**The Author's Predictions and Theories on iOS 14**
As I sit here thinking about the upcoming release of iOS 14, I have to say that I'm excited to share my thoughts and predictions with you guys. In fact, I've already made a video discussing some of the expected features and changes that we can expect to see in this latest update from Apple.
One thing that's certain is that iOS 14 will be released on Tuesday, the 22nd. And why? Well, Apple has been releasing final versions of their software on Tuesdays throughout the history of iOS 13. So, I think it's safe to say that they'll stick to this trend. Now, I know what you're thinking - "But what about next week?" And I get it, there's a lot of uncertainty when it comes to tech releases. But honestly, any week of the 21st is a good bet.
**Expected Features and Changes**
One thing that Apple is going to be including in iOS 14 is a toggle called "Daily Builds". This will allow testers to basically disable buggy and unfinished features. And I think this is going to lead to far less bugs and future software updates. The teams working on these features are going to be able to narrow down what's causing specific issues, which should result in a much more stable release cycle compared to iOS 13.
Now, when it comes to the actual features and changes that we can expect to see in iOS 14, I think Apple is going to focus primarily on performance and stability. And for that reason alone, I don't see a major design overhaul happening with this update. But, of course, there will be some new visual features and changes.
**A New Incoming Call UI**
One thing that I think we're finally going to get is a new incoming call UI. For years, we've been asking for this, and I feel like Apple is finally listening. The call UI will no longer take up the entire screen. We already have the volume HUD, which takes care of this issue. And with iOS 14, I think we'll see a lot more changes and bug fixes that make the OS run smoother.
**Other Expected Features**
I can also see Apple improving the "Dart Mode" feature in iOS 14. They've already given us the ability to turn the wallpaper dark automatically. Why not give every icon on the springboard a dark version as well? I think this would be really cool, and it's something that would make a lot of people excited. Of course, it's not exactly the complete overhaul of icons that some of us were hoping for.
**My Wish List and Expected Features**
I'm going to make another video in the next couple of months with my wish list and expected features for iOS 14. I'll be sharing all of my thoughts on what I think Apple should include in this update, and what I expect to see. And as always, I'll be keeping an eye on those leaks and reports that come out before the official release date.
**Join the Discussion**
I want to hear from you guys! What are your theories on iOS 14? What kind of features do you want to see added in this year's update? Let me know all of your thoughts down in the comments section below. I'd love to see some good discussion and debate going on there. And who knows, maybe we'll even get a few surprises from Apple themselves.
**Replies and Engagement**
I'd really like to see some engagement with my content, so be sure to reply to me in the comments section. Let's keep the conversation going! I'm excited to hear your thoughts and opinions on iOS 14, and I hope that we can all look forward to a fantastic update from Apple.
**Stay Tuned**
As always, stay tuned for more updates and videos on iOS 14. I'll be sharing my thoughts and predictions as more information becomes available. And don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already - it really means a lot to me!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up guys my name is Brandon andwe're still a ways away from seeing thefirst beta of iOS 14 but I wanted tomake a video addressing a question thatI've been receiving a lot on the channellately, and that is what devices aregoing to be supported with iOS 14? andmore specifically a lot of iPhoneSE and iPhone 6s users wondering iftheir device is going to be supported, soin this video we're going to answer thatquestion we're going to talk about thepotential release date some potentialnew features and more I also want tothank Skillshare for sponsoring thisvideo so first off in terms of supporteddevices my theory is that most devicesthat were supported with iOS 13 willalso be supported with iOS 14 and two ofthe devices that I think will be gettingsupport are the iPhone 6s and the iPhonese now I know a lot of people think theopposite and think that the iPhone 6sand the iPhone se are not going to besupported with iOS 14 and honestly Ithought the same before I did a littlebit of digging and looking into appleshistory and also getting a little bitmore technical with my way of thinkingso here are the reasons why I think theSE and the 6s will be supported with iOS14 this year so first off the iPhone SEand the iPhone 6s both have apples anine chip and two gigabytes of RAM so ifyou guys remember the big reason for iOS13 dropping support for the iPhone 6it's because I had just one gigabyte ofRAM now of course it did have the farinferior a8 chip as well but it wassuffering from major Ram issues back oniOS 11 and you know even though thoseissues were mostly fixed with iOS 12 iOS13 brought so much more to the tablethat there was just no way that theiPhone 6 was going to be able to run iOS13 smoothly and again the one gigabyteof RAM was just the big bottleneck withthat device now even though twogigabytes of RAM isn't a ton of memoryit's still enough to power you knowfuture software updates like in iOS 14and maybe even an iOS 15 and let's notforget the a9 chip inside was also usedto power the 2017 iPad fifth generationso it's a very very powerful chip muchmore powerful than the previous a8 chipnow I also believe that we'll see iOS 14support for both of these devicesbecause of the minimum ram requirementagainthe main reason that the iPhone six wasnot supported with iOS 13 is because ofthe one gigabyte of RAM Apple made 2gigabytes the bare minimum to run iOS 13now think about it if Apple bumped thatup again this year to 3 gigabytes of RAMas the bare minimum requirement thatwould mean that they would have to killoff the iPhone 7 they'd have to kill offthe iPhone 8 they'd have to kill off theiPad 6 generation and a lot of otherdevices with just 2 gigabytes of RAM andI just don't see any way they'd do thatbecause again Apple is even stillselling the iPhone 8 on their website soI say there being no way that they dropsupport for devices with 2 gigabytes ofRAM now another common misconceptionthat people have is that the iPhone 6sand 6s plus are the oldest devicesrunning iOS 13 right now but that's justnot true so we have the 2015 iPad Mini 4and the 2014 iPad air 2 both of whichare running iPad OS 13 and both of whichare still using that old a8 chip thatwas in the iPhone 6 so yeah I definitelythink that the iPad Mini 4 and the air 2are going to be killed off this year dueto a 8 chip but every other device thatgot iOS 13 will likely be supported withthe next major update iOS 14 now worstcase scenario Apple does kill offsupport for all a 9 devices includingthe success the 6s plus and the SE butat least those devices still performwell on iOS 13 and that's really theonly reason I could see Apple droppingsupport for them is because iOS 13 justruns so well that they're afraid ofmessing it up with iOS 14 or you knowthe testing proves that the iPhone SEand the iPhone success and those 89devices just run better on iOS 13 ofcourse that's still a possibility andthat's the reason for this discussionand this speculation is because nothingis official just yet I just want toshare my theories and predictions and myreasonings before anything got leaked orofficially posted by Apple so that wecan all look back on this and see if Iwas right or completely wrong and youguys can leave your guesses down in thecomments as well it's just fun so beforewe move on to the expected release dayand the features let me tell you alittle bit more about Skillshare so oneof the things that has always impressedpeople about me is my constant curiosityand my desire to just learn about thingsand how to do things and if you're thesame way as me Scotia is something thatyou definitely want to be aso Skillshare is an online learningcommunity full of more than 22,000quality classes that are interactive andempowering and I mean that I meanbecause I've taken classes on othersites out there I'm not gonna say anynames but I just felt that thepresenters were always kind of justmaking the classes and you knowadvertising them for money and didn'treally offer a ton of value but myexperience with Skillshare has been theopposite it's been great after taking aclass on hereyou're gonna almost instantly feel likeyour time was well spent and they haveclasses you know for every levelbeginner intermediate and advanced notto mention the massive variety ofclasses and just you know the categoriesof classes offered and since I'mactually getting back into web designI'm rebuilding my personal website as wespeak I actually started taking a coupleof classes on Skillshare and the firstone was called the ultimate HTMLdeveloper and it's kind of just abeginner course to html5 but since I hadjust needed a refresher since I alreadyknow HTML pretty well I quickly moved onto the CSS master class which reallyhelped me get new ideas for styling mywebsite and learning some stuff I didn'teven really know about with CSS which Ithought I knew it all so even if youaren't interested in coding or webdesign skill share has classes onself-development topics likeprocrastination they have classes foryou know video and photo editing how toplay the guitar the piano and thousandsof other ones it's pretty much a classfor anything on Skillshare and for lessthan $10 a month it's an easy decisionto join over 4 million others whoalready have so if you want to join andget two free months of premiummembership click the link down in thedescription below so now let's move onto the expected release day and againnothing is official these are just mypredictions and my thoughts based onhistory and based on the fact that I'vebeen covering Apple and iOS for a decadenow so going back to 2019 and going backto June iOS 13 and the start of WWDC wason June 3rd that is when we saw Ben inone of iOS 13 get released after thefirst day of the World Wide DevelopersConference and that was a pretty easydate to predict I predicted that lastyear so did a lot of other people that'sbecause it did fall on the first Mondayof June which is typical for Applehowever and 2020 things get a little bitinteresting because if we go to June of2020 you'll notice that the first Mondayis actually the first of June and thelast time that happened was back in 20fifteen and in 2015 the WorldwideDevelopers Conference began on June 8thwhich was the following Monday thesecond Monday so while it is possiblethat we can see the Worldwide DevelopersConference begin on the first this yearI'd expect this year to actually followthe trend of 2015 the path of 2015 andbegan on the second Monday which wouldbe June 8th so June 8th that's when Iwould expect WWDC 2020 to begin and ofcourse that would be the day that we getIOS 14 beta 1 now of course we won'tknow the confirmed dates until theinvites go out later on this yearactually just in a couple of months nowbut the week of the 8th is probably agood bet for when we could see WWDC andof course the first beta of iOS 14 beta1 on the day first day of WWDC after theevent so either the first or the 8th mymoney right now is on the 8th thoughjust because it did happen in 2015 and Ithink the Apple may repeat what happenedback in 2015 but either one of thosedays is a possibility now as for theofficial release this is a little bitharder to predict so iOS 13 was releasedto the public on a Thursday September19th and then 2018 Apple released iOS 12on a Monday which was September 17th anda 2017 iOS 11 released on a Tuesdaywhich was September 19th so as you cansee the dates are really all over theboard but one thing that these dates allhave in common is that they all fall onthe third week of September so with thatinfo in mind we can safely assume thatiOS 14 will be released to the public onthe week of September 21st 2020 nowgiven the random days of release in thepast it's hard to predict the exact datebut since you guys always want me toguess you guys are always asking me toguess the exact day I'm gonna go out andguess the 22nd so I think that Tuesdaythe 22nd is when we will see the finaland I only say that because Apple hasbeen releasing a lot of final versionsof software on Tuesdays throughout iOS13 so I think they'll stick to thattrend of course it could happen on aThursday as well the 24th we reallydon't know really any week of the 21stis a good bet now as for the expectedfeatures and changes in this big updateactually made a video a couple of monthsback on how iOS 14 will changeeverything and I highly suggest that youwatch that video to understand exactlywhat is changing internally for Appleyou know to hopefully result in a muchbetter and more stable iOS 14 releasebut the gist of that video and theoriginal report which came fromBloomberg is that Apple is going to beincluding a toggle and what are calleddaily builds that will allow testers tobasically disable you know the buggy andthe unfinished features and that's gonnaallow for the teams that are working onit to narrow down what's actuallycausing specific bugs and in turn thatshould lead to far less bugs and futuresoftware updates and a far more stableyou know release cycle compared to iOS13 now of course iOS 14 will focusprimarily on performance and stabilityso for that reason alone I do not see amajor design overhaul happening with iOS14 I do think that we're gonna bewaiting until at least iOS 15 before wesee something like that something forthe home screen but with iOS our teambeing the buggiest update in history interms of you know number of softwareupdates overall it's the buggiest by farand makes sense for Apple to focussolely on and making sure that thatdoesn't happen againwith iOS 14 now that's not to say that Idon't think any new visual features orchanges are coming because I definitelydo I think that we're finally gonna begetting a new incoming call you I thinkthat the call UI for incoming calls willnow finally not take up the entirescreen I mean we've got the volume HUDyou know that taken care of we got theyou know a lot of other things the dartmode a lot of these things we've beenasking for for years so I feel likeApple will finally do you know the kindof the last step to things we've beenneeding for years actually needing andthat's the incoming call UI I think thatwill get a lot of new settings you knowa lot of things focused on privacy andiOS 14 and just kind of changes and bugfixes that make the OS run smoother Ican also see Apple improving the dartmode feature here with something likedark icons so you know we already havethe ability to turn the wallpaper darkautomatically why not every icon on thespringboard as well I think that wouldbe really cool you know we have thebackground of the settings black why nothave a dark version of every single iconon the springboard as well so that'ssomething I think we could possibly seewith iOS 14 and I think a lot of peoplewould be really excited about that it'snot exactly the complete overhaul oficons but it could be you know a step inthe right direction so I'm going to bemaking another video within the nextcouple of months with my wish list andmy expectedso definitely stay tuned for that I'msure by then there will also be someleaks as well with some you know quoteconfirmed features coming so of course Iwill make videos on all that stuff aswell as those reporting as those leaksdo come out but yeah guys that's prettymuch it for my early thoughts andpredictions on iOS 14 of course I willbe making more videos on iOS 14 once thefeatures or a release date getsconfirmed so definitely stay tuned forthose videos of course I will be doingmy wishlist video and things like thatas well like I just mentioned so also Iwant you guys to let me know what yourtheories are what kind of features youwant to see added in iOS 14 this yearlet me know all your thoughts down inthe comment section below of course thisis a very you know controversial notreally controversial but a very a gooddiscussion I guess you could say in thecomments section I would really like tosee some good discussion down there inthe comments section because I thinkthat there is a lot of ways that you cango with your predictions with iOS 14 interms of release they devices supportivenew features I'm really curious to seewhat you guys have to say down thosecomments of course I will be replying toyou down there as well but yeah guysthat's pretty much it for this videothanks again for watching and I'll seeyou soon\n"