Does This Secret Big Mac Recipe Taste Like the Real Deal

Greetings, my beautiful lovelies, it's Emmy. How are you? It's great to see you and welcome back. Today, I'm gonna be attempting to make a homemade Big Mac. Now I know lots of people have done this already, but I am gonna be testing a recipe that comes from... from this. I printed this out. This is the PDF. It's called the McMenu: Do-It-Yourself McDonald's Restaurant Recipes.

I first learned about this in an article, when I was researching the famous original McDonald french fry recipe. And this came up. This is an anonymous PDF that is very extensive. It is 33 pages long. And the theory goes that it was written by someone probably in McDonald's management, a supervisor, someone that knows a lot about McDonald's because the instructions in these recipes are so very specific.

It talks about toasting the buns, dressing your burgers, the type of ketchup. It talks about wrapping your burgers, reheating the burgers, add the types of pickles--like it's just so very specific. So the very first thing we need to do is make our special Big Mac sauce. Now, according to this recipe, we need to mix it and then microwave it, and then allow it to cool. So we need to do all that first before we assemble our burger.

Okay, got quarter cup of mayonnaise. Special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame bun. Okay. Got Miracle Whip, brand new container Miracle Whip. Love that it has a little dollop on the top. Quarter cup of that. Eighth of a teaspoon of salt. Dried minced onion. This I feel like is key to get that McDonald's-like hamburger flavor. One teaspoon of those. One teaspoon of sugar.

And by the way, in case you were wondering, I am going to do a side by side comparison with a true Big Mac versus this. Granted this recipe does seem to be a bit dated. Maybe the 1980s or 90s, because it refers to the McDLT. It turned into the McDeluxe or something. French dressing. Look at that color. That's gonna give us that signature orangey color.

Now, if I can just open the bottle. This says two heaping tablespoons. One. Whoa. That's definitely heaping. Ay caramba. Half tablespoon of sweet relish. Have you ever seen these measuring spoons before? Kristina Cho sent these to me and they are odd amount measuring spoons. So for example, this one is two teaspoons, and this one is two tablespoons. I thought, "I don't know, would I ever use those?" And I actually use them quite a bit.

The two tablespoons is really great for doling out cookie dough. Two teaspoons of dill relish. Okay. Okay, one teaspoon of vinegar. Bloop. One teaspoon of ketchup. Whisk this up. And then it says to microwave this for 25 seconds. Interesting, right? Okay, here we go. Give this one more whoopsie woo woo mixy mix.

So now we're gonna refrigerate this and let this sit and meld together for at least an hour. This is the burger seasoning and apparently this is shaken on every burger patty while it's cooking. Four tablespoons of salt. Two tablespoons of MSG found in practically every tasty snack. One teaspoon of black pepper. Quarter teaspoon of salt.

Now we're gonna mix this all together. I bet this would be good on all kinds of things because basically we're making an enhanced salt and pepper mix, right? Next I'm gonna share with you what I did already to prepare the hamburger patty. So the recipe says specifically to use 80% lean ground beef and then to take your pound and to cut it into about 10 pieces.

I'm going to soak up that nice greaseiness from the burgers. This shouldn't take any time at all. Alrighty, boom! Smoky in here. (chuckles) Alrighty, lovelies, we are ready to assemble our homemade Big Mac.

Let's put it together, shall we? I've got my special sauce, my lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions. I'm just gonna place them all onto the bottom bun. Now, let's add some of that amazing seasoning mix we made earlier. Ah, yeah! That's what it needs. And now, for the crowning glory, our beautiful hamburger patty.

There we go, folks. Our homemade Big Mac is complete! I hope you enjoyed this cooking adventure with me. Don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you can be a part of my next culinary journey. Happy cooking, lovelies!

If you're interested in trying out your own at-home Big Mac, I've included the recipe below:


- 80% lean ground beef

- 1 tablespoon mayonnaise

- 1 tablespoon special sauce (see below for recipe)

- 2 slices of cheese

- Lettuce

- Pickles

- Onions

- Sesame buns

Special Sauce Recipe:

- 1/4 cup mayonnaise

- 1 tablespoon ketchup

- 1 teaspoon sweet relish

- 1/2 teaspoon dried minced onion

- 1/2 teaspoon salt

- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en♪ Ba da ba ba ba ba ba ♪♪ Ba da da da da da da ♪♪ Ba da ba ba ba ba ba ♪(relaxing lofi music)- Greetings, my beautifullovelies, it's Emmy.How are you?It's great to see you and welcome back.Today, I'm gonna be attemptingto make a homemade Big Mac.Now I know lots of peoplehave done this alreadybut I am gonna be testing a recipethat comes from... from this.I printed this out.This is the PDF.It's called the McMenu: Do-It-YourselfMcDonald's Restaurant Recipes.I first learned about this in an article,I'll put down below,when I was researchingthe famous originalMcDonald french fry recipe.And this came up.This is an anonymous PDFthat is very extensive.It is 33 pages long.And the theory goes that it was written bysomeone probably in McDonald'smanagement, a supervisor,someone that knows a lot about McDonald'sbecause the instructions in these recipesare so very specific.It talks about toasting thebuns, dressing your burgers,the type of ketchup.It talks about wrapping yourburgers, reheating the burgers,add the types of pickles --like it's just so very specific.So the very first thing we need to dois make our special Big Mac sauce.Now, according to this recipe,we need to mix it and then microwave itand then allow it to cool.So we need to do all that firstbefore we assemble our burger.So let's do that.Quarter cup of mayonnaise.Special sauce, lettuce,cheese, pickles, onionson a sesame bun.Okay.Got Miracle Whip, brandnew container Miracle Whip.Love that it has alittle dollop on the top.Quarter cup of that.Eighth of a teaspoon of salt.Dried minced onion.This I feel like is keyto get that McDonald'slike hamburger flavor.One teaspoon of those.One teaspoon of sugar.And by the way, in caseyou were wondering,I am going to do a side by side comparisonwith a true Big Mac versus this.Granted this recipe doesseem to be a bit dated.Maybe the 1980's or 90's,because it refers to the McDLT.It turned into the McDeluxe or something.French dressing.Look at that color.That's gonna give us thatsignature orangey color.Now, if I can just open the bottle.This says two heaping tablespoons.One.Whoa.That's definitely heaping.Ay caramba.Half tablespoon of sweet relish.Have you ever seen thesemeasuring spoons before?Kristina Cho sent these to meand they are odd amount measuring spoons.So for example, this one is two teaspoonsand this one is two tablespoons.I thought, I don't know,would I ever use those?And I actually use 'em quite a bit.The two tablespoons is really greatfor doling out cookie dough.Two teaspoons of dill relish.Okay.Okay, one teaspoon of vinegar.Bloop.One teaspoon of ketchup.Whisk this up.And then it says to microwavethis for 25 seconds.Interesting, right?Okay, here we go.Give this one morewhoopsie woo woo mixy mix.So now we're gonna refrigerate thisand let this sit and meldtogether for at least an hour.This is the burger seasoningand apparently this isshaken on every burger pattywhile it's cooking.Four tablespoons of salt.Two tablespoons of MSGfound in practically every tasty snack.One teaspoon of black pepper.Quarter teaspoon of salt.(vinyl record scratches)Now we're gonna mix this all together.I bet this would be goodon all kinds of thingsbecause basically we're making an enhancedsalt and pepper mix, right?Next I'm gonna share withyou what I did alreadyto prepare the hamburger patty.So the recipe says specificallyto use 80% lean ground beefand then to take your poundand to cut it into about 10 pieces.Then take a portion ofmeat and then sandwich itbetween two layer ofparchment paper or wax paperand then press it down niceand flat until you get a circlethat's about four inches in diameter.Once you've done thatto all of your patties,then you're gonna place 'em in the freezerso they are frozen.This is a cast iron griddleand I'm going to heat it upnice and crackin' hot on medium high.The way I like to test ifmy griddle is hot enough,is I splash it with a bit of water.And when the water reallydances around, not just sizzles,but really dances, like that,then I know that it's hot.Number one and number two.Take our seasoning andliberally shake that on there.The menu recipe says thatwe're supposed to adda little pressure,which I don't really do,but they say that's what'sdone at McDonald's, so.You see how it's getting alittle, it's not really bloodbut it looks like bloodcoming up on the surface.Now we're ready to flip.Scrape underneath, flip.Oh yeah.Lovely.There we go.Those patties are almost done.Got a sesame bun and weneed the top and the bottomand we need the bottom of another bun.I'm gonna pull my patties off.And in the residual little grease there,I'm gonna toast up my buns.Soak up that nicegreasiness from the burgers.This shouldn't take any time at all.Alrighty, boom!Smoky in here. (chuckles)Alrighty, lovelies, weare ready to assembleour homemade Big Mac.This is the \"Treasuryof Top Secret Recipes.\"I found this book at the thriftstore for a whopping $2.99.It includes like everythingyou can think of,including all the fast foodplaces, Olive Garden, Pizza HutMcDonald's, Chili's, allthe restaurant clones.Mrs. Fields.I wanna try that one.They have a version of the Big Mac.I really do appreciate the diagram therebecause, for as extensiveas the McMenu is,it does not include theonions in terms of whereto place those.But according to this,the onions are locatedright over the special sauce.The middle bun and the bottom bun.Special sauce.Reconstituted onions.I drained out the water.And on top of here, is aneighth of a cup of lettuce,which is like almost nothing.So just a little pinch.Iceberg lettuce that has been shredded.One slice of American cheese right there.Add one of our patties on top.And they said specifically touse the Vlasic brand pickles.So two pickle slices.My roommate in college, Sharon,Sharon Rose, loved Big Macs.She's the one I think ofwhen I think of Big Mac.I think I've only had a couplein my entire life, actually.They also remind me of my dad.My dad likes Big Macs as well.As a kid growing up, I wouldalways order the hamburger.I have a special love forthe McDonald's hamburger.When I was pregnant withmy first child, (chuckles)I had those every Friday after work.Just one McDonald's hamburger,it just hit the spot so well.At any rate, that's just mylittle story with the Big Mac,but I do find they're quite good.Now I can actually eat an entire one.I think that was anotherthing when I was younger.I couldn't finish a Big MacBut I find them absolutely delicious.And let's finish building this.We're gonna put this on top of this.Our toasted bun on top of that.Dun dun dun dun!The homemade McDonald's Big Mac.Look at that.That is a triumph.Look how tall it is.So I'm ready to eat this burger.But after reading the recipe,it says that I'm supposed to Q this,or use the proper q-ing method,which allows the flavors ofthe burger to meld together.And it makes sense,because the cheese isn'treally even melted.And then we're supposedto fold it like this.Now you let this sit forfive to eight minutes,let the flavors meld.And then when it's still wrapped,you microwave it for 15 seconds.That's the proper q-ing method.All right.So we'll let that rest.I have microwaved this or q-ed itfor 15 seconds and I cannot waitto give us a taste and to compare itwith the real deal Big Mac.So here we have them side by sideAnd let's go ahead and give these a taste.Now let's see what thehomemade version looks likeafter it's been q-ed.Unwrap it.This wax paper remindsme of like the old schoolkind of diner hamburgers.Love those.Kind of like In-N-Outstyle wrapped in paper.So great.Alrighty, here it is.It looks great.(relaxing music)Look at that.Beautiful.Now let's compare it with the real deal.Wow.That looks pretty appetizing as well.Look at the even distributionof the sesame seeds.Like that.See some pickle, see some lettuce there.Side by side it lookslike the McDonald's oneis actually a little bitlarger than the homemade one.Let's look at the interiorof the real Big Mac.There's our patty.Definitely see lots of pepper there.Underneath that.We've got lettuce, pickle slice, sauce.The sauce doesn't lookas orange as I remember.Look at that.And then beneath thatyou have another patty.Melted cheesemore sauce, definitely seesome onions and some lettuce.So we got the order of the stack correct.Let's taste the original first.Alrighty. Here we go.Itadakimasu!That's delicious.That dehydrated onion flavoris so much what I associateto a McDonald's hamburger.I love the crunch of the pickle.There's a little of that dillysour, briny pickley flavorwithout being overpowered by the pickle.But I feel like it's such akey component to a Big Mac.And in that combination with the onion,such a signature McDonald's flavor to me.The other thing I found surprising is,although there are threelayers of bread in there,it doesn't feel too breadyor taste too bready.The sauce is there to flavor everything,but it's not so saucy.As I recall, I felt likeit was saucier as a child.And just a little bit of lettuce in there.Personally, I would likea little bit more lettuce,but then it wouldn't be a Big Mac.A little bit of cheese in thereto give a little extra richnessbut nothing overpowers anything.It just all works togethervery, very nicely.The meat patties are very thin.Don't really taste particularlybeefy or flavorful.They're just hamburger patties,but they're there and it's delicious.And the buns are just reallythe delivery mechanismfor the entire sandwich.But that's totally what Iremember a Big Mac tasting.A little bit sweet as well.You get a little crunch of the pickle.Good.Alrighty, now let's compareit to the homemade version.Now this version is much thicker.Much taller than the original.See that side by side.And I think some of that hasto do with the patty thickness.The patty thickness is veryuniform in the McDonald's oneand the buns seem to bea little bit thinner too.But alrighty, let's give this a go.Finally, here we go.Itadakimasu.Mm.That is a very good dupe.It's not exactly the same as McDonald's,but actually there are someparts of the homemade versionthat I actually prefer.It's more juicy and succulent.And I think that mighthave to do with the highermeat to bread ratio than theoriginal, but not by much.Still a very thin patty.And the amount of sauce in thereI think is a little bit higher too.So it's just more succulentand the amount of greensI think is pretty similar.The cheese is a little more meltier.And it's just a little bit more flavorful,yet the original is still very good.Now, if I didn't have theoriginal Big Mac next to me,I would say this is a hundredpercent like a Big Macbecause it hits all ofthose flavor components.You have the special sauce.You have the crunch with the pickleyou have the crunch with the lettuce.You have a little bit of that cheese,the bun and the two layers of patties.It tastes very, very much like a Big Mac.But when I have it side byside, it's not quite the same.Hmm.The homemade one has a beefier flavor.It has more of those kindof grilled meaty flavorsthat you get when youcaramelize meat on a grill top.Those little brown bitsthat we love so much.It has that flavor.It also has more of a texture, too.The McDonald's one hasa more uniform texturewhile this one has a little bit more chew,a little bit more crumbleto the meat itself.In terms of flavor,the McDonald's one is alittle more homogenous.It's a really greatbalance of salty, sweet,crunchy, tangy, creamy all together.While the homemade one,those bits are a littlebit more distinctive.Mhmm.The beef patty is alittle bit more separate.You get the ooze of the sauce more.You get the big crunch of the pickleand it's a little more tangier.So the components of the homemade one,I feel like are a little bitmore separate and distinctivewhile in the McDonald's one,everything is more homogenous,which makes for a great total package.You go there and you'relike, yes, signature Big Macright into my brain.And the homemade onedefinitely is a Big Mac, too,in all of its structure and form,but the flavors are more distinctive.And in my opinionI like the homemade onebetter for those reasons.But having said that,for the amount of work,preparation and costthat went into the homemadeversion of the Big Mac,it's hard to say that thisactually beats the original,because you can just gothrough the drive through,pick this up and have ameal right then and thereof the classic traditional Big Macthat most of us know.Mhmm.It's really good.Alrighty, my lovelies.There you have it.That's how you can make ahomemade, McDonald's Big Macat home that is superclose to the original.And I would say in fact,better than the original.It does require surprisinglya lot of effort.I mean, I suppose once you make the sauceand once you've made theseasoning for the burger patty,that's a lot of the preparation,and you've got the patties already.So once you've done the initial work,it's actually not that much work.But if you are interested inmaking one of these at home,this recipe is really, really close.Alrighty, my lovelies.Thanks so much for joining me.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media.I love hearing from you.Like this video, subscribe,and I shall see you in the next one.Toodaloo, take care.Bye!(upbeat playful music)(Emmy burps)(Emmy chuckles)I have burger in my teeth.Isn't it lovely?Oh my gosh.So good.\n"