**The Future of Whiteboards: Captiva**
Captiva is essentially it's a little camera that you can mount to the top of the whiteboard in the office or classroom and it does require some drilling but after you're done with that you can start using your whiteboard again as normally. Use a normal pen, use the same standard whiteboard you've been using and use any number of people collaborating at the same time and everything you write is captured automatically with the camera and broadcast it to others in the room with the Captiva app.
With clean and sharp images in real time, Captiva fixes angle distortion, removes glares and even erases hands and arms leaving you only with the writing over a true white background. Thanks to the kept TiVo app, if you want to see how the whiteboard evolved during a class or a meeting, you can easily use a playback feature to rewind, pause, and fast-forward to see exactly what you want. The final product could really be a game-changer because it works with any whiteboard you already own instead of buying a new one for $1,000 or more.
**The Funding Goal: Keeping TiVo Aims to Reach $75,000**
Currently, the creators of Captiva are seeking a goal of $75,000 but at the moment, they are only at $27,000 with 17 days left to go. So, we'll have to see what happens and how this project will proceed.
**Ripple Buds: Earbuds That Can Record Your Voice**
One of the most popular Kickstarter projects of April is Ripple Buds, which are earbuds that can record your voice using the sound coming from the inside of your ear. Like any successful Kickstarter, Ripple Buds has already earned over 10 times its original goal.
**The Problem It Solves: Communication in Fast-Paced World**
It's a struggle to communicate clearly with people with voice calls in the fast-paced world we live in today. You'll see tons of people in big cities trying to cut through the noise to talk to somebody while calling on the way to the next meeting or event. Cutting through that noise is tough and usually calls for you to talk extra loud, press the phone harder, or bring tangled earbuds.
**How Ripple Buds Works: A Two-Way Path for Sound Waves**
Ripple Buds are very small wireless earbuds that also sport a wireless microphone. Well, how exactly is a microphone that's pretty much inside your ear going to pick up the noise all the way from your mouth while cancelling out the background noise at the same time? It doesn't pick up noise from your mouth instead it picks up the noise coming from inside your eardrum.
**The Technology Behind Ripple Buds**
Ripple Buds creates a two-way path for sound waves. The less you hear and speak with just a single bud as sound waves travel from your body to your mouth they also exit through the eustachian tube in your eardrums. Hear ripple buds can capture this sound and transmit it to the caller very clearly before it can be lost by background noise.
**The Impact: Saving Lives and Money**
In just North America alone, we spend eight billion dollars a year on speeding tickets and unfortunately, a lot of lives are lost as well due to speeding. Trap Tap is a small little device you put on your dashboard that knows every location of red light cameras and school zones while relying on the community to mark the location of police and mobile radar tracks.
**The App: A Solution for Drivers**
This all sounds very familiar because there's tons of apps that already do this but that's the problem. Bryce North, creator of Trap Tap recognized it's always an app on your phone the one thing that you're not supposed to be using while driving that usually sits below the windshield in your cup holder taking your eyes off the road when driving.
**The Benefits: A Solution for Drivers**
Trap Tap will light up red when you're approaching red light cameras and school zones or blue when you're approaching a police or mobile radar trap. You can even have Trap Tap adapt to your lifestyle having it blink when you've come to your trap or only if you're speeding near one. It sits right on your dashboard so your attention will always still be on the road.
**The Current Status: A Successful Kickstarter**
Already, Trap Tap has received $99,000 beyond its original goal of $64,000 with 31 days left to go. This project shows that there is a demand for a solution like this and the creators are working hard to bring it to life.