We Have to Explore the Features: Analyze the Features in Order to Determine Which Features Were Important and With That Knowledge We Could Go Back and Collect Additional Data and Then Build Further Models in an Iterative Manner
Okay, so let's have a look further. In Lesson One, Problem Definition, it provides a brief overview of what the lesson one will be about. And then you're gonna see that the video is embedded right inside here. So you could just click on it. Let's have a look further. Lesson Two is on data, and as you know, data is the essential part of the data science process. And so in the video here, it will be talking about how to prepare the training data, and the video is embedded here, and so lesson three will be about model evaluation. So this will allow us to determine how robust how reliable how well did the model performed, and so this typically will involve looking at the model performance metrics, such as in a regression model, you will look at the rmse, the mse, which are essentially the error, and then also the r square.
In a classification model, you will look at accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, Matthew's correlation coefficient, area under the curve of the roc curve. Okay, so let's have a look further, and you see that the video is embedded right here. So let's try clicking on it. Okay, so you're gonna see that videos are taught by members of the ads team of Facebook, so the ads machine learning team of Facebook. So let's have a look at video two. Okay, so also software engineer of the apps machine learning team and the introductory video from the engineering manager of the ads machine learning team on Facebook.
Let's Take a Look Further in Lesson Four
Lesson four will take a deep dive into the features. So in a typical machine learning model, features are essentially descriptive variables that describe the quantitative or qualitative features of data samples that we are interested in. For example, if we're analyzing a data set of iris flowers, then the features would be the dimensions of the sepo and the petal part of the flower. If we're analyzing a data set of molecules where we want to predict the likelihood of a drug molecule becoming active or inactive, then the features will be the atomic constituent of the molecule, which will essentially be the molecular properties or the functional group of the molecule.
Or if we're analyzing health data, this could include the blood glucose level, the lipid profile of the blood, the diastolic systolic blood pressure, etc. So in a nutshell, features provide a means to describe the data samples of interest into numerical or qualitative terms, and then such data will be used by the machine learning algorithm in its learning process. And so feature engineering is an essential part of the machine learning model building process. So in lesson five, we will be about model selection. So this will include how to pick a model, how to tune a model, and how to compare models.
So for example, if you're building several machine learning models using different algorithms, maybe you're comparing between linear regression support vector machine random forest, and so how will you pick which model will be the most suitable. Or even before picking the model, how do you actually tune the model by tuning the model meaning that you're optimizing the parameters, the hyperparameters of the model. And also, you're not using only one machine learning algorithm, you're using several, and so you're comparing the performance of several machine learning algorithms.
And so the question is, how do you pick which model built by different machine learning algorithms are the best for use in a practical setting? So this video will cover that topic and issues. Okay, so before further continuing, let's click on the video and see briefly.
Six Videos from the Ads Machine Learning Team on Facebook
In Lesson Four, it is taught by a research scientist of the ads machine learning team on Facebook. And in five, taught by a software engineer of the apps machine learning team on Facebook. Okay, so finally in lesson six, it will be focusing on experimentation. So it is mentioned here that one of the key topic is the difference between offline and online experimentation.
Okay, so there you have it, six videos from the ads machine learning team on Facebook, and so each of these videos are about six to ten minutes in duration, and so in all you can finish all of the videos in about one hour. So that should give you a rough understanding of how the ads machine learning team of Facebook are using machine learning to get insights from the Facebook ads, and so it is a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the end-to-end project of the ads team and gain insights on the tips and tricks of how they are doing it.
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