Windows 10 Vs. Windows 10 LITE (ghost spectre), MORE FPS for Gamers

**A Comparative Analysis of Custom Windows Installs**

As we dive into the world of custom Windows installs, it's essential to understand the benefits and trade-offs that come with each option. In this article, we'll delve into the results from Geekbench 5 and Cinebench, highlighting the trends and correlations observed in both single-threaded and multi-core scores.

**Ghost Specter Version: A Consistent Performer**

When it comes to custom Windows installs, one version stands out from the rest: Ghost Specter. This version consistently performed better on the single-threaded score than its counterparts, including the default version. While it lost slightly on the multi-core score, the difference was minimal. We observed a similar trend in Cinebench, where the Ghost Specter version excelled on the single core test, albeit with a slight disadvantage on the multi-core test.

**Low-End System Performance**

On low-end systems, custom Windows installs can make a significant difference. The Ghost Specter version demonstrated a smoother gaming experience, even at lower system specifications. This is especially important for users who don't have an SSD or are struggling with slower performance. By stripping away unnecessary features and focusing on a lightweight installation process, custom versions like Ghost Specter provide a more streamlined experience.

**High-End System Performance**

On high-end systems, the benefits of custom Windows installs are still apparent. However, the gap between custom and default versions narrows significantly. Both our version and the Ghost Specter version performed well on multi-core tests, indicating that even on powerful hardware, there's room for improvement. Nonetheless, these custom versions provide a more refined experience, with a lower percentage of 1% and 0.1%.

**Competitive Multiplayer Titles**

For users engaged in competitive multiplayer titles, such as Dota 2, a smooth gaming experience is crucial. The difference between custom Windows installs and the default version can be significant, particularly when it comes to minimizing stuttering during critical moments like clutch plays. In this context, both our version and Ghost Specter provide advantages over the default installation.

**Safety Concerns**

One question on many users' minds is: "Is Ghost Specter safe?" While there's no definitive answer from a third-party expert, we can say that the development team behind Ghost Specter has taken great care to design a polished and user-friendly interface. The custom UI and installation process are well-thought-out, suggesting that this version is unlikely to pose significant security risks.


In conclusion, our analysis highlights the benefits of custom Windows installs, particularly when it comes to performance and overall user experience. While there's still room for improvement, both our version and Ghost Specter demonstrate a commitment to providing a smoother gaming experience and better system performance. As we continue to develop and refine these versions, users can expect even more benefits down the line.

**Additional Tips and Tricks**

* To get the most out of your custom Windows install, ensure you have an SSD or at least a fast storage drive.

* Consider disabling unnecessary features and services during installation to optimize performance.

* For competitive multiplayer titles, keep in mind that a smooth gaming experience can be critical. In this context, both our version and Ghost Specter offer advantages over the default installation.

**Question of the Day**

Our question of the day comes from SD1 Rager: "Who do you want to call 'Yes Man'?" We'd love to hear your response in the comments section below!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enin a recent video we did here at tech yes citywe uploaded a custom install of windows 10which essentially just cuts out all thebloatwareand all the telemetry and we wanted nowin today's videoto show you guys the performance resultswith our version that we madeand i'll put the link to that video uphere if you guys want to check out what we didas well as how you can make your owncustom install of windows 10but we are also going to compare it to avery popular version that's making theroundsat least in my comment section and fromwhen people message me directlyand that is the ghost spectre version ofwindows 10.more specifically their super lightversion and then lastly we are going tobe comparingthese two versions to the defaultwindows 10install with all its extra stuff whichlet's face it a lot of us do not needwhen we've done the initial tests we'veseen that ram utilization and cpuoverheaddo decrease a little bit at least on thedefault desktop monitoringwhere you can see your ram utilizationwith the default windows 10using up the most and then followed byour version using significantly lessand then the ghost specter using evenless than that though it's time to moveon now to the biggest questionand that is do these custom versions ofwindowsaffect your gaming fps and is there moreto gainif you use one of these installs let'sfind outright after the sponsor spot today'svideo is brought to you by amd radeonand gigabytewith their rx 6700 xtgaming oc winforce sporting three fansout of the boxwith a quiet fan profile that'scustomized for higher fpsand also quieter noise over that of thereference designit also comes with a clean aesthetic anda metal back platefor those who want quality though ifyou're after even more qualityespecially in terms of the aestheticsthen you can go for the auras elitewhich also carries three neon punkrgb ring fans perfect for verticallymountingand showing off your pc hardware linksin description below to find out moreso the first thing to go over is therigs used in today's comparisons wherewe've got one on the lower endand then one on the extreme high end tocheck for the differences where our lowend rigconsists of an x58 system with a sixcore 12 threaded zeon the x5675we've also got eight gigabytes of ram ina non-desirable configuration that iswe're only using dual channel with eightgigabytes of ddr3instead of triple channel which is whatthis platform can enable and we're alsonot overclocking the cpu in thisinstance and that's because we want toget a representation for most peoplewho are putting together low end rigs tosee what difference they can extracton an extreme budget and especially ifyou can't afford an overclockablemotherboardand extra things like a high-end coolerthough on the high-end side of things ifyou've gota lot of money especially in the worldof cryptothen you can afford an rtx 3090 forexample we'll take a look at that toowith the ryzen 9 5950x16 core 32threaded cpu 32gigabytes of cl 16 3600 memory whichis pretty much the best of the best whenit comes to gaming but let's move overto those results where first up is gta 5and here on the low end systemwhen we tested this game on the samesettings and this is thenormal settings preset which is prettymuch the lowest settings in this game at1080pwe can see here at the same spot sowe're testing apples to apples to appleswe see here that both the ghost spectreand the tyc versiongot really good 1 and 0.1 percent lowsand pretty much double that of thedefault versionand we also got an extra 2 average fpsnow on the high end systemwe didn't really notice much of adifference hereexcept again with the 0.1 percent lowswere a bit betteron our tyc and go spectre additions themovement of forhonor here on the low end side we didsee a little bit of an uplift on averagefpsand then on the high end rig we actuallydidn't see much of a difference at allexcept when it came to those 0.1 percentlowsjust like gta 5. though moving over nowto f12020 and here's where we saw at least onthe low end rigin terms of average fps we got thebiggest uplift in terms of percentageterms in this whole comparisongoing from 77 to 81 and 82 respectivelyso there was a bit more average fps tobe gained hereas well as the uh 0.1 and 1 lows goingup pretty much in tandemto that of the average fps then goingover to the high-end system on the 5950xwe didn't really see much of anuplift here at all across either the onepercent point lows or the average fpskeep in mind this is a dx12 gameand the game is very well optimized forpc moving on now to the last title andthis is cs goand here we go on the potato system aslight increase of average fps and thiswent from 241 to 245on both the go spectre and tyc installshowever the biggest difference hereis that in csgo's inbuilt benchmark itdoesn't just show uh the average fps italso shows the minimumand we're not talking about minimum fpswe're talking about actual minimumand that is the worst frame transitionpossible in this benchmarkand here we went from 13 to 19 to you can kind of think of this as likeif we're going to compare it to the onecent point on send lows in thisparticular benchmark you can think of itlike the .001 percent lowessentially the worst transitionpossible though moving on to the higherend systemswe didn't see much of the difference atall going from 26 to 27 to 29on that minimum number and then theaverage fpsshowed a very minimal difference howeverone thing i will point out this isbefore we get on to the syntheticbenchmarkswhere we've done an additional threetests there if you are on an amd systemyou want to keep the spectrum meltdownoptions enabledas opposed to the intel systems where iactually disabled them personallyhoweverin the custom version that we uploaded afew days ago here at techy citywe've left that on by default so ifyou're on an older intel systemi do recommend this is what i dopersonally i do disable spectrummeltdown but if i'm on an amd systemi do leave these enabled button which isthe default settingbecause if you disable the spectreupdate i'll pull up the results for youyou then go from over 800 fps and prettymuchlose 100 fps that was for syntheticswe've got here first upfire strike where we've got the physicsscores on the potatoesscoring a difference between the defaultand the custom versions herewhich was a slight uptick to the customversions especially when it came to thecpuscores and then when it came to the gpuscores they also lifted upjust ever so slightly it was nothing togo outside and gocelebrate and go party over but it was adifferencenonetheless and then moving on to thehigh-end systemwe also saw pretty much a similar resultwhere the custom versionswere beating out that of the defaultversion thoughmoving on now to geekbench 5 and here'swhere i saw the mostinteresting result that sort ofcorrelates with cinebench and that isthat the ghost specter versionconsistently when i was running thesetests was scoring ever so slightlyhigher on the single threaded scorethen it was slightly losing out on themulti-core scoreand this was showing on both the low endand the high-end systemsand then when we move over to cinebenchhere we've got a similar trenddevelopingwhere the single core was best on theghost spectre on both the low endand the high-end systems and then on themulti-core it was falling ever soslightly behindthough with all those benchmarks out ofthe way we're now at a conclusion foryou guysand what i saw there was something thatwhen it comes to these custom windowsinstalls what they're going to dois they're going to give you a smoothergaming experience that's the trend thati saw across the boardwhether it's our version or it's theghost specter version i think both theseversions do a better jobat giving you better one percentespecially 1.1 percent lowsthan the default version which has a lotof extra stuff baked inand one thing that i have noticed aswell is that when i'm first installingthis once we takewe personally take out all the crap andso does the spectre versionwhen you install these versions you'vejust got a better experience on a lowend system in terms of things operatinga little bit faster especiallyif you're not for instance using an ssdthen it's crucial that you get one ofthese lighter installsinstalled asap so when it comes togetting better fbsthe two most important contributingfactors are going to still beyour gpu and your cpu but that beingsaidwhen it comes to competitive multiplayertitles you definitely want to havea good one percent and 0.1 lowespecially if you're in clutch plays forinstance if i play dota 2and i'm in a big team fight i do notwant any stuttering while that'shappeningbecause it could cost me the match andsubsequently cost me the gameso if you're playing competitivemultiplayer titles then you definitelywant to get on a custom version ofwindowsthat's just my two cents in that regardso in a nutshell both these two versionsof windows they will make a differencebut it may be a different way than youmight have expectedbut the final question you guys probablyhave and one that i get asked quite alot isis the ghost specter version safe if youinstall thisare you going to get hacked and we'veused it here for a couple of weeksand from what i've seen it looks verywell polished and the person who made ithas spent a lot of time designing thisnot justafter you install windows but evenbefore where they've installed thingslike a custom uion the installation screen so i don'tthinkit would be invasive but that being saidicannot put my name on at 100 i'm not anetwork analysisexpert if you wanted to get a definitiveanswer you'd have tofind someone who is in that role andthey are a third party and they canvouch for itso i'm pretty much not your guy for thatbut when it comes to our versioni can tell you we've also spent a coupleof weeks making this it's been in theworksand i've been around for 10 years pluson youtube and i haven't been involvedin any scandals so basically we're justhappy to help you guys and i'm prettysureghost specter is going to be one ofthose guys who's going to be happy tohelpout the community when it comes togetting a better game experience andalso a better overalluser experience too so hopefully thatanswers that questionand if you guys have stayed this far andyou're enjoying that tech yes content besure to hit that like button for usalso let us know in the comment sectionbelow is there any questionsor sort of feedback you have for ourversions other versions out thereas well as any tips and tricks of yourown related to the windows 10 custominstallswe're getting into it and i must sayit's a lot of fun and i do enjoy thiskind of stuff so thanks for thesuggestionsyou guys are rocking as always just likethis question of the day herewhich comes from sd1 rager and they askquestion of the daywho do you want to call yes man i'lltell you who i want to call and that ishit that sub button ring that belland peace out for now bye man busteryou\n"