Adam Savage and Alton Brown Incognito at Comic-Con 2015!

A Special Comic Con Costume Walk with Adam and Alton Brown

Hey everybody, it's Adam from Tested, and I'm here to share with you a special video of my costume walk at Comic Con this year. Last week, I walked in my own custom-made space suit, but this time around, I had the opportunity to hit the floor alongside my good friend, Alton Brown, who is also not dressed as his usual character, GAM.

We decided to team up and create a new costume that we would both wear during our walk. We wanted something similar to each other, so we started brainstorming ideas. One thing we noticed was that we had similar glasses, which led us to consider dressing up as The Matrix's Twins. Alton joked about not knowing anything about this idea, but we knew it could be a hit.

Assembling the Costume

We began working on our costume pieces in two different cities over the course of a week. I worked on various bits and bobs that would complement each other to create an authentic costume. On the other hand, Alton was busy assembling his parts. We both knew we needed something great, so we didn't want to settle for mediocre costumes.

Our jackets were made from trash bags cut out by someone who sewed them together using polyester. The pants and tie were a different story altogether - they were high-quality items that matched our overall theme perfectly. When it came time to put everything together, we had some issues with the jacket's design. It was meant to be a good quality item but turned out to be quite awful.

Looking Fantastic or Not

We knew what we wanted - to look fantastic while walking around on the floor. We didn't want our costumes to be terrible; instead, they should have been fantastic and still manage to capture the essence of The Matrix twins. That was not an easy feat as many would agree that it's quite difficult to pull off.

To overcome this challenge, we decided to make sure our outfits were not just comfortable but also had a good quality look. We did this by using various materials such as boots and shoes made from Italian plastic. Our outfits came with shoe horns as well - the hallmark of top-quality footwear.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey everybody its Adam from tested thisis a special video of a costume walk Idid last week at Comic Con and like myspace suit this time this year atcomic-con I'm not just walking in customalone no I'm actually hitting the floorin a few minutes with a good friend ofmine and a neophyte to comic-con misterAlton BrownI'm not going as the GAM from pulp thickheavy that right man I'm not gonna do itor put that away with the kg way I'm notwearing out to find something else okaywhat if we went we which we should betwins because you know we've got thissort of similar glasses thing um oh yeahwe dotwins from the matrix is what assassinsthe assassin I'll find a red blog readlotta this ass yes we're faking notknowing about this we've actually beenassembling this costume in two differentcities for the last week you've beenworking on I've been working on thevarious bits if he's including theugliest shoes ugly boots you will haveever seen it costs more to ship themthen both pairs cost together this pairof costumes were wearing they're notgreat in fact they're kind of awful butto get to awful they're five times asgood as the licensed costumes stillhitting the correct level of awfulthough is actually rather difficultbecause we don't want to be awful awfulwe want to be fantastic on you're gonnalove the jacket well of course cuz youhad somebody make them alright I wouldhave cut them out of you know trash bagsand you went out and had somebody seweda good polyester polyesters where arethey flammable probably oh they probablyturn us into it like a shrink Evo minuteall rightno smoking within 20 feet shall we getstarted let's go okay all right your wigsir ties oh those are great those aregorgeous she sewed the bottom of thebest cuz they were they were people yesyeah they've got to be straight okayhold it wait wait wait for it okayhahahathe nice thing about them they come withshoe horns that's that's the hallmark oftop quality Italian plastic Footwear ohthat one's yours Wowordinarily I might hire this but youknow what not today this is qualitystuff I can feel it against my skinevery costume is hot this is the thingabout costuming comic-con there is nocostume that isn't hot it's beenabsolutely perfectly notice ideal thisis the slinky going on kind of like Idon't oh my god they're giganticI brought a belt I did bring right sothere's some foreign policy banners fitI don't know oh it's the copshi oh yeah come on go ahead and rightthere oh thank you hi thanks these timesare perfect we're starting to look likesomething yeah ballets there is one partof the licensed costume that is overactually know where we're going to wearthis I'm on since the eyelashes youargue our contacts right yes otherwiseI'm gonna happen to be your service noyeah I can't read a stop sign that'sperfect that's perfect let's see thejacketsyes yes look at that this is gonna begreat we have to keep very straightfaces yeah yes brotheryes brother can we pass through wallsand stuff now undo that you'll have totry yeah hold onno doesn't work doesn't work what happyI thought these jackets revenge ohthey're totally not I'm glad that thefirst time that I go with Adam Khan isit's what he chooses to wear a badCostner it's not in your eyes no itisn't and I think what's funny is overnow we have to just stop and turn andlook at each other and then look back atsomebody well yeah the whole trick hereis when you build a costume you've gotto build a pose well look look look looklet's just do this pose better at youyou look right I look left I look rightyou uhwow you're yeah yeah you look left I'msorry not sorry I have to say I'mimpressed given that you assembled partsof this and I assembled parts of thisthat the colors matched so well are youready to hit the floor whatever you saybrother let's do itlet's do kill something brotheri behold visible so is the key to movequickly the kids never stop okay welland being what our characters arewalking past with make a decent lookremarkably authentic well given like yousaid I brought the tie and the pants thebest you got that me the coat I meaneverything Veronica's gonna be amazedthat really does all ever get actuallywe almost don't look shitty enoughgetting out onto the floor is often thehardest part about these costume walksbecause of the cameras and our team andnow tests has been doing this longenough that everyone recognizes will andnorm and even Joey and they have to stayaway from them they should got agenerator wearing cotton you see Joeyback there was who's filming somebodynobody knows and transmitted over therethousand one thousand flag all rightwe'll practice our codesyou look leftsneak away all right we have it in aright don't you have thought I was JamieWow yeah brotheryes brotheras a fabulousyeah the etiquette of the con is if youask permission to take a photo everybodyhas and that is reallybluethesee the Millennium Falcon yeah out wheresay 160 million Falcon overall ohattachmentmy father's namemy favorite costumes are the ones thatare so awful but you can tell someonejust put a ton of heart into ityes thank you I think we've been bustedon Twitterthose are cranked I don't I don't see soof course daiquiri we're kiddingI'd know that tie anywhere my favoritespots so far Oh Billy Vanilli I love youguysthat's the best you know I think weshould send will I think we should sendwill and norm out in these costumeslater and there it was uh I was wrongAlton was right we got spotted inside ofabout three minutes out on the floor andthen repeatedly for the 40 minutes wewere out there but it was a terrificwalk through I love going out and notnecessarily perfect costumes and myfavorite response from a fan was heyMillie Minnelli is mean idea so thelicense were actually worse than theseso much worse so much worse then whatwere these actually made for then whatare these these are there's ton if yousearch dreadlock wigs on eBay there'sthousands of them and that's where yougot these me Bay yeah so I think thiswas part of a costume line calledPastafarian pasta area because thedreads look like yeah they do we couldhave made this out ofa really large bucatini maybe Anna\n"