One Netbook Mix 2S Review - UMPC's Still Exist in 2019!

**Detailed Review of the GPD Win7 Ultra Mobile PC**

I've been running this device for a while now, and I'm happy to report that it's been a great experience so far. The Linux distribution boots up quickly, and even touch input works flawlessly on the 7-inch tablet display. The default orientation is portrait, which looks great on this smaller screen size.

However, there is one major issue with rotating the display - it won't allow me to do that, and I have to find alternative ways around it. But overall, everything seems to be working well so far. The wireless connectivity is stable, and I've been able to use both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth without any issues.

One of the standout features of this device is its build quality. The keyboard has some compromises, such as not being backlit or having long-term typing comfort issues if you're planning on doing extensive writing. However, considering the size constraints, they've done a great job of squeezing in all the necessary ports and features. I'm particularly impressed with the fingerprint reader, TrackPoint, and the optical mouse.

The keyboard's feedback is good, but it's not backlit, which was a bit of a letdown for me. On other models from GPD, they've used the backlit keyboard, so I'm hoping they'll address this on future devices. One thing that did work out well, though, was the amount of ports available - there are plenty of options here.

Speaking of performance, I'm extremely pleased with how powerful this device is for its size. It's perfect for office tasks and medium to light computing needs. However, I do have a slight issue with the wireless connectivity, as the range isn't the best, and the throughput can suffer depending on how far you are from your router.

The Intel wireless AC 315-65 chip used in this device is not as powerful as some of the newer 9000 or even older 8000 series chips. This means it doesn't have the same level of performance as those models. The Bluetooth 4.1 connection, however, works just fine and doesn't lag out or drop off when using both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth simultaneously.

One major issue I've encountered is with fan noise - once this device gets hot, the fan starts to spin rapidly, which can be a bit irritating for others around you. It's not uncommon for laptops to throttle their performance when overheating, so this isn't necessarily an isolated issue. However, it does mean that battery life suffers.

I've been using this device as a desktop PC by plugging it into an external monitor and offloading the battery whenever possible. Unfortunately, even with these precautions in place, the fan noise can still be problematic, especially during periods of intense use.

Battery life is another area where this device falls short - I only manage to get around three to four and a half hours of battery life on a single charge, which is extremely disappointing considering the size of the device. Even with the built-in 30watt power delivery charger, it's still not enough to achieve more than two and a half hours of runtime.

All in all, this device comes with plenty of compromises. If you're looking for a powerful PC that can fit into your bag or backpack, then it might be worth considering. However, if you need something with a webcam or better microphone quality, or if you want to avoid the issues mentioned above, there are other options available.

**The Verdict**

Overall, I'm impressed with how well this device performs for its size and price. While there are some compromises to be made, it's clear that GPD has put a lot of effort into squeezing as much power and functionality as possible into this ultra-mobile PC. If you're willing to accept the limitations, it's definitely worth considering.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enultra mobile pcs they aren't quite 100%dead and gone there are still somemanufacturers in China that areproducing them this one right here isthe mix 2s not to be confused withXiaomi's mobile phone with the exactsame name so not exactly an originalname neither is this design completelyoriginal it's from the same odium thatwe see with GPD now I did review sometime ago the GPD win which is verysimilar but that only had an atomchipset hernia now this one and why itinterests me is because it packs quite abit of power considering just how smalldoses so it has an eighth-generationcore m3 8100 whi with a maximum tuber of3.4 gigahertz now that's a dual-corechip and it also has paired up with 8gigabytes of double data rate 3 RAM thatruns at 1600 megahertz it's not thefastest Ram we do have a PCIe SSD inhere it's 256 gigabytes you get about200 free on first boot and certainlywhen I opened this up to see if I couldupgrade any components inside noupgrades whatsoever so that PCIe SSD isactually part of the motherboard justlike the RAM and you kind of expect thiswith something so small you can see thecram everything in there the batterysize is 6,500 milliamp hours and thebattery life and this is then not verygood it's one of the cons of this itonly lasts for about three and a half tofour hours maximum in my testing and useof this over two weeks and not great thecharge times okay it's just over 2 hoursand 20 minutes or so to fully chargethis by that type C port and you see wedo have active cooling so this does havea fan and another con there because ofthat fan it can get a little bitirritating at times using this whenespecially when it ramps up to 100% it'sa little noisy fan that is in this sothe build quality is excellent thescreen is a fully laminated IPS screenwith maximum brightness of 540 Luxapproximately so that's very good and italso does support a stylus and touch nowthe stylus sadly I don't have because itjust I ordered this at the same time andit still hasn't even shipped out and I'mdone waiting around for that and you'llnotice that we do have large bezelseither side now the reason they've donethisis to fit more of their keyboard in forus but it's very interesting to notethat they didn't place a webcam in therewhich I thought would have made use ofthat space and have been such a portabledevice it should really have a webcamthat's lacking that which is a littlebit unfortunate there so the screenitself is alloy on the top of itvery good build all around it's verysolid and when you flip it around youcan see it goes 180 degrees and alsoright back it's quite stiff that hingeto 360 degrees so that converts it theninto a mini 7-inch tablet which is arather handy and useful to do this ofcourse you get the presentation modesthen you can prop it up like this youcan flip it over it into tip modebecause it does have an accelerometer onthis so the screen will flip around nowthe back you can see right here there'san exhaust fit so that's where the hotair is going to come out and you doactually feel that little fan pushingair through that and as you see later onin this review that this little tiny PCdoes get quite hot so there's no portson the left hand side on the right handsideyou can see we have a USB type a portthat's USB 3 spec then we have an HDMIout on this one now unfortunately noHDMI 4k 60 Hertz support this oneoutputs only 4k at 30 Hertz same for thetype C port now I thought this type Cport they may full at USB 3.1 spec thatwe'll be able to get at least 60 Hertzout of this but I couldn't do it withthe Intel drivers now the reason I saywith the Intel drivers is when Iunderstand install those drivers for abrief moment before we get driversautomatically installing with Windows Ido gain 4k 60 Hertz which is really oddso the Intel driver is limiting that forsome reason now we have a little dotthere which is a microphone now thismight picks up a lot of noise from thatfan so it's not very good and the otherthing too is a microSD card slot on hereit's only USB to spec unfortunately it'sa just a real tick card reader therewould have been great if it was anultra-high-speed one so they've got afew ports on there across 3.5 when wehit phone jack with mic support at leastthat's another way getting a mic withoutthat fan noise now the keyboard you cansee yeah it's crammed it's small andthis is always going to happen on somethat's only 7 inches it's all aboutcompromises with these devices here butI do believe that they've done a reallygood job with this one considering thespace and the amount that they've takenadvantage of this I mean they've got onhere a fingerprint reader from focaltech now they're switz okay works withWindows hello so you can get quick entrywithout having to key in a passport justswipe your finger on that and there isan optical Trek point here so a littlesimilar to the likes of those I'mhardware once you get the rubber tips onthem like the ones from the old IBMThinkPads or the no Novo's but it'soptical so it's not really that good inmy experience you need to swipe probablyabout two or three times to go from oneside of the screen to the other with amouse pointer which is a littleirritating and if you do double tap onit at least it does support double tapbut that said it's not a physical pressin one it's just optical for that and wedo have mouse buttons down there as wellas you can see no backlit keyboard onthis but still great to see we do havesome controls there for the screenbrightness and the Handy Print Screenbutton that I always like to have sothey key travel on this as well is aboutone point six millimeters it is good andthere is no keyboard flick so overallconsidering the space the restrictionsthey've had on this they've done a goodjob with this keyboard now taking a lookat the benchmarks I'm just gonna showyou a couple here I'm not big onbenchmarks synthetic ones letters so youcan see a Geekbench for we get a verydecent score considering that this canturbo up to three point four when thethermals permit on this and in themulti-core score there of 6500 againthis is really good considering it'sonly a dual-core it's doing pretty wellto get a score like that the same goesfor OpenCL this is the graphics core andthat integrated in Tower 615 scores nottoo bad here as well pretty goodperformance from this it's all dependingof course on those thermals now just tomention this at the towards the start ofthe video so most are quite bad on thisbeing so small even though it does havethe active fan before the phone ramps upto a hundred percent it will run intosome thermal throttling you can see ofhot temperatures here exceeding 90degrees the back of it will get hot tothe touch so when you're doing somethingreally demanding for about an hour- now this little laptop ships withWindows 10 home it's version 1803 soit's not the latest you will have to runWindows Update now with the defaultWindows 10 scaling you will run intothis problem now and then with certainapplications you can see I'm about toinstall Adobe Premiere Pro CC but Idon't actually have the full screen hereit's right at the top there and there'sno way even using the mouse cursor tobring this whole thing down and that ofcourse is because of the Windows 10scaling that's the culprit there now ifyou set the scaling on 100% everythingwill show up but it'll be super tiny andreally hard to make out so you couldedit 4k video on this 1080p but it isvery painful because everything is sosmall now if you connect it up to anexternal monitor then you'll be able todo this I feel now set this getting to100% you have to do this with AdobePremiere Pro otherwise everything's justnot going to be able to fit in there andI did get some lock ups and someslowdowns where the app was notresponding to at times I just wanted toshow you very quickly the generalperformance you can expect from this soI'm just going to load up randomly herea whole bunch of pages in Chrome so Ijust searched cars and we load somevideos and whatever websites here that Ican find just to give you an idea nowI've never done this before so none ofthis is going to be cached in thebrowser performance is really good soyou're editing Docs Excel spreadsheetsthings like that you're not going tohave an issue with this this is veryquick I mean it feels like an i-5 in i3the performance of this and swappingbetween those tabs as you know that socomment the scrolling speed is goodscrolling with touch also excellent herein chrome you can see that that issmooth and I will just tap on one ofthese links here and note that when youtap on the screen that if you press alittle too hard you will have thiseffect here you can see how it doesrocks so it's very easy to end uptipping the the whole laptop here rightback so go over to some of those othertabs there and you'll see that's allloading and really quick the performancewill probably surprise a lot of you nowour bias is completely locked out to usso you cannot adjust at least hear thepower limits that you can do it withIntel's XTU and on to gaming so thisintegrated graphics that it has on hereisn't actually too bad it's a lot morepowerful than the likes of what you getof course on the Gemini lake or theApollo Lake and this is on the lowsettings 720pCounter Strike global Offensive and ithovers most of the time over 60 framesper second so this is really good andeven sooner720p as you can see on the screen itlooks sharp enough windows games likeash felt nine legends here they areworking fine and you can use it in thetablet mode i one thing i have noticethat when you flip the screen around itdoes not disable the keyboards and itshould actually do that so will stream4k and youtube with this hardwareperfectly fine vp9 codecs a TVC for K100 megabits per second there's no pointin showing this because it does it willfind this hardware is quite powerfulthat's in here so what about the audioso the 3.5 millimeter headphone jackthat I showed you at the start down hereit has microphone and support thequality out of it I find to be ok it'sdecent it's fine there's no static orinterferencenothing like that bothersome now thespeaker there's just one inside so it'sright in the middle here and it justsort of resonates through the keyboardand comes out that way there but I'llgive you a sample of itbut what sometimes does happen is youget a little bit of vibration comingthrough this especially it will tracksthat you're just listening to someonetalk for example I store it will theninstall that and you can see it'srunning fine I haven't had any problemswith it it is very fast the performanceokay so linux does boot up it runs andeven touch works now because that thisdisplay really is like a seven-inchtablet display its default orientationis portrait it comes out like this nowif i go through the settings in linuxhere and try to rotate it i can't seemto do that it doesn't let me so that'sone hurdle you have to go around butotherwise the wireless is working andeverything so far seems to be workingalright guys so i'm glad that someone isstill making these ultra mobile pcsbecause someone has to otherwise reallywe're gonna have none of these aroundand this is one of the most powerfulones you can find so seven inch laptoppacking this kind of power is reallygood now the build quality is excellentthe keyboard it has its compromiseslong-term use on this like if you'regoing to type out a full massive essayor something on this keyboard it willget frustrating and you're going to belonging for a full sized keyboard butconsidering that with these sizeconstraints they've had they've done areally good job squeezing so much intoit so the fingerprint reader on therewell got the mouse left and right okaythe TrackPoint the optical one it's notbrilliant but it is better than nothingwe've got a print screen struck out onhere and the keys the feedback from themis good it's not backlit i thought itwas going to be backlit but for somereason it's not with this one here ithink on other models from GPD they arethey have used the backlit keyboard sowe get a fair amount of ports on herewhich is goodsaving the type-c port and the hdmi donot support 4k 60 Hertz which isbothersome to me it's something I wantedto run I don't like running my desktopsin 4k at 30 Hertz it's too laggy and Iwas hoping that this was going to beable to do it and it seems it's theIntel drivers limiting that okay so weknow the build is good what about theperformance that is also excellentreally for what it is I find it's got anice amount of power in here so for youroffice tasks medium to light computingneeds this is going to be really goodnow I do have a slight issue with thewireless so the range of this is not thebest so the throughput you get dependingon how far you are from your routerreally does suffer and drop off I meanthis is the Intel wireless AC 31 65 chipthat it hasn'tit's not a two-by-two antenna setup sonot as good compared to say the 9000 oreven older 8000 series of wireless ACchips from Intelyou've got the Bluetooth 4.1 I think itis on this which works ok that's fine itdoesn't lag out and and drop off thewireless connection at least when you'reusing both of them so fan noise it isvery irritating once this thing gets hotand it does peak at around 93 degrees itdoes run into thermal throttling sothat's going to happen no matter what Ithink because sometimes that fans just alittle bit too slow to ramp up and whenit does and know how to % you certainlyhear it other people around you willhear it and it's a little bit irritatingnow I've been running this a lot of thetime as a desktop PC because had itplugged into an external monitor and onand off that battery of the batterysorry the fan is cycling and it bringsme to the battery life also really badon this you only get three to four and ahalf four hours even four and a halfhours is very hard to get on this goingto turn that brightness right down andtrying to do anything too demanding usethe Windows 10 hour power saving modestoo as well to get that to achieve thatcharge time is fine it's about two and ahalf hours with the built-in little 30watt power delivery charger so overallplenty of compromises as it expect for aPC of this size lacking a webcam whichis something I feel that should reallyhave on this microphone is also quitebad because it picks up all of thatphone noise so really need to think longand hard about do you really need a PCthis small with so many compromises andfor the price of this is selling foraround 600 u.s. it's expensive but yesit is powerful so if you want that powerpocketable then maybe it is worth a lookthank you so much for watching thisreview and if you are new to thischannel and you like this kind ofdetailed longer reviews then pleasesubscribe and I hope to catch you inmore up-and-coming videos bye for now\n"