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The Truth About the Mazda B-Series 3000 Pickup Truck

In this video, we're going to explore the reality behind the Mazda B-Series 3000 pickup truck. The owner starts by opening the driver's door and revealing that it says "Manufactured by Ford Motor Company for Mazda Motor Company". This means that the Mazda B-Series 3000 isn't a true Japanese vehicle, but rather a Ford Ranger with a modified engine.

Underneath the hood, we find a Ford Vulcan V6 3.0 liter engine, which is not a conventional engine. Despite its compact size, it produces 140 horsepower and features a cast-iron block, head, push rods, and two valves per cylinder. The owner notes that this engine is not suitable for gas-guzzling, with the pickup truck getting about 17 miles per gallon in the city and 21 miles per gallon on the highway.

The Mazda B-Series 3000 has been manufactured in the United States, which means that if you were buying one and thinking it was a Japanese vehicle, you would be mistaken. The owner notes that Ford and Mazda have been collaborating for decades, with the B-Series 3000 being a result of this partnership. This pickup truck is essentially a Ford Ranger with a modified engine.

One thing to keep in mind when owning a used Mazda B-Series 3000 is that its differential can start to wear out over time, causing it to growl and eventually fail. However, the owner suggests that a full differential rebuild can be done for around $800-$900, which may run you anywhere from eight to nine hundred dollars.

In addition, the owner notes that getting parts for this truck is relatively easy due to its popularity in the market. You can find Ford parts at junkyards and other suppliers, making it easier to repair or maintain your vehicle. This is particularly useful if you're on a tight budget and want to extend the life of your pickup truck.

When comparing the Mazda B-Series 3000 to other vehicles like the Toyota Tacoma, it's worth noting that these pickups are not as advanced in terms of technology and longevity. However, the owner suggests that the B-Series 3000 can be a great secondary truck for running around with, especially if you can find one at a decent price.

One of the benefits of owning a used Mazda B-Series 3000 is that its body remains in excellent shape even after 17 years. The owner notes that small pickup trucks like this one all look similar, but despite their age, they still have a certain charm to them. The owner also mentions that having a V6 engine with a standard transmission may not be the most efficient option, but it's certainly suitable for hauling heavy loads.

In conclusion, the Mazda B-Series 3000 pickup truck is essentially a Ford Ranger with a modified engine. If you're in the market for a used vehicle, this could be a great option to consider, especially if you can find one at a reasonable price. Just remember that it's not a Japanese vehicle, and you should be aware of its potential drawbacks, such as a worn-out differential and limited gas mileage.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your enginesI'll tell you the truth about the Mazdabe 3000 pickup here's the Mazda emblembut let's open a driver's door and lookinside what does it say heremanufactured by Ford Motor Company forMazda Motor Company so in other wordsthis Mazda be 3000 isn't realitya Ford Ranger pickup truck check underthe hood someone put one of these dumb coldairintakes on it but it goes to a v6 enginewhich is a Ford Vulcan v6 3.0 literengine that's why it's called the B 3000just a three liter engine not a veryconventional engine its v6 got cast-ironblock cast-iron head push rods and twovalves per cylinder puts out 140horsepower which is enough to move thislittle pickup truck around especiallysince it's got a standard transmissionbehind the eight ball here that's apretty basic pickup truck got a decentpad on it you can haul reasonable amountof stuff with it this one has a decentspray-on liner so even though it'sgetting older it's solid you can see thebolts are rusty but the bad still ingood shape now Ford and Mazda beencollaborating for decades some likethese is the p3000 it's a ford rangerwith the ford engine a Ford transmissionthey just had deals going back and forthno basically being a Ford Ranger this ismanufactured in the United States if youwere buying this and thinking you weregetting a Japanese vehicle no you workyou get a Ford Ranger and they can bedecent trucks like this one that servedits owners well it's 17 years old andtruth be told on this one thedifferential here starting to wear outit's starting to growl it's just typicalwhen they get that kind of mileage onthem and the owners probably gonna justdrive it until the drops it might stillgo quite some time before it finallygoes out now you could have a fulldifferential rebuild done which mightrun you anywhere between eight and ninehundred dollars if you want to fix it orif you're more of a gambling man or haveluck in junkyards I had a customer acouple years ago buy a used rear endwhole thing for 250 bucks from ajunkyard and the truck came out of hesaid at 15,000 miles will smashed it andit worked perfectly fine even though itsays miles it's a Ford product sogetting parts there's a lot of them outthere and you got a lot of choices ofwhat you can do now as a used vehiclethese things can be decent you can getthem cheap enough and it can last awhile but when they were brand newreally they weren't that much of a dealto give you an example the list price ofthis vehicle was sixteen thousand fivehundred dollars when it was new and atthat same time 2003you're gonna picked up a comparableToyota Tacoma for about eight hundreddollars less and yes the Toyota Tacomais a much better overall truck in termsof longevity needing less repairs littlebit higher technology but just tryfinding a good used Toyota Tacoma cheapthat's not an easy thing to do if youonly have a few grand to spend gettingone of these use might be a better ideabecause you can find them it's gonnacost a lot less than a comparable tokoma that draw these are pretty basicvehicles v6 cast iron block cast ironhead push rod simple technology they'renot bad vehicles and if you can get onefor a cheap enough price use it can be agreat secondary truck for running aroundwith after all small pickup truck is asmall pickup truck they all look thesame they look like small pickup trucksand you can see 17 years later bodiesstill in excellent shape even a fancyrims that it originally came with arestill looking pretty good for all thatage of course having a v6 engine eventhough it's a standard transmissionthese aren't gas misers this particularone gets about 17 in the city and 21 ona highway you don't get great gasmileage of pickup trucks specially whenthey're a little bit old but that's notwhat you buy pickup trucks for youbuying the haul stops got a decent sizedbed with a standard transmission it'spretty easy to all reasonably heavyloads and with that v6 engine and astandard transmission you can tow fourthousand pounds so it's got towingcapability following all it's a decentlittle pickup truck especially if youfind a good one used at a decent pricerealize it's not a Mazda it's a Fordit's made by Ford in the United Statesso if you are looking at one of theseMazdas and a Ford Ranger pickup truckrealize it's the same thing you couldbuy either one you'd be getting the samevehicle and I got a myth this one in redit's a sharp-looking a little pickuptruck you know it's 17 years old so nowyou know the truth about a Mazda be 3000pickup truck oh it's really a FordRanger you're not a bad little pickuptruck if you can find one that isn't allworn out yet, so if you never want tomiss another one of my new car repairvideos, remember to ring that Bell\n"