The World of Fidget Cubes and Toys: A Unique Collection
As I sat down to watch the video with Matthias, I was filled with excitement and curiosity about the world of fidget cubes and toys. As we began our journey, Matthias announced that he had found six unique and interesting fidget cube/toys that would help you fidget. He also warned us that some might be wasteful, while others were tasteful.
Fidget Cubes: A Newfound Appreciation
I was initially skeptical about fidget cubes when I first saw them come out. However, after trying one myself, I was surprised to find that they could be quite enjoyable. Matthias had discovered these fidget cubes on and had curated a list of the coolest and most unique ones he could find. As we delved deeper into our exploration, it became clear that fidget cubes were not just for people with anxiety or ADHD, but also for those who simply liked to move around.
The Anatomy of a Fidget Cube
A fidget cube is essentially a small toy that allows you to fidget with your hands. It typically has different parts such as buttons, joysticks, switches, and soothe stones that can be manipulated in various ways to provide relief from anxiety and stress. Matthias explained that these toys have become popular among autistic children who use them to relieve their tension.
Fidget Ball: A Sensory Toy
One of the fidget toys we came across was called a fidget ball. To me, it didn't resemble a ball at all! However, as Matthias described its features, I became intrigued. The fidget ball is essentially a small, one-inch-diameter ball made of interconnected anodized aluminum rings that are woven in such a way that each ring can freely turn over to the next. As Matthias exclaimed, "It's addictively gratifying and smooth movement!" I couldn't help but feel the same excitement as he did.
The Verdict: Is It Worth It?
As we explored more fidget toys, we encountered some gems and some duds. One reviewer described a fidget toy as "junk," while another claimed that it was "great little fidget toy." Matthias also shared his own experience with using fidget cubes to help him relieve anxiety. He found them to be surprisingly enjoyable and useful.
A Fun and Unexpected Discovery
As we continued our journey, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement about the world of fidget cubes and toys. Who knew that something as simple as a toy could bring so much joy and relief? Matthias's enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself giggling at his reactions to each new discovery.
The Journey Continues
As we wrapped up our exploration, I realized that there was still so much more to discover in the world of fidget cubes and toys. Matthias had promised us a links page with all the products he had reviewed, and I couldn't wait to check them out. Perhaps these unique fidget cubes and toys could bring some relief and joy to those who need it most.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en*gasps*Bryan: OH! *laughs**Matthias rages*Relieve stress, my butt!!*intro music*What's goin' on, guys?I am Matthiasand welcome!Today we are gonna look at6 of the most unique and interestingfidget cube/toys in the world!Bryan wentI believe on amazon.comand he tried to find coolest ones he could findand the most unique ones thatis just gonna help you fidgetnowwhen I first saw these fidget cubes and fidget toys come outI was like, come on that's so dumbbut then like I tried one and I was like,Daddy like!and I really actually enjoyed themwhich is somewhat surprising, sowe're gonna look at six of themand I'm gonna let you knowwhether each one is wasteful, or tasteful.Whether it's good or bad, I'm gonna let you know.Links always down in the description below.If you want to get one of these fidget toysit helps the channel out,so make sure you check those out if you're interested.Those of you not familiar with a fidget cubethis here is a fidget cube.This fidget cube allows you to fidget!Literally, people that, you know like to move aroundlike to fidget, maybe have anxiety, a little stressthis has like a little button here,these are buttons,this is like a joystick you can pull out, you could,you could pinch, you could twistthis one you spin, this is a regular switchthis is a soothe stone areathey have some gears here,you get the idea.It allows you to do something with your hands to relieve anxiety,ADHD,um, I know a lot of autistic children really relieve a lot of their tension with these types of things.So, I think they're pretty awesome.Let's actually begin to look at some.*Music*Fidget ballFidget toy - does that look like a ball to you?That does not look like a ball, they literally called it fidget ball.Anyways, fidget toy anxiety ballsensory toy, autism toy, okay so I get it.*reading* A one inch in diameter ball of interconnected anodized aluminum rings.I thought it was stretchy or something like that that's interesting*reading* woven in a way so each ring can freely turn over to the next.Ooh, interesting!*shouts* addictively gratifying and smooth movement!I don't know why I screamed that*reading* Doesn't work as described, junk,*reading* five stars*reading* Great little fidget toy. The jury is still out on whether it will get my third grader to stop chewing on his fingers*sound effect*Yikes, do you mean chewing on his finger nails? *laugh*Chewing on his fingers?Johnny, where'd your fingers go?!Add to cart.Oh wow it's tiny.It's WAY tinier than I thought it was gonna be!*Brian laughs* What are you giggling about dude?Brian: *Imitating Matthias* Waaay!*In surfer accent* Woah bro!*reading* \"Infinity fidget ball\".I'm somewhat disappointed at the tiny size.Brian: Yeah...Closer for you since it's so tiny.So,I guess what you keep doing*is trying to figure out what to say* is's just...They're all connected in a way thatyou can just keep pushing up.However, I don't particularly like itbecause I don't like, I don't like havingto use two hands.When I fidget,I'm usually fidgeting doing something else.It's really, really hard to actually get that movement down.No, there we you can kindayou kinda have to have to re-You kinda have to move it in your hands a lot though.You can do it with one hand.personally I am like I like asatisfying hefty click but that's me youknow some people like the SU stone somepeople like gear turning and stuff likethat this one's not for me I get theappeal though I wish it was biggerbecause like maybe it's just my hand isginormous and it's made for kidsyou can go both ways to it you can pushthis way and then push this way and thenpush this way you just kind of like keepemerging the thing here. it requires alittle bit too much concentration for meit looks to be high quality so I'm goingto say it's worth it *Bryan* but you don't likeit you think I'm going to say it's aworth it but I'm saying I know thedifference between a good product andone that I just don't care for justbecause I don't wear bras doesn't meanthey're not worth it over nice you seewhat I'm saying that's my logic I don'tneed a bra but then but definitelypeople get used out of them before thenext product make sure you click thatBell icon to getside of my videos for future productsand live streams because we're doinglive streams now that you're going towant to be there in the moment becauseit's awesome so make sure you click thatBell icon so you don't miss them fidgetdice anti anxiety and depression cubefor children and adults oh my gosh lookat all the options that they have bro solook at this one the thing that Iimmediately liked about this is that itlooks like a game controller do it youknow it looks like very game ask abilitytraining DIY grip hand-eye coordinationhearing hearing Braille is going toimprove my hearing I'm so stoked I haveno idea how it's going to improve myhearing let's add to cart' see what'sall aboutoh we I don't want you to smash thedigit pad it's a fidget pad so it's nota cube because it's obviously not cubeshaped but it is a fidget toy it'ssomewhat soft it's not silicone it is asoft textureoh wait what's this look at this thingright here oh it snaps back oh wowcramps it cramped, had nothing to do withthis it's just the exact position that Idid it cramped my hand Oh what well Ithink my I like I think I just rain mymy hands like you know like a battleuniverse or a team edge video because itdoesn't hurt doing this I'm clickingthis one's a click this one's a clickthese are not these are just you justpress it this is a joystick you can'tpull this joystick out the standardfidget cube one of the things I likeabout this one is that you can kind ofpop it out like that like I don't knowif I can show you right you can pop it Iknow that's oh what your bitch excusegot some aged bro it's not even goingback oh these aren't buttons you justtwist these night makes nice clickingnoises I mean overall this feels alittle cheap to be honest with you but Idon't know why I really feel reallycompelled to do this with the other handbut it hurts my wrist your right hand IIprobably have carpal tunnel or somethingthat it definitely feels a little cheeselike the clicks don't feel like goodenough clicks for me so oh no it lookslike it's going to hold up though I sayit's wastefulI don't know I'm on the fence honestlyit's right in the middle you guys decideclick thatright there you guys decide if it'swasteful or tasteful little pull in thevideo click the info card fidget diceanti anxiety depression cubeokay so here's what oh my gosh this guyhe's like ah I think I think he's alittle far gone for a physique you likeif you're at that point where just likepulling out your hair I don't think anyamount of fidget cubes is going to helpyou there's something about this thatjust doesn't look right though let'slet's read what you're supposed to dowith these little blobs here whetheryou're a clicker or a flicker I don'tlike the flicking right now you want tobe a flicker just like it all these longreview you know look at how long thesereviews are look at this view yes oh mygosh 2 minutes and 22 secondscompetition competition competitionalright ID card okay when you sit thatdown so softly okay so here's what's upguys I mean I don't know I'm use onesyou're supposed to pull ah this feelsinteresting right there that's for surethis just overall just is huge I'vereally big hand and this is a giantfidget cube this isn't something thatyou can put in your pocket withoutlooking like a perv so you got a littlespinner here you can actually feelclicks there which is kind of nicethat's kind of nicea little food stone style these are morebuttons right here I'm just not so sureaboutoh they got little faces on them can yousee it a little faces that guy's happythat guy's happy that guy tap you aswellthis guy's mad for some reason no jokeyou mad he's all by himself over hereand I keep flicking them no wonder he'smadit's so weird you know what's funny islike when you you have to like reallytest a fidget cue to find out if it'slike going to be something that you likeyou know you can't just be like oh thatone has like the switch that I likebecause this particular switch I usuallylike these switches but this one's liketoo hard to press the standard one likeyou barely have to tap it and like it'llit'll flick over so you can like I likethat button nice happy click unless yougot really really big hands this one iswasteful if you got really big cams andmake this thing look small then BOOMit's like it's just ginormous dudethere's this thing as much as I'mflicking it I don't like flicking it butI feel compelled to flick it we gotthree more items which means they're sixso on Twitter I'm going to put a polland I'm going to ask you what you thinkis your favorite fidget toy here so goto my Twitter check that out vote let meknow let me know 4-pack spikey slapbracelets sensory band fidget wristbandsthis doesn't look so much like a pagertool it looks like those things you havein your kids you like to slap slap ohbut I guess people fidgeted with thoseit was like an early style fidget stuffI mean I get it I get itslap bracelets you guys are familiarwith those let's move on let's grab ityeah girl fuck no you did yeah so wow itcame with a ton it came with like abunch of them so when you get these youcan give your friends a bunch tooI'm pretty disappointed though that itit does it this way why I don't know Ifeel like it'd be interesting on yourrisk if it did the other way it feelsmore interesting I mean if it went sighsyeah kind of like a massage so you'resupposed to do is you're just supposedto take like this and then just wrap itacross a rip although this I'm be honestwith you this looks a little iffy youknow you walk out you got both these onyou got it on your thing and you're likeI'm ready you see them saying yeah somaybe don't wear all four at onceow it slapped me dude it was like howdare youlet's see if there's anything besidesthe slapping that these are good for youno I mean like this is like somewhatsoft silicone but I can't see myselflike touching this is a toy watch whathe's doing pop it toss it land what if Irolled away here let me try again I gotfour tribes ready set no no oh I gotthat one no dude I got it dude it trustyou first sake Ando Segundo oh my godspike down Oh what I heard is way to mewow it's absurd I told youthat's the other use for them havingflat battles with your friends tapingyour parents will prove flip it bikechain fidget toy reduce anxiety stressincrease focus okay so this one a littledifferent as well it's similar to thefirst one that we looked at oh it lookssmall again it needs to be in betweenwhat we've been looking at you know Imean like this is the proper sizeyou know fits in your hands this is toobig this is too small let's add to cart'let's see what this is aboutoh don't we slam - dude no wonder theseproducts never work oh they're burgerone I got it oh they sent me - oh goodon you you sent me - good news you sentme - every I was going to try and minesomething else but it didn't work outyou're just supposed to essentially justcontinue to spin this forever as you cansee here it starts out like this andthen you push forward and it comes backout so the question here is that will ithandle in one hand kind of kind of surethe more you practice the better you'llget yeah that's true I mean the more Ipractice with the Fidget spinner thebetter I got this one is definitely alittle bit different though I'm liketrying to figure out how to do itwithout looking were you staying up -I'm staring off into space my friendstaring off into space this is nice iflike you're in class and you're likeafraid to do like click click click youknow after we shot the spinner video Iwas informed that many classrooms doallow fidget spinners because it keepskids focused like I know like somepeople can like have the dexterity likewith a quarter through all their fingersand stuff like that if you have aquarterpeople can like flip it back and forthlike that but then catch it with theirlast finger and then flip it back Icannot I do not have that dexterity Ithink maybe the coin needs to beslightly bigger these are like theoriginal fidgets toys you know what Imean you always see like the you knowgentleman you know in the old timesthey're just like good they're likeflipping a coin to like prove thatthey're richI have a gold coin so this one onepurpose one purpose only and for thatI'd say it's tasteful but I I wouldpersonally like more generous I'mgetting generous with these dude I canunderstand I'm I'm trying to be open mymind I'm getting soft here dude guysbefore we look at the last one make sureyou click subscribe by clicking that bigol red subscribe button down below thisvideo it looks a little something likethis and I'll see you for future videosnow let's go on to the next product okayso this one I've seen before nice youngfidget spinner stick it's not a spinnerthough it's a tumbler so what I believethis is supposed to do is tumble andthen tumble back over to its top that'swhat I've seen are we going to be ableto get it to do that I don't know Ithink being able to roll it left toright and then catching it is a goodplace to start for beginners who writewho write their reviews I think orthere's their product description Ithink it's a good product and I thinkyou should buy it I'm done reading thisdescription Add to CartI'm not going to slam it because I don'tknow if it'll break I don't know ifit'll break who knows it is sealedthough you can see that we've nevertested or tried this one beforeoh-ee field bra this is surprisingbecause it's very light and it lookslike made out of wood these pads righthere you think they're soft but they'renot supposed to put this like this whatwill you try oh that's the vision partyou're trying to get to length you'regoing to get it to land perfectly theway they made it look when I watch thecommercial ages ago made it look sosimple oh come on dude you can tell thatthat's not even placed properlythat's off-center and so this one's wayoff center you see that oh come on ohhow many times can you go back and forthoh okay okay okay that's a little bitmore fun but I saw a video online I knowyou guys know what I'm talking about inwhich people were just like doing thatand it was land by itselfcome on oh I don't think that relievedany stress wait for just because youcouldn't do itwakeful play Vaughn shut nasty baby seethat thumbnail right there there aresome night-vision goggles no jokenight-vision gogglesgo check it out I'll see you over therehigh-five\n"