This is a good time to mention them because you know a lot of the stuff that's new when Adobe puts out a Creative Suite there's a lot of stuff to it and Linda have one of the most extensive and I think one of the best quality libraries of training that you're going to find anywhere online so if you want to go in here and really dig into Photoshop and Lightroom and what else new in the new updates they have essential training for all these.
If you want to go in here and really dig into Photoshop and Lightroom and what else new in the new updates, they have essential training for all these. If I can go up and browse the library you can even search let's just say Lightroom and SiC 2015 see what comes up yep Creative Cloud updates and they have entire courses or you can just watch a couple videos if there's something specific you're looking for and Lynda, I've been a subscriber to them for years long since way long before I had the show and this is what they've always been extremely good at is software training particularly with creative software like Adobe stuff and they have moved on and branched out beyond that now and they offer a lot more with just general photography courses and things like that but this is really where they shine.
And they actually have a deal right now for a few years, where you can get seven days of unlimited access absolutely free. I would take them up on that and go in here and take a couple courses and spend a week learning the essential training for all the Creative Cloud updates for 2015 so you can really become a power user this stuff this is how I do it and I think there's just some amazing stuff in here. They have a relationship with Adobe where you know they get all this stuff in advance, so these titles are ready when the software comes out and they have access to Adobe and they really know how to dig deep into the software and do stuff.
So if you want to check out the free trial, I'm going to give you a link to go to and you're going to go to slash AOP that is Lynda with a why, slash AOP that lets them know that the art of photography sent you over there. You're going to get seven days of unlimited access to the entire website anyway once again it's slash AOP and want to give a special shout out to the folks at Lynda and thank them for once again sponsoring another episode of the art of photography.
You can see that Adobe have obviously put an enormous amount of thought into what the mobile experience should be and how that integrates with the work that we do on the desktop, and I think this is a really critical point in terms of what it means to be mobile, you know if you think about how inhuman it is that all of us has creatives spend an enormous amount of time in front of a computer screen and how that actually kills creativity to some degree. And to be able to come up with a way of working on things that inspires us and makes us feel more creative and gets us off of the desktop, and the whole idea of the metaphor of the desktop and the cartoon trashcan because mobile is so much more than that.
And up to this point there really hasn't been a big integration between the two, and I'm really glad to see Adobe doing this in this video. I only talked about Lightroom mobile and they have several other apps as well that at first seem kind of gimmicky and how they work but then you realize that they're trying to get us to think in different ways. And I really like that, and I think that's a really important thing to be able to do with mobile computing particularly with creative work and imaging.
They have an app for instance that will like to color grade footage for video but you can select color palettes by either using you know the built-in camera on your phone or importing an image or something like that, and it's really cool how they're trying to get us to see things in different ways. Anyway, I'm really impressed that Adobe have done this, I think it's a very important step as photographers to move in this direction and I think they've done a wonderful job.
So I will do more videos on things related to Adobe and mobile in weeks to come but until then it's about all I got for today. If you enjoyed this video please remember to like it and share it with your friends, and as always subscribed to the art of photography so you'll be up-to-date on all the latest and greatest videos that we're doing.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up everyone Ted Forbes welcome back to the art of photography few weeks ago I did a video on the Adobe Creative Cloud 2015 updates and we looked at some of the new features on the desktop side of things and as I mentioned in that video they've made some improvements to the mobile apps as well now I will be the first to admit I haven't done a lot of what I would determine to be more serious work on the mobile set of things mainly because of the way you need to get files to and from your phone the way you tend to work on there that nothing is really seamlessly integrated and so a lot of my mobile work has been limited to doing Instagram or Twitter or things of that nature where I'm actually capturing from the phone and then I manipulate my images from there but I would never do any serious work there until I started checking out some of these updates on the Creative Cloud and it occurred to me I have not done a video because I really haven't used much in the way of Lightroom mobile and light removal has it's not new and it was released last year but I just it would seem like another photo app to me on the mobile side of things and as I was going through and looking at these I was amazingly impressed by what Adobe have worked in there and not only is it usable but everything makes sense and it has a seamless integration with what they're doing on the desktop side of things so I don't want to talk about how cool this is I actually want to show you so come on over the computer and let's check out Lightroom mobile okay so we're in Lightroom right now and on my phone I'm going to go ahead and open Lightroom mobile and you're going to see that what I have here is I have a collection that is synced and this is how you're going to work on files across both Lightroom platforms so the desktop and mobile and so the way you're going to do this actually is if you go into the collections tab down here and you know there's smart collections and all you can create collections and have actually sorry I've created one called mobile down here and it's highlighted and I put a couple images in there and you can tell that it's synced up in the cloud over here by these little arrows and so if those aren't lit I think they're lit by default when you create what collection now if they're not lit by default you want to click on its little box that you can do the sync and you know that's how you turn syncing on and off and so the way you're going to be working here is it's going to sync the images up between the desktop and the mobile app so if I go over to the mobile app right now I'm just on the main screen here and you'll see all your collections I only have one sink right now and it's that mobile collection so if I tap that it's going to show me all the images and I intentionally started testing this out on the iPhone because the screen is smaller and I wanted to see how Adobe had designed the user interface how intuitive and easy it was going to be to use and I'm going to admit this really surprised me and actually blew me away and I'll talk a little bit more about why I think that in a second but it's very intuitive to use and it works in both portrait and landscape and I'll move a little bit between the two since I realized that you're watching this video in 16 by 9 we can use more the screen so if I want to select an image to edit I can go in here and let's say select this image and basically you have it's a real clean layout but you have a set of options on the bottom of the screen there and if I click this little tab over on the left hand side I can go in and flag things I can rate things that can make my selects so this is really cool if you have shot a roll of images and you're about to jump on a plane and you want to go through and make your selects or you want to go ahead and rate things and kind of try to figure that out and do some work it gets more powerful than that though which is really cool you can crop with the crop tool I can select this this icon in the middle here and this is going to give me essentially presets and I can scroll through here and I can see what all is available and if I go under creative for instance it's going to give me I'm going to move this hand we move this over to portrait again so you can see more they've got a couple cross processed presets anyway it's basic Lightroom presets so I can select one of these let's say I go for sepia tones go to cream tone let's do sepia since it'll be real obvious go back over if at any time you want to reset that you just scroll this little menu all the way to the left and there's a reset tab and I have several options in here to what state of the image I wanted to to reset it to so let's go ahead and say reset all let's go in here so those are the presets that I can do if I click on this adjust button what I'm going to do is I'm going to be presented with some basic stuff here that you are familiar with working at and Lightroom so you know black and white on and off white balance color temperature tent Auto tone all this stuff so if I want to go in here and adjust the exposure bring that up a bit and let's go and bring the highlights down just a hair let's open up the shadows a little bit and I can go in and I can create more contrast in the image anyway it's basic stuff that you're used to seeing and doing in Lightroom bring exposure back down make that sky more dramatic which is very cool again if you want to reset that I can swipe all the way over and I can hit reset you can go back to a previous state this is cool too we're in the adjustments tab and you see this little aperture icon over on the left hand side next to the black and white off deal if I click on that it's going to give me some more options so this is the basic settings I can go into tone curve and I can actually go in and just use my thumb if I want to create more of an s-curve on that and create even more contrast in drama I have those options you have full adjustment of curves there which is really cool again you can reset at any time I can go in here and adjust the vignette II click that again and go in here and adjust the color in black and white and this is really cool because I can go in here and really get specific with colors that I want to pop out and bring my greens bag may bring them in a little bit anyway whatever it is that you're doing I'm just talking while I'm doing this you know not perfect but let's say that that's the best I was doing on the airplane there and ready to go back okay so I completely forgot to mention just because I skipped over to how to brain fart but there's a couple gestures that work really cool and I know that you're just looking at a screenshot of the phone but if you want to do selects on here when I have my image up you know I can scroll through the image just by swiping left or right the other thing I can do is have a swipe up or down I can change this to unflagged each act on flag or pic and so that's a really cool way of doing selects in here as well I can also go change my star ratings on here if I use the menu over here the other cool thing that you can do in this requires a three finger tap but if I use three fingers and tap on the screen I can preview my before and after changes so if you if you tap and hold with three fingers it will show you the before and the after this is really nice if you are just trying to get a feel for the edits that you made what the differences are and you know you can do this on the Lightroom desktop anyway I just forgot to mention the two gestures because that's another way of working really quickly with mobile now what's cool about this is the way that Lightroom has synced and so what it does and this is actually really cool is you're not moving a raw file over to the the phone here what is doing a JPEG preview but it's bringing all those adjustments over so what it's doing is it's syncing those adjustments back to the computer so let me make a real obvious edit here that you're gonna be able to pick up on the video really well let's go to presets and let's go to creative and let's do a really ugly cross process your alternate green so anyway not a great edit obviously but I'm going to go ahead and let's force sync so I can go ahead and get that going now it's going to sync the adjustments and then what you're going to see it's going to upload there so now if I go back over to the desktop you're going to see my ugly green images there and I can actually go into develop here and I can go ahead and work on these way that's really bad probably want to not go with that look but anyway you can see that the other adjustments I made to these images held true as well and this is a really cool way of working and the reason I think that this is really changing things up is that you know the 2015 Creative Suite updates came out and everybody just talks about this dee haze tool ad nauseam and that really for me is not a big game changer and I was kind of snarky about that in the last video that I did but what is a game changer is the way we're working on mobile right now and what they did is they rather than just making a mobile app which is what we've seen up till now on Android or iOS is that you know before getting your images over to the phone making edits and maybe it's a JPEG and you get a Goku create that with the raw file you know all that's over with right now we have a way of syncing with the cloud that integrates the desktop into the mobile application and I find that just amazing it I think it's going to change the way we work nothing is permanently committed to in terms of working mobile II so if you're concerned about a smaller screen or resolution or whatever that is you can go in and continue to fine-tune this on the desktop app later and I think this is an amazing way to work personally and I think Adobe have really really changed the game on this anyway that is Lightroom mobile and how you're going to sync your images to work in conjunction with Lightroom on the desktop I want to give a shout out real quick to our sponsor today who are the awesome folks over at and if you're not familiar with I think this is a good time to mention them because you know a lot of the stuff that's new when Adobe puts out a Creative Suite there's a lot of stuff to it and Linda have one of the most extensive and I think one of the best quality libraries of training that you're going to find anywhere online so if you want to go in here and really dig into Photoshop and Lightroom and what else new in the new updates they have essential training for all these if I can go up and browse the library you can even search let's just say Lightroom and SiC 2015 see what comes up yep Creative Cloud updates and they have entire courses or you can just watch a couple videos if there's something specific you're looking for and Lynda I've been a subscriber to them for years long since way long before I had the show and this is what they've always been extremely good at is is software training particularly with creative software like Adobe stuff and they have moved on and branched out beyond that now and they offer a lot more with just general photography courses and things like that but this is really where they shine and they actually have a deal right now for artifact are a few years where you can get seven days of unlimited access absolutely free I would take them up on that and go in here and take a couple courses and spend a week learning the essential training for all the Creative Cloud updates for 2015 so you can really become a power user this stuff this is how I do it and I think there's just some amazing stuff in here they have a relationship with Adobe where you know they get all this stuff in advance so these these titles are ready when the software comes out and they have access to Adobe and they really know how to dig deep into the software and do stuff so if you want to check out the free trial I'm going to give you a link to go to and you're going to go to slash AOP that is Lynda with a why slash AOP that lets them know that the art of photography sent you over there you're going to get seven days of unlimited access to the entire website anyway once again it's slash a o P and want to give a special shout out to the folks at Linda and thank them for once again sponsoring another episode of the art of photography you can see that adobe have obviously put an enormous amount of thought into what the mobile experience should be and how that integrates with the work that we do on the desktop and I think this is a really critical point in terms of what it mobile is becoming to us you know if you think about how inhuman it is that all of us has creatives spend an enormous amount of time in front of a computer screen and how that actually kills creativity to some degree and to be able to come up with a way of working on things that inspires us and makes us feel more creative and gets us off of the desktop and the whole idea of the metaphor of the desktop and the cartoon trashcan because mobile is so much more than that and up to this point there really hasn't been a big integration between the two and I'm really glad to see Adobe doing this in this video I only talked about Lightroom mobile and they have several other apps as well that at first seem kind of gimmicky and how they work but then you realize that they're trying to get us to think in different ways and I really like that and I think that's a really important thing to be able to do with mobile computing particularly with creative work and imaging they have an app for instance that will like to color grade footage for video but you can select color palettes by either using you know the built-in camera on your phone or importing an image or something like that and it's really cool how they're trying to get us to see things in different ways anyway I'm really impressed that Adobe have done this I think it's a very important step as photographers to move in this direction and I think they've done a wonderful job so I will do more videos on things related to Adobe and mobile in weeks to come but until then it's about all I got for today if you enjoyed this video please remember to like it and share it with your friends and as always subscribed to the art of photography so you'll be up-to-date on all the latest and greatest videos that we're doing I got a big month coming up with a lot of cool stuff planned I'll be going to LA at the end of the month we'll be doing a meet-up and I have two major things that I'm trying to iron out for the show and I will reveal what those are in the coming weeks so once again guys this has been another episode of the art of photography I'll see you guys in the next video laterwhat's up everyone Ted Forbes welcome back to the art of photography few weeks ago I did a video on the Adobe Creative Cloud 2015 updates and we looked at some of the new features on the desktop side of things and as I mentioned in that video they've made some improvements to the mobile apps as well now I will be the first to admit I haven't done a lot of what I would determine to be more serious work on the mobile set of things mainly because of the way you need to get files to and from your phone the way you tend to work on there that nothing is really seamlessly integrated and so a lot of my mobile work has been limited to doing Instagram or Twitter or things of that nature where I'm actually capturing from the phone and then I manipulate my images from there but I would never do any serious work there until I started checking out some of these updates on the Creative Cloud and it occurred to me I have not done a video because I really haven't used much in the way of Lightroom mobile and light removal has it's not new and it was released last year but I just it would seem like another photo app to me on the mobile side of things and as I was going through and looking at these I was amazingly impressed by what Adobe have worked in there and not only is it usable but everything makes sense and it has a seamless integration with what they're doing on the desktop side of things so I don't want to talk about how cool this is I actually want to show you so come on over the computer and let's check out Lightroom mobile okay so we're in Lightroom right now and on my phone I'm going to go ahead and open Lightroom mobile and you're going to see that what I have here is I have a collection that is synced and this is how you're going to work on files across both Lightroom platforms so the desktop and mobile and so the way you're going to do this actually is if you go into the collections tab down here and you know there's smart collections and all you can create collections and have actually sorry I've created one called mobile down here and it's highlighted and I put a couple images in there and you can tell that it's synced up in the cloud over here by these little arrows and so if those aren't lit I think they're lit by default when you create what collection now if they're not lit by default you want to click on its little box that you can do the sync and you know that's how you turn syncing on and off and so the way you're going to be working here is it's going to sync the images up between the desktop and the mobile app so if I go over to the mobile app right now I'm just on the main screen here and you'll see all your collections I only have one sink right now and it's that mobile collection so if I tap that it's going to show me all the images and I intentionally started testing this out on the iPhone because the screen is smaller and I wanted to see how Adobe had designed the user interface how intuitive and easy it was going to be to use and I'm going to admit this really surprised me and actually blew me away and I'll talk a little bit more about why I think that in a second but it's very intuitive to use and it works in both portrait and landscape and I'll move a little bit between the two since I realized that you're watching this video in 16 by 9 we can use more the screen so if I want to select an image to edit I can go in here and let's say select this image and basically you have it's a real clean layout but you have a set of options on the bottom of the screen there and if I click this little tab over on the left hand side I can go in and flag things I can rate things that can make my selects so this is really cool if you have shot a roll of images and you're about to jump on a plane and you want to go through and make your selects or you want to go ahead and rate things and kind of try to figure that out and do some work it gets more powerful than that though which is really cool you can crop with the crop tool I can select this this icon in the middle here and this is going to give me essentially presets and I can scroll through here and I can see what all is available and if I go under creative for instance it's going to give me I'm going to move this hand we move this over to portrait again so you can see more they've got a couple cross processed presets anyway it's basic Lightroom presets so I can select one of these let's say I go for sepia tones go to cream tone let's do sepia since it'll be real obvious go back over if at any time you want to reset that you just scroll this little menu all the way to the left and there's a reset tab and I have several options in here to what state of the image I wanted to to reset it to so let's go ahead and say reset all let's go in here so those are the presets that I can do if I click on this adjust button what I'm going to do is I'm going to be presented with some basic stuff here that you are familiar with working at and Lightroom so you know black and white on and off white balance color temperature tent Auto tone all this stuff so if I want to go in here and adjust the exposure bring that up a bit and let's go and bring the highlights down just a hair let's open up the shadows a little bit and I can go in and I can create more contrast in the image anyway it's basic stuff that you're used to seeing and doing in Lightroom bring exposure back down make that sky more dramatic which is very cool again if you want to reset that I can swipe all the way over and I can hit reset you can go back to a previous state this is cool too we're in the adjustments tab and you see this little aperture icon over on the left hand side next to the black and white off deal if I click on that it's going to give me some more options so this is the basic settings I can go into tone curve and I can actually go in and just use my thumb if I want to create more of an s-curve on that and create even more contrast in drama I have those options you have full adjustment of curves there which is really cool again you can reset at any time I can go in here and adjust the vignette II click that again and go in here and adjust the color in black and white and this is really cool because I can go in here and really get specific with colors that I want to pop out and bring my greens bag may bring them in a little bit anyway whatever it is that you're doing I'm just talking while I'm doing this you know not perfect but let's say that that's the best I was doing on the airplane there and ready to go back okay so I completely forgot to mention just because I skipped over to how to brain fart but there's a couple gestures that work really cool and I know that you're just looking at a screenshot of the phone but if you want to do selects on here when I have my image up you know I can scroll through the image just by swiping left or right the other thing I can do is have a swipe up or down I can change this to unflagged each act on flag or pic and so that's a really cool way of doing selects in here as well I can also go change my star ratings on here if I use the menu over here the other cool thing that you can do in this requires a three finger tap but if I use three fingers and tap on the screen I can preview my before and after changes so if you if you tap and hold with three fingers it will show you the before and the after this is really nice if you are just trying to get a feel for the edits that you made what the differences are and you know you can do this on the Lightroom desktop anyway I just forgot to mention the two gestures because that's another way of working really quickly with mobile now what's cool about this is the way that Lightroom has synced and so what it does and this is actually really cool is you're not moving a raw file over to the the phone here what is doing a JPEG preview but it's bringing all those adjustments over so what it's doing is it's syncing those adjustments back to the computer so let me make a real obvious edit here that you're gonna be able to pick up on the video really well let's go to presets and let's go to creative and let's do a really ugly cross process your alternate green so anyway not a great edit obviously but I'm going to go ahead and let's force sync so I can go ahead and get that going now it's going to sync the adjustments and then what you're going to see it's going to upload there so now if I go back over to the desktop you're going to see my ugly green images there and I can actually go into develop here and I can go ahead and work on these way that's really bad probably want to not go with that look but anyway you can see that the other adjustments I made to these images held true as well and this is a really cool way of working and the reason I think that this is really changing things up is that you know the 2015 Creative Suite updates came out and everybody just talks about this dee haze tool ad nauseam and that really for me is not a big game changer and I was kind of snarky about that in the last video that I did but what is a game changer is the way we're working on mobile right now and what they did is they rather than just making a mobile app which is what we've seen up till now on Android or iOS is that you know before getting your images over to the phone making edits and maybe it's a JPEG and you get a Goku create that with the raw file you know all that's over with right now we have a way of syncing with the cloud that integrates the desktop into the mobile application and I find that just amazing it I think it's going to change the way we work nothing is permanently committed to in terms of working mobile II so if you're concerned about a smaller screen or resolution or whatever that is you can go in and continue to fine-tune this on the desktop app later and I think this is an amazing way to work personally and I think Adobe have really really changed the game on this anyway that is Lightroom mobile and how you're going to sync your images to work in conjunction with Lightroom on the desktop I want to give a shout out real quick to our sponsor today who are the awesome folks over at and if you're not familiar with I think this is a good time to mention them because you know a lot of the stuff that's new when Adobe puts out a Creative Suite there's a lot of stuff to it and Linda have one of the most extensive and I think one of the best quality libraries of training that you're going to find anywhere online so if you want to go in here and really dig into Photoshop and Lightroom and what else new in the new updates they have essential training for all these if I can go up and browse the library you can even search let's just say Lightroom and SiC 2015 see what comes up yep Creative Cloud updates and they have entire courses or you can just watch a couple videos if there's something specific you're looking for and Lynda I've been a subscriber to them for years long since way long before I had the show and this is what they've always been extremely good at is is software training particularly with creative software like Adobe stuff and they have moved on and branched out beyond that now and they offer a lot more with just general photography courses and things like that but this is really where they shine and they actually have a deal right now for artifact are a few years where you can get seven days of unlimited access absolutely free I would take them up on that and go in here and take a couple courses and spend a week learning the essential training for all the Creative Cloud updates for 2015 so you can really become a power user this stuff this is how I do it and I think there's just some amazing stuff in here they have a relationship with Adobe where you know they get all this stuff in advance so these these titles are ready when the software comes out and they have access to Adobe and they really know how to dig deep into the software and do stuff so if you want to check out the free trial I'm going to give you a link to go to and you're going to go to slash AOP that is Lynda with a why slash AOP that lets them know that the art of photography sent you over there you're going to get seven days of unlimited access to the entire website anyway once again it's slash a o P and want to give a special shout out to the folks at Linda and thank them for once again sponsoring another episode of the art of photography you can see that adobe have obviously put an enormous amount of thought into what the mobile experience should be and how that integrates with the work that we do on the desktop and I think this is a really critical point in terms of what it mobile is becoming to us you know if you think about how inhuman it is that all of us has creatives spend an enormous amount of time in front of a computer screen and how that actually kills creativity to some degree and to be able to come up with a way of working on things that inspires us and makes us feel more creative and gets us off of the desktop and the whole idea of the metaphor of the desktop and the cartoon trashcan because mobile is so much more than that and up to this point there really hasn't been a big integration between the two and I'm really glad to see Adobe doing this in this video I only talked about Lightroom mobile and they have several other apps as well that at first seem kind of gimmicky and how they work but then you realize that they're trying to get us to think in different ways and I really like that and I think that's a really important thing to be able to do with mobile computing particularly with creative work and imaging they have an app for instance that will like to color grade footage for video but you can select color palettes by either using you know the built-in camera on your phone or importing an image or something like that and it's really cool how they're trying to get us to see things in different ways anyway I'm really impressed that Adobe have done this I think it's a very important step as photographers to move in this direction and I think they've done a wonderful job so I will do more videos on things related to Adobe and mobile in weeks to come but until then it's about all I got for today if you enjoyed this video please remember to like it and share it with your friends and as always subscribed to the art of photography so you'll be up-to-date on all the latest and greatest videos that we're doing I got a big month coming up with a lot of cool stuff planned I'll be going to LA at the end of the month we'll be doing a meet-up and I have two major things that I'm trying to iron out for the show and I will reveal what those are in the coming weeks so once again guys this has been another episode of the art of photography I'll see you guys in the next video later\n"