**How to Build a Gaming PC: A Step-by-Step Guide**
Building your own gaming PC can be an exciting and rewarding experience, offering you the exact computer you want while still being surprisingly easy to do. With this guide, we'll walk you through the process of building a gaming PC from scratch.
**Preparation is Key**
To start, you'll need a decent-sized workspace and a Phillips screwdriver. Take the case out of the box, unscrew the side panel, and pop it off so you have some room to work. Inside, you'll find the accessories, including hardware and power supply. This case comes with a pre-installed power supply, but it's easy enough to do yourself. Just make sure the fan is pointed in a direction where it can pull in air.
**Hardware Installation**
Next, grab the bag of hardware that came in the case and pull out the small brass standoffs. Sometimes these are preinstalled, but it's as simple as screwing them in for whatever motherboard you have. In this case, we're using MicroATX. If you have any doubts, use test fit the motherboard to measure where the screws need to go.
**Motherboard Installation**
Now, pull out the motherboard, which is wrapped in an anti-static bag. Be careful not to touch it by grabbing it by the plastic pieces and set it down on the cardboard box. There are also a few accessories included that you'll need, like SATA cables and I/O shield. Hook one end of the cable into the motherboard SATA port and the other into the SSD.
**Powering On**
While we're inside the case, power the SSD which has two connectors on the end. Grab a SATA cable from the power supply and hook it up using the larger of the two ports on the drive. Next, there's the front panel connectors. These are a bit fiddly but they're remarked on the board as well as in the manual.
**Graphics Card Installation**
Remove the two PCI slots on the back of the case to make room for the graphics card. Like the motherboard, this comes in an anti-static bag and should be handled by the plastic instead of the board. Slide it into the top slot on the board until it clicks into place then screw it in to keep things secure.
**Cable Management**
At this point, we're nearly done, especially with a budget build like this cables aren't going to be the neatest thing in the world but don't worry about that just yet. Grab a monitor, mouse and keyboard and plug everything in.
**Final Steps**
If all is good it should come right to life when you hit the power button, if not unplug and run through your cables and connections to make sure everything is right. If it doesn't automatically go to the BIOS hit Delete or F9 on the keyboard to quickly run through to make sure everything is present and working correctly.
You've built yourself a gaming PC! If you need more info on the parts I used, I did a video about that as well as the performance. If you guys enjoyed this tutorial definitely consider subscribing for more videos like this! Anyway, guys thank you so much for watching and I will catch you in the next one.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enTime to build a gaming PC. When it comes tobuilding your own computer it’s surprisinglyeasy and you still get all the benefits ofgetting the exact PC you want. Get yourselfa decent sized workplace and a Phillips screwdriverand we’re good to go. Start by pulling thecase out of the box, unscrew the side paneland pop it off so we have some room to work.Inside you’ll find the accessories likethe hardware along with the power supply.This case comes with it preinstalled but it’seasy enough to do yourself, just make surethe fan is pointed in a direction where itcan pull in air, in this case it’s mountedon top but some PCs have it on the bottom.There are guides to slide it in and then it’sas simple as using the four included screwsto tighten it down. While we’re here grabthe bag of hardware that came in the caseand pull out the small brass standoffs, sometimesthese are preinstalled but it’s as simpleas screwing them in for whatever motherboardyou have, in this case it’s MicroATX. Ifyou have any doubts you can use test fit themotherboard to measure where the screws needto go, here we need six standoffs. For nowset the case aside and pull out the motherboard.It’s wrapped in an anti static bag so becareful to pull it out by grabbing it by theplastic pieces and set it down on the cardboardbox. There are also a few accessories includedthat you’ll need like the SATA cables andI/O shield. This is installed in the rearof the case, it can be a little fiddly butjust pop it into place with the audio portson bottom. Before we continue let’s takea quick look around the motherboard. Basicallyeverything in the build connects here, forexample this gray socket in the middle iswhere the processor is installed. To the rightof that are the RAM slots for memory and onthe bottom are the PCIe slots which is wherewe’ll be installing the graphics card abit later on. On the bottom corner you’llfind two of the four SATA ports to connecthard drives and SSDs. Most of your ports areon the back side which will be where you’llplug stuff in at the rear of the case. Rightbeside the RAM slots is the 20+4 pin connectorwhich delivers the main power for the board,there’s also a smaller four pin connectornear the CPU socket which provides power forthe processor. Speaking of let’s crack openour CPU. Inside you should find the processoritself along with a heatsink and fan, thisis essentially the heart of the build andit’s fairly fragile. This AMD chip has lotsof delicate pins on the back which you wantto be careful with, if any of these get bentyou’re in trouble. If you look at the bottomof the heatsink you’ll see a thin layerof thermal paste, this is fine to use as isfor this build but try not to touch it beforeapplying. Pull the lever by the socket backand find the tiny gold triangle on the cornerof the CPU, this matches a corresponding triangleon the socket so gently set the processordown and pull the lever to lock it into place.Now it’s time to install the heatsink, setit down square on the processor and for AMDthere’s a latch to press down that lockseverything in place. Grab the four pin fanconnector and connect it to the CPU poweron the motherboard and that’s it, the CPUis installed and we’re ready to move on.Now grab the memory, this is super easy toinstall. You’ll see a notch about two thirdsdown, this is what you’ll want to line upon the slot on the motherboard and firmlypress it into place until it clicks, that’sall there is to it. Now it’s time to grabthe case and drop the motherboard in on thebrass standoffs we installed earlier, justmake sure all of the ports are properly linedup with the I/O shield around back. Grab thesmall screws out of the bag of hardware thatcame with the case and screw the board intoplace, starting at the corners and makingsure you tighten the board down nicely. Flipthe computer back upright and we’re wellon our way to having a working gaming PC.Next up let’s install our SSD. Since thisis smaller than a normal hard drive you’llwant to mount it to the bottom of the caseinstead of using one of the drive cages butyou’ve got plenty of room to install multipledrives in this case. Now it’s time to startcabling, first up grab the cable running fromthe rear fan and plug it into the system fanheader on the motherboard. Next you shouldfind the four pin CPU connector from the powersupply, hook it up to the motherboard on thetop left. Next grab the long 20+4 pin cableand plug that into the corresponding connectoron the board. While we’re here let’s powerthe SSD which has two connectors on the end,grab a SATA cable from the power supply andhook it up using the larger of the two portson the drive. Next there’s the SATA datacable that came with the motherboard, you’llsee it has a notch on one end so it only goesin one way. Hook one end of the cable intothe motherboard SATA port and the other intothe SSD, it’s as simple as that. Going backto the cables inside the case you should seean AC97 and HD Audio connector, grab the HDAudio and plug it into the matching plug onthe board. You’ll also see a USB cable forthe front ports on the case, it’s the samestory here and as before it only goes in oneway thanks to a knocked out pin. Along thebottom you’ll also find the front panelconnectors, these are a bit fiddly but they’remarked on the board as well as in the manual.Just plug these in individually making noteof which side is positive and negative, it’seasy to mix up so if you have any problemsturning the PC on later this is a great placeto double check. Grab your screwdriver andremove the two PCI slots on the back of thecase to make room for the graphics card. Likethe motherboard this comes in an anti-staticbag and while it isn’t incredibly sensitiveyou should still handle it by the plasticinstead of the board. This is a fairly smallcard but they’re typically pretty similar,you’ll find your video outputs on the rearand the PCIe connector on the bottom whichconnects into the motherboard. Slide it intothe top slot on the board until it clicksinto place then screw it in to keep thingssecure. Most power supplies have a six pinPCIe power connector but since this doesn’twe’ll need a Molex to PCI adapter. Molexmight be a weird looking connector but it’llget the job done, connect two cables intothe adapter and then plug it into the sixpin on the graphics card and it’s poweredand ready to go. At this point we’re nearlydone, especially with a budget build likethis cables aren’t going to be the neatestthing in the world but don’t worry aboutthat just yet. Grab a monitor, mouse and keyboardand plug everything in. If all is good itshould come right to life when you hit thepower button, if not unplug and run throughyour cables and connections to make sure everythingis right. If it doesn’t automatically goto the BIOS hit Delete or F9 on the keyboardto quickly run through to make sure everythingis present and working correctly. As longas everything looks good you can turn it offand clean up what cables you can and you’llbe ready to throw a copy of whatever operatingsystem you’d like on it. Congrats, you’vebuilt yourself a gaming PC! If you need anymore info on the parts I used I did a videoabout that as well as the performance andif you guys enjoyed this tutorial definitelyconsider subscribing for more videos likethis! Anyway guys thank you so much for watchingand I will catch you in the next one.