MOM FIT _ 20 Min Full Body Workout

**A Comprehensive Workout Guide with Simone**

As we begin this comprehensive workout guide, it's essential to acknowledge that every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. The most crucial aspect of any workout routine is to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

Before diving into the exercises, it's vital to note that if you're a new mom, you'll need to get a doctor's clearance before starting any workout routine, especially when it comes to abdominal exercises. This is crucial to ensure that your abdominal wall has sufficient time to heal.

One of the most effective ways to engage your core and strengthen your abdominal muscles is through the plank exercise. This exercise works by pulling your abdominal wall up towards your spine, causing your navel to kiss your spine. To perform a plank, start by positioning yourself in a push-up position with your wrists under your shoulders, elbows slightly bent, and your kickback extended. Ensure that your body forms a straight line from head to heels.

To modify the exercise for those with wrist problems, you can bring your forearms onto the ground instead of your hands. This will allow you to maintain proper form while avoiding strain on your wrists. The plank is an excellent exercise for building core strength and endurance, and it's perfect for beginners or advanced practitioners alike.

In addition to the plank, we'll also explore other exercises that target the abdominal muscles, including crunches, leg raises, and Russian twists. These exercises can be modified to suit individual needs and fitness levels. It's essential to focus on proper form and technique when performing any exercise to avoid injury or strain.

**Getting into Plank Position**

Once you've mastered the plank position, it's time to move on to more advanced exercises that target different muscle groups. One of the most effective ways to engage your core is through the "one-eighty" movement. This movement involves rotating your torso from side to side while keeping your legs extended in a straight line.

To perform this exercise, start by entering the plank position and engaging your core muscles. As you exhale, rotate your torso to one side, keeping your feet on the ground and your hands under your shoulders. Bring your gaze down towards the ground and hold for three counts before rotating back to the starting position. Repeat this movement eight times on each side.

Another excellent exercise for targeting the abdominal muscles is the "static plank." This exercise involves holding a static position while engaging your core muscles. To perform a static plank, enter the plank position and engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute, breathing naturally and maintaining proper form.

**Modifying Exercises**

As we progress through the workout routine, it's essential to remember that modifications can be made to suit individual needs and fitness levels. For those with wrist problems or other injuries, the "forearm plank" may be a more suitable option. This exercise involves placing your forearms on the ground instead of your hands.

Additionally, as we move into more advanced exercises, it's crucial to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. If you experience any discomfort or pain during an exercise, stop immediately and consult with a medical professional.

**Final Stretch**

As we near the end of our workout routine, it's essential to focus on proper stretching techniques to avoid injury or strain. One of the most effective stretches for targeting the abdominal muscles is the "side stretch." To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and reach one arm up towards the ceiling.

As you exhale, reach the opposite hand down towards the ground, keeping your gaze focused on the horizon. Hold this position for three counts before releasing and repeating on the other side. This exercise will help to stretch and relax the abdominal muscles, making it an excellent addition to our workout routine.

**Final Words of Encouragement**

As we come to the end of our comprehensive workout guide, I want to encourage you to continue practicing and modifying exercises to suit your individual needs and fitness levels. Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. With consistent practice and patience, you'll be on your way to achieving a stronger, more toned core.

**Final Tips**

* Make sure to breathe naturally throughout the workout routine.

* Focus on proper form and technique when performing any exercise.

* Listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

* Consult with a medical professional if you experience any discomfort or pain during an exercise.

* Stay hydrated throughout the workout routine.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enyeah hey guys it's our first mom workout video whoa I'm nervous you know we have Simone from body by Simone a celebrity mom trainer here in my living room Meg's directed you guys look amazing you my dear wine down for a nap here we go my mom's I'm Simone from body-based Simone and today I prepare to work out for you that you could do at home it doesn't require any equipment so if your baby's asleep or there at school now is your time to get your workout in so I've got some gorgeous yummy mummies joining me today so I think we should get started with a fabulous warmup you ready ladies all right let's get started a five six seven eight and side good both arms reach up reach forward push good warming up that torso and twist three good let's punch it out we go double punch I don't think a bunch single who's just a warm-up yeah and double good let's do spread side to side keep their skin still warming up those ABS good shake the booty side to side good let's warm up this quads lower body we do ba and up down and up he's going over your ankles shoulders down squeeze those glutes on the way down good then sit down there channel your inner ballerina three four other side go don't forget about those glutes squeeze them while you're there get a little lower squeeze good let's stay there let's warm up the arches of the feet we go four three two other side 50 now for one it'll bounce down but stay there at home we be chop and the feet parallel flat back reach towards your ankles good grab the right ankle and the left one the other one Cowboys down oh my gosh I will up slowly good feet together so we're gonna warm up our ankles our calves our killers tendons a lower body stick down and up so this workout we're going to show you some modified versions and then some advanced versions so remember to always just go at your own pace nobody's watching you all right so maybe I'll do the speed stay there and hold hold hold hold hold go one last thing come up now going to find our balance stabilization exercise good tip over we warm up that hamstring and again one more and aside come up find your Center find your abs warm up that hamstring and glute good all right so the way I like to do cardio sometimes it's the dance a little bit because it requires full body gap so I'm going to get the heart rate up and have a fun joyous time while we do it so will shall we learn the little dance we're gonna hop on one foot so we go one two three four from there we bring this foot up we go five six seven eight good let's try fast five six seven and one two three four five six seven eight stop good going on three punch up we punch up and up and down and down and come on we reach towards the swing explosive move up you jump up and down up and down yes let's try that fast five six seven and one two three bucks good rash shake it out we have to join that all on together let's try it from the top 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 good going on nice and slow we reach out and in pom poms cheerleader up and up out and in up and up double wag double double single single single together five six seven eight one two but a double double single single singles together to jump on that leg okay that's all it is a tell little dance all right shall we do it from the top we go four rounds back-to-back remember it's not about doing it perfectly it's just about having a good time all right ready ladies yeah all right let's do a jump five six five six seven eight one two three one two three four five six seven eight one six six one sweet spot let's do it bound to one sweet don't speed it up stay on the beat one two okay lucky last time with feeling like QP 9 6 8 1 Devon and a double-double and we're good Oh how do one dub yeah so let's come down we're gonna do some tricep dips let's come down ladies whoo heart rate is up okay Asia and Brooklyn do the modified version and Sarah and L and I going to do the advanced version so you get a cup into your tricep dip making sure your fingertips are facing towards your heels and that your weight is over your wrists can attack that little booty UPS is nice and lifted relax that neck we're going to take our leg off whoo you guys are gonna stay as you are as we get down we bring our leg down broke you want to switch up me and Kiko hold the hand again down oh and kick up keep going with us down and up whoo three this is four and five and six seven the supermom is like and eight Gojo swaps to the other side we can't be on balance come up good you've got eight ball anymore I can bear under the hata five to three I feel it out and for good it's really important to make sure you're using the correct form the irons till the van sick it's just two more and seven and eight now you should be feeling the burn those tricep should be quivering but try our static holds you're going to stay up we're all going to take our front arm off and hold take the front arm off and hold we can meet your needs yes good job lower it down the back arm off and hold hold and hold a note good my modified version you're gonna continue doing that we're gonna add an extended advanced version we're gonna kick our leg or an arm off yeah ladies yeah yeah let's folks to the other side oh and again over and home hold hold hold on hold and lo it down and lower down and rest good let's do a little stretch while we're there no more bingo wings say goodbye to them hey baby now bill okay I think I'm cool all right let's get up you get a heart rate back up again yeah get a heart rate up and we're gonna work into the lower body so all that's gonna do this together we jump out into a plie start the arms together and hop up when we land it get down and again three and keep going and full yeah keep going and five look at that keep going and six and seven good knees over ankles and eight two more and nine one more and ten go take a rest whoo-hoo grab on grab on and one two more round to that sweating baby that's gonna okay bouncy round two let's go we go three three three get back ready and down and applicable faster too three four five and seven will delegate 852 are nine and ten good shake it out Oh so we're working the largest muscle groups but you're going to keep the heart rate up quads hamstrings glutes lower apps EMI yeah baby we feel better you're out of racket good hahaha ready round three ready five seven and we go drop down one and shoot good and I get nice and look three yes squeeze those buns on the way up four and five six always like to do round so if you find it a challenge you can start off with just round one the first time you do this and work up to Round three and then you've got one more day and home stay in hold and you're gonna do a little West those all the logos in the trenches that's best mats and son go go go go I'll push push push push push push push with wood and rest yeah okay now we have a bit of booty operation booty so let's come down to the floor we're gonna line up so our wrists are underneath our shoulders elbows are slightly bent we're gonna kick our leg out now modified version if you have risk trouble Asia and was going to show you you can do it on your forearms yeah I don't even do the modified version too gonna make a pretty rainbow and extend that leg we're gonna lift it up and there make a rainbow drop it down to the floor lift up make a rainbow drop it down to the floor and we go up drop this down up drop it yeah umm down up down drop bit step up drop it down good job keep going and keep going I'm coming around to correct you what we're doing is were working the core services core strength you're working your hamstring and glute at the same time let go nice and slow spin down and good flatness this is nice beautiful relax that neck think about those abs halfway and again keep those ABS nice and strong keep those hips nice and still so we're not twisting those hips and up and down making sure were using that glute get into the harder makes it much harder hum a kind of loss account but I'm thinking this is 1415 again up and over sixteen oh that is Timor hey keep me going up there yeah and one more now let's keep going keep it strictly behind you let's go top ten go up one drop it and stretch that foot ahlstrom Stephanie this is three up and down watching Brooke for her timing to the pressure goes up and down forward and again this is five straight straight yeah and six watch those elbows so you guys can modify down on your forearms this is seven eight push that knee nice and straight for me no good alright good other side we can't be lopsided crap have up sided bottom a modified version come onto your forearms everyone else wrists underneath shoulders elbows slightly bent back towards your waist kick that leg out make a rainbow as I cook like a dog wag your tail up and over up and over and afternoon having to use that control keep that core strongest stabilize you're not letting any momentum not tipping the hips you're firing from the glutes and hamstring everyone's very serious hahaha ether you tensing the one to pick every ounce of my connotations is asking at its best well they don't forget your breath your breath we're at home keep going we're with you I've always wanted to say that I'm which me we're with you keep going guys gonna be worth it where we have my github thank you fill the bed that's your shoe mall down last one up drop it down let's move directly behind us 410 slowly one and drop it down time to drop it three full fine seven you guys can look through one through modifying eight and nine last one and good Child's Pose Child's Pose stay there stay there stay there that you still with me ladies yeah yeah okay we're ready for the third cardio but I'm gonna make it easy for you because we're just gonna repeat the first ones okay this dance okay wait they'll jump let's get ready to get warmed up cause they're gonna do some explosive movement I stick their Burnett well the more you know this the more you can enjoy it you can add your own little style in and double-double round two we aren't free one time you leave that me right there go go go go go go alrighty so we're nearly at the end of this hanging in there right now ok ABS ABS ABS ABS so let's get down to the map it's important if you are a new mum that you get a doctor's clearance before you workout at least six weeks you have to leave the abdominal wall to heal okay very important but one great way to come back into abs is doing the plank oak because you're going to pull your abdominal wall up towards your spine so your navel is kissing a spine everyone let's do wrists underneath shoulders elbows slightly bent kick back and keep back in and get that little booty and tuck it under so that were engaged hold and hold and hold modified version if you have wrist problems you're gonna come down on to forearms once again we don't want to be back here we want to be over directly over our elbows hold it there hold it there stay an old stay in home booty down staying home staying home staying home open chest just static plank alone hold it there hold it there soften those elbows will soften those elbows bring that fat belly under like staying home staying hold soften those elbows oh eight ball counts this alone is perfect you can do this all day long I stayed static site here oh hold on hold and rest good this time we come up we drop down we tap our feet we go for three to other side for 350 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 and we hold it and hold it and hold it and hold it and hold it and rest show me all the way on my hand good so let's try that properly that was just practice ready oh this is our last thing we're nearly there - stay with me ok line yourself up properly the perfect plank modified version on your forearms or you can just stay here hold the static link bring those booties down down down down down hold rule 5 6 7 and tap to three other side tap to who for - ji woo - 4 1 1 1 1 hold it there hold there hold and hold hold and Rodan houses are very advanced you can take the leg off and off and a circle for it and and down a bridge Oh so when I party with childbirth haha good we have to do that one more time Wow one more time and then we're done okay let's hold that steady alright guys let's go let's go let's go go and hold up you made it through way more you can do this yeah ready a five six seven and four three two - 15 - two-for-one go 1 1 1 net hold it and hold o and hold and hold and hold and roll and how's my good was back excellent good luck to our final stretch tuck tuck the toes under push back into downward dog it allowed those feet very important to stretch you will feel this in your car tomorrow I can feel it now because that's what they speak towards the hands walk and walk and walk good hang elbows good roll up slowly let's face the front so let's talk let's go reach back come up I'm speeding through these now cuz we don't have much time for make sure at home you breathe into those stretches stay in holes those stretch all good together hang those elbows a nice hamstring stretch let's roll up slowly feels so good doesn't it and side stretch reach what fun we had today reach up and over good let's take three deep breaths to thank ourselves for this time that we gave to ourselves yes just you and read up and again breathing and last one deep breath in get out testing we look different I feel different I feel off I feel so good it was harder than I expected yeah tell us in the comments below if you guys want to see more workout videos huge thanks to Simone and things to Meg for directing this that was not an easy job bye guys bye piecesyeah hey guys it's our first mom workout video whoa I'm nervous you know we have Simone from body by Simone a celebrity mom trainer here in my living room Meg's directed you guys look amazing you my dear wine down for a nap here we go my mom's I'm Simone from body-based Simone and today I prepare to work out for you that you could do at home it doesn't require any equipment so if your baby's asleep or there at school now is your time to get your workout in so I've got some gorgeous yummy mummies joining me today so I think we should get started with a fabulous warmup you ready ladies all right let's get started a five six seven eight and side good both arms reach up reach forward push good warming up that torso and twist three good let's punch it out we go double punch I don't think a bunch single who's just a warm-up yeah and double good let's do spread side to side keep their skin still warming up those ABS good shake the booty side to side good let's warm up this quads lower body we do ba and up down and up he's going over your ankles shoulders down squeeze those glutes on the way down good then sit down there channel your inner ballerina three four other side go don't forget about those glutes squeeze them while you're there get a little lower squeeze good let's stay there let's warm up the arches of the feet we go four three two other side 50 now for one it'll bounce down but stay there at home we be chop and the feet parallel flat back reach towards your ankles good grab the right ankle and the left one the other one Cowboys down oh my gosh I will up slowly good feet together so we're gonna warm up our ankles our calves our killers tendons a lower body stick down and up so this workout we're going to show you some modified versions and then some advanced versions so remember to always just go at your own pace nobody's watching you all right so maybe I'll do the speed stay there and hold hold hold hold hold go one last thing come up now going to find our balance stabilization exercise good tip over we warm up that hamstring and again one more and aside come up find your Center find your abs warm up that hamstring and glute good all right so the way I like to do cardio sometimes it's the dance a little bit because it requires full body gap so I'm going to get the heart rate up and have a fun joyous time while we do it so will shall we learn the little dance we're gonna hop on one foot so we go one two three four from there we bring this foot up we go five six seven eight good let's try fast five six seven and one two three four five six seven eight stop good going on three punch up we punch up and up and down and down and come on we reach towards the swing explosive move up you jump up and down up and down yes let's try that fast five six seven and one two three bucks good rash shake it out we have to join that all on together let's try it from the top 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 good going on nice and slow we reach out and in pom poms cheerleader up and up out and in up and up double wag double double single single single together five six seven eight one two but a double double single single singles together to jump on that leg okay that's all it is a tell little dance all right shall we do it from the top we go four rounds back-to-back remember it's not about doing it perfectly it's just about having a good time all right ready ladies yeah all right let's do a jump five six five six seven eight one two three one two three four five six seven eight one six six one sweet spot let's do it bound to one sweet don't speed it up stay on the beat one two okay lucky last time with feeling like QP 9 6 8 1 Devon and a double-double and we're good Oh how do one dub yeah so let's come down we're gonna do some tricep dips let's come down ladies whoo heart rate is up okay Asia and Brooklyn do the modified version and Sarah and L and I going to do the advanced version so you get a cup into your tricep dip making sure your fingertips are facing towards your heels and that your weight is over your wrists can attack that little booty UPS is nice and lifted relax that neck we're going to take our leg off whoo you guys are gonna stay as you are as we get down we bring our leg down broke you want to switch up me and Kiko hold the hand again down oh and kick up keep going with us down and up whoo three this is four and five and six seven the supermom is like and eight Gojo swaps to the other side we can't be on balance come up good you've got eight ball anymore I can bear under the hata five to three I feel it out and for good it's really important to make sure you're using the correct form the irons till the van sick it's just two more and seven and eight now you should be feeling the burn those tricep should be quivering but try our static holds you're going to stay up we're all going to take our front arm off and hold take the front arm off and hold we can meet your needs yes good job lower it down the back arm off and hold hold and hold a note good my modified version you're gonna continue doing that we're gonna add an extended advanced version we're gonna kick our leg or an arm off yeah ladies yeah yeah let's folks to the other side oh and again over and home hold hold hold on hold and lo it down and lower down and rest good let's do a little stretch while we're there no more bingo wings say goodbye to them hey baby now bill okay I think I'm cool all right let's get up you get a heart rate back up again yeah get a heart rate up and we're gonna work into the lower body so all that's gonna do this together we jump out into a plie start the arms together and hop up when we land it get down and again three and keep going and full yeah keep going and five look at that keep going and six and seven good knees over ankles and eight two more and nine one more and ten go take a rest whoo-hoo grab on grab on and one two more round to that sweating baby that's gonna okay bouncy round two let's go we go three three three get back ready and down and applicable faster too three four five and seven will delegate 852 are nine and ten good shake it out Oh so we're working the largest muscle groups but you're going to keep the heart rate up quads hamstrings glutes lower apps EMI yeah baby we feel better you're out of racket good hahaha ready round three ready five seven and we go drop down one and shoot good and I get nice and look three yes squeeze those buns on the way up four and five six always like to do round so if you find it a challenge you can start off with just round one the first time you do this and work up to Round three and then you've got one more day and home stay in hold and you're gonna do a little West those all the logos in the trenches that's best mats and son go go go go I'll push push push push push push push with wood and rest yeah okay now we have a bit of booty operation booty so let's come down to the floor we're gonna line up so our wrists are underneath our shoulders elbows are slightly bent we're gonna kick our leg out now modified version if you have risk trouble Asia and was going to show you you can do it on your forearms yeah I don't even do the modified version too gonna make a pretty rainbow and extend that leg we're gonna lift it up and there make a rainbow drop it down to the floor lift up make a rainbow drop it down to the floor and we go up drop this down up drop it yeah umm down up down drop bit step up drop it down good job keep going and keep going I'm coming around to correct you what we're doing is were working the core services core strength you're working your hamstring and glute at the same time let go nice and slow spin down and good flatness this is nice beautiful relax that neck think about those abs halfway and again keep those ABS nice and strong keep those hips nice and still so we're not twisting those hips and up and down making sure were using that glute get into the harder makes it much harder hum a kind of loss account but I'm thinking this is 1415 again up and over sixteen oh that is Timor hey keep me going up there yeah and one more now let's keep going keep it strictly behind you let's go top ten go up one drop it and stretch that foot ahlstrom Stephanie this is three up and down watching Brooke for her timing to the pressure goes up and down forward and again this is five straight straight yeah and six watch those elbows so you guys can modify down on your forearms this is seven eight push that knee nice and straight for me no good alright good other side we can't be lopsided crap have up sided bottom a modified version come onto your forearms everyone else wrists underneath shoulders elbows slightly bent back towards your waist kick that leg out make a rainbow as I cook like a dog wag your tail up and over up and over and afternoon having to use that control keep that core strongest stabilize you're not letting any momentum not tipping the hips you're firing from the glutes and hamstring everyone's very serious hahaha ether you tensing the one to pick every ounce of my connotations is asking at its best well they don't forget your breath your breath we're at home keep going we're with you I've always wanted to say that I'm which me we're with you keep going guys gonna be worth it where we have my github thank you fill the bed that's your shoe mall down last one up drop it down let's move directly behind us 410 slowly one and drop it down time to drop it three full fine seven you guys can look through one through modifying eight and nine last one and good Child's Pose Child's Pose stay there stay there stay there that you still with me ladies yeah yeah okay we're ready for the third cardio but I'm gonna make it easy for you because we're just gonna repeat the first ones okay this dance okay wait they'll jump let's get ready to get warmed up cause they're gonna do some explosive movement I stick their Burnett well the more you know this the more you can enjoy it you can add your own little style in and double-double round two we aren't free one time you leave that me right there go go go go go go alrighty so we're nearly at the end of this hanging in there right now ok ABS ABS ABS ABS so let's get down to the map it's important if you are a new mum that you get a doctor's clearance before you workout at least six weeks you have to leave the abdominal wall to heal okay very important but one great way to come back into abs is doing the plank oak because you're going to pull your abdominal wall up towards your spine so your navel is kissing a spine everyone let's do wrists underneath shoulders elbows slightly bent kick back and keep back in and get that little booty and tuck it under so that were engaged hold and hold and hold modified version if you have wrist problems you're gonna come down on to forearms once again we don't want to be back here we want to be over directly over our elbows hold it there hold it there stay an old stay in home booty down staying home staying home staying home open chest just static plank alone hold it there hold it there soften those elbows will soften those elbows bring that fat belly under like staying home staying hold soften those elbows oh eight ball counts this alone is perfect you can do this all day long I stayed static site here oh hold on hold and rest good this time we come up we drop down we tap our feet we go for three to other side for 350 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 and we hold it and hold it and hold it and hold it and hold it and rest show me all the way on my hand good so let's try that properly that was just practice ready oh this is our last thing we're nearly there - stay with me ok line yourself up properly the perfect plank modified version on your forearms or you can just stay here hold the static link bring those booties down down down down down hold rule 5 6 7 and tap to three other side tap to who for - ji woo - 4 1 1 1 1 hold it there hold there hold and hold hold and Rodan houses are very advanced you can take the leg off and off and a circle for it and and down a bridge Oh so when I party with childbirth haha good we have to do that one more time Wow one more time and then we're done okay let's hold that steady alright guys let's go let's go let's go go and hold up you made it through way more you can do this yeah ready a five six seven and four three two - 15 - two-for-one go 1 1 1 net hold it and hold o and hold and hold and hold and roll and how's my good was back excellent good luck to our final stretch tuck tuck the toes under push back into downward dog it allowed those feet very important to stretch you will feel this in your car tomorrow I can feel it now because that's what they speak towards the hands walk and walk and walk good hang elbows good roll up slowly let's face the front so let's talk let's go reach back come up I'm speeding through these now cuz we don't have much time for make sure at home you breathe into those stretches stay in holes those stretch all good together hang those elbows a nice hamstring stretch let's roll up slowly feels so good doesn't it and side stretch reach what fun we had today reach up and over good let's take three deep breaths to thank ourselves for this time that we gave to ourselves yes just you and read up and again breathing and last one deep breath in get out testing we look different I feel different I feel off I feel so good it was harder than I expected yeah tell us in the comments below if you guys want to see more workout videos huge thanks to Simone and things to Meg for directing this that was not an easy job bye guys bye pieces\n"