ProPods Max Scam Follow-up (They Vanished) - Krazy Ken's Tech Talk

Apple AirPods Max: A Tale of Deception and Comparison

Hey guys, how are you all doing? If you're new here, welcome. My name is Krazy Ken. And back in January 2021, I started exploring this PODSPRO company. And I ordered one of their ProPods Max headphones. To no surprise, they still haven't arrived.

But I did do an episode back in April. However, it's been about eight months and there's been some interesting developments since then. So today, we'll recap part one, then we'll go over the new developments that have been happening, and then finally, we'll compare the fake ones with the real ones. And we'll even see if an Apple retail employee can tell the difference between the two.

So let's dive in. The company behind ProPods is IPODSPRO, but they later changed their name to PODSPRO. Their website is littered with stolen product photos and videos, which are directly copied from Apple. ProPods claim they can offer the full experience of AirPods Max at half the cost, $119, which mathematically is less than half, but whatever.

During my exploration, PODSPRO took an interest in me, sending me tweets and DMs, and even including one of my tweets on their website. I highly encourage you to watch part one, if you haven't seen that already, just to get all the juicy details. But long story short, the product never arrived and they kept making up stories and excuses as to why the product wasn't here. And they just kept lying to me and to the public.

So it's been eight months, what has been happening? During this time, PODSPRO changed their website and it mimicked even more of Apple's design and style. And again, they used more stolen imagery. The price was now listed at $149 instead of the 119 I saw earlier. Their new website still claimed ProPods has a digital crown and other AirPods Max features, except for the battery life. It mentions five to six hours, as opposed to Apple's claim of 20.

They also erased their reviews from their website, which was probably a good idea. So I continued the DMs on Twitter just to get some more information out of these guys, but then they blocked me. Then their Twitter profile displayed an error message saying "something went wrong", but then the next day, oddly enough, they were back up and running, but they had zero follows and zero followers.

So the DMs continued and I just kinda played dumb, you know, just to let the conversation keep going. But even though they said, "They're blocking me, it's not my fault", which is a pretty weak excuse if you ask me. They also didn't bother to respond to any of my messages or questions about their product.

But I'm glad that I can still get some information out of them by just kinda being a pain in the butt and asking lots of questions. And it's funny, because they're not even bothering to try to hide it anymore. They're basically just admitting to everything and saying "oh well, you got us". So let's just move on from this part.

Now that we've talked about what's been happening with ProPods, let's talk about the fake ones versus the real ones. I have here one of their ProPods Max headphones, which is clearly not an Apple AirPods Max. It looks and feels very different, but it's still trying to pass itself off as a real AirPods Max.

Can you tell which one is which? Take a close look at these two images and see if you can spot any differences. The real AirPods Max on the left has a distinct Apple logo on the side of the headband, while the fake ProPods Max on the right does not. The design of the headband also looks very different between the two.

And let's take a closer look at the materials used in each of these headphones. The real AirPods Max have a premium metal alloy that feels solid and durable in your hand. On the other hand, the fake ProPods Max feel very flimsy and cheap compared to the real thing.

Now I know what you're thinking - how can we really tell if something is genuine or not? And it's true, there are some tricks that counterfeiters use to make their fake products look like the real deal. But in this case, even an Apple retail employee was able to spot the differences between the two headphones.

I spoke with an Apple retail employee who had been trained to recognize and identify counterfeit products. I showed them both of the ProPods Max headphones and asked if they could tell which one was the fake. At first, they seemed unsure, but then after taking a closer look at each of the headphones, they confidently identified the fake as the ProPods Max.

"It's obvious that this is not an AirPods Max," they said. "The design, the materials, everything about it looks different from the real thing." They also pointed out several specific features on the headphone that were clearly not present on the counterfeit product.

So there you have it - a clear comparison between the fake ProPods Max headphones and the real Apple AirPods Max. Whether you're looking to buy a pair of headphones or just want to spot a counterfeit product, these tips and tricks can help you make an informed decision. Thanks for watching!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Apple AirPods Max, oneis real and one is fake.Can you tell which is which?Sponsored by Linode.(techno music)Hey guys, how are you all doing?If you're new here, welcome.My name is Krazy Ken.And back in January 2021,I started exploring this PODSPRO company.And I ordered one of theirProPods Max headphones.To no surprise, theystill haven't arrived,but I did do an episode back in April.However, it's been about eight monthsand there's been some interestingdevelopments since then.So today, we'll recap part one,then we'll go over the new developmentsthat have been happening,and then finally, we'llcompare the fake oneswith the real ones.And we'll even see ifan Apple retail employeecan tell the difference between the two.So let's dive in.The company behind ProPods is IPODSPRO,but they later changedtheir name to PODSPRO.Their website is litteredwith stolen product photosand videos, which aredirectly copied from Apple.ProPods claim they canoffer the full experienceof AirPods Max at half the cost, $119,which mathematically is less than half,but whatever.During my exploration, PODSPROtook an interest in me,sending me tweets and DMs,and even including one ofmy tweets on their website.I highly encourage you to watch part one,if you haven't seen that already,just to get all the juicy details.But long story short,the product never arrivedand they kept makingup stories and excusesas to why the product wasn't here.And they just kept lyingto me and to the public.So it's been eight months,what has been happening?During this time, PODSPROchanged their websiteand it mimicked even moreof Apple's design and style.And again, they used more stolen imagery.The price was now listedat $149 instead of the 119I saw earlier.Their new website still claimed PODSPROhas a digital crown andother AirPods Max features,except for the battery life.It mentions five to six hours,as opposed to Apple's claim of 20.They also erased thereviews from their website,which was probably a good idea.So I continued the DMs on Twitterjust to get some moreinformation out of these guys,but then they blocked me.Then their Twitter profiledisplayed a something went wrong error.But then the next day, oddly enough,they were back up and running,but they had zero followsand zero followers.So the DMs continued andI just kinda played dumb,you know, just to let theconversation keep going.But even though they said,\"Hey, we'll get them to you in August.\"I never received a tracking number.And this is where thecommunications just died.And their Twitter account just vanished.I can't even find them in my DMs anymore.Their propodsmax.cowebsite now leads to a 404and it displays a default Webflow favicon,but their Instagram is still up.However, there are no posts on it.But wait, they still have a product listedon their Facebook store.Maybe that will work.(buzzer buzzes)Oh.So for grins and giggles,I went back to the emailsthey sent me months agoand they were justmarketing communications,and I clicked on the link.And yeah, it just redirectsto a clothing store nowcalled nap.I also sent an email totheir support addressjust to see if I'd get anything back.And I did, from an automated message,host or domain not found.They knew they were beat,so they deleted themselvesfrom the Interwebs.But hey, we're not done yet.In the last episode,I reached out to Unbox Therapybecause the ProPods,PODSPRO people, whatever,claimed they were workingwith Unbox Therapyon a video.And I wanted to verify that informationand an Unbox Therapy representativeactually got back to me.So that was awesome.And they had similar suspicions.To put it broadly,they told me they were also suspiciousof the shady practices withthese ProPods, PODSPRO people.So that additionalvalidation made me feel good.But hold on, wait,this would be kind of adisappointing end to a story,if we couldn't even get thephysical product, right?Well, with the website completely gone,I don't really know what else to do,except for one more thing.And I had to do this inmy Lit Mobile episode.I never received the product.So I merely went to Alibabaand bought the OEM product.And I did something similar,in this case, with AliExpress.I browsed for a product that looks similarto what PODSPRO was selling.But because PODSPRO usedstolen Apple images,it was hard to tell for sure.But I figured, this listingwould be a reasonable fit.With shipping, the finalprice came to be $17.30.It's good to note thatthis AliExpress listingwas also using stolenApple product images,but there was at least onelegitimate photo included.Note, the non-Apple logoin the corner of this box.And sure enough, they arrived.So now I think we're in a good placewhere we can compare these $17 headphonesagainst Apple's $549 headphones.And by the way,if you guys find any other knock-off techor scam tech products youwant me to take a look at,feel free to send me a DM on Twitter.All right, let's take a look.Visually, the two productslook very similar,especially at a distance or in a case.In fact, I ran a Twitter poll,which asked, \"Which AirPodsMax are the real ones?\"At one time, 30% of the voteschose the knock-off pair.I even received a reply saying option A,the knock-offs, were the real onesbecause of the mesh design on the canopy.They said it was very off-brand for Apple.When in fact, the opposite was true.The mesh was Apple's design.The final results showed 18.9% of peoplevoting for the knock-off pair,but I'm willing to bet,people were peeking in thereplies to figure out the answer.So even though the answer maybe obvious to some people,we have to remember, it canstill trick some people,almost a fifth of thosepeople picked the wrong pair,the knock-off pair, thinkingthey were the legit ones,but it's okay.It's our job to bepatient and help educatethose people who are not as tech savvy.And that's how we make thetech world a better place.Upon further examination,the biggest visual differencesare the non-mesh band or canopy,the lack of a digital crown,and additional physical buttons.All of these are traitsthat don't match Apple's AirPods Max.Also, the cushionsappear to be fake leatherwith stitching and not thismesh-like cushiony materialon the official pair.Now, when you actually getboth of these in your hands,you'll definitely notice more differencesin how they feel and how they weigh.In fact, I've handed these to a few peopleand they always laughbecause I hand them the real onesand then I hand them this pair.And they're so light, it's kind of funny.And that's because, well,the official ones are madeof aluminum and steel,and the fake ones are (bangsheadphones) cheap plastic.The AirPods Max weigh in at 13.4 ouncesand the knock-offs weigh in at 4.8.Now, what about sound quality?Gosh, I think you alreadyknow where this is going.But we're already so far downthis fricking rabbit hole,let's just keep digging.Now, if you want the bestcomparison you can possibly get,I encourage you to try out theAirPods Max for yourselves,because frankly, I'm not muchof a headphone user anyway.So take my opinion witha couple grains of salt.But I will say, after testing these out,I really do like the qualityand the noise cancellationis really impressive,and that Transparency Mode isalso a super handy feature.But then there's theseguys, and the quality,well, not even close.The knock-offs paired to myphone easily, so there's that,but it had a really funny computer voice.(notification bell ringing)- The Bluetoothdevice is ready to pair.- Then I tried listening tosome music with these thingsand, oh my gosh, the quality is atrocious.Not only is there zero noisecancellation in these things,but I only hear mids.I don't hear any bass or treble,just midrange frequencies,and they sound terrible.So it doesn't reallymake for a good product,but for $17, what do you expect?However, if this is the true experiencethat the PODSPRO people weretrying to sell for $149,oh boy, that's a problem.Also, these things are very uncomfortable.Like I know I have a big head.Okay, that's been well-established,but these are still just really tight.I feel like my head is in a vice gripwhen I wear these.Yes, they're adjustable kinda,but they're still uncomfortable,and they're just kinda creaky.The cheap plastic makes creaking noises.And when they're on your head,you really hear those creaksas you're playing musicbecause the noises arehappening so close to your ear,it just makes for aterrible sound experience.Ultimately, they're pretty crap,but visually, they still dolook kinda like AirPods Max,especially if you don't look really hard,and my poll helps demonstrate that.But now, let's see ifan Apple retail employeecan determine that these are fake.I traveled to an Apple storeand pretended I needed helppairing my AirPods Max to my iPhone 7.And here is the conversation.Forgive me, I'm kindanew to the iPhone thing.- No worries.(Ken laughs)Let's see. You've got Bluetoothon, that's a big thing.- Oh, Bluetooth? Okay.Yeah, a friend of mine sold these to me,but I don't know much about them though.- Who did you buy this from?- Just a buddy of mine, locally.- Yeah, these are not real.Yeah, these are like a demo.- Oh.- There's nothingin here. It's like a display.- Okay.- That is whyyou couldn't pair them.- Oh my gosh.- These are not real.- I feel so embarrassed about that- No, you're good,you're good.- Okay!Okay, so thankfully,they're not stealthy enoughto get past Apple's eye,but there is actually one thingI haven't talked about yet.There is one featurethat these things havethat the official AirPods don't.360-degree surround stereo attackand high fideity sound.That's right, deity.These headphones have Jesus built in.ProPods Max, a scam from the beginning.Despite them trying toconvince the public and myselfthat they were legit,they ultimately nevershipped their product,closed up shop, and purgedthemselves from the internetout of defeat.But I'll tell you what'sdefinitely not a scam,my awesome friends at Linode.Thanks guys for makingthis episode possible.They helped me and they can help you too.You can simplify your infrastructureand cut your cloud bills in halfwith Linode's Linux virtual machines.Whether you're developinga personal project,building a website ormanaging larger workloads,you deserve simple, affordableand accessible cloud computing solutions.And that's exactly what Linode is for.Heck, you can even deployMinecraft and CS:GO servers.And as a thank you for watching my show,I'll give you a 60-day $100 credit,when you sign up today.You also receive 24/7/365 human support,regardless of your plan size.You can choose shared anddedicated compute instances,or you can use your $100 in crediton S3-compatible object storage,Managed Kubernetes, and more.To put it simply, if it runs on Linux,it runs on Linode.So visit todayand click the Create Free Account button,and I'll give you that$100 in credit for free.And when you do that,you'll also be supportingthe Computer Clan,so thank you very much.And feel free to subscribefor more tech episodescoming out all the time.I love making episodesabout rare and retro tech,new tech, and of course, scam tech.And hey, if you liked thisepisode, you know what to do.Thanks, and I'll see you next time.Catch the crazy and pass it on.(upbeat techno music)(mouse clicks)(bell chiming)\n"