The Tech News You Need to Know: A Week of Surprising Updates and Exciting Announcements
If you thought it was safe to leave your Razer mouse alone, think again. The weekend saw a major security issue uncovered by a Twitter user who posted footage of how a vulnerability in the device allowed an attacker to install malware with elevated privileges. It seems that if Windows updates fetch the installer program and run it with system privileges, you can open up File Explorer and PowerShell also with elevated privileges. This means that a bad actor could easily install malware on your computer. The good news is that this attack can't be carried out remotely; you need actual physical access to a computer and a Razer mouse to do it.
This vulnerability has raised concerns about the safety of gaming mice, especially in public spaces like libraries where people may bring their devices for work or study. As one user joked, "Look out libraries!" It's not just a matter of being careful with your device; if you have a Razer mouse and receive an unsolicited visit from someone claiming to be a friend or colleague, it's best to say no. Fortunately, Razer is already working on a fix for the issue.
In other tech news, Apple has been making some significant changes to its Mac Mini line. The latest rumors suggest that the next-generation Mac Mini will feature an updated M1X processor and several significant modifications that will make it more high-end. One of the most exciting features is the inclusion of Ethernet ports, which will be a welcome change for those who want to use wired connections. Additionally, the new design may include a magnetic power connector and a plexiglass top surface. It's worth noting that the new Mac Mini is expected to debut this fall, around the same time as Apple's new MacBook Pros.
Android Auto users have been hit with some bad news: if you've upgraded your phone to Android 12 beta, you can no longer use Android Auto on your screen while driving. Google has instead introduced a new feature called Android Assistant Driving Mode, which is designed to simplify the experience for drivers. The mode integrates into existing apps and offers a more streamlined interface than the traditional Android Auto app. However, users who don't have an Android Auto-compatible screen in their car will need to find alternative ways to access the feature.
Quick Bits, brought to you by iFixit, is a regular segment that highlights essential tools and resources for electronics repair. iFixit offers compact tool kits with all the necessary bits, as well as full repair tool kits to start your repair business. The company has also released a new model of CPU AIO cooler with a 1440p display, which allows users to view detailed information about their computer's performance.
In other tech news, PayPal has finally added the ability to buy and sell cryptocurrency on its platform outside of the US. Customers in the UK are now able to use Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash, as well as make transactions up to 15,000 pounds. The inclusion of cryptocurrency trading is seen as a significant move for PayPal, and it's likely that we'll see more companies entering the market soon.
The world of cryptocurrency has also seen some exciting developments recently. Barrowch, a manufacturer, has released a CPU AIO cooler with an impressive feature set. One of the most notable features is the inclusion of an HDMI port, which allows users to use the device as a very small monitor. This could be a game-changer for gamers who want to monitor their PC's performance in real-time.
In a surprising turn of events, the Polycryptocurrency network has been hit by another hacker, this time stealing over $600 million dollars worth of digital coin. However, the hacker eventually returned the majority of the stolen money, and Poly has even offered a bug bounty reward to the person who identified the vulnerability. This highlights the importance of cybersecurity in the world of cryptocurrency.
Finally, PayPal's new feature may be more than just a coincidence; it could also be a sign of things to come for the company. In an unexpected move, PayPal has announced that it will soon allow users to buy and sell NFTs. It seems that Her Majesty's pounds (the UK currency) will be supported, along with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. This move could have significant implications for the world of digital art and collectibles.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Oh! You would, you wouldlove if I just gave youthe tech news, wouldn't you?Oh yeah! You would love that!Pfft! You probably wouldn'tthink a mouse would beresponsible for a major security issue.But that's just whathappened with Razer's miceover the weekend. That'sright, Razer is trainingtheir growing cyborg mice.A security researcher on Twitterposted screen cap footageof how the vulnerability works.You plug in a Razer mouseor it's wireless dongle, thenWindows update will fetchthe installer program and runit with system privileges.Uh oh! Which allows you toopen up File Explorer andPowershell also with elevatedprivileges, making it easierfor a bad actor to install malware.The good news is that thisattack can't be carried outremotely. You need actual,physical access to a computer,and a Razer mouse to do it.- Look out libraries!- It's kind of weird there,at the, at the local library,everyone's bringing in these gaming mice?Razer is working on afix, but in the meantime,if anyone shady shows up atyour door with a Razer mouse,just don't answer it.It looks like the Mac Miniis going to be getting somebig changes soon.Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!- And a Happy New Year.- And a Happy New Year!It looks like the Mac Miniis gonna be getting somebig changes soon. It'sgoing through puberty.Although, we've already gottena Mac Mini with Apple's newM1 chip inside, it didn'tfeature many other changesfrom the previous Intel models.However, signs arepointing to a new Mac Minithat not only has theupdated M1X processor.But other significant modificationsthat will make it morehigh end.Louis Vuitton's involved.- Ethernet ports!- Oh my gosh, can you imagine?With the new Mini expectedto feature more ports,and a different design withmaybe a magnetic power connectorand a plexiglass top surface?We'll probably end up seeingthese M1X models this fall,around the same time Appleis expecting to debut it'snew MacBook Pros.If you're a fan of Android Auto,but you've already upgradedyour phone to new Android 12beta, you might have noticedyou can't use Android Autoon your phone screen whiledriving any more!- Take thesetraining wheels off Google!- Ah! Let me live!The move comes as Googletries to get users ontoGoogle Assistant Driving Modeinstead, which is actuallyquite similar, except it'smore of a feature set thatintegrates into existing apps,rather than a separate app.This change will only reallyaffect those who don't havean Android Auto compatiblescreen built into their carsand instead use it directlyfrom the phone with a clampto go on your dash or wind shield.The new driving mode is supposedto simplify the experiencefor drivers, as many found iteasier to just interact withthe phone via voice, than usethe phone app's clunky UI.I'm just waiting for the timewhen we don't even have phonesand we just think things. And they happen.- Take me to the consulate.- *Laughs*Now it's time for Quick Bits,bought to you by iFixit!They make compact tool kitswith all the essential bitsyou need to fix your electronics.From mini kits with 16 bits,to full repair tool kitsto start your repair businesseven. iFixit has you covered.They've also got over 70,000repair manuals with photosand step by step instructions,so you can work worry freeknowing you've got qualityparts, also backed by iFixit'slifetime warranty. So fix yourstuff today, by checking Bits, what?! Aftereverything we've been through?A new PS5 model is going onsale, and similar to pastrevisions of the PlayStation,this one is well...Small station. That's what Iusually call the second one.It weighs 300 grams lessthan the original model,which James tells me...- It's abouta third of a keyboard.- And there's also a basestand that can be adjustedwith a thumb screw, insteadof needing to bust outyour old screwdriver. Whichactually isn't that bad to doif you got iFixit like I said.Of course it doesn't look likethis PS5 will be any easierto get your hands on than theold one, so what's the point?Just... kick the wheel around.Microsoft has some egg on it'sface today, after 38 millionsensitive records were breached,and the default settingsof it's Power Apps areapparently to blame.These records includedCOVID vaccination status,social security numbers andhome addresses stolen fromAmerican Airlines, governmentbodies and Microsoft itself.- No-o-o!- Wait, what apps hadall that information?The Power Apps... they'reholding onto power.Earlier this month, the Polycryptocurrency network was hitby a hacker that stole over$600 million dollars worthof digital coin.Well, the hacker finallyreturned the rest of the moneytoday, and Poly has evenoffered a bug bounty rewardand a job as it's chief security advisor.So who said crime doesn't pay?Disclaimer: don't actuallygo out and commit crimesas a way to get a job.Although that's what,that's what white hat hacking is.Hackers are stealing our jobs!Speaking of crypto, PayPalhas finally started offeringthe ability to buy and sellcrypto on it's platformoutside of the US. Withcustomers in the United Kingdomseeing the feature roll out.BitCoin, Ethereum, Litecoinand BitCoin Cash, willbe supported, along withtransaction amountsbetween 1, and 15,000 ofHer Majesty's pounds. Soon we'll be sayingHer Majesty's...NFT's.She's got, she's hoarding them.Just go.And CPU AIO coolers withlittle screens on themare nothing new, but onemanufacturing is reallypushing the limit here,as Barrowch, I don't knowif that's what you're saying,i-if that's what you say?But they released a modelwith a 1440p display.The idea is to displaytons of data from Aida64,offering users a lot moredetail than just currenttemperatures, and becauseit uses HDMI, you can evenuse it as a very, very small monitor.- I would love tobend over and look at my PC,rather than just opening Aida64.- We don't even have enoughlaptops for 1440p screens,but we're getting themfrom freaking coolers?I'm upset!What about the gamers?!Come back on Wednesday for more tech news!And subscribe? We nevertell people to do that.Tabs are wide openon Wednesday! Hot and cold.- It's a party.\n"