**Emmy's Experience with Helix Sleep**
Good greetings my beautiful lovelies, it's Emmy. How are you? It is great to see you and welcome back. Today's video is sponsored by Helix Sleep, the makers of premium mattresses and bedding that are customized for your sleep preferences and delivered right to your doorstep. We have had our Helix sleep mattress now for over a year and we are getting terrific sleep. At this point my entire family has them, my kiddos have them and they're getting great sleep as well.
You can take the Helix Sleep quiz like I did and enter your unique body type and your sleeping preferences and the sleep quiz will match you with a mattress that fits your needs. I happen to be a side sleeper, I prefer a firmer style mattress and I share my bed with my husband. So the sleep quiz will take both my husband and my preferences and come up with the best compromise and matches with a mattress that fits our needs. We happened to match with the Helix Sleep Dusk Lux and we are getting terrific sleep. It has a great squishy top, yet our backs feel supported and we wake up feeling well rested.
So your Helix Sleep mattress comes with a 100 night sleep trial, a 10 year warranty, and flexible payment plans and financing options. I know it might be a little bit weird to purchase something that you've never tried online, but you get three months to love it and if you don't, Helix Sleep will pick up your mattress for free and give you a full refund. And another great thing, if you live in the US, Helix Sleep will ship your mattress directly to you wrapped up in a cardboard box which is really great to maneuver up narrow situations like I have like a stairwell that's really narrow and I was able to install the mattress myself.
So if you'd like to start getting great sleep like I am, click the link down below or head over to helixsleep.com/emmymadeto see how you can get up to $200 off your Helix Sleep mattress and two free pillows. Big thanks to Helix Sleep for sponsoring this video and for their continued support so I can make better videos for all of you.
**Emmy's COVID Experience**
So today we're gonna be conducting a little bit of an experiment, over the holiday break, myself and my family got COVID, which in the scheme of things worked out pretty well in terms of timing. We had holiday break. We had a cozy little holiday Christmas by ourselves which was great. We were thankfully all vaccinated. So our symptoms, while we were pretty rough for a couple days we felt pretty good after about three days, not hospitalized, so so grateful for that.
But then on day four for me, I woke up not being able to smell, which has been quite a bummer. I can taste salty, sweet, bitter umami meaning that kind of like, hmm, delicious kind of salty, sweet flavor, but nothing has any flavor. There's no chocolate to chocolate. Chocolate just tastes sweet. Coffee is bitter, but there's not that aroma of coffee. You know that whole ritual process when you're grinding beans and you're smelling that and then you move hot water, I'm like oh, yeah, you don't get that experience which I am learning is so important and something I really value but you don't really value it till you don't have it, right?
You totally take it for granted. Now, I know this happens to many people that have had COVID, they lose their senses of smell and most people get it back and I, I really hope that's the case. But at any rate, here I am. I can't smell. So let's taste something I know I don't like ordinarily when I can taste things and see if there's any difference because I can't smell and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. That's my hope. Trying to find some ray of sunshine in all of this.
**Tasting Without Smell**
All right, so come along with me as we taste things that I don't like, or dare say hate. All righty, let's go ahead and get started. We're gonna try some pickles. Now, hate is a strong word to use for pickles because I actually don't hate them in certain contexts. I really enjoy them. Say a nice fried chicken sandwich, love slices of dill pickle or in a hamburger, slices of pickle, fantastic. But I am never a one to grab an entire dill pickle and give it a *crrr* and say, "Oh no, this is gross." Because honestly, I've had pickles that I didn't enjoy at all, but there's something about the combination of flavors and textures that just works for me.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- Good greetings my beautifullovelies, it's Emmy.How are you?It is great to see you and welcome back.Today's video is sponsored by Helix Sleepthe makers of premium mattressesand bedding that are customizedfor your sleep preferencesand delivered right to your doorstep.We have had our helixsleep mattress now forover a year and we aregetting terrific sleep.At this point my entire family has them,my kiddos have them and they'regetting great sleep as well.You can take the Helix Sleep quizlike I did and enter your unique body typeand your sleeping preferencesand the sleep quiz will match youwith a mattress that fits your needs.I happen to be a side sleeper,I prefer a firmer style mattressand I share my bed with my husband.So the sleep quiz willtake both my husbandand my preferences and comeup with the best compromiseand matches with a mattressthat fits our needs.We happen to match withthe Helix Sleep Dusk Luxand we are getting terrific sleep.It has a great squishy top,yet our backs feel supportedand we wake up feeling well rested.So your Helix Sleep mattress comeswith a 100 night sleeptrial, a 10 year warranty,and flexible payment plansand financing options.I know it might be a little bit weirdto purchase something thatyou've never tried online,but you get three months to love itand if you don't, Helix Sleep will pickup your mattress for freeand give you a full refund.And another great thing, if you livein the US, Helix Sleep willship your mattress directlyto you wrapped up in a cardboard boxwhich is really great tomaneuver up narrow situationslike I have like a stairwellthat's really narrowand I was able to installthe mattress myself.So if you'd like to startgetting great sleep like I am,click the link down below or head overto helixsleep.com/emmymadeto see how you can get upto $200 off your Helix Sleepmattress and two free pillows.Big thanks to Helix Sleepfor sponsoring this video andfor their continued supportso I can make bettervideos for all of you.So today we're gonna beconducting a little bitof an experiment, over the holiday break,myself and my family gotCOVID, which in the schemeof things worked out prettywell in terms of timing.We had holiday break.We had a cozy little holidayChristmas by ourselveswhich was great.We were thankfully all vaccinated.So our symptoms, while werepretty rough for a couple dayswe felt pretty goodafter about three days,not hospitalized, so,so grateful for that.But then on day four for me, I woke upnot being able to smell,which has been quite a bummer.I can taste salty, sweet, bitter umamimeaning that kind oflike, hmm, delicious kindof salty, sweet flavor,but nothing has any flavor.There's no chocolate to chocolate.Chocolate just tastes sweet.Coffee is bitter, but there'snot that aroma of coffee.You know that whole ritual processwhen you're grinding beansand you're smelling thatand then you move hot water,I'm like oh, yeah, youdon't get that experiencewhich I am learning is so importantand something I really valuebut you don't really value ittill you don't have it, right?You totally take it for granted.Now, I know this happens tomany people that have had COVID,they lose their senses of smelland most people get it backand I, I really hope that's the case.But at any rate, here I am.I can't smell.So let's taste somethings I know I don't likeordinarily when I can taste thingsand see if there's anydifference because I can't smelland maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.That's my hope.Trying to find some ray ofsunshine in all of this.All right, so come along with meas we taste things that Idon't like, or dare say hate.All righty, let's goahead and get started.We're gonna try some pickles.Now, hate is a strongword to use for picklesbecause I actually don't hatethem in certain contexts.I really enjoy them.Say a nice fried chicken sandwich,love slices of dill pickleor in a hamburger, for example,slices of pickle, fantastic.But I am never a one tograb a entire dill pickleand give it a *crrr* andsay, \"isn't that great?\"Let's see if I can getthe pickle jar open.Yeah, I think the lasttime I bought whole pickleswas when I made theDisney corn dog pickle.Have you ever seen that?So they...you take awhole pickle like thisand then you core it and thenyou fill it with a hot dogand then you batter thewhole thing like a corn dog.It was actually pretty good.Whole pickle.Normally I would be smellingthe brine, I would imagine,but I don't smell a thing.Nothing!Nothing, nothing.Zip, zero, zilch, nothing.Here we go.Itadakimasu!Wow,is that ever salty!?There is sourness that Inoticed from the vinegar,but more than that, a ton of salt.So if you eat an entire pickle, that's 25%of your daily recommendedintake of sodium.But yeah, I don't taste pickle though.What I associate with pickleI think is that dill flavorand I don't...I can't taste it at all.I do have to say that isa pretty terrific crunch,and a very specific crunch.It's a... (Emmy crunches)Mmhmm. Kind of, when you getlike a really good hotdogand the casing of thehotdog snaps, I love that.Pickles are kind of like that too.The exterior, the skin part ofthe pickle resists you a bitand it gives you that big crunch.The middle is a little bit more mushy.It's kind of what I imaginewould be like if you've bitteninto a cactus, althoughI've never really done that.I've had nopales before,but not like a raw cactuswhich I don't recommend you do by the waybut that's kind of what I imagine.It's more succulent.In terms of flavor, would I say I like it?I don't think so becauseit's just very, very salty.I do prefer it to when Inormally have pickles though,no smell of vinegaryou know that vinegar hasthat kind of funk smell.Don't smell that at all.Although I taste thesour, it's a combinationof that funky smell Iguess, and that dilly flavorthat makes me not reallylike pickles becausebesides the salt, it's not half bad.Next, let's try an afterschoolsnack that was popularwith most children, but not myself.We're gonna be having celerysticks with peanut butter.Now, celery, first of all,I don't care for at all.Don't like 'em as a snack.Just don't really like it.Celery flavor, I can giveit a pass on certain things.Say like a New Yorksystem wiener for example.When you shake celery salt on top,I feel like it's really essential.And also in like instantchicken ramen noodles,there's a celery saltkind of flavor in there.I feel like it's pretty important.Oh, and chicken pot pie, Ifeel like it's essential.So there's certain thingsthat are just like, yesyou need that little bit ofcelery flavor, like a mirepoix,for example.You need the trinity,but never just by itself.Nope, a hundred percent nothing.(chewing)No, again, terrific texture.Not having the ability to smell,you really have to grabonto texture, I feel --not have to, but I thinkI'm more in-tune with.Great crunch, love that.Very raw feeling of of chompinginto something very, verycrunchy, like a wet crunch.It's a bit fibrous though.I don't think I've ever really noticedhow fibrous celery is,although when I was a kidmy mom would peel out the fiber,it's so satisfying.Get rid of those strands.Don't really taste anything.Do I dislike it?No.Subtle sweetness to it.I don't dislike it at all.I wouldn't say I love it,but definitely much betterthan when I can actually taste the celery.But I would prefer to taste the celeryrather than start loving celeryif I were to be honest.Let's do this wholepeanut butter boat thing.Oh, to make this extra worse,I should put raisins on this.So it'd be like ants on a log.Oh, let's just try the peanut butter,see if I can taste that.Oh hmm.Have a texture that's oilyand a little bit chocolatey.Kind of what I imaginelike oily oobleck wouldbe like if you ate it.Not a lot of flavor -- ah, none actually,but there's some saltiness.Here we go.Hmm, interesting.I think what makes that interesting isthat there's a combination of texturesand you get this kind ofrich, kind of rich creaminessfrom the peanut butterwith the very wet crunch.So you get this kind of cactus succulenceand then you get thisfatty, creamy, nutty spread.But I don't, I'm nottasting any of the nuttyso it's not a bad combination.I could see why people would like thisbecause the celery is so crunchyand just very plain and watery.So when you add a kindof fatty richness to it,I could see how that would be a nice foil.In terms of flavor, Idon't mind it at all.I think it is a good combinationbecause it adds somesalt and for me some kindof taste to the celery,which has a great texture.I would say this would bedefinitely something worthyof eating.If you can't taste it, itdoesn't taste bad at all.Peanut butter, such a weird texture.Simultaneously sticky, yetdry, you know what I mean?Wow.If you follow me for anyamount of time, I think I hopeat this point you know thatI'm pretty adventuresomein terms of just wanting to trythings I've never tasted beforeand there aren't thatmany things I dislike.But there is one thingthat I've tried repeatedlythat I have not likedbut maybe since I can't taste anythingmaybe I will like and ifyou follow me for a whileyou know what that is, butif you don't, it's this.And this is called salmiak, salmiaki....and this is salty licoriceand many, many, many, manymany people, especiallyin the northern partsof the hemisphere, really appreciate thisincluding my mother-in-law:adores Salmiaki.This is not like yourtypical black licoricethat has that kind of anise flavor.Think of like black jelly beans.No, this is in a league of its own.It uses ammonium chloride that gives ita very distinctive saltiness.The first time I tasted salmiakiwas in my Emmy Eats Denmark video.This is before my first kiddo was bornso that's over 10 years ago.And I'll put a link downbelow to that video.My dear friend Kiki sent it to meand it was full of all different kindsof salmiaki becauseshe definitely loves itas a lot of other Danes do as well.Love that packaging.And then you can just shake 'em out.There's a little \"A\" embossed on it.Isn't that lovely?Itadakimasu!Hmm, I can taste something.Okay, salty.Definitely salty.No flavor though.Just a sensation of salty, salivating.An artificial sweetener, residual flavor.Strange chemical flavor.That's what I'm tasting too.I don't despise it, but I don't like it.Normally I would've taken this out alreadybut there's no flavor.Sorry though,I still can't say I like it.No, I don't.But I don't dislike itnearly as much as I dowhen I can actually taste something, huh.Also got this, this comesfrom Denmark and this isTurkish pfeffer and thisis extreme salmiaki.Turkish pfeffer.Nope, smell nothing.This one's more like a lozenge.Hmm, this one actually tastes sweeter.Oh, now I'm getting some ofthat artificial sweetener,medicinal flavor and some saltiness too.I actually like this onebetter than the Lacerol.I use the word \"like\" very loosely.I wouldn't, I think, continue eating thisbut I don't detest it like I normally do.Normally I'll be like,why do people eat this?It's fine.It's not delicious, it's fine.But that's sort of how everythingtastes to me right now.Everything is fine.It's really actually quite sad.I really enjoy eatingfood and I'm learningthat a lot of that has todo with being able to smelland experience and tastethe food that I'm eating.Alrighty, my lovelies.So there you have it.Some of the things I really dislike eatingand all of them taste better,but I still would muchprefer to taste themas they should be tastedand have an opinion of not liking them.Or perhaps once I taste theseagain, when I can taste againI'll have a much better appreciationfor them simply because I can taste them.All righty lovelies.Thanks so much for watching.I hope you were all are well.Happy, happy New Year to youand I'm so grateful for all of you.Thanks so much for tuningin and watching and stickingwith me, for showing up,for just being here for me.I wouldn't be able to dothis with without you.So thank you so muchand big thanks to Helix Sleepfor sponsoring this video.If you like to get a mattress for yourselfclick the link down belowor head over to helixsleep.com/emmymadeto see how you can get up to $200off your Helix Sleep mattressand two free pillows.Thanks again for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media.Give me suggestions aboutother things I can taste or trywhile I cannot taste things --love to hear them -- and Ishall see you in the next one!Toodaloo, take care, byeee!!.(upbeat music)(burps)- So I can't taste, but I can still burp.\n"