RTX 3070 VS 2080 Ti Review with Benchmarks

The RTX 3070: A Game-Changer in the GPU Market

I highly recommend this card to anyone looking to take their gaming experience to the next level. Its ability to handle even lower temperatures and noise levels is impressive, especially considering it can handle up to 140 watts of power with ease. However, what if you want to push it even further? The RTX 3070 is designed to overclock, allowing you to squeeze out every last bit of performance from the card.

In terms of actual testing, I found that the RTX 3070 is capable of impressive performance. I was able to clock the memory to over 1,000 MHz, which is equivalent to a 2 GHz boost in effective terms. This put the card at a very healthy boost in frames per second (FPS), making it an excellent choice for gamers who want the best possible performance without breaking the bank.

One of the standout features of the RTX 3070 is its power consumption. Despite its impressive performance, the card doesn't consume significantly more power than its predecessor. In fact, I measured around 20 watts more on power draw after overclocking, which is relatively modest. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy high-performance gaming without blowing out their wallet.

But what about value for money? The RTX 3070 is a great example of a card that offers exceptional performance at a fraction of the cost of its predecessors. In fact, when I looked back at history and saw the prices of previous generation cards, such as the GTX 670, it was clear that this card is a significant upgrade in terms of both performance and price.

Looking back at the years that have passed since the release of the RTX 2070, it's clear that the RTX 3070 has come a long way. It offers improved thermal steam temperature, power consumption, and ongoing support, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their gaming PC.

Of course, there is one disadvantage to the RTX 3070: its limited VRAM compared to its predecessor. While 8 GB of VRAM is sufficient for most modern games, it's not enough to match the 11 GB of VRAM found in the RTX 2080 Ti. However, this is a minor quibble considering the card's performance and value.

So, is the RTX 3070 a true "70 series" card? The answer is a resounding yes. It offers the same level of high-end performance as its more expensive predecessors, but at a significantly lower price point. Whether you're looking to upgrade your gaming PC or simply want to enjoy the latest and greatest graphics technology without breaking the bank, the RTX 3070 is an excellent choice.

But what about demand? With the global pandemic causing unprecedented demand for GPUs in 2020, it's no surprise that the RTX 3070 has become one of the most sought-after cards on the market. However, if you're looking to get your hands on one, be prepared to act quickly. Retailers are reporting long wait times and high demand, making it essential to be prepared to strike fast.

In conclusion, the RTX 3070 is an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their gaming PC or enjoy the latest graphics technology without breaking the bank. Its impressive performance, low power consumption, and value for money make it a standout in the GPU market. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, the RTX 3070 is definitely worth considering.

As I wrap up this review, I'm joined by an unexpected guest - a magpie! Yes, you read that right - a magpie has taken a liking to our balcony and is singing along to me as I finish this review. It's clear that even the birds are excited about the RTX 3070, and I couldn't agree more.

In the next few days, we'll be releasing some exciting content surrounding the RTX 3070, including partner cards and build guides. Be sure to stay tuned for these updates as we dive deeper into the world of NVIDIA's latest flagship GPU.

And finally, I apologize to those who were waiting for this review earlier in the day - I underestimated the NDA embargo on some of our content. Thankfully, it's now out, and I'm excited to get your feedback and questions about the RTX 3070. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more tech content, and we'll catch you guys in the next video!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthe rtx 3070 is it worth 499msrp well to answer that questionstraight awayan overwhelming yes that's from mebut let's get over all those numbersfirst for you guys and starting off at1080pwe tested eight different games heretoday those being shadow of the tombraiderdo maternal horizon zero dawn fortniteand this is the nightmares updatetom clancy's the division two the outerworlds and also mech warrior 5.now what we're going to see here is at1080pthe numbers really depend on the gameyou're playing and i thought when istarted testing this cardi would see a trend where perhaps the3070 performed better at1080p and then at 4k the 28ti performedbetterbut this wasn't the case at all in viceversa actually whereit actually more depended on the gameand which title won at which resolutionwe can see here at 1440p they just like1080ptrade blows and it actually depends onthe titleand then stepping things up to 4k theyyet again trade blowsbut here's the winning factor for the3070 well actually two big weddingfactorsfirst of all that price point and secondof all ongoing updates where driverupdates will make this cardperform even better going forward intothe futurethe gaming numbers for the price pointare quite simply phenomenal that's ofcoursewe've got to talk about the big elephantin the room and that is the supplyso whether you can get one of these atday one is going to be another thingwhere this time aroundi've spoken to so many different peopleand it's always the same story thedemandfor the rtx 3000 series is like noneotherthat no one's seen in the tech spaceperiodso in order if you don't get one ofthese on day onerest assured you will get one you justhave to be patient butwhat i'm going to see here is that thepower consumption is anotherbig factor for this card really justlanding a big victory over the 2080 tiwhere we show you guys the powerconsumption numbers herewe can see that it's just beating outthe 28 ti but another thing is toosince i've been focusing heavily onundervaulting the3000 series cards the 3070 just like the3080 and the 3090does benefit greatly from a solidundervolt nowtuning this at around just over 1800megahertzand then actually upping the memoryspeeds in tandemsaw our power consumption drop roughlyaround 70 to 80 watts depending on thegameand the application being used but againthat's down from 220 watts direct drawon the card itselfso you can get this card tuned to aroundroughly 140 watts with the performanceyou're seeingnow coupled with the weight of this cardright here this is the founders but i'malso checking out some other cards aswelland a lot of these cards are coming justover one kilogrambut coupled with this smaller footprintand the lower power consumptionespecially if you undervolt the cardthis will be great for people who wantto install a high-powered gpuinto a mini itx case for example now interms of the cooler design they're goingwith instead of the founders cardsthe 3080 and the 3090 which had a fan onthe rear of the cardthis has two fans on the underside ofthe card however it still has the backof the card being openin that it can blow air through now myone critiquing point about the 30 70foundersversus say the 3080 sounders and the3090 founders is that since it's smallerin length this actually places thissecond fan right over your memory soit's basically when you're gamingblowing hot air straight onto your dimsor your ddr4 memory and this is thething i don't know over timeif this could potentially shorten thelifespanof your ddr4 memory for example but mygut says of course with experience withpcparts the hotter something runs overtime the more likely it is to failthey're going over the rear of the carthis is a standard rtx 3000output designed here three display portouts and one hdmi2.1 and this is important if you want toget the 120 hertz 4k10 bit experience which is very nice i'mnot going tohop on about it like i've harped on inthe past about the 4koled but if you want to play morecompetitive style gamesat 4k 120 hertz this card willdefinitely do itas opposed to the 38 and 3090 which aremore suited to upping the settingsat 4k another key difference betweenthis card and the 3080 and 3090is the 12 pin power connector includedit only requiresone single eight pin versus the biggercards which required two eight pinsto this 12 pin connector now in terms ofthe cooling performance this is wherethe3070 founders really did a good jobwhere you'd want to use the autoout of the box settings in my opinionwhich took the card to 48and at these temperatures and also fanspeeds it waswhisper quiet which was actually veryimpressive i mean taking it to 72degrees but i did dealt itadjust the temperatures here for mynormalized temperature testing againstother cards that i've testedso if you guys go to another review thati've done on a graphics cardyou'll be able to compare thetemperatures to that particular card wecan see that upping the fan speeds to 60did bring down the temperatures samewith 80 and 100but i thought out of the box this thingwas tuned formaximum noise versus temperatureefficiency but then the added benefit ifyou want to undervolt it whichi do highly recommend you do you'll betasting even lower temperatures andlower noisewhich this cooler is geared up to handle140 watts for examplevery easily but what if you want to gothe other way say for instance you don'tcare about power consumptionyou just want the best performance righthere right now and you want to overclockwell here's where this car did actuallyquite welleven though the cork clock did not go ashigh as i've seen in the pastwhere it came just under that of 100megahertz the memory overclocks weresome of the biggest i've ever seen herein the historyof the channel scoring over a 1 000megahertz boostwhich in effective terms is a 2gigahertz boostwhich put this card at a very healthyboost in fpsafter we overclocked it and the addedbenefit of that was the powerconsumption didn't actually go up thatmuch i believe i measured around aboutanother 20 wattsmaximum on power draw after overclockingthe cardanyhow all that information out of theway brings us to a conclusion with thertx 3070and i'm gonna have to fight over thebaby maggie out here on the balconysinging to me during this review andthat's actually a first for me with thereviewwhere a magpie has been singing out onmy balcony while i'm trying to do theconclusion what that means iseven a magpie is getting excited aboutthis rtx 3070 right hereand testing this thing i'm reallyexcited about the value for money it'sgoing to be bringingto the table and one thing i did is ilooked back in history wherei saw a lot of these cards say forinstance a gtx 670 that was theone of the cards that i remember buyingandjust really playing that card heavilyand that came in around 399 usd ibelievethis card at 4.99 when we look at theyears that have passed eight yearswe can see that this card inflationadjustedis bringing so much value to the tablewhere it's performingslightly better than the previous year'sflagship cardit's giving you guys the great thermalstemperature and power consumptionand although compared to the rtx 2080 tiyou do get a similar feature set in thatyou getrtx broadcast rtx studio driversand also the ray tracing itself thiscard does differin that it does have the hdmi 2.1 portat the backyou also get a better thermals and lowerpower consumptionand better ongoing support that coupledwith the muchlower price floor of this card makes itan extremely good buyhowever there is one disadvantage andthat of course is the 8 gigabytes ofvramon this card versus the 11 gigabytes ofvram on the 2080 tiand of course if you compare that to thertx 3080 and 3090they have gddr6x where as opposed tothis card and also the 28 tithey carry gtd r6 so although everythingon this card isn't flagshipthe most important question you guyshave to ask i'm guessingis is it a true 70 series card does itbringthat higher end performance at a muchaffordable price pointand the answer as we said in the introis an overwhelming yesso if you want to go get one of thesecards i can definitely recommend this ifyou're in the marketfor a gpu now of course what's amd gotaround the corner they're going toannounce that very soon as wellbut one thing i can tell you about whati've spoken to the retailers if you wantto get one of these thingsjust like the 3080 then you better bevery quick because demand for thesecardsin 2020 with what's going on andeveryone staying indoorsis through the roof there's anartificial extra layer of demandthat was never there due to the globalpandemicbut this card is definitely going toentertain you if you're in the marketfor somethingthat can perform anyhow guys with allthat out of the way if you enjoyedtoday's review then be sure to hit thatlike button for us and also let us knowin the comment section below if you haveany questions about the rtx 3070and we do have some partner cards comingup as well as some cool buildssurrounding this card right here so dostay tuned for the contentto come in the next few days i alsoapologize for not getting the review outfor some of you guys whowant to see it straight away i actuallythought the nda wasa day later than it was so that's mythat's my complete uh bad there buti'll catch you guys in another techvideo very soon peace out for nowbye\n"