**A Simple Cipher: The Round**
This number is So 16 plus a 4 of 20 plus the wall is 21, 21. So, is this a good cipher? Well, let's put aside the fact that it's trivially decrypted. All and say well, 103 is not a lot like 21, so intuitively maybe right? It's not absolute table now on its own. This is not very good. This is called a round. Right and the idea is of what you would do is you would repeat this over and well over again, and hopefully you wouldn't just be switching eight bits about. You'd have a whole hundred twenty-eight bit block, and over time bits from the very left get moved over to the right, having effects on everything.
**The Problem with One Round**
Alright, so this mapping becomes much more confusing. The other thing is that we've got to introduce a secret key because without a secret key, if you know the code for this, you can just reverse the process. This is not hard to reverse. The inverse box is just a reverse lookup of this table, and this permutation is just a reverse direction for all these wires.
**Introducing a Key: Key Mixing**
So how do we introduce a key? Obviously called something called key mixing. So what we have is we have our message, which is the size of our block. Thankfully, we're gonna put it through round one and we're gonna put it through another round, and then we're gonna get some ciphertext now that alone is not very good. So what we do is we have our key, a secret key, and we expand it into a nice block of this length. And we split it up to be let's say three chunks long right in this case.
**The Key Mixing Process**
The first chunk is ex-ored with this here, the second chunk is XORed with this other thing, and the third chunk is XORed with this one too, like this. So once you take the key away, you can no longer reverse the process because of the way we've mixed it in. But the key itself remains secret.
**The Importance of Key Mixing**
We all know how the S boxes work. We all know how the permutation box works. But as soon as you take a key away, we're a bit stuffed if you have the key, decryption is really easy. You expand the key right something called a key schedule and then you start with ciphertext you XOR it with this bit of a key. Then you go through the inverse of this, you XOR that one, you go through the inverse of that one, excellent! This bit, and you've got the message back.
**Decryption without the Key**
So what happens if we don't use our S box or permutation box secret? Because it will be easy to decompile the code and work out what happened. What we do is we develop really good S boxes and permutation boxes, and then we introduce a key schedule to mix our key in. And then when you take a key away, you can't break it.
**The Use of Multiple Rounds**
Typically, you'd use the same round as usual. The number of rounds used will depend on the algorithm, the strength of your round function. So a EES uses between ten and fourteen rounds. The way it's designed is that you increase the number of rounds until you can't break it any more.
**Compromise between Speed and Security**
There's a compromise between how many rounds you use for speed and how many rounds you use for security right? And this is used in anything we can put our finger on now. This SP network is the basis for the advanced encryption standard, and the advanced encryption standard encrypts almost every connection over the Internet right.
**A Cautionary Note: Hash Functions**
Video cycle can be applied to every frame of an image, it's gonna be little bit noisy, why you're gonna have to take steps or tries to move that out yet? 38 billion hashes per second, which is why md5 is not usable in any sense anymore ever. Don't use it.