Burj Khalifa - How To Build Higher

The Awe-Inspiring Burj Khalifa: A Marvel of Engineering and Aerodynamics

As I stepped off the plane in Dubai, the breathtaking sunset that awaited me from 12 kilometers up was just the beginning of my awe-inspired journey. But it was the majestic Burj Khalifa that stole my heart, a towering marvel of engineering that defied all logic and pushed the boundaries of human ingenuity. Standing at an astonishing height, this skyscraper is almost twice the height of the Petronas twin-towers in Malaysia, which I had grown fond of during my three-year sojourn there.

The Burj Khalifa's sheer scale took my breath away as I gazed upwards, wondering how such a feat was achieved. The building's design is inspired by the desert hymenocallis flower, providing an optimal amount of window space while allowing the steel reinforced concrete frame to take this shape. This central core provides excellent torsional resistance, while the y-shaped buttresses offer fantastic lateral bending resistance. But what truly sets this building apart is its aerodynamic design, which has been honed through meticulous care and modern computational analysis.

The architects' use of wind tunnel tests and sophisticated computer simulations allowed them to optimize the building's shape, ensuring that it would cut through the desert air with minimal resistance. The spiral pattern of the tower, as it grows taller, works exactly like the helical fin on offshore platforms, preventing vortices from sloughing off along its length and thus stopping them from exciting the building's resonant frequency. This ingenious design means that the Burj Khalifa doesn't require a mass damper, relying instead on clever aerodynamics to keep it stable.

The genius of this engineering feat lies not only in its sheer scale but also in its ability to harmonize form and function. The building's spiral pattern creates an optimal shape for wind resistance, while the y-shaped buttresses provide lateral stability. This seamless integration of design and engineering has created a tower that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

As I delved deeper into my research, I discovered that this kind of innovative thinking is becoming increasingly important in urban planning. With the world's population projected to reach 80% urbanization by 2050, cities will need to adapt and evolve to accommodate the growing demands of a densely packed population. Supertall buildings like the Burj Khalifa are becoming an essential part of this evolution, providing not only functional spaces but also a symbol of hope and progress.

The Rise of Supertall Buildings: A New Era in Urban Planning

As I continued my exploration, I realized that supertall buildings are no longer just symbols of power and wealth; they have become a necessary component of modern city planning. The Burj Khalifa's height has also sparked interest in wind engineering, as architects seek to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Engineers are using advanced computational analysis and wind tunnel tests to design buildings that can withstand extreme weather conditions. This cutting-edge technology allows them to optimize building shapes, ensuring that they can cut through the air with minimal resistance. The use of helical fins and other innovative designs has become crucial in preventing vortices from forming along the length of tall buildings.

The Burj Khalifa's design is a testament to this ongoing innovation. By utilizing modern computational analysis and wind tunnel tests, architects have created a building that can withstand extreme winds and maintain its structural integrity. The tower's spiral pattern creates an optimal shape for wind resistance, while the y-shaped buttresses provide lateral stability. This harmonious balance of form and function has set new standards for urban planning.

The Future of Supertall Buildings: A Decade of Progress

In 2007, the world's population surpassed 50%, a milestone that was just two decades ago unthinkable. As the pressure to build higher grows, supertall buildings are becoming an essential part of modern city planning. Over the past decade, we have seen significant advancements in engineering and aerodynamics.

The Burj Khalifa, completed in 2010, has been hailed as one of the most impressive architectural feats of our time. Its innovative design has raised the bar for supertall buildings worldwide. But it's not just the Burj Khalifa; there are many more structures on the horizon that promise to redefine urban planning.

The engineering and aerodynamic techniques being employed today are pushing the boundaries of human ingenuity. With advancements in wind tunnel tests, computational analysis, and advanced materials, engineers can design buildings that can withstand extreme weather conditions. The spiraling pattern of the Burj Khalifa has become a benchmark for other supertall buildings, which are adopting similar designs to minimize wind resistance.

The World's Tallest Building: A New Record

As I looked up at the Burj Khalifa, it became clear why it is not just an engineering marvel but also a symbol of hope and progress. The building's incredible height has set new standards for urban planning, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of wind resistance and structural integrity.

The Burj Khalifa's record-breaking height was achieved through innovative design and cutting-edge technology. The building's central core provides excellent torsional resistance, while the y-shaped buttresses offer fantastic lateral bending resistance. This harmonious balance of form and function has created a tower that can withstand extreme winds without compromising its structural integrity.

The Burj Khalifa's record-breaking height is not just a testament to engineering prowess; it also highlights the importance of wind engineering in urban planning. As cities grow, they will need buildings that can withstand extreme weather conditions, providing functional spaces for residents and visitors alike.

Supporting Real Engineering: The Great Courses Plus

As I delved deeper into my research on supertall buildings, I discovered a platform that was supporting this kind of innovative thinking. The Great Courses Plus has an incredible range of lectures from world-renowned educators, covering everything from structural engineering to photography and chess.

The Great Courses Plus offers in-depth analysis of architectural designs, providing insights into the engineering and aerodynamics behind some of the world's most impressive buildings. Their lectures cover topics such as wind tunnel tests, computational analysis, and advanced materials, giving viewers a deeper understanding of the innovations that are shaping our urban landscape.

This platform is dedicated to promoting innovative thinking in education and research, providing a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in engineering, architecture, or urban planning.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enEarlier this month I made a trip from Irelandto Dubai and as the plane climbed to cruisingaltitude we were treated to the most amazingsunset, from 12 kilometres in the sky.I had this moment of awe and gratitude thatwe live in a time where experiences like thisare possible and the feeling just got strongerwhen I arrived in Dubai and saw the Burj Khalifa.The building defies belief, I lived in Malaysiafor 3 years and used to love watching thePetronas twin-towers glimmering in the distanceas I drove through the hills of Bangsar.Those towers held the title of the tallestbuilding until 2004, but the Burj Khalifais almost twice the height.I found myself looking up the tower and whereI expected it to stop it just kept going,soaring further than I thought possible.It really got me thinking about how it’sengineers managed to overcome the challengesthat faced them.The battle to build higher captured the world’sattention in the 1929 as the Chylser buildingraised it’s secret spire like a proverbialmiddle finger to the Bank of Manhattan Trustbuilding, after months of intense competitionto become the world’s tallest building.It cemented Chrysler as a powerhouse in theAmerican automotive industry, becoming a symbolof the company's power and technological prowess.The soaring skyscrapers of Manhattan werenot only a symbol of the power of the companiesthat built them, but were seen as an expressionof America’s optimism and wealth.The explosion in growth in America was largelyfueled by the invention of the elevator andthe availability of cheap structural steel.Frank Lylod Wright even proposed a The Illinoisa 1.7 kilometre tall building in 1956 andwhile the building was theoretically possible,it was completely unpractical.Elevator technology had not advanced far enoughand building sway would have been a huge issuefor comfort.Tall slender structures like this are susceptibleto wind induced vibrations.Anyone that has seen lamp posts shaking inthe wind will have seen this in action.So what’s happening here?Let’s place a cylinder in a wind tunneland examine what happens as we increase theair velocity.In a steady flow of air, you would assumethat the net force on the cylinder would bein the same direction, like this.And you would be right, at lower speeds thisis the case.Here the light pole would just bend in thatdirection and while the wind speed and directionmay fluctuate, you wouldn’t see the consistentback and forth vibrations.As we increase the speed, the air begins toseparate from the surface of the cylindercreating two symmetrical eddies behind thecylinder.Eddies are regions of slow moving swirlingfluid.You will see these a lot in rivers where branchesor bridge pillars block the flow.Here is one in my hometown of Galway, Kayakersuse these eddies when they need to rest fromthe fast moving mainstream.If we keep increasing the fluid velocity theseeddies will grow and the force on the cylinderwill also grow, but as long as these eddiesare symmetrical the force will remain in thedirection of fluid flow, but there is a criticalmoment where the system loses it’s stability.The energy gradient from the main stream andthe slow moving eddies becomes too high andthe eddies begin to oscillate, at this pointa phenomenon called vortex shedding occursand the resultant force is no longer directlydownstream.It teeters between the alternating low pressurezones as the vortices are shed on either sideof the cylinder.This can become a massive issue if the frequencyof the shedding matches the resonant frequencyof the structure.That means that the direction of sway andthe direction of the force become synchronisedand the amplitude of the swaying is allowedto grow as energy is being stored betweeneach cycle.Every building dissipates some of that oscillationenergy through natural damping through it’smaterials and through friction at the joints,but this is not always enough.In these cases it is essential that the engineersadd mechanical dampers.These are usually hidden away in the gutsof the building, but the world’s formertallest building, The Taipei 101, decidedto open their 730 metric ton tuned mass dampenerto the public.On August 8th 2015 a category 5 typhoon slammedinto Taiwan and set the Taipei 101s mass dampenerinto motion and it was all recorded on a webcamera.So what’s happening here, how does thishelp stabilise the building.When the tower is displaced the mass dampenerdoes not move with it immediately, it is leftbehind and then begins to sway independentlyof the building.Now this is where the tuned part comes in.The engineers will have tuned the damper tothe same frequency as the building, so whenthe building sways to the right the dampersways to the left and vica versa.This creates an opposing force to the swaywhich is transferred to the building throughthese piston dampers and thus the kineticenergy is dissipated and the magnitude ofthe resonant motion is reduced.Now what amazes me is that the Burj Khalifahas no mass damper.It simply relies on clever aerodynamics fromstopping those vortices from ever gettingorganised enough to cause harmonic motion.The reason light poles sway so easily is thatthey have a consistent cross-section, allowingthose vortices to slough off uniformly alongthe poles height.So the same force is being applied at thesame time along the entire length.One way engineers combat that is by placingthese helical spirals along the length ofcylindrical structures.You occasionally see this with chimney stacks,but also in offshore platforms as vortex sheddingcan also happen in liquids.The helical fins disrupts the fluid flow alongthe length of the hull, preventing the vorticesfrom forming coherently.The Burj Khalifa works in a similar manneralbeit in a much more elegant fashion.The building’s footprint was inspired bythe desert hymenocallis flower and while thisis a beautiful design.It provides an optimal amount of window spacewhile also allowing the steel reinforced concreteframe to take this shape.This central core provides excellent torsionalresistance while these y-shaped buttressesprovides fantastic lateral bending resistance,similar to how an I-beam works.(on screen)I’ll explain that in more detailin a future video.As the tower grows the building steps backconsecutively like this, This spiralling patternworks exactly like the helical fin on theplatform earlier.It prevents the vortices from sloughing offthe building coherently along it’s lengthand so stop them from exciting the buildingsresonant frequency.This is the genius of the building and whyis doesn’t need a mass damper.The architects put meticulous care into thebuildings aerodynamic design using moderncomputational analysis and wind tunnel teststo ensure the structural integrity of thebuilding.It is clear that with the continuous improvementof technology, building these supertall buildingsis becoming less difficult and we are goingto continue seeing the title of tallest buildingin the world swap hands in the coming years,especially as the pressure to build highergrows.In 2007, the total urban population of theworld surpassed the 50% mark, 20 years agothat figure was just 33% and that statisticis expected to approach 80% by 2050.Creating a functional city with adequate waterand energy supply and everything else thatcomes with a densely packed population willbecome an enormous challenge in the comingyears.It is likely that these supertall buildingswill become less of a decadent symbol of powerand wealth and become a necessary and fundamentalpart of the modern city.Thanks for watching.I really enjoyed making this video and I hopeyou enjoyed watching it.I have heard back from loads of you on howmuch you are learning from TheGreatCoursesPlusand thanks to your continued support theyhave decided to sponsor another video.So thank you to all my subscribers, patreonsupports and TheGreatCoursesPlus for helpingReal Engineering exist.If you enjoy my videos you will definitelylike TheGreatCoursePlus.They have over 7000 different lectures fromworld renowned educators.They have a huge range of topics, if you wouldlike to learn more about structural engineeringthey even have a course for that or you canlearn about photography, chess and cooking.These courses give you indepth knowledge ona variety of subjects, while allowing youto learn at your own pace without tests orexams.You can get a free one month trial by goingto the TheGreatCoursesPlus.com/RealEngineeringIf you would like to see more content or supportreal engineering the links for my Patreon,Instagram, Facebook and twitter accounts arebelow.\n"