**Unrivaled Tuning: A Civic K-Swapped Dream Come True**
We're currently at unrivaled tuning, with our buddy Danny setting up his ride for a dyno session. The goal is to maximize the air-fuel ratio and push the engine to its limits. With a target of 2-15 horsepower, we're excited to see what this setup will bring.
Danny has put everything on the dyno, and it looks like they've achieved an impressive 210 horsepower and 157 torque. This is right in line with our estimates, and we're thrilled to see that the motor held up well during the tune.
Next, we're taking a break to head to the Streets of Willow track, where we'll put our newly K-swapped Civic through its paces. With a six-speed transmission and limited-slip differential, this car is ready to take on the competition. The K20 A engine is producing triple the horsepower of the original setup, making for an incredibly powerful machine.
As we get behind the wheel, it's clear that this car screams like a banshee. The power steering helps make it more manageable, but we know that this thing will still push us to our limits. We're not just looking for speed; we want to see how much improvement we can make over our previous lap times.
Our last time with the original engine saw a 141.0, and we're hoping to beat that with this new setup. With a healthy dose of skepticism and excitement, we take to the track, ready to push the limits of this beast.
The first few laps are a blur as we get used to the car's performance. We hit the start button on our timer and cross the line, setting a blistering 1:29.0. This is just for fun, but it's clear that this car feels perfect – revs forever, sturdy temperatures, everything working in harmony.
However, with great power comes great responsibility, and we're finding ourselves struggling to operate the car at high speeds. We need to work on bracing harder and using more of the track to shave precious seconds off our lap times.
The next few laps are all about fine-tuning our technique, taking note of areas where we can improve. The key is to use every bit of the track, not just the straightaways. With some tweaks to our braking points and throttle input, we start to see significant improvements.
Our final lap time sees us take a half-second off the previous best, with a respectable 1:28.0. This is an incredible improvement, but we know that there's still more to be done. The seats seem to be holding us back, and we need to work on our driving technique to unlock even more speed.
Thanks for joining us as we push this car to its limits. Be sure to like, subscribe, and leave comments below with your thoughts on what we should do next to take this ride to the next level.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThis is our $500 Civic and we've already slammedabout $10,000 worth of parts into it, butguess what? It's still slow as heck. So whatare we going to do about it? WhatAre we going to do aboutIt? I think you know exactly what we're goingto do about it.We all seen this one before.That's right, Jimmy. This is the legendaryK 20 A and was originally found in the DCfive Integra. It's an extremely capable fourcylinder engine that's capable of handlingupwards of a thousand horsepower. The K 20A produces 215 horsepower and has a red lineof 8,600 RPMs from the factory. And sinceit was just sitting around collecting dust,we decided to throw it in this old thing andmake this civic a whole lot faster. Hopefullyso fast it'll compete with a modern day civictype R. First. Let's set a baseline. We needto take this civic to the track as it is andsee how slow it really is.Do you know what's better than having a personalchef? 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Cook unity.Now it's time to do zero to 60 tests. 15.8.If that's true, that sucks. Okay, zero tosix to complete. Now's time to get a lap time.Every piece of momentum counts. Yeah, it'svery good in the corners. Come on, you big.Come on. Come on. All right, job.You just ran at 1 41 0.67Blazing fast.Yeah, for reference. Yeah. Jerry actuallytook the Civic type R a few months ago outto streets of Willow. He ran a 1 24 0.77.It's only like 17 seconds.Job 17 seconds is no joke man. I know It'sa 1.6 mile course. That's a huge margin yougot to make up, but you know what? I'm goingto let you make a believe out of me. Dammit.That's right, dude, he's coming around. Don'tdo it. Ah, don't do it. Oh, your hair touchedit. Oh, clean up on aisle oil floor. Damnit.So the first of many steps that are requiredwhen undergoing an engine swap of any kindis removing all the original stuff that youintend to replace. So that means out withthe factory D 15 and this now unnecessaryengine bracket, this bracket was originallyused to hold the D 15 motor in place and sincewe're replacing it is getting cut out, theonly other thing we're going to do is cleanit up.Engine's out, new one's going back in. Butbefore we do that, we got to dress this thingup with all the parts that hybrid racing sentover to us First, new part unboxing here.Nice little fuel rail from hybrid racing.While Nolan's working on installing our newfuel system, I'm going to remove the factoryexhaust manifold and swap out our valve coverfor this sick yellow one that we got. Powdercoated a wild back on an episode where welearned about powder coating. What do youthink? Wow, dude, it looks great. And so we'regoing to be sticking with the stock six speedtransmission that came with this K 20 A. It'ssix speed. It's got an L S D in it, it's goingto be great. But we are going to upgrade theclutch for a little more holding power. Alittle more robustness and should feel realnice on the pedal engine Meet transmissiontransmission meet engine. They are now one.All right, joining us for this swap is BrianGillespie from Hasbro. He's like a OG in theHonda World, developed the kit to do thisswap in the first place. So I think we gotthe right guy for the job to help us on this.All right, so here's our old new one. At firstglance, they don't seem that different, butit's very important that we removed our oldone so we can install our power steering.Since our ultimate goal with our EEG is tomake it comparable, if not better, to a brandnew civic type R. That means we do have toinstall some of the creature comforts andadvancements of the civic type R into ourcar. With the more powerful K 20 installed.That means we can put bigger tires on therewith this power steering that's going to maketurning those wider tires even easier. Plus,with more power, that means more torque steergoing through the front end and this powersteering is going to help us navigate thata little better. All right, so the steeringrack is attached to the subframe. This isour first step where it's beating that FLfive type R.All right, next up is one of my favorite partsof any engine swap, putting the header on.All right, so the advantages of this headerright here is going to be higher flow. Thelengths of the headers themselves have beenspecifically engineered for this engine, sowe're going to make the most power where weneed it. And also the end diameter for ourexhaust pipe is a lot bigger than the onethat was on there too, which is further goingto improve flow and make the car sound a littlebetter too. So I'm really excited to hearthe thing fire up for the first time. I thinkwe're going to be some real obnoxious HondaDu Bois at this thing. Somehow this crustycivic that we bought for 500 bucks has becomeunsurprisingly one of my favorite cars hereat Donut.One of the many moments of truth is upon us.It's time to put that K series into this littleold eeg. The engine's ready, the car's ready,it's time to do it. Welcome to your new home.Let's start dropping this car. All right,stop there. Nolan's, see you. Hang on a sec.Yeah, and we are really close to this bracket.Can we lose this bracket? Yes sir.I'm really happy. I mean this thing's, thisthing looks great.I think we're both believers, but seeing theengine in the engine bay is a big step. Sofor our cooling system, we're going to beupgrading that to match our new K series engine.So we've got this hybrid racing radiator andit is about almost triple the width of thestock one for some increased cooling capacityand it looks pretty good too. We've obviouslygot the engine in the engine. It's a hugestep, but there's a lot of stuff left to doto get it up and running. So we need to dothings like install a fuel pump and the fuellines. We also have power steering. Now toget the shifter connected, we got to do anintake. That's the majority of it. Oh, radiatorfans. And in theory, once we do all that,this car will run and be ready to go to thediner. These axles are pretty easy to install.You just got to get the hub out of the way.So to do that, I've disconnected the lowerball joint here and the lower suspension mount.So I slip the axle up one, swing the hub out,find your twins,And voila axlesIn. So we got a three inch exhaust for thisguy because Brian, the SBAR is telling usthat that's going to make the best power.But with that, the flange is also three inchesand far too large. So I need to over out theholes so it'll fit on. Alright, so Flang isall cut up. The exhaust is kind of mockedup, so now I'm just going to tack it in placeand then pull it off and weld it all together.Looks have decent, probably won't come apart,so it's going to go in for the last time.I hope.My buddy Mike Day also happened to be in townfor a visit, so naturally I put him straightto work. AllRight, so I have the new pump in the factoryhanger here, so I'm going to slip this backin and then we'll have all the fuel pressureand flow we need for the new swap.While Brian and Mike wrap up the odds andends for the cooling and the intake, I'm insidethe car getting the shifter situated.AllRight, so that wraps up the intake. We'repretty close to firing itUp. Alright, so one of the things I'm mostexcited about is this little bit of kit. It'sour shifter from hybrid racing and it's reallysick. It's originally from an R S X, but theygave us an adapter plate that lets us putit in pretty much anything. So it's in place.We've got the cables routed, we've got allthe hardware tightened down. Now we're justgoing to tighten this down to set where theshifter actually sits and feel the first shift.Oh, that's real nice. And this thing is endlesslyadjustable, so I can put the shifter whereverI want. I can adjust the length of the throw.It's really a nice piece. Can't wait to rip.Okay, we got to put the icing on the cake.This nasty shift knob. Oh yeah, baby. Okay,I think we're going to need to get a new shiftknob, but that's pretty funny. Right now Brianis marking off a spot on the hood that needsto be clearance to make room for our powersteering and definitely worth the clearancethat we're going to have to make. Shouldn'tbe a big deal. Just got to cut off some ofthe under frame of the hood and then the hoodwill be able to close, which is good. GoodJob,Adam. Alright, time to fill it up with somecooling.Okay,We've been at it for a while and most of thework is done. The engine is in the transmission'sin, everything's hooked up. It's got a shifter,it's got fluids, it's got electricity. Soit's time finally to turn the key and seeif this thing fires up. Everybody cross theirfingers,Cross them toes.PleaseFirst fire up. It's going to be fine. Keysin fuel cycles.Ah, oh my god, she lives.Now we got to go to theDyno. I'm excited to see what this thing doeswith the dyno. Unfortunately, I will not begoing to the dyno because I have to film thepodcast, which we shoot right in here. It'scalled Past Gas. The Past Gas is the numberone automotive history podcast in the world.And would you look at this? We got some pastgas merchandise. We got the Wink Wink Nationshirt with a little Miata on it and it's alsoavailable in poster form. We've also got abunch of podcast adjacent stickers and ifyou're not subscribed, check it out. You'llprobably really like it. So while they goto the dyno, we're going to record and I'llsee you later.So we're at unrivaled tuning right now withour buddy Danny and he is going to put thisthing on the dyno and get it all tuned in.And the tune is basically just maximizingthe air fuel ratio. We're at just a tick over200 horsepower and we are so close to that2 10, 2 15 that we want. So I think if itgets a little bit more aggressive with thetiming, we'll be there. And dude, this thing'sgoing to be great. There you have it. Hit2 0 8 horsepower, 1 57 torque. I'll take thatall day. That is right in between our guesses.I'm super happy with that. The motor stayedintact. Danny Unrivaled killed the tune. Iwon't be able to make it to the track, butZach, have fun with it.We are back at Streets of Willow with theCivic freshly K swapped. It's got a wholenew K 20 A, it's got a six speed with a limitedslip dip. It's got a sick shifter. Oh baby.It's got power steering and it's got probablyabout triple the horsepower it used to have.This feels like a whole new car. This thingscreams like a banshee. The banshee of inglewood.Oh my God. Alright, it's time to see if allthat money and all that effort was worth it.Is this thing going to be any faster? I thinkso.All right. So it's clear that the car is faster,but now it's time for the fun part. We'regoing to run some laps here at Streets ofWillow and see how much I can improve on ourlast time when the car had the original enginein it and that time was a 1 41 0.6. I'm goingto take a few laps, get used to it. As longas it doesn't break, I don't want to go jinxinganything. I'm already happy this thing rips.I don't care that much about the time. Thatsaid, I care a lot about the time and I'mgoing to push itWhile job gets warmed up. Once he crossesthe start line, I'm going to hit the starton this timer. I think we're going to beatthat civic. I think so. Use all the trackJoe. You got a 1 29 0.19 Wow. On your firsthot lap outIn this thing. Wow, that's great. Yeah, that'sphenomenal. How'd it feel? It feels so good.Yeah, and it, I mean it's great. It just feelsperfect. It runs good. Revs forever. Tempsare sturdy. Nice. The only thing that I'mreally like struggling with is now it's somuch faster. Yeah. I'm all over the place.Yeah. Bracing real hard, having kind of ahard time operating a little bit. Yep. Butdude, it feels great. That'sAwesome, dude. Alright, well we got five secondsto catch up with theCivic type bar. There's definitely a few secondsleft in it, I think so. We'll see what I cando.Man,Think it's just flying down the track. It'sinsane. It's going to be faster than the lastone. Come on. Use all the track job.Oh my God, this thing is fun.1 28 0.45 that time. So took half a secondoff and we got improve it. All right, so youtook half a second off. Okay. On that lastline. I think just watching you come ontothe straight here, you're kind of chokingup. You can use a lot more of the track. Yeah.Maybe I need to go a little bit deeper intothe skidPad. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I also thinkyou can break a little later up here.Oh, I definitely could. All right.1 28 0.45 was your fastest lap. We're stillfive seconds off of the 23 civic type bar.We'll get there though. I think the seatsare probably holding you back a lot,Dude. You're really trying to brace yourselfand so you'reNot focusing on driving. That's right.Yeah,That's right. So we got to do that. Thankyou so much for watching. Hit that like button,hit that subscribe button,Throw some comments down in the comments tolet us know what you want to see us do tothis thing next. Yeah. But man, it's a funcar.