Testing the World's Most Hated Tool
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We were testing Gator Grips today, Jobe.
The Kind is captions and Language is en-
Oh...This is bull****.
That feels terrible.
We're on a web cast
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Oh...This is bull****.- That feels terrible.(laughing)- We're testing Gator Grips today, Jobe.- That's right.The "As Seen On TV" miracle toolthat claims to replace your whole toolbox.- But could it possiblylive up to that promise?- Well, I sure don't know, butI think we should find out.- Here's thanks to EBay Motorsfor sponsoring today's Tool Party.We all know that EBayMotors is the go-to sitefor parts and cars.But did you know thatthey also have tools?All right, Jobe, let's see here.Ah, do we have our welding stuff?- Check.- Okay. Do we have our gasket scraper?- Check.- Okay. Do we have our hammer?- Chuck?- That's not what we ordered, right?- It's not?Well, no problem.EBay Motors has a money back guarantee.So, if it's not the tool we ordered,well we can just get our money back.It's as simple as that.- Whatever you need, EBayMotors is here to help.So click the link in the descriptionto shop the tools yousee in today's video.Plus, a whole lot more.Jobe, let's get back to the show.- Let's Jerry. Check this out.- Whoa. You're so good at that.(laughter)- So what exactly is aGator Grip, Mr. Zach Jobe?- I don't know.Let's see what theirinfomercial has to say.- Watch, nomatter what size fastener,- No matter what size faster?(laughter)- Gator Gripreplaces a complete toolboxand fits in your pocket.- Did you hear that?- All those tools in there?- Throw 'em out.- Pitch em.- This man isusing a regular socket sethe has to change with every bolt.- What an idiot!- What a stupid ***hole.- But this manis using the Gator Grip.Gator Grip is strong enough to handleup to 150 foot pounds of torque.It can remove recessed, odd-shaped,even damaged nuts and bolts.- Odd shaped?This will work on...Nevermind.(laughter)- All youneed is the Gator Gripthat fits over 1,000nuts, bolts and fasteners.- Over 1000 nuts, bolts and fasteners.Big claims.Ah, miracle tool, indeed.- Not only does this Gator Grip claimthat it can replace your whole toolbox,but it can do it on the cheap.These cost, what, 10 bucks?- 10 bucks a pop.These things have been available forever.You can pick 'em up, atplenty of hardware stores.I think we all have a prettygood idea of how they work.It's just a bunch of metal sticks in thereon basically a spring system.When you put it on top of a nut,the rods that the nuthits move out of the wayand it grips and twists.It'll just accept a lot ofdifferent sized fastener heads,which is cool, as long as it can turn them- In theory, this is actually a good idea.- Yeah, but I rememberthe first time I saw it,I was like, oh man, that's so smart.- When I first got one of these as a kid,I used it once and it didn'twork on the thing I was using.And then guess where it went?- Junk drawer?- Junk drawer.(laughter)- Yeah. I think these live inprobably about 60, 70% ofthe junk drawers in America.- Junk drawers in America, right.- Today, we're gonnabe testing these thingsin a bunch of ways.We're gonna do all thetests from the infomercial.Then we're gonna see if thesethings can work on cars.Like if you were stuckon the side of the roadand this was all you had...- Right.- And then, we're gonnatake 'em to the point offailure; see, when they break.- This is why you bought10 of these things.- Yes.We're gonna find outif these really replacethe whole toolbox.- What are you thinking?- Probably not.(laughing)- All right.So we have recreatedthat sick infomercial.- I've always wanted tobe in an infomercial.- Well, you know what?This is like the next best thing(laughing)I'm gonna get it square on there.Give it its best shot.- I'm not even gonna look.(drilling)Cake.- No problem.- Well now the great thing is,you can move right upto the 9/16th lag boltwithout even changing sockets.Let's see if she can do it.(drilling)(grind)There you go.- Pass- Normally you gotta useyour hands for wing nuts.Not when the Gator Grip shows up.(drilling)(laughing)- Woo.- Yeah.- Well, yeah. I mean, that's a pass, too.You made it look way funnier, but...(laughing)(drilling)- Ooh, Pass!- Drilled a hole down in there.Counter sunk it.- That is so cool.- Yeah!- That's pretty cool.(drilling)- Dude.- Are you kidding me?Like, look at that.You don't have a ton of surface areato grip onto it with that.Now we got one that'seven slightly bigger.My turn.(drilling)- All right. Chewed upthe old head a little bit.- Yeah. That's when it skipped.(drilling)- Dude. I love that it wobbles.It's fun.(drilling)- I mean, she's through the back.- She's through the back.Look at that.Not bad.Put 'em all in, took 'em all out.- Yeah.- Looks like brand new.- Mine's got some pins,recessing themselves.Ooh. They stick a lot now.Yeah. It's definitely alittle hurt, it seems.- But you know why that would do that?- Why?- If the pins are bent,they can't go back on there.- Oh, that's a good point.- Right. And that pin is bent. Look.- You see a bent pin?- Yep.- Well, that didn'ttake too terribly much.So what do you think? Doesit pass? Does it fail?It did the things, butit killed the socket.- I say pass.- So one of the examplesin that beautiful infomercialwas doing some strut tower nuts.- Yeah, they're doingsome suspension work.- Uh, huh.- So we're gonna put it to the test,see if we can loosen a nuton the top of the coilovers on the E 36.And then we're gonna trysome various fastenersaround the car to see how this would doin various different roadsideemergency situations.Well, that's gonna be a problem.- (laughing)- You know, I didn't really think of that.The depth that you get is very shallow.- Right.- Holy crap.- That's maybe what, quarter of an inch?- That's really all you get?You basically can't do anythingwith a stud through it.- Right.- Bolts only.- That's a big old fail.- So let's pick some other stuff.Okay. Here's here's a 10 millimeter.Super common size, ifyou're working on cars,I think we can all agree.Oh yeah. Oh.- Uh-oh, oh- Oh, wow.(ratchet squeaking)He doesn't seem to likethe 10 mill, so far.- Is it not doing it?- It ain't doing it.- Get outta here.- I'm not getting outta here.- No way.- Not even close.- Let me try.- Like I think there's gonnabe certain sizes that...- Oh, there we go.It was just a user error.- Well, that's gonna happenwhen you're working with me, bud.(laughter)I was putting a little bitmore pressure on it, maybe.You know, 'cause I'm buffer than you.- Yeah. You're strong.- Because they're spring loaded,it pushes back on you.So if it doesn't have agood enough contact surface,it's gonna slip.See on one of the pins?- Oh yeah. You just dug right over.- Dug right into that.This is not a one size fits all.So it pushes and depressespins, according to whatever...- Size bolt you stick in it.- Right.- And then it tries tomake the closest mating to that it can.- Right.But that's not always perfectly 11 mills.- Right.- 10 mills or whatever it is.So because of that, youget some that will kind ofgo in at an angle.And then as you start to put torque to itdrag across the head of the bolt. So...- Right. Kind of did alittle damage with the bolt.- Right?- A regular socket would not do that.You wanna know what I wanna see now?- What?- A real small, little guy.- Oh like this guy?- A 7 millimeter or a quarter inchis what it says it cando at it's smallest.That's a quarter inch.- Okay.- And that's pretty easy to get to.- Right, right. Let's try it.It's so tiny that it's notgetting good contact with it.It's not getting that (crunch,crunch, crunch) gator grip.- Oh man, well...- So for that, that's a big old F.- I'm gonna call that a failure.Let's go to the trunk, hit that battery.See if we can take off a battery terminal.- This is somethingthat you would really commonly doif you have a dead batteryor you need to changeyour battery or whatever.- Well, I can alreadytell you right now...- Whoa!, who's in, uh...- This one looks pretty easy. Okay.- Oh, look at that.No problem.- No problem.Nothing in the wayof you getting on there nice and good.- There you go. Look at that. Popped off.- Pop it off, baby.- All right.Well now let's stepthings up a little bit.I mean, one of the mostcommon roadside issuesthat you're gonna bedealing with is a flat tire.- Yeah.- So if you gotta take a wheel offand put your spare oncan the Gator Grip do it?Let's see if you got the muscles for this.- (grunting) Oh...- Watch those knuckles, bud.- She cammed over there.- Oh, I see it justejecting itself as you turn.- It just pushes it out.- It just wants to come off.- This is bull****. Stupid ***hole.- And then you can neverreally use two handson the tool or whatever.You have to have a hand holding it on.That feels terrible.(laughing)- So we were able to break it loosewith a standard 17 mil socket.- It, it wasn't easy...Holy ****.But it got it off.- Yeah. It's almost like specific socket(laughter)is like better.- Bent the pins a little bit.They got smashed in between there.- Mmmhmm.Did a little bit ofdamage to the bolts, too.I mean, they're not...- Yeah.- the same as they were.- Right.- Sorry Max.- I think we call this a fail.- Yeah, dude. This is a major fail.And this is so irritating, too.Imagine you're on the side of a road,- Yeah!- cars blasting by you,and this thing is pushing youinto the oncoming traffic.(laughter)(tires screeching)- Nooo!- Let's do a moment of silencefor all the people who havedied because of the Gator Grip.- Yeah, let's.- Gator Grip holds on tightto finish the job quickly and easily.- Another claim that they've made,is that they can reach up to 150- foot pounds.- Yeah.- We've got a few different fasteners,so we can put that to the test.- These're all welded to this angle iron,so they can't move.So we're gonna put torque on 'emwith a torque adapterand measure the peak torqueof when they cam over.Claims a 150 foot pounds,but I'm not so sure.So we'll see what we get.(exclaiming)I think it already went over.(laughs)- We got a good grip on it.- 10, 11.- I don't know why it's turning so much.Okay. So we're justrounding that thing off.'Cause the rods are justkind of skipping over.They're not getting a real goodgrip on the head of the boltOn that, we peaked at 11.6foot pounds of torque.So that is to say,the most torque you could puton a 10 millimeter fastener,if you were putting one onyour car, is 11.6 foot pounds.- Interesting.- I'm gonna call that a fail.That's a pretty low number.- Didn't get to 150?- Not even close.All right, you ready?- Yeah, ready.- And we're skipping.And we're stuck.32.4 foot pounds...- That sucks.- Yeah, that's no good.This is the 14 millimeter boltand, it's gripping pretty well.So we're gonna add some leverage to it.- Eighties, 90, 98.5, 9-(crack)- 98.5 degrees.Not bad.- Right.- We're start to get there. Ahundred foot pounds basically.- And one of the things that's interestingis that a 14 mil bolt sitsdirectly on that set of pins.- Mmmhmm- So it pushes down an evennumber from the center.- Mmmhmm. That helps just toget a good grip on the bolt.About as good a one as we can get.- Yep.- Okay. Now we got a 15.(laughing)- Tighten her up. Tighten her up.- 150...- 158- .2- Heck, yeah.All right Gator, chomp, chomp.- Ooh, a little pin damage.We got a little pin bending there, eh.- Luckily we have a bunch of these.(tap, tap, tap)- God.Now I'm interested tosee how it does on a 17.Might be a little bit ofan in-between size for it.- Okay. 90, 100, 120, 126, 130, 138...- Wow!142 foot pounds. Honestly, pretty similar.- Yeah. I'm kind of surprised.I didn't think it was gonna fit in thereas well as the, the last one did.- Any damage?- Oh yeah. And we reallykind of mashed this one.- Ooh. She is not springing back no more.This is just a really shallow-head 17.I think this is actuallyan old flywheel bolt.The Gator Grip isn't gonnahave a whole lot to grip onto.Here we go.- Right, (murmuring)- She hates it.(laughing)Yeah. It didn't like that at all.We got to 60 foot pounds, 59.9- Final step along the way is a 19 mill.Fits perfect inside this thingbecause all the pins arepushed down at that pointand now it's just a 19mm socket.- Whoa, overloaded the equipment.We're at 162.1 foot pounds.Beat the 150 foot pounds that they claim,but of course it did.It's basically just a socket.- It's a socket at that point, so...- At the high end of itsrange, it's just a worse socketthat doesn't have as muchdepth as a normal socket would.How did we do here?- Well, like we thought,the smaller bolts doesn'thave enough contact surface for itto reach that 150 foot pound claim.- And honestly, their 150 footpound claim is kinda vague.It just says it can withstand "up to".It did do a decent job ofrounding 'em off, though.- Oh yeah.- Each and every bolt is super messed up.- All of these are brokenthat I have in my hand.All these pins are depressedand the springs are notejecting them back up.It's not like we were reallytesting these all that hard.- Yeah. We just did infomercial stuff.The question for me is,does it replace the toolkit?Am I gonna throw away threedrawers of this toolboxand replace it with one of those?- Let this be anindicator of what I think.- Drop the tools?- No, drop that thing. (laughing)- Oh, right. Yeah. Thatmakes sense. All right, cool.- It's gonna frustrate youmore than anything else.And that's one of the worstthings when it comes to toolsand really why we do this show, right?It's like, what's atool that is going to beeasy to use, worth yourmoney and not give youa fricking, screaming-- Aneurysm (both Laughing)- Yeah. When you're working on stuff.- This is going straight to theTool Party Graveyard, dude.- No freaking way.- Bury it.(Jerry laughing)- If you're curious, hey,what are you guys gonna dowith these used Gator Grips?Well, we're gonna give 'em toour Donut Underground membersbut, we're also gonna give'em 50 bucks because...- We feel bad.Yeah. We kinda feel bad,but also we'll sign theseand give 'em to you, as well.- So this was a fun one,putting some As Seen OnTV tools to the test.And if there's any otherAs Seen On TV toolsyou wanna see us test,throw 'em in the comments.- If you want some sick merch,like what Jobe is wearing right here,our new Buff Horse Ranch T.Look at that- Buff HorseRanch! Thing is sick!Go to Donutmedia.comYou can also follow uson Instagram @donutmedia.Follow me @jeremiahburtonFollow Jobe @zachjobe- And see you guys next week.- Yeah, baby.