AirPods Pro 2 - Review & Sound Test vs AirPods Pro_AirPods 3

**The New AirPods Pro: A Significant Improvement**

I recently had the opportunity to try out the new AirPods Pro, specifically the adaptive transparency mode feature that has been touted as a significant improvement over its predecessor. As someone who lives in an area with high noise levels, I was excited to see if this new feature would make a difference.

For those unfamiliar, adaptive transparency mode is a feature that allows you to adjust the volume of external sounds in real-time. When enabled, it reduces the ambient noise around you, allowing you to focus on specific sounds or conversations. In my experience, using this mode has been a game-changer for noisy areas like grocery stores and sidewalks.

I've noticed a significant difference with adaptive transparency mode, but it requires loud noises to be effective. Basic sounds like household noises won't make a difference, but when loud cars are passing by or sirens are blaring, that's when the reduction comes in. I also appreciate that when talking on transparency mode, such as with a cashier or another person, I can hear myself less easily than before – it's a welcome change from the original AirPods Pro, which had a tinny and annoying sound.

To test the noise cancellation of the new AirPods Pro, I compared them to their first-generation counterparts. We're starting with the original AirPods pro all, and then switching over to the adaptive transparency mode feature on the second generation. By simply talking and making some loud noises, I was able to get a sense of how effective the noise cancellation was.

When playing music with no noise cancellation turned on, I could still hear the ambient sounds around me. However, when I started playing music and enabled the adaptive transparency mode, it really made a difference. The noise cancellation is significantly improved, allowing me to focus more easily on the sound.

The final test I wanted to conduct was to compare the sound quality of the new AirPods Pro with their predecessor in different genres. Playing another song in a different genre showed that the sound quality was just as good – if not better – than what I experienced earlier.

Overall, I'm very impressed with the new AirPods Pro. The adaptive transparency mode is a game-changer for those living in noisy areas, and the improved noise cancellation is noticeable throughout the day. While it's still hard to quantify exactly how much better the sound quality is, I think that many first-generation AirPods Pro owners might want to consider upgrading this year.

The touch controls on the new AirPods Pro are also a significant improvement. The ability to adjust volume in increments with haptic feedback and a slight noise in my ear is incredibly useful – especially for those who may accidentally turn up or down the volume too much. The design of the controls, however, can be a bit tricky to reach, but overall I'm loving them.

Finally, for another final test, I want to listen to an additional song in a different genre and see if the sound quality is just as good as what I experienced earlier. And yes, it really does sound like that – so definitely better sound quality than what I experienced with AirPods Pro and AirPods 3.

I will be testing battery life extensively in my upcoming review, along with noise cancellation and adaptive transparency mode on airplanes while shopping, and many more real-life scenarios to get a full picture of the new AirPods Pro.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThree years after the launch of theAirPods pro apple has returned with thesecond generation and on the surface,they seem like an incremental upgrade,but in reality, they're a much biggerimprovement than you would think.So in this video, we're going tounbox the new AirPods pro set them up,discuss the new features,and most importantly,compare them to the first generationAirPods pro as well as the AirPods three.So not only does the packaging looksimilar to the original AirPods pro,but the price and the color are alsoexactly the same as the AirPods pro thatcame out in 2019. So wehave a $250 price tag,and they do only come in this classicwhite color, no black this year,unfortunately. And on the backside ofthe packaging, we have our pool tabs.Let's go ahead and pull these tabs andopen up the new AirPods pro take the topoff right here. Andthen under our pamphlet,we have our AirPods proand then under that,we do have some additionalthings to look at here.So we have our USBC to lightningcable. And then underneath that,we have our ear tips,which there's actually a newchange this year with the air tips.And that is that we have a new, extrasmall size. So we have extra small,small and large,and the medium size is going to be onthe AirPods pro when we open the case.So here are the AirPods pro secondgeneration. And on the surface,like I mentioned,nothing really looks different fromthe first generation AirPods pro.So here is the firstgeneration AirPods pro case.But if you look a little bit closer,you will start to see the differencesstarting at the bottom down here.And that's because we now havespeakers on the AirPods pro case.So this newly designed charging case notonly has built in speakers for playingsounds via fine. My, if you ever loseit, but it also has the U one chip,which allows you tolocate it. If you lose it.The other major change on the outside isthe lanyard loop on the right hand sideof the AirPods pro case.And this is going to allow you to strapyour AirPods to a backpack, to a purse,to luggage, whateveryou want to strap it to.And that's going to help you evenfurther prevent losing this case.Now the case is also IPX4sweat and water resistance,and you can even engrave your memoji ontothe case free of charge this year andopening up the AirPods procase. For the first time,you will be greeted with a flashing LE D light along with a sound from thespeakers on the bottom.And you will also see a popup on yourphone indicating that it wants to pair toyour iPhone. Now, taking a lookat the actual buds themselves,you will notice a pretty big differencefrom the original AirPods pro rightaway. And don't mind these black tips,by the way, these are third party.These are not how the AirPods procame. They came just like this,but you will see that nowthe skin detection center,it moved from the bottom on the originalAirPods pro to right here on theinside, on the AirPodspro second generation.And then the acoustic vent wasmoved to the top of the AirPods pro.And it's also a good bit smaller now,but the acoustic ventilation on theback remains the same size. Now,these AirPods are poweredby the H2 chip,which has double the amount oftransistors as the H1 chip,which of course came inthe original AirPods pro.So this allows for notonly improved audio,but also improved noisecancellation and transparency mode.So the combination of a new lowdistortion driver and amplifier along withApple's advanced computational audioleads to richer base at even lower volumesand crystal clear clarity acrossalmost every frequency. Now,as for noise cancellation,I'm really excited about this apple claimsthat these will deliver up to doublethe amount of noise canceled over theprevious generation. That is insane.And I cannot wait to test that out.And then the improvements totransparency mode are pretty much just asimpressive because apple is introducingadaptive transparency mode with thesenew AirPods pro this enhanced version oftransparency mode is going to save youreardrums when there are loudnoises going on around you,because it's going to beable to dynamically adjustdown the harsh environmentalnoise, like police sirens,construction noises, loud cars,all of that is going to beadjusted dynamically on the fly,thanks to the H2 chip andthe on device processing.And even with all of these improvements,the AirPods pro two get betterbattery life than the originals.So apple is claiming up to six hoursof listening time with active noisecancellation enabled that is a33% increase over the first gens.And then with the charging case,you're gonna get up to 30hours of total listening time.And that is a huge increase ofsix hours over the original pros.And like I mentioned earlier,you could also now charge thecase with an apple watch charger.So that's convenient. You don't have tohave a separate cable for everything.And then on top of the better batterylife, the better noise cancellation,the better transparency mode. We alsonow have touch controls on the AirPods.So this allows you to swipe, toadjust the volume up and down.In addition to the other gesturesthat we've known for a while now,like switching between transparencymode and noise cancellation along withskipping to the nexttrack or play and pause.And this is such a longoverdue feature. I mean,I cannot tell you how many timesI've wanted to adjust the volume,but I'm on like a bike ride, or Ihave my hands for something like that.And I cannot get to myphone to lower the volume.So it's really nice to beable to do that on the fly.Now with the touch controls on theAirPods themselves and the skin detectionsensor is also nice to have,I've really been loving that onthe third generation AirPods.So that's gonna be a nice improvementover the sensor that was on the originalAirPods pro that did not rely on heatonly on something touching it real close.And now let's connect these to ouriPhone because I do wanna show you someadditional features with the AirPodspro two and iOS 16. All right.So we are paired up and you cansee at the top of our settings,we now have a separate sectionspecifically for our AirPods.So we can tap into that and you will seethe graphic of your AirPods pro two uptop. We have our automaticear detection right there,and we also have a new feature righthere called personalized spatial audio.So if you tap on that, it willbasically walk you through how it works.If you tap right there, there, once again,it's gonna say you can use your iPhonecamera to personalize spatial audio forthe shape of your ears.And what this does is that it preciselytunes the surround sound to your earsspecifically based on the shapeof your ears, because you know,the sound that we perceiveand the direction it comesfrom is unique to each andevery person based on that sizeand shape of your head and ears.So this is going to make you have thebest sounding quality possible from theseAirPods pro. Now, keep in mind,this is an iOS 16 feature,so it still will work onthe first generation AirPodspro along with the AirPodsthree and AirPods. Max.Now let's move on to the big comparisonbecause all of these new features andchanges sound cool in theory.But if I cannot actually tell adifference in real world usage,then I don't care. I'm not gonnawaste my money on the AirPods pro two.So we're gonna be comparing the AirPodspro two to the AirPods three and theoriginal AirPods pro. So we're gonnabe testing out sound in general,like I'm just gonna play music andsee which AirPods sound the best.I'm also going to do a noise cancellationtest, a transparency mode test,and then I'm going to see how useful thetouch controls are on the AirPods protwo. All right. So we're gonnastart with the original AirPods.All right. So that wasone minute of this song.I'm gonna listen to the nextminute on the AirPods 3.All right. So that was aminute with the AirPods 3,and I definitely think these sound betterthan the AirPods pro in terms of justoverall sound quality. So now let'smove on to the AirPods pro 2.These definitely feelmuch better in the ear.They're definitely more comfortablethan the air pods three. Oh, man.This sound incredible. Ohmy goodness. Okay. Yeah.The AirPods pro 2 definitelysound the best of the bunch.The base is ridiculouson the AirPods pro 2,that's a big reason I wantedto test a song like this.And so I could hear the base alongwith pretty much every range, the lows,the mids, and the highs AirPods pro2 easily, the winner here. All right.So now I wanna do atransparency mode test.So I can only do this between the originalAirPods pro and the AirPods pro 2,because the AirPods 3 donot support transparency mode.So we're gonna test transparency modeversus adaptive transparency mode.And I'm gonna try to make a loudnoise to see the difference. Okay.So this is Brandon from the future.And after using adaptive transparencymode for a few days in grocery stores,sidewalks and other areas wherenoise levels can get pretty high.I have noticed a differencewith adaptive transparency mode,but the sound needs to be really loud,like basic noises that you can make inyour house or in your room will not makea difference, but when loud cars arepassing by and when sirens are going off,that's when the reduction comes in.I also notice that when Italk in transparency mode,like to a cashier orjust to another person,I cannot hear myself as easily as theoriginal pros, which is a good thing.It's kind of less tinny and lessannoying than it was on the regular pros.Now we're gonna test thatnoise cancellation and seeif it's actually twice asgood over the original AirPods pro.So we're gonna start withthe original AirPods pro all.So these are in my ear right now. We'regonna switch over to noise cancellation.We're not gonna play any music.I'm just going to talk and kind of makesome loud noises and see how much I canhear it with the AirPods pro 1versus the AirPods pro 2. All right.So I just tested it withno music playing. Now,I'm gonna play a littlebit of music. All right.So I got a good idea of theAirPods pro first generation.Now let's try out the AirPods pro 2.Oh yeah. I can instantly tell already.All right. So yeah,the noise cancellation is definitelyimproved on the AirPods pro secondgeneration. It's really hard tomeasure just how much better, you know,it doesn't feel like twice asgood of noise cancellation.To me that does feel like an improvement,but I don't know if I'd say twice as good.It's really hard to measure. However,when I started playing music,that's when I noticed an even biggerdifference in the noise cancellation.So I really could not hear anything whenI was actually playing music with noisecancellation turned on.So definitely going to notice a differencein the noise cancellation with thenew AirPods pro.And then the last thing I wanna test outare the touch controls on each AirPod.So I wanna see just how useful thisis for adjusting the audio. All right.So right away, I have someimpressions I wanna share.So first off you do the touch controlsright here on this little indented piece.So it's like on the inside of yourear. So you have to reach a little bit,unfortunately you can't just, you know,swipe down right here on the fullybackend of the AirPod. That would be nice,but you cannot do that.You have to go on the innerpart where the indentation is,and then swipe down and you'll noticethat each swipe gives you a little bit ofvolume.So it goes in increments and you'll alsoget like a little haptic feedback feeland a little bit of a noise in yourAirPod every time that you turn the volumeup or down.And it's only in the specific AirPod orAirPod that you're changing the volumeon, but so far I love it. I mean, Ilike that. It's not just full on, like,you can go all the wayup or all the way down.Otherwise I could see it being an accidentwhere you accidentally put the volumeall the way up or all the way down.So I like how they are like incrementalincreases or decreases and the audio,because most of the time you don'tneed to turn it all the way down.Otherwise you would justpress pause. So, yeah,I'm already loving thetouch controls on this,and I cannot wait to really actuallyuse this in a real world scenario.And of course, I will tell you moreabout that and in my upcoming reviews,and then just for a final test,just to make sure there's no fluke,I wanna listen to another song in adifferent genre and see if the AirPods pro2 sound just as good as I did onthe previous song. All right. So yes,the sound quality is justas good as I imagine.So definitely better soundquality just in general,over the AirPods pro andover the AirPods three.So overall I am very impressed withthe new AirPods pro a lot more than Ithought I would be.And I actually think that a lot of firstgeneration AirPods pro owners mightwant to consider upgrading this year.So stay tuned for my full review,where I will be testingbattery life extensively,along with noise cancellation and adaptivetransparency mode on airplanes whileshopping and in manymore real life scenarios.\n"