Embarrassing Moments: Sports Edition
I'm 12 years old and I wet myself during school and then went to tell my teacher that it happened. It's embarrassing, but I guess it's not the worst thing that's ever happened.
I've done swim team since I was like seven, and I forgot to wear a suit while doing the 200-meter freestyle. It didn't fall off, but I swam really slow and did the strokes out of order. My most embarrassing moment in sports is when I tried to play basketball once, and I got hit in the head and fell on the floor. The other kid was laughing hysterically.
Once me and my friend were trying to play table tennis, and we were doing good until the ping pong ball bounced and hit me in the eye. I fell on the ground and my panel took off. He was laughing hysterically, and so was everyone else. Your pants took off, what does that even mean?
There is this one time when we were playing basketball while the boys were playing football, and I was the only one on both teams who hadn't touched the ball. When my friend threw the ball, it hit me in the face and my nose started bleeding. And then, I blooded my shirt for the whole day.
But that's not a good time to be bleeding, right? So, when my sled hockey team was in the playoffs, we were playing against a team from Sarnia, Canada. One of the players shot the puck, and I blocked it. But it rolled off my hockey stick and into the net. It was over time, so we ended up losing that game and got eliminated from the playoffs.
That's not a good time to be eliminated from the playoffs, is it? So, I was in seventh-grade camping, and they have a ping-pong table with two racquets. Me and some other kid decided to play, and I won against one of the best players of the school. But, I got my shot lined up, but I totally missed and hit the teacher's crotch.
Long story short, I was lucky because it was an accident. You see, so one day I was playing soccer, and I was running up to the goal with the ball ready to shoot. A guy accidentally tripped me, and he landed on me in a weird position. My face was on the ground.
In elementary school, my PE teacher was learning how to play softball. I got distracted and started talking with my friends, it was my turn to hit the ball. So, I hit and ran. But, I missed, and someone caught the fly ball. The teacher said it was out, and everyone else started yelling at me things like "dumb head on you, you're out!"
I went back in line and cried because no one understood what happened. Everyone else was winning, and I was getting yelled at. It's embarrassing.
So, when I'm playing soccer with my friends, I kick the ball. But, I fell on it, and the ball exploded. My friends thought I farted, but I got so embarrassed that I couldn't talk to them anymore.
I want to show you guys that sometimes accidents happen, but it's not always funny. It takes courage to share our embarrassing moments with others.
It would be great if you could help us by answering the question of the day: what is the worst thing your parents ever did to embarrass you? Let us know in the comments below, and we may read it for a future episode.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's going on guys I am MatthiasAnd It is Sunday!Yay! I'm so excited!It's Sunday!Actually I'm not because, tomorrow's Monday *Booing noises**Fart noise made by Matthias*Anyways, I'm reading your comments because, that's what we do every single SundayAnd today I'm reading your comments ALL about your most embarrassing moments during sports. Doing sports, doing something sport related, activity related.We're gonna get into that, they're really funny but, a question of the day for a future episode is:What was something that your parents did that really embarrassed you?Lemme know down in the comments below and I may read your comment for a future episode.Lets begin.I feel like that was pretty common themeamong all of these commentsguys the more you exercise and do sportsthe better you getjust with everything so don't let oneembarrassing thing just like never letyou go outside again outside is cooldespite what other youtubers will tellyou I don't play sports much but here IgoI was playing tetherball on the playerwith a couple of other kids this waslast year as usual we play the game butthis time the ball was at head heightand it came right at me and the ballwent right by my head the thing is intether ball the ball is attached to apoll by a ropethe Rope went right across my mouth andlong story short I got rope burn on theinside of my mouthawful out I'm glad you didn't lose atoothevery year my school has a sports day wehad four different teams red blue yellowi'm in yellow and green when my team ormarching around the fieldour team leader who is in the very fronttripped and fellwhich made all of us trip and fall oneby one literally just falling likedominoes heyyyyyeah we lost that day haha one day I hada trach me and part of that special racewas called the steeplechase which iswhere you have to jump over largehurdles that are set really high to makea long story short after getting overthe first hurdle my foot caught the topof it and fell flat on my faceyeah that hurt and was embarrassing yaheard what I feel like you're prettydangerous I feel like at school if youdo hurdles they need to be like oversome type of like soft grass orsomething because like house everystudent expected to be jumping over thisone hurdle if everyone's a differentheightyou know I mean it's a hurt bowl it'sdesigned to hurtyeahyeahI stepped on my friends water bottleduring soccer practice and explodeddependent i got really wet and I ruinedyour favorite bottlewe're still friends though i think onetime I tackled my friend while playingfootball and the next day he came withthe knee bracethe next day my moments is someonekicked a soccer ball in my ball sackyup I'm so sorry menu in Prague poonI don't play sportsmost embarrassing sport moment doescutting myself on a tennis racket countso when I was playing basketball inschool I wanted to tell everyone thatI'm really good at basketball and Ijumped too high and landed on the ballbut was in the air and I hit my head yetbut i got an a-plus that dayonce I was in PE with my class includingour teacher who was my best teacher I'vehad so far and we were just freeshooting basketballs nothing special andwhen I gave the ball to my teacher I wasdistracted by someone in my classtalking to meI went to turn my head towards her andthe ball was thrown directly in my faceyeah I wish I didn't give her that ballyeahin sixth grade I had to do hurdles forPE I failed badly I didn't even get pastthe first one so i play volleyballI'm in your head so I'm in eighth gradeand on the 9th grade team we were in atournament and I just had switched infor another player the school was 26 to27 if we won this we would get firstplacethe other teams serve and it was to me iwas slightly over my shoulder so I gotout of the way and turn to see it fallright on the line the other team won andI got so mad at myselfI was biting my lip so hard to try notto cry that i started bleedingthat's a sad story it was my first trackpractice and we were about to race I gotready the coach said go but instead ofgoing I tripped and they had to walk meto the benchit's so embarrassing in your - we aredoing p and I was busting to go to thetoilet as the person i was at the time Iwas afraid to tell the teacher when weare doing jumping jacks there was ayellow puddle underneath me and I wascrying I had to borrow someone else'sunderwearit was spared yeah I want to tennis teamwith a few boys and girls in my class sowe are playing my practice match and itwas windy that day i was wearing a skirtand it flew up I didn't realize it atfirst but when it felt cold in my thighsand that's when I looked downno one of the boys were looking at mefor perverts we were doing gymnasticsand one of my group members had to grabmy crotch when we are doing a move andapparently it was wet down there and soshe thought i had wet myself and thenshe went to tell the teacherPS i was 12 when this happened why wereyou went down there the I've done swimteam since I was like seven and i forgotthe time I suit while doing the200-meter it didn't fall off but I swamslow AF and i also did the strokes outof ordermy most embarrassing moment in sports iswhen I tried to play a sportwhoops once I got hit in the head andfell on the floor and a basketball gamethat's why I stick to video games soonce me and my friend read the sportscenter is trying to play table tennisand we were doing good until the pingpong ball bounced and hit me in the eyeI fell on the groundand my panel took off he was laughinghysterically your pants took offwhat does that even meanthere is this one time we were playingbasketball while the boys were playingfootball and I was the only one on bothteams who hadn't touched the ball andwhen my friend threw the ball it hit mein the face and my nose started bleedingand I blood on my shirt the whole dayyeah but the whole day you have blood onyour shirt you can just be like yeah wegotta fightlook that's their blood I just kickedtheir butt joke by embarrassing sportsstories when my sledge hockey team wasin the playoffs and we're playing thisteam from sarnia canada one of theplayers shot the puck and I blocked itbut it rolled off my hockey stick andinto the net it was over time so we endup losing that game and got eliminatedfrom the playoffs about how that's not agood time to unveil just that thedefining moment in the playoffsso I was in the seven-year camping wehave ping-pong table and two racquets meand some other kid decided to play stingpong and i won against one of the bestplayers of the school I was so excitedand got my shot lined up but I totallymissed and hit the teacher's crotchlong story short I was lucky because itwas an accidentyou so one day I was playing soccer Iwas running up to the goal with the ballready to shoot a guy accidentallytripped mehe landed on me in a weird position /face in elementary school my PE waslearning how to play softball I gotdistracted and started talking with myfriends it was my turn to hit the ballso I hit and ransomeone caught the fly ball and i hadonly run for about three seconds theteacher said it was out I was soconfused everyone else started yellingat me things like dumb head on g you'reoutI went back in line and cried wolfseeing people winning I was playingsoccer with my friends and I went tokick the ball but I missed and I didn'trealize there was a puddle in front ofme so I flew into a puddle worst part isIand on a kid what was the kid doing inthe puddle was there already have kidsswimming in a puddleI don't get that part so I was horsebackriding and there's a bird on a nearbyfence it flew off tins are you kiddingalright sorry guys there's those lawnmowing in the back in the background iguess in this neighborhood people knowthat long four times a daywhat are you gonna do so I was horsebackriding and there's a bird on a nearbyfence it flew off and the horse spookedI fell off and let me just say it wasnot fun in dance the next day it seemslike all comments you show a terriblegrammar and spellingyeah some are funny but i would urge youguys please please please proofreadplease please pleaseblue you make my drone so difficultmy worst embarrassing moment withplaying sports was when are running backKate took off running towards thetouchdown while here and I was all theway at the end of the field pulling mypants up every 10 seconds i had no beltfor the most embarrassing moment i wasdoing stretches before my dance and Ilifted my leg all the way straight upand did like a one-legged cartwheel andno one noticedso you just lift your leg all the way upand were like I felt lost your bonesI wanted to kick a ball but fell on itand the ball explodedmy friends thought I farted I got soembarrassedcouldn't you just show them the factthat the ball was like flat right now Iwere theyguys if you want to check out the lastreading your comments go click on thatinfo card right there that just poppedupalso make sure you answer the questionof the day which is what is the worstthing your parents ever did to embarrassyou let me know down in the commentsbelow and I may read it for a futureepisodeall right guys high five\n"