How To Waste $60 on Amazon...
**Pet Rock Goes High-Tech**
As we embarked on our latest project, it was clear that something was amiss. Our trusty USB Pet Rock had been given an upgrade - not just any upgrade, but a 50mm 1.8 lens. The question on everyone's mind: what exactly did this mean for our beloved rock? We were eager to find out.
After the initial shock wore off, we realized that this was no ordinary lens. It was a camera lens, and one that came with a hefty price tag - $100 or so for its Canon counterpart. But here's the thing: our Pet Rock had somehow managed to snag itself a similar-looking lens at a fraction of the cost. We were both amused and intrigued by this turn of events.
As we attached the lens to our camera, we couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over us. This was it - our Pet Rock had officially joined the 21st century. But what would it look like through the lens? Would it capture the essence of our beloved rock, or would it somehow fail to do justice? We clicked away, watching as the images appeared on our screen.
And surprise of surprises, the result was actually quite decent. The Canon 50mm 1.8 lens had been knocked off by a cheaper alternative at half the price. It wasn't perfect - but for a rock that's supposed to be the epitome of low-tech, it was more than passable. We couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
But our high-tech adventure was just beginning. We had been tasked with creating a video featuring our Pet Rock in all its glory. And what better way to do that than by adding some smartphone-controlled flair? That's right - we were going to convert our humble paper airplane into a high-tech flying machine, complete with smartphone control.
The Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane Conversion Kit was our latest acquisition, and it looked like it belonged in the hands of a tech-savvy genius. Or, at the very least, someone who wasn't completely clueless when it came to technology. The app promised signal strength, fuel, and even actual control over the plane's movements.
We were skeptical - but eager to give it a try. And so, we downloaded the app and set to work building our paper airplane. It was...interesting. Let's just say that Ken's design skills left a bit to be desired. But hey, at least we had fun trying!
In the end, we learned two important lessons: first, when a paper airplane comes with specific instructions on how to build it, you should probably listen to those instructions. And second, never underestimate the power of technology - even when it's just a $35 smartphone-controlled kit.
But enough about our adventures in high-tech gadgetry. We had a special event to attend - the LG Ultrawide Festival! And that's where things got really interesting. With the help of our trusty camera crew (okay, fine - Lionus and I did all the work ourselves), we brought you exclusive coverage of the festival from start to finish.
And now, it was time to announce the winners of our festival contest. We had a tough decision on our hands, but in the end, there could only be one winner. The first question asked us to fill in the blanks with some key features of the LG Ultrawide - and that's where things got really interesting.
After carefully reviewing all the answers, we had our top three finalists: Zachary from Hammers and Circuits, Taylor Reed, and Physics Phil. But who would emerge victorious? The suspense was killing us!
And finally, after weeks of anticipation, it was time to reveal the final winner. And what a revelation it was! Our very own Ken (no relation) had managed to snag the top prize with his Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane Conversion Kit. We were thrilled - and also a little bit shocked.
In the end, all we could do was laugh at the absurdity of it all. From our trusty USB Pet Rock to our smartphone-controlled paper airplane, this had been one wild ride. But that's what made it so fun. Until next time, stay tuned - and try not to get too confused by Ken's gadget choices!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin,and today I'm back with anotherTech Under video, this timetaking a look at tech under $60.However, the catch is, asalways, I have no idea what I'mlooking at, thanks togood ol' savage Kenny.(item clangs)The Klipsch K6i Reference Headphones.(item thuds)Oh wait, what is this?A Lightining Audio Amp?- It's 60.- A 60 dollar amp?Klipsch typically makespretty good in-ear monitors.That shouldn't be a huge surprise.You're paying $60 for a headphone amp for,essentially the iPhone 7.So, to give these a try,first, I'm going to use thestandard lightning adapterthat comes with the iPhone 7,and see how these headphones sound.Usually, I'm actuallynot a big fan of thesein-ear style of headphones.Typically, it's actually kindof hard to get a comfortablefit for me, but let'sgive these guys a try.They're good!They sound really good for the most part.The only thing is there'sjust a little bit of a lackof bass, and, of coursethat's a subjective thing.I think some people prefersomething that's a little bitmore of a clearer sound with less bass.But, for me, I like thatthere's just a little bitmore punch to the sounds.But, of course, the headphonesare not alone in a vacuum.Now, I get to try this 60dollar lightning adapter.So, it looks pretty muchsimilar to the one that comeswith the iPhone, although youcan see there's definitelya lot more going on herewith having, not only an amp,but also a dedicated DAC.This... this might be interesting.I don't know.I'm not so sold that it'sgoing to be that great.That's kinda cool.So you can actually usethis little keychain thing(mysterious music)There might be a littlebit of a difference.I feel like there might bejust a bit more separation,but, I don't know about this one.I don't know.So, essentially the app willactually allow you to geta little more amplification,and it does sound better.It's mostly just a littlebit louder, but with thatextra volume I can hear ahear a little more clarity.So listening to the sameheadphones hooked up to theLGB30, which has anamazing Quad DAC inside.It's actually a fairly similar sound.I feel like this adapter willkind of punch up the musicjust a little bit, whichpersonally I actually kind of like.But, is it worth 60 bucks?I'm not so sure.(item thuds)Pebble Time?Wait, this is 60 dollars?So, if you guys are notfamiliar, Pebble actually wentout of business, whichmakes it a little weirdthat they're still selling them.So, for me, I actually reallydo enjoy using a smartwatch,mostly for things likenotifications, which keeps mefrom keeping my phone outof my pocket all the time.But, let's see how thisPebble Time stacks up.I will say, even though,yes, this is like 50 dollars,the hardware still feels kinda cheap.Like, I would not wanna rockthis rubber band every day.Once you set up the PebbleTime, you'll see it's actuallya pretty much functioning smartwatch.So, not only can we go andcontrol our music here,so we can start playing itfrom the phone in my pocket.But you can also go through,get your notifications, alarms.One of the main reasonsto use a Pebble thoughis the battery life.So, while most smartwatchesmeasure it in hours, this guycan last days on a single charge.And though yes, it's not going to bethe most functional thing,and going forward, whoknows how well this isactually going to be supported.But, for 50 bucks, not bad.Alright, what is our fourth product?(box thuds)A mysterious cardboard box.Okay?(laughs)A USB Pet Rock.-Important: Open box carefully.Do not remove rock beforereading instructions.(laughs)It's literally a rockwith a hole cut into itand a USB cable.Ken, how much did this cost?- (laughs)- You're laughing too much;how much did this cost?- 40.- 40 dollars? (laughs)It's a rock!It's a rock with a hole in it!There's a USB cable.You know, just when you thinkthat Ken's doing a great job.He's busting out these cooltech items left and right,and then you get a USB Pet Rock.Alright, let's just plug thisthing in and get it over with.I'm like half expecting this to be fullof malware or something.Alright, what happens whenwe plug our pet rock in?Absolutely nothing.Absolutely nothing happens.At least we can make surethat our USB Pet Rock feels,like it's part of the 21stcentury, and connectedto all the other devices in our lives.Uh...Yeah.(box thuds)What is this?A 50mm 1.8 lens? Oh.Oh, actually somethingthat's not terrible.After the rock I wasexpecting garbage town.- 50 dollars.- 50 dollars? Alright.Wow, this is... this is identical lookingto the Canon 50 1.8.So, if you guys have everreally got into DSLRs, you'llknow that usually the firstlens you get is a 50-mil lens.Not only does it give youa kind of interesting look,but it's also really cheap.However, 50 bucks is,uh, that's pretty cheap.This is like laughably lightweight.But, if we pop it on our camera here,let's see what we got.(camera noise)(laughs) Did you hear that noise?(camera noise)(laughs)Okay, okay, let's do this, let's do this.(camera clicks)It's actually not that bad looking.Let's see here, let's take a picture ofour super cool Pet Rock.(camera clicks)Dude, this is actually pretty decent.So, know that the Canon version,the one that they're knocking off here,is usually around $100 orso, so to get what looksto be pretty similar for50 bucks is not bad at all.What you're looking at rightnow is actually a camera usinga much more expensive 50mm lens.So, if we put the 50 dollar option on,this is what things look like.Now, I can't really tellfrom all the way over here,but it actually probablyisn't that far off.Ken, what do you think?- Pretty good.- Pretty good! Alright.So, does that mean we get to save a bunchof money on lenses now?- No.(laughs)- We've officially got aPet Rock in this video,and now we've downgradedour camera equipment.What else could you ask for?Before we get to the finalproduct of the video,you guys may remember that afew weeks ago, we did a videoon the LG Ultrawide Festival,who were awesome enoughto sponsor this video.After going through all the applicants,the top three finalists are:Zachary, from Hammers and Circuits;Taylor Reed;and last but not least, Physics Phil.The finalists are going tojoin Lionus and I at his studioin Vancouver, where they'regoing to get to build theirultimate dream setup.Stay tuned, because Lionusand I are going to be doingvideos from the event, butyou guys actually still havea chance to win a monitor.The first quest is to fillin the blanks guessing theLG Ultrawide's key features,and the second one is simplyto guess who is the final winner.So, be sure to check out thoselinks in the description,and now let us see what isthe final item of the video.(item smacks)- The Smartphone ControlledPaper Airplane Conversion Kit?Convert your paper airplane into asmartphone-controlled flying machine.I think this will be pretty cool.I actually used to really enjoy buildingpaper airplanes when I was a kid,although I haven't doneit in like, a while.This is a good idea. This is pretty legit.How much was this?- 35.- 35?Look at this, Ken comingin with the budget options.So, once you download the app,I can immediately see thatthis was designed by nerds.Not only do we have the signalstrength, but we have fuel,we have the actual control,which I'm actually not goingto do because we need tobuild our paper airplane.I know my paper airplanes.I can make my own.I said that with way more confidencethan I really should've.This is really bad, this is actuallynot a great paper airplane.This is like, not evenclose to being even.(engine starts)Okay, the app's a little bit aggressive.(plane whirs)Oh, it's trying to takeoff, ahhh, no! (laughs)(plane whirs)(laughs)Alright, full power!(gadget crashes)Ohhhh! Alright, cut it out. Cut it.Okay, so what did we learn today?We learned that when thepaper airplane comes withspecific instructions onhow to build the plane,you should probably listen to these.So, what do you guys think aboutKen's picks for this video?Let us know in the commentsbelow, and as always,the links to all this stuff will bein the description of the video.Anyway guys, thank youso much for watching,and I will catch you in the next one.