**A Review of the Gigabyte Aero 17 Gaming Laptop**
One of the fastest SSDs and its high clock speed make it take the lead here, moving on to Adobe Premiere, this thing certainly favors Intel, thanks to Quick Sync. However, there is no difference whatsoever compared to the RTX 2070 even with four extra threads on the new CPU. I think this might be an optimization thing, but if you really think about it, it's the same architectures. Switching to DaVinci Resolve, I think the RTX 2070 Super deserves the credit here, since it's got more cores and this program loves GPUs, so there's barely any effort put by the new Intel CPU.
**Gaming Performance**
On the other hand, gaming performance was outstanding that new RTX 2070 Super Max Q is noticeably faster than the non-supervariant and it almost reaches RTX 2080 Max Q levels. We ran all of our tests in 1080p set to high settings, keep in mind if gaming is your priority I get that 1080p @ 140 Hz for its display for the best smooth, fast, and fluid experience. Temperatures are really good and I expected that for a 17-inch notebook. On the CPU, it initially spikes to ATC when clock speeds boost to 4.8 gigahertz but over time it averages out to about 63°C. However, keep in mind that clock speeds do take a hit even with really good internal temperatures.
**Design and Performance**
The surface temps were quite high especially at the bottom doing gaming workloads, so I wouldn't put this thing on my lap for any of those GPU or CPU-intensive workloads. The acoustic performance on the Aero series was actually pretty impressive. Now during idle, mind you, the system is pretty much dead silent but there is that coil one issue that I talked about earlier that's something to be aware of doing heavy load scenarios, it's actually not that bad; it doesn't sound like a jet fan so that's nice to note.
**Pros and Cons**
To conclude, let's go over some of the pros of the Aero 17. The first thing that comes to my mind is that display - it's absolutely gorgeous, I think it's one of the main highlights of this laptop; the colors are just beautiful, it's color accurate if you're a content creator or if you're photographer, this is what you should be looking into. The performance differences or performance improvements are respectable, I mean if I were to be completely transparent, if you're someone who's using a program that takes advantage of multi-core workload, you will notice a difference with that extra four threads but if you're using 'too Vinci Resolve or if your premiere editor there's absolutely no reason to upgrade to the new tension CPUs because there's no difference whatsoever as you saw by those results.
**The Verdict**
What's really interesting is that I never saw this laptop hit 5.1 gigahertz according to Intel marketing slides when they officially launched these processors, because the CPU technically can achieve 5.1 but I never saw clock speeds hit that. But here's a million-dollar question would I spend twenty-eight hundred dollars on this laptop and the answer to that is simple no, because there are far more negatives with this laptop than the pros I talked about earlier. The first thing obviously the design it's way too sharp, super uncomfortable to type on or just generally use, I just feel like Gigabytes should refine the design a little bit but they didn't do that.
**Gigabyte Aero 17 Review Conclusion**
The trackpad is really bad I really wished if they were able to offer something that blades here is able to offer with a glass surface but that's not the case. Especially since you're spending this kind of money, webcam is worst possible location - I mean it's just pointless I wouldn't even use it.
Lastly there is the i/o - I really wished if Gigabyte were able to go with USB 3.0 Gen 1 instead of Gen - it's not at a spec even though you can pick up an older laptop with updated specs so that's really weird. Overall, I don't know, I can't recommend this laptop; it just you know while the display is great, there's rest of it just fails to meet expectations for the price point.
**Final Thoughts**
So well that note thank you so much watching make sure to check out some relevant content over here, hope you guys are staying safe and sound stay safe guys spend responsibly spend responsibly. I'll talk to you guys in the next one guys peace
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthis is the gigabyte aero 17 it's beenalmost seven months since I looked at anAero laptop in fact the last one that Ichecked out was the Aero 15 OLED and Ididn't have the best experience withthat in terms of functionality andperformance but that 4k display all thedisplay was absolutely gorgeous it'sit's still in my memory now this oneover here comes to the new 10gencomet-like processor and in videos RTXSuper Max acute graphics but mostimportantly I've got the 17 inch ofvariant here so I was naturally curiousto see how we would cool the newhardware and of course compare it tointel's ninth gen coffee like CPU andinvidious non super max Q graphics thestandard one because if you think aboutit or if you recall both Intel andNVIDIA launched their CPUs and GPUs fornotebooks at the exact same time so isthis fresh Hardware gonna give us anoticeable improvement over lastgeneration let's find out oh and by theway I am gonna be comparing this to am-- DS 4900 HS the results aresurprising time to pay some bills the X299 CLX from asrock is the best place tohouse your new core X processor itfeatures aluminum alloy heat sinks withdr. Mazda 13 face power design for thebest overclocking experience it also hasWi-Fi six support 3m two slots alongwith reinforced PCI brackets learn moredown below alright so I want to quicklygo over the specs of the Aero 17 themodel that I have over here comes with anew core i7 10 875 h8 core 16 thread CPU16 gigabytes of dual channel memoryrunning at 29 33 megahertz a 512 gig SSDand RT X 2070 Supermax acute GPU and a4k display and the price you pay for allof that is $2,800 now that's whatgigabyte told us but their official sitesays $2,900 so take that for what it isnow of all the notebook brands that I'vecome acrossgigabyte is probably the only oneoffering a million SKUs of their Aero15 and 17 inch notebooks so you can pickthis up from $79all the way up so a whomping 4300 USDthe notebook itself hasn't changed allthat much think of this as a super-sizedAero 15 with the same lid the samebacklit logo honestly gigabyte hasn'tchanged anything on the outside thechassis for the most part is made out ofCNC aluminum but it's not an all unibodydesign like the Razer Blade and thebuild quality is pretty good the hingeshaven't stiffened up a bit one of mybiggest issues with last year's modelwas the wobbly screen but I barelynoticed that on this year's sample whenyou open up the laptop you're greetedwith a full-size keyboard with prettystraightforward layout now don't mistakeyourself thinking that this comes withfront-facing speakers that's not thecase they're just there for ventilationin fact the speakers are located at thebottom and they sound okay I meanthere's no base there's a lot of trebleit's not the best sounding laptopspeakers that I've come across theyhaven't changed the sound signaturecompared to last generation so nothingnew here the keyboard is really good thetyping experience is way superiorcompared to my blade notebook this isbasically a copy and paste from lastyear's assignment it's got good feedbackthe RGB elimination is really nice andbright but unfortunately it does notlight up the function keys and that canbe a bit frustrating in the dark I'm nota huge fan of the font choice plus thewast keys are bolded it just kills thesimplicity or the continuity of thewhole notebook in my opinion thetrackpad is not that great it's not aglass surface like what you can find onthe razor blade series or even the g14from Asus so it's not as smooth tonavigate around with honestly at thisprice point I am disappointed to see hecould bite not improvise on this areabecause you can get a better experiencewith the competitionI mean sure this come with Windowsposition drivers but having goodsoftware it doesn't necessarily mean agood experience if you have a reallypoor trackpad or something that doesn'tmeet up the standards especially sinceyou're being close to $3,000 on anotebook the trackpad does come with afingerprint reader so if that'ssomething that you're looking into foradded security you've got that but I dowant to mention something very importantand that is the edges of the Aeroseries laptops are way too sharp to typeon especially when you're using it forgeneral purposes the webcam ispositioned at the worst possiblelocation it stationary which means Ican'tif I need to reposition my friend I'dhave to physically move a laptop and notthe lid absolutely frustrating it seemslike gigabyte is pretty adamant abouttheir design choice here and honestly Idon't get the point with a Besant lessdisplace I mean what's wrong with havinga little bit of space at the top - youknow implement a camera it just makes nosense the microphone sounds okay I meanyou know it's passable by honestly Iwouldn't use this for businessconference calls just because it's notyour best angle is pointing at your noseand you don't want people looking at theearth and your nose for the most part soyeah it's I'm pretty frustrated honestlyget goodbye like why now you may or maynot have noticed coil 1 in thatrecording and the reason I say that isbecause during idle scenarios in somecases this notebook started to exhibitreally bad coil whine I mean listen tothisso yeah that's something to be aware ofwe did confirm with a few other creatorswho have the exact same sample they seemto experience the same issue too so thismight turn out to be a known issue forthe new aero notebooks but afterspeaking to gigabyte about this issuethey did mention then you can exchangeyour RMA the notebook if you areexperiencing the same thing the i/o isloaded on this notebook in fact it's oneof my favorite things about the Aeroseries so on the right hand side there'spower in HDMI 2.0 mini DisplayPort 1.4Thunderbolt 3 a type a USB 3 point toGen 1 switching over to the left you getan rj45 jack UHS 2 carburetor a couplemore USB type a ports and audio jacksit's basically a content creators dreamcome true however I can't seem to wrapmy head around gigabytes implementationof USB 3.2 gen 1 which is the flankingbits per second protocol versus Jen -that's tanking bits per second protocolbecause that was supported on kapoleiCPUs so I'm not sure why they have notdated the i/o spec to that I mean myrazor blade with the 9 CPU has that soit's kind of frustrating to say he couldby not update the specs moving on to thedisplay this is by far the best thatI've encountered on a notebook guys heckeven better the gaming monitor you seethe model that I have here comes with a4k resolution at 60 Hertz and it's precalibrated by X right out of the factoryand gigabyte claims up to a hundredpercent Adobe RGB that's never heard ofon a notebook at least I am anexperienced one in the past now thisthing surpassed our despite qualityanalysis tests with flying colorshonestly I didn't even think aboutrunning the display tests in the firstplace because when I opened the laptopof the first time I was drooling allover it guys the colors are justbeautiful with consistent contrastratios at different brightness levelsthe screen gets really bright close to500 nits so you can easily take thisthing outdoors plus it's matte I meanwhat else can you ask for you can counton this display for some serious colorwork or even if a photographer this iswhat you should be looking into the 4kresolution scales really well in theSeventeen's form factor it's reallyreally sharp I honestly can't complainabout it at allnow if you are thinking about gaming ona primarilyI would step down to the 1080p 144 Hertzdisplay because yes 4k is great forcontent creation but not necessarily forgaming so that's something to keep noteof now in terms of upgradability you getinstant access to two Ram slots and youcan upgrade memory up to 64 gigabytesthere are two MDOT two slots of whichone of them is populated and it hasreally good read/write performance thebattery on this thing is huge guys it's94 hours which is a little less than theactual legal limit which is about ninetynine point nine one hours and it'sreally good on this laptopduring our light load test we'reentering a Chrome web page for 15seconds our system lasted over sevenhours during our heavy load test runningreal bench on a loop the system lastedfor about an hour and 40 minutesfinally let's get into performance nowgigabyte has added various performancemodes on the Aero 17 you can easilyaccess them through their control centerwe ran all of our tests in the highestsetting starting with synthetics the new8 core 16 thread core i7 10 875 H is agood 35 to 40 percent faster than the 6core 12 thread 9750 H now keep in mindI'm comparing this to the razor bladePro which is another slim gaming laptopjust like the Aero 17 whereas the LegionY 740 was a brick running at crazy highclock speeds single core performance hasimproved and that kind of makes sensesince this laptop didn't have a problemmaintaining clock speeds at 4.5 to 4.8gigahertz but under heavy multi-coreworkload clock speeds dipped all the waydown to three to 3.2 gigahertz and theresults we're well respectable but notgreat especially when compared to thehorizon 9 4900 HS as you can see from ablender test it just can't quite keep upwith AMD the same story applies to ahandbrake test transcoding a video doc4900 HS is wicked fast guides now aboutthis way Noire tests a lot of this hasto do with the SSD speeds along withsingle thread performance and Aero 17does really well that why sun 40 fromlenovo has one of the fastest SSDs andit's clocked really really high sothat's why it takes the lead here movingon to adobe premiere this thingcertainly favors Intel and that's thanksto quick sync but there is nodifference whatsoever compared to the 97th even with four extra threads on thenew CPU I think this might be anoptimization thing but if you reallythink about it it's the samearchitectures so yeahswitching to DaVinci Resolve I think ther-tx 2070 super deserves the credit heresince it's got more cores and thisprogram loves GPUs so there's barely anyeffort put by the new Intel CPU gamingperformance on the other hand wasoutstandingthat new r-tx 2070 super max Q isnoticeably faster than the non supervariant and it almost reaches r-tx2080 max Q levels we ran all of ourtests in 1080p set to the high settingskeep in mind if gaming is your priorityI get that 1080p 140 for its display forthe best smooth fast and fluidexperience temperatures are really goodand I expected that for a 17 inchnotebook so on the CPU it initiallyspikes to ATC when clock speeds boost to4.8 gigahertz but over time it averagesto about 63 C but keep in mind thatclock speeds do take a hit even withreally good internal temperatures thesesurface temps were quite high especiallyat the bottom doing gaming workloads soI wouldn't put this thing on my lap forany of those GP or CPU intensiveworkloads the acoustic performance onthe Aero series was actually prettyimpressive now during idle mind you thesystem is pretty much dead silent butthere is that coil one issue that Italked about earlier that's something tobe aware of doing heavy load scenariosit's actually not that bad it doesn'tsound like a jet fan so that's nice soto conclude let's go over some of thepros of the Aero 17 and the first thingthat comes to my mind is that displayit's absolutely gorgeous I think it'sone of the main highlights of thislaptop the colors are just beautiful itscolor accurate if you're a contentcreator colorist or if you'rephotographer this is what you should belooking into the performance differencesor the performance improvements arerespectable I mean if I were to becompletely transparent if you're someonewho's using a program that takesadvantage of multi-core workload youwill notice a difference with that extrafour threads but if you're using 'tooVinci resolve or if your premiere editorthere's absolutely no reason to upgradeto the new tension CPUs because there'sno difference whatsoever as you saw bythose results and the RT27 a super is really fast it actuallyreaches r-tx 28 Emacs q level so I can'twait to see what the RT X 2080 Supermaxq can offer I think that's somethingthat I really want to get my hands onbut what's really interesting is that Inever saw this laptop hit 5.1 gigahertzaccording to Intel marketing slides whenthey officially launched theseprocessors because the CPU technicallycan achieve 5.1 but I never saw clockspeeds hit that but here's a milliondollar question would I spend twentyeight hundred dollars on this laptop andthe answer to that is a simple nobecause there are far more negativeswith this laptop then the pros I talkedabout earlier the first thing isobviously the design it's way too sharpsuper uncomfortable to type on or justgenerally use I just feel like gigabyteshould refine the design a little bitbut they didn't do that the trackpad isreally really bad I really wished ifthey you know were able to offersomething the blades here is able tooffer with a glass surface but that'snot the case especially since you'respending this kind of money webcam worstpossible location I mean it's justpointlessI wouldn't even use it lastly there isthe i/o I really wished if gigabyte it'sreally weird to see them go with USB 3.0gen one instead of gen - it's not at aspec even though you can pick up a ninej'en processor on an older laptop withthe updated specs so that's really weirdso yeah overall I I don't know I can't Ican't recommend this laptop it's justyou know while the display is great therest of it just fails to meet theexpectations for the price point so wellthat note thank you so much watchingmake sure to check out some relevantcontent over here I hope you guys arestaying safe and sound stay safe guysspend a responsibly spend responsiblyI'll talk to you guys in the next oneguys peace\n"