do that as well with little fires everywhere are they gonna make a second season and a third season I don't know why they would do that because it's if it was a series of a book like you I don't mind because the story's still being continued it's still being written but with little fires everywhere and big little lights it's like just that one book so if you watch the show let me know look if you know it's gonna be like multiple seasons or just this one season and done it's got Reese Witherspoon who I love and adore which is a huge she's a huge advocate for book to movie adaptations lately because she's got her book club she is behind easy jokes and the six coming out on TV which I believe which I am very excited about that I think that would be a great segue for it to go to TV whether or not it's gonna do good or be good who is to say but she's you know she's put a lot out she's put big little dogs out she's really strong and I think taking books and making them great translations into movies or shows so I do trust her but I just don't think we should expand on them any more than we need to but I do plan to watch it mentally you girls behind next up are a couple of movie series that I have read the complete book series don't even plan to watch the movie series really and that is divergent I have seen divergent the first movie it was okay you guys know my feelings to divergent when I first read it a long time ago even before booktube it was my favorite I loved for I love Trish I was there for all of it and I liked insurgent and then Allegiant came out and I was like and the movies came out and we just got catastrophe after catastrophe after catastrophe sells like just forget it's so do I ever plan to watch these no don't even have an inkling of like wanting to watch them I know that's harsh to say but I'm trying to be realistic so I don't know also The Maze Runner I saw the first movie it was okay I don't really have a desire to continue on the movie series I actually haven't heard too many things about it I don't know if it stayed true to the books or if it didn't I don't know I like The Maze Runner it's a great series I did not love the ending of it but I do think the solid wide dystopian series which is have another question of like why are we making so many why dystopian series into movies that just don't do that great fifth wave divergent Maze Runner like mmm I don't know if we should just like let go of that but yeah those are some that I definitely just don't it's never gonna happen I know if you love those movies that's great I'm so happy you love them Congrats that's sounds so hard but I'm really mean it like I'm so happy you like them um next up is another one that I definitely do not plan to watch and it's gonna be a little bit of a rant right now and that is Ella Enchanted Ella Enchanted and I the book we got a long history I read that in middle grade I loved it it's my favorite middle grade book I just have such strong feelings toward it and when I read it and I was pretty young when I read it I felt like it was a lot deeper then you know I think a middle grade novel usually was it was very serious very kind of dark on those and then when I saw that it was being made to a movie I was excited but then I saw how light-hearted and fun it was gonna be in us like this is not be proper at a tation now I get they wanted to make it light-hearted and fun but I didn't feel like it really stayed true to the book because Owen chanted it was a sad book like that girl went through a lot and it was just kind of dreary at least to my knowledge um you know it was a serious so I don't I didn't like the way they made it to a lighter toned and I just don't ever plan to watch it because I think they make it like I don't want to say gimmicky but they just make it fun and happy and low a lot I'm like I don't think that is that those connections go all together because the book was much more serious tone in my opinion if I'm wrong please let me know I have no problem emitting a wrong just so you're aware I make mistakes constantly if you've seen the movie let me know is it really those light hurry as they like marketed as or I don't know I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have a desire to watch it it makes me sad but they made it that way but it is what it is and the last movie I have on here is before I fall this was written by Lauren Oliver I read the book I didn't really love it and I've heard the movie is actually pretty good so we'll watch it one day I don't know but I don't there's no good reason other than like the series 1 and stuff like that Lynch anted why I haven't watched any of these yet I just the list is growing longer and longer for me there are some that I stay really on top of like you the show that's addicting I can binge that thing what can i bench that thing and not watch these movies that's a great question for me to answer and not have an answer to so I guess the whole point this videos to share with you that I'm behind gummies and I'm ok with it I think um but seriously if you've seen any of these that I have talked about let me know are they worth watching or they work not because I used to really be very very like ahead to read the book and I had to watch the movie I used to be a very big proponent when I first served booktube now I'm like you know whatever if I read it that's great and if I watch the movie that's great even there's a lot of adaptations I've seen that I haven't even read the book of and I don't plan to read the book so I'm very much more loose about it with you know because I had time and all that stuff anyway a long video over um seriously let me know any of these books to movie adaptations you've seen should I watch should I not watch please let me know and I'm sure I missed some if I have please also put the help thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video bye youhello everybody today I'm here to talk all about the book to movie adaptations that I still have not seen ever since I started booktube even before then book to movie on patients have been happening forever really but I would say you know lately over the past five years or so in particular that it's really exploded since the book community is getting bigger and bigger each and every year what I'm super happy about you know film company's production whatever notice books and try to make them into movies there's a lot now like I used to be able to keep up with it very very easily because there was you know a few every year but now there's like a lot every year and I am so far behind so today I'm gonna talk about all the ones I still have not seen yet know what I mean by I still haven't seen yet or the ones I'm going to talk about today are books that I have read but I have yet to see the movie adaptations there's if I had a list of all the books I need to read and that of pages I have to watch that we would be here for forever there's some that I'm just not interested in there's some I'm just behind these today I'm talking about are the ones that I have read and I have yet to see that updation of and I'm sure I'm missing some even on this list what first up why have I not watched them yet time is the main thing for me I don't have a lot of time I don't watch a lot of new things because I'm the type of person that will rewatch something but I've seen 50 times over again like the office Parks and Rec things like that rather than watch a news show because of comfort and just time and I just I keep saying that the time is a big thing for me I don't have a lot of times a young child especially this quarantine I'm home with him he's home all the time now so time is just what is it so yeah that's the biggest thing some of them - I'm just really anxious to watch that patient because I really love the book but this is a forever long intro to the book to movie at pages I've still yet to see I'll tell you about why in particular with each one of them first up these are in no particular order by the way the Sun is also a star now I read this book I want to say three or four years ago and it's my favorite nikola newman book I loved it I gave it a 5 out of 5 I listen to audio book it's a great wide contemporary book about a girl that is from Jamaica and she's actually being her family's being deported back to Jamaica and she is her last 24 hours and he and then she needs a guy and you know they kind of fall in love within 24 hours and it's a beautiful beautiful book that I just loved so much and I have yet to see the adaptation of it I think this one in particular is because I'm just so worried I won't like it because Nicklin EWTN's other book everything everything I read the book I liked it I watched the movie I liked it so I'm kind of just nervous I'm not you know I don't know if you've seen it let me know should I watch it or should I not next up is one that I don't think I'm going to watch I don't know and that is the girl on the train so the girl on the train is one of my favorite thrillers and it's a very controversial thriller because people hate it or people love it it is my first thriller that I ever read I'm still very new into the genre I read it like three four years ago something like that and I loved it I thought it was a great introduction to the genre and I was very excited about the movie because Emily Blunt I just was so excited that I heard really bad date it so I've thought I probably won't see this and I still think I won't see this because I don't like scary movies at all really but I've read the book or know what's gonna happen but again like I'll stay with all these if you've seen it and you think I should watch it please let me know cuz i really value your feedback but this one i don't know it's just like i've already read the mystery thrilling aspect i don't know but i mean gone girl is such a huge success the girl material isn't for it like the movie adaptation wise the next up is one that i really want to watch but i don't know when my heart were we ready to and that is the art of racing in the rain so i read this book a long time ago like when I first started book two I just found it I think at Target or something and I read it I loved it it's all about forgive me I will forget a lot of details because I'm telling you it's been like maybe eight nine years since I've read it it's a book from the dogs point of view and it's about you know the dog and he has this owner that's a racecar driver and then he meets a girl and then a lot of sad things happen a particular dog looks like you know what's gonna happen and like your heart is never gonna be ready for it like I watch Marlin me once never watch it again and so that's why I probably won't watch this movie or maybe one day when I heart is ready but I don't think it will be because I say gonna be a freakin bucket of tears when I watch it I haven't heard a lot about the movie it's like wow it was one of those indeed have movies that just came under the radar I haven't heard anybody talk about it but I loved the book would highly recommend it the movie I don't know next up is one that I do plan to watch and that is weird you go Bernadette I read this one again a long time ago this one maybe six years ago so my memory line lot of these books is very vague so when I watch the movie if they changed a lot I might not even realize so where'd you go Bernadette is I think Cate Blanchett's in it I believe it's on Hulu and it's kind of light-hearted but kind of deep it's a movie I could definitely watch if you can't tell I don't like a lot of like serious serious things because my heart I'll just cry a lot and I'm never in the right mind space for that but again I haven't heard anybody talking about this movie I read the book years ago I loved it it reminded me kind of Gilmore Girls the way they were very witty and back and forth banter like talk talk talk talk um yeah I do plan to watch this one how I feel about it I don't know with all of these another one I meant to watch Buddha didn't that is the Netflix adaptation of let it snow so let it snow is like a Christmas why novel it's by John Green Lauren Myracle and Maureen Johnson and it's three short stories they all kind of interweave together and I was very excited for that adaptation because I really enjoyed that book again like the theme of this video I heard this many moons ago but then it came out and I heard nothing but bad things about everyone was like don't even bother with it so I didn't will I bother with it next Christmas I'm a you know there's you know occasion where I just watched kind of weird not the best Christmas movies maybe I'll watch this one I will tell you right now I'm not expecting a lot from it because a lot of people have just been like mmm next up is a show I know I've said booked a movie but we're gonna throw a show in here because why not and that is little fires everywhere so little fires everywhere is now on Hulu and it's a show and it comes out week to week I believe if you don't know this is book written by selecting I read this a couple years ago really enjoyed it I've heard mixed things about the show I've heard they changed a lot which I could see because they want to make it much more thrilling and mysterious and I could definitely see why they may have those changes I do plan to watch this my fear as it is but they're gonna do with big little lies I really enjoy a big little live season one I never watch season two because I didn't think it needed to be done because the book was a one and done book and I don't think you need to expand on that any more so I didn't watch season two because I was like there's really no points I don't know if they're gonna do that as well with little fires everywhere are they gonna make a second season and a third season I don't know why they would do that because it's if it was a series of a book like you I don't mind because the story's still being continued it's still being written but with little fires everywhere and big little lights it's like just that one book so if you watch the show let me know look if you know it's gonna be like multiple seasons or just this one season and done it's got Reese Witherspoon who I love and adore which is a huge she's a huge advocate for book to movie adaptations lately because she's got her book club she is behind easy jokes and the six coming out on TV which I believe which I am very excited about that I think that would be a great segue for it to go to TV whether or not it's gonna do good or be good who is to say but she's you know she's put a lot out she's put big little dogs out she's really strong and I think taking books and making them great translations into movies or shows so I do trust her but I just don't think we should expand on them any more than we need to but I do plan to watch it mentally you girls behind next up are a couple of movie series that I have read the complete book series don't even plan to watch the movie series really and that is divergent I have seen divergent the first movie it was okay you guys know my feelings to divergent when I first read it a long time ago even before booktube it was my favorite I loved for I love Trish I was there for all of it and I liked insurgent and then Allegiant came out and I was like and the movies came out and we just got catastrophe after catastrophe after catastrophe sells like just forget it's so do I ever plan to watch these no don't even have an inkling of like wanting to watch them I know that's harsh to say but I'm trying to be realistic so I don't know also The Maze Runner I saw the first movie it was okay I don't really have a desire to continue on the movie series I actually haven't heard too many things about it I don't know if it stayed true to the books or if it didn't I don't know I like The Maze Runner it's a great series I did not love the ending of it but I do think the solid wide dystopian series which is have another question of like why are we making so many why dystopian series into movies that just don't do that great fifth wave divergent Maze Runner like mmm I don't know if we should just like let go of that but yeah those are some that I definitely just don't it's never gonna happen I know if you love those movies that's great I'm so happy you love them Congrats that's sounds so hard but I'm really mean it like I'm so happy you like them um next up is another one that I definitely do not plan to watch and it's gonna be a little bit of a rant right now and that is Ella Enchanted Ella Enchanted and I the book we got a long history I read that in middle grade I loved it it's my favorite middle grade book I just have such strong feelings toward it and when I read it and I was pretty young when I read it I felt like it was a lot deeper then you know I think a middle grade novel usually was it was very serious very kind of dark on those and then when I saw that it was being made to a movie I was excited but then I saw how light-hearted and fun it was gonna be in us like this is not be proper at a tation now I get they wanted to make it light-hearted and fun but I didn't feel like it really stayed true to the book because Owen chanted it was a sad book like that girl went through a lot and it was just kind of dreary at least to my knowledge um you know it was a serious so I don't I didn't like the way they made it to a lighter toned and I just don't ever plan to watch it because I think they make it like I don't want to say gimmicky but they just make it fun and happy and low a lot I'm like I don't think that is that those connections go all together because the book was much more serious tone in my opinion if I'm wrong please let me know I have no problem emitting a wrong just so you're aware I make mistakes constantly if you've seen the movie let me know is it really those light hurry as they like marketed as or I don't know I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have a desire to watch it it makes me sad but they made it that way but it is what it is and the last movie I have on here is before I fall this was written by Lauren Oliver I read the book I didn't really love it and I've heard the movie is actually pretty good so we'll watch it one day I don't know but I don't there's no good reason other than like the series 1 and stuff like that Lynch anted why I haven't watched any of these yet I just the list is growing longer and longer for me there are some that I stay really on top of like you the show that's addicting I can binge that thing what can i bench that thing and not watch these movies that's a great question for me to answer and not have an answer to so I guess the whole point this videos to share with you that I'm behind gummies and I'm ok with it I think um but seriously if you've seen any of these that I have talked about let me know are they worth watching or they work not because I used to really be very very like ahead to read the book and I had to watch the movie I used to be a very big proponent when I first served booktube now I'm like you know whatever if I read it that's great and if I watch the movie that's great even there's a lot of adaptations I've seen that I haven't even read the book of and I don't plan to read the book so I'm very much more loose about it with you know because I had time and all that stuff anyway a long video over um seriously let me know any of these books to movie adaptations you've seen should I watch should I not watch please let me know and I'm sure I missed some if I have please also put the help thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video bye you\n"