Razer Blade 15 (2019) - The Best RTX Notebook Around

Experience with Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model

hey what do you have an apple you snakeso guys I have to admit I really love this notebook ever has one and now I have the Razer Blade 15 advanced model. This notebook is part of a line that has been around for several years, but it's always been known for its performance and sleek design.

The Razer Blade 15 advanced model features a powerful NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 GPU, which provides excellent performance for gaming and graphics-intensive tasks. It also comes with an Intel Core i9-11900H processor, which offers smooth performance for everyday tasks and content creation. The notebook also features up to 64GB of RAM and various storage options.

The display on the Razer Blade 15 is one of its standout features. It's a 14-inch Full HD display with a 144Hz refresh rate, making it ideal for gaming and fast-paced content consumption. The display also features a matte finish and a wide color gamut, providing accurate colors and a comfortable viewing experience.

One major concern when it comes to the RTX 3080 GPU inside this notebook is that the boost clocks are solely dependent on the cooling system, which can be a limitation in certain situations. However, Razer has done a great job of optimizing the cooling system to maximize performance without too many compromises.

The notebook's cooling system is also worth mentioning. It features a vapor chamber cooler for the GPU and a heat pipe system for the CPU, providing efficient cooling and maintaining temperatures within safe limits. The maximum temperature limit for the GPU is 76 degrees Celsius, which is relatively high compared to other laptops.

In terms of performance, the Razer Blade 15 is capable of delivering smooth performance in various applications. For gaming, it can handle demanding games at high resolutions and frame rates without any issues. For graphics-intensive tasks like video editing and 3D modeling, it provides excellent performance with minimal lag or slowdowns.

The notebook also features three performance modes: Balanced Gaming, Creator, and Balancing Gaming. The Balanced Gaming mode is suitable for everyday use, while the Creator mode is designed specifically for content creators who need maximum performance. The Balancing Gaming mode strikes a balance between performance and power consumption.

One thing that might seem trivial at first but can be frustrating in practice is the size of the power plug cable. It's quite thick and kinks easily, which makes it difficult to manage when using the notebook on the go.

Overall, the Razer Blade 15 advanced model is a great choice for anyone looking for a powerful and portable notebook that can handle demanding tasks with ease. Its performance, display, and design make it an excellent option for both gaming and content creation.

Battery Life

The battery life of the Razer Blade 15 is respectable, but not exceptional. I was able to get around 4 hours of usage before the computer went to sleep, which is decent considering the display brightness and refresh rate are set at 75% and 144Hz respectively. This is with relatively light usage, such as browsing and office work.


One of the best things about the Razer Blade 15 is its upgradability. The notebook has a straightforward design that makes it easy to access and upgrade components. There are two RAM slots, one of which is covered by the GPU ribbon cable, so users need to be careful when removing it.

The notebook also features an NVMe SSD on the left side, which can be easily swapped out for a faster storage option if needed. This feature makes the Razer Blade 15 an excellent choice for anyone who needs fast storage without breaking the bank.

Design and Build Quality

The design and build quality of the Razer Blade 15 are top-notch. The notebook has a sturdy build that feels solid in the hand, with a durable metal body and a premium feel to it. The display is also held firmly in place by a robust bezel, providing a secure and stable connection.

One thing that might seem minor but can be frustrating at times is the power plug cable's thickness and kinking tendency. This can make it difficult to manage when using the notebook on the go.

However, overall the design and build quality of the Razer Blade 15 are excellent, making it an attractive option for anyone looking for a premium laptop experience.

Performance Modes

The Razer Blade 15 features three performance modes: Balanced Gaming, Creator, and Balancing Gaming. These modes cater to different user needs and provide optimal performance without sacrificing power consumption.

Balanced Gaming mode is suitable for everyday use, providing a balance between performance and power consumption. It's ideal for general productivity tasks like browsing, office work, and streaming.

Creator mode is designed specifically for content creators who need maximum performance. This mode significantly throttles the GPU to 800 megahertz, channeling all that power to the CPU to maintain higher clocks. However, this comes at a cost, as the performance hit with RT enabled in games can be significant.

Balancing Gaming mode strikes a balance between performance and power consumption, providing a compromise between the two modes. It's suitable for users who need optimal performance without sacrificing too much power consumption.


The Razer Blade 15 advanced model is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a powerful and portable notebook that can handle demanding tasks with ease. Its performance, display, design, and upgradability make it an attractive option for both gaming and content creation.

While the boost clocks are dependent on the cooling system, which can be a limitation in certain situations, Razer has done a great job of optimizing the cooling system to maximize performance without too many compromises.

Overall, the Razer Blade 15 is a top-notch laptop that provides exceptional performance, display quality, and design for its price.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what do you have an apple you snakeso guys I have to admit I really lovethis notebook ever has one and now Ihave an even better one so welcome to myfull experience with a Razer Blade 15 2019advanced model this is the fullySPECT out three thousand dollar machineRTX 2080 there 16 gigabytes of dualchannel RAM 512 gigabytes of nvmestorage so you know we're gonna go overperformance cooling my experience withthe body 2let's begin right after this thelegendary hyper 212 CPU cooler fromcooler master now comes in thisbreathtaking matte black finish theincluded Silencio 120 millimeter fandelivers great airflow and reduced noiseplus you can pick up an RGB version ofthis cooler as well learn more about thehyper 212 Black Edition and its RGBsibling down below alright let's diveright in build quality is first I wouldequate this machine to be like a MacBookequivalent amongst Windows notebookssimply because that whole aluminiumshell is very reminiscent of a MacBookbut here we have that black color schemeinstead of silver and no flexinganywhere the edges are super sharpthus the Razer Blade a name is fittingfor this sort of body and compared to myrecent experience with the MS ip65 thatflexes anywhere you press it thismachine does not and that makes me happybut the black aluminum shell whilefeeling great leaves finger marks allover the place on the exterior and onthe interior since that is also fullyaluminum so that's kind of unfortunateit is impressive with how thin themachine is considering it has an rtx2080 maxq inside of it so portabilityfactor is absolutely not an issue and asa desktop replacement specs wise it fitsperfectly now your port selection ispretty rich with plenty of displayconnectivity and type-c Thunderbolt 3which is awesome plus those green USBsand the combo mic slash headphone jackfor headsets and gaming headphoneshowever there is no Ethernet that youfind on the base model instead of theadvanced model and no SD card readerwhich is kind of unfortunate I alsoreally dislike the new power connectionbecause the cable is so thick now thething is you can route it either facingthe back or the side but if it's facingtowards you it's blocking the mostclosest USB port which is design flawand while the power brickself is pretty compact the cable itselfisn't because it is so thick it kinkseasily and just really really unpleasantto travel with now the keyboard isfantastic for anything but gamingbecause the travel distance is quiteshallow so for typing it's excellentnice clicky actuations fast rebounds youknow we can get used to that quitenicely but if your hand is constantly inthat wast zone then you expect the keyto travel a bit more into the body whilegaming but it doesn't a slight quirkhere would be the awkward errorplacement on the bottom right since youexpect the question mark to be placedbeside the shift but that is where yourarrow key up is located instead but Ilove the lighting integration in herewith perky lighting customization plentyof awesome effects I love the fire oneand the keys are super bright and thesecondary keys are now finallyilluminated the trackpad here is quitelarge and is also fantastic just likethe keyboard nice smooth navigation whenthere's precision drivers and is so muchbetter than anything else I've tried onthe Windows machine or Windows notebookaside from like the Dell options like myMSI p65 also has windows precisiondrivers but this thing is so much moreresponsive now the speakers are properlyfiring up with decent volume projectionand clarity NicholasI do enjoy the built-in windows hellofeature here so we can just login whenyour face but it doesn't find mefrequently whenever light changes it'slike who you are you have to punch inyour PIN so that's kind of unfortunateand the webcam is it's passive so thisis the lovely 720p webcam quality wowit's terrible and just for comparisonhere's the iPhone 10s selfie mode muchbetter and my favorite thing about thenotebook is the display it's 144 Hertzso super fast and food for gaming butit's so much better for regular desktopuse and while editing it is full HD soresolution is not a problem for the rtx2080 maxq but for key option is onlyavailable with the -tx 2070 models soif you're going to fool out RTX 2080max-q then you don't have a 4k optionwhich is kind of strange but I don'tmiss 4k at fifteen point six inches fullHD for me is plenty and so the gamingperformance on the fully decked out theRazer Blade 15 is actually prettyfantastic given we have only full HDresolution so not that many pixels topush and the rtx 2080 max-q and ingames where ray-tracing is available youknow performance hit with RT enabled ispretty significant as it is on desktopcards so I wouldn't suggest getting youknow in RTX 2080 to play bF5 with RTxon or DXR on and metro Exodus with RTon because the performance by itself ispretty fantasticbut as long as the whole ray-tracingthe--is scene is out of the picture nowone major concern when it comes to theRTX max q variant and laptop variantGPUs inside these notebooks is that theboost clocks are solely dependent on thecooling which is solely dependent on thebrand and so it's Razer's job to providesufficient cooling for the GPU and theCPU to hit highest clocks possible andso the cooling in this machine isactually pretty fantastic my max Q cardnever went above 76 degrees Celsius atload and bf5 I wasconstantly hitting around 1600 megahertzfor the boost clockswhile in other games I was hoveringaround 40 100 megahertz so the coolingis dependent or the clocks are dependenton the cooling and the ceiling for thattemperature is 76 degrees Celsius forthe graphics card and as for the CPU thetemperature was pretty consistentbetween 87 degrees Celsius and 89degrees Celsius and constantly goingbetween 2.5 gigahertz and 3.9 gigahertzso nice overclock on some course but notconsistent 3.9 yoghurts throughout theentire session and it did vary dependingon temperature and the scene and also ofcourse this machine is fantastic forvideo production just look at thoserender times compared to my mainworkstation PC and the msi p65 so it'salmost equivalent to what I get on mymain 9900K and the 2080 Ti so for videoproduction this thing is awesomenow this notebook has three performancemodes balanced gaming and creator andbalancing gaming and they're pretty muchidentical in terms of powering now theGPU and the CPU about the same as youcan see based on the fire strikes coursebut in the Creator mode it significantlythrottles the GPU to 800 megahertz andchanneling all that power to the CPU soit can maintain higher clocks so justkeep that in mind as far now as levelsthe machine is dead silent and likecasual operation but while I'm renderingor gaming the fans a spin up andespecially if I max out the fan rpm 250300 then yeah the Machine becomes prettyloud upgradability here is prettystraightforward remove the cover therewe have the two RAM slots the top one iscovered by the GPU ribbon cable so youhave to be careful removing that andgetting access to that top RAM slot andwe also have that nvme SSD on the leftside and that's for battery life withlight usage browsing scenario I was ableto get just over 4 hours of usage beforethe computer went to 5% and went tohibernation but this is with the screenat 75% brightness and 144 Hertz and soat $3,000 this machine is hella priceygiven you can find the same CPU in anotebook that cost $800 but of course wehave the RTX 2080 max Q in therethe SSD and this whole build quality 144Hertz display and the overall packageseems to be very well complete I amespecially impressed by the coolingcapacity of that vapor chamber coolerfor the GPU you know reaching 76 degreesCelsius and that is its throttle limithere while the CPU you know comfortablysits like you're just below 90 degreesbut still clocking 23.9 quite regularlyregularly I regularly and really my mainpoint of frustration believe it or notwould be the power plug cable thatsounds ridiculous but why does it haveto be that thick it kinks easily andreally does not suit the overall likedesign that's been you know a thoughtprocess that been placed behind thismachine and also the whole max-q boostclark's depending on the notebookmanufacturer and luckily I think Razerhas done a really good job here tomaximize performance without too manycompromises alright guys so that is myexperience with the Razer Blade 15 thisthing will definitely be travelling withme wherever I go because the performancein this form factor is simply amazingand yeah very happy to have this thingin my collection now for videoproduction and also on-the-go gamingalright I'm to me dream thanks forwatching we'll see you in the next video\n"