5 iPad and iPad Pro Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know

Five Simple iPad Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know

Hello everyone, I'm Aaron here for ZolloTech, and I wanted to share with you five simple iPad tips and tricks that you might not know. These will apply not only to the iPad Pro that I have here but any iPad that runs iPad OS, so your iPad Air 2 and newer are also covered.

Taking a Screenshot on Your iPad

The first tip has to do with taking a screenshot. There's kind of an interesting way to do it, especially if you're using an Apple Pencil or dragging in from the corner. If you have a normal iPad, all you need to do is press the power sleep/wake button and the home button at the same time, just click them, and it will take a screenshot. However, if you have an iPad Pro like I do here, what you want to do is press volume up and the power sleep/wake button at the same time, and it will snap a screenshot. But that's not all – if you're trying to capture a screenshot of a website that's been dragged into from the corner, you can simply drag in from the corner, and it will take a screenshot. You can even extend it to full-page, which is really nice.

Another benefit of this method is that you can mark up with an Apple Pencil – just circle this here, for example – and then save it or hit done, and you'll have the ability to save PDF files directly from your iPad. It's a really nice feature, and it's especially useful if you're trying to annotate a screenshot with your Apple pencil.

The Quick Path Keyboard on Your iPad

The second tip has to do with the keyboard on your iPad – specifically, how to use the quick path keyboard. I get this question asked a lot, so let me walk you through how to use it. To access the quick path keyboard, all you need to do is hold down the command key (or control key if you're using a non-Retina display) and then press space bar. This brings up search, which allows you to quickly find any app or feature on your iPad.

For example, let's say you want to open Safari, but you don't know where it is on your home screen. All you need to do is type "Safari" into the search field that appears when you press space, and then hit return – it will bring you straight to the app. This shortcut works for all sorts of things, from opening apps to using Spotlight to find files or documents.

Playing Radio Stations on Your iPad

Another tip I wanted to share with you is something new to me when I was researching for this video – how to play radio stations on your iPhone and iPad using Siri or by typing it in. This one's really useful if you're commuting or traveling, because you can continue listening to the same station you were listening to in the car.

All you need to do is ask Siri to "play [station name] from [channel number]" – for example, I asked Siri to play "WKQJ 104.7" – and it will start playing that station directly on your iPad or iPhone. It's really simple, but it can be a game-changer if you're trying to catch up on the same news or sports report from your commute.

Using Spotlight on Your iPad

Finally, I wanted to share with you a shortcut that I use all the time on both my iPad and Mac – spotlight search. To access spotlight, all you need to do is hold down the command key (or control key if you're using a non-Retina display) and then press space bar.

This brings up search, which allows you to quickly find any app or feature on your screen. For example, let's say you want to open the Notes app but you don't know where it is – all you need to do is type "Notes" into the search field that appears when you press space, and then hit return – it will bring you straight to the app. Spotlight also works for finding files or documents on your iPad.

Math Calculations with Spotlight

One other benefit of spotlight search is that you can use it to perform math calculations directly on your screen. All you need to do is hold down the command key (or control key if you're using a non-Retina display) and then press space bar, and then type in your math problem – for example, "4 + 4". Spotlight will then give you the answer right there on the screen.

Overall, spotlight search is a really fast and convenient way to navigate around your iPad, especially if you're used to using it on your Mac. It's also worth noting that if you hold down the command key while on certain screens, such as the home screen or app switcher, it will give you the keyboard shortcuts for that screen – which can be really helpful if you need to quickly find a specific feature or shortcut.


I hope these five simple iPad tips and tricks were helpful and new to you. If they were, I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. And of course, if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper that I mentioned at the end of the video, I'll link it in the description – as always. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andI wanted to share with you five simpleiPad tips and tricks that you might notknow and these will apply not only tothe iPad pro that I have here but anyiPad that runs iPad OS so your iPad air2 and newer and so the first tip has todo with taking a screenshot there's kindof an interesting way to do that but ifyou're not familiar with taking onealready if you have a normal iPad youcan simply press the power sleep/wakebutton and the home button at the sametime just click them and it will take ascreenshot if you have an iPad pro likeI have here what you want to do is pressvolume up and the power sleep/wakebutton at the same time and it will snapa screenshot however if you have anApple pencil there's a better way somaybe you want to take a screenshot of awebsite we just dragged in from thecorner and it will take a screenshot soyou just need to drag in from the cornerhere and it will take a screenshot wecan do that again let me delete thisI'll show you again drag in from thecorner and it takes a screenshot thenyou can extend it to full-page so maybeyou want the full page of a screenshotmaybe you want to mark this up with anApple pencil circle this here you can dothat and then you can simply save it hitdone and then save PDF files so you havethat ability and it's really nice youcan just do that with the Apple pencilnow the second tip has to do with thekeyboard I get this question a lot andpeople ask me how can I use the quickpath keyboard or sort of where you swipearound with your finger to type on thekeyboard but on an iPad so if you're notusing any of the accessories with akeyboard or a trackpad what you want todo is go to say notes or something thatuses the keyboard and all you need to dois pinch pinch and it shrinks thekeyboard now you have a smaller keyboardwhere you can just move it around withthis little line down here and then wecan say hi how are you today and you canjust swipe around to get that writtenout so it's really nice you can extendit like this or press and hold on thekeyboard in the bottom right until itsays floating and then we tap onfloating and we've got a floatingkeyboard so it's really simple but it'snice that we have that ability now inaddition to that you can also move thecursor around and you probably alreadyknow this if you've had an iPadwhile but you can move the cursor aroundusing two fingers so you'll see thecursor up here I'll just move it backand forth using two fingers it becomes atrackpad so it's really nice it's a niceway to select text kind of move thecursor exactly where you want and thenselect what you want so it's a reallysimple way to do that now there'ssomething else we can do in text that wecan use our iPhone with to go back andforth between the iPad so this issomething I actually do quite a lot soon my iPhonemaybe I'm editing a text document infact this is the same note that I haveon the iPad that I just created maybe Iwant to copy this text but I need it onthe iPad and I don't have it there allwe need to do is select the text maybecopy the whole thing hit copy and aslong as you're using iCloud on the sameaccount go back to the iPad and tappaste and it will copy from the iPhoneover to the iPad you can do this inReverse you can do this between an iPadand a Mac as long as they're on the sameiCloud account Wi-Fi and Bluetooth areturned on it will just simply drop overto the next device it's really simple touse and that goes along with the nextthing now something else that we can dobetween devices is as long as we're inthe same iCloud account again and thatcopy and paste works what you can do issomething called handoff and this issomething I use all the time so maybeI'm reading something on my iPhone andit's a smaller screen and I want tocontinue reading it on my larger iPadmaybe I'll go into this website which ismy own website and I want to open it onthe iPad well as soon as I open it youmay have noticed this icon appear in thedock on the iPad I simply go to the iPadtap on the dock here and it opens upright where I was before now this worksin multiple apps so this could work innotes it can work in anything you'reworking on on your iPhone it goes backand forth a lot of people aren'tfamiliar with that but it's somethingthat I use all of the time now somethingelse that's really interesting that isactually new to me when I wasresearching for this video I hadn't seenbefore is something that you can do withSiri or you could type it in as well butwe can play radio stations on the iPhoneand iPad now for example if you're inyour car and maybe you're traveling toand from workand you want to continue listening towhatever you were listening to in thecar on the radio you can continue tolisten to that through the iPad or theiPhone it's pretty simple you just needto ask Siri now you will need to knowthe call letters and the channel orstation numbers so that you can tell itwhat to play but as long as you havethat you're good to goso for example I'm in the CharlotteNorth Carolina area I just did a simplesearch for radio stations and I'm justpicking one randomly so let's go aheadand try this play wkq see 104.7 radioand now we'll play and you'll see itsays from i heart radio i don't have iheart radio installed so it will playeither way if i hit open i heart radioit will play either way so as long asyou ask Siri to play it and it'savailable you'll be able to continuelistening to your radio station on youriPad or your iPhone now if you have aniPad that you're using with a keyboardsuch as this magic keyboard or maybeyou're just using any keyboard of yourchoice there's a shortcut that I use allof the time on not only the iPad butalso a Mac as well so it's spotlightsearch and it allows you to do a lotmore than you think so if you holdcommand and hit space it brings upsearch and maybe you want to open an appyou don't know where it is on your iPadall you need to do is maybe type typeapp store hit return it'll bring you tothe App Store maybe we'll type Safari itwill bring you to Safari and you don'treally need to type the whole thing youcan type just SAF hit enter and you'rein so I use this for all sorts of thingsall the time and you can even use it forthings like math so four plus four andit gives you the answer right there soit's a really simple way to use youriPad it's a very fast way to navigatearound and if you're used to using it onthe Mac it translates very well here andmaybe you're looking for other keyboardshortcuts just hold command and it willgive you the keyboard shortcuts for thescreen you're on so hopefully those iPadtips and tricks were helpful and new toyou if they were I'd love to hear fromyou in the comments below and of courseif you'd like to get your hands on thiswallpaper I'll link it in thedescription as I always do if youhaven't subscribed already though pleasesubscribe and if you enjoyed the videoplease give it a like as always thanksfor watchingthis is Aaron I'll see you next time\n"