OnePlus 3T Review - Worth the Upgrade Over OnePlus 3

The OnePlus 3T: A Review of a Device That's Ready to Take On the Market

As I sit here writing this review, I'm reminded of my experience with the original OnePlus 3. My time with that device was phenomenal, and many would agree that it's one of the better values in smartphones currently on the market. However, like all good things, its time has come to an end. The original OnePlus 3 is approaching its end-of-life status, and it will no longer be sold as a stock runs out.

This brings us to the question: which device should you pick up now? In this case, I'd recommend opting for the new OC CVX 500 s all-in-one drives from Toshiba. These drives offer great well-balanced speeds, build quality with MLC Nand flash for superior endurance, and are backed by a five-year advanced warranty program. For more information on these drives, be sure to check out

Meanwhile, we're back to the OnePlus 3T. This device is only sold in the new Gunmetal color, with a Soft Gold option coming later. The slightly darker tone is subtle, but it's clear that OnePlus is moving away from the staple silver color and opting for something stronger. This move will undoubtedly help the device stand out on store shelves.

One of the standout features of the OnePlus 3T is its internal specs. The device has been upgraded to a Snapdragon 820 processor, which provides a noticeable boost in performance. Additionally, the battery capacity has been increased by 13%, and the storage option has been bumped up to 128 gigabytes. Furthermore, the selfie camera has been improved to 16 megapixels, compared to the 8 megapixels on the original OnePlus 3.

The $40 difference between the 64GB and 128GB models may seem like a lot, but trust me when I say it's worth it. The 3T scores significantly higher than the original OnePlus 3 in terms of NAND flash performance, with faster boot times and quicker app updates. This is because the device now features faster storage.

The front selfie camera on the OnePlus 3T has also been improved, with a doubled megapixel count from the original. However, I've found that this doesn't necessarily translate to better results in practice. The camera software is still clean and feature-rich, with plenty of customization options available. However, there are some areas where it falls short.

For example, the auto-white balance can be inaccurate at times, which can result in subpar photos. Additionally, the shutter delay on the front camera is more noticeable than expected. On the other hand, the software for the rear camera is surprisingly clean and fast, with support for raw editing and exporting final images a breeze.

The overall user experience of the OnePlus 3T is remarkably similar to that of the original device. It's still competitive in terms of value, despite the $40 price increase. However, there are some areas where it falls short compared to my daily driver, the Samsung Galaxy S7.

One of these areas is the primary camera. While the software for the rear camera is fast and clean, I've found that the results can be inconsistent at times. Additionally, the device is slightly larger than my daily driver, which can make it less comfortable to carry around.

Despite these minor quibbles, I must say that I'm thoroughly impressed with the OnePlus 3T. It's a device that's clearly riding the wave of offering more expensive devices while maintaining its original position in the value segment. The faster NAND storage and larger battery are significant upgrades that make this device worth considering.

Overall, I'd highly recommend the OnePlus 3T to anyone looking for a solid smartphone at a competitive price point. Just keep in mind that it may not be the best choice if you're looking for a device with the best camera or a smaller size.


In conclusion, the OnePlus 3T is an excellent device that offers significant upgrades over its predecessor. The faster NAND storage and larger battery provide a noticeable boost in performance, making this device worth considering despite its higher price point. However, there are some areas where it falls short compared to other devices on the market.

Ultimately, whether or not the OnePlus 3T is right for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you're looking for a solid smartphone at a competitive price point, then this device is definitely worth considering.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up guys I'm Dmitry with Hardware Canucks and my experience with the OnePlus 3has been phenomenal and many would agreethat this is one of the better valuesmartphones currently on the market butit is being replaced with oneplus 3twith better specs and a higher pricepoint now the original oneplus 3 isapproaching its end of life status andthat means it will no longer be sold asa stock runs out so which of these twoshould you pick up now find out afterthisintroducing the new OC CVX 500 s allstate drives from Toshiba it offersgreat well-balanced speeds build withmlc nand flash for superior enduranceand is also backed by five year advancedwarranty program learn more about the VX500 at OCC comnow so interestingly the 3t is only soldin the new gunmetal color with a softgold option coming later the slightlydarker tone is subtle but it's clearthat oneplus is moving away from thestaple silver color to have somestronger device recognition I think themove to upgrade the internals to aSnapdragon 820 one grown the batterycapacity to 13% bump up the storageoption to 128 gigabytes and also improvethe selfie camera to 16 megapixelsversus eight on oneplus 3 and allof these kind of place the 3t ahead ofthe specs game without modifying thethickness or the physicalcharacteristics of the device and youknow what the $40 difference between the64 and 128 gigabytes is very reasonableand good news it seems that they'veupdated NAND flash on the 3t scoringsignificantly higher than the oneplus3 and the 3t also scores better thanmy galaxy s7 this means boot up times onthe 3t is about 12 seconds fastercompared to the oneplus 3 updatingapplications doesn't take as long butaside from that there are no othersignificant differences in everyday usebecause of this storage the sixgigabytes of RAM is kind of a big dealthe smartphone has more memory than 37%of the playerbase on Steam during themonth of November but does that actuallymake a difference for multitasking andyes it does you have 14 applicationsrunning in the background which allowsyou to return to any of thoseapplications without the need to loadthem again the entire speed andsmoothness equation is really on pointno complaints with operation I love thecapacitive fingerprint sensor that getsme into my phone much faster than havingto physically press the button on my s7that now appears quite heavy physicallynothing's changed I think that's for thebetter I don't mind the 1080p resolutionand AMOLED blacks are fantastic out ofthe box white balance was kinda on acold side but that can be adjusted plusan sRGB mode is available but with thatmode things look a little bit dullwithout the vibrancy you'd expect fromsmartphone the camera bump is still herethat is very well hidden with a cover ofwhich there are plenty and helpedtremendously with holding the slipperydevice now sure you are covering thebeautiful aluminum but you know youcould go with the darker woods that lookawesome or the plain sandpaper which ismy favorite it's great to hold plus areminder of something unique to oneplusthe alert slider is amazing we did notdisturb in silent modes that you caneasily customize I use this most oftenwhen going to bed instead of schedulingthey do not disturb time or muting itwhen I'm in the meeting and more Androidphones need to have this slider allbuttons feel satisfying aside fromlearning not to lock your phone whileadjusting the volume because theiropposite of each other and that's theonly crappy thing about the handling theapplied screen protector on the 3t iswider and thus not as annoying whensliding from the side and I mentionedthis because on the oneplus 3 it is waytoo narrow and you can constantly feelit during use when sliding from eitherside the speakers at the bottom sittingbeside the type-c connection with USB2.0 speeds and the headphone jack Icould not tell the difference in audioquality compared to the oneplus 3 butit is more powerful than the s7 with aslightly warmer sound signature as foractual phone elements no complaints withthe call speaker but the vibration motoris terribleit is even weakened with the coverinstalled so basically I cannot feel itin my pants pocket while standingalthough a pretty loud bottomed speakeris there to compensate - charging isawesome but how fast is it with thelarger battery I didn't test with thescreen on full brightness on airplanemodewe went from 1% to 98% in one hour and17 minutes but you know I realized thisscenario is kind of unrealistic so Iredid the test charging with the screenoff with Wi-Fi on and in 15 minutes wejuiced up pretty well and that isawesome to seethe main camera can't you draw I lovethat Snapseed app now supports rawediting and exporting final images aresurprisingly fast but still I find theauto white balance to be inaccurate asfor the front selfie cam toe they havedoubled the megapixel count from the oneplus 3 but I find more selfies onthe 3t to come out blurry plus theshutter delay is definitely morenoticeable the front camera on the oneplus 3 is faster with better detailand most of the time despite having onlyhalf the megapixel count the software asexpected is very clean we have lots ofcustomization available although youstill cannot have five columns of iconson your main screen which is such ashame for such a large display howeverthey have improved some things likeswiping from the top to access settingsthat don't need to expand fully unlessyou do that extra slide but they'veremoved the recently closed app drawerat the bottom a function that I foundreally helpful on the oneplus 3 also anotherthing I've noticed the scroll speed onthe touchscreen I think is a little bittoo sensitive especially coming from thes7 so for scrolling apps like Instagramor Twitter I keep missing the post andhave to scroll back up you can't adjustto it but the overall touch interfacejust doesn't feel as good as on my s7and so the biggest strengths on the oneplus 3T over the oneplus 3 is having faster NANDstorage plus having that optional 128gigabyte capacity bump the front selfieimprovement camera didn't need to happenit is not worse but as an overall usageexperience from the software and justlike physical daily usage scenarios theyfeel practically identical as apercentage of the price increase you'relooking at 13% for the base model buteven still it remains competitive the 3tmy eyes is worth it due to that fasterland and the larger battery and so oneplusis clearly riding the wave withoffering more expensive devices whilemaintaining their original position inthat value segment so well done and thatis it for the review of the oneplus 3tI love the device but my daily driverstill is the galaxy s7 because of a moreconsistent primary camera and also justa smaller size it's just a little bitmore comfortable as my daily driverversus something a little bit largerlike the oneplus 3I'm Dimitri with Hardware Canucks thanks somuch for watching make sure to check outour original oneplus 3 review linked in thedescription below we'll see you in thenext video\n"