How to Install And Set Up Amiga On Raspberry pi 1 2 3 Or Zero Using Amibian

Setting Up Amiga Emulation with Raspberry Pi

To start setting up Amiga emulation on your Raspberry Pi, first connect to your device and navigate to the terminal. You'll need to type "cd ~" followed by pressing enter, which will take you back to the user directory. Next, you'll want to create a new folder for your Amiga ROMs. Type "mkdir amigas" and press enter.

Now that you have a new folder created, navigate to it by typing "cd amigas". You can also type "ls -a" to see what's inside the directory. Next, you'll want to open a text editor to start editing your configuration file. Type "nano config.txt" followed by pressing enter.

In this file, you'll need to highlight the Raspberry Pi 400 and click load. This will set up all the necessary parameters for an A1200 game, except for the ROM. You can also add a hard drive to store HDF games instead of floppy disks. Navigate to your Amiga games directory, add a new entry, and name it after your HD F file. Now you're ready to start transferring files.

To transfer files from your computer, navigate back to the user directory by typing "cd ~". Next, type "sudo fdisk -l" followed by pressing enter. This will list all the available drives on your Raspberry Pi. Select the SD card drive and press enter. Type "sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt" where X is the number of the SD card drive.

Now you can transfer files from your computer to the Raspberry Pi using the command line interface. To do this, type "cd /mnt" followed by pressing enter. Next, type "mkdir AmigaGames" and press enter. This will create a new folder for storing your Amiga ROMs.

To transfer files, navigate back to the user directory by typing "cd ~". Next, type "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/AmigaGames" followed by pressing enter. Now you can start transferring files using the command line interface. Type "f5" and press enter to transfer a file from your computer to the Raspberry Pi.

One of the most popular Amiga emulators is WinUAE. If you're new to emulation, it's recommended to use this emulator instead of Emulation Station or other options. To download WinUAE, navigate to the terminal by typing "cd ~". Next, type "wget" followed by pressing enter.

To extract the files, type "tar xvf WinUAE-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz" and press enter. This will create a new folder called WinUAE. To start using WinUAE, navigate to the WinUAE folder by typing "cd WinUAE" followed by pressing enter. Next, type "sudo mv /usr/bin/Wine /usr/local/bin/" followed by pressing enter.

Now you can launch WinUAE from your terminal interface. Type "/usr/local/bin/WinUAE" followed by pressing enter to start the emulator. You'll need to click on "Start" in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the kickstart rom that matches your Raspberry Pi configuration.

To configure your Raspberry Pi settings, navigate back to the user directory by typing "cd ~". Next, type "/usr/local/bin/WinUAE -config config.txt" followed by pressing enter. This will load the configuration file you created earlier. You can also press F12 to save and exit the configuration menu.

One of the most popular games on Amiga is Turrican 3. To play this game, navigate back to the WinUAE folder by typing "cd WinUAE" followed by pressing enter. Next, type "/usr/local/bin/WinUAE -config config.txt" followed by pressing enter again. This will load your configuration file and display a list of available devices.

To set up a 500 configuration, navigate to the settings menu by clicking on the three dots next to the "Display" option. Select "500" from the dropdown menu and click "OK". Now you can add a hard drive to store HDF games instead of floppy disks.

To configure your controller, select the PS3 controller device and set up the custom control options. Next, navigate back to the WinUAE folder by typing "cd WinUAE" followed by pressing enter. Type "/usr/local/bin/WinUAE -config config.txt" followed by pressing enter again.

Now you can start playing Turrican 3 using your PS3 controller. Select the game from the list of available devices and click on the "Load" button. The game should now load into the emulator. You can use the auto fire feature by navigating to the resume menu and selecting the auto fire option.

To exit the configuration menu, type "/usr/local/bin/WinUAE -config config.txt" followed by pressing enter again. This will save your configuration file and exit the emulator. Now you're ready to start playing Turrican 3 using your Raspberry Pi.

Tips and Tricks

* Make sure to configure your Raspberry Pi settings correctly before starting to play games.

* Use the auto fire feature to simplify gameplay.

* Experiment with different controller options to find what works best for you.

* Consider setting up a high-performance graphics card to improve game performance.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what's going on guys is ETA prime back here again today I am back with my Raspberry Pi 3 and on show you guys how to install a median this is a standalone Amiga emulator for your Raspberry Pi on the website it claims it will work with the Raspberry Pi 2 1 and 0 if they're overclocked but I'm using a PI 3 and they do recommend using a PI 3 this software is amazing it is a full staining Amiga emulator for your Raspberry Pi no other software needed it installs on an SD card and you can run your favorite Amiga games I'll be making another video shortly possibly tomorrow on how to install workbench 3.1 within a me bein on your Raspberry Pi but for now I want to get you guys set up with the software get you acquainted with it let's get started here very simple to do you're gonna need a few things first off obviously you're gonna need a Raspberry Pi I'm using a PI 3 next you're gonna need an SD card now I have a 16 gigabyte class 10 SD card I do recommend using at least a 16 gigabyte you can get away with an 8 but if you want to put a bunch of games on it you're gonna need a little more space 16 should be fine for tons and tons of Amiga games and finally you're gonna need a keyboard and mouse to navigate within a median it's very simple to use you can use a ps3 controller if you'd like or a generic USB controller but I'm just gonna be using my keyboard and a ps3 controller to control my games when I set this up let's get started all the links for this will be in the description we want to go to a medians web page here and we're just gonna download the newest version as of making this video it's one point three one three very easy take you to their Google Drive and we'll just download it's only about 300 megabytes so it shouldn't take you too long we have a downloading here next thing you're gonna need is win32diskimager what this will do it'll allow us to flash an image to the SD card this is simple software to use it installs very quickly and I'll go through it in just a second on how to use it and I do recommend getting SD card for matter what this will allow you to do is bring your SD card back to its stock capacity after you flash it if you ever want to use it in another device so let's say I just flashed this image it's a 16 gigabyte card if I placed it in let's say a camera it will only show up as about 200 megabytes if you reformat it with SD card formatter it will wipe everything and bring it back to the stock capacity finally you're gonna need some kickstart roms now I'm only gonna be working with the one point three and three point one this is for the Amiga 500 and this is for the Amiga 1200 it does come with the built-in eros ROM but I'd recommend using three point one and one point three you can download all of them if you'd like to these are the main ones that I always use so now that we have all that downloaded and installed we're just going to extract a median minds right on my desktop here so it's right here we'll open it up we have the disk image file for a median one point three one three it may be newer if you're watching this later on and we have the readme next thing we're gonna do is open up win32diskimager from here you need to make sure you have the correct SD card chosen here you don't want to choose a USB stick and wipe it out none of your dad will be left on it my SD card is Drive II make sure you're choosing your SD card click on the blue folder and navigate to where we extracted a median lines on my desktop and then a median folder we'll just double click on the disk image file we'll click right you could take a little while depending on the speed of your SD card it's going to wipe the card and write a median to the SD card we're almost done here okay so the right was successful the SD card is now flashed you can exit out of here we've still got a couple more steps what I'm gonna do is place a 32 gigabyte USB stick into my PC I'm gonna transfer my kickstart roms and just to amiga games we have the ADF and an HD F of turrican 3 the ADF is just turrican 1 ok so I have my USB here it's a clean USB and it actually needs to be fat32 format we're just gonna take my amiga games I don't want to take my kickstart roms okay so now that we have our kickstart roms on our games on a USB flash drive it's time to take that freshly flash SD card and place it into our Raspberry Pi we're gonna boot that up I'm gonna be moving over there now I'll have a wireless USB keyboard and mouse combo connected to the Raspberry Pi so here we are in the first booth and it's already done we're at the menu to start playing our amiga games first thing we really need to do is go down to quit it'll bring us here and what we want to do is expand our file system expand our SD card we're just going to type in rasp I - config press ENTER expand filesystem we're just going to press Enter it's going to expand our filesystem for us that'll let us use all of the space on the SD card now another thing I do recommend is if you have a Raspberry Pi with 1 gigabyte of RAM go to Advanced Options number nine memory split and this is set at 128 I'm just gonna go to 256 press ok ok and all we need to do is go to finish would you like to reboot yes so to bring us right back here now we have a couple kickstart roms and a couple games we need to transfer to the SD card we're gonna click quit one more time I'm gonna plug in my USB stick that contains my to kick roms and my two games and right here you can see we have press a number on your keyboard and hit enter I want to go to number four which is open midnight commander this is a file management system here press four enter over on this side we want to go up in the directory so we'll go to the two dots at the top press ENTER we want to go to media press ENTER this will be our USB stick and you can see I have a folder with my kickstart roms and my amiga games press tab on your keyboard to move to the next section we'll scroll down to amiga and press enter from here we'll open up the kick-starts directory we'll press tab again to go back to our USB stick and open up or kickstart roms now whatever you want to transfer here you're gonna highlight it just go to it and press f5 and it's going to transfer it into the directory that you chose over here f5 press enter as you can see it's now on my SD card f5 press ENTER and we're going to back up go back to the two dots we want to go to our amiga games we'll press tab we'll go back on our sd card and I just put these under floppies press tab again I'm going to transfer this ROM f5 press ENTER and turrican 3 f5 press enter that's it press f10 it'll bring us back and we'll just go to reboot system or you can restart Amiga I'm just going to reboot the system press two and enter so now it's time to play an amiga game if I want to play turrican 3 I'm just gonna click on a 1200 now there are tons of settings within Amica and you kinda need to know what to set up in order for a game to work correctly some games will run faster slower you'll have glitches if they're not set up correctly but luckily the guys at a me bein have set this up for us and most of these are dead on they work really well so turrican 3 is an a 1200 game I'm gonna highlight the a 1200 basic a 1200 and click load what that's going to do is set all of the parameters our CPU or FPU our cpu speed chipset everything we need to run in a 1200 game except for our rom this is our kickstart rom click on the 3 dots or the four dots whatever this is we're going to navigate to Amica kick-starts and this is where we transfer to our kickstarter aams to 3.1 floppy drives depending on what kind of game you want to play now ADF's will work within the floppy but hdf games you can load through a hard drive so I'm going to add a hard file click on the dots here and I will navigate to my floppies directory and that's where I place my games turrican 3 HD f press ok you can go to the display set the width sound input so I also have a ps3 controller plugged into my Raspberry Pi right now we go down here we can see we have Sony PlayStation 3 controller now it's already pretty much set up for us we'll go to custom control make sure that's checked and we can start the game now by pressing start let's do that and you'll see the workbench screen when you have an HD F game like the turrican 3 game that I have here sound works amazing these games run so well on this unit now I am using a ps3 controller to move around here and it works very very good if you want to exit this without rebooting press f12 now one thing I didn't mention was auto fire some of these games you need to turn auto fire off because holding your fire button does another action if auto fire is on it won't work correctly go to resume and as you can see I'll hold my fire button ah I didn't mean to do that okay but it works so well in exiting f12 you can change settings if you like click resume but what we're gonna do is just change our configuration to a 500 we're gonna go to the basic load rom when I go back to my kick-starts a load up the kickstart realm which is kickstart 1.3 floppy disks and we will find our floppies location and will run Turek in one control now something really cool is configuration so this is my my five hundred so I know this is my five hundred configuration we're gonna save this right now by clicking save so everything my controller my rom and everything will be saved and all we have to do is go back click my five hundred and turrican should start here in a second this is the turrican one on an a five hundred amiga and there we are playing turrican one you so that's it guys press f12 so that's how you set it up very easy to do you will run into trouble with some game and the best thing I can recommend you do is to Google the problem with the game somebody else has probably had this same trouble before and there's a fix out there for it there are tons and tons of articles and help sections on Amiga emulation just google your problem and you'll find an answer tomorrow I'll be uploading a video on how to set up workbench 3.1 it's very simple to do as long as you have this setup we can do workbench within 5 minutes like always thanks for watchinghey what's going on guys is ETA prime back here again today I am back with my Raspberry Pi 3 and on show you guys how to install a median this is a standalone Amiga emulator for your Raspberry Pi on the website it claims it will work with the Raspberry Pi 2 1 and 0 if they're overclocked but I'm using a PI 3 and they do recommend using a PI 3 this software is amazing it is a full staining Amiga emulator for your Raspberry Pi no other software needed it installs on an SD card and you can run your favorite Amiga games I'll be making another video shortly possibly tomorrow on how to install workbench 3.1 within a me bein on your Raspberry Pi but for now I want to get you guys set up with the software get you acquainted with it let's get started here very simple to do you're gonna need a few things first off obviously you're gonna need a Raspberry Pi I'm using a PI 3 next you're gonna need an SD card now I have a 16 gigabyte class 10 SD card I do recommend using at least a 16 gigabyte you can get away with an 8 but if you want to put a bunch of games on it you're gonna need a little more space 16 should be fine for tons and tons of Amiga games and finally you're gonna need a keyboard and mouse to navigate within a median it's very simple to use you can use a ps3 controller if you'd like or a generic USB controller but I'm just gonna be using my keyboard and a ps3 controller to control my games when I set this up let's get started all the links for this will be in the description we want to go to a medians web page here and we're just gonna download the newest version as of making this video it's one point three one three very easy take you to their Google Drive and we'll just download it's only about 300 megabytes so it shouldn't take you too long we have a downloading here next thing you're gonna need is win32diskimager what this will do it'll allow us to flash an image to the SD card this is simple software to use it installs very quickly and I'll go through it in just a second on how to use it and I do recommend getting SD card for matter what this will allow you to do is bring your SD card back to its stock capacity after you flash it if you ever want to use it in another device so let's say I just flashed this image it's a 16 gigabyte card if I placed it in let's say a camera it will only show up as about 200 megabytes if you reformat it with SD card formatter it will wipe everything and bring it back to the stock capacity finally you're gonna need some kickstart roms now I'm only gonna be working with the one point three and three point one this is for the Amiga 500 and this is for the Amiga 1200 it does come with the built-in eros ROM but I'd recommend using three point one and one point three you can download all of them if you'd like to these are the main ones that I always use so now that we have all that downloaded and installed we're just going to extract a median minds right on my desktop here so it's right here we'll open it up we have the disk image file for a median one point three one three it may be newer if you're watching this later on and we have the readme next thing we're gonna do is open up win32diskimager from here you need to make sure you have the correct SD card chosen here you don't want to choose a USB stick and wipe it out none of your dad will be left on it my SD card is Drive II make sure you're choosing your SD card click on the blue folder and navigate to where we extracted a median lines on my desktop and then a median folder we'll just double click on the disk image file we'll click right you could take a little while depending on the speed of your SD card it's going to wipe the card and write a median to the SD card we're almost done here okay so the right was successful the SD card is now flashed you can exit out of here we've still got a couple more steps what I'm gonna do is place a 32 gigabyte USB stick into my PC I'm gonna transfer my kickstart roms and just to amiga games we have the ADF and an HD F of turrican 3 the ADF is just turrican 1 ok so I have my USB here it's a clean USB and it actually needs to be fat32 format we're just gonna take my amiga games I don't want to take my kickstart roms okay so now that we have our kickstart roms on our games on a USB flash drive it's time to take that freshly flash SD card and place it into our Raspberry Pi we're gonna boot that up I'm gonna be moving over there now I'll have a wireless USB keyboard and mouse combo connected to the Raspberry Pi so here we are in the first booth and it's already done we're at the menu to start playing our amiga games first thing we really need to do is go down to quit it'll bring us here and what we want to do is expand our file system expand our SD card we're just going to type in rasp I - config press ENTER expand filesystem we're just going to press Enter it's going to expand our filesystem for us that'll let us use all of the space on the SD card now another thing I do recommend is if you have a Raspberry Pi with 1 gigabyte of RAM go to Advanced Options number nine memory split and this is set at 128 I'm just gonna go to 256 press ok ok and all we need to do is go to finish would you like to reboot yes so to bring us right back here now we have a couple kickstart roms and a couple games we need to transfer to the SD card we're gonna click quit one more time I'm gonna plug in my USB stick that contains my to kick roms and my two games and right here you can see we have press a number on your keyboard and hit enter I want to go to number four which is open midnight commander this is a file management system here press four enter over on this side we want to go up in the directory so we'll go to the two dots at the top press ENTER we want to go to media press ENTER this will be our USB stick and you can see I have a folder with my kickstart roms and my amiga games press tab on your keyboard to move to the next section we'll scroll down to amiga and press enter from here we'll open up the kick-starts directory we'll press tab again to go back to our USB stick and open up or kickstart roms now whatever you want to transfer here you're gonna highlight it just go to it and press f5 and it's going to transfer it into the directory that you chose over here f5 press enter as you can see it's now on my SD card f5 press ENTER and we're going to back up go back to the two dots we want to go to our amiga games we'll press tab we'll go back on our sd card and I just put these under floppies press tab again I'm going to transfer this ROM f5 press ENTER and turrican 3 f5 press enter that's it press f10 it'll bring us back and we'll just go to reboot system or you can restart Amiga I'm just going to reboot the system press two and enter so now it's time to play an amiga game if I want to play turrican 3 I'm just gonna click on a 1200 now there are tons of settings within Amica and you kinda need to know what to set up in order for a game to work correctly some games will run faster slower you'll have glitches if they're not set up correctly but luckily the guys at a me bein have set this up for us and most of these are dead on they work really well so turrican 3 is an a 1200 game I'm gonna highlight the a 1200 basic a 1200 and click load what that's going to do is set all of the parameters our CPU or FPU our cpu speed chipset everything we need to run in a 1200 game except for our rom this is our kickstart rom click on the 3 dots or the four dots whatever this is we're going to navigate to Amica kick-starts and this is where we transfer to our kickstarter aams to 3.1 floppy drives depending on what kind of game you want to play now ADF's will work within the floppy but hdf games you can load through a hard drive so I'm going to add a hard file click on the dots here and I will navigate to my floppies directory and that's where I place my games turrican 3 HD f press ok you can go to the display set the width sound input so I also have a ps3 controller plugged into my Raspberry Pi right now we go down here we can see we have Sony PlayStation 3 controller now it's already pretty much set up for us we'll go to custom control make sure that's checked and we can start the game now by pressing start let's do that and you'll see the workbench screen when you have an HD F game like the turrican 3 game that I have here sound works amazing these games run so well on this unit now I am using a ps3 controller to move around here and it works very very good if you want to exit this without rebooting press f12 now one thing I didn't mention was auto fire some of these games you need to turn auto fire off because holding your fire button does another action if auto fire is on it won't work correctly go to resume and as you can see I'll hold my fire button ah I didn't mean to do that okay but it works so well in exiting f12 you can change settings if you like click resume but what we're gonna do is just change our configuration to a 500 we're gonna go to the basic load rom when I go back to my kick-starts a load up the kickstart realm which is kickstart 1.3 floppy disks and we will find our floppies location and will run Turek in one control now something really cool is configuration so this is my my five hundred so I know this is my five hundred configuration we're gonna save this right now by clicking save so everything my controller my rom and everything will be saved and all we have to do is go back click my five hundred and turrican should start here in a second this is the turrican one on an a five hundred amiga and there we are playing turrican one you so that's it guys press f12 so that's how you set it up very easy to do you will run into trouble with some game and the best thing I can recommend you do is to Google the problem with the game somebody else has probably had this same trouble before and there's a fix out there for it there are tons and tons of articles and help sections on Amiga emulation just google your problem and you'll find an answer tomorrow I'll be uploading a video on how to set up workbench 3.1 it's very simple to do as long as you have this setup we can do workbench within 5 minutes like always thanks for watching\n"