I Used the Long One for My Candles

I used the long one for my bookshelf mantle situation then paired it with another candle-labrathe small one with another candelabrathe small one with another candelabrathat I had for the dessert Table ithat I had for the dessert Table ithat I had for the dessert Table iArranged my new DIY Decor on top of a pretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addedpretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addedpretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addeda bunch of Gold ornaments for addinga bunch of Gold ornaments for addingFactor for an easy background gar iFactor for an easy background gar iwrapped a Strand of stringrarrarrarhoar through Ho also this with some leadshoar through Ho also this with some leadshoar through Ho also this with some leadsand then giggled like a little School of and then giggled like a little School ofhow happy I was with thec if interestedhow happy I was with thec if interestedhow happy I was with thec if interestedin sending out paper invites you canin sending out paper invites you canin sending out paper invites you canmake your own for Super Che by gettingmake your own for Super Che by gettingYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallerSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallerSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallercards for maximum budget friend then youcards for maximum budget friend then youcards for maximum budget friend then youcan use Dots Glitter anden ofcan use Dots Glitter anden ofcan use Dots Glitter anden ofhandhandor you can just create fun little scenesor you can just create fun little scenesor you can just create fun little sceneswith them like I like to do weir alertwith them like I like to do weir alertwith them like I like to do weir alertnext I wanted to create some gold

Next I wanted to create some gold accessories for my party outfit to match the theme so I Started by gold leafingthe theme so I Started by gold leafingthe theme so I Started by gold leafingThis Old Pair of black shoes I've had for a really long time but hardly ever wear put some newspaper inside the shoeswear put some newspaper inside the shoeswear put some newspaper inside the shoesthen spray them with the sealer Oncethen spray them with the sealer Oncethen spray them with the sealer Oncedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedry to the point of being tacky thendry to the point of being tacky thendry to the point of being tacky then just haphazardly apply the gold leaf with your fingers Once you're happy with the amount of Gold on your shoes spray the amount of Gold on your shoes spray the amount of Gold on your shoes spray them with spray sealer and let dry and BoomBoomBoom Shing

lastly I made a festive New Year'sShing lastly I made a festive New Year'sShing lastly I made a festive New Year'sheadband by wrapping an old headband headband by wrapping an old headband headband by wrapping an old headband with Golden Star gar like So and as soonwith Golden Star gar like So and as soonwith Golden Star gar like So and as soonas I it on I was to toas I it on I was to toas I it on I was to toHappy New Year for all crafty outHappy New Year for all crafty outletlet let Meow c you like LearMeow c you like LearMeow c you like Lear2014 next time Snip SNNE

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enshould allshould allshould allthe bethe bethe beforforforwa have I been singing the wrong wordswa have I been singing the wrong wordswa have I been singing the wrong wordsthis wholethis wholethis wholetime thre Bangers BR for the hols Todaytime thre Bangers BR for the hols Todaytime thre Bangers BR for the hols Todaymission Golden New Year party de ourmission Golden New Year party de ourmission Golden New Year party de ourbudget first thing I'm show you how makebudget first thing I'm show you how makebudget first thing I'm show you how makeareen trees for the bar making them outareen trees for the bar making them outareen trees for the bar making them outof chicken wire I can make several sizesof chicken wire I can make several sizesof chicken wire I can make several sizesand one r chickenand one r chickenand one r chickenonly Roll wearing some heavy duty workonly Roll wearing some heavy duty workonly Roll wearing some heavy duty workgloves cut off a pza of chicken wiregloves cut off a pza of chicken wiregloves cut off a pza of chicken wireWith A Pair of wire cutters you reallyWith A Pair of wire cutters you reallyWith A Pair of wire cutters you reallywant to wear the gloves because thiswant to wear the gloves because thiswant to wear the gloves because thisstuff can really cut you up good no onestuff can really cut you up good no onestuff can really cut you up good no onewants that bend That piece into a conewants that bend That piece into a conewants that bend That piece into a coneShape like So then bend the ends over at theShape like So then bend the ends over at theShape like So then bend the ends over at thesections it touches So the Wiresections it touches So the Wiresections it touches So the Wirekeeps its Conekeeps its Conekeeps its ConeShape bend up the bottom a little bit SoShape bend up the bottom a little bit SoShape bend up the bottom a little bit Sothe bottom Edge is even and it sits onthe bottom Edge is even and it sits onthe bottom Edge is even and it sits onthe table without wobbling I had a bunchthe table without wobbling I had a bunchthe table without wobbling I had a bunchof old r gar that I decided to wrapof old r gar that I decided to wrapof old r gar that I decided to wrapAround the Cone and it worked outAround the Cone and it worked outAround the Cone and it worked outperfect I just Simply cut away any ripperfect I just Simply cut away any ripperfect I just Simply cut away any ripparts and you couldn't even Tell You Canparts and you couldn't even Tell You Canparts and you couldn't even Tell You CanLeave the Trees plain if you want for aLeave the Trees plain if you want for aLeave the Trees plain if you want for ageometric look or wrap all of them for ageometric look or wrap all of them for ageometric look or wrap all of them for acomplete Golden Forest I lovecomplete Golden Forest I lovecomplete Golden Forest I lovegold next I made a simple wooden candlegold next I made a simple wooden candlegold next I made a simple wooden candleholder to add some light to our tableholder to add some light to our tableholder to add some light to our tablecandle abras can be crazy expensive so Icandle abras can be crazy expensive so Icandle abras can be crazy expensive so Igot a piece of Pine wood for 795 fromgot a piece of Pine wood for 795 fromgot a piece of Pine wood for 795 fromHome Depot Because I'm pretty lame andHome Depot Because I'm pretty lame andHome Depot Because I'm pretty lame andcouldn't find a used piece of wood Trustcouldn't find a used piece of wood Trustcouldn't find a used piece of wood Trustme I tried I swear and this is Robme I tried I swear and this is Robme I tried I swear and this is Robhelping me Cut that Piece into twohelping me Cut that Piece into twohelping me Cut that Piece into twoPieces after I was Apparently Doing ItPieces after I was Apparently Doing ItPieces after I was Apparently Doing ItWrong not sure but this Method looks aWrong not sure but this Method looks aWrong not sure but this Method looks alittle off as well Anyway next i Placelittle off as well Anyway next i Placelittle off as well Anyway next i PlaceThe Candles Against the long piece of wThe Candles Against the long piece of wThe Candles Against the long piece of wWhere I wanted them to go and Mark theirWhere I wanted them to go and Mark theirWhere I wanted them to go and Mark theirpositions with a pencil then I repeatedpositions with a pencil then I repeatedpositions with a pencil then I repeatedthis for the smaller piece of wood ithis for the smaller piece of wood ithis for the smaller piece of wood iplaced a 34 inch whole Drilling bit intoplaced a 34 inch whole Drilling bit intoplaced a 34 inch whole Drilling bit intomy drill and drilled my first hole inmy drill and drilled my first hole inmy drill and drilled my first hole inone of the markings I made you want toone of the markings I made you want toone of the markings I made you want tomake the hole about a half inch Deepmake the hole about a half inch Deepmake the hole about a half inch Deepjust Make sure to keep emptying the sawjust Make sure to keep emptying the sawjust Make sure to keep emptying the sawDust as you go and you should be prettyDust as you go and you should be prettyDust as you go and you should be prettySolid drill all of your holes and itSolid drill all of your holes and itSolid drill all of your holes and itshould look like this do the same forshould look like this do the same forshould look like this do the same forthe small piece in The Spirit Ofthe small piece in The Spirit Ofthe small piece in The Spirit Ofbrokenness I'm keeping m plain and thinkbrokenness I'm keeping m plain and thinkbrokenness I'm keeping m plain and thinkthey look fantastic like that but youthey look fantastic like that but youthey look fantastic like that but youcould stain them or gold lef them orcould stain them or gold lef them orcould stain them or gold lef them orspray paint them gold but Whatever youspray paint them gold but Whatever youspray paint them gold but Whatever youdo always Make sure to supervise your ldo always Make sure to supervise your ldo always Make sure to supervise your lCandles I Used the long One for MyCandles I Used the long One for MyCandles I Used the long One for Mybookshelf mantle situation then pairedbookshelf mantle situation then pairedbookshelf mantle situation then pairedthe small one with another candelabrathe small one with another candelabrathe small one with another candelabrathat I had for the dessert Table ithat I had for the dessert Table ithat I had for the dessert Table iArranged my new DIY Decor on top of aArranged my new DIY Decor on top of aArranged my new DIY Decor on top of apretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addedpretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addedpretty Piece Of Gold fabric then I addeda bunch of Gold ornaments for addinga bunch of Gold ornaments for addinga bunch of Gold ornaments for addingFactor for an easy background gar iFactor for an easy background gar iFactor for an easy background gar iwrapped a Strand of stringrarrarrarhoar through Ho also this with some leadshoar through Ho also this with some leadshoar through Ho also this with some leadsand then giggled like a little School ofand then giggled like a little School ofand then giggled like a little School ofhow happy I was with thec if interestedhow happy I was with thec if interestedhow happy I was with thec if interestedin sending out paper invites you canin sending out paper invites you canin sending out paper invites you canmake your own for Super Che by gettingmake your own for Super Che by gettingmake your own for Super Che by gettingYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenYourself a Pad of thick paper and thenSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallerSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallerSimply fold and Cut the paper in smallercards for maximum budget friend then youcards for maximum budget friend then youcards for maximum budget friend then youcan use Dots Glitter anden ofcan use Dots Glitter anden ofcan use Dots Glitter anden ofhandhandhandor you can just create fun little scenesor you can just create fun little scenesor you can just create fun little sceneswith them like I like to do weir alertwith them like I like to do weir alertwith them like I like to do weir alertnext I wanted to create some goldnext I wanted to create some goldnext I wanted to create some goldaccessories for my party outfit to matchaccessories for my party outfit to matchaccessories for my party outfit to matchthe theme so I Started by gold leafingthe theme so I Started by gold leafingthe theme so I Started by gold leafingThis Old Pair of black shoes I've hadThis Old Pair of black shoes I've hadThis Old Pair of black shoes I've hadfor a really long time but hardly everfor a really long time but hardly everfor a really long time but hardly everwear put some newspaper inside the shoeswear put some newspaper inside the shoeswear put some newspaper inside the shoesthen spray them with the sealer Oncethen spray them with the sealer Oncethen spray them with the sealer Oncedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedried add some adhesive Let the adhesivedry to the point of being tacky thendry to the point of being tacky thendry to the point of being tacky thenjust haphazardly apply the gold leafjust haphazardly apply the gold leafjust haphazardly apply the gold leafwith your fingers Once you're happy withwith your fingers Once you're happy withwith your fingers Once you're happy withthe amount of Gold on your shoes spraythe amount of Gold on your shoes spraythe amount of Gold on your shoes spraythem with spray sealer and let dry andthem with spray sealer and let dry andthem with spray sealer and let dry andBoomBoomBoomShing lastly I made a festive New Year'sShing lastly I made a festive New Year'sShing lastly I made a festive New Year'sheadband by wrapping an old headbandheadband by wrapping an old headbandheadband by wrapping an old headbandwith Golden Star gar like So and as soonwith Golden Star gar like So and as soonwith Golden Star gar like So and as soonas I it on I was to toas I it on I was to toas I it on I was to toHappy New Year for all crafty outHappy New Year for all crafty outHappy New Year for all crafty outletletletMeow c you like LearMeow c you like LearMeow c you like Lear2014 next time SnipSNNE\n"