LGR - The Ball Game - MS-DOS Ball Busting ACTION

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The Allure of "The Ball Game"

You know, it's not just the words themselves that make this phrase sound suggestive. It's more like the way it's said. Take, for instance, saying "hey did you see the ball game last night" - nobody bats an eye in response. However, if you say "do you want to play The BALL Game?" suddenly, people become intrigued and curious.

The reason behind this subtle difference lies not just with the words themselves but also with their tone and context. While the casual mention of a sports event is harmless, the more assertive phrasing of "play The BALL Game" becomes intriguing and even a bit provocative.

This phenomenon isn't unique to modern language; it's reminiscent of an old board game from 1975 called Ball Buster. This commercial narrator speaks about the game without any hesitation or subtlety, revealing its playful yet mischievous nature.

The tagline for The BALL Game states that it provides "ball busting action," a phrase that sounds more like an advertisement slogan than a genuine statement of intent. Yet, this catchy title and playful phrasing might just be enough to pique the interest of potential players and viewers alike.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThe Ball Game.You know, it's not just the words themselvesthat make this sound suggestive, it's morelike the way it’s said.You know like, if you just say “hey didyou see the ball game last night,”nobody bats an eye.But if you say “do you want to play TheBALL Game?” it’s like, “ooh, maybe,who’s asking?”And I’m not just trying to be lewd, theback of the box straight up says The BallGame provides “ball busting action.”Mmkay.That reminds me of the board game from 1975,Ball Buster...Commercial narrator:\"Make offensive and defensive moves!\"\"Then try to bust your opponents' balls.\"\"BALL Buster.\"They knew what they were doing there, andthey knew it here too.I mean there's a flaming naked guy on thefront of the box.Literally, he’s naked and on fire.There's also a frozen naked guy with someicy butt action going on.What the heck am I getting into?Well, it’s a 1991 MS-DOS PC game from theUK-based Electronic Zoo,and I have Joshua to thank for donating it.Josh sent a bunch of neat computer games myway a while back, and while there were severalthat I found intriguing, for whatever reasonThe Ball Game stood out.Couldn’t tell you why, it’s a real mystery.The Game of Balls comes in one of these smallboxes that was popular for Amiga and Atari STgames in the UK and Europe for a while,which makes sense as this wasmade for those systems first.But as mentioned earlier, this is the DOSversion for IBM PC-compatibles, distributedon a double density 5.25” floppy disk.And the documentation is pretty standard farefor these kinds of releases; just a thin,multilanguage black and white booklet thatprovides the basics of gameplay and a strategicwaft of early 90s cigarette smoke.The Ball Game begins with a bunch of blueballs, har harand a pretty radical Adlib intro tune.*pretty radical Adlib music plays*Hehe, and ya gotta love these credits.Who did the graphics?Steve.Who did the music?Oh that was Mike.Who did the PC version?Oh that was Tim and Jules, you know them!After that charmingly amiable introduction,you’re dropped into a rather dark and starkmenu with an assortment of function key options.And without actually playing the game firstit’s not very useful to mess with anythinghere yet, so just press F9 to start playing.*PC speaker beep and bloop sounds play*And yep, this is The Ball Game, folks.Not quite sure what I was expecting, but thiswasn't it.Not only has that ball bouncing FM synth musicbeen replaced by silence and PC speaker noises,but there’s precious little ball-bustingaction happening.I am sad to report there are preciselyzero balls busted throughout the entirety of this game.In fact, despite the suggestive name and marketing,The Ball Game is about as tame a game as you can ask for.So much so that I am now questioning whetheror not it’seven worth a video at this point, hrm.Lemme go clear my head, I’ll be right back...*DUKE NUKEM 3D PLAYS**DUKE RPGs HIMSELF*Ahem, right, where were we.Yes, the distinct lack of ball-busting action.Or really, the lacktion--*laughs*\"the lacktion?\"The lack of action!Ah I like that better, yeah. It's really the LACKTION of any kind.The Ball Game is not an action game, but rathera virtual board game of strategy and tactics.And a rather simple one at that, as thereare only two ways to interact with it.Regardless of how you choose to control things,be it the mouse or the keyboard or a joystick,The Ball Game gives you one button for choosingyour move and one button for making your move.When it’s your turn, press the movementkey to rotate through a selection of possiblemoves highlighted on the board, and then pressthe select key to make it happen.That’s it.The entire rest of The Ball Game depends onwhatorder you make those two decisions for each turn.As you might’ve guessed just by lookingat the footage, the goal of The Ball Gameis to have the most number of your color ofballs on the board.You can only move in the four cardinal directionson an isometric plane, there’s no diagonalmovement, and you can only move one or twospaces at a time normally.Moving one space will blorp a ball behindwhere you just moved from, and moving twospaces will activate a jetpack and then setyou down with no balls being placed.But if you land in a space next to an opponent’sballs, then each of those balls will be convertedto your balls, even those diagonal to you.And if you can’t make a move or a jump,you can press the select key to teleport toa random free spot on the board.Once you run out of moves, your game is over,and whoever has the most balls with the mostpoints at the end wins the round.And that’s the gist of it!The Ball Game is one of those grid-based Reversi-inspiredthingies where you always have to think acouple steps ahead or you’ll screw yourselfover quickly.It reminds me an awful lot of the game Spotfrom a year before.No, not “Cool Spot,” just “Spot.”To be more specific, games like Spot and TheBall Game sharethe same core DNA as the arcade game Ataxx.That is, they’re all video board games withplayers starting off in a corner, with thegoal being to strategically touch pieces withyour own and convert its color.But The Ball Game is still its own thing inthe sense that it’s got balls.Blue balls, red balls, dark blue and red balls,just lots of balls.But none of them are busting and I feel deceived.For that matter, where are the naked dudes on fire and stuff?These guys are cool, but I signed up for frozenman butts and dang it, I deserve them.Instead you get these little Smash TV contestants,who are apparently supposed to represent thefour elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and theother one.Hrm. Yeah I’m not seeing it.Unless the elements are all identical ballsnow, and in that case Captain Planet justgot a lot more bizarre.So yeah, this was a bit of a bummer.The Ball Game isn’t the worst thing I’veplayed, or even the worst virtual board game,but I also don’t think it was worth my time.And it sure isn’t my idea of fun these days.Especially not versus the computer,they move instantly so playing for time bonuses makes no sense,and it uses cheap AI that rarely makes an exploitably crappy move.See, the key to enjoying these kinds of gamesisto play against someone objectively worse than you.Or maybe that’s just how I play Othello.But in this case, all you can do is enteryour name into a high score table no one will seebecause no one wants to play this game.The Ball Game!It’s pretty much just balls.Well I believe I've said the word \"balls\"enough for the entire year.And if you enjoyed that I'm confused!But awesome, thank you very much for watching.And I hope that you stick around and see somemore stuff I make, because I'm making newthings and Monday and Friday.And yeah, uh, thanks.Um.I'ma go now.\n"