How to write a great looking research article using LaTeX on Overleaf

**The Power of Overleaf: A Game-Changer for Academic Writing**

In recent years, academic writing has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of digital tools. One such tool that has revolutionized the way we write and cite references is Overleaf. As I mentioned earlier, Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that allows users to create, edit, and share documents with ease. In this article, I will delve into the features and benefits of using Overleaf, focusing on its citation management capabilities.

**Bibliography Management Made Easy**

One of the most significant advantages of using Overleaf is its automated bibliography management system. With just a few clicks, users can import references from various sources such as journals, books, and websites. I demonstrated this feature by importing three examples of bibliography files into my document. Each reference had a unique ID that could be used to cite specific papers or articles. This feature saves time and reduces errors associated with manual citation formatting.

To illustrate this feature, let's say I wanted to add a reference from a recent paper on fellowship. I simply clicked on the " Bib file" tab, selected the desired reference, and copied its ID. Then, I went back to my text document and inserted the "site p" code, followed by the reference's ID, and voilà! The citation was automatically formatted and added to the reference section of my document. This feature is not only convenient but also ensures consistency in formatting.

**Searching for References: A Convenient Feature**

Another useful feature of Overleaf is its search functionality. When searching for references, I discovered that Overleaf uses the "p" tag in its citation format. Depending on the journal template used, it could be either "site p" or "site t". This flexibility ensures compatibility with various journal formats.

To demonstrate this feature, let's say I wanted to cite a paper from PubMed. I searched for the reference online, copied the PubMed ID, and downloaded the corresponding text file in the required format ("text med tex md"). Then, I pasted the extracted citation into my Overleaf document and added it to the bibliography section. The result was automatic formatting, saving me time and effort.

**Challenges with Tables: A Future Focus**

While Overleaf excels in citation management, tables pose a more significant challenge. Creating tables can be tedious, especially when dealing with complex models or large datasets. In my next video, I will focus on providing tips and tricks for creating beautiful and informative tables using Overleaf.

In conclusion, Overleaf has revolutionized the way we write and cite references in academic documents. Its automated bibliography management system, search functionality, and ease of use make it an indispensable tool for researchers and writers alike. While challenges remain, such as formatting tables, I am excited to share my future videos on tackling these issues head-on.

**Final Thoughts**

If you're finding value in this video, please don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell. The best way to learn data science is by doing it, and Overleaf has significantly improved over time, reducing errors and making it less daunting for users. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more insights and tips in my next video!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enin this video i'm going to show you how you could create a research article using latex on overleaf and without further ado we're starting right now so latex or latex is a typesetting system which allows you to focus more on the content and forget about the formatting because the latex type setting system will take care of all of that so if you would like for more information about latex then you can check out this website which provides you with the historical account on how you can pronounce latex or latte which also provides you a quick account of the basic syntax of latex and so here in this particular example you could see that if you have a text written like this but then if you would like to format it in microsoft word or on a google docs then you probably would have to highlight some of them as the title and then you would probably have to format you know like you have to figure out how you would like to format the author's name and how you would like to format the date and then the contents of the text here but then if you're writing it in latex you don't have to think about like what is the font size because the thing is you could just put in the title inside the title tag you put in the name inside the author tag the date inside the date tag and the content will be here in the begin document and so just putting in the content in the correct tag which pretty much works kind of like a computer programming language then you would not have to worry too much about like do you want to adjust the size of font to be like 12 or 14 or 16 so latex will take care of all of that for you and so in this tutorial i'm going to show you how you could use the overleaf platform in order for you to create your very own research article on overleaf and the great thing about overleaf is that it provides you with a large variety of templates so let's have a look here click on the templates here and then you're going to see that it is conveniently categorized into academic journals bibliography books poster you can even prepare your presentation slide in latex or how about your research thesis book like for here on the first page some universities provide templates for their thesis book some even provide templates for their presentation slide in the various aspect sizes such as four by three or 16 by nine right so you could also see whether your university provides such template and if they do then all of the burden about correcting the section heading font size the header and the footer you know like the page number alternating on every odd or even pages all of those headaches you will not have to worry about it because latex will take care of all of that for you and so in this tutorial we're just going to focus only on how to create a research article on overleaf and so i'll definitely make a future video on other types of document so let's click on the academic journal and then you can see the large variety of templates for you to select from and then you can see whether your intended journal has a template here like for example if you would like to submit to genetics they have a template for you and so let's check it out let's say that you want to submit to genetics so click on the template here and then you could even download the pdf which is the compiled version so let's download it let's open it up and so this is how it actually looks like after being compiled and so let's check out the actual article from genetics so it's published by oxford all right so it's here how about more thread let's click on that one click on pdf all right so this is the final formatted version of the genetics research article and let's have a look at the latex version okay so it's not exactly the same but then you would notice that it bears about 90 similarity okay so the color might alter a little bit in case but for the most part it looks or resemble the actual version and so let's have a look at the actual latex file so you want to click on open as template but then you'll probably have to log in to overleaf and it's free to register so i'll provide you the links in the video description so you could also conveniently log in using your google account all right and now we're loading in and so i have already logged in now and then you can see that the genetics template is now loaded and then let me first start by telling you the basic interface of overleaf so to the right here you'll see the preview of the compiled version to the middle component here the middle panel here will be the latex code and then you'll see the green button here so let's say that if you would like to make changes to the title right here let's say exploring structure function relationship of or actually activity of and then we'll have to figure out what protein name put here i'll put in little choline estuaries based on one of our vision work inhibitors okay but then you'll notice that it doesn't update the preview yet so what you need to do is click on recompile and notice here the title will be changed now okay there you go now the title is changed and updated to what you have in here but if you would not like to click on the recompile every time then you could click on the drop down button here and then for auto compile you want to click on on and so whenever you make changes here it's going to update the preview for you let's say for example for author here author one i'm going to change it to my name i'll wait a bit and then as you can see it activates the compiling automatically and now the name is updated in here and then let's have a look at the various tags here so the document so the document class here will tell the latex system that you're going to use the template for genetics which is right here this is the name of the journal and in ein pt is the font size two column here will specify that you're going to have it in two columns two side is going to tell it that it's going to be printed on two sides line number will tell it to include also the line number and then use package right here is using the eps to pdf and so you could think of the use package as kind of like the imports libraries in python or the library for our packages so in order to use packages from latex you're going to have to import it in which you could do you can use package but at default you will not have to modify anything so what you need to modify is only the content okay so you would have to look at here like for example right here is telling you what is the running author name and the writing title so typically the running author and title will go at the top part here of the header of the page so let me zoom in for you so you're going to notice that at the header part of the article it's going to have the author's last name here the first author's last name and then followed by at all and then it's going to be alternating every even and odd pages and it'll have the name of the journal here so because you're submitting to genetics it's going to use here genetic but then it also adds information about that is a template on overleaf so here you could just change it to the first author's name like for example if it's myself i would type in here and then it'll activate that and then this should change in a few seconds all right and now it's changed right and let's have a look further so author tag here will specify that this is the name of the authors and then the number here will specify the affiliation number so the thing is one author could belong to several affiliation and it could also be used for specifying the affiliation of your other co-authors like for example if we have a john doe we have jane doe we have who else bob doe see let me move myself to last name here and then let's say we have michael though and then you would put the first author's affiliation you know like if the first author is belonging to affiliation one you put it here so depending on the affiliation you could type in the name of the university or the name of the company okay like for example let me type in data professor youtube channel and then you know like university of a university of b and so you're going to notice that while i'm updating the document is updated in real time however it might be annoying if let's say that you're intentionally deleting some tags here and it won't be able to compile it successfully and then you're going to notice that you're going to have an error coming up here and it says unclosed group so you have to close it so this will be gone so this warning will be gone all right university of c all right now it should recompile all right so the newer version of overleaf is not throwing an error like in the old days like let's say two years ago whenever i deleted a tag here it would recompile and it would generate an error but now it's very efficient and it just don't recompile and it'll just give you the error message and then it tells you where is the error message so this is very neat and then you can just fix it here all right and then you could also specify like for example if the first two authors are contributing equally to the work you could do it like this and then it'll add a dagger symbol for the first two authors that they contributed equally to the work right here the dagger here which goes after the affiliation name so you will see that in the code to the left that we had typed in the name of university of a university of b and university of c for affiliation one two and three it is right here in a superscript okay and so some authors belong to affiliation and so there will be two affiliation numbers here and then for myself i'll be number four which is data professor youtube channel and then i'll have an asterisk which would mean that i'm the corresponding author of this particular research article all right and so let's have a look at the template so you're going to notice that they have here the abstract and this is the paragraph of the abstract and you could just you know type in the content of the abstract right here okay and then this is the keywords of the research article you could type in the keywords here let's say we type in data science machine learning and we could type in you know qsar which is the topic of our hypothetical research article and then it should update here in a few seconds there you go right and then you could just head over to the first paragraph of right here but this is the example here so you could just you know delete up until introduction so let me do that let me go to the samples of introduction so a trick here is that you will find whatever segment or section that you would like to edit and then you try to find the respective wordings like okay i want to find introduction here so i'll go to the code and i'll find introduction which is right here so anything above it i'll delete it but then you have to be careful because if you delete the wrong thing your code or manuscript will be pretty messed up so let me see okay this genetics journal template which is this paragraph so i'll delete here but then i don't have to delete it i could just comment it out like for example i'll comment it out by adding the percentage symbol and notice here that after i added it became a comment and the comment will be in green color and so you will see that it disappeared so i'll add more okay i'll comment it out so you notice that whenever i commented out the begin tag it raises an error and it won't compile all right and then it'll highlight the segment that has the error which is very neat because in the old days there were no color highlights so overleaf has improved significantly and it's very intuitive it's much easier to use than before all right there you go and then now we have introduction and this should be gone wait for it all right there you go so you have now the introduction starting at the appropriate position so a typical research article will have the research article titled the author's name the author's affiliation information of the corresponding authors like the email address and all of that and then the abstract the keywords of the article and then you have the introduction which explains about the background of the research topic that you're performing or explaining in your article and then the materials and method will describe how you obtain your data what experiments did you do how did you process or analyze your results which softwares did you use which version numbers which libraries which algorithms which implementation did you use and then in the results and discussion you'll talk about the results and then you'll talk about the results in the form of a figure or also in the form of a table so you could play around with creating visualizations of your results and then you provide a discussion on the interpretation of the figures or the tables what does it mean and the implications that it has on the topic that you're working on and also in the discussion part you're going to correlate that with the literature finding does it match the present knowledge in the field or does your result differ and how so and then you're going to perform some comparing and contrasting of your results with that of the literature all right and then you're going to have subsections in your results and discussion as well as the materials and method and then let's head over back to the code so you're going to notice that the major sections will have the section tag right here and then each tab will have a backslash followed by the term section and in the opening and closing braces you have the name of the section introduction all right and then the contents here in the paragraphs will be the paragraphs here so this line will correspond to this paragraph this line will correspond to this paragraph and then you're going to have the next section which is materials and method and as i mentioned already we have the section tag here on the introduction and then we have the section tag on the materials and method so you can think of the section tag it's kind of like heading one and then if you have like a subsection it will be a heading two so the font size will be a bit smaller but then it will distinguish itself from the other normal paragraph text so you have the subsection called statistical analysis which is right here so you're going to notice that it's slightly different so the section tag will have like a blue color and then the subsection will have a black color text but then it will be bold so it distinguishes itself from the paragraph text okay and then the same thing happens you have the section for you know like the results and discussion and if you have subsection for the results and discussion you could add it in here you could call it subsection and then let's say i would like to talk about like the model building i'll be like this i'll type in model building and then i'll just put in some filler text here and then i'll have a subsection called model say optimization or i could you know call it whatever i did so whichever experiment i did i'll put it here like i could say hyper parameter tuning let's say i'm going to create a subsection on model interpretation or feature interpretation which i normally do in our research paper so we will talk about the feature importance and how the model can be used for extracting important features that could help to guide biologists or chemists in their experimental work all right and so whenever it's updated you're going to notice that the text will recompile and it will have a fresh copy of the article and then in order to download this particular article we could click here at the top part click on download pdf and it will download the pdf version which is right here okay so it's the pdf that we had generated from the latex of overleaf and the great thing about using overleaf and the formatting here is that aside from not having to worry about formatting it just the feeling of having this document like if you print it out or you have a look at it it kind of gives you a depiction that your work here that you're working on it resembles that of the firework because it's formatted in a way that resembles the final version as an article like here so so personally it provides me a bit of a motivation in that it allows me to visualize that this particular article will eventually become this one and this one looks just exactly alike and aside from that it will also make the lives of the editor much easier because they could easily use the latex that you have in their production after it is accepted for publication and another thing could also be that the reviewers would also benefit from the fact that the nicely formatted article is easier to read than a double-spaced manuscript because the thing is a typical manuscript if you have it double-spaced but this is for me personally when you have the manuscript double spaced you could occupy more than 30 or 40 pages but then if you have it formatted neatly like this it could occupy only a few pages maybe five or eight right like a standard research article would be about eight to ten pages and a shorter form like a communication will be two pages or three pages all right and let's have a look at the reference section right here literature cited and some links are even clickable so let's have a look let's zoom in here so this is the literature part the reference section where you cite the relevant research article that you have referenced in the research article so here in this example it provides three of them and depending on the style of the journal that you're working on it could either be in this style without the number so it's ordered according to the author's last name or if you're using it according to something that resembles vancouver it would be numbered one two three and then the number would be in order of appearance and so this really depends on the journal format style and so you're gonna notice that at the left-hand panel here it tells you kind of like the contents of this particular project and so the project here the file that we're working on is called tex it's a text file it's the latex file right tex and then this is the latex and then the pdf is the one that's generated and the eps is also generated as well and then the bst let's have a look the bst you don't have to worry about this because this is what makes the formatting possible so just ignore this one because this is like under the hood of how your latex document goes from a text file to become a pdf version like this and let's have a look here example so this is the figure used in the document here right here and so if your research article has figures you're going to upload it here so you could click here upload and then you will upload your file either by selecting it from your computer or you could drag and drop it here and after you upload it it will be here amongst the files so let me show you how you could insert a figure so let's say i could double click on the image here and then it should go to the line that i could edit right so it's very convenient like if i double click here it will go to the line that will allow me to make modifications to it so if i double click on the image it goes to the image line and so here you're going to notice that this is the name of the file example figure let's say that i changed the name of the figure to become figure one figure underscore one let's go back to the text file and let's recompile it and you're gonna notice that it will disappear because it won't be able to find the figure and then it will give you an error and so you will have to modify this to be the name of your image name so the image name is now figure underscore one and as i type it also has a code completion so you could use dot png or you could just take away the dot png it should work let's see all right now it's appearing again because we typed in the name of the image and then this is the caption of the figure which goes here okay and so one more thing is to tell you about the bibliography as i mentioned in here we have three examples so let's click on the bib file and then you're going to have the bibliography files here so these correspond to the three here and make note here each article reference or bibliography will have a id and the id is right here and so this particular id will uniquely identify this particular bibliography like for example if i would like to cite the paper from fellows which is right here i'll copy this and i'll head back to the text file and then uh let me find let me see if i could double click here would it go there or i would need to search so i'll hit on command f or control f and then search for there you go and it's using the site p tag so depending on the journal template that you're using it could be site p or it could also be site t site t like that so it depends on the journal format but for this particular one it's using site p okay and so it is here that you put in the reference that you would like to cite like for example if i would like to cite it somewhere else here let me type so let's type p let me see um in the intro let's say i would like to cite it here so normally we will cite it before the full stop so i'll type in site pe and then opening and closing braces and then it has some code completion and i'll say okay i'll select volusion16 and then let's have a look at the introduction at the last sentence here it should be populated in a few seconds all right now it's populated here fellowship is added the reference to it okay and let's add another one here ip opening and closing braces so back in the days you would have to memorize the id but here is very convenient you could just select the ones that you would like to cite so i'm very happy with the current version of overleaf and it has significantly improved over time and therefore is less error so normally right here it will tell you the number of error that your file has so if there's no number here it means that your file does not have an error all right and so now you're able to insert the reference to the appropriate position and so let's say that if you would like to find a new reference from the internet let's say if i go to pubmed pubmed and let's see let me find some papers for my group let's see if i would like to cite this paper i'll click on it and i'll click on save format let's say okay or how about here site and i'll just click on format oh okay download okay so it doesn't have the text version so what i need to do is i'll copy the pubmed id which is right here copy it and then i'll go to text med tex md and this this one text med and so this is how i normally do when i want to insert a reference into a latex document and i'll put in the pubmed id here and then click on query and it should appear here and i'll click on bib text so this is the article that i've mentioned from pubmed and then right here i'm going to copy this and then head over back to the latex and then i'll go to the bib file i'll paste it here and i'll copy this id and i'll head back to the text file and let's say that i would like to add it to right here site p and then or even you know select from the drop down as well and then it'll recompile and it's right here and then you will notice that it has added to the reference section as the fourth reference it's a very convenient right so you don't have to worry about the formatting of the reference you just search for it you download the bib file or actually you just copy and then you paste it into the bib file and then voila you're getting a formatted version automatically so you just focus on the content here okay but what is challenging is the table okay so the table might take you a lot of time in creating and so i'll probably show you that in a future video like how you could format tables of your model performance you could make it in a vertical horizontal or landscape display where the table is shown in a rotated manner in a counterclockwise on a full range of the page and so i'll show you that in a future video and so if you're finding value in this video please smash the like button subscribe if you haven't already and hit on the notification bell so that you will be notified of the next video and as always the best way to learn data science is to do data science and please enjoy the journeyin this video i'm going to show you how you could create a research article using latex on overleaf and without further ado we're starting right now so latex or latex is a typesetting system which allows you to focus more on the content and forget about the formatting because the latex type setting system will take care of all of that so if you would like for more information about latex then you can check out this website which provides you with the historical account on how you can pronounce latex or latte which also provides you a quick account of the basic syntax of latex and so here in this particular example you could see that if you have a text written like this but then if you would like to format it in microsoft word or on a google docs then you probably would have to highlight some of them as the title and then you would probably have to format you know like you have to figure out how you would like to format the author's name and how you would like to format the date and then the contents of the text here but then if you're writing it in latex you don't have to think about like what is the font size because the thing is you could just put in the title inside the title tag you put in the name inside the author tag the date inside the date tag and the content will be here in the begin document and so just putting in the content in the correct tag which pretty much works kind of like a computer programming language then you would not have to worry too much about like do you want to adjust the size of font to be like 12 or 14 or 16 so latex will take care of all of that for you and so in this tutorial i'm going to show you how you could use the overleaf platform in order for you to create your very own research article on overleaf and the great thing about overleaf is that it provides you with a large variety of templates so let's have a look here click on the templates here and then you're going to see that it is conveniently categorized into academic journals bibliography books poster you can even prepare your presentation slide in latex or how about your research thesis book like for here on the first page some universities provide templates for their thesis book some even provide templates for their presentation slide in the various aspect sizes such as four by three or 16 by nine right so you could also see whether your university provides such template and if they do then all of the burden about correcting the section heading font size the header and the footer you know like the page number alternating on every odd or even pages all of those headaches you will not have to worry about it because latex will take care of all of that for you and so in this tutorial we're just going to focus only on how to create a research article on overleaf and so i'll definitely make a future video on other types of document so let's click on the academic journal and then you can see the large variety of templates for you to select from and then you can see whether your intended journal has a template here like for example if you would like to submit to genetics they have a template for you and so let's check it out let's say that you want to submit to genetics so click on the template here and then you could even download the pdf which is the compiled version so let's download it let's open it up and so this is how it actually looks like after being compiled and so let's check out the actual article from genetics so it's published by oxford all right so it's here how about more thread let's click on that one click on pdf all right so this is the final formatted version of the genetics research article and let's have a look at the latex version okay so it's not exactly the same but then you would notice that it bears about 90 similarity okay so the color might alter a little bit in case but for the most part it looks or resemble the actual version and so let's have a look at the actual latex file so you want to click on open as template but then you'll probably have to log in to overleaf and it's free to register so i'll provide you the links in the video description so you could also conveniently log in using your google account all right and now we're loading in and so i have already logged in now and then you can see that the genetics template is now loaded and then let me first start by telling you the basic interface of overleaf so to the right here you'll see the preview of the compiled version to the middle component here the middle panel here will be the latex code and then you'll see the green button here so let's say that if you would like to make changes to the title right here let's say exploring structure function relationship of or actually activity of and then we'll have to figure out what protein name put here i'll put in little choline estuaries based on one of our vision work inhibitors okay but then you'll notice that it doesn't update the preview yet so what you need to do is click on recompile and notice here the title will be changed now okay there you go now the title is changed and updated to what you have in here but if you would not like to click on the recompile every time then you could click on the drop down button here and then for auto compile you want to click on on and so whenever you make changes here it's going to update the preview for you let's say for example for author here author one i'm going to change it to my name i'll wait a bit and then as you can see it activates the compiling automatically and now the name is updated in here and then let's have a look at the various tags here so the document so the document class here will tell the latex system that you're going to use the template for genetics which is right here this is the name of the journal and in ein pt is the font size two column here will specify that you're going to have it in two columns two side is going to tell it that it's going to be printed on two sides line number will tell it to include also the line number and then use package right here is using the eps to pdf and so you could think of the use package as kind of like the imports libraries in python or the library for our packages so in order to use packages from latex you're going to have to import it in which you could do you can use package but at default you will not have to modify anything so what you need to modify is only the content okay so you would have to look at here like for example right here is telling you what is the running author name and the writing title so typically the running author and title will go at the top part here of the header of the page so let me zoom in for you so you're going to notice that at the header part of the article it's going to have the author's last name here the first author's last name and then followed by at all and then it's going to be alternating every even and odd pages and it'll have the name of the journal here so because you're submitting to genetics it's going to use here genetic but then it also adds information about that is a template on overleaf so here you could just change it to the first author's name like for example if it's myself i would type in here and then it'll activate that and then this should change in a few seconds all right and now it's changed right and let's have a look further so author tag here will specify that this is the name of the authors and then the number here will specify the affiliation number so the thing is one author could belong to several affiliation and it could also be used for specifying the affiliation of your other co-authors like for example if we have a john doe we have jane doe we have who else bob doe see let me move myself to last name here and then let's say we have michael though and then you would put the first author's affiliation you know like if the first author is belonging to affiliation one you put it here so depending on the affiliation you could type in the name of the university or the name of the company okay like for example let me type in data professor youtube channel and then you know like university of a university of b and so you're going to notice that while i'm updating the document is updated in real time however it might be annoying if let's say that you're intentionally deleting some tags here and it won't be able to compile it successfully and then you're going to notice that you're going to have an error coming up here and it says unclosed group so you have to close it so this will be gone so this warning will be gone all right university of c all right now it should recompile all right so the newer version of overleaf is not throwing an error like in the old days like let's say two years ago whenever i deleted a tag here it would recompile and it would generate an error but now it's very efficient and it just don't recompile and it'll just give you the error message and then it tells you where is the error message so this is very neat and then you can just fix it here all right and then you could also specify like for example if the first two authors are contributing equally to the work you could do it like this and then it'll add a dagger symbol for the first two authors that they contributed equally to the work right here the dagger here which goes after the affiliation name so you will see that in the code to the left that we had typed in the name of university of a university of b and university of c for affiliation one two and three it is right here in a superscript okay and so some authors belong to affiliation and so there will be two affiliation numbers here and then for myself i'll be number four which is data professor youtube channel and then i'll have an asterisk which would mean that i'm the corresponding author of this particular research article all right and so let's have a look at the template so you're going to notice that they have here the abstract and this is the paragraph of the abstract and you could just you know type in the content of the abstract right here okay and then this is the keywords of the research article you could type in the keywords here let's say we type in data science machine learning and we could type in you know qsar which is the topic of our hypothetical research article and then it should update here in a few seconds there you go right and then you could just head over to the first paragraph of right here but this is the example here so you could just you know delete up until introduction so let me do that let me go to the samples of introduction so a trick here is that you will find whatever segment or section that you would like to edit and then you try to find the respective wordings like okay i want to find introduction here so i'll go to the code and i'll find introduction which is right here so anything above it i'll delete it but then you have to be careful because if you delete the wrong thing your code or manuscript will be pretty messed up so let me see okay this genetics journal template which is this paragraph so i'll delete here but then i don't have to delete it i could just comment it out like for example i'll comment it out by adding the percentage symbol and notice here that after i added it became a comment and the comment will be in green color and so you will see that it disappeared so i'll add more okay i'll comment it out so you notice that whenever i commented out the begin tag it raises an error and it won't compile all right and then it'll highlight the segment that has the error which is very neat because in the old days there were no color highlights so overleaf has improved significantly and it's very intuitive it's much easier to use than before all right there you go and then now we have introduction and this should be gone wait for it all right there you go so you have now the introduction starting at the appropriate position so a typical research article will have the research article titled the author's name the author's affiliation information of the corresponding authors like the email address and all of that and then the abstract the keywords of the article and then you have the introduction which explains about the background of the research topic that you're performing or explaining in your article and then the materials and method will describe how you obtain your data what experiments did you do how did you process or analyze your results which softwares did you use which version numbers which libraries which algorithms which implementation did you use and then in the results and discussion you'll talk about the results and then you'll talk about the results in the form of a figure or also in the form of a table so you could play around with creating visualizations of your results and then you provide a discussion on the interpretation of the figures or the tables what does it mean and the implications that it has on the topic that you're working on and also in the discussion part you're going to correlate that with the literature finding does it match the present knowledge in the field or does your result differ and how so and then you're going to perform some comparing and contrasting of your results with that of the literature all right and then you're going to have subsections in your results and discussion as well as the materials and method and then let's head over back to the code so you're going to notice that the major sections will have the section tag right here and then each tab will have a backslash followed by the term section and in the opening and closing braces you have the name of the section introduction all right and then the contents here in the paragraphs will be the paragraphs here so this line will correspond to this paragraph this line will correspond to this paragraph and then you're going to have the next section which is materials and method and as i mentioned already we have the section tag here on the introduction and then we have the section tag on the materials and method so you can think of the section tag it's kind of like heading one and then if you have like a subsection it will be a heading two so the font size will be a bit smaller but then it will distinguish itself from the other normal paragraph text so you have the subsection called statistical analysis which is right here so you're going to notice that it's slightly different so the section tag will have like a blue color and then the subsection will have a black color text but then it will be bold so it distinguishes itself from the paragraph text okay and then the same thing happens you have the section for you know like the results and discussion and if you have subsection for the results and discussion you could add it in here you could call it subsection and then let's say i would like to talk about like the model building i'll be like this i'll type in model building and then i'll just put in some filler text here and then i'll have a subsection called model say optimization or i could you know call it whatever i did so whichever experiment i did i'll put it here like i could say hyper parameter tuning let's say i'm going to create a subsection on model interpretation or feature interpretation which i normally do in our research paper so we will talk about the feature importance and how the model can be used for extracting important features that could help to guide biologists or chemists in their experimental work all right and so whenever it's updated you're going to notice that the text will recompile and it will have a fresh copy of the article and then in order to download this particular article we could click here at the top part click on download pdf and it will download the pdf version which is right here okay so it's the pdf that we had generated from the latex of overleaf and the great thing about using overleaf and the formatting here is that aside from not having to worry about formatting it just the feeling of having this document like if you print it out or you have a look at it it kind of gives you a depiction that your work here that you're working on it resembles that of the firework because it's formatted in a way that resembles the final version as an article like here so so personally it provides me a bit of a motivation in that it allows me to visualize that this particular article will eventually become this one and this one looks just exactly alike and aside from that it will also make the lives of the editor much easier because they could easily use the latex that you have in their production after it is accepted for publication and another thing could also be that the reviewers would also benefit from the fact that the nicely formatted article is easier to read than a double-spaced manuscript because the thing is a typical manuscript if you have it double-spaced but this is for me personally when you have the manuscript double spaced you could occupy more than 30 or 40 pages but then if you have it formatted neatly like this it could occupy only a few pages maybe five or eight right like a standard research article would be about eight to ten pages and a shorter form like a communication will be two pages or three pages all right and let's have a look at the reference section right here literature cited and some links are even clickable so let's have a look let's zoom in here so this is the literature part the reference section where you cite the relevant research article that you have referenced in the research article so here in this example it provides three of them and depending on the style of the journal that you're working on it could either be in this style without the number so it's ordered according to the author's last name or if you're using it according to something that resembles vancouver it would be numbered one two three and then the number would be in order of appearance and so this really depends on the journal format style and so you're gonna notice that at the left-hand panel here it tells you kind of like the contents of this particular project and so the project here the file that we're working on is called tex it's a text file it's the latex file right tex and then this is the latex and then the pdf is the one that's generated and the eps is also generated as well and then the bst let's have a look the bst you don't have to worry about this because this is what makes the formatting possible so just ignore this one because this is like under the hood of how your latex document goes from a text file to become a pdf version like this and let's have a look here example so this is the figure used in the document here right here and so if your research article has figures you're going to upload it here so you could click here upload and then you will upload your file either by selecting it from your computer or you could drag and drop it here and after you upload it it will be here amongst the files so let me show you how you could insert a figure so let's say i could double click on the image here and then it should go to the line that i could edit right so it's very convenient like if i double click here it will go to the line that will allow me to make modifications to it so if i double click on the image it goes to the image line and so here you're going to notice that this is the name of the file example figure let's say that i changed the name of the figure to become figure one figure underscore one let's go back to the text file and let's recompile it and you're gonna notice that it will disappear because it won't be able to find the figure and then it will give you an error and so you will have to modify this to be the name of your image name so the image name is now figure underscore one and as i type it also has a code completion so you could use dot png or you could just take away the dot png it should work let's see all right now it's appearing again because we typed in the name of the image and then this is the caption of the figure which goes here okay and so one more thing is to tell you about the bibliography as i mentioned in here we have three examples so let's click on the bib file and then you're going to have the bibliography files here so these correspond to the three here and make note here each article reference or bibliography will have a id and the id is right here and so this particular id will uniquely identify this particular bibliography like for example if i would like to cite the paper from fellows which is right here i'll copy this and i'll head back to the text file and then uh let me find let me see if i could double click here would it go there or i would need to search so i'll hit on command f or control f and then search for there you go and it's using the site p tag so depending on the journal template that you're using it could be site p or it could also be site t site t like that so it depends on the journal format but for this particular one it's using site p okay and so it is here that you put in the reference that you would like to cite like for example if i would like to cite it somewhere else here let me type so let's type p let me see um in the intro let's say i would like to cite it here so normally we will cite it before the full stop so i'll type in site pe and then opening and closing braces and then it has some code completion and i'll say okay i'll select volusion16 and then let's have a look at the introduction at the last sentence here it should be populated in a few seconds all right now it's populated here fellowship is added the reference to it okay and let's add another one here ip opening and closing braces so back in the days you would have to memorize the id but here is very convenient you could just select the ones that you would like to cite so i'm very happy with the current version of overleaf and it has significantly improved over time and therefore is less error so normally right here it will tell you the number of error that your file has so if there's no number here it means that your file does not have an error all right and so now you're able to insert the reference to the appropriate position and so let's say that if you would like to find a new reference from the internet let's say if i go to pubmed pubmed and let's see let me find some papers for my group let's see if i would like to cite this paper i'll click on it and i'll click on save format let's say okay or how about here site and i'll just click on format oh okay download okay so it doesn't have the text version so what i need to do is i'll copy the pubmed id which is right here copy it and then i'll go to text med tex md and this this one text med and so this is how i normally do when i want to insert a reference into a latex document and i'll put in the pubmed id here and then click on query and it should appear here and i'll click on bib text so this is the article that i've mentioned from pubmed and then right here i'm going to copy this and then head over back to the latex and then i'll go to the bib file i'll paste it here and i'll copy this id and i'll head back to the text file and let's say that i would like to add it to right here site p and then or even you know select from the drop down as well and then it'll recompile and it's right here and then you will notice that it has added to the reference section as the fourth reference it's a very convenient right so you don't have to worry about the formatting of the reference you just search for it you download the bib file or actually you just copy and then you paste it into the bib file and then voila you're getting a formatted version automatically so you just focus on the content here okay but what is challenging is the table okay so the table might take you a lot of time in creating and so i'll probably show you that in a future video like how you could format tables of your model performance you could make it in a vertical horizontal or landscape display where the table is shown in a rotated manner in a counterclockwise on a full range of the page and so i'll show you that in a future video and so if you're finding value in this video please smash the like button subscribe if you haven't already and hit on the notification bell so that you will be notified of the next video and as always the best way to learn data science is to do data science and please enjoy the journey\n"