Level1 News July 17 2018 - The Little Submarine That Couldn't

The Critique of Egypt and the Logic of Criticism

I never blamed the people of Egypt for authoritarian governments because look at our government, if she's complaining about being sexually harassed by people in Egypt that's not anything to do with the authorities. However, I think it's a leap of logic to say that you blame the people for the situation when they arrested her because she criticized people who were harassing her but no, she mentioned the president's name and said "you people deserve him" so she blamed him for the situation, it's like a leap of logic. But you know what the arrested for? You know what else is a leap of logic that you have to unlock your iPhone because we found you, so I'm not blaming the Egyptian people for this.

Facebook and its Algorithmic Decisions

No Facebook has announced that they're not gonna remove fake news but they are gonna demote it. Oh kind of talked about this before where they use a interesting sort of UI pattern where they they change the size of the story, I think this is a new thing yes, is another thing that they're doing so I wonder if they will label it explicitly other than just changing the size, no because they tried the red mark and that made people love it even more. I think maybe what they're talking about here is people are noticing the size change and gravitating toward smaller ones so they're just gonna push it down the list at this point.

Google's Problem with Facebook

which meet that's all if you think about it, you know that's like page 2 of Google also in other bad news for Facebook the SEC is now asking why Facebook didn't warn sooner on privacy labs and I have the answer level 1 has the answer. The reason is because the platform was designed that way yeah, and I think Facebook is kind of painting themselves into a corner because they didn't use that defense they sort of apologized and said yes this was a hack at first they didn't but then the outrage was so much they were like oh we were wrong we'll fix it.

Facebook's Shareholder Problem

it's the cornerstone of the whole place yeah well the shareholders, I mean that would have been basically them come to the shareholders and being like hey you know that thing we do that makes all this money that you like we're gonna wear that badge we're gonna stop this is gonna be difficult for them to deal with this because if you've ever any olden days if you ever ran an app or a poll or anything on Facebook it this is how it worked I mean at worst you're in for a breach of the Terms of Service of Facebook there might have been something buried in the legalese there that was like by the way don't save this data or don't aggregated or do other stuff with it on your own we're just gonna let you have access to it for the people that want to run your app voluntarily.

Russian History and Facebook's AI

it's always fun when marketing algorithms and automatic classification algorithms do something accidentally that is accidentally hilarious and Facebook has labeled Russian users as interested in treason so like treason like as far as I'm sure this happened algorithmically this is not something any person did but let's say that I'm on Facebook and I'm always clicking on pictures of cats and their image classifier has like this is a picture of a cat they're gonna have a thing on my profile that's like this user is interested in looking at pictures of cats well Russia's had some revolutions well yeah there's been some treason in Russian history and if you study Russian history maybe you are interested in treason so Facebook's AI thing its classification thing automatically established a category as interested in treason which about 65,000 people were a part of.

Facebook Ads and Interest Categories

and then Facebook was like oh I probably remove that interesting yeah and this was literally you could this is the ad system so if you buy an ad it's like only show this ad to people who are interested in X so you can choose treason which is like we should we should run a Facebook ad campaign for level one for Sciences like people only interested in technology news or people only interested in technology I would think the people only interested in treason how about people only interested in anime girls, we've got enough with those that's our core audience I think weeping in binary they didn't get they're real.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enit's July 17th 2018 and I'm excited because I've had a bag of M&Ms no I'm just I'm not on this the correct sleeping schedule yes I'm gonna say you back on the horse it's been a while since you've eaten a pack of M&Ms and it has been a while since I've had a bag of M&Ms back on the horse like a Mountie yeah just Canada haha I'm back from Canada I did a you know I'm that there would be a lot of like a traitorous jokes this week I was on the way in show cuz but it's oh it's cool different things yeah you know it's just what what what are our topics this week government and social media a social media lunch topics this week the government topics this week are unusual from our usual government topics because some good news yes yes that's unusual it is sort of weird this facial recognition trial in London results in zero arrests in Metropolitan Police confirmed so this seems like it's good news but in in actualities no well it's not slowed them down yeah so it's good news that they had this stupid policy and it failed but the bad news is they're sticking with it it's still gonna be a wedge used to drive open you know whatever this is to march forward into whatever lecture for someone else well they have this going on a bridge I guess like a busy pedestrian bridge I'm ever just waiting you'd be I don't know how many cops they actually set aside for this stupid you know just like the wave it to get so it managed to flag one guy walking across the bridge and there were this independent journalist was there or somebody that some journalist was quoted that was there and they were like the image popped up and I looked at that I looked at the guy and it wasn't really even that close so the police questioned him and made him empty his pockets which I guess they don't have that amendment over there even though we had that amendment we'll learn later in another story that it doesn't matter for us either but yeah it definitely wasn't the guy and so I didn't say how much money they wasted on this but I bet it was a lot yeah we wasted 4.3 million dollars on a terrible face recognition system in order to falsely identify one guy pounds pants the Todd cave rescue that was big news but I gotta tell you man my mind is blown I got those kids out I was I was so excited I followed it every Saturday mail drank my coffee and then would look up stories about the tie rescued it's a rare feel-good story for sure my favorite thing about this story is that it has a cross-sectional diagram of the cave which is better than any that I have seen on other news sites yeah this and so you think about the scale of this this is 1 or 1/2 kilometers and this is 1.7 kilometers and the 1 and 1/2 kilometer section was actually longer but they spent most of their time clearing that with like shovels and stuff so they'd have a more direct path because that used to take four or five hours to navigate yeah the amount of time and effort spent on this is amazing and all these guys and a lot of them were internationals that flew in and helped out these people the diving community really stepped up this is really you know humanity at its best I guess we could say yeah and certainly nobody was just using it for publicity and trying to get their name in the headlines just people doing it for the right reasons oh here come the down votes if the independent has an article that says Elon Musk can stick his submarine where it hurts and that was a British caper who helped rescue the high school boys to be fair so someone some Rando not even someone involved with the rescue had tweeted Elon mustn can't you do something and of course he almost was like I smell a chance forget my name my news so he started work on this sort of submarine idea but it was a pic of the Sun it was completely sort of impractical yeah there you go I think that's oh there's a there's another there's like a diagram picture that I've seen like clipart of like a boy inside the cylinder and there's oxygen at the front and back well it's a six-foot cylinder so this guy this guy that the guy said that quote it turns out he liked his whole recreation is diving in this cave like he just sits around and waits for it to this rainy season so he can get in this cave and crawl around in those tunnels so he is like the suit of the cave expert and he was in charged as he should be and most showed up with this thing and he booted him right out which is hilarious but musk was not happy about that look you need to go I think some people were like you know if you want to donate you know some generators and stuff so we can keep pumping water out and musk was like no I've got this submarine it was like no no thank you no well yeah he pointed out that the if you that tunnel did you show the diagram yeah it's it's so twisty that there are sorts where a six-foot tube would never get through and I couldn't explain that to him he was like no but we must used the submarine and they're like no you don't understand you're not a diver we're barely getting ourselves through these holes take air canisters off and like push them through first and then go through and then like carry the whole thing like that's one of the most terrifying things that any human can imagine yeah underwater and in a tight little hole stuck and these guys are just like they're doing it for fun I would never do that you know what's those poor little boys for having to go through it another thing that I saw related to this is that they've had they've had a lot of pumps pumping out the water as fast as it's going in and after they rescued the last kid the pumps failed and the water there were still people in the cave it's like the feet gathering the equipment and stuff like that and the pump failed pretty much right after the last the last boy was rescued and the water started rising really fast that they were like no we're just gonna abandon whatever's left here is what we're leaving but um the as a result of pumping out that much water it flooded a bunch of farmers fields and stuff and they were like hey we'll just you know we saved some lives we'll harvest some stuff next year the farmers weren't like super upset about anything so here your idea Elon Musk if you still want to be the hero give whatever those farmer salaries were to them for this year because they've ruined their crops and they're not gonna have any crops this year so you can still be in the PR cycle and get what you need just give them money yeah this story's run its course the peak PR for the story is long gone oh they said Hollywood's already trying to get like two movies yeah movies never two movies now do you think they're gonna like whitewash it is Tom Hanks gonna be actually that's a joke I've seen her yeah I think most of the divers were boy Stern guys there they had Thai Navy SEALs like there are four or five Navy SEALs and then one guy died yeah and then they had an international diving team as well this should be Iron Man for this is changed Andy Tony Stark comes in with his submersible submarine just blast his way through the cake I mean that's kind of what Ellen must wanted to do and kills all the children in the front sucks all the oxygen out of the one pocket at their motherboards got a great article on how the FCC promises to fix its comment system you know the same one that we've bitched about I don't know multiple weeks now yes many many weeks the FCC says it's gonna work to improve the integrity of the public input process oh the FCC using the word integrity I just I the best thing about this is they're these quotes you have to think this is in the context of their being sued for freedom of information they're under investigation by the Department of Justice and a couple of other government agencies live ignored for your requests yeah and it's like you're just the epitome of corruption and all these things are looming but you're just sitting there I just spelled your with you gotta give it to him to pie I mean he was born for this there is nobody else holding a deck it's dude yeah I just is this the story about the the $225 bins right the next one that's you know just to punctuate this well switch gears to wired the FCC has retracted a plan to discourage consumer complaints so they're talking about improving the process what they meant was they would charge you to complain two hundred and twenty-five dollars for low it turns out they've always had this policy so what the fake comments were going into the level to comment system what everybody knows level ones best right so the level two comment system is the one that just you know any player can do and they basically ignore those that's kind of in their policy they they sort of look at them as a whole but not really as we've seen but a level one comment will cost you two hundred and fifty five dollars and you got to fill out a bunch of paperwork 225 was it - 25 yeah wait it's a stupid amount of money just to file a complaint they reminds me there was a correction on something I said from last week and I don't remember what it was because it was inconsequential but it was technically a correction I'm sure there was 25 there was nanoseconds of Micra see yes yes I got it was 0.1 nanoseconds is a tenth of a nanosecond not a hundredth of a nanosecond I know you just gotten it wrong again you said nanoseconds twice oh wait no you all they want is the mad culpa they're not looking for real the actual answer sorry see if you get one of those those leather lashes so we can just use ourselves for second I know how to do the math when it's on paper I just don't you know converting it to words I don't know I know what they meant it's fine well the good news is though and the huge backlash the FCC has stepped back from the 255 dollar fee and so that's what they're talking about you know rebuilding it that all came from it's like oh wait they're not gonna let us get away with this we're gonna overhaul the whole thing also in that first article he was like we need to get budget approval to improve the form to keep it from being hacked again yeah they're sticking with that story and he was like yeah we might we need to get a budget so we can add a CAPTCHA really look how much budget the hardest thing you can possibly do I mean the least like 5 million right I guess in the government world if they went to from two-ply - one-ply toilet paper for a month in the FCC building they would be able to afford it I don't know there's a lot of in that bill I loved that one right over the plate amazon and orlando there their face recognition thing that we reported on has ended but Jeff Bezos has made clear that it is not actually over that this just this phase that's over so the face recognition thing in Orlando did also did not go well yeah well they claim they were only tracking the cops I don't think they released how successful it was in terms of hits because I claim they're not tracking the public but after all that uproar they were like oh don't worry that just expired well phase one expired but now they've announced they're going forward with phase two because that's how are you it so it's a wedge get it use just it's a wedge for destroying your privacy which Florida really loves to do so there's this story on Techdirt there's a guy who's been tossed in jail for contempt charges because the cop said they needed to unlock his phones to get evidence of drug possession and it sounds kind of run-of-the-mill but this might actually be the perfect case for testing the constitutionality of this because well you got to go a little bit down a rabbit hole with this on this one well let's do the time line two guys in a car failure to the yield I mean failure to yield that's why they were pulled over that's that's something you very rarely get pulled over for it's like not using your turn see and it turns out after they were arrested they were not cited for that rod they didn't actually charge him with that so they were they know what they were doing they're pulling over his car because they suspected him for something so in the could not consent to a search they didn't release how long it takes for the dog to show up but it's been ruled that you shouldn't have to wait and quote-unquote unreasonable amount of time nobody knows what that actually means for the dog to show up but they made him wait so the dog shows up they get to search the car they find some weed and not like you know misdemeanor we had a small amount I don't even I don't even know this court date probably like a paper fine and a gun what's okay all right you know gun uh floor does a red state but because the weeds in the car the gun becomes a felony yet thing maybe anyway if it's connected to drug crimes the enemy shown that is connected to the drug car so the driver claims the gun he says it's his mother's gun and then they contact her she confirms so the passenger is who we're talking about the passenger gets arrested even though under these conditions usually they just let you go and he's got to buy phones and I want him to unlock the iPhones so I shows up for court and the judge is like you need to unlock these iPhones now I left out a step I'm sorry during the stop one of the iPhones that's already in custody gets a text message that says OMG did they find it little suspicious these guys may have been drug dealers however the judge asks him to unlock the iPhone and the guys like what no I feel like though he said he doesn't remember so yeah I feel like that were I in a traffic stop and we're i compelled to say text you that hey I'm in the traffic stop I feel like just to troll me that you would text that back I mean let's be fair don't worry I've already disposed of it so anyway the way this shakes out is the judge tells the guy in court you will unlock these two iPhones right now he says he doesn't remember and so he gets six months for contempt of court now the crazy thing here is that he has said yes that was my marijuana and that was my you know THC oil or whatever which are both misdemeanor things and they want a warrant because they believe that there is evidence of a felony on the phones but all of the evidence of any kind of crime that they might have collected they already have yeah if we assume that it means either the weed or the gun which both cases are solved yeah there's nothing else to find out so they don't really need it so this is it's gonna be interesting to see how this goes and it's also Florida is the other state you remember the the pedophile that had like the locked harddrive that's in I think he's still in jail in contempt for also not turning over the password like he was compelled to terribly passport he did not so this is not anything new for Florida but I think this these guys are not gonna have to unlock their phones because there's no you can't find evidence of a crime after the fact like you can't get a warrant to unlock a phone which would then be evidence of a new crime you also have to wonder like why not just use the gray key you know they've got it yeah the other thing about this is so the reason I say they can get away with this they're citing another case but that case was like voyeurism like I got a recording nudes or something on his phone and that's obviously different because they didn't know they suspected he was filming people with his phone or taking pictures or whatever and they didn't know so they needed the phone to solve the crime but here again the crime is solved the it's literally you are you know it's a misdemeanor crime for this other stuff therefore we have the right to search your phone which is dangerously different from you're suspected of a crime we need to search your phone for evidence there is no suspicion of a crime for searching the phones I think the most dangerous thing about this case is that guy is probably a drug dealer so if though you suggest afire right if they get into these phones and they uncover that that's gonna be terrible for freedom first they came for the drug dealers and I said nothing I'll say it all day long well that's not a rest time let's put him out of business let's legalize it speaking of things something-something DOJ I don't know this is this is another tech nerd article I should have had a better merger than that but it's fine speaking of mergers after 18 T jacks up the prices post merger the DOJ has decided to appeal its court loss so 18 the Department of Justice actually originally objected to this AT&T Time Warner merger because it's time ordered the media company and you know 18 t the infrastructure and then the DirecTV and all this and they lost their case and they lost the case on some really crazy reasoning and immediately AT&T was like let's raise the prices on everything and so the DOJ is now using that among other things to appeal the ruling even though the DOJ said they would not appeal the ruling well importantly and every merger the merging companies have to give testimony of why it will be good for the consumer for them to merge and one thing they always say and every merger is this is going to allow us to cut prices because we don't have to compete we cut marketing budgets we cut all this competition we pass those savings on to the consumer they did the exact opposite so it's probably a pretty easy argument but I don't know if they like to win as will learn in the business section coming up that 18th he's saying some other things to his shareholders well as we learned I was in last week they've already taken away HBO and replaced it with Taylor Swift and now they're do they're going even further in their attack on HBO that's the foreshadowing switching gears a little bit to Russia Russia is working on an alternative to DNS so yeah I mean you know DNS the thing that converts you know example.com into an IP address Russia is working on its own parallel system that does the same thing but is controlled in Russia to use as a backup in case something bad happens to the DNS system well I think when they say something bad happens they mean the u.s. shuts a day I think the Western countries lock them out and it's funny because this is New York Magazine yeah this is very Russia Russia Russia you know like that hysteria yeah but their argument is like we can't allow Russia to do this because if they have a backup they might attack us you think maybe we also need a backup perhaps we should build some sort of distributed network that will route around damage and be you know have multiple redundant links from place to place now they do point out that almost everything at this point goes through the u.s. at some point where we spy on it so is Russia really you know they might have a point is it's a paranoia if someone's really exact we thought it was funny to point out because Google is gonna have to make major changes to Android because of GDP are not just GDP are but other stuff it turns out that this lady is apparently gonna find Google could reach into the billions of dollars but that's because Android logs literally everything well more importantly it's because you cannot sell a phone with Android without all the Google apps on it you can but you can't cherry pick so you can either sell like an Android phone with no Google apps like imagine how useful that would be because they're so integrated or you have to give everything and they say that's not allowed funnily enough the whole time I was reading this I was like what about Apple it turns out they don't care about Apple because Apple manufactures their own phones that doesn't seem like a reasonable way to think about that yeah so the Google pixel presumably would be fine because you could buy a different phone no because Google manufactures it well but I think that the deeper reasoning on because Apple manufacturers it means that you can buy a phone not from Apple if you don't agree to their terms well it's because well it's it's but don't see apples not telling anybody they have to do anything they're doing it because they build it but Google is tell is forcing other companies oh yeah right okay hmm so like Samsung couldn't bundle their own apps that steal your data and spy and stuff I wonder do you think the like Verizon do they operate and that he you I don't know did when they put their stupid Verizon apps on your phone and force you to do that is that not the same thing one would think the UK has proposed equipping every new home for electric car charging so sort of they're they're done with diesel it's like oh we should probably do electric car oh yeah it feels dirty just saying it this is uh I don't I don't like the idea of someone telling me hey you have to build this onto your house what if I'm building a tiny house I think Gitana house would still have to charge tiny charger for my tiny electric car only houses that have a parking spot also imagine how annoying the future is gonna be I just thought about this we're idiots who don't charge their car and it's gonna get way worse because gasoline goes a long way but some of these cars the charges are you know barely the commute and every is gonna be running out of power in front of your house and not going to go where it's like oh hey can i plug in real quick yeah well it seems like a good reason not to well yeah if you're a home builder in the UK you're gonna have to do that so I think it's already the case that you have to have a like washer and dryer hookup so this really isn't a lot different than a dryer hookup I guess I don't know I mean that makes a little more sense that's I think it's good for society that we have clean clothing you know it's like hygiene is part of the overall health of the country so as it turns out I just got back from Canada I don't have any clean clothes but you can't smell that so it's okay but there is a washer and dryer in this building but there's not enough time Chyna's friendly censorship caused an iPhone crashing bug so yeah well because when you send like Apple has built-in mechanisms for doing the kind of censoring that China wants to do and it turns out there were some bugs and the implementation of that well they didn't have it they had to add it I think that was the problem yeah they rushed it out it was the Taiwanese flag if you don't know the score between Taiwan and China Taiwan says we're Taiwan and China says no you're China you're part of China yeah it's actually kind of a longer story than that but if you're not so it turns out that any time this person's phone would have an app that displayed the the Taiwanese flag it would crash yeah and I found out that it seems like a problem this is one of the many concessions that Apple was happy to make for China that the Taiwanese flag just does not exist on Apple devices in China which is hilarious they have fixed the bug but you still can't see the flag what was it effects it just silently replaces Taiwanese flag with the Chinese flag no it shows like one of those you know like when you print Unicode you don't have that as a square it's something like that yeah so yeah it still doesn't exist but at least doesn't crash your phone so that's a step forward our next story requires a background err and if you've ever wondered how awesome would it be to be able to 3d print firearms well defense distributed wondered the same thing many years ago so our next story comes to us from Josh Blackman calm he's their lawyer which is the the DOJ in the Second Amendment foundation reached a settlement in the defense distributed lawsuit and so defense distributed was a company that was making 3d printable things for like single shot I mean he could you can't even really call it a firearm I mean technically it could fire a bullet but it was also just as likely to explode yeah well they were experimenting with 3d printable firearms like full all plastic firearms that you could just print which is permitted under the US Constitution they're called zip guns and it's funny and I think in almost every state probably like not California and some of the more Lurky States building your own guns is totally fine you don't have to register them you don't have to have it a serial number as long as though you just can't sell them can't give them away they're yours but if you can build them yourselves that's fine and you know like an ak-47 is all stamped metal you can stamp yourself out of a k47 pretty easily if you know what you're doing gifting mil a couple of the parts so these guys were like you know what we could probably print that stuff and the ATF basically rated everything that they own and took them to prison or tried to yeah try to fail they felt not only did they fail the settlement includes paying attorneys fees which is like that never happens I mean usually when the when the government does it's like jackboot we're gonna pretend this never happened crush everything crush all resistance they usually don't pay attorneys fees in that case and I wonder if a lot of this didn't come from there suddenly being a very red Supreme Court and they're like oh god this goes to Supreme Court we're gonna have case law against it now the most important thing about this case and this is from the the lawyer that won so his interpretation of it which I would agree with probably won't be something that the government necessarily agrees with but he claims that in the writing and I haven't read it yet but they agreed that semi-automatic weapons including the dreaded ar-15 are not quote weapons of war yeah it actually referred to those as sport utility weapons which I found really hilarious that's an insulting thing about that but that's important because they think because SUVs are so disgusting soccer gun so that you know the big Second Amendment push right now is like oh you don't need these cuz they're made for war but no semi-automatic guns are not and the government supposedly has admitted it Wow that what a reversal from just a few years ago I just don't even and meanwhile the rest of the world is like you can you can make your own guns in America oh this is only gonna get but there's a what's the name of that ghost gun ghost gunner calm I think is the website they will sell you a milling machine that you can mill receivers I think they've added they've got the AR tens and ar-15s I think they've added 1911's to the catalog and they'll sell you the aluminum block and you just download a file you put it in there you can mill your own guns if we were to do a video on that it will not be on YouTube sign up on the level 1 forums yeah formed our level there 2500 bucks I really want one but to 2500 bucks and it's like I can't really justify that we can do cool we could we had actually planned to do a video on it but then the whole YouTube kerfuffle and we're not gonna do that now and we're not gonna do that on YouTube but I would still be down to do something on that because it's just a such a cool piece of machinery I don't know where we put it we've got all that room in the basement just as soon as the renovation I mean I don't know where we post the video oh D Tube obviously India now has the world's of strongest net neutrality rules how the tables have turned I read this and actually it's not bad not great but it's not bad I mean I think that the the people whoever is piloting this in India I think their hearts in the right place mostly you know and then there's another story I don't know if it's in this batch but India also has the cheapest mobile data in the world yeah and they're still making a profit even though it's the cheapest mobile data in the world well I mean it's volume probably we can make up that volume people everybody needs to watch 12 hours of Netflix a day and we'll be right there but India you know they're going to space economically they've got the net neutrality they got cheap data I got a lot of smart they're moving in the right direction yeah the net neutrality really I think will help their economy because it's gonna provide access to educational videos and economic employment opportunities I mean you can totally be someone in a very role part and learn to code or learn to do some other useful thing that you can do remotely and yeah you know even if you only make 10 or 15 dollars a day that's a lot of money in that part of the country you can do we no barrier to entry anymore for becoming a tech supports camera there is sort of a downside to that speaking of which China speaking of bad news technology China's latest quantum radar could help detect cell fights so this is an insanely cool piece of technology that's incredible hi there's this article reads a little like you remember those you ever read like an old newspaper article from the 80s talking about how like Russians had mind-control rays and stuff this reads a little bit like that but maybe not it's just it's the kind of technology that imagine having to explain this to your mom we're sitting quantum entangled pressure with the idea you know quantum entanglement where you've got two protons which are basically you know cloning each other and that you fire one off at your target that you're trying to detect and you keep one at home and if that doesn't blow your mind then you probably understand physics or you understand nothing and you just you know your mouths hanging open but it's so the countermeasure against this kind of radar is you can send back a false signal so you can sort of like intercept the detected signal and send backs like no plane here move along but because you've got that entangled proton home you can tell that something happened Kanchana supposedly has this technology so that means that we don't have any kind of stealth capability if that's actually true and actually the stealth planes the way that they're built make them more susceptible to this kind of thing because they're trying to defeat radio signals the other thing with this type of radar is that the protons are energetic enough that when the when the signal comes back you can tell oftentimes what the composition of the material is of the thing that you hit so not in the case of planes but think about like nuclear warheads this technology can tell the difference between a nuclear warhead and just a dummy missile so energetic enough that they have millions of subscribers on YouTube they have the best thumbnails the other thing this thing can do is they've got they're working on these sort of like flying platforms for these radars and they can monitor things in space so they can sort of look at all the satellites with this technology find out what's their answer to space force yeah it there were some subtle hints in the Chinese press material on this for example like one of those observational blimps that was observing stuff in space was off the east coast of the United States so bad well this is also those hawker sonic missiles we were talking about last week those flowery high so you could definitely early detection for one of those would be super useful if you had some blimps out over the ocean looking for missiles neat Microsoft has called on Congress to regulate face recognition so I would this this Axios article on it was like how do they even plan to do that that doesn't even make sense and I think what Microsoft is talking about here is the government's use of face recognition not the commercial use the face recognition important distinction yeah like if you didn't tell anybody how would they even know you because cameras are everywhere yeah it's not like the camera has a sticker on it that says but I think they they actually just mentioned this in this article what Microsoft is kind of looking for here is kind of like with with Apple it's like we want we want them to make the decision so that our customers can't complain when we do something weird with facial recognition right it's like go ahead and make the rule so we get caught doing something bad with it they were like no no we're inside the rules also possible that seems likely that seems very likely once again Ryan just bring in a night like that that darker tone well they mention it in the article you know that's not totally my independent thought but I do agree with it it's sort of like Microsoft they're getting together and they're looking at Facebook and all these things that have happened recently and you know because when people get angry at you in this day and age it can just a blitter rate your stock you can see the puppets on story so just destroy ya the lawyers are sitting around there like we're getting ready to do some really weird stuff with facial recognition we're kind of worried about this and Microsoft's like mmm what should we do let's get permission a type of communications Union joined just group pushing for Facebook's breakup see this is another like I don't understand this you don't have to use Facebook why okay put it another way if this group is pushing for the breakup of Facebook why aren't they screaming so loud they're coughing up blood for the breakup of telecommunications companies because I think telecommunications companies are much bigger threat than Facebook yeah that's true I think the answer to that question is because this group is made up of people paid by the telecommunications oh it's funny that you say that the top you its communications yeah yeah is joining a coalition hmm so this is the old guard desperately clinging to power as the new guard takes over which we've seen usually plays out in government but now technology kind of you know is one of the ruling forces this is on Bloomberg - does anybody have any examples of any kind of Bloomberg article that is I don't I hesitate to use the term read pilled but is read pilled enough to actually pick up on that sort of aspect of this of this story because like breaking up fate like you don't have to use Facebook it is a voluntary service unlike 90% of the u.s. where you have your choice of you know a giant douche or a turd sandwich for your communications provider but that's well maybe not even that I think a lot of that be a luxury people look at Facebook I'm sorry you don't the mics can't hear that it's fine they wouldn't register didn't say anything oh well I was startled people look at Facebook as like you know that's what's important to them they're in this tiny little bubble where the corruption of the telecommunications industry is too big they can't as I started thinking about that they'll feel bad but Facebook they can a oh let's let's lash out against it and it is awful it's an awful thing but like you say I don't use it so I'm totally immune to its awfulness unlike Google where it's pretty much inescapable even if I try really hard not to use Google for critical things it's like well this is just too darn convenient I can't not I think well YouTube such a great source of entertainment I think the other part of it is the Cambridge analytical thing yeah that a lot of people now believe the Trump is president because of Facebook and they will never forgive them for that and they will lash out at them for anything but I think that Cambridge analytic is just a preview of what is going to happen no matter who is in charge and like just as soon as AT&T can figure out the technology to do the Cambridge analytical stuff it's gonna be right there it's just that they're behind the curve well they pointed out during that whole thing that Obama had used yeah it's a similar tactic so but that doesn't matter Trump is the devil and he must be destroyed and anything that's associated with him must also be destroyed I think that's you think his videos on YouTube are gonna get authoritative context links for outside theories because YouTube is fighting conspiracy theories with authoritative context outside links so what this story what this headline means is that when you watch a video on youtube about I don't know her emails or know something even more insane to that I know the Bigfoot is not real or no way but Bigfoot is real I want you're going to get links on the video that's like now you should check out weekly Wikipedia and it's a cryptozoological thing and no this is not really a thing and the big question that always comes up when you look at something like this is who decides who decides what's a conspiracy theory and why should we trust them now let's remember that until a short time ago the idea that the government was recording all of our communications and secret data centers was a huge conspiracy I really hate that too because you know there was a lot of talk about like Escalon all that and it was all like oh you're tinfoil hat and then when it came out it was like oh we've known all along it's like no we did we did I knew all along you know you were wrong so but you should also if you haven't figured out from watching this program you shouldn't just blindly trust anything on YouTube or the television or Facebook or I've got a flyer on logic that I know it's hard I know it hurts to think that but the world is hard sometimes one way that manifests this week you may have seen a lot of the popular people that you that you follow not us because we're not we don't even register on this but uh Twitter has slashed millions of followers that got rid of tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of fake accounts and unverified accounts all sorts it was the great account purge and so a lot of really popular people on YouTube lost a ton of followers well Twitter I mean on Twitter oh yeah sorry I didn't really notice like any big drop like nothing substantial so I assume we play didn't have a lot of fake followers that kind of feels nice but it's mostly legit well I mean comparatively we don't have many followers there were there were a lot of a list people though that lost a ton of followers like Vicodin that's traditional celebrities that didn't embrace the Twitter revolution and their PR agency was like now problem we got you we get you millions followers man and it's just a bot yeah it was it was all boss it was uh it was like 6 percent of Twitter yeah it's just massive how many people on Twitter it's it's huge the law so yeah and you have to respect Twitter at least in this that they were willing to take that hit of a 6 percent of the user base because that's the shareholders are not gonna like well if you're vacationing to Egypt PSA don't criticize anything in Egypt you can and will be detained there was Lebanese woman visiting Egypt and she was she was harassed maybe sexually harassed it was explicitly sexual unfortunately that's very common in that part of the world and she's she's confirming the same thing that this woman is talking about the video where if you wear something even like just showing your arms you can be harassed in public Egypt is off the table for the level 1 Meetup so the specific laws that they got her for breaking was like plotting the overthrow of the government and you're not allowed to their leader his name is CC which is I don't know you pronounce I guess CC either way neither those good for him doesn't USA doesn't like a whole lot of power yeah it's not a powerful name but anyway you're not allowed to publicly call him out or say bad things about him so I guess she kind of technically did break the law but that's uh it seems like you're criticizing the people of Egypt and not well no I mean I never blamed the people for authoritarian governments because look at our government if she's complaining about being sexually harassed by people in Egypt that's not anything to do with the authorities though but the fact that they arrested her because she criticized people who were harassing her but no she mentioned the president's name she said you people deserve him and so she blamed him for the situation it's like a leap of logic well yeah that's what I'm saying but you know what the arrested for it you know what else is a leap of logic that you have to unlock your iPhone because we found you so I'm not blaming the Egyptian people for this no Facebook has announced that they're not gonna remove fake news but they are gonna demote it Oh kind of talked about this before where they use a interesting sort of UI pattern where they they change the size of the story I think this is a new thing yes is another thing that they're doing so I wonder if they will label it explicitly other than just changing the size no because they tried the red mark and that made people love it even more I think maybe what they're talking about here is people are noticing the size change and gravitating toward smaller ones so they're just gonna push it down the list at this point which meet that's all if you think about it you know that's like page 2 of Google also in other bad news for Facebook the SEC is now asking why Facebook didn't warn sooner on privacy labs and I have the answer level 1 has the answer the reason is because the platform was designed that way yeah and I think Facebook is kind of painting themselves into a corner because they didn't use that defense they sort of apologized and said yes this was a hack at first they didn't but then the outrage was so much they were like oh we were wrong we'll fix it it's the cornerstone of the whole place yeah well the shareholders I mean that would have been basically them come to the shareholders and being like hey you know that thing we do that makes all this money that you like we're gonna wear that badge we're gonna stop this is gonna be difficult for them to to deal with this because the like if you've ever any olden days if you ever ran an app or a poll or anything on Facebook it this is how it worked I mean at worst you're in for a breach of the Terms of Service of Facebook there might have been something buried in the legalese there that was like by the way don't save this data or don't aggregated or do other stuff with it on your own we're just gonna let you have access to it for the people that want to run your app voluntarily it's like an Android app where it pops up and is like I need your permission to do stuff ok sounds good I want to take the polls not any more complicated than that really it's funny that this keeps coming up because like you say it was just how they did business and they keep finding more and more examples I saw the latest one was mail.ru the Russian mail service had that extra permission thing Facebook but and you know like they when they got ahold of that but the liberal media was just like you know that basically had a stroke Russia Russian but yeah they just let everybody have because that's how they did business it's always fun when marketing algorithms and automatic classification algorithms do something accidentally that is accidentally hilarious and Facebook has labeled Russian users as interested in treason so like treason like as far as I'm sure this happened algorithmically this is not something any person did but like let's say that I'm on Facebook and I'm always clicking on pictures of cats and their image classifier has like this is a picture of a cat they're gonna have a thing on my profile that's like this user is interested in looking at pictures of cats well Russia's had some revolutions well yeah there's been some treason in Russian history and if you study Russian history maybe you are interested in treason so Facebook's AI thing its classification thing automatically established a category as interested in treason which about 65,000 people were a part of and then Facebook was like oh I probably remove that interesting yeah and this was literally you could this is the ad system so if you buy an ad it's like only show this ad to people who are interested in X so you can choose treason which is like we should we should run a Facebook ad campaign for level one for Sciences like people only interested in technology news or people only interested in technology I would think the people only interested in treason how about people only interested in anime girls we've got enough with those that's our core audience I think weeping in binary they didn't get they're real they're real Twitter people that's enough for this week or today we'll see you tomorrowit's July 17th 2018 and I'm excited because I've had a bag of M&Ms no I'm just I'm not on this the correct sleeping schedule yes I'm gonna say you back on the horse it's been a while since you've eaten a pack of M&Ms and it has been a while since I've had a bag of M&Ms back on the horse like a Mountie yeah just Canada haha I'm back from Canada I did a you know I'm that there would be a lot of like a traitorous jokes this week I was on the way in show cuz but it's oh it's cool different things yeah you know it's just what what what are our topics this week government and social media a social media lunch topics this week the government topics this week are unusual from our usual government topics because some good news yes yes that's unusual it is sort of weird this facial recognition trial in London results in zero arrests in Metropolitan Police confirmed so this seems like it's good news but in in actualities no well it's not slowed them down yeah so it's good news that they had this stupid policy and it failed but the bad news is they're sticking with it it's still gonna be a wedge used to drive open you know whatever this is to march forward into whatever lecture for someone else well they have this going on a bridge I guess like a busy pedestrian bridge I'm ever just waiting you'd be I don't know how many cops they actually set aside for this stupid you know just like the wave it to get so it managed to flag one guy walking across the bridge and there were this independent journalist was there or somebody that some journalist was quoted that was there and they were like the image popped up and I looked at that I looked at the guy and it wasn't really even that close so the police questioned him and made him empty his pockets which I guess they don't have that amendment over there even though we had that amendment we'll learn later in another story that it doesn't matter for us either but yeah it definitely wasn't the guy and so I didn't say how much money they wasted on this but I bet it was a lot yeah we wasted 4.3 million dollars on a terrible face recognition system in order to falsely identify one guy pounds pants the Todd cave rescue that was big news but I gotta tell you man my mind is blown I got those kids out I was I was so excited I followed it every Saturday mail drank my coffee and then would look up stories about the tie rescued it's a rare feel-good story for sure my favorite thing about this story is that it has a cross-sectional diagram of the cave which is better than any that I have seen on other news sites yeah this and so you think about the scale of this this is 1 or 1/2 kilometers and this is 1.7 kilometers and the 1 and 1/2 kilometer section was actually longer but they spent most of their time clearing that with like shovels and stuff so they'd have a more direct path because that used to take four or five hours to navigate yeah the amount of time and effort spent on this is amazing and all these guys and a lot of them were internationals that flew in and helped out these people the diving community really stepped up this is really you know humanity at its best I guess we could say yeah and certainly nobody was just using it for publicity and trying to get their name in the headlines just people doing it for the right reasons oh here come the down votes if the independent has an article that says Elon Musk can stick his submarine where it hurts and that was a British caper who helped rescue the high school boys to be fair so someone some Rando not even someone involved with the rescue had tweeted Elon mustn can't you do something and of course he almost was like I smell a chance forget my name my news so he started work on this sort of submarine idea but it was a pic of the Sun it was completely sort of impractical yeah there you go I think that's oh there's a there's another there's like a diagram picture that I've seen like clipart of like a boy inside the cylinder and there's oxygen at the front and back well it's a six-foot cylinder so this guy this guy that the guy said that quote it turns out he liked his whole recreation is diving in this cave like he just sits around and waits for it to this rainy season so he can get in this cave and crawl around in those tunnels so he is like the suit of the cave expert and he was in charged as he should be and most showed up with this thing and he booted him right out which is hilarious but musk was not happy about that look you need to go I think some people were like you know if you want to donate you know some generators and stuff so we can keep pumping water out and musk was like no I've got this submarine it was like no no thank you no well yeah he pointed out that the if you that tunnel did you show the diagram yeah it's it's so twisty that there are sorts where a six-foot tube would never get through and I couldn't explain that to him he was like no but we must used the submarine and they're like no you don't understand you're not a diver we're barely getting ourselves through these holes take air canisters off and like push them through first and then go through and then like carry the whole thing like that's one of the most terrifying things that any human can imagine yeah underwater and in a tight little hole stuck and these guys are just like they're doing it for fun I would never do that you know what's those poor little boys for having to go through it another thing that I saw related to this is that they've had they've had a lot of pumps pumping out the water as fast as it's going in and after they rescued the last kid the pumps failed and the water there were still people in the cave it's like the feet gathering the equipment and stuff like that and the pump failed pretty much right after the last the last boy was rescued and the water started rising really fast that they were like no we're just gonna abandon whatever's left here is what we're leaving but um the as a result of pumping out that much water it flooded a bunch of farmers fields and stuff and they were like hey we'll just you know we saved some lives we'll harvest some stuff next year the farmers weren't like super upset about anything so here your idea Elon Musk if you still want to be the hero give whatever those farmer salaries were to them for this year because they've ruined their crops and they're not gonna have any crops this year so you can still be in the PR cycle and get what you need just give them money yeah this story's run its course the peak PR for the story is long gone oh they said Hollywood's already trying to get like two movies yeah movies never two movies now do you think they're gonna like whitewash it is Tom Hanks gonna be actually that's a joke I've seen her yeah I think most of the divers were boy Stern guys there they had Thai Navy SEALs like there are four or five Navy SEALs and then one guy died yeah and then they had an international diving team as well this should be Iron Man for this is changed Andy Tony Stark comes in with his submersible submarine just blast his way through the cake I mean that's kind of what Ellen must wanted to do and kills all the children in the front sucks all the oxygen out of the one pocket at their motherboards got a great article on how the FCC promises to fix its comment system you know the same one that we've bitched about I don't know multiple weeks now yes many many weeks the FCC says it's gonna work to improve the integrity of the public input process oh the FCC using the word integrity I just I the best thing about this is they're these quotes you have to think this is in the context of their being sued for freedom of information they're under investigation by the Department of Justice and a couple of other government agencies live ignored for your requests yeah and it's like you're just the epitome of corruption and all these things are looming but you're just sitting there I just spelled your with you gotta give it to him to pie I mean he was born for this there is nobody else holding a deck it's dude yeah I just is this the story about the the $225 bins right the next one that's you know just to punctuate this well switch gears to wired the FCC has retracted a plan to discourage consumer complaints so they're talking about improving the process what they meant was they would charge you to complain two hundred and twenty-five dollars for low it turns out they've always had this policy so what the fake comments were going into the level to comment system what everybody knows level ones best right so the level two comment system is the one that just you know any player can do and they basically ignore those that's kind of in their policy they they sort of look at them as a whole but not really as we've seen but a level one comment will cost you two hundred and fifty five dollars and you got to fill out a bunch of paperwork 225 was it - 25 yeah wait it's a stupid amount of money just to file a complaint they reminds me there was a correction on something I said from last week and I don't remember what it was because it was inconsequential but it was technically a correction I'm sure there was 25 there was nanoseconds of Micra see yes yes I got it was 0.1 nanoseconds is a tenth of a nanosecond not a hundredth of a nanosecond I know you just gotten it wrong again you said nanoseconds twice oh wait no you all they want is the mad culpa they're not looking for real the actual answer sorry see if you get one of those those leather lashes so we can just use ourselves for second I know how to do the math when it's on paper I just don't you know converting it to words I don't know I know what they meant it's fine well the good news is though and the huge backlash the FCC has stepped back from the 255 dollar fee and so that's what they're talking about you know rebuilding it that all came from it's like oh wait they're not gonna let us get away with this we're gonna overhaul the whole thing also in that first article he was like we need to get budget approval to improve the form to keep it from being hacked again yeah they're sticking with that story and he was like yeah we might we need to get a budget so we can add a CAPTCHA really look how much budget the hardest thing you can possibly do I mean the least like 5 million right I guess in the government world if they went to from two-ply - one-ply toilet paper for a month in the FCC building they would be able to afford it I don't know there's a lot of in that bill I loved that one right over the plate amazon and orlando there their face recognition thing that we reported on has ended but Jeff Bezos has made clear that it is not actually over that this just this phase that's over so the face recognition thing in Orlando did also did not go well yeah well they claim they were only tracking the cops I don't think they released how successful it was in terms of hits because I claim they're not tracking the public but after all that uproar they were like oh don't worry that just expired well phase one expired but now they've announced they're going forward with phase two because that's how are you it so it's a wedge get it use just it's a wedge for destroying your privacy which Florida really loves to do so there's this story on Techdirt there's a guy who's been tossed in jail for contempt charges because the cop said they needed to unlock his phones to get evidence of drug possession and it sounds kind of run-of-the-mill but this might actually be the perfect case for testing the constitutionality of this because well you got to go a little bit down a rabbit hole with this on this one well let's do the time line two guys in a car failure to the yield I mean failure to yield that's why they were pulled over that's that's something you very rarely get pulled over for it's like not using your turn see and it turns out after they were arrested they were not cited for that rod they didn't actually charge him with that so they were they know what they were doing they're pulling over his car because they suspected him for something so in the could not consent to a search they didn't release how long it takes for the dog to show up but it's been ruled that you shouldn't have to wait and quote-unquote unreasonable amount of time nobody knows what that actually means for the dog to show up but they made him wait so the dog shows up they get to search the car they find some weed and not like you know misdemeanor we had a small amount I don't even I don't even know this court date probably like a paper fine and a gun what's okay all right you know gun uh floor does a red state but because the weeds in the car the gun becomes a felony yet thing maybe anyway if it's connected to drug crimes the enemy shown that is connected to the drug car so the driver claims the gun he says it's his mother's gun and then they contact her she confirms so the passenger is who we're talking about the passenger gets arrested even though under these conditions usually they just let you go and he's got to buy phones and I want him to unlock the iPhones so I shows up for court and the judge is like you need to unlock these iPhones now I left out a step I'm sorry during the stop one of the iPhones that's already in custody gets a text message that says OMG did they find it little suspicious these guys may have been drug dealers however the judge asks him to unlock the iPhone and the guys like what no I feel like though he said he doesn't remember so yeah I feel like that were I in a traffic stop and we're i compelled to say text you that hey I'm in the traffic stop I feel like just to troll me that you would text that back I mean let's be fair don't worry I've already disposed of it so anyway the way this shakes out is the judge tells the guy in court you will unlock these two iPhones right now he says he doesn't remember and so he gets six months for contempt of court now the crazy thing here is that he has said yes that was my marijuana and that was my you know THC oil or whatever which are both misdemeanor things and they want a warrant because they believe that there is evidence of a felony on the phones but all of the evidence of any kind of crime that they might have collected they already have yeah if we assume that it means either the weed or the gun which both cases are solved yeah there's nothing else to find out so they don't really need it so this is it's gonna be interesting to see how this goes and it's also Florida is the other state you remember the the pedophile that had like the locked harddrive that's in I think he's still in jail in contempt for also not turning over the password like he was compelled to terribly passport he did not so this is not anything new for Florida but I think this these guys are not gonna have to unlock their phones because there's no you can't find evidence of a crime after the fact like you can't get a warrant to unlock a phone which would then be evidence of a new crime you also have to wonder like why not just use the gray key you know they've got it yeah the other thing about this is so the reason I say they can get away with this they're citing another case but that case was like voyeurism like I got a recording nudes or something on his phone and that's obviously different because they didn't know they suspected he was filming people with his phone or taking pictures or whatever and they didn't know so they needed the phone to solve the crime but here again the crime is solved the it's literally you are you know it's a misdemeanor crime for this other stuff therefore we have the right to search your phone which is dangerously different from you're suspected of a crime we need to search your phone for evidence there is no suspicion of a crime for searching the phones I think the most dangerous thing about this case is that guy is probably a drug dealer so if though you suggest afire right if they get into these phones and they uncover that that's gonna be terrible for freedom first they came for the drug dealers and I said nothing I'll say it all day long well that's not a rest time let's put him out of business let's legalize it speaking of things something-something DOJ I don't know this is this is another tech nerd article I should have had a better merger than that but it's fine speaking of mergers after 18 T jacks up the prices post merger the DOJ has decided to appeal its court loss so 18 the Department of Justice actually originally objected to this AT&T Time Warner merger because it's time ordered the media company and you know 18 t the infrastructure and then the DirecTV and all this and they lost their case and they lost the case on some really crazy reasoning and immediately AT&T was like let's raise the prices on everything and so the DOJ is now using that among other things to appeal the ruling even though the DOJ said they would not appeal the ruling well importantly and every merger the merging companies have to give testimony of why it will be good for the consumer for them to merge and one thing they always say and every merger is this is going to allow us to cut prices because we don't have to compete we cut marketing budgets we cut all this competition we pass those savings on to the consumer they did the exact opposite so it's probably a pretty easy argument but I don't know if they like to win as will learn in the business section coming up that 18th he's saying some other things to his shareholders well as we learned I was in last week they've already taken away HBO and replaced it with Taylor Swift and now they're do they're going even further in their attack on HBO that's the foreshadowing switching gears a little bit to Russia Russia is working on an alternative to DNS so yeah I mean you know DNS the thing that converts you know example.com into an IP address Russia is working on its own parallel system that does the same thing but is controlled in Russia to use as a backup in case something bad happens to the DNS system well I think when they say something bad happens they mean the u.s. shuts a day I think the Western countries lock them out and it's funny because this is New York Magazine yeah this is very Russia Russia Russia you know like that hysteria yeah but their argument is like we can't allow Russia to do this because if they have a backup they might attack us you think maybe we also need a backup perhaps we should build some sort of distributed network that will route around damage and be you know have multiple redundant links from place to place now they do point out that almost everything at this point goes through the u.s. at some point where we spy on it so is Russia really you know they might have a point is it's a paranoia if someone's really exact we thought it was funny to point out because Google is gonna have to make major changes to Android because of GDP are not just GDP are but other stuff it turns out that this lady is apparently gonna find Google could reach into the billions of dollars but that's because Android logs literally everything well more importantly it's because you cannot sell a phone with Android without all the Google apps on it you can but you can't cherry pick so you can either sell like an Android phone with no Google apps like imagine how useful that would be because they're so integrated or you have to give everything and they say that's not allowed funnily enough the whole time I was reading this I was like what about Apple it turns out they don't care about Apple because Apple manufactures their own phones that doesn't seem like a reasonable way to think about that yeah so the Google pixel presumably would be fine because you could buy a different phone no because Google manufactures it well but I think that the deeper reasoning on because Apple manufacturers it means that you can buy a phone not from Apple if you don't agree to their terms well it's because well it's it's but don't see apples not telling anybody they have to do anything they're doing it because they build it but Google is tell is forcing other companies oh yeah right okay hmm so like Samsung couldn't bundle their own apps that steal your data and spy and stuff I wonder do you think the like Verizon do they operate and that he you I don't know did when they put their stupid Verizon apps on your phone and force you to do that is that not the same thing one would think the UK has proposed equipping every new home for electric car charging so sort of they're they're done with diesel it's like oh we should probably do electric car oh yeah it feels dirty just saying it this is uh I don't I don't like the idea of someone telling me hey you have to build this onto your house what if I'm building a tiny house I think Gitana house would still have to charge tiny charger for my tiny electric car only houses that have a parking spot also imagine how annoying the future is gonna be I just thought about this we're idiots who don't charge their car and it's gonna get way worse because gasoline goes a long way but some of these cars the charges are you know barely the commute and every is gonna be running out of power in front of your house and not going to go where it's like oh hey can i plug in real quick yeah well it seems like a good reason not to well yeah if you're a home builder in the UK you're gonna have to do that so I think it's already the case that you have to have a like washer and dryer hookup so this really isn't a lot different than a dryer hookup I guess I don't know I mean that makes a little more sense that's I think it's good for society that we have clean clothing you know it's like hygiene is part of the overall health of the country so as it turns out I just got back from Canada I don't have any clean clothes but you can't smell that so it's okay but there is a washer and dryer in this building but there's not enough time Chyna's friendly censorship caused an iPhone crashing bug so yeah well because when you send like Apple has built-in mechanisms for doing the kind of censoring that China wants to do and it turns out there were some bugs and the implementation of that well they didn't have it they had to add it I think that was the problem yeah they rushed it out it was the Taiwanese flag if you don't know the score between Taiwan and China Taiwan says we're Taiwan and China says no you're China you're part of China yeah it's actually kind of a longer story than that but if you're not so it turns out that any time this person's phone would have an app that displayed the the Taiwanese flag it would crash yeah and I found out that it seems like a problem this is one of the many concessions that Apple was happy to make for China that the Taiwanese flag just does not exist on Apple devices in China which is hilarious they have fixed the bug but you still can't see the flag what was it effects it just silently replaces Taiwanese flag with the Chinese flag no it shows like one of those you know like when you print Unicode you don't have that as a square it's something like that yeah so yeah it still doesn't exist but at least doesn't crash your phone so that's a step forward our next story requires a background err and if you've ever wondered how awesome would it be to be able to 3d print firearms well defense distributed wondered the same thing many years ago so our next story comes to us from Josh Blackman calm he's their lawyer which is the the DOJ in the Second Amendment foundation reached a settlement in the defense distributed lawsuit and so defense distributed was a company that was making 3d printable things for like single shot I mean he could you can't even really call it a firearm I mean technically it could fire a bullet but it was also just as likely to explode yeah well they were experimenting with 3d printable firearms like full all plastic firearms that you could just print which is permitted under the US Constitution they're called zip guns and it's funny and I think in almost every state probably like not California and some of the more Lurky States building your own guns is totally fine you don't have to register them you don't have to have it a serial number as long as though you just can't sell them can't give them away they're yours but if you can build them yourselves that's fine and you know like an ak-47 is all stamped metal you can stamp yourself out of a k47 pretty easily if you know what you're doing gifting mil a couple of the parts so these guys were like you know what we could probably print that stuff and the ATF basically rated everything that they own and took them to prison or tried to yeah try to fail they felt not only did they fail the settlement includes paying attorneys fees which is like that never happens I mean usually when the when the government does it's like jackboot we're gonna pretend this never happened crush everything crush all resistance they usually don't pay attorneys fees in that case and I wonder if a lot of this didn't come from there suddenly being a very red Supreme Court and they're like oh god this goes to Supreme Court we're gonna have case law against it now the most important thing about this case and this is from the the lawyer that won so his interpretation of it which I would agree with probably won't be something that the government necessarily agrees with but he claims that in the writing and I haven't read it yet but they agreed that semi-automatic weapons including the dreaded ar-15 are not quote weapons of war yeah it actually referred to those as sport utility weapons which I found really hilarious that's an insulting thing about that but that's important because they think because SUVs are so disgusting soccer gun so that you know the big Second Amendment push right now is like oh you don't need these cuz they're made for war but no semi-automatic guns are not and the government supposedly has admitted it Wow that what a reversal from just a few years ago I just don't even and meanwhile the rest of the world is like you can you can make your own guns in America oh this is only gonna get but there's a what's the name of that ghost gun ghost gunner calm I think is the website they will sell you a milling machine that you can mill receivers I think they've added they've got the AR tens and ar-15s I think they've added 1911's to the catalog and they'll sell you the aluminum block and you just download a file you put it in there you can mill your own guns if we were to do a video on that it will not be on YouTube sign up on the level 1 forums yeah formed our level there 2500 bucks I really want one but to 2500 bucks and it's like I can't really justify that we can do cool we could we had actually planned to do a video on it but then the whole YouTube kerfuffle and we're not gonna do that now and we're not gonna do that on YouTube but I would still be down to do something on that because it's just a such a cool piece of machinery I don't know where we put it we've got all that room in the basement just as soon as the renovation I mean I don't know where we post the video oh D Tube obviously India now has the world's of strongest net neutrality rules how the tables have turned I read this and actually it's not bad not great but it's not bad I mean I think that the the people whoever is piloting this in India I think their hearts in the right place mostly you know and then there's another story I don't know if it's in this batch but India also has the cheapest mobile data in the world yeah and they're still making a profit even though it's the cheapest mobile data in the world well I mean it's volume probably we can make up that volume people everybody needs to watch 12 hours of Netflix a day and we'll be right there but India you know they're going to space economically they've got the net neutrality they got cheap data I got a lot of smart they're moving in the right direction yeah the net neutrality really I think will help their economy because it's gonna provide access to educational videos and economic employment opportunities I mean you can totally be someone in a very role part and learn to code or learn to do some other useful thing that you can do remotely and yeah you know even if you only make 10 or 15 dollars a day that's a lot of money in that part of the country you can do we no barrier to entry anymore for becoming a tech supports camera there is sort of a downside to that speaking of which China speaking of bad news technology China's latest quantum radar could help detect cell fights so this is an insanely cool piece of technology that's incredible hi there's this article reads a little like you remember those you ever read like an old newspaper article from the 80s talking about how like Russians had mind-control rays and stuff this reads a little bit like that but maybe not it's just it's the kind of technology that imagine having to explain this to your mom we're sitting quantum entangled pressure with the idea you know quantum entanglement where you've got two protons which are basically you know cloning each other and that you fire one off at your target that you're trying to detect and you keep one at home and if that doesn't blow your mind then you probably understand physics or you understand nothing and you just you know your mouths hanging open but it's so the countermeasure against this kind of radar is you can send back a false signal so you can sort of like intercept the detected signal and send backs like no plane here move along but because you've got that entangled proton home you can tell that something happened Kanchana supposedly has this technology so that means that we don't have any kind of stealth capability if that's actually true and actually the stealth planes the way that they're built make them more susceptible to this kind of thing because they're trying to defeat radio signals the other thing with this type of radar is that the protons are energetic enough that when the when the signal comes back you can tell oftentimes what the composition of the material is of the thing that you hit so not in the case of planes but think about like nuclear warheads this technology can tell the difference between a nuclear warhead and just a dummy missile so energetic enough that they have millions of subscribers on YouTube they have the best thumbnails the other thing this thing can do is they've got they're working on these sort of like flying platforms for these radars and they can monitor things in space so they can sort of look at all the satellites with this technology find out what's their answer to space force yeah it there were some subtle hints in the Chinese press material on this for example like one of those observational blimps that was observing stuff in space was off the east coast of the United States so bad well this is also those hawker sonic missiles we were talking about last week those flowery high so you could definitely early detection for one of those would be super useful if you had some blimps out over the ocean looking for missiles neat Microsoft has called on Congress to regulate face recognition so I would this this Axios article on it was like how do they even plan to do that that doesn't even make sense and I think what Microsoft is talking about here is the government's use of face recognition not the commercial use the face recognition important distinction yeah like if you didn't tell anybody how would they even know you because cameras are everywhere yeah it's not like the camera has a sticker on it that says but I think they they actually just mentioned this in this article what Microsoft is kind of looking for here is kind of like with with Apple it's like we want we want them to make the decision so that our customers can't complain when we do something weird with facial recognition right it's like go ahead and make the rule so we get caught doing something bad with it they were like no no we're inside the rules also possible that seems likely that seems very likely once again Ryan just bring in a night like that that darker tone well they mention it in the article you know that's not totally my independent thought but I do agree with it it's sort of like Microsoft they're getting together and they're looking at Facebook and all these things that have happened recently and you know because when people get angry at you in this day and age it can just a blitter rate your stock you can see the puppets on story so just destroy ya the lawyers are sitting around there like we're getting ready to do some really weird stuff with facial recognition we're kind of worried about this and Microsoft's like mmm what should we do let's get permission a type of communications Union joined just group pushing for Facebook's breakup see this is another like I don't understand this you don't have to use Facebook why okay put it another way if this group is pushing for the breakup of Facebook why aren't they screaming so loud they're coughing up blood for the breakup of telecommunications companies because I think telecommunications companies are much bigger threat than Facebook yeah that's true I think the answer to that question is because this group is made up of people paid by the telecommunications oh it's funny that you say that the top you its communications yeah yeah is joining a coalition hmm so this is the old guard desperately clinging to power as the new guard takes over which we've seen usually plays out in government but now technology kind of you know is one of the ruling forces this is on Bloomberg - does anybody have any examples of any kind of Bloomberg article that is I don't I hesitate to use the term read pilled but is read pilled enough to actually pick up on that sort of aspect of this of this story because like breaking up fate like you don't have to use Facebook it is a voluntary service unlike 90% of the u.s. where you have your choice of you know a giant douche or a turd sandwich for your communications provider but that's well maybe not even that I think a lot of that be a luxury people look at Facebook I'm sorry you don't the mics can't hear that it's fine they wouldn't register didn't say anything oh well I was startled people look at Facebook as like you know that's what's important to them they're in this tiny little bubble where the corruption of the telecommunications industry is too big they can't as I started thinking about that they'll feel bad but Facebook they can a oh let's let's lash out against it and it is awful it's an awful thing but like you say I don't use it so I'm totally immune to its awfulness unlike Google where it's pretty much inescapable even if I try really hard not to use Google for critical things it's like well this is just too darn convenient I can't not I think well YouTube such a great source of entertainment I think the other part of it is the Cambridge analytical thing yeah that a lot of people now believe the Trump is president because of Facebook and they will never forgive them for that and they will lash out at them for anything but I think that Cambridge analytic is just a preview of what is going to happen no matter who is in charge and like just as soon as AT&T can figure out the technology to do the Cambridge analytical stuff it's gonna be right there it's just that they're behind the curve well they pointed out during that whole thing that Obama had used yeah it's a similar tactic so but that doesn't matter Trump is the devil and he must be destroyed and anything that's associated with him must also be destroyed I think that's you think his videos on YouTube are gonna get authoritative context links for outside theories because YouTube is fighting conspiracy theories with authoritative context outside links so what this story what this headline means is that when you watch a video on youtube about I don't know her emails or know something even more insane to that I know the Bigfoot is not real or no way but Bigfoot is real I want you're going to get links on the video that's like now you should check out weekly Wikipedia and it's a cryptozoological thing and no this is not really a thing and the big question that always comes up when you look at something like this is who decides who decides what's a conspiracy theory and why should we trust them now let's remember that until a short time ago the idea that the government was recording all of our communications and secret data centers was a huge conspiracy I really hate that too because you know there was a lot of talk about like Escalon all that and it was all like oh you're tinfoil hat and then when it came out it was like oh we've known all along it's like no we did we did I knew all along you know you were wrong so but you should also if you haven't figured out from watching this program you shouldn't just blindly trust anything on YouTube or the television or Facebook or I've got a flyer on logic that I know it's hard I know it hurts to think that but the world is hard sometimes one way that manifests this week you may have seen a lot of the popular people that you that you follow not us because we're not we don't even register on this but uh Twitter has slashed millions of followers that got rid of tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of fake accounts and unverified accounts all sorts it was the great account purge and so a lot of really popular people on YouTube lost a ton of followers well Twitter I mean on Twitter oh yeah sorry I didn't really notice like any big drop like nothing substantial so I assume we play didn't have a lot of fake followers that kind of feels nice but it's mostly legit well I mean comparatively we don't have many followers there were there were a lot of a list people though that lost a ton of followers like Vicodin that's traditional celebrities that didn't embrace the Twitter revolution and their PR agency was like now problem we got you we get you millions followers man and it's just a bot yeah it was it was all boss it was uh it was like 6 percent of Twitter yeah it's just massive how many people on Twitter it's it's huge the law so yeah and you have to respect Twitter at least in this that they were willing to take that hit of a 6 percent of the user base because that's the shareholders are not gonna like well if you're vacationing to Egypt PSA don't criticize anything in Egypt you can and will be detained there was Lebanese woman visiting Egypt and she was she was harassed maybe sexually harassed it was explicitly sexual unfortunately that's very common in that part of the world and she's she's confirming the same thing that this woman is talking about the video where if you wear something even like just showing your arms you can be harassed in public Egypt is off the table for the level 1 Meetup so the specific laws that they got her for breaking was like plotting the overthrow of the government and you're not allowed to their leader his name is CC which is I don't know you pronounce I guess CC either way neither those good for him doesn't USA doesn't like a whole lot of power yeah it's not a powerful name but anyway you're not allowed to publicly call him out or say bad things about him so I guess she kind of technically did break the law but that's uh it seems like you're criticizing the people of Egypt and not well no I mean I never blamed the people for authoritarian governments because look at our government if she's complaining about being sexually harassed by people in Egypt that's not anything to do with the authorities though but the fact that they arrested her because she criticized people who were harassing her but no she mentioned the president's name she said you people deserve him and so she blamed him for the situation it's like a leap of logic well yeah that's what I'm saying but you know what the arrested for it you know what else is a leap of logic that you have to unlock your iPhone because we found you so I'm not blaming the Egyptian people for this no Facebook has announced that they're not gonna remove fake news but they are gonna demote it Oh kind of talked about this before where they use a interesting sort of UI pattern where they they change the size of the story I think this is a new thing yes is another thing that they're doing so I wonder if they will label it explicitly other than just changing the size no because they tried the red mark and that made people love it even more I think maybe what they're talking about here is people are noticing the size change and gravitating toward smaller ones so they're just gonna push it down the list at this point which meet that's all if you think about it you know that's like page 2 of Google also in other bad news for Facebook the SEC is now asking why Facebook didn't warn sooner on privacy labs and I have the answer level 1 has the answer the reason is because the platform was designed that way yeah and I think Facebook is kind of painting themselves into a corner because they didn't use that defense they sort of apologized and said yes this was a hack at first they didn't but then the outrage was so much they were like oh we were wrong we'll fix it it's the cornerstone of the whole place yeah well the shareholders I mean that would have been basically them come to the shareholders and being like hey you know that thing we do that makes all this money that you like we're gonna wear that badge we're gonna stop this is gonna be difficult for them to to deal with this because the like if you've ever any olden days if you ever ran an app or a poll or anything on Facebook it this is how it worked I mean at worst you're in for a breach of the Terms of Service of Facebook there might have been something buried in the legalese there that was like by the way don't save this data or don't aggregated or do other stuff with it on your own we're just gonna let you have access to it for the people that want to run your app voluntarily it's like an Android app where it pops up and is like I need your permission to do stuff ok sounds good I want to take the polls not any more complicated than that really it's funny that this keeps coming up because like you say it was just how they did business and they keep finding more and more examples I saw the latest one was mail.ru the Russian mail service had that extra permission thing Facebook but and you know like they when they got ahold of that but the liberal media was just like you know that basically had a stroke Russia Russian but yeah they just let everybody have because that's how they did business it's always fun when marketing algorithms and automatic classification algorithms do something accidentally that is accidentally hilarious and Facebook has labeled Russian users as interested in treason so like treason like as far as I'm sure this happened algorithmically this is not something any person did but like let's say that I'm on Facebook and I'm always clicking on pictures of cats and their image classifier has like this is a picture of a cat they're gonna have a thing on my profile that's like this user is interested in looking at pictures of cats well Russia's had some revolutions well yeah there's been some treason in Russian history and if you study Russian history maybe you are interested in treason so Facebook's AI thing its classification thing automatically established a category as interested in treason which about 65,000 people were a part of and then Facebook was like oh I probably remove that interesting yeah and this was literally you could this is the ad system so if you buy an ad it's like only show this ad to people who are interested in X so you can choose treason which is like we should we should run a Facebook ad campaign for level one for Sciences like people only interested in technology news or people only interested in technology I would think the people only interested in treason how about people only interested in anime girls we've got enough with those that's our core audience I think weeping in binary they didn't get they're real they're real Twitter people that's enough for this week or today we'll see you tomorrow\n"