Best Buy said it's "Like New" 😬

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Our friends over at Best Buy have a wide selection of tech, and sometimes they offer good pricing. However, we're going to go one layer deeper by buying some open-box tech to see exactly if it's a great deal or if it's a fancy way of saying you're gonna get scammed, boy.

One of the things that makes sense for Open Box, in my opinion, are PC components. That might sound like an unusual choice on the face of it, but think about something like a graphics card. If this was returned within a few days or maybe a week or two, odds are still in pretty much light new condition. But they could be slashing serious money off of it.

So for this, I've got three options. Open-Box Satisfactory is the cheapest at $298, but it's unavailable. But Open-Box Excellent is, and that's what we'll go with.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Our friends over at Best Buyhave a wide selection of techat sometimes good pricing.However, we're gonna go one layer deeperby buying some open-box techto see exactly if it's a great dealor if it's a fancy way of sayingyou're gonna get scammed, boy.One of the things that makesthe most sense for Open Box,in my opinion, are PC components.Now, that might sound like aweird choice on the face of itbut think about somethinglike a graphics card.If this was returned within a few daysor maybe a week or two,odds are still in prettymuch light new conditionbut they could be slashingserious money off of it.So for this, I've got three options.Open-Box Satisfactoryis the cheapest at 298,but it's unavailable.But Open-Box Excellent is,and it "Looks brand new.Includes all originalparts and accessories.And typically contains packaging."And that is a $50 discount on the GPU.Now mind you, that's stillnot an amazing deal for a 3050but because this is theoverclocked version of the cardI am probably saving 40, 50 bucks.I have two questions for today's video.First of all is,can I get a good dealbuying Open-Box on Best Buy?But the second question is,is it even worth buyingthese in the first placewhen they say "fair" or "satisfactory"or "excellent" condition?If you do see a good deal onBest Buy and you wanna buy it,what exactly kind of qualitylevels should you be expecting?How about a console?So this is an Xbox Series S.If I want this open-box...So $300 new, excellentcondition in Open-Box is 287.99so is $12 off, Open-Boxsatisfactory is 285.Who doesn't pay $3 moreto get the brand new looking consolecompared to the moderatesigns of cosmetic use?Here's a deal thatactually might be worth it.So this is a Victus15.6 inch gaming laptop.So 1650 is a totally reasonableGPU, 144 hertz display.New is 580, but Open-Boxexcellent knocks off a $100.Or Open-Box satisfactoryknocks even more off.Time to get my Geek Squad mobile.I am right now outside of thefirst of the two Best Buysthat I'm supposed to bepicking up orders from.The problem I thinkis that Best Buy doesn'treally keep great trackof their open-box items.So I have gotten, no lie,about 15 calls from Best Buydue to my two orders.Interestingly, while I was inside,there were a ton of open box itemskind of spread throughout.They had a cage up front,they had some Apple products,they had some stuff over in the PC area.There were some legitimately good deals.I'm quickly coming to the conclusionthat if you want to buy Best Buy open-box,online's just not the move.It's kind of annoying.And plus, if you do go in storesyou actually can look at thephysical items themselves.Not only do some of them justnot straight have boxes at allbut even if they do,supposedly you actually canlook at the quality of each one.So when I wanted an open-box itemI did hope at least to get a box.All right, let's take a look.Now, as a refresher, thiswas listed as good conditionwhich meant some minor cosmetic issuesbut generally pretty much all complete.However, it obviously didn't comewith the original packaging,but more importantly,it didn't come with a power adapter.Let's take a look at our gaming laptop.Okay, good condition I woulddefinitely say on the lid.Some very minor like scuffhere, but that's nothing.Ooh, nope, nevermind. It's dusty.Yes, this is totally a floor unit.So if you can see a bit right in here,there's clearly a bunch of dust.This is probably sittingon for a few weeksor a month or whatever.Let's see what's inside.Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.We're good with this.We're good with this.There's some fingerprints on the displaybut the finish is fine.It's not dirty.Yeah, yeah, this is okay.This is okay.Alright, so I have nowgot this up and runningand I have a few initial thoughts.So, I have to kind of separate thisbecause on one sideI'm not really reviewingthe laptop, right?I'm much more so reviewingthe open-box experiencefrom Best Buy.And just at a base level,the fact that I did notget a power adapter is bad.So this device was justa little bit over $490.It does seem like it was correctly reset.I think there are two, maybethree dead pixels over here.I can't tell this is placebo or not.It's a little laggy.Dude, this thing's not good.This is a fresh copy of Windows.Oh, it finally showed up.There we go.Oh it took, 30 seconds.Not a fan. Not feeling it rightnow, not feeling Mr. Krabs.- Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?- Let's see what we've gotinside our open-box laptop.First impression isjust that this is fine.It is not massively dirtythe way that it kinda lookedlike from the outside.So yesterday when we unboxed the Victus,I noticed some weird performance issues.So today we're actually using this laptopin a comparison with some other devicesand we found massive issues.The CPU on this device pingpongs between full speedand basically idle.It goes down to likethree or 400 megahertz,which massively stalls it out.So we ran in Cinebenchand this should be a score of about 10,000and it's less than 2,000.So I'm not entirely surewhat's wrong with it,especially 'cause it'sa fresh copy of Windows.But yeah, this is actually really bad.(thumping)I shouldn't have did that.So, as a refresher,this Xbox Series S waslisted in fair condition,which is the lowest qualitythat Best Buy will offer.Importantly, it does comewith the box, which is nice.Also, importantly, it was very expensive,like more so than anew Series S on Amazon.But we're gonna disregardthat for a secondand let's see what a fairquality item looks like.(thumping)(grunting)That's... They literallygot nothing for the bottom.So we've got ourselves the controller,which is wow, yeah, that's pretty scuffed.Mind you, some of thesescuffs may have beenjust because it was sitting in the box,but oh no, no, that'slike ear wax or something.Yeah, I mean it feels fairly freshbut it smells vaguely of gamer.We also have the power adapter,which, or sorry, power cable.Let's take a look at this Series S.(thudding)That's fine.Damaged, they say.Little scuff right here, little dirty.We'll say I'm not seeing damage anywhere.It seems very minty on the inside.I don't know where theycome up with damaged.Hey, hey wait a minute.It didn't come with an HDMI cable.Alright, we'll see if our Series S works.Good sign. There we go.Boom. Okay, I'm not surprisedthat it physically works.The console itself looksto be in great shape.If we just put the valueaside for a second,we just purely evaluate the waythat they judge these things,you kind of can't listento what Best Buy saythe quality level is.You kind of need to go into a storeand actually put youreyes on them yourself.Which neatly segues me intothe items that I did not do so.So both the laptop and theSeries S I ordered online,went into store and picked them up.Every other item that I'vegot to take a look at todaywas ordered site unseenpurely by listening tothe quality level that theyadvertise on's see what we've got in here.Man does, does Best Buyknow how to package things.(thudding)This is my SSD.So I've got this box which is empty,and then I have a Best Buy refurb box.So this says backed by our returnand exchange promise cover under warrantyverified to work properly.And on the side here it doesshow one terabyte 970 EVO.This is a lot of packagingfor what is quite literallythe world's tiniest itemand it should be an M2 SSD and it is.Wow. What a great way of packaging my SSD.(chuckling)I don't know if that'sso, okay, all right.Now I will say thatwhile I don't love theway that they shipped itthis was actually a pretty solid deal.This is a little over $50 forone terabyte sampling SSD.Assuming that it is mostly newwhich I mean looking atit, it looks pretty minty.I think it was probablyinstalled like once'cause I can see a tiny bit of wearwhere you would screw it downonto like a motherboard or something.But other than that clearlyhas not been used a lot.But that being said, it's an SSD.Like the real test is gonnabe actually plugging it inand seeing what we've got here.So we have installed our 970EVO plus on the test benchminus the bench part.It's a computer, okay?So, first thing I'm gonna dois open up Samsung Magician.Now this will give me theinformation on the drive,like cycles, all that kind of stuff.This SSD has been usedand this tells me how muchdata has been written to it.The problem is it givesme a number of 1,953,764which each one of those is athousand blocks of 512 bytes.Oh my god, I'm stupid.I'm a big stupid idiot.It says how many gigabytes are writtenright on the damn front ofthe page, 932 gigabytes.Wait, no, no.This is not supposed to happen.It's the same price as anew one. What happened?(grunting)I should not drop packages.Actually, I just rememberedthis is the Best Buy we're talking about.They clearly don't pack it well.Oh wait, this is the firstpackage that doesn't rattlelike Matt's bones after a Thursday night.- Bruh.- Our Moto G power. Interesting.There's a lot of stuff going on here.So on the box we have...This was in January of 2023,the erasure was successful anddiagnostic status was passed.So this is an item thathas clearly seen some levelof TLC from Best Buy.This is one of the more promising dealsbecause this, in "excellent" conditiondirect from Best Buy, costs $130,but the new version of aMoto G Power is 250 bucks.(beeping)And look at that, that's actually...Okay, this is what I'm talking about.If this is what I'm getting for open-boxI'm absolutely out here for it.Okay, so we've got ourselves the cables,or the cable singular,but we've got a USBCcable, which is lovely.And we've got a phonethat's actually put ina box the right way.Okay, so screen a little dusty,but screen looks terrific.No scratches, scuffsor anything like that.There's a little, like,little schmutz on it.I didn't put the schmutz there.It's quite an interesting finish.I will say I think it looksa lot better on camerathan it does in person'cause very plasticy.But again, this is a $250 phonebut we got basically for halfoff an excellent condition.Hi there. Hello.How's it going? Hello there.While I download 45 updatesthat are gonna take aboutan hour on my Moto G,why don't we take a look at our next item.All right, inside we have our Beats.All right, so we've gota Beats Studio Buds.(chuckling)A little nervous about these.So these are Geek Squad refurbished,which I hope means that theycleared out all the ear juicefrom my new headphones.And this was a good deal.So this is a little over $80.The MSRP on these is, I think, 150,although they are typicallyon sale for like 120 bucks.But even so we're saving some good money.Before I actually open it up,I have some good news.This looks like original packaging,so I don't think, thesemay not have even been usedif I'm being honest with you.So we've had all of our paperwork hereincluding we've got the USBC to C cableand the ear tips, whichhave not been used.Those look pretty new, smell new.And we've also got the package,which looks like it's...That looks actually like,has it been refurbished?No, that adhesive is original.Well here, actually, let me see.I'm gonna peel it andsee if I can resick it.Okay, so can I resick it the same way?Oh yeah, you can resick it.Okay, so maybe they'vebeen used, I'm not sure.This looks pretty good.The USBC portalso doesn't look likeit's been really plugged inand the earbuds don't have...Oh, they don't have the,okay they don't have the ear tips on.- So it's clearly been used.- Wait, that's not good.Yeah, so wait.So, it comes with smalland large ear tips.The medium ones shouldhave come on the earbudsand they're just not there.So, either they were usedor they weren't used,but regardless, I thinkthey opened these uptook the medium ear tips, threw them away,and then put them back in.So, I used this medium ear tips.Guess I'll go up to large today.My ears are feeling a little bit big.Okay. Yep, so everythingdoes seem to work here.So it all shows up wellenough in the actual app.Let's listen to some music, shall we?Yeah. No, this is great.Okay, so I can say with full certainty,maybe for the first time in this video,these Beats are solid.80 bucks, I think, it'sdifficult to get a pairof fully wireless Bluetooth headphonesthat have active noise cancellationand sound this goodfor that kind of money.I'm actually pretty happy with thesein all honesty.What I'm not as happyabout is this Moto G.I get it, like, obviouslywe saved a bunch of money.The problem is though,is that even at like 120bucks, this is not great.The performance is badand I waited a longtime for all the updatesand everything to go in the background.Phone itself is kind of slowand feels very cheap.But as far as my open-boxexperience on this deviceI will say both the Beats andthe Moto G get a thumbs up.Just not a very big thumbs up.You know, it's that like,it's not one of these.It's like one of like, one of these.(glass shattering)(thudding)Oh, ooh, no, I don't like that one.Okay, let's see what we'vegot in package number,whatever this is.Oh, it's got a box. We have a box.So this my friend is an RTX 3050.Is it so hard to keepthe original packaging?All right. On the little sticker hereit does say that it isin condition "excellent"with no comments.Okay, this is the original inner box.Inside we have the graphics card.Okay, so it actually...Wait, why is it?Why is it so loose in here?So this is our Gigabyte RTX 3050.Now this is a hilariously large card.You can see that this is theactual PCB where it ends.I do notice there's a littlebit of a scrape right hereon the the aluminum, whichdoesn't matter at all,but clearly someone got a little too eagerwhen they were installing this probably.They definitely removedall of the I/O shields,which is fine.Without actually pluggingit in first impressions,it's pretty good.- Wait a minute.- Every time I try to say something niceabout an open-box item on Best Buythey turn around and they makemy great deal a terrible one.This $380 is now on sale for 300 bucks.Aka, I could buy a new oneof these directly from Best Buy right nowfor less than I got the open-box one from.I'm not gonna use the Samsung.I want my iPad.I was trying to find a good deal, but no.Oh no. Mr. Buy said, "Boy.".You can put the camera down. We're done.The video's already over. We're done.- Oh youpackaged it like Best Buy.(chuckling)(clattering)- So much for returning it.(chuckling)