Greetings, my beautiful lovelies, it's Emmy, how are you? It's great to see you, and welcome back. Today, we're going to be making a quick and tasty-looking snack, in five minutes with three ingredients. Now, I happen to be a person that likes savory things, I usually prefer savory to sweet, although I do like sweet things, but for breakfast, for example, I will always choose savory over sweet because I just like... but I do like myself a good dessert, but in this case, we're making a savory snack, we're making avocado fries, and I've seen a couple of different methods going around, and I'm curious to see if one is better than the other, and if this is a tasty snack, and I imagine it to be because I love avocados, I really, really, really like avocados. Pretty much, every way I've had an avocado, I've liked it, I've even had it with coffee before.
Have you seen that video I did a few years ago? It was coffee and avocado together. Avocado as dessert is delicious too. I'll put a link down below that video in case you missed it, but today we're going to be making avocado fries. This has been around for a little while, I think it's been re-popularized by those that follow a keto diet because this contains three ingredients: avocado, cheese, and egg, all of which are keto-friendly, and so it's a nice little way you can make a little snack but have lots of protein as well. So let's go ahead and get started.
As I mentioned earlier, there are two methodologies one will be a mashed-up one, where we form the fries out of mashed avocado, and the other will be whole avocado slices that will be dredged in cheese. So let's get started. I have half an avocado leftover from lunch, which is great, and I have a whole avocado here.
First of all, how do you pick a good avocado? It should be kind of soft; it should just give a little bit under your thumb. Oftentimes, avocados will be very green when you get them at the supermarket, and that's actually in my opinion, a good thing because then you won't get one that's overripe, so get one that's greener, and then keep it on your countertop, and that way, you can check on it daily to see when it is perfect for eating. And it should just give a bit under your thumb; it shouldn't be just soft and squishy but definitely not loose under the skin, just kind of give under gentle pressure. If it's hard, don't open it; I've done that so many times with hopes that it's ripe inside and it never is, and then it won't ripen.
You think you can tell if an avocado is ripe by looking at it, but trust me, the only way to know for sure is to squeeze it gently.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat rhythmic music)- Greetings, my beautiful lovelies,it's Emmy, how are you?It's great to see you, and welcome back.Today, we're going to be makinga quick and tasty-looking snack,in five minutes with three ingredients.Now, I happen to be a personthat likes savory things,I usually prefer savory to sweet,although I do like sweet things,but for breakfast, for example,I will always choose savory over sweetbecause I just like....but I do like myself a good dessert,but in this case, we'remaking a savory snack,we're making avocado fries,and I've seen a couple ofdifferent methods going around,and I'm curious to seeif one is better than the other,and if this is a tasty snack,and I imagine it to bebecause I love avocados,I really, really, really like avocados.Pretty much, every way I'vehad an avocado, I've liked it,I've even had it with coffee before.Have you seen that videoI did a few years ago?It was coffee and avocado together.Avocado as dessert is delicious too.I'll put a link down below thatvideo in case you missed it,but today we're gonnabe making avocado fries.This has been around for a little while,I think it's been re popularizedby those that follow a keto dietbecause this contains three ingredients,avocado, cheese, and egg,all of those are keto-friendly,and so it's a nice little wayyou can make a little snack,but have lots of protein as well.So let's go ahead and get started.As I mentioned earlier,there are two methodologies,one will be a mashed-up one,where we form the friesout of mashed avocado,and the other will bewhole avocado slices,that will be dredged in cheese,so let's get started.I have half an avocado leftoverfrom lunch, which is great,and I have a whole avocado here.First of all, how doyou pick a good avocado?It should be kind of soft,it should just give alittle bit under your thumb.Oftentimes, avocados will be very greenwhen you get them at the supermarket,and that's actually, inmy opinion, a good thingbecause then you won'tget one that's overripe,so get one that's greener,and then keep it on your countertop,and that way, you can check on it dailyto see when it is perfect for eating.And it should just givea bit under your thumb,it shouldn't be just soft and squishy,but definitely not loose under the skin,just kind of give under gentle pressure.If it's hard, don't open it,I've done that so many timeswith hopes that it's ripeinside and it never is,and then it won't ripen.You think, \"Oh, maybeif I close it back upand put it back in the refrigerator,maybe the next day it'll be ripe.\"No, it'll still be hardand you've just wasted your avocado.Other people have saidthat you can just removethis little thing,and when this thing popsout nicely, it's ready,I suppose, but then you have a hole,and then you potentiallycould get mold and stuff,so I don't recommend doing that.Like you open this at the supermarket,and then it's gonna go bad on that spot,so yeah, don't do that.So when it comes toavocados, I like to hold it,and turn it,and then twist it to revealthe avocado, beautiful.Now oftentimes, you'llsee people take a knifeand tap it into the pitand give it a twist,which is a great way to loosen the pit,but it's also a greatway to hurt yourself.So another way to do itis simply just squeeze theavocado a little bit, squeeze it,and the pit will kind of, see that loosen?And then you can just pry it out, right?The same thing with this one,give it a little squeeze, squeeze,and it'll loosen the pit, right?And then you can just popit out, like that, boing.So there are two methods of cooking these,you can cook 'em in an air fryer,which is what I'm going to do,or if you don't have one, youcan also use a very hot ovenat 425, 450 degrees.Air fryer, I'm going to use 400.So some of these I want whole,so I'm just take a spoon and scoop it out.You could do it that way,and then you can slice them in this way,or you can slice it on the cutting board,which is probably whatI would show my kids,because again, I don't wantthem cutting in their hands.So, you know, you could do that too,but that's what I normally do,and then you've gotperfectly sliced avocado,and I'm gonna put itright here on this plate.I'm also gonna be doing a mashed version,and this is the fastestway I've discoveredto get the avocado out,without using a spoon,and I'm gonna mash it up anyways,all I do is just squeeze it,just squeeze it like this into a bowl.I do this when I make guacamole,and you kind of get like apreemptive squish-squash,and then you get all avocadooutta the peel, right?So easy, and then for this last one,I'll show you that othertechnique I was talking about.So if I was showing mykids how to do this,I would use a spoon andscoop it out first, right?Then put it on thecutting board like this,and then cut it this way,so you are not cutting into your hand.And I'm cutting them about,a little bit thicker thana quarter of an inch,just so that they hold their shape a bit.There's some structuralintegrity when we wanna dip, dip.So, I'm actually gonna use theoutside pieces for the mash'cause they're kind of small and stubby,and keep the inside ones for the fries.So avocado prepared in twoways, mashed and sliced.Next, we need some egg.So I have one egg right here,and since this is just 1 1/2 avocados,I can just use one egg.You can adjust this recipeto what you've got on hand.I'm gonna use one egg forboth of these recipes.So I'm going to addhalf this egg to the mashed mixture,and the other half, I'mgoing to use to dredge.So mash version, we haveour egg, we have avocado,and now we're going toadd Parmesan cheese,pre-shredded stuff, and then mush that up.I am going to add some pepper.There should be plenty ofsalt in the Parmesan cheese,so you probably don't need any salt.Plus, if you're gonna dip,that's gonna have salt in it too,so I'm just using pepper.So it's kind of like a guacamole,but do not eat this,well, I guess you couldif your eggs are fresh.I know some people aresqueamish about raw eggs,so you do what you wanna do.I think I'm gonna add alittle bit more cheese,a pinch more cheese,because I want thatcheese really to show up.And we want this to be thick enoughthat we can kind of shape it.All right, so that's it, simple.Now, on a piece of parchment paper,I'm gonna shape these intofries or just sticks, right?I don't wanna make them too skinny,'cause we wanna be able to pick them upbecause I think that's abig part of the pleasureof french friesis the kind of pick up ability of them,you know, the kind of noshy aspect of it,so just using my fork tokinda shape them into logs.It looks like I'm gonna get four fries.(bowl thudding)(fork tapping)Okay, I'm gonna popthese into the air fryerand cook them for aboutfive minutes at 400 degrees,or until they're nice and golden.Don't really need to be cooked, cooked,I mean, I guess you have to cook the egg,so I shouldn't say that.So yeah, until they'regolden and beautiful,right now, they kind of looklike pea snacks or something.Look at that.Alrighty, while version one is going,let's work on version two.So for this one,we're gonna use just thetiniest little bit of flour,probably just a tablespoon or so,just to help the cheeseadhere to the avocado slices.So spread our avocado out,and I'm gonna add just alittle bit of seasoning,just a bit of garlic powder,just to see what these are likewith some differentflavors, and some paprika.So these, a little bitmore like seasoned fries,and just a little bit of white pepper,I really like white pepper.Again, I'm not gonna do saltbecause we're justcoating these in cheese.Now we're gonna dust with a bit of flour,just a bit, not even a tablespoon,this is gonna be less than a teaspoon.So flip 'em over,and whenever you're dredging anything,whether it's chicken, tofu, avocado,a little bit of flour willhelp your batter stick,especially the things that have moistureor that have a slippery surface,like avocados or shrimp.Just a little dusting of flour.Now we're gonna take that remaining eggthat we have beaten up,I'm gonna dip into the egg,then into some shredded Parmesan cheese.Okay, spread that a little bit,and dip, into the cheese.So whenever you're dredging,it's nice if you cando one hand that's wetand one hand that's dry,kind of helps keep thingsa little bit tidier,at least your hand's a little tidier.So look at that, thatlooks beautiful already.Set that aside.It uses quite a bit ofcheese, this is gonna be good.So these two, you can either air fryor bake in a hot oven,for about the same amount of time,5, 10 minutes, depending on your oven,at 400 degrees air fry,and about 425, 450 in your oven.All righty, just enoughegg for my half avocado.Ooh, I'm smelling this,this is smelling good.So whenever you cook,always use your nose.So, oh my, look at that, woo-hoo-hoo-hoo,that's looking fabulous.So we'll just swap these out,in four or five minutes as well.Alrighty, so while we're waitingfor our sliced fries to fry up,let's give these ones a taste.What do you think?They look almostHalloweeny, right? (giggles)But they toast it up pretty nicely.Oh, it could be a little morecooked on the bottom, I think,the top looks good.All righty, let's give myfirst avocado fry a taste.Itadakimasu!Mm.Ooh, that's good.Cheesy, savory,but honestly, if someonewere to give this to me,if I was blindfolded,I don't know if I wouldknow that it's avocado.Hm-mm.Maybe, because it's warm,and in this kind ofhand snack kind of form,I don't think I wouldequate it to avocado.The texture inside's like guacamole,it's really soft and mashed,and the predominant flavor isreally the Parmesan cheese.I don't really taste the avocado per se.Hmm, that one had a littlebit of a cheese pull.It's warm, definitely salty enough,and not at all eggy.Okay, now I'm tasting some avocado.I love avocado.It has a very specific richnessthat I so very appreciate.I'm not sold on the texture, though,kind of mushy, warm texture.I don't know,I think I'd much ratherjust have mashed avocado,but I usually likemashed avocado on toast.So this is what it lookslike inside, bright green,isn't that color gorgeous, bright green,it almost looks likemashed peas or something,but it's much softer in texture,than what I associate with a fry.Very squishy 'cause it's like a guacamole.All right, let's try the second batch.Ooh, these are lookingbeautiful, look at that!I think those might be ready.Maybe just one more minute.One more minute, just to makesure they get nice and crispy,because I think that's whatI'm missing in this version,it's not very crisp,although the cheese iscaramelized on the outside,I don't have any crispness,and that's what Iassociate often with a fry.Hm-hmm, it's more like a soggy fritter.Yeah, a tasty fritter, but soggy.All righty, let's getback to the other version.All right, I think these are done.Oh, they smell great.Let's see this.Now, I appreciate the shape of these,and the kind of natural fry shape of them.It's pretty clear what theyare, as opposed to this,this looks a bit mysterious, right?You're not quite sure what that could be.This you're like, \"Oh yeah,maybe that's an avocadocovered in something brown and delicious.\"Okay, lovelies, let's finallytry these second version.These look pretty spectacular,while these look a littlebit mysterious, right?They look like Frankenstein logs. (laughs)While these look like,\"Okay, maybe something deepfried, something delicious.\"This is the front, looksbeautifully toasted,the bottom on the otherhand, looks a little bit wet,not as crispy as it could be.Now that I've seen this,it probably would helpif we turn them overand brown them on the other side,nut I've already taken 'emout, let's give 'em a taste.Here we go, Itadakimasu!.(Avo fries crunching) Okay, hm-hmm,I think this is theway to go, immediately.Immediately I notice there'sa difference in texture.This has the crunch I'm looking for.Hm-hmm.Very hot and tasty.The predominant flavor,again, is the cheese.The cheese really takesover in terms of flavor,and the avocado is very much mutedbecause of the cheese,which I'm a little disappointed bybecause I really love theinherent flavor of avocado,but this has the texture I'm looking for,a nice little crust on the outside.It reminds me a littlebit of when you haveéchouées-dubbed french fries,you know, french friesthat have a little bit ofa coating on the outside,that's what this reminds me of.Hm-hmm, and this version hasthe ease of pick up ability,while this one felt a little bit floppy,this one definitely feelsmore structurally sound.Hm-hmm, ooh, and it has a great crunch,hm-hmm, and more of a toasted flavor.I feel like the cheese,it's able to caramelizeand toast up better'cause it's more exposed to the heat,rather than in the batter form,where it's kind of infused.I prefer this,the cheese can really doits golden-brown toastinessand offer some flavor.Surprisingly, that little bitof garlic and white pepper,didn't really alter theflavor all that much.It gave it a little bit more pizazz,but it was not really adeal-breaker either way.So you can drizzle themup if you want or not,just the cheese is really the star here,more so than the avocado, sadly.I've seen some people makea dipping sauce with thisand dip them,I don't think it's really necessary,but by all means, if you likeyourself a dipping sauce,something like a spicymayo is what I've seen,which is really simple,you should take some mayo and sriracha,mix 'em together, dip, dip, dip,it could make it even morelike a fry experience,but for me, these are plenty flavorful.Would I make 'em again?Probably not, if I'm honest,nut if you're looking for a cute appetizerthat takes almost no time at all,total time, 10 minutes tops,maybe this is for you.Oh, you know what wouldbe really good with this?Some pickled jalapenos,hm-hmm, a little bit of acidityto go with all that richness,a little bit of heat,that would be fantastic.You can make these into nachos,just put some pickled jalapenos on top,a little bit of lime juice.Yes, I think that's what it needs.All right, in my lovelies,there you have it.Avocado fries, two ways.I definitely prefer the dredgingand dipping into the Parmesan cheese,more than the smashedand reshaped version.Better texture, and to me, better flavor.Alrighty, my lovelies, thanksas always for watching,I hope you enjoyed that one,I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends,follow me on social media,like this video, subscribe,and I shall see you in the next one,Toodaloo, take care, bye!(rhythmic music)Something about cheese,toasted is just so good.Like it concentrates, cheese concentrates,and just changes in a waythat's so delectably nutty,crisp, and delicious.Mm, it's what makescheesy toast so delicious.Mm-hmm, mm.Mm-hmm, mm.\n"