Apple Killed the PC... or did they? 🤔

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**Apple Event Recap**

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(chill hip hop music)

Woo! That, my friends, was an Apple event.

So not only do we have a new 14 and 16 ...

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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(chill hip hop music)- Woo!That, my friends, was an Apple event.So not only do we have a new 14and 16" MacBookwith some of the mostpowerful processors ever,but they added portsand a notch.Ken, I'm not ready.I'm not ready, thank you.I definitely needed a new pair of pants.Okay, look. This is, there'sa lot to talk about here.Number one, firstand foremost is there's a new designwith these new MacBooks, right?So, I've been rocking an M1MacBook Pro since last year,and I have made no secret of the factthat I absolutely love this hardware,even though the design itselfis very much directly basedon the 2016 MacBooks, the powerof the Apple M1 chip is incredible,not only the performance,but also the battery life.This has easily become my main laptopfor work, home, edit videos,I can do everything on this,but the new MacBook Pros with the M1 Proand the M1 Max have completely taken itto another changing pants level.We're going to start with the speedsand feeds, because if you are a tech nerd,what Apple have announcedtoday, it's something special.Okay, so, the M1 Proand the M1 Max share thesame general CPU layout,8 performance CPU cores,as well as 2 efficiency cores.Now this is a big step upfrom the 4 performance coresand 4 efficiency cores on the current M1s,but beyond that, they're backed upwith a ton more memory,a ton more bandwidth,and a far more powerful GPU.The spec that really jumped outto me most is the transistors.Now that might not seem likethe most exciting thing,but on the M1 Pro it has33.7 billion transistors,more than double the M1.If you look at the Max,it has, (exhales deeply)57 billion transistors.That is a massive chip,and it's fed with up to64 gigs of unified memorythat can go at what, 400gigabytes per second,which is six times whatthe M1 can deliver.These are numbers thatare just simply ridiculousin a laptop that can be either 14 or 16".When you look at theperformance of these laptops,you have to keep this in mind,that there are a couple ofways that you can approach it,if you are Apple or any sort of designer.You can take a chipand run it at low power,but make it very wide,or you can take a smaller chip,which is cheaper to produceand run it at very high speeds.So the performance thatyou actually get out of itis very much based onturning both of those dialsand with the M1 Proand the M1 Max, theyrun at 30 watts, right?That is a fraction of evenwhat most Intel CPU's runor most AMD CPU's run,especially when you compare itwith the GPUs, right?GPUs can easily run intothe 100 watt+ range.What this allows you to dowith the unified memory,which is an important thing,because, while the M1 Maxhave a lot of performance,they top out at only 16 gigs,and that is shared between the CPUand the GPU.Whereas on these, you have alot more memory, up to 64 gigs,and it's a lot faster.It's two to four times faster,which means that youcan easily keep your CPUand GPU fed,and there's less performance wastedas something has to copy from the GPUand over to the CPUand then back,and forth, which helps toimprove that performance.But we've got to talk performance,because some of the stuff they quotedis straight up (child wooping)crazy town.That's the opposite ofgarbage town, it's crazy town.In case you're curious.Okay, so here's the thingthat I think sort ofsurprised me most, okay?So they compared it to,and this is the M1 Max,this is the high-endversion of their chip.This has 1.7 times the CPUperformance at 30 watts, right?Which is a little bit of a nebulous thing,and to be fair, in keepingwith Apple tradition,all of the benchmarks theyquote are a little squishyon the numbers, but at least they gave usthe actual systems they were comparing to,and I will certainly betaking a closer look,but 1.7 times more CPU performance.Seven times faster graphics performancethan in PC integrated graphics,and you get more performancethan a dedicated graphicscard with 70% less power.There's a lot to unpack there,but I think the easy wayto sort of take a look at itis the Razor Blade 15 Advanced.That was one of the thingsthat they put up in the little fine print,and they claim that it hassimilar GPU performanceat 40% less power.For context, that's about the same levelof GPU performance as an RTX 3060,and a thinand light 14 or 16" laptop.That is superimpressive stuff.- And you don't haveto plug it in.- Yeah, they also had a whole thingabout how you don't lose any performancewhen you're on battery,versus when you're, you know,plugged in, which is great.These are efficiency numbersthat are really onlymade possible by the factthat they have this massive, massive chip.Again, 57 billion transistors.I mean, that's like taking, I mean,that's a bigger chipthan like an RTX 3090,when it comes to actual transistors.Because they have such a huge chip,they can run it at verylow, sort of clock speeds,which I think is really impressive, right?I think that's one of thethings that's easy to miss here.Especially when they throw stuff out like,it can run, what is it,like 150 ProRes streams?I'm making that up, butit's like, what is it?- It's actually like 30.- 30 ProRes streams, 30 4K ProRes streams,like, come on, no one is gonna do that,but because you have this performanceand you have the batterylife to go along with it,it means that not only doyou have the performance,but you also havethat major new redesignof the MacBook Pro,which surprise surprise,brings back almost allof those same featuresthat they used to haveon the old MacBook Prosand 120 Hertz display with a notch,but we'll get to that.We're adding ports to theMacBook Pro, was a great line,because they have added ports.- They're listening.- They actually are, right?So these new MacBooks,regardless of whether you'relooking at the 14 or the 16,have three Thunderbolt 4 ports,they have an HDMI, a fullsized HDMI, an SD card,they have a headphone jack that"works for high impedance headphones",which I assume means it's got a sweet DACwhere you can run your giantbig chungus 9,000 headphones,and they've brought backMagSafe. (exhales sharply)- Need those pants?- You know what?I need one more pair of pants.Do you just, sorry, these are already,I know that I didn't put them on,but I have soiled them nonetheless.- Soiled, soiled,that's a different thing dude.- So in addition to the ports,and actually they've shownthat not only can you stilluse USB-C to charge these,but it will now do a fastcharge over the MagSafe.So I believe they quoted50% in 30 minutes,which actually is pretty quick.The display is also majorly reworked.So not only is it a mini LED display,which is similar to what you get,not necessarily on the Pro Display XDR,even though they wouldlike you to believe thatit's a slightly different technology,it is similar to whatyou get on the M1 Mac I-- iPad.- iPad Pro, there's a lot of Apple termsin my mind right now, thank you very much.So not only do you get the full 1000 nitsof sustained brightnessand 1600 nits of peak brightness,but you also get theProMotion 120 Hertz display,which is incredibly nice.Something I took a look at recently,or at least, a version of it,on the Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio.120 Hertz makes a lot of senseon a Pro Display like this.Now yes, there is a notch.I don't get the notch.I will say, the notch is kind of sillybecause it does not have Face ID.You still have Touch ID,although they have removed the touch barand they've kind of redesigned,so you have like slightlylarger like function rowand all that stuff,but the notch purely existsfor the larger camera.Now, it is a better webcam. It's 1080p.It's like an f/2.0 aperture,better in low light,et cetera, et cetera.Great. I love a good webcam.I personally don't thinkI'm gonna mind the notchtoo much, but it's a weird choice.- Well it's finebecause they hide itin the menu bar anyway-- They do- and the menu baris always persistent,more or less on Macs.- And, they've also expanded the displays.So both the 14and the 16 are roughly the same sizeas the previous versions,as far as footprint,but the bezels have been shrunkdown pretty significantly.I just wish they would'veput Face ID in the notch,but Touch ID is fine.So because the event has just wrapped up,I'm gonna take a lookand see what it's like toactually build these 14'sand 16's.Okay, so the base model ofthe 14 comes in at $2,000.It comes with the M1 with a 8-core CPUand a 14-core GPU, 16gigs of RAM, 512 gig SSD.So, you could spend $200 moreto get the 10-core, $300more to get the 10-coreand the 16-core GPU,$500 more to get the M1 Max with 10-core,and 24-core GPU,and $700 for the M1 Maxfull (child wooping).The nice thing is,is that you can get all of these availableon the 14" MacBook,and they have talked abouthow they've redesigned the cooling,so you shouldn't reallylose performance goingto the small laptop, whichis a huge plus for me,although in practice, theremay be some differences.$700 is a sizable jump, althoughto be fair, that M1 Max,that GPU is so big that there's no doubtthat it is a very expensive chip.And then for memory, you haveto do 32 gigs with the M1 Max,and you can go up to 64for another $400, okay,and then storage goes 512, 1, 2, 4and 8 terabyte, hmm,that's a $5,900 MacBook.Okay, so I won't be ordering that one.I'll let Justine do that.Wow, that is very expensive.I'm curious, I wanna seethe performance differencesbetween some of the M1 Prosand the M1 Max.That's a lot moreoptions than traditional,although I guess if you think about itcompared to like, youknow, a couple of core i5'sand a couple of core i7'sor i9's or something,it does kind of make sense.Now let's actually build out a 16and see.So on the 16" MacBook, it starts at $2499and you get the 10-core, yeah,so they don't do the8-core at all on this,so at least you get the full M1 Pro.Whoa.The Max starts at $3,499, holy.So, if you want an M1 Max 16" MacBook Pro,$3,500 for 32 gigs of RAM,1 terabyte of storage.So it's another $400 togo to 64 gigs of RAM,I don't know if you need that,and then another $2,200,which brings you to $6,100.So I guess the difference between the 14and the 16, isn't actuallythat big of a difference, like-- It's really just, pick your size.- Pick your size.- And you just pay a little bit more.- Wow. Yes.It's easy to say, $6,000 laptop, ha ha ha,but, if I was gonna spec these out,like I'm probably gonna spec it outfor a lot of the peoplehere in the office,hey everyone, you want a MacBook?- Yeah.- $3,900 is probablywhere the 16 should live.32 gigs of RAM, 2 terabytes of storage.That is very reasonable.And if I go down to the 14,that's actually even better.So I'm like, I'm learning this live.So if I'm gonna build my own 14,which is definitely my next main system,I do want the maxed-out M1 Max,because I want that.32 gigs of RAM is fine. 2terabytes of storage is fine.So I'd be looking at$3,699 for my MacBook Pro.The big story here is whatthese new MacBooks can do,and I am incredibly excitedto get my hands on them.So let me know, what do you thinkabout all the goodness thatTimmy Cook dropped on us today?And how many pairs ofpants did you go through?That's probably the realquestion that I have.- Either that or peopleare just really blindedby the notchand don't like it.- Look, if you care thatmuch about the notch,that's fine.I'm gonna enjoy my RTX 3060massively powerful 14" MacBook,and I'm gonna sell a kidneyand give it to Timmy Cook for it.