**The AirPods Max: A Review of Apple's New Headphones**
I've been using my new AirPods Max for about a week now, and I have to say that they're an impressive pair of headphones. One feature that stands out is their ability to automatically switch between devices. For example, if you're listening to music on your iPhone, the AirPods Max will seamlessly transition to your iPad or Mac without any hassle. This convenience is a game-changer for anyone who uses multiple Apple devices.
The sound quality of the AirPods Max is also noteworthy. The music they produce is very good, with balanced bass and clear highs. I was reminded of the original HomePod when listening to their audio, which is no small praise. While not as impressive as using high-end headphones like Sennheiser HD 660S, the AirPods Max deliver a great listening experience for casual music enthusiasts. If you're looking for audiophile-grade sound, these might not be the best option.
However, if you're in the market for a pair of headphones that will provide good sound quality without breaking the bank, the AirPods Max are definitely worth considering. The bass is heavy but clear, and I didn't notice any digital noise or distortion during my listening sessions. Whether you're using lossless music or Apple's standard audio, the sound is consistently impressive.
One thing that does concern me about the AirPods Max is their case. It's a bit of a gimmick, as you need to put it into its charging dock to turn off the headphones and charge them at the same time. If you want to use your AirPods Max without leaving them on auto, you can simply leave them turned on, but this feature might be a deal-breaker for some users.
In terms of build quality, I'm impressed by the AirPods Max's durability and craftsmanship. The headphones themselves feel incredibly well-built, with attention to detail that's all too often lacking in other headphones at this price point. The ear cups are also easy to replace if needed, which is a nice touch.
Overall, my initial impression of the AirPods Max has been overwhelmingly positive. They're a convenient and high-quality option for anyone who uses multiple Apple devices, and their sound quality is more than impressive. While they might not be the best option for audiophiles or those on a tight budget, I'd definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable and comfortable pair of headphones.
**Design and Build Quality**
I've had the chance to use my AirPods Max with various colors, including the latest white model, which is actually pretty nice. However, the case that comes with the earbuds is a different story altogether. The design is certainly...interesting, with a bit of a goofy feel to it. You need to put the case into its charging dock in order to turn off the headphones and charge them at the same time, which can be a bit annoying.
Despite this quirk, I'm generally impressed by the build quality of the AirPods Max. The headphones themselves are incredibly well-built, with attention to detail that's all too often lacking in other headphones at this price point. The ear cups are also easy to replace if needed, which is a nice touch.
One thing that does worry me about the durability of the AirPods Max is the potential for the paint to chip or wear off over time. I've already noticed that they tend to scratch easily, and I'm not sure how well they'll hold up in the long term. However, so far, the headphones themselves seem to be holding up incredibly well.
**Audio Quality**
One thing that really stood out about the AirPods Max was their audio quality. The music they produce is very good, with balanced bass and clear highs. I was reminded of the original HomePod when listening to their audio, which is no small praise. While not as impressive as using high-end headphones like Sennheiser HD 660S, the AirPods Max deliver a great listening experience for casual music enthusiasts.
The sound quality of the AirPods Max is also notable in terms of its lack of distortion or digital noise. I didn't notice any of these issues during my listening sessions, even when using lossless music or Apple's standard audio. This suggests that the headphones are capable of producing high-quality sound without resorting to manipulation of the audio signal.
In terms of specific technical details, I was impressed by the AirPods Max's ability to produce clear and balanced sound at a range of frequencies. The bass is heavy but clear, without feeling overpowering or dominant. Overall, I'd say that the sound quality of the AirPods Max is excellent for casual music enthusiasts.
**Editing with Bluetooth Headphones**
As someone who frequently edits audio, I'm always on the lookout for headphones that can keep up with my needs. Unfortunately, the AirPods Max are Bluetooth headphones, which means they're prone to lag and interference when used for long-form editing sessions.
This was a major concern for me as I started using the AirPods Max for video editing and podcasting. While they did provide some impressive sound quality, the lag and distortion that occurred during my listening sessions made it difficult to focus on my work. However, I've been experimenting with different settings and techniques, and I'm starting to get a better handle on how to use the AirPods Max effectively for editing.
Overall, I'm extremely impressed by the AirPods Max. They're a convenient and high-quality option for anyone who uses multiple Apple devices, and their sound quality is more than impressive. While they might not be the best option for audiophiles or those on a tight budget, I'd definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable and comfortable pair of headphones.
Of course, as with any product, there are trade-offs. The AirPods Max have some quirks and limitations that may take time to get used to. But overall, I think they're an excellent choice for anyone who needs high-quality sound without breaking the bank.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi, everyone. Aaron here for Zollotech.And these are the AirPods Max.Now these are the most expensiveheadphones I've ever purchased.I normally use Sennheiser HD650's connected to an amp,and then A DAC to the computer. SoI'm pretty into fairly high end audio,not the highest end, but maybepro-sumer level, I suppose.And these are the most expensiveheadphones I've ever purchased.They're $550 and there'sfive different options.Now this is the silver color.There's also space gray,green sky, blue and pink. Sothe same colors as the iPad air.So let's go ahead and openthem up and take a closer look.We've got a little pulltab here to open them up.So we'll take the wrapperoff. Let's open the box hereAnd there we go. Nothingelse inside the box.And here's the headphonesthemselves, and they're fairly heavy.They're 13.6 ounces or 384.8 grams.We'll set this aside. See whatelse we get in the box for $550.So it says AirPods max,and then it tells a little bit about them,how to pair them whatthe different buttons do.We'll go over those in just a moment.And it looks like we've just got asafety and handling regulatory andcompliance and warranty summary card.And that's it. So we'll set these aside.So we'll put these back in the box andit looks like we've got a lightningto USB-C cable and that's all weget in the, in the box with this.So you've got that. No charger, nothinglike that. Hopefully they're charged.So let's put the box asideand take a closer look.So this is the AirPods max.It has a wrapper around it.So this opens magneticallyLooks like we can justslide this off here,slide off to the paper.It's got a little backing to it andthere we go. And so immediately,as soon as I opened this, itpopped up on my iPhone to pair it.So let's go ahead and hit connect.We'll take just a momenthere. It says connecting,I guess we'll just take these outand then we'll go around the AirPods.So it took a moment toconnect and as you can see,it says noise control, pressand hold the noise control,switch between noise cancellationand transparency, media control.That's your little digital crown we have.And then it says, I guess, that's it.So that's the little animationthat tells you about it.And then it talks aboutusing control center.So we'll skip that talksabout spatial audio,which is amazing if you've everused that and we'll hit not now.And then we'll hit done.There's 77% charge.So let's set the phone aside and take acloser look. So this is the case itself,and it's kind of an odd case youcan see right through it and kindof interesting there. NowI've got some magnet paper,and one thing you're able to do is putthe headphones or the AirPods max intothe case to put it to sleep.And that's how it knew Iopened it up or turned it on.So it looks like you've got two bigmagnets right here, as you can see.And I don't know if there's anything else.On the back.That just looks like there'smagnets that you have.You've got the magnets inside herethat know the cases closed and sonothing on the bottom or anythingelse. So this case is really strange.I'm not a huge fan of the way it looksand you can't fold up the AirPods max.So that part's kind of strange,but let's go ahead and take alook at the outside of them.And you've got these two little, I guess,paper cups inside set thoseaside and these feel really nice.It's cold to the touch.You can see it's already leavingfingerprints here and it's aluminum.So these are aluminum. Now let's go aroundthe outside edge of the AirPods max.And apparently there's nine microphonesin total for active noise cancellationand talking on the phone and thingslike that. So let's take a look.So we've got the digital crownhere, which I really like.They've taken from the Apple watch tohelp you control media, press it to play.Then you've got a littlemicrophone opening.It looks like you've got your activenoise cancellation button there.And then if we go to the bottom,it looks like we've got a couple moremicrophones, a little status indicator,light there next to our lightningconnector, a couple more microphones,and then we've got anantenna array. It looks like.So you've got a little cutout in themetal for the antenna and more microphone.So all the way around it. Now anotherthing too is these are magnetic.You can swap out the earcups with different colors,but there are about $70 from Apple.And you'll be able to orderthem a little bit later.But I guess if you had acouple pair in the house,you could swap them with space grayor whatever. You'd like now again,with the magnet paper,you should see magnets anddrivers all the way around here.You can see the driverin the rear rear of the,the AirPods max. Sothere's just one driver,but there's some magnets thathold everything on as well.So you can see those here. Solet's set the magnet paper aside,put this back on, and thenthese adjust like this.So they come out kind of like this remindsme of sort of a shock on a trunk or ahood of a car. So it feels similarto a hydraulic shock that way.And then they adjust spring.Loaded this way.So you can move them this way, springloaded, and they look pretty nice.This feeling of this mesh is really nice.It's sort of like this outside meshreminds me of a home pod, for example.So like I said, you can't fold them up,but you can put them in hereand they keep clinking together.So you can put them inthis case, close it,and then you could chargeit on the bottom here.So if that's something youwant to do, you could do that.So I really like the lookof them outside of the case.I don't think I'd use this as a carryingcase with a handle or anything likethat, but they seem likethey're pretty nice.Now I'll go ahead and listen tosome music. See what I think,because I'm fairly picky withthis and ILS 14.3, for example,added support for the AirPods maxand says that it adds high fidelitysound and things like that. Now,technically these are Bluetooth 5.0,and hopefully they're using some otherthings to get the best quality sound suchas aptX or something like that,that you find on different phones ordifferent standards as far as Bluetooth,because for $550, theybetter sound pretty good.Now there's a bunch ofsensors inside here too.So you have an opticalsensor on each ear cup.That's probably for head detectionand then also position sensors,case detect sensor and accelerometerin each ear cup and then a gyroscopein the left ear cup. That'sprobably for spatial audio.So you've got all of thosesensors inside here as well. Now,before I listened to some music,let me go ahead and put these on myhead and see what they're like here.So they're sealed. You get theding that you get. When you.You connect your AirPods pro orwhatever you have for AirPods,you get the same sort of noise. Letme hit the noise cancellation button.Now I can hear myself withtransparency through the AirPods max,so that part's nice. And these arefairly heavy, but because of this mesh,you don't really feel it on your headtoo much. So that part's really nice.So now that I'm trying theseout, they feel really nice,but let me go ahead and listen to them.Maybe I'll watch part of a movie andthen I'll let you know what they soundlike. At least my firstimpressions. Anyway,now something I noticed rightaway is when you turn the dial,you can actually hear an audible click.So it's almost like you have a physicalconnection when you're playing music.When I'm moving it just likethis. I don't hear anything,but when music's playing,I actually hear a little clickas I turn the digital crown.So that's kind of nice. It's a nicelittle touch. Now in my initial first use,I can't turn them up very loud.I think I have the headphonesafety set a little bit low.Now that's a good thing ofcourse, to preserve your hearing,but you can adjust that.So you go to settings,then you go to sound andhaptics headphones, safety,and then you have reduced loudsounds so you can turn that off,whatever you want and then see how loudthey go. So if you have transparency on,you can hear yourself, no problem.And after adjusting those settings,these go nice and loud. And they'reclear at their loudest volume.Although I don't know what thatactual decibel res rating is.So it could be too loud, but asyou can see, we have some controls.So if I push the transparency buttonhere, you can see that it switches, noise,cancellation, transparency,and then off. So with it off,it's actually pretty hard to hearyourself. If I go to transparency,I can hear just fine.And then you have the digital crown isan option back to front, front to back.So if I turn this up, you cansee I move the digital crown.It's adjusting it on myscreen. If I change it,that seems if I want it to go loud,I want it to go the other way for me.So I want to turn it clockwise to go loud.Counter-clockwise to bring it back down.So that's what I've adjusted it to.And those are really your options.So you have spatial audio.I want that when I'm watching videos.So.Spatial audio is incredible.If you've never used it,maybe you have AirPods pro andyou have an iPhone or an iPad.If you have a movie that you'vepurchased through iTunes,I highly suggest you try it out.It's incredible. Every time I use it,I actually stopped watching movies onmy TV and watch them on my iPad probecause it's like, you'relooking at a theater.You get so involved because the audiois just incredible. As I move around,you might've seen that the audio shifts.So if I turn this way, for example,I can hear it coming from thisyear. If I turned this way,it comes from this year.It's like you're sitting in a theaterand the sound is in one fixed place.And you're moving aroundin that environment.It's amazing what Apple's done with that.So I'll continue to listen to thesefor a moment and then I'll give you myimpressions.So.These do the exact same thing is airpods. When you take them off of your head,they turn off. When you putthem back on, they turn back on.Now that's a feature. You canturn it off if you don't want it.And then you might've seenme automatically switchfrom my iPad to my iPhone.And that's something that I think a lotof people are missing is convenience.Yes, they're expensive. But beingable to just switch between my iPhone,my iPad, a Mac,and just jumping between those deviceswhen I want to do whatever I'm doing onthose devices, watch a movie, listen toaudio, switch to maybe editing a video.It's amazing that it just automaticallyswitches and knows where you're at. Now.As far as music goes,the music is very good.It reminds me a lot of the originalhome pod. It's very balanced.The bass is balanced. It isgood bass. It's fairly heavy.Although it's clear,it's not overpowering.So compared to the Sennheiser HD sixfifties that I normally use through an ampand a deck, I'd say these aregood. They're not that good.If you want clear,basically balanced audio where thisisn't manipulating the audio with theAirPods max, you're actuallygetting a manipulated audio.That's using auto EQ to adjustit to whatever it thinks is best.So if you want to hear what the artor the artist actually created, well,then you probably want to usemaybe pro grade headphones and anamp to listen to that in the bestquality possible. But with these,this is for, I'd say the pro-sumer andunder where you just want quality audio,that's balanced.It's going to sound the best for the typeof music you're actually listening to.It's clear. I didn't hear anydigital noise or anything like that.So I don't know if they're doingsomething with, with the iPhone.I listened to some lossless music andsome Apple music. The lossless was better.Of course. And it just sounds pretty good.So if you like the sound ofsay a home pod, for example,you'll like the sound of these. If youdon't like the sound of a home pod, well,then you might want to skip these. Now,the one thing I don't like about themis this case it's really goofy where youhave to put it in hereto actually shut it off.So if you want to put them tosleep without just leaving them,you can just leave them, but thiswill actually put them to sleep.And then you can charge them.They're built incredibly well.I think if they didn't have this,I'll probably just leave them on autoand Apple says they're good for 20 hoursof playback with noisecancellation turned on. So,or 20 hours of movie playback orso with noise cancellation on.So that's pretty good. It's not as goodas some of the competitors out there,but the build quality of these isbetter than any headphone I've ever hadanyway. So they're builtincredibly well designed well,except for maybe the case, which iskind of goofy. But other than that,these sound really good. I'll continueto use them just out of convenience.Now I'm hoping I can edit withthem. Full-time and I say hoping,because they're Bluetooth.So oftentimes you get a little bit oflag when you're editing with Bluetoothheadphones. So I may still have touse wired headphones for that. Now,if you already have adecent set of headphones,I probably wouldn't runout and pick these up.But if you have maybe a cheap pairof headphones that are just kind ofterrible sounding while you'regoing to be very impressed by these,I really liked the design of them.They feel incredibly well-built.And I do like that. You can replacethe ear cups if you need to.So that's my initial impression of them.I'll continue to use themfor about a week or so.And if you'd like a follow-up review,let me know in the comments below.One thing I've noticed is I keep bangingthese together and I'm afraid I'm goingto dent it. Hopefully I won't.And they've made this thickenough where that's not a problem,but it is something thatconcerns me a little bit.Especially if you have some of the othercolors, maybe it will chip the paint.We'll have to see over time though. Now,if you'd like to get your hands on thewallpaper I have on my iPhone, of course,I'll link that in thedescription like I normally do.So if you'd like to get your hands onthis, if you haven't subscribed already,please subscribe. And if you enjoyedthe video, please give it a like,as always. Thanks for watching.I'll see you next time.\n"