Fujifilm's Latest Announcements: Exciting Developments for Camera Enthusiasts
Recently, Fujifilm made several announcements that have generated excitement among camera enthusiasts. One of the most notable developments is the upcoming launch of new lenses, including a macro lens, which promises to be an exciting addition to their lineup.
The new macro lens will be part of Fujifilm's X Series of cameras, and it's expected to offer advanced features such as high-quality images, fast autofocus, and a wide range of shooting modes. When turned, the lens collar uses an electronic system to move the focusing in and out, which can make it challenging for users accustomed to manual focus lenses to pull focus. However, Fujifilm has announced that they will be offering an option to use this feature, making it easier for photographers to achieve professional-level results.
Another significant development is the launch of Fujifilm X RAW Studio, a software application designed to connect to cameras and convert RAW files in batch using the camera's processor instead of the computer's CPU. This technology has been met with enthusiasm among some photographers, who appreciate the potential for improved processing speed and enhanced image quality. While others may not see this as a pressing need, those who are fans of Fujifilm's processing engine will certainly find this feature useful.
In addition to these lens and software announcements, Fujifilm has also released firmware updates for several X Series cameras, including the X Pro 2, X-T2, X100F, and X-T20. These updates bring a range of improvements, including enhanced autofocus tracking, improved radio flash usability with TTL, and support for Fujifilm X RAW Studio.
One of the most exciting announcements is the firmware update for the X Pro 2, which will unlock 4K video support. This feature promises to be a game-changer for videographers who want to shoot high-quality footage on their camera. The updated firmware also includes new film simulation modes and improved HDMI output for recording.
Another notable development is the upgrade to the XT-20, which now features touch panel operation while looking into the electronic viewfinder. This means that photographers can adjust focus settings without having to look away from the viewfinder, making it easier to achieve professional-level results.
Fujifilm's Attention to Customer Support
One of the things that sets Fujifilm apart from other camera manufacturers is their attention to customer support and firmware updates. The company has a reputation for releasing firmware updates that fix bugs and improve features in subsequent models, which can be frustrating for users who rely on their camera. However, with these latest announcements, it's clear that Fujifilm is committed to providing the best possible experience for its customers.
The New Fujifilm X-E3
Rumors have been circulating about a new Fujifilm X-E3, and based on recent announcements, it's clear that this camera promises to be an exciting addition to their lineup. With advanced features such as improved autofocus, enhanced image quality, and innovative design elements, the X-E3 is expected to be a serious competitor in the market.
Fujifilm has not released any official details about the X-E3, but based on previous announcements, it's clear that this camera will offer something for everyone. Whether you're a professional photographer or an enthusiast, the X-E3 promises to deliver high-quality images and advanced features that will make it easy to achieve professional-level results.
Fujifilm's latest announcements have generated excitement among camera enthusiasts, with new lenses, software updates, and firmware improvements set to revolutionize the way we shoot. From macro lenses to 4K video support, Fujifilm is committed to delivering innovative features that will make photography easier and more enjoyable. As always, it's clear that Fujifilm is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for its customers, and their latest announcements are no exception.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat is up everybody welcome back to theshow there were some very excitingFuji announcements a whole bunch of themyesterday and many of you know that overthe last two months I've been using alot of Fuji gear I've had B&H loan methe XT 2 as well as the X Pro 2 I havebeen really excited about what Fuji aredoing I kind of showed up because I wascurious about what the videocapabilities were but what stuck me wasthe photo capabilities - as stillscameras I think these are the bestcameras being made right now period andI'm really excited about what Fujiare doing it seems like in the cameraworld when it comes to innovation thetwo companies that I think are reallymaking exciting strides right now oneare Sony and two are Fuji they do it invery different ways Sony is like a bullin a china shop it's like you've gotthis processor that feels like they'readding stuff in and they're just forcingit just right to the edge of what it'scapable of doing and you get things likeoverheating so yes it specs outcorrectly and yes you can do a lot withit but you have to be very patient eventhe design with Sony is kind of likeshooting with a brick sometimes or justa metal plate it just not a lot ofthought goes into that I think mainlythey're a newer camera company when youconsider how long everybody else hasbeen around and they're just not asfinessed as some of the other companiesnow Fuji on the other hand do it theopposite way they have a long history inthe photo industry they always seem toconsider design and usability and theyjust make very elegant cameras andthey're pushing the envelope tooaggressively issuing firmware updatesand just the way the cameras are beingdesigned they're making a lot of stridesin a very short amount of time and I'mreally excited about what they're doingso I want to break this down I want totalk about the X-E3 as well as the newlens the firmware announcements as wellas the raw conversion stuff thatthey announced yesterday but first Iwant to give a quick shout out to oursponsor today who are the awesome folksover at squarespace.com you need awebsite you need your domain .com youneed a place to put your stuffSquarespace offers an all-in-onesolution for building beautiful websitesportfolios or even an online store gocheck out the free trial it's as easy asdragging and dropping a folder of imagesand you too can build a website checkout the free trial if you decide thatyou like it and you want to give it ashot I can save you 10% on checkout ifyou use offer code AOP so once againthat is offer code AOPgive a special shout-out and thanks onceagain to the folks at Squarespace forsponsoring another episode of the art ofphotography let's talk about this justannounced Fujifilm X-E3 now this is the XPro 2 and this is a camera I've beenusing a lot over the last month I'veabsolutely fallen in love with thisthing it's very intuitive it's easy touse the results that I'm getting areincredible the only thing I've kind ofwondered is what if you were able to dothis in a slightly smaller package Imean this is certainly portable it'ssmaller than a DSLR but that's one ofthe things that I get excited about witha lot of the stuff that both Fuji andSony have done is what you're able to doand an even smaller package in terms offeature set and lo and behold the nextday the X-E3 is announced so I want totalk about this a little bit because itlooks very promising now they arecalling this a rangefinder style cameramuch like they did the X Pro 2 and Icalled it a rangeless mirrorfinder nosorry rangefinder mirrorless - rangelessmirrorfinder? a rangefinder mirrorlesscamera which is the wrong terminology itis inspired by a rangefinder design itis not a rangefinder but they use thatterm but anyway this the new X-E3 willfeature and this is really cool 4k videorecording a touch screen improved autofocus and Bluetooth this is going to bea 24 megapixel sensor an X-Trans CMOS 3sensor and the X processor Pro and thisis all in a smaller package this is alsointeresting that they note on here thestartup time is going to be 0.4seconds the shooting interval is goingto be .25 seconds the shutter lagtime of 0.05 seconds and an autofocusspeed of 0.06 seconds now why would theygo out of their way to tell you thespeed of everything well one thing thatI've noticed if there's any frustrationwith Fuji's is in certain areas they'renot really fast when I was using the X T2for instance the startup time isreally slow on that camera and what'skind of annoying about it is that whenyou turn the camera on the Live Viewcomes on but there's really not evenindicator telling you how much it hasleft before it starts up you've justseen live view and you can't do anythingfor a little while and then you're goodto go but that's it's one of the onlycomplaints that I have and it looks tome like Fuji are really working torectify this not only on newer cameramodels but possibly on firmware updatestoo which is very cool this will be thefirst X series to feature Bluetoothwhich allows pairing with smartphonesand tablets for Wireless photo transferthis is very cool there's going to bephasedetection autofocus with improvedtracking on moving subjects which willbe great if you're doing video on this4k and 1080 video can be shot with filmsimulations now you talk about video andFuji for a second the video quality onFuji is is just fine it's excellent andthe film simulations that you get inthose picture profiles are really goodthe only thing and it just depends onhow picky a shooter you are they don'tmention anything in here about crop 4k Inoticed and it probably is cropped 4kwhich means when you're shooting in 4kit's going to crop in on the sensorwhich is going to create a problem ifyou're trying to vlog with the camera ifyou're using wide-angle lenses now 1080is probably just fine but 4k doesfeature the crop at least on the X T2when I was using that the other thingthis is super nitpicky and it depends onhow picky you are about video if you'rea casual video shooter and you just wantsome good looking footage you're gonnabe very happy with what Fuji delivers ifyou're like me and you want it to be acertain way out of camera and then youwant it to be a certain way for colourcorrecting in post-production and youwant to do all that stuff it's a littlebit limiting one of the things that Sonydoes is they offer color gamut profilesand and you can use log profiles I likecine 2 or cine 4 anyway you get a littlemore flexibility with that but it justdepends on how serious you are aboutshooting video but it is cool it's goingto do 4k I think it also features atouch screen and this is cool whichallows touch focus which is incredibleas well as a new touch function which isgoing to let photographers createcustomized camera functions that can betriggered by swiping up down or left orright so that will be very interestingas well and you know the X-Pro 2 - asmuch as I love how it works I still findmyself using direct select focus a lotSony has this problem too with autofocusonce you learn how to use it you butit's never 100% there and sometimes youdo miss focus on shots so having touchability in a pinch is no pun intended isreally a good thingthe other features include an 8direction focus lever which is cool theclean HDMI output if you want to use anexternal recorder for video and anexternal mic input so you can use thisfor video recording this will beavailable later this month for $900 bodyonly and there a couple kit options aswell the other big announcement fromFujifilm is a new 80 millimeter f/2.8macro lens this is the XF 80 this is thefirst 1:1 reproduction x-serieslensone thing I will say about my experiencewith Fuji thus far is the lenses areimpressiveall of them they really are amazing andthat's not surprising Fuji have beenaround for years they've made cameras inthe film days and their lenses and theiroptics have always been impressive andso these fit right in with what youwould expect this will feature now theseare cropped sensor cameras so this willbe a 122mm equivalent macrolens it's going to be 16 elements in 12groups one aspherical one super ED andthree ED lenses and Fuji are quoted inhere saying as the first in the x-seriesinterchangeable lens series to have a1.0 X magnification factor the XF 80f/2.8 achieves high resolving power andbeautiful bokeh making it a perfectlens for capturing stunning macro imagesI'm sure it will be all those thingsthis lens uses a floating focus systemthat enhances auto focus while reducingaberration and there's also opticalimage stabilization with five stops ofstabilization for reducing blur fromcamera shake they don't say in here butI'm willing to bet you it will befocus by wire that is the one thingwith all these camera companies thatthey're obsessed with now is focus bywire and if you're not familiar withthat what that is that means when youturn the lens collar it uses kind of anelectronic system to move the focusingin and out and it's very hard if you'reused to manual focus lenses toyou know do pull focus and things likethat and that's one thing that I reallywish they would start offering on theselenses is an option for that I wouldeven be willing to pay more for that Ijust don't like focus by wire butunfortunately that's what we've got andthat's what we're used to but anyway Ithink this lens is gonna be awesome thenext in the series of Fujifilmannouncements is the Fujifilm X RAWStudio which is going to be a softwareapplication you will run on yourcomputer and what it does is it allowsyou to connect to your camera and thenyou can convert RAW files in batch byusing the camera processor instead ofthe CPU in the computer a lot of peopleare excited about this personally I justuse Lightroom I don't see this as aproblem that needs to be solved but ifyou are a big fan of their processingengine you can now kind of tether thatto your computer and use that to processyour RAW files if that's somethingyou're into this will be coming to theMac in late November 2017 and Windows inJanuary 2018 and finally to round out theannouncements that Fuji madeyesterday is the firmware updates forthe X series this will cover fourcameras the X Pro 2 the XT 2 thex100f in the x-t20 now this is one ofthe things that a lot of people myselfincluded really respect about Fujifilmis their attention to support on thecameras they've released most cameracompanies they will put firmware on thecamera and if it's buggy or if there'sproblems they kind of have this attitudeof well we'll fix it in the next modeland you can buy that next year Fujidon't do that they pay a lot ofattention to customer support and camerasupport and what's really interesting isa lot of these firmware updates whichyou'll be able to download and put onyour camera will not only unlock newfeatures but they will provideenhancements to things that are alreadythere and there's a lot of similaritiesbetween these for instance the X Pro 2and the X T2 are going to have improvedAF tracking there's a new algorithm thatenhances AF C to track moving subjectshalf the size or moving twice as fastas previous models which is great theyall offer support for Fuji X RAW studiowhich I just talked about which willenable you to convert RAW files with Xprocessor Pro there's also improvementsto radio flash usability with TTL sothis is really nice that they are payingattention to these things now the bigannouncement here is the X Pro 2 thiswill unlock 4k support which is reallycool if you shoot video and you want toshoot 4k on your X pro 2 now what theydon't say in here I assume it will becropped 4k I think that's a safeassumption and the other interestingthing is they say addition of 4k videomode using film simulation modesexcluding HDMI output for recording soI'm not really sure if they're sayingit's going no film simulation on HDMIoutput or no 4k on HDMI output butanyway if you record internally on thecamera and you're not using an externalrecorder you will be able to do 4k andthat is very awesome and then finallythe XT 20 if you use that will theretouch panel operation while looking intothe electronic viewfinder so if you wantto do that if you want to be able totouch the focus while your eyes over theviewfinder you can do that I want toknow what you guys think Fujifilm aredoing some amazing things and I'm reallyimpressed I've really been impressedwith the cameras that I've tried out sofar and I'm actually really excited andI want to get my hands on the X-E3 Ithink it's going to be incredible Ithink at that price point what they'regiving you it's going to be a reallyserious competitor in the camera marketwith things at that price points in factit's going to blow most things out ofthe water I want to know what you guysthink I want to know if you are Fujiusers if you like all this stuff if thefirmware updates are helpful for youwhat you thinkof the raw studio I think that's alittle bit weird and if you're excitedabout a macro lens leave me a commentlet me know if you've enjoyed this videoplease remember to like it share itsubscribe to the Art of Photography formore videos I'll see you guys in thenext one until then later\n"