Cars Cake Tutorial HOW TO COOK THAT Disney Lightning McQueen Ann Reardon

**Creating a Car Cake: A Step-by-Step Guide**

To create an intricate car cake, you'll need to follow a series of detailed steps that require patience and attention to detail. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of making a 95 car cake using fondant and other edible materials.

**Locating and Shaping the Car Details**

The first step is to locate the area on the cake where you want to place the car details. Once you've found the right spot, use a toothpick to create a small indentation in the fondant, just large enough for the toothpick to fit through. Gently push the toothpick into the indentation and twist it until the toothpick is securely in place. This will help you find the correct position of the car details.

Next, take your knife and cut across in a smile shape on the front of the cake, making sure to keep the edges smooth and even. Gently push the fondant up and down to create the smile shape, and remove the baking paper that was holding it in place. This will allow you to see the full shape of the car.

**Cutting Out the Teeth**

To create a realistic smile, you'll need to cut out individual teeth using your knife. Start by cutting small rectangles on either side of the smile, making sure they're evenly spaced and symmetrical. Then, use your toothpick to create the teeth shape, gently pushing the fondant into place.

**Adding the Bonnet Details**

Now it's time to add the bonnet details to your car cake. Cut out a rectangle from white fondant to serve as the bonnet, making sure it's large enough to cover the entire front of the cake. Use your knife to cut out small pieces of black fondant and attach them to the bonnet using just a tiny bit of water.

Next, add the headlights to the bonnet by cutting out small circles from white fondant and attaching them using a tiny amount of water. You can also add a rust-eze symbol to the bonnet using this same technique.

**Adding Side Windows and Number Plate**

To create side windows, use your knife to cut out small rectangles from transparent fondant or edible window film. Attach these to either side of the car using just a tiny bit of water. Then, cut out the number 95 from red fondant and attach it to the top of the bonnet.

**Adding Rivets and Additional Details**

To add rivets to the front bonnet, cut small circles out of black fondant using a straw and dust them with silver luster dust. Attach these to the bonnet using just a tiny bit of water.

Next, add additional details such as side windows, headlights, and number plates to complete the car cake. Make sure to use just enough water when adding your details or the color of the fondant will run.

**Adding Wheels and Finishing Touches**

To create wheels that fit snugly on the car cake, you'll need to cut a small hole in the bottom of each wheel using scissors or a round cookie cutter. Then, place the wheel into position, making sure it's securely attached to the cake.

Finally, add any final touches to your car cake, such as trimming off excess fondant or removing any support from the back of the car. Your cake is now complete and ready for display!

**Tips and Variations**

If you find that your wheels don't fit snugly on the car cake, simply use a finger or round cookie cutter to push them up slightly higher. This will ensure they sit securely in place.

By following these detailed steps and using a combination of fondant, edible materials, and patience, you can create an intricate and realistic car cake that's sure to impress anyone who sees it. Whether you're making this tutorial for personal use or as part of a business venture, we hope our guide has provided the inspiration and instruction needed to bring your car cake to life.

**Additional Resources**

For more cake decorating tutorials and recipes, be sure to check out our blog for the latest updates. If you have any questions or would like to share your own cake decorating creations, feel free to do so in the comments section below. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for new content every week!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook ThatI am Ann ReardonToday we are making a 3D lightning mcqueencars cake.You can use this method that I am going toshow you to make any car cake that you likebut today I am going to show you how to decorateit up as lightning mcqueen because that isthe one that has been requested the most.To make it easier for you to follow what Iam doing I have drawn up a cutting template.You will need to cut out the template andcut the cake board and some of the fondanttemplates, just follow the instructions oneach piece and if they are two large to fiton the page then they have a joining lineto guide you where to join them together.That's available on the website howtocookthat.netas well as all of the ingredients for therecipes that I am using all of that is onthe website and I'll put a link in the descriptionbelow this video.Lets start with the number 95 place some non-stickbaking paper over you 95 and cut around thecoloured part of the numbers ignoring thewhite outline you want to cut close to thecolour.Then roll out some white fondant If your fondantis sticky you may need to gently rub someoil on the rolling pin when you roll it outjust to stop the fondant from just gluingto it.Place your non-stick baking paper with the95 cut out onto your fondant.Then using a dry paintbrush with either someedible yellow powdered colour or luster dustjust dust that over the top half of your numbers.Then use the red on the bottom half and blendit in the middle by gently smudging the redinto the yellow.If you've got orange then use orange in themiddle if not just blend them together.Use a tissue to remove any excess colour sothat it doesn't spill onto the numbers whenwe're peeling it off.Then gently lift off the paper.Using a knife cut around the numbers leavinga white border around them so that it looksjust like it did in the picture.When you are making a 3D cake like this ithelps to make a lot of the details ahead oftime.So that you're not trying to get it all donethe night before the party.Use a straw to cut out the centre of the number9, that will be too tricky to do with a knife.You need to make three of these number 95'sone for each side of your car and one forthe top.Once they are made don't move them off yourbaking paper because if you do try and movethem while they are still wet like this they'regoing to move out of shape, instead cut aroundthe baking paper and move to a tray so thatyou can leave them to dry.Next for the rusteze symbol that's on thefront bonnet take a sheet of non-stick bakingpaper and carefully cut out the word rustezeand the curved lines around the top and thebottom.Don't worry about the tiny writing on thelogo we are just going to do the big word.Make sure you keep the centers those tinylittle bits of the letter e if you lose itjust cut another little one because you aregoing to need those.Roll out some brown fondant and place thebaking paper over the top.And then carefully place those little piecesof the e in the right spot.And then using a dry paintbrush again brushon some yellow and then some orange and thenright on the very corners just a small tingeof your red colour you don't want too muchof that because it doesn't contrast enoughwith the browns you wont be able to read itif you do too much red.Remove the centre of the e and cut aroundthe logo.Then next we want to make the outline forthe logo, to do that roll a long skinny snakeof black fondant.This needs to be even the snake otherwisethe outline will be uneven, if you don't getit right first time just roll it back up intoa ball and try it again it can take some practiceto get a long even snake.If you can't roll snakes and you've triedand you just can't get it then you can trycutting a thin shaving using a pizza cutter.Brush a little water around the edge of thelogo and then pick a starting point and wrapthe outline around using the end of your paintbrush to push it into the small corners.Once you've done that with the rusteze symbolyou also need to outline your number 95.You need more of that black so again eitherroll it our or use the pizza cutter.And same thing moisten it with a paintbrushStarting at one end using wrap it around usingthe end of a paintbrush or knife to get itinto all of the corners Then place some extrablack outline and place it on the bottom sidesof the numbers to make it look thicker likea shadow.To make your eyes cut out circles in the sizeshown on the template.I used a piping tip for this, you only needtwo eyes but I like to make extra so thatI can choose the two that look the best togetherand look the most natural.Using a straw cut a circle of black fondantout and place that onto the eye.If you put a tiny dab of water onto the whiteit will help it stick, if you use too muchyou'll have a puddle of black around the pupilso you want to make it just damp rather thanwet.Using some blue colouring paint around theedge of the eye and then on the white fondant,making sure you leave one quarter of the eyea bit lighter than the rest of it.You can make these fondant details that weare doing ahead up to a month before and justleave them to dry out in the open air at roomtemperature and then once they are dry youcan put them in an airtight container butmake sure you've go non-stick paper betweenthem.Add the tiniest little dot, a tiny ball ofwhite fondant just to the edge of the pupilthere just to bring the eye to life.Now to make the head lights and brake lights,to do that place your templates onto the fondantand cut around them with a knife.Paint them with black food colour around theedges and on the top to match the picturesthat you've got.Paint in the yellow and red and then add theblack details on the top of the brake light.So this is just like painting a picture orjust like colouring in really.You've got the shape cut out and you justneed to copy what is in front of you to colourit in.I am using gel colors for this, you can getthose from cake decorating stores.To make the very back of the car cut aroundthe template in red fondant twice, trim thesecond one shorter than the first and addto the base, using some water to glue themtogether.Again just making them damp not wet.Then carefullyput your brake lights into position .Then roll out another snake of black and thistime cut it into equal lengths,Brush those with your silver luster dust.If you can't get hold of luster dust thenyou could just use grey fondant for theserods instead or silver.Using a tiny bit of water place one in thecentre, one on either side and then one halfway in between each of those.I'm using then end of a piping tip or youcan use something small and round push downlike the tip of a pen with the ink taken outof it on the end of each one so that it lookslike it is bolted into place.I am always on the look out for other sweetchannels on youtube and if you are havinga cars party then you might want to checkout mycupcakeaddictions tutorial she is puttingup a mater cupcake this week I'll put a linkto her channel in the description below thisvideo for you.Now for your windows, roll out some dark greyfondant and cut around the template to makethe shape of the back and the side windows.Set those aside on a tray to dry with allyour other details.Now all of that can be done ahead, weeks beforethe party so that then when you come to doingthe actual cake the day before the party itis not a stress.You guys keep asking how long does it taketo make these cakes, well to do all of thosedetails and some of them I made more thanone of so that I could choose the best ofthat took 6 hours so set aside plenty of time.Now a couple of days before I want you tomake the cakes and the frosting.I am using my favourite chocolate cake recipewhich is moist and delicious and all of thoserecipe details are on the website howtocookthat.netalong with all the details about the fondantand frosting quantities that you'll need forthis.I am tripling the cake recipe which will giveme 6 trays of cake, of which you only need5 for this cake.So you'll end up with one spare tray cakewhich you can use just to eat.For the frosting I am making my chocolatebuttercream and some ganache and I've leftthe ganache overnight to firm up.Then I'm just beating those together so itgive a rich chocolatey frosting but it's notquite as expensive as if you just used ganacheusing the buttercream makes it a little moreaffordable.Cut out your cake board template out of thickcardboard.And it will also need to be waterproofed soit doesn't just absorb the moisture and theoil from the cake and then it is going tobe too soft.So you can either do that using foil or tape.and completely cover it so it is waterproofed.Bend your base up to match the profile ofthe base of the side of the car.If you want a simpler option you can skipdoing the cake board all together.THat's fine you just make the base of yourcake sit flat on the serving platter and forthat option you will need that 6th layer ofcake so don't eat it then.And there obviously then wont be a gap underyour car.If you want your car off the platter thenyou need to support it up, I am using 1 cmmaths counting blocks, if you are using awooden cake board you can drill support rodsin and trim them to the right size like wedid on the minion cake.But today I am using a tile so I am not goingto attempt to drill through it without crackingit so I am going to hot glue gun them intoplace instead.Once your finished your cake board shouldlook like this with the cardboard sittingoff the tray and it is not completely flatit is going a bit up at the back and a bitup at the front.Once all of your tray cakes are completelycool I want you to spray them with some simplesyrup to ensure that the cake is extra moist.When you're making 3D cakes the cake is exposeto the air for quite a while while you putit together and carve it so it can dry out,so to help counteract we use simple syrupwhich suprisingly does not make the cake soggyjust makes the cake moist.Put your car template onto one of the traycakes and cut around it using a serrated knife.Place a small amount of frosting onto thecake board to hold the cake in place.Then here is my trick to get it to the cakeboard without it breaking.Slide it onto something flat and strong Iam using a chopping board.Bring it to one end and then fold the bakingpaper under the edge . Then place the startof the cake in the correct position and pullback the baking paper under the board backtowards the the opposite edge.As you do that the cake slides off into place.Smother that in a thin layer of yummy frosting.Then add you next layer using the same method.If it is not quite in the right spot straightenit up as you go.You need to repeat that until you have 4 layersof cake piled up.Then cut your 5th layer into two pieces andadd it to the middle section because that'swhere we need more height .Now take you side template and use that asa guide carve over the top of your cake.Cutting over the bonnet up over the top anddown the other side.Next take the large roof template and lineup the front of the windscreen which you cansee where that is from where you cut withyour side template.Cut around this template going straight downto the level of the front bonnet and no further.Then remove the excess cake.Then add the smaller roof template this timethat up with the top of the windscreen notthe front of the windscreen . Trim down onan angle to join up with the base of the previouscut that you've just done using the biggertemplate.Next we want to slightly trim down the frontbonnet just like it looks on the car in thesame width as the top of the roof. and youwant to do the same thing again at the backof the car do the same at the back of thecar so it goes down slightly in the middle.using your knife then slightly round off thecorners at the top and base of the cake.Take a round cookie cutter in a similar sizeto the wheels if it is slightly smaller that'sok you can do more than one cut and usingyour template to find the correct locationfor the wheels and push the cutter into thecake.Then use a spoon to scoop out the cake that'sin the middle there.Next you want to cover the entire cake infrosting.This seals in the moisture of the cake andgives us something for the fondant to stickto.Once it is completely covered place it inthe fridge.While it is in the fridge we are going tomake our wheels to do that cut oreo sizedcircles out of some red fondant.Then using a smaller circle indent the centre.Then using a straw cut 6 circles around thecentre in the middle section.Then take another straw and flatten it oneway and then turn it an flatten it in theopposite way and use that to cut around theedge of the wheel to cut rectangles out ofthat.Cut out 8 circles of black fondant.Sandwhich 2 oreos together using frostingand then spread a thin layer of frosting aroundthe edges.Add a circle of black fondant to the top andbottom of each stack.Brush a small amount of water, just dampenit, onto the black and add the red circleson top.roll out some black fondant fairly thicklyand evenly.To help you do this you can buy rings foryour rolling pin or you can use two of somethingthat's the same size like chopsticks likeI am using here.Cut it to size using the template and thencut a narrower strip of red fondant that hasbeen fairly thinly rolled and put that upfairly close to the top edge of your wheel.Then use a chopstick to make an indent forthe top of the red circle go into.So that when you are rolling it you are notsquashing that red disc that you have justmade which would make it crack so we are justindenting down using a chopstick or you coulduse a ruler whatever you've got that is goingto make enough space that when you are rollingthat red bit can just slot into.Place one of your wheels on top and roll itup.When you get to the end trim off the excessusing scissors and push the end neatly intoplace.Give it a gentle roll to smooth out your wheeland then repeat that of course to give youanother 3 wheels.Take you cake out of the fridge and usingsome quality paper towel gently rub to smoothout any little bumps in the frosting.Take a bit of time here to do this carefullybecause when you cover the cake in fondantany bumps that you have in your frosting underneathyou are going to be able to see .Next thinly roll out some white fondant andplace it where the mouth should go, it needsto be bigger than the mouth will actuallybe.But it needs to be fairly thin so that youdon't see the line on the edge of it whenyou put the other fondant over the top.Rub a little cooking oil onto it and so themouth template will stick over the top.Add a really thin piece of black across eachcorner of the mouth just under the template.Next I am placing a toothpick right in themiddle so I can use it to find where to cutit later, we will pull it out so it is notin the finished cake so nobody's going toeat a toothpick you don't need to worry aboutthat, it's just to guide us to you don't want it sticking out too muchyou just want it sticking out just enoughso that you can press on your fondant andfind it laterNow to roll out your red fondant, lightlygrease your rolling pin and roll out thatfondant.Before I start rolling I put the baking paperover the top of my cake to measure how bigmy fondant needs to be and how wide it needsto be as well.SO that I know when I get on my baking paperI need to roll it all the way out to thatsize And I know confidently that will coverthe cake.Pick up your fondant I just do that usingmy forearms and drape it over the car, gentlysmoothing it into the contours.Tuck it into the wheel holes and use scissorsto trim off any excess fondant.When trimming always leave more than you thinkyou need so you can tuck it under neatly.Somehow when you are cutting fondant at thebottom of a cake it always seems to shrinkmagically once it's cut and it's too shortthen and you don't want that so cut it longerthan you think.Use a ball of red fondant to smooth out overthe cake without leaving finger prints onit.This also helps to smooth out any little imperfectionsor bumps you might of given it while you wereputting it on.Now for the mouth, feel for that toothpickand once you have located it take a knifeand gently cut across in a smile shape onthe front.Gently push the fondant up and down to makethe smile shape and remove the baking paper.So you don't need to take any red fondantaway we're just going to squash it up andsquash it down.The purpose of the baking paper was to keepthe teeth really white.Pull out the toothpick and use a knife tocut the smile shape in the teeth.Now at this point it seems to come togetherfairly quickly because you've already donea lot of these details ahead soCut the bonnet lines so that you can see wherethe bonnet goes , stick on your little headlightsjust using a tiny bit of water to make itstick.Then add you rusteeze symbol to the bonnet.Add on your side windows to both sides ofthe car.Then place the number 95 on top, find whereyou want it to go before you add any waterto it and then brush a tiny bit of water onthe back and stick it into place.Next we need to make the rivets for the frontbonnet just cut small circles out of blackfondant using a straw and then dust them withsilver luster dust.Add your four rivetsto the front bonnet.DOn't use too much water when adding yourdetails or the colour of the fondant willrun, you just want to make a tiny little bitof water and then put them into place.At the back of the car add a strip of fondantand support it using a ruler propped on somethingthat matches the height that you need.Moisten the back of the car and add your backdetail piece into place.Secure in place using spaghetti.Leave them long and sticking out for now wecan trim them short later once it has fusedinto place.The reason we use uncooked spaghetti ratherthan toothpicks is because they are edibleand wont hurt anyones mouth.Make sure when you've put that back of thecar on that there is a close join betweenthe back piece and the cake so that you canthen you can leave them to fuse together.Use the template to cut out the windscreenand then place it on your cake.Then cut out the red top of windscreen, Idid this by hand but I will add a templatefor that as well.And then place that over the top of the windscreenlining it up up with just above the whiteso that you can't see the white at the top.Next add your eyes making sure that the whitedot is facing the same way on both of them.You can place them in the middle like thisor you can put them to one side like on thecars poster.It's up to you.Next we need to make the side lightning flashfor our car.So roll out some yellow fondant and use thepowdered colour or luster dust again to shadefrom orange to red.Roll out some black fondant really thinlyand place the yellow flash you've just doneover the top.Then trim around the edge leaving a blackborder the whole way around.The reason that we don't make this part aheadis we need it to be still malleable so thatwe can put it around the shape of our car.Place the thin end of the lightning flashnear the base of the front wheel overlappingjust a tiny bit and then smooth it towardsthe back of the car and around that back bit.Trim the start of the lightning flash usingscissors and then using your cookie cutterto gently cut around the wheel area.Now you do not want to push too hard becauseyou don't want to cut through the red fondanthere, just the lightning flash.Add your numbers to each side of the car,brushing on a tiny bit of water to the backof each letter to make it stick.By now you should be able to trim off thespaghetti and remove your support from theback.Add you wheels, for them to fit you need thehole to be high enough right to the back,if they don't fit just use your finger orthe round cutter to push it up a bit higher.Then slot the wheel into place.For the front wheels you can put them in straightor you can put them on an angle just likeon the poster.Add the other two wheels and you can cakeis completed and ready to party.Thanks for watching and if you make this cakeor a different car cake using this tutorialmake sure you take a photo head on to theblog and load it up in the comments sectionthere I love to see what you have done.And if you haven't already subscribe .... andjoin us next week for a dessert recipe followingweek for chocolate and then back to cake andyou can put all your requests in the commentsbelow.See you all next week, Bye.\n"