**A Closer Look at the Samsung S20 Ultra**
As I take a closer look at the Samsung S20 Ultra, I can see that it makes four an impressive spec, but like that's clearly worse. The 12 megapixel ultra-wide camera is what really catches my attention, and I'm more interested in how straight the C-stand pools are at the edge. You can see they've had the process them a little bit; they're not perfectly straight, you can really see it on this one right here, but that's not bad.
The weight of the phone is also impressive, so now that's really impressive. Yeah, it is actually slightly curved and this table along the bottom looks completely straight. That's really hard to do with something so close to a fish eye capture mode. I'm really happy with that. You know what's interesting is you can really see it making the corrections in real time. So when you're moving it around, you see something more akin to what the lens sees with all the distortions, but then when you hold it still, it's kinda like, ah, hold on, go stretch this out a little bit.
The 8K video recording feature is also a big part of this review. This is the part of the video where Brandon, I actually hand you the phone and you pick up one of our 8K cinema cameras from RED and record me talking about something else in 8K on the S20 Ultra. Can you do that for me please? Alright, thank you, sir.
Here's the thing, guys, when you add more pixels to an image, what you're doing is you're increasing the data rate. So you're increasing how many samples you're taking and how many pixels that you are encoding into the finished file. But what you are not necessarily doing is capturing more definition, like harder edges between objects in the frame, because you are inherently going to be limited by the quality of your sensor, not just the number of receptor sites that are on it.
I also want to address something I didn't do with my review of the Galaxy Folds, which was use it outdoors. I didn't even realize that its peak brightness is only around 350 to 400 nits. So how's that 8K recording quality Brandon, what do you think? - It doesn't look that great. - Of course, it doesn't look that great. It's a phone camera. I don't know why we keep going on with this silliness.
I have no problem with adding recording modes that give you more frames per second, because then you're actually capturing more information that might be useful if you're trying to like do a back flip or whatever. But pumping up the resolution in these devices that have bottlenecks elsewhere is kind of like upgrading your graphics card when you're running a Celeron CPU from eight years ago; it just serves no purpose and all we're doing is creating larger file sizes so that people need to buy a phone with a greater storage capacity with no appreciable benefit that we couldn't achieve by just having, better encoded 4K, for example.
**The Accessory Package**
Overall, I like this thing so far, and I think I'm going to try and daily drive it for a couple of weeks. So you guys can expect a full review over on the Linus tech tips channel. Oh! Right, and one more thing before we do that though because I never cover this stuff over on LTT is going through the accessory.
Here's a Korean standard charger, a cable (blabbering). Samsung earphones. Here's the top of the box. Not empty (box rattling) (box thudding). And an included case. Oh wait, we're not gonna use that, by the way massive shout out to Deebrand for sending us over this S20 Ultra because I'm on Samsung's bad list apparently.
So they also have their grip available for the S20 Ultra, which you can also get with their cool Zack edition skin that shows the internals of the phone. It's available on gloss or, actually my preference is definitely the matte one. This one looks nicer in my opinion, but I'm not gonna show it to you because you're gonna have to go over on Deebrand's website and check it out there (chuckles).
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- My S20 Ultra 5G just arrivedand I already have some questions.To my knowledge this,the priciest of Samsung'snon-foldable smartphones,is only available for $1,400with 128 gigs of storageor 1,600 with 512 gigsand yet, here we are,it's a weird 256 gig onethat Deebrand seems tohave unearthed somewhere.So, without further ado,let's get started.Oh, cute.They sent me JerryRigEverything's phone.Thanks guys.And wow,this thing is freaking heavy.I hadn't managed to staycompletely cloistered on this one.So I had already seensome people's commentsthat this thing was thick and heavy,but feeling it for myself as adifferent than held together.You know, more than the weight,I think it's really the thicknessthat makes the S20Ultra feel so different.Somehow, even compared to amonstrosity, like the Note9,it just dwarfs it.Look at this. Even without thecamera bump, it's a monster.And then you add that inand this thing is like,it feels like double the thicknesswhen you're holding it right here.Oh yeah. Can I borrow that?Thanks Sandy.(phone thuds)Oh my God. Why would you do that?Well, no wonder it felt lower density.They're about the same weight,but this is like a centimetershorter and here, wow.Let's get camera bump tocamera bump, look at that.That's a bump.(phone thuds)That's a, that's a hill.It's big,but to Samsung's credits,it's very well balanced.Like, I don't feel likethere's a heavy sideor a heavy end to it.Now, I wasn't that happy with the speedof Samsung's ultrasonicfingerprint scannerwhen it first came outand I was accused of using it wrong,but as it turned out,they did end up updating it.And no, it doesn't matterif you just touch itor if you touch it, then hold it.It's exactly the same speed.And it was, and still doesappear to be a touch slowerthan OnePluses,but they've definitelyimproved it quite a bit.That's not bad.I can definitely live with that.It's in a really ergonomic spot too.Like it's right where I wouldnaturally touch the phoneif I was bracing it onthe bottom with my pinkyand actually it seems to not really careif you get it in exactly the right spot.It took a little longer that time you see,but it still managed to hit it.Let's go a little low.Yeah, managed to grab that one.You know, what I really likeabout this out of the boxis the bezels.So the top and bottomare both skinny enoughthat I think you can with a straight facecall them infinity edge or whatever it isthat Samsung's branding for that is.But more importantly to me,the right and left bezelsare a little bit biggerthan they were on the Note10.That was something Ipraised with the Note9,having a little bit of buffer spacefor when you're reaching across the screenand I was disappointed to see them remove.I'm really glad to see that that's back.It's got support for dual SIM,but not in the conventional way.So you wouldn't put one SIM hereand then another one herewhere the micro SD slot is,you would just use aneSIM for your second one.Out of the box, it lookslike we're configuredfor 60 hertz display mode operationand that's one of the bigfeatures of the S20 Ultra,the 120 hertz refresh rate.So let's go ahead to apply that.Now, one thing that I think peopleweren't really expecting wasthat when you go to 120 hertz,you are stuck in the fullHD plus screen resolution.So you can either do WQHD plus.This names have gotten confusing,or you can drop down to full HDand you can have 120 hertz.So you're gonna see what'sgoing to happen here.Yeah, high refresh rate isn't supportedin WQHD plus.Frankly, it's been years since my eyeshave been good enoughto notice the differencebetween the two anyway.So I know the firstthing that I'd be doingis adjusting to 120 hertzand sticking with 10 ABP.Now, one thing that'scurious about this phoneis that Samsung is notgiving users the abilityto run at a variable refresh rate.So that is to say it willdrop down to 60 hertzto save battery sometimes,and then jump up to 120when the user will benefit from it.Some other manufacturers have done that,but Samsung seems to be of the mindthat the 10% hidden battery lifeis worth it to just have thisresponsiveness all the timeand personally, I guess Icould kinda get behind that.Like, even though we're filming this videoat 24 frames per second,I'm sure you guys can noticewhat I'm seeing here.This is absolutely freaking nuts.What's remarkable though,is not just the smoothness,but also the low pixel persistencelike you can read thetext as it's scrolling by.One of the reasons, allegedly,that Samsung didn't releaseone of their own phones witha high refresh rate displayup until now, was that they weren't happywith the color reproduction on them.So that's why you've only seenthem on third-party devicesfrom the likes of OnePlus and Asus.That's pretty though,there's nothing to my eyethat looks off about this.It's a fine HDR experience.You can really see thehighlights of the reflectionson the leaves and things like that,that flash of the sun behind him.Great.You know, what's curious,even with all the power in this thing,it barely got warm during initial setuplike I'm accustomed to,actually I realized we haven'teven talked specs yet.So if you're in the USwhich apparently also includes Canada,except when it comes tosampling review units,you get an 865.So that's the top of the line.If you're elsewhere,you get an Exynos 990,it's got 12 gigs of RAMand the 128 gig version,16 gigs of RAM and the 256 gig version.It's got a 5,000 milliamp power batteryand upgraded Gorilla Glass 6,which apparently has the samescratch resistance as before,but with better impact resistanceso you should be able todrop your phone more oftenand from higher.Of course, though, thebig headline featureis the quadruple camera setup.So you've got your 108 megapixel F 1.8with optical image stabilization.That's the main shooter on this thingthat's been making headlines,you've got the 40megapixel F 3.5 telephoto.So that one uses thisextra space over hereto add a 10 X hybrid optical zoom.It also has optical image stabilizationand then you've got the F 2.212 megapixel ultra-wide camerafor fitting all of yourfriends in your photos.For people who have lots of friends.I wouldn't know. I don't.Finally, there's a 0.2 megapixeltime of flight cameras.One of these down here,I think it's that onea little flash and all that good stuff.So that's for 3D depth sensing.So it'll show you the broader contextof what you're looking atand then the little square indicateswhat you've actually got in the frameof the image you're capturing.Let's start with our one X image,there's a little bitmore purple in this wallthan there is in person but overall,I would say that is darn impressive.Like you can read a lotof detail on things like,you know, here.Like I can clearly read this labelat least as well as I can in person.This dark area over here,you can see it captureda ton of detail over there.At least what I can see to the eye.Really nice looking and then let's zoomin on our little house here.Now, one of my criticisms of phone camerasthat have alternate lensesor optical zooms in the pastis that a lot of the time I have noticedthat you don't actuallyget much of a benefitover just zooming in the main shooter,which is typically the best quality one.Now, one that did a better job of thiswas one of Walway's recent phones,where I was like, oh yeah,there is a market improvement here.But let's go ahead andmake our way through.So this is our 2x image.I would say that there is maybe,a slight improvement thereand not much,here's our 4x image.That, looks way better than our zoom in,definitely, a 100%.Okay, here's our 10xthat also does not look noticeably betterthan this one to me.In fact, I would go as far as to saythat actually looks moreprocessed and worse.Now let's go all the way to 100x.I don't think that's any betterthan just zooming this in.I mean, it makes four an impressive spec,but like that's clearly worse.I'm actually more impressed bythe 12 megapixel ultra wide.So that's a perfectly usable imagefor a 12 megapixel camera,but that's not really what I'm looking at.I'm more interested in howstraight the C-stand poolsare at the edge.You can see they've had theprocess them a little bit.They're not perfectly straightyou can really see iton this one right here,but that is not bad.The weight?Oh, wow. So now that's really impressive.Yeah, it is actually slightly.It is slightly curved and thistable here along the bottomlooks completely straight.That's really hard to dowith something so closeto a fish eyes capture mode.I'm really happy with that.You know what's interestingis you can really,you can actually see it makingthe corrections in real time.So when you're moving it around,you see something moreakin to what the lens seeswith all the distortionsbut then when you hold it still,it's kinda like, ah, hold on,go stretch this out a little bit.Yeah, got no problem.Got this, got this bro.So that iPhone looks the same sizein the center of the frameor at the edge of the frame.Once they've made their corrections.Now, I wanna address the big one,the 8K video recording feature.So this is the part ofthe video where Brandon,I actually hand you the phoneand you pick up one of our8K cinema cameras from REDand record me talkingabout something else in 8Kon the S20 Ultra.Can you do that for me please?All right. Thank you, sir.Here's the thing, guys,when you add more pixels to an image,what you're doing is you'reincreasing the data rate.So you're increasing howmany samples you're takingand how many pixels that you are encodinginto the finished file.But what you are not necessarily doingis capturing more definition,like harder edges betweenobjects in the frame,because you are inherentlygoing to be limitedby the quality of your sensor,not just the number ofreceptor sites that are on it.No Bixby, we don't wanna talk to you,by the way, massivekudos to Samsung removingthe Bixby button about time, thank you.You know, I'm gonna use this opportunityto provide some followupnotes on the Galaxy Folds.I still absolutely love the giant screen,but something I didn't do with it muchduring my review was use it outdoors.I didn't even realizethat its peak brightnessis only around 350 to 400 nits.So how's that 8Krecording quality Brandon,what do you think?- It doesn't look that great.- Of course,it doesn't look thatgreat it's a phone camera.I don't know why we keepgoing on with this silliness.I have no problem withadding recording modesthat give you more frames per second,because then you're actuallycapturing more informationthat might be useful ifyou're trying to likedo a back flip or whatever.But pumping up theresolution in these devicesthat have bottlenecks elsewhereis kind of like upgradingyour graphics cardwhen you're running a CeleronCPU from eight years ago,it just serves no purposeand all we're doing iscreating larger file sizesso that people need to buy a phonewith a greater storage capacitywith no appreciable benefitthat we couldn't achieveby just having, betterencoded 4K, for example.Focus the effort somewhere else.Overall, I like this thing so far,and I think I'm gonnatry and daily drive itfor a couple of weeks.So you guys can expect a full reviewover on the Linus tech tips channel.Oh! Right, and one more thingbefore we do that thoughcause I never cover this stuff over on LTTis going through the accessory.Here's a Korean standardcharger, a cable (blabbering).Samsung earphones.Here's the top of the box.Not empty(box rattling)(box thudding)An included the case.Oh wait, we're not gonna use that,by the way massive shout out to Deebrandfor sending us over this S20 ultrabecause I'm on Samsung'sbad list apparently.So they also have their gripavailable for the S20 Ultra,which you can also get withtheir cool Zack edition skinthat shows the internals of the phone.It's available on glossyor, actually my preferenceis definitely the matte one.This one looks nicer in my opinion,but I'm not gonna show it to youbecause you're gonna have togo over on Deebrand's websiteand check it out there (chuckles).\n"