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**Installing a Set of Seats and Harnesses in Your Car**
Kind: captions
Language: en-
Does this ever happen to you? You're trying to drive hard, but you feel like you're being thrown around when trying to steer precisely. At the same time, you're trying to brace yourself against the steering wheel while attempting to remember where the pedals actually are.
If only there was some cool way to lock your body in the perfect driving position so that you could just focus on clipping apexes and shaving seconds. If only.
Well today we're gonna be installing a set of seats and harnesses in the Miata. And along the way, we'll show you what to look out for if you're trying to do a set of seats and harnesses in your car.
I'm Zach and this is [insert channel name].
Note: I've kept the original text intact and only reorganized it into good sentences for web page reading. The original phrases "If only" are repeated as they were in the original text.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Does this ever happen to you?Do you feel like you'rebeing thrown aroundwhen you're trying to drive hard?You're trying to steer precisely,but you're also trying to brace yourselfagainst the steering wheelwhile you're trying to rememberjust where the pedals actually are.If only there was some cool wayto lock your body in theperfect driving positionso that you could just focus onclipping apexes and shaving seconds.If only.Well today we're gonna be installinga set of seats and harnesses in the Miata.And along the way we'll showyou what to look out forif you're trying to do aset of seats and harnessesin your car.I'm Zach and this is "Money Pit".Let's take a seat.(thunder)(trap beat)Now we've done a lot of stuff to the Miatato keep it planted to the ground,but we really haven't done anythingto keep me planted to the Miata.Usually I sayseats are one of the firstthings you should do to a carbecause of how much ofan improvement they makefor the whole driving experience.But today we're gonna be installinga set of OMP's racing seats and harnesses.Even with how impressed I honestly amwith the stock Miata seats,I've got a sneaking suspicionthese are gonna blow themright out of the water.But I guess we're justgonna have to install themto find out if they're actually worth it.So today along the waywe're gonna be talking abouthow to choose a set of seats for yourself,how to size them to yourself,how to install them,how to choose harnesses,how to install those.We're gonna be talking abouta lot of seats and harnesses stuff todayso I'm gonna try not to forget anything.But the first thing that we need to dois get those old seats out of the Miata.So why do you even want to installa set of racing seats in your car anyway?Well first, to me, in my opinion,the biggest thing is thesupport that they give you.When you're drivinghard and hidden corners,you know what they say,a body in motion tends to stay in motionand your body wants togo in a straight linewhen you're cornering.So stock seats don't reallyhold you in place very well.They're usually pretty flatand they don't give you much side support.But a good set of racing seats,that'll lock your whole thing in so wellthat you can just focus on driving.And that is important.(synth music)First off the stock seatis a reclining seat,it's got a steel frame in there,where this is a fixedback with a resin frame.So being a fixed back andmade the way it's madeallows this thing to be FIA certed.So it can be raced within sanctioned race eventswhere this cannot.On the stock seat you cansee that the butt areais pretty dang flat,you just basically sit on it.Whereas the racing seat, this OMP,it's like a big craterthat you climb down intoand then it holds you tightly.It gives you support onboth sides of your thighsand support up here for your shouldersand the whole way down your torso.You're supported from allthat side to side motionyou experience when you're cornering.So that's the whole point of this thing,that's what keeps you lockedin, is these big sidewalls.You basically just climbeddown into this thingand you're trapped in a good way.So you might thinkthat we're ready to slamthese seats into the Miata,but it's gonna take afew steps to get there.We've got to figure out our side mountsand our floor mounts,figure out where to position the seat.There's a lot to do.But first let's talk abouthow you even choose a seatand choose a seat that fits you.I bought these seats sightunseen and they fit me great,so how did I do that?Well, most, if not all seat manufacturers,have seat measurementsavailable generally onlineso you can take somemeasurements of your bodyand then compare them to themeasurements of the seat.It's often in millimeters,so get your millimeter tape measure outand just do some kind ofrudimentary measurementsand you'll be able to tellif the overall dimensions of the seatwill fit in the spaceyou're trying to put them.The other thing you have to keep in mindis where the harness passthroughs land on your body.Now the lower ones are usuallyjust always gonna be good,but the upper ones matterand it depends on how tallyou are for how they fit you.One of the easiest wayto get a set that will probably fit youis to get a set of seatswith these big holesbecause they fit a wide range of heights.You can see I'm sort of atthe upper end of that range,but you want the seatbeltsto be able to passstraight through the seatsand straight onto thetop of your shoulderswith no real angle.Now if you're not a real racecar driveryou might think you don'tneed an FIA certified seatand that is technically true.But I would still recommend getting onebecause it's safety equipment after alland it is literally holding your life.After that it's just personal preference.Pick what you like.So now that we've gotour seats picked out,let's figure out howwe put them in the car.First thing we're gonna needis a set of side mounts.(funky music)So this is a side mountand basically its jobis to mount to the seatand then figure out howto mount it to the flooror the lower bracket or your slideror whatever you have beyondthis, we'll get there.So you can see there area lot of hole optionsand this basically lets you determinethe angle of your seat,whether or not it's upright orleaned back or what have you,and then some options onthe lower side of things.So these go between the seatand what we'll talk aboutnext, your floor mount.This is a floor mountand it's made specifically for the Miata.The holes on it line upwith the holes for the seatin the floor, which is great.The problem is that wherethat would position the seatis basically right underthe steering wheel.The Miata is pretty smalland I usually have theseat all the way back.So to make this floor mountwork with these side mounts,I would basically have toinstall the side mountshanging way off the backof these floor mountsand it just doesn't seem very sturdy.So to get the optimal driving position,I'm gonna put this thing on slidersso we can move the driving position.I'm gonna reuse the stocksliders with these side mountsand not use these floor mounts.Okay, so now we've gotthe slider off the seatand mounted into the car,so we know this is the way theslider wants to be mounted.Now I can set our sidemounts and our seat on topand mark where I need to drillmy hole into the side mounts.It appearsthat we've got two holes that'll work.Sweet.So we got to put a bolt inthere, sandwich that together,and then we'll make holesat the back ends of the side mountsfor that hole amount up to.(funky music)All right, so in tryingto mock up these slidersto get our holes drilledI found that this spring,where the spring is retainedfor the slider mechanism itselfruns into our sidemounts right about there.So I'm gonna have tocut just a little notchto clear that part of the spring.Should be easy.(saw buzzing)(funky music)That should be plenty of roomfor our little spring to sit.Now we've got some bare metalso I'm gonna paint that up.We've got the front of our slidersbolted to the side mountsand now we're just trying to figure outwhere to put the holes inthe back of the side mountsto mount in the back of the sliders.Since we know the fronts arein the spot that they should beand this fits into the car,I'm basically get to measureup the side of the side mountand make sure that this measurementfrom the edge of the sidemount to the edge of the slideris the same measurement all the way up.I'll do that on both sidesso everything's squareand then I'll measurethe gap between my holes,double check with the carto make sure everything looks right.Then I'll mark my holes, cutthem, and install the seat.Well, I'm basically the secondfrom the most upright setting,so the seat is gonna be pretty uprightbut that's what I want.It fits the best in the car that wayand should be the safest that way as well.Be putting some low strength thread lockerjust to make sure nothing vibrates apart.I would like my seatto stay where I put it.(Zach grunts)All right, our seats are all doneand ready to go in the car.But before we can put them inwe gotta put the lower mounting pointsfor our new harnesses in place.Should be pretty quick and easy.And then we can put the seats infor hopefully the last time,then get these done.So the harnesses come with these eyeletsand these take the placeof the factory seatbelt mounting locationsfor the buckle and thelower mounting point here.We're gonna put some blueon these bad mamma jammas.And then she'll thread rightin. (making weird noise)Stock belt out of hereso we can use its mountingpoint for our new eyelets.(wrench rattling)Hey, I'm sitting in anOMP seat in the Miataand it's got four bolts in the floor.It doesn't have any padding in itbut a step in the right direction,we're making progress.So that's one seat officially in.Now we've got to do the other.(Zach grunting)Pretty dang easy.Ah, dang, hit the door bar.Ah, crap.I guess that's gonna happen.Gotta do a little bit of persuading.But so that I don't haveto take the carpet outand I can just smash the carpetI put a glove on my hammer.It's not bad, it's really not much,I just want to (banging) givethis lower corner of the seata little more room.(hammer banging)Alright, that's two seats in a Miata.Now we just gotta do those belts.(funky synth music)So we've got these two inchfour-point harnesses from OMPand they should be a breeze to install.First I'm just gonnarun the shoulder beltsback to the rear.We'll deal with them later.You have the lap belt,and then this little clip justgoes through the side here,and then this will go downonto the eyelet we put down there.Then bada bing bada boom.That one is done.Now let's do the same over here.Bring this through the side.All right, so now the lap belts are in.Now we need to do the shoulders.All right, so this is similarto a strapping on a helmetif you know what I'm talking about.We're just using a link like thisand this is gonna be whatholds our seatbelt in place.Now, the first thing you want to consideris how long you want yourshoulder belts to be.You want them to be snug on you,but in the case of thiscar where we have slidersand shorter people might be driving it,I'm gonna leave a littleextra adjustment roomjust in case somebodyshort starts driving.So this is about where Iwant the seats to hang.Our link is gonna end up on this side.So over, under, over, under.Then we got one more to cram throughjust to send it backwards.All right, same thing over here,just gonna click thesethings into these things.You know what I'm talking about.So they give you optionswhere you could add some anchor pointsfor these threaded eyelets to the rearif you don't have a roll baror if your situation's uniqueand it's the same thingfor five-point and six-point harnesseswhere you'll basicallyhave to weld a receptaclefor an anchor to the floorin front of your seat rather.Anytime you hear a number and then pointthat's how many points ofattachment it has to the car.So you can see we've got one, two,and then three, fourdown in those eyelets.So these are four-point harnesses.Five-points are similar andthen they connect to the floorthrough the front of the seat.Why would you potentiallygo with a five or six-pointover a four-point?Well, it's an added level of safety.You get into a front end collisionand your body wants to go forward.As your body goes forward itpulls on your shoulder straps,which pulls up on your lap belt.So when your lap belt pulls upit goes over your hipsand into your soft bits,and that is not where you want it.So if you're gonna run afour-point it's absolutely criticalthat you make sure yourbelts are set up rightand that's taking into accountthat your seats fit youand that the angle of your shoulder beltsback to the harness bar or your roll baror whatever you've gotyour belts attached tois relatively straight,no more than a 20 degree tilt down.But the truth is that as longas my belt is set up rightI'm not personally tooconcerned about submarining.My biggest concern is getting into a wreckand my body staying dead stilland my head just whippingand rolling down the track.So I was proactive.I want to keep my head on my body,so I did something about it.Let me show you, it's pretty sweet.I got a HANS device.Listen, we're taking thisthing to the track soonand I want to be pretty safe when I do it.The idea is that without this device,if I were to get in an accidentmy head can just break my neck right off.So the point of the HANS deviceis to stop that from happening.It attaches your helmet tobasically your rib cage kind ofand limits the range ofmotion that your head hasno matter what.So this thing shouldkeep my head on my body,this thing should keepmy head in one piece.and that thing should keep the rest of meas good as I am now.Let's finish up those final adjustmentsand that should do it.(groaning) -- submarine.(Zach groaning)Ooh, they're in and they feel great.I am pumped.But the fact is that thecar kind of took a turntowards being more of a track car today.But that's okay 'causewe're going to the track.We're going to Big Willownext week in the Miata.I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun.We're taking the Miata,we're taking the E36,we're taking -- 2 Series.We're even gonna try to take my RV.Not to go on the track,but just to hang out in.I can't wait.I got to tell you it'sgonna be so much fun.Thank you guys so much for watching.Follow me on Instagram @zachjobe,follow Donut @donutmedia,and I'll see you guys at the track.