Apple – Special Event Keynote – October 2016

The Intersection of Technology and Accessibility

People often think that having a disability is a barrier, but that's not the way I see it. You can catch up with friends. You can capture a moment with your family. One face. Small face. Focus locked. And you can start the day bright and early. You can take a trip to somewhere new. Three miles to the summit. You can concentrate on every word of a story. A bird began to sing. Jack opened his eyes. You can take the long way home. Or edit a film like this one.

When technology is designed for everyone, it lets anyone do what they love. Including me. Good morning. Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.I se e a fe w iP ho ne s ou t th er e.I see a few iPhones out there.Th an k yo u.We've got-- Thank you.We've got-- Thank you.We 'v e go t- - Th an k yo u.We've got some great new products to share with you this morning and I'd like to start this morning with a few updates.

Beginning with iPhone. Of course we just launched the iPhon 7 last month and people are loving it. We've had some incredible views like this one, which seems to say it all. But technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day. We've got some great new products to share with you this morning. And I'd like to start this morning with a few updates beginning with iPhone.

We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world. We've had some incredible views of how our products are being used and we're excited to see what the future holds.

We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day. We've got some great new products to share with you this morning. And I'd like to start this morning with a few updates beginning with iPhone.

We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world. We've had some incredible views of how our products are being used and we're excited to see what the future holds.

The Future of Accessibility

Today, we're launching a new accessibility website. It's all about the accessibility features that we've designed and built right into our products. We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

We've had some incredible views of how our products are being used and we're excited to see what the future holds. We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day.

Our goal is to make technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. We're committed to creating products that are not only innovative but also inclusive. And we believe that if we can achieve this, it will have a profound impact on society as a whole.

The Power of Accessibility

We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day. We've got some great new products to share with you this morning. And I'd like to start this morning with a few updates beginning with iPhone.

We're excited to share these updates with you and we hope that they will inspire you to push the boundaries of what is possible. We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

The Future of Technology

Today, we're launching a new accessibility website. It's all about the accessibility features that we've designed and built right into our products. We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

We've had some incredible views of how our products are being used and we're excited to see what the future holds. We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day.

Our goal is to make technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. We're committed to creating products that are not only innovative but also inclusive. And we believe that if we can achieve this, it will have a profound impact on society as a whole.

The Impact of Accessibility

We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day. We've got some great new products to share with you this morning. And I'd like to start this morning with a few updates beginning with iPhone.

We're excited to share these updates with you and we hope that they will inspire you to push the boundaries of what is possible. We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

The Power of Inclusion

We believe that if people have access to our products, they can push humanity forward and change the world a bit in the process. It's incredibly humbling to see amazing things people do with our products every day. We've got some great new products to share with you this morning. And I'd like to start this morning with a few updates beginning with iPhone.

We're excited to share these updates with you and we hope that they will inspire you to push the boundaries of what is possible. We believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. Everyone. And we hope that this website becomes a great resource that people can use all around the world.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en>> P eo pl e th in k th at h av in g a>> People think that having a>> People think that having adi sa bi li ty i s a ba rr ie r- -disability is a barrier--disability is a barrier---- b ut t ha t' s no t th e wa y I se e-- but that's not the way I see-- but that's not the way I seeit .it.Yo u ca n ca tc h up w it h fr ie nd s.You can catch up with friends.You can catch up with friends.>> R ea dy ?>> Ready?>> Ready?>> Y ou c an c ap tu re a m om en t wi th>> You can capture a moment with>> You can capture a moment withyo ur f am il y.your family.your family.>> O ne f ac e.>> One face.>> One face.Sm al l fa ce .Small face.Small face.Fo cu s lo ck ed .Focus locked.>> A nd y ou c an s ta rt t he d ay>> And you can start the day>> And you can start the daybr ig ht a nd e ar ly .bright and early.Yo u ca n ta ke a t ri p to s om ew he reYou can take a trip to somewhereYou can take a trip to somewherene>> T hr ee m il es t o th e su mm it .>> Three miles to the summit.>> Three miles to the summit.>> Y ou c an c on ce nt ra te o n ev er y>> You can concentrate on every>> You can concentrate on everywo rd o f a st or y.word of a story.word of a story.>> A b ir d be ga n to s in g.>> A bird began to sing.>> A bird began to sing.Ja ck o pe ne d hi s ey es .Jack opened his eyes.Jack opened his eyes.>> Y ou c an t ak e th e lo ng w ay>> You can take the long way>> You can take the long wayho me .home.home.Or e di t a fi lm l ik e th is o ne .Or edit a film like this one.Or edit a film like this one.Wh en t ec hn ol og y is d es ig ne d fo rWhen technology is designed forWhen technology is designed forev er yo ne , it l et s an yo ne d o wh ateveryone, it lets anyone do whateveryone, it lets anyone do whatth ey l ov e.they love.they love.In cl ud in g me .Including me.Including me.>> G oo d mo rn in g.>> Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Good morning.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.I se e a fe w iP ho ne s ou t th er e.I see a few iPhones out there.I see a few iPhones out there.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We lc om e ba ck t o th e Ap pl e Ca mp usWelcome back to the Apple CampusWelcome back to the Apple Campusan d th an k yo u so m uc h fo rand thank you so much forand thank you so much forjo in in g us t hi s mo rn in g.joining us this morning.joining us this morning.I co ul d no t be p ro ud er t o sh ar eI could not be prouder to shareI could not be prouder to shareth at v id eo w it h yo u th isthat video with you thisthat video with you thismo rn in g.morning.morning.Ou r te am s wo rk s o in cr ed ib lyOur teams work so incrediblyOur teams work so incrediblyha rd t o ma ke a ll o f ou r pr od uc tshard to make all of our productshard to make all of our productsac ce ss ib le t o ev er yo ne .accessible to everyone.accessible to everyone.An d to da y, w e' re l au nc hi ng a n ewAnd today, we're launching a newAnd today, we're launching a newac ce ss ib il it y we bs it e.accessibility website.accessibility website.It 's a ll a bo ut t he a cc es si bi li tyIt's all about the accessibilityIt's all about the accessibilityfe at ur es t ha t we 'v e de si gn ed a ndfeatures that we've designed andfeatures that we've designed andbu il t ri gh t in to o ur p ro du ct s.built right into our products.built right into our products.We b el ie ve t ha t te ch no lo gyWe believe that technologyWe believe that technologysh ou ld b e ac ce ss ib le t oshould be accessible toshould be accessible toev er yo ne .everyone.everyone.An d we h op e th at t hi s we bs it eAnd we hope that this websiteAnd we hope that this websitebe co me s a gr ea t re so ur ce t ha tbecomes a great resource thatbecomes a great resource thatpe op le c an u se a ll a ro un d th epeople can use all around thepeople can use all around thewo rl b el ie ve t ha t if p eo pl e ha veWe believe that if people haveWe believe that if people haveac ce ss t o ou r pr od uc ts , th ey c anaccess to our products, they canaccess to our products, they canpu sh h um an it y fo rw ar d an d ch an gepush humanity forward and changepush humanity forward and changeth e wo rl d a bi t in t he p ro ce ss .the world a bit in the process.the world a bit in the process.It 's i nc re di bl y hu mb li ng t o se eIt's incredibly humbling to seeIt's incredibly humbling to seeth e am az in g th in gs p eo pl e dothe amazing things people dothe amazing things people dowi th o ur p ro du ct s ev er y da y.with our products every day.with our products every day.We 'v e go t- - Th an k yo u.We've got-- Thank you.We've got-- Thank you.We 'v e go t so me g re at n ewWe've got some great newWe've got some great newpr od uc ts t o sh ar e wi th y ou t hi sproducts to share with you thisproducts to share with you thismo rn in g an d I' d li ke t o st ar tmorning and I'd like to startmorning and I'd like to startth is m or ni ng w it h a fe w up da te sthis morning with a few updatesthis morning with a few updatesbe gi nn in g wi th i Ph on e.beginning with iPhone.beginning with iPhone.Of c ou rs e we j us t la un ch ed t heOf course we just launched theOf course we just launched theiP ho ne 7 l as t mo nt h an d pe op leiPhone 7 last month and peopleiPhone 7 last month and peoplear e lo vi ng i t.are loving it.are loving it.We 'v e ha d so me i nc re di bl eWe've had some incredibleWe've had some incrediblere vi ew s li ke t hi s on e, w hi chreviews like this one, whichreviews like this one, whichse em s to s ay i t al l,seems to say it all,seems to say it all,\"U np ar al le le d an d a cu t ab ov e\"Unparalleled and a cut above\"Unparalleled and a cut abovean yt hi ng i n th e in du st ry .\"anything in the industry.\"anything in the industry.\"I co ul dn 't h av e sa id i t be tt erI couldn't have said it betterI couldn't have said it bettermy se lf .myself.myself.Mo re i mp or ta nt ly , th e cu st om erMore importantly, the customerMore importantly, the customerre sp on se h as b ee n ve ry s tr on g.response has been very strong.response has been very strong.iP ho ne 7 m ak es t he t hi ng s th atiPhone 7 makes the things thatiPhone 7 makes the things thatyo u do e ve ry d ay s o mu ch b et te do every day so much do every day so much better.An d on e of t ho se v er y im po rt an tAnd one of those very importantAnd one of those very importantth in gs i s ta ki ng g re at p ho to s.things is taking great photos.things is taking great photos.Cu st om er s ha d be en u si ng t heCustomers had been using theCustomers had been using theiP ho ne 7 c am er a an d th ey a re s oiPhone 7 camera and they are soiPhone 7 camera and they are soex ci te d th ey 'v e be en s en di ng u sexcited they've been sending usexcited they've been sending usso me o f th e ph ot os t he y' vesome of the photos they'vesome of the photos they'veta ke n.taken.taken.I' d lo ve t o sh ar e so me w it h yo uI'd love to share some with youI'd love to share some with youth is m or ni ng .this morning.this morning.Th er e' s so me r ea ll y be au ti fu lThere's some really beautifulThere's some really beautifulon es l ik e th is o ne ,ones like this one,as w el l as t hi well as this.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.Th ey a re a bs ol ut el y be au ti fu l.They are absolutely beautiful.They are absolutely beautiful.An d th is i s ju st a v er y sm al lAnd this is just a very smallAnd this is just a very smallse le ct io n.selection.selection.iP ho ne 7 t ak es i nc re di bl eiPhone 7 takes incredibleiPhone 7 takes incredibleph ot os t it 's n ot j us t ab ou t ta ki ngBut it's not just about takingBut it's not just about takinggr ea t ph ot os .great photos.great photos.Th e fu n is g oi ng b ac k an dThe fun is going back andThe fun is going back anden jo yi ng t he m an d sh ar in g th emenjoying them and sharing themenjoying them and sharing themwi th y ou r fr ie nd s an d fa mi ly .with your friends and family.with your friends and family.An d we 'v e ma de t ha t mu ch e as ie rAnd we've made that much easierAnd we've made that much easieran d mu ch b et te r wi th t he n ewand much better with the newand much better with the newme mo ri es f ea tu re w hi chmemories feature whichmemories feature whichau to ma ti ca ll y gi ve s yo u ne wautomatically gives you newautomatically gives you newme mo ri es e ve ry d ay r ig ht f ro mmemories every day right frommemories every day right fromyo ur p ho to l ib ra ry .your photo library.your photo library.Th is i s a ne w fe at ur e, b utThis is a new feature, butThis is a new feature, butde sp it e th at , al re ad y 40 0despite that, already 400despite that, already 400mi ll io n me mo ri es h av e be enmillion memories have beenmillion memories have beenvi ew ed a nd e nj oy ed b y iP ho neviewed and enjoyed by iPhoneviewed and enjoyed by iPhoneus er s.users.users.Th is i s th e be st c am er a, t heThis is the best camera, theThis is the best camera, thebe st p ho to e xp er ie nc e an d th ebest photo experience and thebest photo experience and thebe st i Ph on e we 'v e ev er m ad iPhone we've ever iPhone we've ever made.iP ho ne 7 i s po we re d by i OS 1 0,iPhone 7 is powered by iOS 10,iPhone 7 is powered by iOS 10,th e wo rl d' s mo st a dv an ce d mo bi lethe world's most advanced mobilethe world's most advanced mobileop er at in g sy st em .operating system.operating system.An d th e re vi ew s ar e in f or i OSAnd the reviews are in for iOSAnd the reviews are in for iOS10 , an d it 's o ff ic ia l, i OS 1 0 is10, and it's official, iOS 10 is10, and it's official, iOS 10 isaw es om e, a 5 o ut o f 5.awesome, a 5 out of 5.awesome, a 5 out of 5.I co ul dn 't h av e sa id t ha t be tt erI couldn't have said that betterI couldn't have said that betterei th er .either.either.Cu st om er r ea ct io n to i OS 1 0 ha sCustomer reaction to iOS 10 hasCustomer reaction to iOS 10 hasbe en p he no me na l.been phenomenal.been phenomenal.In f ac t, i n ju st o ve r a mo nt h,In fact, in just over a month,In fact, in just over a month,ov er 6 0% o f ou r cu st om er s ar eover 60% of our customers areover 60% of our customers areal re ad y us in g iO S 10 .already using iOS 10.already using iOS 10.An d in c on tr as t, t he o th er g uy sAnd in contrast, the other guysAnd in contrast, the other guysth at s hi pp ed b ef or e iO S 10 a rethat shipped before iOS 10 arethat shipped before iOS 10 areno t ev en a t 1% y et .not even at 1% yet.not even at 1% yet.An d of c ou rs e th e re al it y isAnd of course the reality isAnd of course the reality isth at m os t de vi ce s wi ll n ev er g etthat most devices will never getthat most devices will never getth is u pg ra de .this upgrade.this upgrade.No w, e ar li er t hi s we ek , weNow, earlier this week, weNow, earlier this week, wesh ip pe d an u pd at e to i OS 1 0,shipped an update to iOS 10,shipped an update to iOS 10,ve rs io n 10 .1 , an d it 's g ot s om eversion 10.1, and it's got someversion 10.1, and it's got somemo re c oo l ne w ca pa bi li ti es .more cool new capabilities.more cool new capabilities.Pe rh ap s th e be st f ea tu re i sPerhaps the best feature isPerhaps the best feature ispo rt ra it m od e fo r th e iP ho ne 7portrait mode for the iPhone 7portrait mode for the iPhone 7Pl us w hi ch o ff er s a de pt h ef fe ctPlus which offers a depth effectPlus which offers a depth effectto y ou r ph ot os .to your your photos.So t he p er so n in t he f or eg ro un dSo the person in the foregroundSo the person in the foregroundis s o sh ar p an d th er e' s ais so sharp and there's ais so sharp and there's abe au ti fu ll y bl ur re d ba ck gr ou nd .beautifully blurred background.beautifully blurred background.If y ou h av en 't s ee n it , it 'sIf you haven't seen it, it'sIf you haven't seen it, it'saw es om e.awesome.awesome.An d gu es s wh at , so m an yAnd guess what, so manyAnd guess what, so manycu st om er s ha ve b ee n se nd in g uscustomers have been sending uscustomers have been sending usso me o f th e po rt ra it s th ey 'v esome of the portraits they'vesome of the portraits they'veta ke n, a nd I 'm r ea ll y pl ea se d totaken, and I'm really pleased totaken, and I'm really pleased tosh ar e so me w it h yo u th isshare some with you thisshare some with you thismo rn in g, l ik e th is o ne .morning, like this one.morning, like this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.Th e re su lt s ar e ju st s tu nn in g.The results are just stunning.The results are just stunning.It 's a ma zi ng y ou c an d o th is .It's amazing you can do this.It's amazing you can do this.No w, i f yo u ha ve n' t ch ec ke d ou tNow, if you haven't checked outNow, if you haven't checked outpo rt ra it m od e ye t wi th y ou rportrait mode yet with yourportrait mode yet with youriP ho ne 7 P lu s, I e nc ou ra ge y ouiPhone 7 Plus, I encourage youiPhone 7 Plus, I encourage youto d o it .to do do it.It 's r ea ll y aw es om e, t hi s is aIt's really awesome, this is aIt's really awesome, this is ahu ge f ea tu re .huge feature.huge feature.Al so t hi s we ek , Ap pl e Pa y ki ck edAlso this week, Apple Pay kickedAlso this week, Apple Pay kickedof f in J ap an w it h iP ho ne 7 a ndoff in Japan with iPhone 7 andoff in Japan with iPhone 7 andth e Ap pl e Wa tc h Se ri es 2 .the Apple Watch Series 2.the Apple Watch Series 2.So n ow o ur c us to me rs i n Ja pa nSo now our customers in JapanSo now our customers in Japanca n us e th ei r iP ho ne 7 a nd t he ircan use their iPhone 7 and theircan use their iPhone 7 and theirAp pl e Wa tc h Se ri es 2 f or t ra ns itApple Watch Series 2 for transitApple Watch Series 2 for transitan d fo r ma ki ng p ay me nt s.and for making payments.and for making payments.Th is i s a hu ge d ea l in J ap anThis is a huge deal in JapanThis is a huge deal in Japanbe ca us e ev er y da y, t he re 's o ve rbecause every day, there's overbecause every day, there's over16 0 mi ll io n co nt ac tl es s160 million contactless160 million contactlesstr an sa ct io ns m ad e.transactions made.transactions made.An d we a re o ff er in g th e be stAnd we are offering the bestAnd we are offering the bestex pe ri en ce b y fa r.experience by far.experience by far.No w we 'v e al so i nt ro du ce dNow we've also introducedNow we've also introducedsu pp or t fo r tr an si t in t he M ap ssupport for transit in the Mapssupport for transit in the Mapsap p wi th i OS 1 0. with iOS with iOS 10.1.An d th is p ro vi de s ex te ns iv eAnd this provides extensiveAnd this provides extensiveco ve ra ge a ll a cr os s Ja pa n an d itcoverage all across Japan and itcoverage all across Japan and itha s ve ry d et ai le d un de rg ro un dhas very detailed undergroundhas very detailed undergroundla yo ut s, i t' s re al ly c oo l.layouts, it's really cool.layouts, it's really cool.An d so w e' ve i nc lu de d co ol n ewAnd so we've included cool newAnd so we've included cool newfe at ur es w it h th is l ik e lo ca lfeatures with this like localfeatures with this like localsi gn s an d fa re c om pa ri so ns w hi chsigns and fare comparisons whichsigns and fare comparisons whichis f ar b ey on d wh at o th er f ol ksis far beyond what other folksis far beyond what other folksar e do in g, s o th is i s no w th eare doing, so this is now theare doing, so this is now thebe st a nd e as ie st w ay t o ge tbest and easiest way to getbest and easiest way to getar ou nd i n Ja pa n.around in Japan.around in Japan.Th e ne w Ap pl e Wa tc h ha s al soThe new Apple Watch has alsoThe new Apple Watch has alsogo tt en o ff t o an a ma zi ng s ta rt ,gotten off to an amazing start,gotten off to an amazing start,an d wa tc hO S 3 ma ke s th e wa tc hand watchOS 3 makes the watchand watchOS 3 makes the watchex pe ri en ce s o mu ch s im pl er a ndexperience so much simpler andexperience so much simpler andfa st er .faster.faster.An d we 'v e be en h ea ri ng t he s am eAnd we've been hearing the sameAnd we've been hearing the samegr ea t re sp on se f ro m re vi ew er sgreat response from reviewersgreat response from reviewerswi th t he w at ch .with the watch.with the watch.Li ke D ig it al T re nd s wh o sa ys ,Like Digital Trends who says,Like Digital Trends who says,\"t he A pp le W at ch i s th e be st\"the Apple Watch is the best\"the Apple Watch is the bestsm ar tw at ch y ou c an b uy .smartwatch you can buy.smartwatch you can buy.It 's s im pl y th e be st b y fa r. \"It's simply the best by far.\"It's simply the best by far.\"An d th e Wa ll S tr ee t Jo ur na lAnd the Wall Street JournalAnd the Wall Street Journalwh ic h sa id , \"i t ca n he lp y ou o nwhich said, \"it can help you onwhich said, \"it can help you onyo ur p at h to b ec om in g ayour path to becoming ayour path to becoming ahe al th ie r hu ma n. \"healthier human.\"healthier human.\"As y ou k no w, w e de si gn ed t heAs you know, we designed theAs you know, we designed theAp pl e Wa tc h to b e th e ul ti ma teApple Watch to be the ultimateApple Watch to be the ultimatede vi ce f or a h ea lt hy l if e.device for a healthy life.device for a healthy life.An d we 'v e be en w or ki ng w it h Ni keAnd we've been working with NikeAnd we've been working with Niketo p ro vi de t he b es t ru nn in gto provide the best runningto provide the best runningex pe ri en ce o ut t he re .experience out there.experience out there.To mo rr ow , Ap pl e Wa tc h Ni ke + isTomorrow, Apple Watch Nike+ isTomorrow, Apple Watch Nike+ isav ai la bl e, a nd w e th in k ru nn er savailable, and we think runnersavailable, and we think runnersar ou nd t he w or ld a re g oi ng t oaround the world are going toaround the world are going tolo ve i it.So a s yo u ca n te ll , it 's b ee n aSo as you can tell, it's been aSo as you can tell, it's been apr et ty b us y we ek a ro un d he re ,pretty busy week around here,pretty busy week around here,bu t we h av e mo re t o an no un cebut we have more to announcebut we have more to announceto da d I' d li ke t o st ar t wi th A pp leAnd I'd like to start with AppleAnd I'd like to start with AppleTV .TV.TV.Wi th A pp le T V, w e wa nt t heWith Apple TV, we want theWith Apple TV, we want theex pe ri en ce o n yo ur t el ev is io n toexperience on your television toexperience on your television tobe a s gr ea t as t he e xp er ie nc ebe as great as the experiencebe as great as the experienceac ro ss y ou r Ap pl e de vi ce s.across your Apple devices.across your Apple devices.An d so , wh en w e la un ch ed t he n ewAnd so, when we launched the newAnd so, when we launched the newAp pl e TV , we l au nc he d wi th aApple TV, we launched with aApple TV, we launched with acl ea r vi si on .clear vision.clear vision.We b el ie ve t he f ut ur e of T V isWe believe the future of TV isWe believe the future of TV isap ps .apps.apps.So , ho w ar e we d oi ng o n th is ?So, how are we doing on this?So, how are we doing on this?We ll , ou r de ve lo pe rs n ow h av eWell, our developers now haveWell, our developers now haveac ce ss t o th e bi gg es t sc re en i naccess to the biggest screen inaccess to the biggest screen inyo ur h om e an d in j us t a ye ar , weyour home and in just a year, weyour home and in just a year, weno w ha ve 8 00 0 ap ps , an d th ey 'r enow have 8000 apps, and they'renow have 8000 apps, and they'reac ro ss e ve ry c at eg or y, f ro macross every category, fromacross every category, fromli fe st yl e, t o le ar ni ng , tolifestyle, to learning, tolifestyle, to learning, tofi tn es s, t o sh op pi ng , to f oo d,fitness, to shopping, to food,fitness, to shopping, to food,an d ov er 2 00 0 ga me s, w it h so meand over 2000 games, with someand over 2000 games, with someam az in g ti tl es l ik e Re al R ac in gamazing titles like Real Racingamazing titles like Real Racing3.3.3.No w th es e ga me s ke ep c om in g, n ewNow these games keep coming, newNow these games keep coming, newga me s ke ep c om in g an d th er e' s agames keep coming and there's agames keep coming and there's ave ry p op ul ar o ne c om in g be fo revery popular one coming beforevery popular one coming beforeth e en d of t he y ea r, a nd t ha t isthe end of the year, and that isthe end of the year, and that isMi ne cr af t.Minecraft.Minecraft.So n ow y ou c an b ui ld n ew w or ld sSo now you can build new worldsSo now you can build new worldson y ou r Ap pl e TV a nd p la y wi thon your Apple TV and play withon your Apple TV and play withyo ur f ri en ds o n th ei r iP ad s an dyour friends on their iPads andyour friends on their iPads andiP ho ne s.iPhones.iPhones.It 's g oi ng t o be r ea ll y fu n.It's going to be really fun.It's going to be really fun.Ou r cu st om er s al so l ov e wa tc hi ngOur customers also love watchingOur customers also love watchingth ei r fa vo ri te T V sh ow s on A pp letheir favorite TV shows on Appletheir favorite TV shows on AppleTV l ik e \"M r. R ob ot .\"TV like \"Mr. Robot.\"TV like \"Mr. Robot.\"An d in f ac t, w e no w ha ve o ve rAnd in fact, we now have overAnd in fact, we now have over16 00 a pp s fr om v id eo c on te nt1600 apps from video content1600 apps from video contentpr ov id er s fo r yo u to e nj oy .providers for you to enjoy.providers for you to enjoy.Th is i s ab so lu te ly i nc re di bl eThis is absolutely incredibleThis is absolutely incrediblean d it 's a n am az in g am ou nt o fand it's an amazing amount ofand it's an amazing amount ofco nt en t th at 's a va il ab le t o yo u.content that's available to you.content that's available to you.Yo u co ul d- - In a dd it io n to y ou rYou could-- In addition to yourYou could-- In addition to yourfa vo ri te T V sh ow s, y ou c an w at chfavorite TV shows, you can watchfavorite TV shows, you can watchso me i nc re di bl e mo vi es l ik esome incredible movies likesome incredible movies like\"F in di ng D or y\" .\"Finding Dory\".\"Finding Dory\".Yo u ca n wa tc h li ve a nd o n- de ma ndYou can watch live and on-demandYou can watch live and on-demandne ws u ca n ev en w at ch l iv e sp or tsYou can even watch live sportsYou can even watch live sportsan d so m uc h mo re .and so much more.and so much more.In f ac t, t he re 's a n ew c at eg or yIn fact, there's a new categoryIn fact, there's a new categoryof a pp s em er gi ng t ha t co mb in eof apps emerging that combineof apps emerging that combineth e po we r of A pp le T V to m ak ethe power of Apple TV to makethe power of Apple TV to makewa tc hi ng v id eo m or e in te re st in g,watching video more interesting,watching video more interesting,in te ra ct iv e an d so ci al .interactive and social.interactive and social.An d we h av e an e xa mp le o f th atAnd we have an example of thatAnd we have an example of thatto s ho w yo u th is m or ni ng .to show you this show you this morning.An d to d o th at , I' d li ke t oAnd to do that, I'd like toAnd to do that, I'd like toin vi te R ya n Tr oy f ro m Tw it te r toinvite Ryan Troy from Twitter toinvite Ryan Troy from Twitter tosh ow u s wh at w e' re t al ki ngshow us what we're talkingshow us what we're talkingab ou t.about.about.Ry an .Ryan.Ryan.>> J oi ni ng m e to da y is o ur>> Joining me today is our>> Joining me today is ourpr od uc t de si gn er J os e He rn an de z.product designer Jose Hernandez.product designer Jose Hernandez.To da y, w e' re g oi ng t o sh ow t heToday, we're going to show theToday, we're going to show thefu tu re o f vi de o ma de p os si bl e byfuture of video made possible byfuture of video made possible byTw it te r on A pp le T V.Twitter on Apple TV.Twitter on Apple TV.Le t' s ju mp i n an d wa tc h Th ur sd ayLet's jump in and watch ThursdayLet's jump in and watch ThursdayNi gh t Fo ot ba ll .Night Football.Night Football.Fa ns l ov e wa tc hi ng t he irFans love watching theirFans love watching theirfa vo ri te l iv e sp or t fr om t hefavorite live sport from thefavorite live sport from thela rg es t sc re en i n th e ho us elargest screen in the houselargest screen in the housese nd in g mi ll io ns o f tw ee ts a d aysending millions of tweets a daysending millions of tweets a dayfr om t he ir i Ph on es a nd i Pa ds .from their iPhones and iPads.from their iPhones and iPads.Wi th a s im pl e sw ip e on t heWith a simple swipe on theWith a simple swipe on thein cr ed ib le S ir i Re mo te , we c anincredible Siri Remote, we canincredible Siri Remote, we canbr in g th at c on ve rs at io n in t obring that conversation in tobring that conversation in toma ke v ie wi ng m or e en te rt ai ni ngmake viewing more entertainingmake viewing more entertainingwi th t we et s fr om a th le te s an dwith tweets from athletes andwith tweets from athletes andmo re i ns ig ht fu l wi th s ta ts f ro mmore insightful with stats frommore insightful with stats fromjo ur na li st s.journalists.journalists.Lo ok s li ke t he B ea rs h av eLooks like the Bears haveLooks like the Bears havere co ve re d in t he e nd z on e.recovered in the end zone.recovered in the end zone.No w, t he T wi tt er t im el in e co me sNow, the Twitter timeline comesNow, the Twitter timeline comesal iv e to s ho w im me di at ealive to show immediatealive to show immediatere ac ti on s.reactions.reactions.Th at p re tt y mu ch s um s up m yThat pretty much sums up myThat pretty much sums up myfa nt as y te am t hi s ye ar .fantasy team this year.fantasy team this year.Tw ee ts a ls o in cl ud e vi de oTweets also include videoTweets also include videore pl ay s an d pe ri sc op es f ro mreplays and periscopes fromreplays and periscopes fromdi ff er en t va nt ag e po in ts .different vantage points.different vantage points.I ha ve t o sa y, t hi s is a g re atI have to say, this is a greatI have to say, this is a greatwa y to w at ch T V.way to watch TV.way to watch TV.Wi th t ha t to uc hd ow n, I t hi nk t heWith that touchdown, I think theWith that touchdown, I think theBe ar s mi gh t be a bl e to w in t hi sBears might be able to win thisBears might be able to win thison d ef en se a lo ne .on defense alone.on defense alone.At c ri ti ca l mo me nt s in t he g am eAt critical moments in the gameAt critical moments in the gameli ke t hi s, a ud ie nc e po ll s le tlike this, audience polls letlike this, audience polls letJo se w ei gh i n on t he s it ua ti on .Jose weigh in on the situation.Jose weigh in on the situation.On ce h e' s vo te d, l iv e re su lt sOnce he's voted, live resultsOnce he's voted, live resultssh ow u p in st an tl up up instantly.No w, J os e se es s om e ca nd or t ha tNow, Jose sees some candor thatNow, Jose sees some candor thathe w an ts t o re sp on d to .he wants to respond to.he wants to respond to.Ap pl e TV m ak es i t ea sy f or h imApple TV makes it easy for himApple TV makes it easy for himto s en d th at t we et t o hi s iP ho neto send that tweet to his iPhoneto send that tweet to his iPhoneso h e ca n jo in t he c on ve rs at io he can join the he can join the conversation.Le t' s se e ho w he r es po nd s.Let's see how he responds.Let's see how he responds.St ro ng c ho ic e.Strong choice.Strong choice.In a dd it io n to N FL T hu rs da yIn addition to NFL ThursdayIn addition to NFL ThursdayNi gh t Fo ot ba ll , Tw it te r is v er yNight Football, Twitter is veryNight Football, Twitter is veryex ci te d to o ff er f re e pr em iu mexcited to offer free premiumexcited to offer free premiumsp or ts c on te nt f ro m th e NH L an dsports content from the NHL andsports content from the NHL andNB A, n ew s fr om B lo om be rg , an dNBA, news from Bloomberg, andNBA, news from Bloomberg, andel ec ti on n ig ht c ov er ag e fr omelection night coverage fromelection night coverage fromBu zz Fe ed .BuzzFeed.BuzzFeed.We 'r e me rg in g li ve v id eo ,We're merging live video,We're merging live video,so ci al , sp or ts a nd n ew s in a nsocial, sports and news in ansocial, sports and news in anin te ra ct iv e fo rm at n ot p os si bl einteractive format not possibleinteractive format not possiblebe fo re T wi tt er o n Ap pl e TV .before Twitter on Apple TV.before Twitter on Apple TV.It 's w ha t' s ha pp en in g.It's what's happening.It's what's happening.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.Th an k yo u, R ya n.Thank you, Ryan.Thank you, Ryan.Th is i s a gr ea t ex am pl e of t heThis is a great example of theThis is a great example of thepo we r of A pp le T V an d ho w ap pspower of Apple TV and how appspower of Apple TV and how appsar e ch an gi ng t he w ay t ha t weare changing the way that weare changing the way that ween jo y te le vi si on .enjoy television.enjoy television.No w, i n fa ct -- S o we n ow h av e soNow, in fact-- So we now have soNow, in fact-- So we now have soma ny g re at a pp s an d ea ch o fmany great apps and each ofmany great apps and each ofth es e ap ps h as a n in cr ed ib lethese apps has an incrediblethese apps has an incredibleam ou nt o f am az in g co nt en t.amount of amazing content.amount of amazing content.Wi th S ir i an d un iv er sa l se ar ch ,With Siri and universal search,With Siri and universal search,we 'v e ma de i t ea sy t o se ar chwe've made it easy to searchwe've made it easy to searchac ro ss y ou r ap ps .across your apps.across your apps.Bu t un iv er sa l se ar ch w as j us tBut universal search was justBut universal search was justth e be gi nn in g fo r us .the beginning for us.the beginning for us.We w an t to d o ev en m or e to m ak eWe want to do even more to makeWe want to do even more to maketh is e xp er ie nc e ev en b et te r.this experience even better.this experience even better.We w an t Ap pl e TV t o be t he o neWe want Apple TV to be the oneWe want Apple TV to be the onepl ac e to a cc es s al l of y ou rplace to access all of yourplace to access all of yourte le vi si on , a un if ie d TVtelevision, a unified TVtelevision, a unified TVex pe ri en ce .experience.experience.Th at 's o ne p la ce t o ac ce ss a llThat's one place to access allThat's one place to access allof y ou r TV s ho ws a nd m ov ie s.of your TV shows and movies.of your TV shows and movies.On e pl ac e to d is co ve r gr ea t ne wOne place to discover great newOne place to discover great newco nt en t to w at ch .content to watch.content to watch.So , to da y, w e' re a nn ou nc in g aSo, today, we're announcing aSo, today, we're announcing ane w ap p an d we s im pl y ca ll i tnew app and we simply call itnew app and we simply call itTV .TV.TV.It w il l co mp le te ly c ha ng e ho wIt will completely change howIt will completely change howyo u wa tc h TV w it h yo ur A pp le T V,you watch TV with your Apple TV,you watch TV with your Apple TV,as w el l as y ou r iP ho ne a nd i Pa well as your iPhone and well as your iPhone and iPad.Bu t ra th er t ha n ta lk a bo ut i t,But rather than talk about it,But rather than talk about it,we j us t li ke t o sh ow y ou .we just like to show you.we just like to show you.An d to d o th at , I' d li ke t oAnd to do that, I'd like toAnd to do that, I'd like tobr in g up J en F ol ds , a se ni orbring up Jen Folds, a seniorbring up Jen Folds, a seniorde si gn er o n Ap pl e TV t o sh ow y oudesigner on Apple TV to show youdesigner on Apple TV to show youal l ab ou t it .all about it.all about it.Je n?Jen?Jen?>> T ha nk s, T im .>> Thanks, Tim.Th e ne w TV a pp i s th e fi rs tThe new TV app is the firstThe new TV app is the firstpl ac e I go w he n I tu rn o n myplace I go when I turn on myplace I go when I turn on myAp pl e TV .Apple TV.Apple TV.It b ri ng s th e sh ow s an d mo vi esIt brings the shows and moviesIt brings the shows and moviesfr om a ll m y vi de o ap ps a ll i nt ofrom all my video apps all intofrom all my video apps all intoon e pl ac place.So I s ta rt o ff i n Wa tc h No wSo I start off in Watch NowSo I start off in Watch Nowwh er e th e fo cu s is o n Up N ex t.where the focus is on Up Next.where the focus is on Up Next.It h as a ll t he T V sh ow s an dIt has all the TV shows andIt has all the TV shows andmo vi es t ha t I' m cu rr en tl ymovies that I'm currentlymovies that I'm currentlywa tc hi ng f ro m ac ro ss a ll o f mywatching from across all of mywatching from across all of myap ps .apps.apps.Yo u ca n se e wh at 's u p ne xt a lo ngYou can see what's up next alongYou can see what's up next alongth e bo tt om a nd g et a l it tl e mo rethe bottom and get a little morethe bottom and get a little moreco nt ex t fo r ea ch i n th e to pcontext for each in the topcontext for each in the topri gh t.right.right.So f or e xa mp le , I bo ug ht S in gSo for example, I bought SingSo for example, I bought SingSt re et o n iT un es b ut d id n' tStreet on iTunes but didn'tStreet on iTunes but didn'tfi ni sh w at ch in g.finish watching.finish watching.An d as y ou c an s ee , Up N ex t le tsAnd as you can see, Up Next letsAnd as you can see, Up Next letsme c on ti nu e fr om w he re I l ef tme continue from where I leftme continue from where I leftof r sh ow s th at I 'm b in gi ng o nFor shows that I'm binging onFor shows that I'm binging onli ke \" Ho me la nd \" on S ho wt im e, t helike \"Homeland\" on Showtime, thelike \"Homeland\" on Showtime, thene xt e pi so de i s ri gh t he re r ea dynext episode is right here readynext episode is right here readyfo r me t o st ar t.for me to start.for me to start.An d fo r cu rr en tl y ai ri ng s ho wsAnd for currently airing showsAnd for currently airing showsth at I 'm w at ch in g li ke \" Th e Bi gthat I'm watching like \"The Bigthat I'm watching like \"The BigTh eo ry \" on C BS , Up N ex t sh ow s meTheory\" on CBS, Up Next shows meTheory\" on CBS, Up Next shows meth e ne we st e pi so de o nc e it 'sthe newest episode once it'sthe newest episode once it'sav ai la bl e.available.available.It 's s o gr ea t to f in al ly h av eIt's so great to finally haveIt's so great to finally haveon e pl ac e to g o fo r ev er yt hi ngone place to go for everythingone place to go for everythingI' m wa tc hi ng .I'm watching.I'm watching.Bu t it d oe sn 't e nd t he re .But it doesn't end there.But it doesn't end there.Wh en I w an t to d is co ve rWhen I want to discoverWhen I want to discoverso me th in g ne w, I j us t sw ip esomething new, I just swipesomething new, I just swipedo wn .down.down.Ou r ed it or s ha ve s el ec te d th eOur editors have selected theOur editors have selected theab so lu te b es t co nt en t an dabsolute best content andabsolute best content andsh ow ca se i t in W ha t to W at ch a ndshowcase it in What to Watch andshowcase it in What to Watch andth e TV a nd M ov ie S po tl ig ht s.the TV and Movie Spotlights.the TV and Movie Spotlights.An d si nc e al l of t he se i sAnd since all of these isAnd since all of these isco nt en t fr om m y ap ps , it m ea ns Icontent from my apps, it means Icontent from my apps, it means Ica n ju st p la y ev er yt hi ng I s eecan just play everything I seecan just play everything I seehe re ca n ch oo se t o br ow se b yI can choose to browse byI can choose to browse byca te go ry o r ge t a lo ok e ve ncategory or get a look evencategory or get a look evenfu rt he r in to t he c at al og uefurther into the cataloguefurther into the catalogueav ai la bl e to m e th ro ug h th es eavailable to me through theseavailable to me through theseha nd c ur at ed c ol le ct io ns .hand curated collections.hand curated collections.So , if y ou 'r e on e th at h as n' tSo, if you're one that hasn'tSo, if you're one that hasn'tse en \" Ga me o f Th ro ne s\" y et , no wseen \"Game of Thrones\" yet, nowseen \"Game of Thrones\" yet, nowis a g re at t im e to s ta rt .is a great time to a great time to start.An d wi th W at ch N ow I j us t cl ic kAnd with Watch Now I just clickAnd with Watch Now I just clickpl ay' m ta ke n st ra ig ht t o HB O NO WI'm taken straight to HBO NOWI'm taken straight to HBO NOWan d th e sh ow s ta rt s.and the show starts.and the show starts.So s in ce I 'm w at ch in g in H BOSo since I'm watching in HBOSo since I'm watching in HBONO W, p re ss in g me nu t ak es m e toNOW, pressing menu takes me toNOW, pressing menu takes me toth e sh ow d et ai ls f ro m wi th in t hethe show details from within thethe show details from within theap d I ca n ge t ba ck t o TV j us t byAnd I can get back to TV just byAnd I can get back to TV just bypr es si ng t he T V bu tt on .pressing the TV button.pressing the TV button.As y ou c an s ee , \"G am e ofAs you can see, \"Game ofAs you can see, \"Game ofTh ro ne s\" w as a ut om at ic al ly a dd edThrones\" was automatically addedThrones\" was automatically addedto t he f ro nt o f Up N ex t, s o it 'sto the front of Up Next, so it'sto the front of Up Next, so it'sea sy f or m e to p ic k up l at er .easy for me to pick up later.easy for me to pick up later.So t ha t' s Wa tc h No w.So that's Watch Now.So that's Watch Now.It 's t he b es t pl ac e fo r me t oIt's the best place for me toIt's the best place for me toco nt in ue w at ch in g an d br ow se n ewcontinue watching and browse newcontinue watching and browse newTV s ho ws a nd m ov ie s ac ro ss m yTV shows and movies across myTV shows and movies across myap ps .apps.apps.No w mo vi ng o ve r to t he l ib ra ryNow moving over to the libraryNow moving over to the libraryvi ew , I ha ve a ll o f my i Tu ne sview, I have all of my iTunesview, I have all of my iTunespu rc ha se s an d re nt al s al l in o nepurchases and rentals all in onepurchases and rentals all in onepl ac d no w yo u ge t a sn ea k pe ek a tAnd now you get a sneak peek atAnd now you get a sneak peek atso me o f my g ui lt y pl ea su re s li kesome of my guilty pleasures likesome of my guilty pleasures liketh e \"R ea l Ho us ew iv es \".the \"Real Housewives\".the \"Real Housewives\".Tr ue s to ry .True story.True story.Wh en I 'm i n th e mo od f orWhen I'm in the mood forWhen I'm in the mood forso me th in g co mp le te ly n ew , I he adsomething completely new, I headsomething completely new, I headov er t o th e st or e wh er e I ca nover to the store where I canover to the store where I canex pl or e gr ea t ne w co nt en t to a ddexplore great new content to addexplore great new content to addto W at ch N ow .to Watch Watch Now.Th er e' s ne w mo vi es a va il ab leThere's new movies availableThere's new movies availablefr om i Tu ne s an d al l of t he sefrom iTunes and all of thesefrom iTunes and all of theseap ps t ha t I ca n ju st s ig n up t oapps that I can just sign up toapps that I can just sign up toac ce ss .access.access.So w he n I fi nd o ne t ha t I li ke ,So when I find one that I like,So when I find one that I like,I ca n ju st c li ck t o in st al l.I can just click to install.I can just click to install.In j us t a fe w se co nd s, t he a ppIn just a few seconds, the appIn just a few seconds, the appin st al ls o n my A pp le T V an d itinstalls on my Apple TV and itinstalls on my Apple TV and itwi ll a ut om at ic al ly d ow nl oa d towill automatically download towill automatically download toal l of m y ot he r de vi ce s so I c anall of my other devices so I canall of my other devices so I canwa tc h wh er ev er I w an wherever I wherever I want.So h er e wi th in S TA RZ I c anSo here within STARZ I canSo here within STARZ I canea si ly s ig n up o r if I 'm a lleasily sign up or if I'm alleasily sign up or if I'm allre ad y au th en ti ca te d us in gready authenticated usingready authenticated usingAp pl e' s ne w si ng le s ig n onApple's new single sign onApple's new single sign onfe at ur e, I 'l l in st an tl y ge tfeature, I'll instantly getfeature, I'll instantly getac ce ss t o al l th e gr ea t co nt en taccess to all the great contentaccess to all the great contentth ey h av e ri gh t he re i n th e ap p.they have right here in the app.they have right here in the app.An d wh en I g o ba ck t o TV , I ca nAnd when I go back to TV, I canAnd when I go back to TV, I canse e th at W at ch N ow h assee that Watch Now hassee that Watch Now hasau to ma ti ca ll y be en u pd at ed a sautomatically been updated asautomatically been updated aswe ll t o in cl ud e th e be st o fwell to include the best ofwell to include the best ofST AR Z li ke \" Po we r\" a nd \" St arSTARZ like \"Power\" and \"StarSTARZ like \"Power\" and \"StarWa rs : Th e Fo rc e Aw ak en s. \"Wars: The Force Awakens.\"Wars: The Force Awakens.\"An d th e TV a pp d oe sn 't j us t wo rkAnd the TV app doesn't just workAnd the TV app doesn't just workon m y Ap pl e TV .on my Apple TV.on my Apple TV.It 's o n my i Ph on e an d iP ad a sIt's on my iPhone and iPad asIt's on my iPhone and iPad aswe ll , wh ic h is g re at f or w he nwell, which is great for whenwell, which is great for whenI' m on t he r oa d or j us t re la xi ngI'm on the road or just relaxingI'm on the road or just relaxingin m y ba ck ya rd .in my my backyard.So l et 's s wi tc h to m y iP ad .So let's switch to my iPad.So let's switch to my iPad.So h er e' s th e ne w TV a pp .So here's the new TV app.So here's the new TV app.It h as e ve ry th in g th at w as i nIt has everything that was inIt has everything that was inth e pr ev io us v id eo s ap p ri gh tthe previous videos app rightthe previous videos app righthe re i n my l ib ra ry a nd w e' vehere in my library and we'vehere in my library and we'vead de d al l th e sa me f ea tu re s I' veadded all the same features I'veadded all the same features I'veju st s ho wn o n Ap pl e TV ,just shown on Apple TV,just shown on Apple TV,in cl ud in g Wa tc h No w.including Watch Now.including Watch Now.So i n Up N ex t yo u ca n se e th atSo in Up Next you can see thatSo in Up Next you can see that\"G am e of T hr on es \" ep is od e we\"Game of Thrones\" episode we\"Game of Thrones\" episode weju st p la ye d, a s we ll a s al l myjust played, as well as all myjust played, as well as all myot he r sh ow s an d mo vi es .other shows and movies.other shows and movies.An d we h av e al l th at s am e gr ea tAnd we have all that same greatAnd we have all that same greatcu ra te d co nt en t as w el l.curated content as well.curated content as well.No w of c ou rs e, S ir i wo rk s gr ea tNow of course, Siri works greatNow of course, Siri works greatwi th t he T V ap p.with the TV app.with the TV app.Fo r sh ow s th at I 'm w at ch in g, IFor shows that I'm watching, IFor shows that I'm watching, Ica n ju st s ay p la y \"B ro ok ly ncan just say play \"Brooklyncan just say play \"BrooklynNi ne -N in e\" .Nine-Nine\".Nine-Nine\".>> O K, h er e is \" Br oo kl yn>> OK, here is \"Brooklyn>> OK, here is \"BrooklynNi ne -N in e\" .Nine-Nine\".Nine-Nine\".>> T hr ee E T, 5 m in ut es l at e.>> Three ET, 5 minutes late.>> Three ET, 5 minutes late.Yi ke s. B ut I h ad t o st op t o ge tYikes. But I had to stop to getYikes. But I had to stop to getso me w in e.some wine.some wine.He ll o go od , si r.Hello good, sir.Hello good, sir.I' d li ke y ou r fi ne st b ot tl e ofI'd like your finest bottle ofI'd like your finest bottle ofwi ne , pl ea se ?wine, please?wine, please?>> T ha t wi ll b e $1 60 0.>> That will be $1600.>> That will be $1600.>> G re at , I' d li ke y ou r $8 es t>> Great, I'd like your $8est>> Great, I'd like your $8estbo tt le o f wi ne , pl ea se .bottle of wine, please.bottle of wine, please.It 's f ro m th e fi ne st v in ey ar d inIt's from the finest vineyard inIt's from the finest vineyard inAr ka ns as .Arkansas.Arkansas.>> Y ea h.>> Yeah.>> Yeah.>> S o Si ri k no ws e xa ct ly w hi ch>> So Siri knows exactly which>> So Siri knows exactly whichep is od e I wa s on a nd p ic ke d upepisode I was on and picked upepisode I was on and picked upri gh t wh er e I le ft o ff .right where I left off.right where I left off.Le t' s sw it ch b ac k to m y Ap pl eLet's switch back to my AppleLet's switch back to my AppleTV .TV.TV.So o nc e ag ai n, y ou c an s ee t ha tSo once again, you can see thatSo once again, you can see thatUp N ex t wa s au to ma ti ca ll yUp Next was automaticallyUp Next was automaticallyup da te d wi th t ha t ep is od e weupdated with that episode weupdated with that episode weju st p la ye d on m y iP ad .just played on my iPad.just played on my iPad.So t ha t' s th e ne w TV a pp .So that's the new TV app.So that's the new TV app.It b ri ng s th e be st s ho ws a ndIt brings the best shows andIt brings the best shows andmo vi es f ro m al l my v id eo a pp smovies from all my video appsmovies from all my video appsal l in to o ne p la ce .all into one place.all into one place.An d it w or ks a cr os s Ap pl e TV ,And it works across Apple TV,And it works across Apple TV,iP ho ne , an d iP ad .iPhone, and iPad.iPhone, and iPad.It 's g oi ng t o co mp le te ly c ha ng eIt's going to completely changeIt's going to completely changeho w we w at ch t el ev is io we watch we watch television.No w, I 'd l ik e to t al k ab ou tNow, I'd like to talk aboutNow, I'd like to talk aboutan ot he r im po rt an t ca te go ry a ndanother important category andanother important category andth at 's l iv e.that's live.that's live.Ap pl e TV h as s o ma ny a ma zi ngApple TV has so many amazingApple TV has so many amazingap ps t ha t ar e gr ea t fo r tu ni ngapps that are great for tuningapps that are great for tuningin t o li ve n ew s an d sp or ts .in to live news and to live news and sports.An d to da y, S ir i is m ak in g itAnd today, Siri is making itAnd today, Siri is making itea si er t ha n ev er t o wa tc h th eeasier than ever to watch theeasier than ever to watch theli ve c on te nt t ha t yo u wa nt .live content that you content that you want.So n ow I c an s ay t hi ng s li keSo now I can say things likeSo now I can say things likewa tc h CB S Ne ws .watch CBS CBS News.>> R un ni ng t wo m as te rp ie ce s by -->> Running two masterpieces by-->> Running two masterpieces by-->> S ir i tu ne s in s tr ai gh t to>> Siri tunes in straight to>> Siri tunes in straight towh at 's l iv e on C BS .what's live on CBS.what's live on CBS.No w si nc e I' m wa tc hi ng i n th eNow since I'm watching in theNow since I'm watching in theap p, I c an g et m or e ne ws j us t byapp, I can get more news just byapp, I can get more news just bysw ip in g up , an d ch oo se aswiping up, and choose aswiping up, and choose adi ff er en t st or y ju st b ydifferent story just bydifferent story just bycl ic ki ng .clicking.clicking.>> 9 11 . Wh at 's t he a dd re ss o f>> 911. What's the address of>> 911. What's the address ofth e em er ge nc y?the emergency?the emergency?>> W e go t a gu y wh o ju st s to le a>> We got a guy who just stole a>> We got a guy who just stole abi ke h er e at W al ma rt .bike here at here at Walmart.I go t hi m ro pe d an d ti ed t o aI got him roped and tied to aI got him roped and tied to atr ee .tree.tree.>> W ha t?>> What?>> What?>> T he c av al ry a rr iv ed m om en ts>> The cavalry arrived moments>> The cavalry arrived momentsla te r.later.later.>> S o th at 's g re at w he n I kn ow>> So that's great when I know>> So that's great when I knowwh at c ha nn el I w an t.what channel I want.what channel I want.Bu t wh at a bo ut w he n I ju st w an tBut what about when I just wantBut what about when I just wantto w at ch m y fa vo ri te s po rt .to watch my favorite watch my favorite sport.So l et 's s ay i t' s Sa tu rd ay a ndSo let's say it's Saturday andSo let's say it's Saturday andyo u kn ow w ha t th at m ea ns ,you know what that means,you know what that means,co ll eg e fo ot ba ll d ay .college football football day.Al l I ne ed t o do i s te ll S ir i toAll I need to do is tell Siri toAll I need to do is tell Siri totu rn o n th e ga me .turn on the game.turn on the game.Wa tc h th e Lo ui sv il le g am e.Watch the Louisville game.Watch the Louisville game.Si ri k no ws w hi ch a pp h as t heSiri knows which app has theSiri knows which app has thega me a nd t ak es m e st ra ig ht t ogame and takes me straight togame and takes me straight toth e ac ti on .the action.the action.>> F in le y lo ok in g at a b li tz .>> Finley looking at a blitz.>> Finley looking at a blitz.Th ro ws o ne o ve r th e mi dd le a ndThrows one over the middle andThrows one over the middle andth ro ws a no th er i nt er ce pt io n.throws another interception.throws another interception.>> W ow . We ll , si nc e th is g am e>> Wow. Well, since this game>> Wow. Well, since this gamelo ok s li ke a t ot al r un aw ay ,looks like a total runaway,looks like a total runaway,le t' s us e Si ri t o fi nd o ut w ha tlet's use Siri to find out whatlet's use Siri to find out whatot he r fo ot ba ll g am es a re o n no w?other football games are on now?Si ri s ho ws m e al l of t od ay 'sSiri shows me all of today'sSiri shows me all of today'ssc he du le s an d sc or es a nd e ve nschedules and scores and evenschedules and scores and evenwh ic h ot he r ga me s I ca n wa tc hwhich other games I can watchwhich other games I can watchli ve ll , I kn ow a c er ta in C EO a ndWell, I know a certain CEO andWell, I know a certain CEO andAu bu rn a lu m th at p ro ba bl y wa nt sAuburn alum that probably wantsAuburn alum that probably wantsto t un e in , so l et 's t ak e ato tune in, so let's take ato tune in, so let's take alo ok .look.look.>> L oo k at K am M ar ti n.>> Look at Kam Martin.>> Look at Kam Martin.He re h e go es .Here he goes.Here he goes.I me an t hi s is j us t ge tt in gI mean this is just gettingI mean this is just gettingsi ll y in t he b ox s co re r ig htsilly in the box score rightsilly in the box score rightno>> S ir i ma ke s it s o ea sy t o>> Siri makes it so easy to>> Siri makes it so easy toca tc h al l th e ex ci ti ng m om en ts .catch all the exciting moments.catch all the exciting moments.So w it h Si ri l iv e tu ne i n an dSo with Siri live tune in andSo with Siri live tune in andth e un if ie d ex pe ri en ce o f th ethe unified experience of thethe unified experience of thene w TV a pp , Ap pl e TV i s th e be stnew TV app, Apple TV is the bestnew TV app, Apple TV is the bestpl ac e to w at ch T V sh ow s, m ov ie s,place to watch TV shows, movies,place to watch TV shows, movies,sp or ts , an d mo re .sports, and more.sports, and more.Th an ks s o mu ch .Thanks so much.Thanks so much.>> T ha nk y ou , Je n.>> Thank you, Jen.>> Thank you, Jen.Th an ks , Je n.Thanks, Jen.Thanks, Jen.I' m ve ry e xc it ed a bo ut t he n ewI'm very excited about the newI'm very excited about the newTV a pp f or A pp le T V, a s we ll a sTV app for Apple TV, as well asTV app for Apple TV, as well asfo r iP ho ne a nd i Pa d.for iPhone and iPad.for iPhone and iPad.So n ow t he re i s a un if ie d TVSo now there is a unified TVSo now there is a unified TVex pe ri en ce .experience.experience.Th at 's o ne p la ce t o di sc ov er a ndThat's one place to discover andThat's one place to discover anden jo y yo ur f av or it e TV s ho ws a ndenjoy your favorite TV shows andenjoy your favorite TV shows andmo vi es a cr os s al l of y ou rmovies across all of yourmovies across all of yourde vi ce s.devices.devices.No w, w e' re g oi ng t o ma ke t he T VNow, we're going to make the TVNow, we're going to make the TVap p av ai la bl e fo r fr ee w it h aapp available for free with aapp available for free with aso ft wa re u pd at e fo r tv OS a nd i OSsoftware update for tvOS and iOSsoftware update for tvOS and iOSbe gi nn in g in t he U ni te d St at esbeginning in the United Statesbeginning in the United Statesby t he e nd o f th is y ea the end of this the end of this year.Ap pl e TV , iP ho ne a nd i Pa d ha veApple TV, iPhone and iPad haveApple TV, iPhone and iPad havebe co me t he p ri ma ry w ay s th atbecome the primary ways thatbecome the primary ways thatma ny o f us e nj oy w at ch in gmany of us enjoy watchingmany of us enjoy watchingte le vi si on .television.television.An d no w wi th t he T V ap p, t he re 'sAnd now with the TV app, there'sAnd now with the TV app, there'sre al ly n o re as on t o wa tc h TVreally no reason to watch TVreally no reason to watch TVan yw he re e ls e.anywhere else.anywhere else.So t ha t' s Ap pl e TV a nd t he n ewSo that's Apple TV and the newSo that's Apple TV and the newTV a pp .TV app.TV app.Th e ne xt t hi ng w e' d li ke t o ta lkThe next thing we'd like to talkThe next thing we'd like to talkab ou t is s om et hi ng d ea r to a llabout is something dear to allabout is something dear to allof u s at A pp le , an d th at i s th eof us at Apple, and that is theof us at Apple, and that is theMa c.Mac.Mac.Th e Ma c is m or e th an a p ro du ctThe Mac is more than a productThe Mac is more than a productto u s, i t' s a te st am en t toto us, it's a testament toto us, it's a testament toev er yt hi ng w e do a nd e ve ry th in geverything we do and everythingeverything we do and everythingwe c re at e at A pp le .we create at Apple.we create at Apple.Th e Ma c is s o in cr ed ib lyThe Mac is so incrediblyThe Mac is so incrediblyim po rt an t to u s.important to us.important to us.Bu t it 's n ot j us t im po rt an t toBut it's not just important toBut it's not just important tous , it 's i mp or ta nt t o th e wo rl, it's important to the, it's important to the world.It 's h ad a p ro fo un d im pa ct i nIt's had a profound impact inIt's had a profound impact ined uc at io n, d es ig n, b us in es s, t heeducation, design, business, theeducation, design, business, thear ts , th e sc ie nc es , an d so m an yarts, the sciences, and so manyarts, the sciences, and so manyar ea s.areas.areas.Th e wo rl d' s cr ea ti ve f or ce s us edThe world's creative forces usedThe world's creative forces usedth e Ma c to p us h th e wo rl dthe Mac to push the worldthe Mac to push the worldfo rw ar d.forward.forward.We c on ti nu e to p us h th e Ma cWe continue to push the MacWe continue to push the Macex pe ri en ce f or wa rd w it h ma cO S.experience forward with macOS.experience forward with macOS.An d th is y ea r we l au nc he d th eAnd this year we launched theAnd this year we launched thebe st v er si on y et , ma cO S Si er ra .best version yet, macOS version yet, macOS Sierra.It b ro ug ht a l ot o f po we rf ul n ewIt brought a lot of powerful newIt brought a lot of powerful newfe at ur es t o th e Ma c su ch a sfeatures to the Mac such asfeatures to the Mac such asiC lo ud D ri ve , wh ic h ma ke s al liCloud Drive, which makes alliCloud Drive, which makes allth e fi le s on t he d es kt op o r inthe files on the desktop or inthe files on the desktop or inth e do cu me nt s fo ld er o f on e Ma cthe documents folder of one Macthe documents folder of one Macav ai la bl e to a ny o th er M ac , asavailable to any other Mac, asavailable to any other Mac, aswe ll a s yo ur i Ph on es a nd i Pa ds .well as your iPhones and iPads.well as your iPhones and iPads.An d Un iv er sa l Cl ip bo ar d, l et ti ngAnd Universal Clipboard, lettingAnd Universal Clipboard, lettingyo u co py c on te nt f ro m yo uryou copy content from youryou copy content from youriP ho ne o r iP ad i n yo ur M ac a ndiPhone or iPad in your Mac andiPhone or iPad in your Mac andpa st e it i n yo ur M ac .paste it in your Mac.paste it in your Mac.An d hu nd re d of t ho us an ds o fAnd hundred of thousands ofAnd hundred of thousands ofwe bs it es n ow a re o ff er in g th ei rwebsites now are offering theirwebsites now are offering theircu st om er s' A pp le P ay .customers' Apple Pay.customers' Apple Pay.So y ou c an s ho p wi th y ou r Ma cSo you can shop with your MacSo you can shop with your Macan d th en j us t wi th a c li ck a nd aand then just with a click and aand then just with a click and ata p co mp le te y ou r pu rc ha se .tap complete your purchase.tap complete your purchase.Si ri i s no w av ai la bl e on a llSiri is now available on allSiri is now available on allAp pl e pl at fo rm s in cl ud in g th eApple platforms including theApple platforms including theMa c.Mac.Mac.An d on t op o f th e ca pa bi li ti esAnd on top of the capabilitiesAnd on top of the capabilitiesyo u' ve g ro wn t o lo ve w it h Si ri ,you've grown to love with Siri,you've grown to love with Siri,we 'v e de si gn ed s om e sp ec if icwe've designed some specificwe've designed some specificon es j us t fo r th e Ma c.ones just for the Mac.ones just for the Mac.Fo r in st an ce , yo u ca n do d et ai lFor instance, you can do detailFor instance, you can do detailfi le s ea rc he s ju st b y as ki ngfile searches just by askingfile searches just by askingSi ri .Siri.Siri.Th is i s in cr ed ib le p ro du ct iv it yThis is incredible productivityThis is incredible productivitysa vi ng s.savings.savings.We 'r e re al ly e xc it ed a bo ut a llWe're really excited about allWe're really excited about allth e th in gs y ou c an d o wi th m ac OSthe things you can do with macOSthe things you can do with macOSSi er ra .Sierra.Sierra.Th e Ma c ex pe ri en ce j us t ke ep sThe Mac experience just keepsThe Mac experience just keepsge tt in g be tt er a nd b et te r.getting better and better.No w, y ou m ay n ot r ea li ze i t bu tNow, you may not realize it butNow, you may not realize it butth is w ee k ha pp en s to b e a hu gethis week happens to be a hugethis week happens to be a hugewe ek i n th e hi st or y of t he M acweek in the history of the Macweek in the history of the Macan d in t he h is to ry o f Ap pl e.and in the history of Apple.and in the history of Apple.Th is w ee k ma rk s th e 25 thThis week marks the 25thThis week marks the 25than ni ve rs ar y of o ur f ir stanniversary of our firstanniversary of our firstno te bo ok .notebook.notebook.It w as o n Oc to be r 25 th o f 19 91It was on October 25th of 1991It was on October 25th of 1991th at A pp le u nv ei le d th e fi rs tthat Apple unveiled the firstthat Apple unveiled the firstPo we rB oo k.PowerBook.PowerBook.No w, t he P ow er Bo ok a ct ua ll yNow, the PowerBook actuallyNow, the PowerBook actuallyde fi ne d th e mo de rn n ot eb oo k fo rdefined the modern notebook fordefined the modern notebook forit s ti me , ch an gi ng t he c at eg or yits time, changing the categoryits time, changing the categoryan d ch an gi ng A pp le f or ev er .and changing Apple forever.and changing Apple forever.Th is w as t he f ir st p or ta bl e th atThis was the first portable thatThis was the first portable thatfe at ur ed t he k ey bo ar d fo rfeatured the keyboard forfeatured the keyboard forde si gn , so y ou c ou ld r es t yo urdesign, so you could rest yourdesign, so you could rest yourpa lm s wh en y ou a re t yp in g.palms when you are typing.palms when you are typing.It h ad a p oi nt in g de vi ceIt had a pointing deviceIt had a pointing devicein te gr at ed r ig ht i nt o th e pa lmintegrated right into the palmintegrated right into the palmre st w al l of u s ta ke t hi s fo rNow all of us take this forNow all of us take this forgr an te d to da y, b ut t hi s is w he regranted today, but this is wheregranted today, but this is whereit a ll s ta rt ed .it all all started.It w as a ls o th e fi rs t la pt opIt was also the first laptopIt was also the first laptopwi th a n ac ti ve m at ri x di sp la y.with an active matrix display.with an active matrix display.No w we d id n' t st op h er e.Now we didn't stop here.Now we didn't stop here.Ev er y ge ne ra ti on o f Ma cEvery generation of MacEvery generation of Macno te bo ok s ha d so me m aj ornotebooks had some majornotebooks had some majorin no va ti on t ha t wo un d up p us hi nginnovation that wound up pushinginnovation that wound up pushingth e in du st ry f or wa rd .the industry forward.the industry forward.Th e fi rs t Tr ac kp ad , th e fi rs tThe first Trackpad, the firstThe first Trackpad, the firstno te bo ok w it h bu il t- in W iF i, t henotebook with built-in WiFi, thenotebook with built-in WiFi, thefi rs t al um in um u ni t bo dy d es ig n,first aluminum unit body design,first aluminum unit body design,th e fi rs t wi th a ll f la sh s to ra gethe first with all flash storagethe first with all flash storagean d th e fi rs t wi th a ll d ayand the first with all dayand the first with all dayba tt er y li fe , an d th e fi rs tbattery life, and the firstbattery life, and the firstre ti na d is pl ay i n a no te bo ok .retina display in a notebook.retina display in a notebook.Fo r 25 y ea rs , we 'v e be enFor 25 years, we've beenFor 25 years, we've beende fi ni ng a nd r ed ef in in g wh at adefining and redefining what adefining and redefining what ano te bo ok i s an d wh at a n ot eb oo knotebook is and what a notebookca n do .can do.can do.An d to da y, w e' re g oi ng t o do i tAnd today, we're going to do itAnd today, we're going to do itag ai n.again.again.Le t me s ho w it t o yo u.Let me show it to you.Th is i s th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o an dThis is the new MacBook Pro andThis is the new MacBook Pro andit i s ab so lu te ly i nc re di bl is absolutely is absolutely incredible.To t el l yo u al l ab ou t it , I' dTo tell you all about it, I'dTo tell you all about it, I'dli ke t o in vi te P hi l Sc hi ll er u to invite Phil Schiller to invite Phil Schiller up.Ph il .Phil.Phil.>> T ha nk y ou , Ti m.>> Thank you, Tim.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We ll , go od m or ni ng e ve ry on e.Well, good morning everyone.Well, good morning everyone.Th is i s so e xc it in g.This is so exciting.This is so exciting.A ne w ge ne ra ti on M ac Bo ok P ro a ndA new generation MacBook Pro andA new generation MacBook Pro andit i s se ri ou sl y co ol .it is seriously is seriously cool.It h as a w ho le n ew d es ig n ma deIt has a whole new design madeIt has a whole new design madeof a lu mi nu m.of aluminum.of aluminum.It i s me ta l on a ll s id es .It is metal on all sides.It is metal on all sides.It i s in cr ed ib ly e xt re me .It is incredibly extreme.It is incredibly extreme.An d th is k in d of d es ig n is o nl yAnd this kind of design is onlyAnd this kind of design is onlypo ss ib le w it h th e un iq uepossible with the uniquepossible with the uniqueco ll ab or at io n be tw ee n ou rcollaboration between ourcollaboration between ourha rd wa re e ng in ee ri ng , ou rhardware engineering, ourhardware engineering, ourop er at io ns , an d ou r in du st ri aloperations, and our industrialoperations, and our industrialde si gn t ea m wo rk in g to ge th er t odesign team working together todesign team working together toso lv e pr ob le ms o th er s ha ve n' tsolve problems others haven'tsolve problems others haven'tev en t ri ed t o ta ck le .even tried to tackle.even tried to tackle.It i s th e ne w go ld s ta nd ar d inIt is the new gold standard inIt is the new gold standard inno te bo ok c om pu te rs t ha t en ab le snotebook computers that enablesnotebook computers that enablesin no va ti on s no t po ss ib le b ef or e.innovations not possible before.innovations not possible before.It c om es i n a 13 -i nc h an dIt comes in a 13-inch andIt comes in a 13-inch and15 -i nc h si ze s in s il ve r an d15-inch sizes in silver and15-inch sizes in silver andsp ac e gr ay , an d it i s si mp ly t hespace gray, and it is simply thespace gray, and it is simply theth in ne st a nd l ig ht es t Ma cB oo kthinnest and lightest MacBookthinnest and lightest MacBookPr o we h av e ev er m ad e.Pro we have ever made.Pro we have ever made.So l et 's d iv e in to a f ew o f th eSo let's dive into a few of theSo let's dive into a few of thede ta il s.details.details.Fi rs t, l et 's l oo k at t he 1 3- in chFirst, let's look at the 13-inchFirst, let's look at the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.He re 's t he p re vi ou s ge ne ra ti on ,Here's the previous generation,Here's the previous generation,ab so lu te ly t he l ea de r in i tsabsolutely the leader in itsabsolutely the leader in itsfi el d in p er fo rm an ce a nd t hi nfield in performance and thinfield in performance and thinan d li gh t.and light.and light.Bu t he re 's t he n ew 1 3- in chBut here's the new 13-inchBut here's the new 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o on t he r ig ht .MacBook Pro on the right.MacBook Pro on the right.Ye s, i t is j us t 14 .9 m il li me te rsYes, it is just 14.9 millimetersYes, it is just 14.9 millimetersth in .thin.thin.Th at 's 1 7% t hi nn er t ha n th eThat's 17% thinner than theThat's 17% thinner than thepr ev io us g en er at io n, a nd i t' sprevious generation, and it'sprevious generation, and it'ssm al le r to o, 2 3% s ma ll er i nsmaller too, 23% smaller insmaller too, 23% smaller invo lu me , al mo st a q ua rt er l es s.volume, almost a quarter less.volume, almost a quarter less.Th at 's a h ug e di ff er en ce .That's a huge difference.That's a huge difference.An d it w ei gh s le ss t oo .And it weighs less too.And it weighs less too.It w ei gh s ju st 3 p ou nd s, a lm os tIt weighs just 3 pounds, almostIt weighs just 3 pounds, almosta ha lf a p ou nd l es s th an t hea half a pound less than thea half a pound less than thepr ev io us v er si on .previous version.previous version.Le t' s tu rn i t ar ou nd s o we c anLet's turn it around so we canLet's turn it around so we canse e th e al l me ta l de si gn o n al lsee the all metal design on allsee the all metal design on allsi de s.sides.sides.It i s an a bs ol ut el y st un ni ng lyIt is an absolutely stunninglyIt is an absolutely stunninglybe au ti fu l no te bo ok .beautiful notebook.beautiful notebook.No w le t' s lo ok a t th e 15 -i nc hNow let's look at the 15-inchNow let's look at the 15-inchno te bo ok .notebook.notebook.Ag ai n, t he p re vi ou s 15 -i nc hAgain, the previous 15-inchAgain, the previous 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o, t he s ta nd ar d, t heMacBook Pro, the standard, theMacBook Pro, the standard, thebe st p ro fe ss io na l no te bo ok t ha tbest professional notebook thatbest professional notebook thatha d ev er b ee n ma de u nt il t od ay .had ever been made until today.had ever been made until today.He re 's t he n ew 1 5- in ch p ro n ex tHere's the new 15-inch pro nextHere's the new 15-inch pro nextto i it.15 .5 m il li me te rs t hi n.15.5 millimeters thin.15.5 millimeters thin.Th at 's 1 4% t hi nn er a nd i t isThat's 14% thinner and it isThat's 14% thinner and it issm al le r as w el l, 2 0% s ma ll er i nsmaller as well, 20% smaller insmaller as well, 20% smaller invo lu me t ha n th e pr ev io us o ne .volume than the previous one.volume than the previous one.On e- fi ft h le ss , it 's a h ug eOne-fifth less, it's a hugeOne-fifth less, it's a hugeen gi ne er in g fe at .engineering feat.An d it w ei gh s ju st f ou r po un ds .And it weighs just four pounds.And it weighs just four pounds.Ag ai n, a h al f a po un d le ss , fo urAgain, a half a pound less, fourAgain, a half a pound less, fourpo un ds f or a h ig h pe rf or ma nc epounds for a high performancepounds for a high performancepr of es si on al 1 5- in ch n ot eb oo k.professional 15-inch notebook.professional 15-inch notebook.Th at 's j us t un he ar d of .That's just unheard of.That's just unheard of.Bu t wh at 's r ea ll y im pr es si ve i sBut what's really impressive isBut what's really impressive iswh en c us to me rs o pe n it u p fo rwhen customers open it up forwhen customers open it up forth e fi rs t ti me a nd l oo k in si de ,the first time and look inside,the first time and look inside,be ca us e ev er yt hi ng i s al l ne w.because everything is all new.because everything is all new.Th er e' s a ne w Tr ac kp ad , a Fo rc eThere's a new Trackpad, a ForceThere's a new Trackpad, a ForceTo uc h Tr ac kp ad .Touch Trackpad.Touch Trackpad.It i s tw ic e as b ig a s th eIt is twice as big as theIt is twice as big as theTr ac kp ad i n th e pr ev io usTrackpad in the previousTrackpad in the previousge ne ra ti on .generation.generation.A lo t mo re r oo m fo r yo urA lot more room for yourA lot more room for yourge st ur es .gestures.gestures.An d th is i s on ly p os si bl eAnd this is only possibleAnd this is only possiblebe ca us e of t he F or ce T ou chbecause of the Force Touchbecause of the Force Touchte ch no lo gy o rd er t o ha ve a g re at c li ckIn order to have a great clickIn order to have a great clickfe el w it h a me ch an ic al c li ckfeel with a mechanical clickfeel with a mechanical clickme ch an is m, i t wo ul d no t bemechanism, it would not bemechanism, it would not bepo ss ib le .possible.possible.Th is i s re al ly s ta te o f th e ar tThis is really state of the artThis is really state of the artan d th e be st T ra ck pa d we 'v e ev erand the best Trackpad we've everand the best Trackpad we've everma de .made.made.Th e ke yb oa rd i s al l ne w as w el l.The keyboard is all new as well.The keyboard is all new as well.It u se s th e bu tt er fl y sw it chIt uses the butterfly switchIt uses the butterfly switchme ch an is m th at w e pi on ee re d inmechanism that we pioneered inmechanism that we pioneered inth e 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo k.the 12-inch MacBook.the 12-inch MacBook.Bu t no w we 'v e ap pl ie d it t o aBut now we've applied it to aBut now we've applied it to apr of es si on al n ot eb oo k, a nd i nprofessional notebook, and inprofessional notebook, and inth is c as e th er e' s a ne w sw it chthis case there's a new switchthis case there's a new switchme ch an is m, a 2 nd g en er at io nmechanism, a 2nd generationmechanism, a 2nd generationbu tt er fl y.butterfly.butterfly.It 's m or e re sp on si ve a nd g iv esIt's more responsive and givesIt's more responsive and givesan e ve n gr ea te r se ns e ofan even greater sense ofan even greater sense ofke yb oa rd t ra ve l as y ou p re ss o nkeyboard travel as you press onkeyboard travel as you press onit i s a gr ea t ke yb oa rd .It is a great keyboard.It is a great keyboard.An d I co ul d ta lk a ll d ay a bo utAnd I could talk all day aboutAnd I could talk all day aboutit b ut I t hi nk y ou 'r e pr ob ab lyit but I think you're probablyit but I think you're probablylo ok in g at t ha t ar ea j us t ab ov elooking at that area just abovelooking at that area just aboveit at o ur t ea m ha s do ne i n th isWhat our team has done in thisWhat our team has done in thisar ea w he re f un ct io n ke ys u se d toarea where function keys used toarea where function keys used toex is t is r em ar ka bl e.exist is remarkable.exist is remarkable.Bu t be fo re w e ge t in to t ha t, IBut before we get into that, IBut before we get into that, Ido t hi nk i t' s wo rt h a mo me nt f ordo think it's worth a moment fordo think it's worth a moment fora re qu ie m fo r th e fu nc ti on k ey .a requiem for the function key.a requiem for the function key.Ma ny o f yo u pr ob ab ly e xp er ie nc edMany of you probably experiencedMany of you probably experiencedfo r th e fi rs t ti me a s so me o f usfor the first time as some of usfor the first time as some of usdi d ba ck w it h so me th in g li kedid back with something likedid back with something liketh is .this.this.Th is i s an I BM 3 27 0 ma in fr am eThis is an IBM 3270 mainframeThis is an IBM 3270 mainframete rm in al f ro m 19 71 .terminal from 1971.terminal from 1971.Th at 's w he n ma ny o f us f ir stThat's when many of us firstThat's when many of us firstex pe ri en ce d th is g re at n ewexperienced this great newexperienced this great newte ch no lo gy c al le d th e fu nc ti ontechnology called the functiontechnology called the functionke y.key.key.An d it a ll ow ed u s to d oAnd it allowed us to doAnd it allowed us to doop er at io ns o n a ma in fr am eoperations on a mainframeoperations on a mainframete rm in al .terminal.terminal.Th os e fu nc ti on k ey s mi gr at ed t oThose function keys migrated toThose function keys migrated toou r de sk to ps a nd t o ou rour desktops and to ourour desktops and to ourno te bo ok s.notebooks.notebooks.Ov er 4 5 ye ar s, w e' ve b ee n us in gOver 45 years, we've been usingOver 45 years, we've been usingfu nc ti on k ey s.function keys.function keys.We ll , ac tu al ly f or t he l as t- -Well, actually for the last--Well, actually for the last--wh o kn ow s ho w ma ny y ea rs ?who knows how many years?who knows how many years?We r ea ll y ha ve n' t be en u si ngWe really haven't been usingWe really haven't been usingth em a ny mo re .them anymore.them anymore.Be ca us e wh en i s th e la st t im eBecause when is the last timeBecause when is the last timeyo u' ve h ad a 3 27 0 ma in fr am eyou've had a 3270 mainframeyou've had a 3270 mainframete rm in al e mu la ti on s es si on ?terminal emulation session?terminal emulation session?It 's b ee n a wh il e, r ig ht ?It's been a while, right?It's been a while, right?So w e' ve m ap pe d ot he r fu nc ti on sSo we've mapped other functionsSo we've mapped other functionson t o th es e ke ys .on to these keys.on to these keys.We 'v e pu t vo lu me a nd b ri gh tn es sWe've put volume and brightnessWe've put volume and brightnesson t he m.on them.on them.Bu t th is i s cr az y, k ee pi ngBut this is crazy, keepingBut this is crazy, keeping45 -y ea r- ol d te ch no lo gy a ro un d45-year-old technology around45-year-old technology aroundan d ma pp in g ot he r th in gs t oand mapping other things toand mapping other things toth em .them.them.Ou r de si gn t ea m is -- h as t ak enOur design team is-- has takenOur design team is-- has takenon t he c ha ll en ge t o mo ve f or wa rdon the challenge to move forwardon the challenge to move forwardan d sa y, w ha t if w e ge t ri d ofand say, what if we get rid ofand say, what if we get rid ofth em ?them?them?Wh at c ou ld w e do i n th ei r pl ac e?What could we do in their place?What could we do in their place?Wh at t ec hn ol og y ca n we p ro vi deWhat technology can we provideWhat technology can we provideth at a ct ua ll y en ha nc es t hethat actually enhances thethat actually enhances theex pe ri en ce t ha t we a ll h av e wi thexperience that we all have withexperience that we all have withou r no te bo ok s al l da y lo ng ?our notebooks all day long?our notebooks all day long?An d wh at t he y' ve d on e is t ru lyAnd what they've done is trulyAnd what they've done is trulyre ma rk ab le .remarkable.remarkable.Th is i s wh at i t lo ok s li ke .This is what it looks like.It 's a r et in a di sp la y.It's a retina display.It's a retina display.It i s mu lt i- to uc h.It is multi-touch.It is multi-touch.It r es po nd s to y ou r ge st ur es a ndIt responds to your gestures andIt responds to your gestures andyo ur t ap s an d ma ke s th in gsyour taps and makes thingsyour taps and makes thingsin cr ed ib ly e as y to u se .incredibly easy to use.We c al l it T ou ch B ar .We call it Touch Bar.We call it Touch Bar.No w To uc h Ba r ca n do s o ma nyNow Touch Bar can do so manyNow Touch Bar can do so manyth in gs t o he lp u s as w e us e ou rthings to help us as we use ourthings to help us as we use ourMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.Fi rs t, i t re pl ac es t he s ta nd ar dFirst, it replaces the standardFirst, it replaces the standardsy st em f un ct io ns w e' re u se d to .system functions we're used to.system functions we're used to.So i f yo u wa nt t o se t th eSo if you want to set theSo if you want to set thebr ig ht ne ss o r th e vo lu me , it 'sbrightness or the volume, it'sbrightness or the volume, it'sea si er t ha n ev er b ef or e, j us t aeasier than ever before, just aeasier than ever before, just asl id e or a t ap .slide or a tap.slide or a tap.Bu t it g oe s wa y be yo nd t ha t.But it goes way beyond that.But it goes way beyond that.Th e To uc h Ba r ad ap ts t o wh at ev erThe Touch Bar adapts to whateverThe Touch Bar adapts to whateverso ft wa re y ou a re u si ng .software you are you are using.So f or e xa mp le , in t hi s ca se ,So for example, in this case,So for example, in this case,we 'r e in S af ar i.we're in Safari.we're in Safari.An d no w th e To uc h Ba r is s ho wi ngAnd now the Touch Bar is showingAnd now the Touch Bar is showingus b ut to ns f or o ur f av or it eus buttons for our favoriteus buttons for our favoritewe bs it es .websites.websites.If y ou w an t to g o to a w eb si te ,If you want to go to a website,If you want to go to a website,yo u co ul d ju st s li de a lo ng a ndyou could just slide along andyou could just slide along andta p it a nd i t ta ke s yo u to t ha ttap it and it takes you to thattap it and it takes you to thatwe bs it ce y ou 'r e th er e, i t ch an ge sOnce you're there, it changesOnce you're there, it changesag ai n.again.again.No w it s ho ws y ou a s ea rc h fi el d,Now it shows you a search field,Now it shows you a search field,th e ba ck b ut to n, a nd a dd a no th erthe back button, and add anotherthe back button, and add anotherta b in y ou r vi ew , ju st t he t oo lstab in your view, just the toolstab in your view, just the toolsyo u ne ed f or w he re y ou a re .you need for where you need for where you are.An d it g oe s be yo nd j us t be in gAnd it goes beyond just beingAnd it goes beyond just beingap pl ic at io n sp ec if ic .application specific.application specific.Th e To uc h Ba r ca n pr ov id e ne wThe Touch Bar can provide newThe Touch Bar can provide newsu rf ac es f or t oo ls t ha t we u sesurfaces for tools that we usesurfaces for tools that we useal l th e ti me .all the time.all the time.So f or e xa mp le , he re I a m inSo for example, here I am inSo for example, here I am inph ot os a nd I w an t to s tr ai gh te nphotos and I want to straightenphotos and I want to straightenth at p ho to , I ha ve a n ewthat photo, I have a newthat photo, I have a newin te rf ac e ri gh t th er e on T ou chinterface right there on Touchinterface right there on TouchBa r fo r st ra ig ht en in g th e ph ot o.Bar for straightening the photo.Bar for straightening the photo.An d my h an ds a re r ig ht d ow n onAnd my hands are right down onAnd my hands are right down onth e ke yb oa rd w he re I w an t th emthe keyboard where I want themthe keyboard where I want themin a n ot eb oo a a notebook.It 's a p er fe ct e xp er ie nc e.It's a perfect experience.It's a perfect experience.An d si nc e it 's n ea r th eAnd since it's near theAnd since it's near theke yb oa rd , it 's a ls o re al lykeyboard, it's also reallykeyboard, it's also reallyhe lp fu l wh en y ou 'r e ty pi ng .helpful when you're typing.helpful when you're typing.So a s yo u' re t yp in g, t he T ou chSo as you're typing, the TouchSo as you're typing, the TouchBa r ca n sh ow y ou q ui ck t yp eBar can show you quick typeBar can show you quick typesu gg es ti on s.suggestions.suggestions.Yo u co ul d ju st t ap o n an d ty peYou could just tap on and typeYou could just tap on and typeev en f as te r.even faster.even faster.It i s in cr ed ib ly u se fu l an dIt is incredibly useful andIt is incredibly useful andin tu it iv e an d re al ly f un t o us e.intuitive and really fun to use.intuitive and really fun to use.We ll , ne xt t o To uc h Ba r isWell, next to Touch Bar isWell, next to Touch Bar isan ot he r te ch no lo gy , To uc h ID .another technology, Touch ID.another technology, Touch ID.We 'r e br in gi ng T ou ch I D to t heWe're bringing Touch ID to theWe're bringing Touch ID to theMa c fo r th e ve ry f ir st t im e.Mac for the very first time.Mac for the very first time.So n ow , yo u ca n lo g in t o yo urSo now, you can log in to yourSo now, you can log in to yourMa c wi th y ou r fi ng er pr in t.Mac with your fingerprint.Mac with your fingerprint.An d it 's i nt eg ra te d ri gh t wh er eAnd it's integrated right whereAnd it's integrated right whereit b el on gs , in w it h th e po we rit belongs, in with the powerit belongs, in with the powerbu tt on .button.button.It 's s up po rt ed b y a se co ndIt's supported by a secondIt's supported by a secondge ne ra ti on T ou ch I D se ns or s ogeneration Touch ID sensor sogeneration Touch ID sensor soit 's r ea ll y fa st .it's really's really fast.It 's c ov er ed w it h a sa pp hi reIt's covered with a sapphireIt's covered with a sapphirecr ys ta l so i t fe el s gr ea t.crystal so it feels great.crystal so it feels great.An d it 's s up po rt ed b y a br an dAnd it's supported by a brandAnd it's supported by a brandne w ch ip , th e Ap pl e T1 c hi chip, the Apple T1 chip, the Apple T1 chip.An d th is c hi p in cl ud es s ec ur eAnd this chip includes secureAnd this chip includes secureen cl av e.enclave.enclave.So n ow y ou c ou ld d o Ap pl e Pa ySo now you could do Apple PaySo now you could do Apple Paypu rc ha se s wi th y ou r fi ng er r ig htpurchases with your finger rightpurchases with your finger righton y ou r Ma cB oo k Pr o.on your MacBook Pro.on your MacBook Pro.So t hi s is t he T ou ch B ar a ndSo this is the Touch Bar andSo this is the Touch Bar andTo uc h ID .Touch ID.Touch ID.An d to s ho w it t o yo u wo rk in gAnd to show it to you workingAnd to show it to you workingli ve f or t he v er y fi rs t ti me ,live for the very first time,live for the very first time,I' m re al ly e xc it ed t o br in g upI'm really excited to bring upI'm really excited to bring upCr ai g Fe de ri gh i.Craig Federighi.Craig Federighi.Cr ai g.Craig.Craig.>> W el l, g oo d mo rn in g.>> Well, good morning.>> Well, good morning.Th an k yo u, P hi l.Thank you, Phil.Thank you, Phil.It 's a r ar e pr iv il eg e to b e ab leIt's a rare privilege to be ableIt's a rare privilege to be ableto b e th e fi rs t to s ho w yo u th eto be the first to show you theto be the first to show you theam az in g ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o an damazing new MacBook Pro andamazing new MacBook Pro andTo uc h Ba r li ve i n ac ti on .Touch Bar live in action.Touch Bar live in action.An d to d o th at , I' m go in g toAnd to do that, I'm going toAnd to do that, I'm going toha ve t o do a g ra nd r ev ea l he re .have to do a grand reveal here.have to do a grand reveal here.So h er e' s my D av id C op pe rf ie ldSo here's my David CopperfieldSo here's my David Copperfieldmo me nt .moment.moment.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.He re i t is , th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o.Here it is, the new MacBook Pro.Here it is, the new MacBook Pro.We ll , ge tt in g st ar te d on y ou rWell, getting started on yourWell, getting started on yourMa c ha s ne ve r be en e as ie r.Mac has never been easier.Mac has never been easier.I ca n- - We 'v e no w br ou gh t To uc hI can-- We've now brought TouchI can-- We've now brought TouchID t o th e Ma c.ID to the Mac.ID to the Mac.So n ow I c an j us t ta ke m y fi ng erSo now I can just take my fingerSo now I can just take my fingerre st i t on t he T ou ch I D se ns orrest it on the Touch ID sensorrest it on the Touch ID sensoran d I' m in st an tl y in si de m y Ma c.and I'm instantly inside my Mac.and I'm instantly inside my Mac.No w I wa nt t o fo cu s ou rNow I want to focus ourNow I want to focus ourat te nt io n he re o n th e am az in gattention here on the amazingattention here on the amazingne w To uc h Ba Touch Touch Bar.Th e fi rs t th in g, i s sy st emThe first thing, is systemThe first thing, is systemco nt ro l, s ho ul d be r el ie ve d tocontrol, should be relieved tocontrol, should be relieved tose e th ey 'r e al l st il l he re .see they're all still here.see they're all still here.So y ou c an a cc es s yo urSo you can access yourSo you can access yourbr ig ht ne ss , yo ur p la yb ac kbrightness, your playbackbrightness, your playbackco nt ro ls , yo ur a ud io a nd f or t hecontrols, your audio and for thecontrols, your audio and for thefi rs t ti me e ve r, S ir i ha s afirst time ever, Siri has afirst time ever, Siri has ade di ca te d ke y ri gh t on t he M acdedicated key right on the Macdedicated key right on the Macke yb oa rd .keyboard.keyboard.It 's r ea ll y gr ea t.It's really great.It's really great.No w, P hi l' s to uc hi ng e ul og y fo rNow, Phil's touching eulogy forNow, Phil's touching eulogy forth e fu nc ti on k ey s ma y ha ve b ee nthe function keys may have beenthe function keys may have beena bi t pr em at ur e.a bit premature.a bit premature.I kn ow s om e of y ou h ad s om e 32 70I know some of you had some 3270I know some of you had some 3270em ul at io n se ss io ns p la n fo r th isemulation sessions plan for thisemulation sessions plan for thisaf te rn oo n.afternoon.afternoon.An d go od n ew s, t he y ca n ca rr yAnd good news, they can carryAnd good news, they can carryon .on.on.Be ca us e if y ou h ol d do wn t heBecause if you hold down theBecause if you hold down thefu nc ti on k ey , yo u no ti ce t he yfunction key, you notice theyfunction key, you notice theyco me r ig ht b ac k an d av ai la bl e tocome right back and available tocome right back and available toyo u ri gh t he re .you right right here.It 's a h ug e re li ef .It's a huge relief.It's a huge relief.No w, n or ma ll y yo u' re g oi ng t oNow, normally you're going toNow, normally you're going toru n wi th y ou r sy st em c on tr ol srun with your system controlsrun with your system controlstu ck ed a wa y in c on tr ol s tr ip .tucked away in control strip.tucked away in control strip.Wh at 's r ea ll y gr ea t is c on tr olWhat's really great is controlWhat's really great is controlst ri p st il l ma ke s it r ea ll y ea systrip still makes it really easystrip still makes it really easyto d o ev er yt hi ng y ou w an t to d oto do everything you want to doto do everything you want to dowi th y ou r sy st em c on tr ol s.with your system controls.with your system controls.Be ca us e yo u ha ve m ul ti -t ou ch ,Because you have multi-touch,Because you have multi-touch,yo u ca n ta p an d sl id e ri gh t he reyou can tap and slide right hereyou can tap and slide right hereto d o th in gs l ik e ad ju st in g yo urto do things like adjusting yourto do things like adjusting yourvo lu me a nd y ou r br ig ht ne ss .volume and your brightness.volume and your brightness.Bu t yo u' ll n ot ic e he re o n th eBut you'll notice here on theBut you'll notice here on themi dd le i s an a re a fo r co nt ex tu almiddle is an area for contextualmiddle is an area for contextualco nt ro ls f or t he a pp s th at y oucontrols for the apps that youcontrols for the apps that youru t me s ho w yo u th os e in si de o fLet me show you those inside ofLet me show you those inside ofma il .mail.mail.So h er e we a re i n ma il a nd y ouSo here we are in mail and youSo here we are in mail and youno ti ce t ha t th e ba r ha s be ennotice that the bar has beennotice that the bar has beentr an sf or me d.transformed.transformed.So n ow I h av e co nt ro ls f orSo now I have controls forSo now I have controls forth in gs l ik e ad ju st in g- -things like adjusting--things like adjusting--co mp os in g a me ss ag e, r ep ly in g,composing a message, replying,composing a message, replying,ev en f la gg in g, a ll r ig ht h er e.even flagging, all right here.even flagging, all right here.An d as I w or k my w ay t hr ou gh o urAnd as I work my way through ourAnd as I work my way through ourme ss ag es , yo u' ll n ot ic e an ot he rmessages, you'll notice anothermessages, you'll notice anotherbu tt on h er e.button here.button here.Th is o ne a ct ua ll y pr ov id esThis one actually providesThis one actually providespr ed ic ti on s fo r wh er e I mi gh tpredictions for where I mightpredictions for where I mightwa nt t o fi le m y me ss ag es b as edwant to file my messages basedwant to file my messages basedon m y pr ev io us f il in g ha bi t.on my previous filing habit.on my previous filing habit.So I c an j us t se nd t hi s on e of fSo I can just send this one offSo I can just send this one offwi th a t ap .with a tap.with a tap.It 's t ha t ea sy .It's that easy.It's that easy.No w be ca us e To uc h Ba r is p ar t ofNow because Touch Bar is part ofNow because Touch Bar is part ofth e ke yb oa rd , it 's g re at f orthe keyboard, it's great forthe keyboard, it's great forty pi ng .typing.typing.I ca n re pl y to t hi s me ss ag e an dI can reply to this message andI can reply to this message andyo u no ti ce I 'm p re se nt ed w it hyou notice I'm presented withyou notice I'm presented withqu ic k ty pe o pt io ns .quick type options.quick type options.An d qu ic k ty pe h as l ea rn ed h ow IAnd quick type has learned how IAnd quick type has learned how Ili ke t o co mm un ic at to to communicate.So I c an j us t re sp on d to t hi sSo I can just respond to thisSo I can just respond to thison e wi th I 'm t ot al ly s to ke d,one with I'm totally stoked,one with I'm totally stoked,ri gh t th er e.right there.right there.An d wh en i t co me s to f or ma tt in gAnd when it comes to formattingAnd when it comes to formattingmy t ex t, T ou ch B ar h as m emy text, Touch Bar has memy text, Touch Bar has meco ve re d as w el l.covered as well.covered as well.Yo u se e it p re se nt s fo rm at ti ngYou see it presents formattingYou see it presents formattingco nt ro ls .controls.controls.So f or i ns ta nc e, I c an m ak e th eSo for instance, I can make theSo for instance, I can make thete xt b ol d, c ha ng e it s co lo r,text bold, change its color,text bold, change its color,it 's a ll t ha t ea sy .it's all that's all that easy.An d wh en I w an t to a dd re ss aAnd when I want to address aAnd when I want to address ame ss ag e, I 'l l ju st c li ck i n th emessage, I'll just click in themessage, I'll just click in theCC f ie ld h er e.CC field here.CC field here.Yo u se e, i t ev en p re di ct s wh o IYou see, it even predicts who IYou see, it even predicts who Imi gh t wa nt t o ad d to t hi smight want to add to thismight want to add to thisme ss ag e.message.message.I ca n do i t ju st l ik e th is a ndI can do it just like this andI can do it just like this andwi th a t ap o n th e se nd b ut to n,with a tap on the send button,with a tap on the send button,se nd t hi s me ss ag e on i ts w ay .send this message on its way.send this message on its way.No w of c ou rs e wh at I 'v e do neNow of course what I've doneNow of course what I've donehe re i n te rm s of t yp in g En gl is hhere in terms of typing Englishhere in terms of typing Englishte xt h as b ec om e to ta ll y pa ss e.text has become totally passe.text has become totally passe.It 's a ll a bo ut e mo ji n ow .It's all about emoji now.It's all about emoji now.So l et m e br in g up m es sa ge s.So let me bring up messages.So let me bring up messages.An d yo u' ll s ee w ha t ha pp en s as IAnd you'll see what happens as IAnd you'll see what happens as Ity pe p um pk in s he re o n th e ba r,type pumpkins here on the bar,type pumpkins here on the bar,qu ic k ty pe s ug ge st a r ep la ce me ntquick type suggest a replacementquick type suggest a replacementem oj i th at I c an a dd w it h ju st aemoji that I can add with just aemoji that I can add with just ata p.tap.tap.Bu t To uc h Ba r ev en p ro vi de s aBut Touch Bar even provides aBut Touch Bar even provides agr ea t in te rf ac e fo r br ow si ng a llgreat interface for browsing allgreat interface for browsing allof m y em oj i.of my emoji.of my emoji.I ca n sl id e th ro ug h th em j us tI can slide through them justI can slide through them justli ke t hi s or e ve n br ow se t he m bylike this or even browse them bylike this or even browse them byca te go ry .category.category.It 's s up er e as y.It's super easy.It's super easy.We 'l l ju st g o ba ck t o myWe'll just go back to myWe'll just go back to myfr eq ue nt ly u se d.frequently used.frequently used.I ca n fi ni sh c om po si ng m yI can finish composing myI can finish composing myre sp on se j us t li ke t hi s.response just like this.response just like this.No w so me ti me s, y ou g et a m es sa geNow sometimes, you get a messageNow sometimes, you get a messagefr om a f ri en d an d yo u re al iz efrom a friend and you realizefrom a friend and you realizeyo u wa nt t o gi ve t he m th atyou want to give them thatyou want to give them thatne ce ss ar y em ot io na l ba ll as t wi thnecessary emotional ballast withnecessary emotional ballast witha qu ic k re sp on se .a quick response.a quick response.Yo u ca n gi ve t he m a th um bs u p orYou can give them a thumbs up orYou can give them a thumbs up orma yb e ev en a h ea rt t o gi ve t he mmaybe even a heart to give themmaybe even a heart to give themth at p er so na l af fi rm at io n th eythat personal affirmation theythat personal affirmation theyne ed t o ma ke i t th ro ug h th e da y.need to make it through the day.need to make it through the day.It 's r ea ll y gr ea t.It's really great.It's really great.Yo u ca n do t ha t al l ri gh t onYou can do that all right onYou can do that all right onyo ur T ou ch B ar .your Touch Bar.your Touch Bar.No w To uc h Ba r is r ea ll yNow Touch Bar is reallyNow Touch Bar is reallyfa nt as ti c fo r na vi ga ti on i n yo urfantastic for navigation in yourfantastic for navigation in yourap ps .apps.apps.Yo u se e he re I 'v e op en ed aYou see here I've opened aYou see here I've opened aSa fa ri w in do w th at h as m ul ti pl eSafari window that has multipleSafari window that has multipleta bs a nd T ou ch B ar i stabs and Touch Bar istabs and Touch Bar istr an sf or me d wi th a c on tr ol f ortransformed with a control fortransformed with a control formo vi ng b et we en m y ta bs .moving between my tabs.moving between my tabs.I ge t pr ev ie ws h er e, I c an j us tI get previews here, I can justI get previews here, I can justta p an d mo ve t hr ou gh m y ta bstap and move through my tabstap and move through my tabsli ke t hi s, o r ev en s li de a nd g etlike this, or even slide and getlike this, or even slide and geta pr ev ie w.a preview.a preview.An d wh en I w an t to o pe n a ne wAnd when I want to open a newAnd when I want to open a newta b, w el l, t ha t' s ea sy t oo .tab, well, that's easy, well, that's easy too.I ca n ta p on t he p lu s bu tt on a ndI can tap on the plus button andI can tap on the plus button andyo u se e ri gh t he re , I ha ve a llyou see right here, I have allyou see right here, I have allmy f av or it es .my favorites.I' m ju st g oi ng t o ta p in to a nI'm just going to tap into anI'm just going to tap into anit em I 'v e ha d my e ye o n he re o nitem I've had my eye on here onitem I've had my eye on here onEt sy .Etsy.Etsy.An d yo u se e no w th at E ts y isAnd you see now that Etsy isAnd you see now that Etsy isbr in gi ng A pp le P ay t o th ei rbringing Apple Pay to theirbringing Apple Pay to theirch ec ko ut p ag e, w el l, I c ancheckout page, well, I cancheckout page, well, I canac tu al ly b uy t hi s im pu ls eactually buy this impulseactually buy this impulsepu rc ha se h er e wi th j us t a ta p,purchase here with just a tap,purchase here with just a tap,ca n se cu re ly a ut ho ri ze t hecan securely authorize thecan securely authorize thepa ym en t wi th T ou ch I D.payment with Touch ID.payment with Touch ID.It 's t ha t ea sy .It's that easy.It's that easy.An d so on I w il l be f ee li ng t heAnd soon I will be feeling theAnd soon I will be feeling theam az in g po we r of p yr am id s an damazing power of pyramids andamazing power of pyramids andco pp er t og et he r.copper together.copper together.It 's g oi ng t o be a bs ol ut el yIt's going to be absolutelyIt's going to be absolutelyfa nt as ti c.fantastic.fantastic.Al l ri gh t, l et 's m ov e on t oAll right, let's move on toAll right, let's move on toph ot os b ec au se t he T ou ch B ar i sphotos because the Touch Bar isphotos because the Touch Bar isre al ly g re at i n ph ot os .really great in photos.really great in photos.No w I ca n ta ke p ho to s he re f ul lNow I can take photos here fullNow I can take photos here fullsc re en .screen.screen.Th is i s ob vi ou sl y no t myThis is obviously not myThis is obviously not mype rs on al p ho to l ib ra ry .personal photo library.personal photo library.Bu t I' m ab le t o en jo y th is p ho toBut I'm able to enjoy this photoBut I'm able to enjoy this photoin f ul l sc re en o n my m ai nin full screen on my mainin full screen on my maindi sp la y be ca us e To uc h Ba r ta ke sdisplay because Touch Bar takesdisplay because Touch Bar takesov er a ll o f th e na vi ga ti on .over all of the navigation.over all of the navigation.So I h av e th e st ri p of a ll m ySo I have the strip of all mySo I have the strip of all myph ot os ca n ea si ly s wi pe b et we en t he mI can easily swipe between themI can easily swipe between themor f li ck m y wa y to t he e nd o f myor flick my way to the end of myor flick my way to the end of myli br ar y.library.library.It 's s up er e as y to i de nt if y aIt's super easy to identify aIt's super easy to identify apa rt ic ul ar p ho to l ik e th is o ne .particular photo like this one.particular photo like this one.An d yo u no ti ce , th is i s a vi de o,And you notice, this is a video,And you notice, this is a video,so I h av e pl ay ba ck c on tr ol sso I have playback controlsso I have playback controlsri gh t on T ou ch B ar .right on Touch Bar.right on Touch Bar.An d if y ou n ot ic e, T ou ch B arAnd if you notice, Touch BarAnd if you notice, Touch Baral so h as a s cr ub bi ng c on tr olalso has a scrubbing controlalso has a scrubbing controlwi th t he p re vi ew o f my v id eo .with the preview of my video.with the preview of my video.So I c an j us t sc ru b th e vi de oSo I can just scrub the videoSo I can just scrub the videofo rw ar d, b ac kw ar d, i t' s a re al lyforward, backward, it's a reallyforward, backward, it's a reallygr ea t us e of m ul ti -t ou ch .great use of multi-touch.great use of multi-touch.No w To uc h Ba r is a ls o gr ea t fo rNow Touch Bar is also great forNow Touch Bar is also great forma ki ng q ui ck e di ts .making quick edits.making quick edits.So i f I go t o a ph ot o li ke t hi sSo if I go to a photo like thisSo if I go to a photo like thisth at m ay be I w an t to r ot at e, y outhat maybe I want to rotate, youthat maybe I want to rotate, youno ti ce t he re 's a c on tr ol o nnotice there's a control onnotice there's a control onTo uc h Ba r to d o th at .Touch Bar to do that.Touch Bar to do that.Yo u ca n do i t wi th j us t a ta p.You can do it with just a tap.You can do it with just a tap.An d I ca n do m or e po we rf ul e di tsAnd I can do more powerful editsAnd I can do more powerful editsas w el well.Fo r in st an ce , I mi gh t wa nt t oFor instance, I might want toFor instance, I might want toma ke s om e ad ju st me nt s on t hi smake some adjustments on thismake some adjustments on thison ca n us e my l ev el in g co nt ro l.I can use my leveling control.I can use my leveling control.Yo u co ul d se e I co ul d le ve l ju stYou could see I could level justYou could see I could level justli ke t hi this.It 's r ea ll y ea sy .It's really easy.It's really easy.I ca n pe rf or m ad ju st me nt s toI can perform adjustments toI can perform adjustments toli gh ti ng f or i ns ta nc for for instance.Ta p in to m y li gh t sl id er , I ca nTap into my light slider, I canTap into my light slider, I cango d ar ke r or l ig ht er .go darker or lighter.go darker or lighter.I ca n al so a pp ly e ff ec ts a ndI can also apply effects andI can also apply effects andfi lt er s.filters.filters.Yo u se e th os e fi lt er a reYou see those filter areYou see those filter areac tu al ly p re vi ew ed r ig ht h er e onactually previewed right here onactually previewed right here onth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.So I c an j us t ta p th ro ug h, l oo kSo I can just tap through, lookSo I can just tap through, lookat d if fe re nt e ff ec ts , pi ck o neat different effects, pick oneat different effects, pick oneth at I l ik e.that I like.that I like.Th er e' s ev en a b ut to n to p re vi ewThere's even a button to previewThere's even a button to previewth e be fo re a nd a ft er .the before and after.the before and after.So I t hi nk t ho se a re a g re at s etSo I think those are a great setSo I think those are a great setof e di ts r ig ht t he re .of edits right there.of edits right there.So , To uc h Ba r ob vi ou sl y, h asSo, Touch Bar obviously, hasSo, Touch Bar obviously, hasso me a ma zi ng o ut o f th e bo xsome amazing out of the boxsome amazing out of the boxco nt ro ls t o ac ce le ra tecontrols to acceleratecontrols to accelerateev er yt hi ng y ou d o on y ou r Ma c.everything you do on your Mac.everything you do on your Mac.Bu t pr os r ea ll y li ke t oBut pros really like toBut pros really like tocu st om iz e th ei r to ol s to m at chcustomize their tools to matchcustomize their tools to matchth ei r pe rs on al w or k fl ow s.their personal work flows.their personal work flows.An d he re , To uc h Ba r re al lyAnd here, Touch Bar reallyAnd here, Touch Bar reallysh in es .shines.shines.I' m go in g to s ho w yo u so me th in gI'm going to show you somethingI'm going to show you somethingin F in de Finder.So , he re i n Fi nd er w he n I se le ctSo, here in Finder when I selectSo, here in Finder when I selecta fi le , we s ee w e ha ve a b un cha file, we see we have a buncha file, we see we have a bunchof u se fu l co nt ro ls t ha t I ca nof useful controls that I canof useful controls that I canqu ic k lo ok a nd s ha re a nd e ve nquick look and share and evenquick look and share and eventa g my f il es r ig ht f ro m th etag my files right from thetag my files right from theTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.Bu t ma yb e, I w an t to d oBut maybe, I want to doBut maybe, I want to doso me th in g di ff er en t.something different.something different.We ll n ow , I ca n cu st om iz e myWell now, I can customize myWell now, I can customize myTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.An d yo u se e I ge t th is p al le t ofAnd you see I get this pallet ofAnd you see I get this pallet ofal l of t he c ap ab il it ie sall of the capabilitiesall of the capabilitiesav ai la bl e to m e.available to me.available to me.Le t' s sa y, I l ik e to c on ne ctLet's say, I like to connectLet's say, I like to connectof te n to s er ve rs w he re I s to reoften to servers where I storeoften to servers where I storemy b ig a ss et big big assets.We ll n ow , I ca n dr ag t hi sWell now, I can drag thisWell now, I can drag thisbu tt on .button.button.An d I wa nt y ou t o wa tc h wh atAnd I want you to watch whatAnd I want you to watch whatha pp en s as I d ra g it t o th ehappens as I drag it to thehappens as I drag it to thebo tt om o f my m ai n di sp la y, i tbottom of my main display, itbottom of my main display, itdr op s ri gh t th ro ug h in to t hedrops right through into thedrops right through into theTo uc h Ba r, w he re I c an p os it io nTouch Bar, where I can positionTouch Bar, where I can positionit d ow n th er down down there.It 's i nc re di bl y ea sy t oIt's incredibly easy toIt's incredibly easy tocu st om iz e th e sy st em .customize the system.customize the system.No w, y ou c an c us to mi ze y ou rNow, you can customize yourNow, you can customize yourco nt ro l st ri p an d ev en y ou r se tcontrol strip and even your setcontrol strip and even your setof p ri ma ry s ys te m co nt ro ls .of primary system controls.of primary system controls.So , I co ul d ad d a do n ot d is tu rbSo, I could add a do not disturbSo, I could add a do not disturbbu tt on .button.button.Or t hi s co ol n ew s cr ee ns ho tOr this cool new screenshotOr this cool new screenshotco nt ro l.control.control.Ju st d ra g it d ow n, p la ce i tJust drag it down, place itJust drag it down, place itwh er e I wa nt i t an d ju st l ik ewhere I want it and just likewhere I want it and just liketh at , I' ve c us to mi ze d my T ou chthat, I've customized my Touchthat, I've customized my TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.No w, f or m y gr an d fi na le , I wa ntNow, for my grand finale, I wantNow, for my grand finale, I wantto p ul l fu ll c ir cl e an d th at 'sto pull full circle and that'sto pull full circle and that'sba ck t o To uc h ID .back to Touch ID.back to Touch ID.An d so , fo r th is f in alAnd so, for this finalAnd so, for this finalde mo ns tr at io n, I 'd l ik e to b ri ngdemonstration, I'd like to bringdemonstration, I'd like to bringPh il S ch il le r to t he s ta ge .Phil Schiller to the stage.Phil Schiller to the stage.No w- -Now--Now-->> J us t so me on e ra nd om f ro m th e>> Just someone random from the>> Just someone random from theau di en ce .audience.audience.>> S om e ra nd om i nd iv id ua l ch os en>> Some random individual chosen>> Some random individual chosenfr om t he a ud ie nc e.from the audience.from the audience.It t ur ns o ut , I' m go in g toIt turns out, I'm going toIt turns out, I'm going tore ve al a l it tl e se cr et , Ph il a ndreveal a little secret, Phil andreveal a little secret, Phil andI ac tu al ly s ha re t hi s ma ch in e.I actually share this machine.I actually share this machine.An d so , Ph il i s ac tu al lyAnd so, Phil is actuallyAnd so, Phil is actuallyen ro ll ed h is f in ge r in T ou ch I D.enrolled his finger in Touch ID.enrolled his finger in Touch ID.An d wh en P hi l pl ac es h is f in ge rAnd when Phil places his fingerAnd when Phil places his fingeron t he s en so r, i t ac tu al lyon the sensor, it actuallyon the sensor, it actuallyre co gn iz es h im a nd w it h a cl ic k,recognizes him and with a click,recognizes him and with a click,he c an f as t us er s wi tc h ri gh the can fast user switch righthe can fast user switch rightin to h is a cc ou nt .into his account.into his account.Fa nt as ti c fi ng er w or k, P hi l.Fantastic finger work, Phil.Fantastic finger work, Phil.So , th at i s a qu ic kSo, that is a quickSo, that is a quickde mo ns tr at io n of t he n ew M ac Bo okdemonstration of the new MacBookdemonstration of the new MacBookPr o an d it s am az in g To uc h Ba r.Pro and its amazing Touch Bar.Pro and its amazing Touch Bar.I ho pe y ou 'l l lo ve i t.I hope you'll love it.I hope you'll love it.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk s Cr ai g.>> Thanks Craig.>> Thanks Craig.Th e on e an d on ly C ra ig F ed er ig hiThe one and only Craig FederighiThe one and only Craig Federighila di es a nd g en tl em en .ladies and gentlemen.ladies and gentlemen.We ll , Cr ai g sh ow ed y ou s o ma nyWell, Craig showed you so manyWell, Craig showed you so manygr ea t us es o f To uc h Ba r on t hegreat uses of Touch Bar on thegreat uses of Touch Bar on theMa cB oo k Pr o an d it d oe sn 't s to pMacBook Pro and it doesn't stopMacBook Pro and it doesn't stopth er e.there.there.It 's i nt eg ra te d th ro ug ho ut t heIt's integrated throughout theIt's integrated throughout thesy st em a nd t hr ou gh ou t th esystem and throughout thesystem and throughout theap pl ic at io ns w e al l lo ve .applications we all love.applications we all love.So n ow , it 's s o mu ch e as ie r toSo now, it's so much easier toSo now, it's so much easier tose ar ch f or t hi ng s in M ap s wi thsearch for things in Maps withsearch for things in Maps withTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.It 's s o ea sy t o an sw er aIt's so easy to answer aIt's so easy to answer aFa ce ti me c al l ri gh t fr om t heFacetime call right from theFacetime call right from theTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.It 's g re at f or z oo mi ng b et we enIt's great for zooming betweenIt's great for zooming betweenwe ek s in y ou r ca le nd ar .weeks in your calendar.weeks in your calendar.It c on tr ol s yo ur m us ic p la yb ac kIt controls your music playbackIt controls your music playbackwh en y ou 'r e in i Tu ne s.when you're in iTunes.when you're in iTunes.Th is c om pl et e su pp or t ac ro ss a llThis complete support across allThis complete support across allof t he i Wo rk a pp li ca ti on s, s oof the iWork applications, soof the iWork applications, soit 's b ui lt i nt o pa ge s, k ey no teit's built into pages, keynoteit's built into pages, keynotean d nu mb er s.and numbers.and numbers.It 's a we so me w he n yo u' re e di ti ngIt's awesome when you're editingIt's awesome when you're editingvi de os i n iM ov ie .videos in iMovie.videos in iMovie.An d it 's g re at f or c on tr ol li ngAnd it's great for controllingAnd it's great for controllingth e mu si ca l in st ru me nt s yo u pl aythe musical instruments you playthe musical instruments you playin G ar ag e Ba nd .in Garage Garage Band.We e ve n bu il t in T ou ch B arWe even built in Touch BarWe even built in Touch Barsu pp or t in to t he e ve r po pu la rsupport into the ever popularsupport into the ever popularTe rm in al .Terminal.An d fo r de ve lo pe rs , th ey 'r eAnd for developers, they'reAnd for developers, they'rego in g to l ov e th e su pp or t ingoing to love the support ingoing to love the support inTo uc h Ba r, i ns id e Xc od e.Touch Bar, inside Xcode.Touch Bar, inside Xcode.No t on ly f or u si ng X co de b utNot only for using Xcode butNot only for using Xcode butcr ea ti ng T ou ch B ar i n th ei r ow ncreating Touch Bar in their owncreating Touch Bar in their ownap pl ic at io ns .applications.applications.Th er e ar e so m an y gr ea t us es o fThere are so many great uses ofThere are so many great uses ofth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.It c ha ng es t he e xp er ie nc e weIt changes the experience weIt changes the experience weha ve o n ou r Ma c an d it 's r ea ll yhave on our Mac and it's reallyhave on our Mac and it's reallywo nd er fu l.wonderful.wonderful.So n ow , le t' s tu rn t o th eSo now, let's turn to theSo now, let's turn to thedi sp la y.display.display.Th e di sp la y in t he n ew M ac Bo okThe display in the new MacBookThe display in the new MacBookPr o is s im pl y th e be st d is pl ayPro is simply the best displayPro is simply the best displaywe 'v e ev er m ad e on a M ac .we've ever made on a Mac.we've ever made on a Mac.Co mp ar ed t o th e pr ev io us 1 5- in chCompared to the previous 15-inchCompared to the previous 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o, i t is 6 7% b ri gh te r.MacBook Pro, it is 67% brighter.MacBook Pro, it is 67% brighter.Th er e' s a 67 % gr ea te r co nt ra stThere's a 67% greater contrastThere's a 67% greater contrastra ti o.ratio.ratio.It d is pl ay s wi de c ol or w it h aIt displays wide color with aIt displays wide color with a25 % gr ea te r co lo r ga mu t.25% greater color gamut.25% greater color gamut.Al l th is i n th e di sp la y th atAll this in the display thatAll this in the display thatco ns um es l es s po we r an d is a sconsumes less power and is asconsumes less power and is asth in a s a 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo kthin as a 12-inch MacBookthin as a 12-inch MacBookdi sp la y.display.display.It 's a ma zi ng .It's amazing.It's amazing.No w, l et 's f li p it o ve r an dNow, let's flip it over andNow, let's flip it over andle t' s lo ok i ns id e be ca us e th elet's look inside because thelet's look inside because theen gi ne er in g in no va ti on i s ju stengineering innovation is justengineering innovation is justas r em ar ka bl e on t he i ns id e ofas remarkable on the inside ofas remarkable on the inside ofth e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o.the new MacBook Pro.the new MacBook Pro.So , ev er y 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr oSo, every 15-inch MacBook ProSo, every 15-inch MacBook Proin cl ud es -- o op s, I 'm s or ry .includes-- oops, I'm sorry.includes-- oops, I'm sorry.Ev er y Ma cB oo k Pr o is t he m os tEvery MacBook Pro is the mostEvery MacBook Pro is the mostpo we rf ul M ac Bo ok P ro w e' ve e ve rpowerful MacBook Pro we've everpowerful MacBook Pro we've everma de .made.made.Th er e yo u go .There you go.There you go.So , in si de e ve ry 1 5- in ch M ac Bo okSo, inside every 15-inch MacBookSo, inside every 15-inch MacBookPr o is a n In te l Co re i 7, 6 thPro is an Intel Core i7, 6thPro is an Intel Core i7, 6thge ne ra ti on q ua d- co re c hi p.generation quad-core chip.generation quad-core chip.It 's p ai re d wi th f as te r 21 33It's paired with faster 2133It's paired with faster 2133me ga he rt z me mo ry .megahertz memory.megahertz memory.It i s a re al ly f as t sy st em .It is a really fast system.It is a really fast system.It h as f as te r gr ap hi cs a s we ll .It has faster graphics as well.It has faster graphics as well.Ra de on P ro g ra ph ic s, t hi s is t heRadeon Pro graphics, this is theRadeon Pro graphics, this is theAM D Po la ri s ar ch it ec tu re u p to 4AMD Polaris architecture up to 4AMD Polaris architecture up to 4gi gs o f vi de o me mo ry a nd i tgigs of video memory and itgigs of video memory and itde li ve rs g ra ph ic s po we r th at 'sdelivers graphics power that'sdelivers graphics power that'sno w 2. 3 ti me s fa st er t ha n th enow 2.3 times faster than thenow 2.3 times faster than thepr ev io us g en er at io n 15 -i nc hprevious generation 15-inchprevious generation 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.An d th e st or ag e is f as te r to o,And the storage is faster too,And the storage is faster too,no w up t o 3. 1 gi ga by te p ernow up to 3.1 gigabyte pernow up to 3.1 gigabyte perse co nd .second.second.Yo u ca n fi gu re w it h tw ic e asYou can figure with twice asYou can figure with twice asmu ch u p to 2 t er ab yt es a nd i t' smuch up to 2 terabytes and it'smuch up to 2 terabytes and it's50 % fa st er a s we ll .50% faster as well.50% faster as well.No w, a ll t he se p er fo rm an ce o fNow, all these performance ofNow, all these performance offa st er C PU , fa st er g ra ph ic s,faster CPU, faster graphics,faster CPU, faster graphics,fa st er m em or y, f as te r st or ag e infaster memory, faster storage infaster memory, faster storage ina de vi ce t ha t' s th in ne r to ok --a device that's thinner took--a device that's thinner took--cr ea ti ng i n a wh ol e ne w th er ma lcreating in a whole new thermalcreating in a whole new thermalar ch it ec tu re .architecture.architecture.Th e te am h as d on e an a ma zi ng j obThe team has done an amazing jobThe team has done an amazing jobat t hi this.Ne w th in ne r he at p ip es , ne wNew thinner heat pipes, newNew thinner heat pipes, newin no va ti ve f an b la de s, a nd a llinnovative fan blades, and allinnovative fan blades, and allth is t o ru n th e sy st em c oo le rthis to run the system coolerthis to run the system cooleran d qu ie te r as w el l.and quieter as well.and quieter as well.Bu t on e th in g th at 's n ot q ui et erBut one thing that's not quieterBut one thing that's not quieteris t he s pe ak er the the speakers.Th e sp ea ke rs f it i nt o a sm al le rThe speakers fit into a smallerThe speakers fit into a smallersp ac e, b ut t he y pu t ou t mo respace, but they put out morespace, but they put out morevo lu me a nd i t so un ds b et te r to o.volume and it sounds better too.volume and it sounds better too.It 's g ot t wi ce t he d yn am ic r an geIt's got twice the dynamic rangeIt's got twice the dynamic rangeof a ud io .of audio.of audio.No w, t hi s is a s ys te m th at j us tNow, this is a system that justNow, this is a system that justfl ie s.flies.flies.An d it i s in cr ed ib le w it h th eAnd it is incredible with theAnd it is incredible with theap ps y ou u se .apps you use.apps you use.Ev er yd ay , yo u' re g oi ng t o fe elEveryday, you're going to feelEveryday, you're going to feelth e pe rf or ma nc e in cr ea se s.the performance increases.the performance increases.So , he re 's s om e ex am pl es o f th eSo, here's some examples of theSo, here's some examples of thepe rf or ma nc e di ff er en ce b et we enperformance difference betweenperformance difference betweenth e ne w 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o an dthe new 15-inch MacBook Pro andthe new 15-inch MacBook Pro andth e pr ev io us g en er at io n.the previous generation.the previous generation.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o at 3 DThe new MacBook Pro at 3DThe new MacBook Pro at 3Dgr ap hi cs 1 30 % fa st er .graphics 130% 130% faster.At g am in g, 6 0% f as te r.At gaming, 60% faster.At gaming, 60% faster.Vi de o ed it in g 57 % fa st er .Video editing 57% faster.Video editing 57% faster.Th is i s th e ki nd o f pe rf or ma nc eThis is the kind of performanceThis is the kind of performanceyo u fe el , ev er yd ay r ea l wo rl dyou feel, everyday real worldyou feel, everyday real worldap pl ic at io ns .applications.applications.So , th at 's t he 1 5- in ch M ac Bo okSo, that's the 15-inch MacBookSo, that's the 15-inch MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.No w, l et 's l oo k at t he 1 3- in chNow, let's look at the 13-inchNow, let's look at the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.It c an b e co nf ig ur ed w it hIt can be configured withIt can be configured withdu al -c or e 6t h ge ne ra ti on I nt eldual-core 6th generation Inteldual-core 6th generation Inteli5 o r i7 c hi ps , al so m ad e it t oi5 or i7 chips, also made it toi5 or i7 chips, also made it to21 33 m eg ah er tz s ys te m me mo ry .2133 megahertz system memory.2133 megahertz system memory.It h as f as te r In te l Ir isIt has faster Intel IrisIt has faster Intel Irisgr ap hi cs w it h 64 m eg s of e DR AM ,graphics with 64 megs of eDRAM,graphics with 64 megs of eDRAM,wh ic h pr ov id es u p to t wo t im eswhich provides up to two timeswhich provides up to two timesth e gr ap hi cs p er fo rm an ce o f th ethe graphics performance of thethe graphics performance of thepr ev io us g en er at io n.previous generation.previous generation.An d it a ls o ha s th e fa st er f la shAnd it also has the faster flashAnd it also has the faster flashst or ag t hi s ca se , th at n ow d el iv er sIn this case, that now deliversIn this case, that now deliverstw ic e th e st or ag e pe rf or ma nc e oftwice the storage performance oftwice the storage performance ofth e pr ev io us 1 3- in ch M ac Bo okthe previous 13-inch MacBookthe previous 13-inch MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.An d he re a re s om e ex am pl es o fAnd here are some examples ofAnd here are some examples ofre al w or ld a pp li ca ti on t es t onreal world application test onreal world application test onit e ne w 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o isThe new 13-inch MacBook Pro isThe new 13-inch MacBook Pro is10 3% f as te r at g am in g th an t he103% faster at gaming than the103% faster at gaming than thepr ev io us g en er at io n an d 76 %previous generation and 76%previous generation and 76%fa st er b ot h at v id eo e di ti ng a ndfaster both at video editing andfaster both at video editing and3D g ra ph ic s.3D graphics.3D graphics.No w, t he s ys te m is m uc h fa st erNow, the system is much fasterNow, the system is much fasteran d so i s th e I/ O.and so is the I/O.and so is the I/O.It i s th e fa st es t, m os tIt is the fastest, mostIt is the fastest, mostve rs at il e I/ O we 'v e ev er b ui ltversatile I/O we've ever builtversatile I/O we've ever builtin to a M ac Bo ok P ro .into a MacBook Pro.into a MacBook Pro.Bo th t he 1 3 an d th e 15 -i nc h ha veBoth the 13 and the 15-inch haveBoth the 13 and the 15-inch havefo ur T hu nd er bo lt 3 p or ts .four Thunderbolt 3 ports.four Thunderbolt 3 ports.Th at d el iv er s an i nc re di bl e 40That delivers an incredible 40That delivers an incredible 40gi ga bi t pe r se co nd o f ba nd wi dt h.gigabit per second of bandwidth.gigabit per second of bandwidth.It a ls o su pp or ts U SB 3 .1 G en 2It also supports USB 3.1 Gen 2It also supports USB 3.1 Gen 2an d of c ou rs e Di sp la yP or t 1. 2.and of course DisplayPort 1.2.and of course DisplayPort 1.2.An d I kn ow m an y of y ou k no w th atAnd I know many of you know thatAnd I know many of you know thatTh un de rb ol t 3 us es t he U SB -CThunderbolt 3 uses the USB-CThunderbolt 3 uses the USB-Cst yl e co nn ec to connector.An d th at m ea ns t ha t an y on e ofAnd that means that any one ofAnd that means that any one ofth e fo ur p or ts c an b e yo urthe four ports can be yourthe four ports can be yourch ar gi ng p or t.charging port.charging port.Pl ug i t in to w hi ch e ve r on e yo uPlug it into which ever one youPlug it into which ever one youwa nt , le ft s id e, r ig ht s id e, a ndwant, left side, right side, andwant, left side, right side, andth at 's y ou r ch ar gi ng p or t.that's your charging port.that's your charging port.Bu t it 's s o mu ch m or e ve rs at il eBut it's so much more versatileBut it's so much more versatileth an t ha t.than that.than that.Ea ch o ne o f th e po rt s ca n beEach one of the ports can beEach one of the ports can bepo we r, i t ca n be T hu nd er bo lt , itpower, it can be Thunderbolt, itpower, it can be Thunderbolt, itca n be U SB , di sp la y po rt , vi de ocan be USB, display port, videocan be USB, display port, videoou t wi th V GA o r HD MI .out with VGA or HDMI.out with VGA or HDMI.So h er e' s an e xa mp le , im ag in eSo here's an example, imagineSo here's an example, imagineyo u' re a F in al C ut P ro e di to ryou're a Final Cut Pro editoryou're a Final Cut Pro editoran d yo u wa nt t o se t up y ou rand you want to set up yourand you want to set up yourMa cB oo k Pr o on y ou r wo rk st at io nMacBook Pro on your workstationMacBook Pro on your workstationat h om e or a t wo rk , yo u wa nt t oat home or at work, you want toat home or at work, you want tobu il d it o ut .build it it out.We ll , he re 's a n ex am pl e of w ha tWell, here's an example of whatWell, here's an example of whatyo u ca n do w it h th is i nc re di bl eyou can do with this incredibleyou can do with this incrediblesy st em .system.system.Fi rs t, y ou w an t to a dd aFirst, you want to add aFirst, you want to add adi sp la y.display.display.An d th er e ar e ma ny d is pl ay s yo uAnd there are many displays youAnd there are many displays youca n ad d ov er t he d is pl ay p or t,can add over the display port,can add over the display port,bu t th is o ne i s re al ly s pe ci al .but this one is really special.but this one is really special.Th is i s a br an d ne w LG d is pl ayThis is a brand new LG displayThis is a brand new LG displayth at w e wo rk ed t og et he r wi ththat we worked together withthat we worked together withth em o n to m ak e it a n am az in gthem on to make it an amazingthem on to make it an amazingdi sp la y fo r Ma cB oo k Pr odisplay for MacBook Prodisplay for MacBook Procu st om er s.customers.customers.It 's c al le d th e LG U lt ra Fi ne 5 KIt's called the LG UltraFine 5KIt's called the LG UltraFine 5KDi sp la y.Display.Display.It d is pl ay s 5K r es ol ut io n, i t' sIt displays 5K resolution, it'sIt displays 5K resolution, it'swi de c ol or , it h as b ui lt -i nwide color, it has built-inwide color, it has built-inca me ra s, m ic ro ph on es a ndcameras, microphones andcameras, microphones andsp ea ke rs , it h as t hr ee U SB -Cspeakers, it has three USB-Cspeakers, it has three USB-Cpo rt s.ports.ports.So , yo u co ul d pl ug p er ip he ra lsSo, you could plug peripheralsSo, you could plug peripheralsdi re ct ly i nt o th e di sp la y.directly into the display.directly into the display.An d al l of t ha t co nn ec ts t o yo urAnd all of that connects to yourAnd all of that connects to yourMa cB oo k Pr o ov er a s in gl eMacBook Pro over a singleMacBook Pro over a singleTh un de rb ol t 3 ca bl e.Thunderbolt 3 cable.Thunderbolt 3 cable.No t on ly t ha t, i t al so c ha rg esNot only that, it also chargesNot only that, it also chargesth e Ma cB oo k Pr o ov er t ha t sa methe MacBook Pro over that samethe MacBook Pro over that sameca bl e.cable.cable.It 's t he u lt im at e do ck in gIt's the ultimate dockingIt's the ultimate dockingst at io n.station.station.An d it 's s o co ol t ha t wh y no tAnd it's so cool that why notAnd it's so cool that why notad d tw o, r ig ht ?add two, right?add two, right?So , yo u co ul d ha ve t wo 5 KSo, you could have two 5KSo, you could have two 5Kdi sp la ys p lu s yo ur b ui lt -i ndisplays plus your built-indisplays plus your built-in15 -i nc h Re ti na d is pl ay , th at 's15-inch Retina display, that's15-inch Retina display, that'sal mo st 3 5 mi ll io n pi xe ls b ei ngalmost 35 million pixels beingalmost 35 million pixels beingdr iv en b y th e gr ap hi cs o f th edriven by the graphics of thedriven by the graphics of the15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o.15-inch MacBook Pro.15-inch MacBook Pro.Wi th o ur t wo f re e Th un de rb ol t 3With our two free Thunderbolt 3With our two free Thunderbolt 3po rt s, w e' re g oi ng t o ad d no tports, we're going to add notports, we're going to add noton ly o ne , bu t tw o RA ID s to ra geonly one, but two RAID storageonly one, but two RAID storagear ra ys .arrays.arrays.Th is i s th e ne w Pr om is eThis is the new PromiseThis is the new PromisePe ga su s3 .Pegasus3.Pegasus3.It 's c on fi gu re d wi th 2 4It's configured with 24It's configured with 24te ra by te s pe r ar ra y he re .terabytes per array here.terabytes per array here.So , wh en y ou t hi nk a bo ut t ha tSo, when you think about thatSo, when you think about thatst or ag e, t ho se d is pl ay s, t hi sstorage, those displays, thisstorage, those displays, thisle ve l of e xp an da bi li ty a ndlevel of expandability andlevel of expandability andpe rf or ma nc e is n ot p os si bl e onperformance is not possible onperformance is not possible onan y ot he r no te bo ok .any other notebook.any other notebook.It 's t ru ly r em ar ka bl e.It's truly remarkable.It's truly remarkable.We t hi nk P ro c us to me rs a re g oi ngWe think Pro customers are goingWe think Pro customers are goingto l ov e us in g th e Ma cB oo k Pr love using the MacBook love using the MacBook Pro.So , I wa nt t o sh ow y ou t hr eeSo, I want to show you threeSo, I want to show you threeex am pl es o f pr of es si on alexamples of professionalexamples of professionalap pl ic at io ns b ei ng u se d on t heapplications being used on theapplications being used on thene w Ma cB oo k Pr MacBook MacBook Pro.Th e fi rs t on e, F in al C ut P ro .The first one, Final Cut Pro.The first one, Final Cut Pro.So , to s ho w yo u th at , I' m ve rySo, to show you that, I'm verySo, to show you that, I'm verypr ou d to b ri ng u p Su sa nproud to bring up Susanproud to bring up SusanPr es co tt , VP o f Ap ps P ro du ctPrescott, VP of Apps ProductPrescott, VP of Apps ProductMa rk et in g, S us an .Marketing, Susan.Marketing, Susan.>> T ha nk y ou .>> Thank you.>> Thank you.Th is i s th e ne w ve rs io n of F in alThis is the new version of FinalThis is the new version of FinalCu t Pr o wi th t he r ed es ig ne dCut Pro with the redesignedCut Pro with the redesignedin te rf ac e.interface.interface.It l oo ks g re at o n th e Ma cB oo kIt looks great on the MacBookIt looks great on the MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.Bu t I' m re al ly e xc it ed t o sh owBut I'm really excited to showBut I'm really excited to showyo u ho w it a ls o ta ke s ad va nt ag eyou how it also takes advantageyou how it also takes advantageof t he i nc re di bl e gr ap hi csof the incredible graphicsof the incredible graphicsho rs ep ow er t hi s ma ch in e ha s go t.horsepower this machine has got.horsepower this machine has got.Th e be au ti fu l wi de c ol or d is pl ayThe beautiful wide color displayThe beautiful wide color displayth at P hi l ta lk ed a bo ut a nd o fthat Phil talked about and ofthat Phil talked about and ofco ur se , th e am az in g ne w To uc hcourse, the amazing new Touchcourse, the amazing new TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.So , we 'r e lo ok in g he re a t aSo, we're looking here at aSo, we're looking here at ash or t fi lm f ea tu ri ng a b ot an ic alshort film featuring a botanicalshort film featuring a botanicalar ti st , a bo ta ni ca l ar ti st w hoartist, a botanical artist whoartist, a botanical artist whocr ea te s st un ni ng f lo we rcreates stunning flowercreates stunning flowersc ul pt ur es .sculptures.sculptures.It w as s ho t an d ed it ed i n 4K a ndIt was shot and edited in 4K andIt was shot and edited in 4K andal so i n wi de c ol or .also in wide color.also in wide color.I th in k it 's a bs ol ut el yI think it's absolutelyI think it's absolutelybe au ti fu l.beautiful.beautiful.Le t' s ta ke a l oo k at t heLet's take a look at theLet's take a look at thebe gi nn in g of t he p ie ce .beginning of the piece.beginning of the piece.Th e ne w To uc h Ba r le ts m e ed itThe new Touch Bar lets me editThe new Touch Bar lets me editin w ay s I ne ve r co ul d be fo re .in ways I never could ways I never could before.Ri gh t he re i n th e To uc h Ba r, IRight here in the Touch Bar, IRight here in the Touch Bar, Ica n se e my e nt ir e ti me li ne .can see my entire timeline.can see my entire timeline.An d it s ho ws m e ex ac tl y wh er e IAnd it shows me exactly where IAnd it shows me exactly where Iam i n my p ro je ct .am in my in my project.An d th at 's c oo l.And that's cool.And that's cool.Bu t ev en b et te r, w ha t co ul d beBut even better, what could beBut even better, what could bebe tt er , it 's f ul ly i nt er ac ti ve .better, it's fully interactive.better, it's fully interactive.So , I ca n dr ag t o mo ve t hr ou ghSo, I can drag to move throughSo, I can drag to move throughmy p ro je ct .my project.I ca n ju st t ap t o ju mp t o aI can just tap to jump to aI can just tap to jump to asp ec if ic s ec ti on .specific section.specific section.An d, I c an e ve n zo om i n to g et aAnd, I can even zoom in to get aAnd, I can even zoom in to get acl os er l oo k.closer look.closer look.It 's p re tt y co ol .It's pretty cool.It's pretty cool.No w, I 'm g oi ng t o ad d a cl ip .Now, I'm going to add a clip.Now, I'm going to add a clip.Wh en I s el ec t it i n th e br ow se rWhen I select it in the browserWhen I select it in the browserin t he t op l ef t, y ou m ay n ot ic ein the top left, you may noticein the top left, you may noticemy T ou ch B ar a ut om at ic al lymy Touch Bar automaticallymy Touch Bar automaticallych an ge s to s ho w me r el ev an tchanges to show me relevantchanges to show me relevantco nt ro ls .controls.controls.So , fo r ex am pl e, w it h ju st aSo, for example, with just aSo, for example, with just ata p, I c an s ee t he s ta rt a nd e ndtap, I can see the start and endtap, I can see the start and endof m y ti me -l ap se t o ma ke s ur eof my time-lapse to make sureof my time-lapse to make sureit 's w ha t I wa nt .it's what I's what I want.I' m go in g to d ra g it i nt o myI'm going to drag it into myI'm going to drag it into myti me li ne r ig ht h er e at t hetimeline right here at thetimeline right here at thebo tt om o f th e sc re en a nd I 'mbottom of the screen and I'mbottom of the screen and I'mgo in g to a dd a n au di o cl ip t o gogoing to add an audio clip to gogoing to add an audio clip to gowi th i t.with it.with it.Bu t I se e he re i n my t im el in eBut I see here in my timelineBut I see here in my timelineth at t he a ud io c li p ru ns athat the audio clip runs athat the audio clip runs ali tt le b it l on ge r th an I 'd l ik e.little bit longer than I'd like.little bit longer than I'd like.We ll , go od n ew s, t he T ou ch B arWell, good news, the Touch BarWell, good news, the Touch Barch an ge d ag ai n to s ho w me e di ti ngchanged again to show me editingchanged again to show me editingco nt ro ls I n ee d.controls I need.controls I need.It 's s o co nv en ie nt t ha t I ca nIt's so convenient that I canIt's so convenient that I cantr im t he e nd o f th e cl ip w it htrim the end of the clip withtrim the end of the clip withju st a t ap i n th e To uc h Ba r.just a tap in the Touch Bar.just a tap in the Touch Bar.Pr et ty a ma zi ng Th an kPretty amazing ThankPretty amazing Thankyo 's g re at b ec au se I c an a ls o,It's great because I can also,It's great because I can also,wi th t he T ou ch B ar , do t hi ng s Iwith the Touch Bar, do things Iwith the Touch Bar, do things Ido a ll t he t im e, a nd i t' s ev endo all the time, and it's evendo all the time, and it's evenea si er .easier.easier.Li ke , I ca n dr ag a s li de r toLike, I can drag a slider toLike, I can drag a slider toad ju st m y vo lu me .adjust my volume.adjust my volume.If y ou l oo k at t he s ou nd e ff ec tIf you look at the sound effectIf you look at the sound effectI ju st a dd ed , yo u ca n se e th eI just added, you can see theI just added, you can see thewa ve f or ms c ha ng e.wave forms change.wave forms change.I' ll g et i t ju st r ig ht t he re .I'll get it just right there.I'll get it just right there.An d wi th a t ap , I ca n ad d a fa deAnd with a tap, I can add a fadeAnd with a tap, I can add a fadein a nd a f ad e ou t, p re tt y co ol .in and a fade out, pretty and a fade out, pretty cool.So , it 's t ha t si mp le .So, it's that simple.So, it's that simple.Le t' s go a he ad a nd t ak e a lo okLet's go ahead and take a lookLet's go ahead and take a lookat w ha t we 'v e do ne s o fa what we've done so what we've done so far.In f ul l sc re en , th e To uc h Ba rIn full screen, the Touch BarIn full screen, the Touch Barsh ow s me t he s am e de ta il edshows me the same detailedshows me the same detailedov er vi ew o f my t im el in e.overview of my timeline.overview of my timeline.Bu t it 's g re at b ec au se n ow , IBut it's great because now, IBut it's great because now, Ica n na vi ga te w it ho ut e ve rcan navigate without evercan navigate without everle av in g fu ll s cr ee n.leaving full screen.leaving full screen.An d wi th t he p ow er o f th eAnd with the power of theAnd with the power of theMa cB oo k Pr o, i t' s sm oo th a ndMacBook Pro, it's smooth andMacBook Pro, it's smooth andpr ec is e ev en w it h re al lyprecise even with reallyprecise even with reallyde ma nd in g 4K f oo ta ge .demanding 4K footage.demanding 4K footage.I lo ve t ha t pa rt , le t me g o ba ckI love that part, let me go backI love that part, let me go backag ai n.again.again.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Le t' s go t o th e en d wh er e I' mLet's go to the end where I'mLet's go to the end where I'mgo in g to a dd o ne l as t sh ot .going to add one last shot.going to add one last shot.It 's t hi s ra th er d ra ma ti c sh otIt's this rather dramatic shotIt's this rather dramatic shotof t he s cu lp tu re i ns ta ll ed i n aof the sculpture installed in aof the sculpture installed in aba mb oo f or es t.bamboo forest.bamboo forest.Th er e li es t he a ns we r to w ha tThere lies the answer to whatThere lies the answer to whatbo ta ni ca l ar ti st s do .botanical artists do.botanical artists do.So - - So me o f yo u mi gh t ha veSo -- Some of you might haveSo -- Some of you might havebe en w on de ri ng .been wondering.been wondering.Th e To uc h Ba r is g re at a tThe Touch Bar is great atThe Touch Bar is great atsu rf ac in g re al ly u se fu l fe at ur essurfacing really useful featuressurfacing really useful featuresth at c an b e ha rd t o di sc ov er i nthat can be hard to discover inthat can be hard to discover ina ri ch a pp l ik e Fi na l Cu t Pr o ifa rich app like Final Cut Pro ifa rich app like Final Cut Pro ifyo u' re j us t se ar ch in g th ro ug hyou're just searching throughyou're just searching throughme nu s.menus.menus.So , fo r ex am pl e, P la y Ar ou ndSo, for example, Play AroundSo, for example, Play Aroundsh ow s me m y ed it s in c on te xt .shows me my edits in context.shows me my edits in context.So i f I ta p on t ha t no w, I 'l lSo if I tap on that now, I'llSo if I tap on that now, I'llse e a fe w se co nd s be fo re a ndsee a few seconds before andsee a few seconds before andaf te r th e cl ip I j us t ad de d.after the clip I just added.after the clip I just added.An d it 's a g re at w ay t o wa tc hAnd it's a great way to watchAnd it's a great way to watchth e en d of o ur f il m.the end of our film.the end of our film.Th at - - Oo ps , al l ri gh t.That -- Oops, all right.That -- Oops, all right.Th at i s a qu ic k lo ok a t Fi na lThat is a quick look at FinalThat is a quick look at FinalCu t Pr o wi th t he i nc re di bl eCut Pro with the incredibleCut Pro with the incrediblepe rf or ma nc e of t he M ac Bo ok P ro .performance of the MacBook Pro.performance of the MacBook Pro.An d as I h op e yo u sa w, t he d ee pAnd as I hope you saw, the deepAnd as I hope you saw, the deepin te gr at io n wi th t he T ou ch B ar ,integration with the Touch Bar,integration with the Touch Bar,it 's j us t gr ea's just's just great.Th an ks s o mu ch .Thanks so much.Thanks so much.>> T ha nk y ou S us an .>> Thank you Susan.>> Thank you Susan.Ne xt , I wa nt t o sh ow y ou aNext, I want to show you aNext, I want to show you apr od uc t th at o ur c us to me rs c ou ntproduct that our customers countproduct that our customers counton a nd l ov e so d ee pl y,on and love so deeply,on and love so deeply,Ph ot os ho p.Photoshop.Photoshop.So m an y pr od uc t, c us to me rs u seSo many product, customers useSo many product, customers usePh ot os ho p ac ro ss t he p ro je ct sPhotoshop across the projectsPhotoshop across the projectswi th t he ir M ac Bo ok P ro .with their MacBook Pro.with their MacBook Pro.An d we 'r e so h ap py t o ha ve w it hAnd we're so happy to have withAnd we're so happy to have withus B ra de e Ev an s, e xp er ie nc edus Bradee Evans, experiencedus Bradee Evans, experiencedde si gn m an ag er f or A do bedesign manager for Adobedesign manager for AdobePh ot os ho p, B ra de e.Photoshop, Bradee.Photoshop, Bradee.>> H i, t ha nk y ou .>> Hi, thank you.>> Hi, thank you.Th is n ew M ac Bo ok P ro a ndThis new MacBook Pro andThis new MacBook Pro andPh ot os ho p ar e ma de f or e ac hPhotoshop are made for eachPhotoshop are made for eachot he r.other.other.Th is n ew e di ti on o f th e To uc hThis new edition of the TouchThis new edition of the TouchBa r re al ly c om bi ne s wi th t heBar really combines with theBar really combines with theke yb oa rd a nd t hi s ne w gi an tkeyboard and this new giantkeyboard and this new giantTr ac kp ad t o cr ea te t hi sTrackpad to create thisTrackpad to create thisin cr ed ib ly n at ur al e xp re ss iv eincredibly natural expressiveincredibly natural expressivean d po we rf ul n ew w ay o f wo rk in gand powerful new way of workingand powerful new way of workingwi th P ho to sh op .with Photoshop.with Photoshop.Le t me s ee i f I ca n sh ow y ouLet me see if I can show youLet me see if I can show youwh at I m ea n.what I mean.what I mean.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.I ha ve u p he re o n th e sc re enI have up here on the screenI have up here on the screenth is a ma zi ng i ma ge o f a wo ma nthis amazing image of a womanthis amazing image of a womancl im bi ng T er sa na s Ca ve i nclimbing Tersanas Cave inclimbing Tersanas Cave inGr ee ce .Greece.Greece.Bu t, w ha t if t hi s ca ve w er e no tBut, what if this cave were notBut, what if this cave were notin G re ec e?in Greece?in Greece?Wh at i f it w er e he re ?What if it were here?What if it were here?No w to p ul l th is o ff , I' m go in gNow to pull this off, I'm goingNow to pull this off, I'm goingto n ee d to c ut t he c av e ou t ofto need to cut the cave out ofto need to cut the cave out ofGr ee ce .Greece.Greece.An d th e to ol f or c ut ti ng t hi ng sAnd the tool for cutting thingsAnd the tool for cutting thingsou t in P ho to sh op i s ca ll edout in Photoshop is calledout in Photoshop is calledSe le ct a nd M as k.Select and Mask.Select and Mask.An d no rm al ly , it 's i n a me nu o rAnd normally, it's in a menu orAnd normally, it's in a menu ora su bt oo l.a subtool.a subtool.Bu t wi th t he T ou ch B ar , it 'sBut with the Touch Bar, it'sBut with the Touch Bar, it'sri gh t he re a t my f in ge rt ip s.right here at my fingertips.right here at my fingertips.No w, y ou c an s ee t he T ou ch B arNow, you can see the Touch BarNow, you can see the Touch Barha s ch an ge d to s ho w me o nl y th ehas changed to show me only thehas changed to show me only theco nt ro ls I n ee d fo r th is t as k.controls I need for this task.controls I need for this task.Yo u ca n se e ho w wi th m y ri gh tYou can see how with my rightYou can see how with my rightha nd I 'm m ou si ng a nd s el ec ti ng ,hand I'm mousing and selecting,hand I'm mousing and selecting,an d wi th m y le ft h an d, I 'mand with my left hand, I'mand with my left hand, I'mad ju st in g th e si ze o f th e br us h.adjusting the size of the brush.adjusting the size of the brush.It 's a r ea ll y fu n an d na tu ra lIt's a really fun and naturalIt's a really fun and naturalwa y of w or ki ng .way of working.way of working.Le t me s ee i f I ca n ge t he r le gsLet me see if I can get her legsLet me see if I can get her legsth er e.there.there.I' m go in g to s wi tc h ov er t o myI'm going to switch over to myI'm going to switch over to myre fi ne me nt t oo l.refinement tool.refinement tool.An d ag ai n, I c an j us t re si zeAnd again, I can just resizeAnd again, I can just resizewh il e I wo rk .while I work.while I work.To ta ll y, t hi s tw o- ha nd w ay o fTotally, this two-hand way ofTotally, this two-hand way ofwo rk in g, i t' s re al ly f un .working, it's really fun.working, it's really fun.I do n' t kn ow i f yo u gu ys c anI don't know if you guys canI don't know if you guys cante ll h ow m uc h fu n I' m ha vi ng .tell how much fun I'm having.tell how much fun I'm having.OK . Al l ri gh t.OK. All right.OK. All right.He re w e go .Here we go.Here we go.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Le t' s se e ho w I di d.Let's see how I did.Let's see how I did.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Th at 's n ot b ad f or 1 0 se co nd s.That's not bad for 10 seconds.That's not bad for 10 seconds.An d th at w ho le t im e, m y tw oAnd that whole time, my twoAnd that whole time, my twoha nd s we re r ea ll y wo rk in g inhands were really working inhands were really working inco nc er t, a nd m y ey es w er e up a ndconcert, and my eyes were up andconcert, and my eyes were up andon m y im ag e.on my image.on my image.Re al ly m ak es a l ot o f se ns e.Really makes a lot of sense.Really makes a lot of sense.It 's r ea ll y a go od w ay o fIt's really a good way ofIt's really a good way ofwo rk in g.working.working.OK . So , th is i s gr ea t.OK. So, this is great.OK. So, this is great.Th is i s de fi ni te ly n ot G re ec e.This is definitely not Greece.This is definitely not Greece.Bu t I' d li ke t o se e mo re d ra st icBut I'd like to see more drasticBut I'd like to see more drasticof a c ha ng e.of a change.of a change.An d ad di ng c on te nt t o an a lr ea dyAnd adding content to an alreadyAnd adding content to an alreadyop en d oc um en t ca n be a l ot o fopen document can be a lot ofopen document can be a lot ofmo us in g, b ut n ot w it h th e To uc hmousing, but not with the Touchmousing, but not with the TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.I' ll j us t ta p th at , se le ct t heI'll just tap that, select theI'll just tap that, select thesu ns et , pu t th at r ig ht t he re ,sunset, put that right there,sunset, put that right there,an d we 'l l mo ve t ha t un de r an dand we'll move that under andand we'll move that under andse e ho w th at l oo ks .see how that looks.see how that looks.Al l ri gh t, w e' re g et ti ngAll right, we're gettingAll right, we're gettingso me wh er e.somewhere.somewhere.I li ke t hi s.I like this.I like this.Bu t it 's k in d of y el lo w.But it's kind of yellow.But it's kind of yellow.An d so , I' d li ke t o ad d mo reAnd so, I'd like to add moreAnd so, I'd like to add moreco lo r.color.color.An d to d o th at , I' m go in g toAnd to do that, I'm going toAnd to do that, I'm going tone ed t o do s om e br us hi ng .need to do some brushing.need to do some brushing.Bu t fi rs t, I 'm g oi ng t o go i nt oBut first, I'm going to go intoBut first, I'm going to go intomy T ou ch B ar , I' m go in g tomy Touch Bar, I'm going tomy Touch Bar, I'm going toch oo se m y fa vo ri te s, a nd t he nchoose my favorites, and thenchoose my favorites, and thenI' m go in g to a dd a n ew l ay er ,I'm going to add a new layer,I'm going to add a new layer,an d th en I 'm g oi ng t o go i nt oand then I'm going to go intoand then I'm going to go intofu ll s cr ee n.full screen.full screen.No w, f ul l sc re en i s am az in g asNow, full screen is amazing asNow, full screen is amazing aswa s ju st s ai d.was just said.was just said.Th is i s gr ea t.This is great.This is great.I ha ve n o pa ne ls , I ha ve t oI have no panels, I have toI have no panels, I have tome nu s an d I ca n 10 0% f oc us o n mymenus and I can 100% focus on mymenus and I can 100% focus on myim ag e.image.image.An d th an ks t o th e To uc h Ba r, IAnd thanks to the Touch Bar, IAnd thanks to the Touch Bar, Ica n ge t a lo t mo re d on e in t hi scan get a lot more done in thiscan get a lot more done in thisvi ew m od e.view mode.view mode.So , br us hi ng i s so i mp or ta nt t oSo, brushing is so important toSo, brushing is so important toso m an y wo rk fl ow s in P ho to sh opso many workflows in Photoshopso many workflows in Photoshopth at w e ac tu al ly c re at ed a m od ethat we actually created a modethat we actually created a modeof t he T ou ch B ar j us t fo r br us hof the Touch Bar just for brushof the Touch Bar just for brushco nt ro l.control.control.An d he re , I ca n ad ju st t he s iz eAnd here, I can adjust the sizeAnd here, I can adjust the sizeof m y br us h an d I' ll a dj us t ho wof my brush and I'll adjust howof my brush and I'll adjust howha rd i t is .hard it is.hard it is.An d th en , I' ll a ls o ad ju st t heAnd then, I'll also adjust theAnd then, I'll also adjust thefl ow o f co lo r th ro ug h my b ru sh .flow of color through my brush.flow of color through my brush.No w, s pe ak in g of c ol or , yo u ma yNow, speaking of color, you mayNow, speaking of color, you maykn ow , th er e ar e a lo t of w ay s toknow, there are a lot of ways toknow, there are a lot of ways toch oo se c ol or i n Ph ot os ho p.choose color in Photoshop.choose color in Photoshop.Bu t my n ew f av or it e by f ar i sBut my new favorite by far isBut my new favorite by far iswi th t he T ou ch B ar .with the Touch Bar.with the Touch Bar.Th is i s ab so lu te ly a we so me .This is absolutely awesome.This is absolutely awesome.Do wn h er e, I c an k ee p my r ig htDown here, I can keep my rightDown here, I can keep my rightha nd d ed ic at ed o n th e To uc hhand dedicated on the Touchhand dedicated on the TouchBa r- - I me an , on t he T ra ck pa dBar-- I mean, on the TrackpadBar-- I mean, on the Trackpadju st f or p ai nt in g an d no t do in gjust for painting and not doingjust for painting and not doingan y po in ti ng o r pi ck in g.any pointing or picking.any pointing or picking.An d my l ef t ha nd i s ju st k in d ofAnd my left hand is just kind ofAnd my left hand is just kind ofsl id in g ac ro ss t hi s To uc h Ba r.sliding across this Touch Bar.sliding across this Touch Bar.It 's r ea ll y aw es om e.It's really awesome.It's really awesome.It a lm os t fe el s li ke y ou 'r eIt almost feels like you'reIt almost feels like you'repl ay in g a mu si ca l in st ru me nt ,playing a musical instrument,playing a musical instrument,an d it 's k in d of h ar d to s to p.and it's kind of hard to stop.and it's kind of hard to stop.Bu t I wi ll s to p.But I will stop.But I will stop.OK , he re w e ar e.OK, here we are.OK, here we are.So , th is i s lo ok in g pr et ty g oo dSo, this is looking pretty goodSo, this is looking pretty goodbu t my c ol or i sn 't r ea ll ybut my color isn't reallybut my color isn't reallybl en di ng v er y we ll w it h th eblending very well with theblending very well with thela ye r be lo w th at .layer below that.layer below that.An d to d o th at -- t o fi x th at ,And to do that-- to fix that,And to do that-- to fix that,I' m go in g to s wi tc h ba ck i nt oI'm going to switch back intoI'm going to switch back intoth e la ye r pr op er ti es a nd I 'mthe layer properties and I'mthe layer properties and I'mgo in g to c ha ng e th e bl en d mo de .going to change the blend mode.going to change the blend mode.No w no rm al ly c ho os in g a bl en dNow normally choosing a blendNow normally choosing a blendmo de i n Ph ot os ho p is a l ot o fmode in Photoshop is a lot ofmode in Photoshop is a lot ofcl ic ki ng a nd t ry in g an d ho pi ngclicking and trying and hopingclicking and trying and hopingan d gu es si ng .and guessing.and guessing.Bu t wi th t he T ou ch B ar , it c anBut with the Touch Bar, it canBut with the Touch Bar, it canei th er b e a sc ro ll o r a co up leeither be a scroll or a coupleeither be a scroll or a coupleof t ap s.of taps.of taps.An d th is i s re al ly g re at , re al lyAnd this is really great, reallyAnd this is really great, reallyop en s us u p to a l ot o f cr ea ti veopens us up to a lot of creativeopens us up to a lot of creativeex pe ri me nt at io n an d le av es r oo mexperimentation and leaves roomexperimentation and leaves roomfo r se re nd ip it y to h ap pe n.for serendipity to happen.for serendipity to happen.Th er e, I c an k in d of l ik e th is .There, I can kind of like this.There, I can kind of like this.Th is i s pr et ty g oo d.This is pretty good.This is pretty good.Wh at d o yo u gu ys t hi nk ?What do you guys think?What do you guys think?Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.No w, I 'v e be en d oi ng a ll o fNow, I've been doing all ofNow, I've been doing all ofth es e bl en di ng a nd c ut ti ng a ndthese blending and cutting andthese blending and cutting andpa in ti ng c om pl et el y fe ar le ss lypainting completely fearlesslypainting completely fearlesslybe ca us e I kn ow t ha t ri gh t he rebecause I know that right herebecause I know that right herein m y To uc h Ba r, I c an s cr ol lin my Touch Bar, I can scrollin my Touch Bar, I can scrollal l th e wa y ba ck t hr ou gh m yall the way back through myall the way back through myvi su al h is to ry a nd p ic k upvisual history and pick upvisual history and pick upan yw he re a lo ng t he w ay w it ho utanywhere along the way withoutanywhere along the way withoutlo si ng a ny o f my w or k.losing any of my work.losing any of my work.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.An d so , th at --And so, that--And so, that--Th at i s a pr ev ie w of t he n ewThat is a preview of the newThat is a preview of the newam az in g sy ne rg y be tw ee namazing synergy betweenamazing synergy betweenPh ot os ho p an d th e ne w Ma cB oo kPhotoshop and the new MacBookPhotoshop and the new MacBookPr o wi th T ou ch B ar .Pro with Touch Bar.Pro with Touch Bar.An d we h op e to h av e it i n th eAnd we hope to have it in theAnd we hope to have it in theha nd s of o ur P ho to sh op u se rshands of our Photoshop usershands of our Photoshop usersbe fo re t he e nd o f th e ye ar .before the end of the year.before the end of the year.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk y ou , Br ad ee .>> Thank you, Bradee.>> Thank you, Bradee.An d th at 's i nc re di bl e.And that's incredible.And that's incredible.Ph ot os ho p ju st f li es i n th e ne wPhotoshop just flies in the newPhotoshop just flies in the newMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.An d yo u ca n se e no w ho w wi thAnd you can see now how withAnd you can see now how withtw o- ha nd o pe ra ti on s, o ne o ntwo-hand operations, one ontwo-hand operations, one onTr ac kp ad , on e on T ou ch B ar ,Trackpad, one on Touch Bar,Trackpad, one on Touch Bar,cr ea te s a ne w ex pe ri en ce t ha t wecreates a new experience that wecreates a new experience that weth in k cu st om er s ar e go in g tothink customers are going tothink customers are going tolo ve u si ng o n th e Ma cB oo k Pr using on the MacBook using on the MacBook Pro.Fo r ou r th ir d de mo , we l ik e toFor our third demo, we like toFor our third demo, we like tobr in g up a m us ic a pp li ca ti on .bring up a music application.bring up a music application.Th er e' re s o ma ny i nc re di bl eThere're so many incredibleThere're so many incrediblepr of es si on al m us ic a pp li ca ti on sprofessional music applicationsprofessional music applicationson t he M ac , an d we t ho ug ht w e' don the Mac, and we thought we'don the Mac, and we thought we'dpi ck a r ea ll y fu n on e.pick a really fun one.pick a really fun one.So , we 'r e so e xc it ed f or y ou t oSo, we're so excited for you toSo, we're so excited for you tose e DJ P ro .see DJ Pro.see DJ Pro.An d to d em o fo r yo u, w e ha veAnd to demo for you, we haveAnd to demo for you, we haveKa ri m Mo rs y, C EO o f Al go ri dd im .Karim Morsy, CEO of Algoriddim.Karim Morsy, CEO of Algoriddim.Ka ri m.Karim.Karim.>> T ha nk s, P hi l.>> Thanks, Phil.>> Thanks, Phil.Go od m or ni ng e ve ry on e.Good morning everyone.Good morning everyone.Yo u mi gh t kn ow o ur a pp d ja y onYou might know our app djay onYou might know our app djay oniO S, i t wo n an A pp le D es ig niOS, it won an Apple DesigniOS, it won an Apple DesignAw ar d, a nd i t' s us ed b y mi ll io nsAward, and it's used by millionsAward, and it's used by millionsof D Js a ro un d th e wo rl d.of DJs around the world.of DJs around the world.I' ve b ee n a DJ f or a lm os t 20I've been a DJ for almost 20I've been a DJ for almost 20ye ar s.years.years.An d I' ve g on e tu rn ta bl es a ndAnd I've gone turntables andAnd I've gone turntables andvi ny l al l th e wa y to d ig it al .vinyl all the way to digital.vinyl all the way to digital.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is t he s ta nd ar dThe MacBook Pro is the standardThe MacBook Pro is the standardfo r pr of es si on al D Js .for professional DJs.for professional DJs.An d we u se d ed ic at ed c on tr ol le rsAnd we use dedicated controllersAnd we use dedicated controllerswh en w e pe rf or m li ve o n st ag e.when we perform live on stage.when we perform live on stage.We ll , wi th t he T ou ch B ar , we n owWell, with the Touch Bar, we nowWell, with the Touch Bar, we nowha ve o ne b ui lt r ig ht i nt o th ehave one built right into thehave one built right into theMa c.Mac.Mac.Wi th m ul ti -t ou ch a nd d yn am icWith multi-touch and dynamicWith multi-touch and dynamicco nt ro ls , th e To uc h Ba r en ab le scontrols, the Touch Bar enablescontrols, the Touch Bar enablesth e ne xt g en er at io n DJ s of tw ar e.the next generation DJ software.the next generation DJ software.Le t' s di ve r ig ht i n.Let's dive right in.Let's dive right in.On t he T ou ch B ar , yo u ha veOn the Touch Bar, you haveOn the Touch Bar, you haveac ce ss t o th e co re f un ct io na li tyaccess to the core functionalityaccess to the core functionalityof D J Pr o.of DJ Pro.of DJ Pro.He re i s th e sa mp le r.Here is the sampler.Here is the sampler.Th e sa mp le r al lo ws m e to t ri gg erThe sampler allows me to triggerThe sampler allows me to triggerso un d ef fe ct s on t op o f my m ix .sound effects on top of my mix.sound effects on top of my mix.No w, l et 's c re at e a lo op .Now, let's create a loop.Now, let's create a loop.An d us in g mu lt i- to uc h, I c anAnd using multi-touch, I canAnd using multi-touch, I cansi mu lt an eo us ly a pp ly a f il te r.simultaneously apply a filter.simultaneously apply a filter.No w, l et 's z oo m in to t he w av eNow, let's zoom into the waveNow, let's zoom into the wavefo rm .form.form.He re , I ca n sc ra tc h-Here, I can scratch-Here, I can scratch--- a nd I c an p re ci se ly f in d th e-- and I can precisely find the-- and I can precisely find thecu e po in ts t o st ar t my s on g.cue points to start my song.cue points to start my song.I' ll s et o ne h er e.I'll set one here.OK . No w, w e' re r ea dy t o pe rf or mOK. Now, we're ready to performOK. Now, we're ready to performen ti re ly w it h th e To uc h Ba r.entirely with the Touch Bar.entirely with the Touch Bar.Le t' s ta ke i t fo r a sp in .Let's take it for a spin.An d th is w as a ll d on e ri gh t onAnd this was all done right onAnd this was all done right onth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.It 's a r ev ol ut io na ry t oo l fo rIt's a revolutionary tool forIt's a revolutionary tool forDJ s.DJs.DJs.An u pd at e to D ja y Pr o is c om in gAn update to Djay Pro is comingAn update to Djay Pro is comingla te r th is y ea r an d welater this year and welater this year and weab so lu te ly c an 't w ai t fo r yo u toabsolutely can't wait for you toabsolutely can't wait for you toch ec k it o ut .check it out.check it out.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk y ou K ar im .>> Thank you Karim.>> Thank you Karim.I me an , he a bs ol ut el y ki ll ed i tI mean, he absolutely killed itI mean, he absolutely killed itin t ha that.Th at s on g wa s so m uc h fu n toThat song was so much fun toThat song was so much fun toli st en t o.listen to.listen to.An d I' m su re y ou g ot i t th at h eAnd I'm sure you got it that heAnd I'm sure you got it that hewa s us in g bo th h an dswas using both handswas using both handssi mu lt an eo us ly o n To uc h ba rsimultaneously on Touch barsimultaneously on Touch barbe ca us e wi th i ts m ul ti -t ou chbecause with its multi-touchbecause with its multi-touchin pu t, i t ca n su pp or t up t o 10input, it can support up to 10input, it can support up to 10in pu ts f ro m yo ur f in ge rs .inputs from your fingers.inputs from your fingers.Th at 's i nc re di bl y po we rf ul .That's incredibly powerful.That's incredibly powerful.An d th er e ar e so m an y gr ea tAnd there are so many greatAnd there are so many greatde ve lo pe rs t ha t ha ve s ta rt eddevelopers that have starteddevelopers that have startedwo rk in g on t he ir a pp s fo r th eworking on their apps for theworking on their apps for thene w Ma cB oo k Pr o as w el l as T ou chnew MacBook Pro as well as Touchnew MacBook Pro as well as TouchBa r, a nd t he y' re d oi ngBar, and they're doingBar, and they're doingre ma rk ab le t hi ng s.remarkable things.remarkable things.Fo r ex am pl e, M ic ro so ft i sFor example, Microsoft isFor example, Microsoft iswo rk in g to b ri ng a ll o fworking to bring all ofworking to bring all ofMi cr os of t Of fi ce t o Ma cB oo k Pr oMicrosoft Office to MacBook ProMicrosoft Office to MacBook Prowi th i nc re di bl e To uc h Ba rwith incredible Touch Barwith incredible Touch Barsu pp or , yo u' re g on na s ee T ou ch B arSo, you're gonna see Touch BarSo, you're gonna see Touch Barbu il t in f or W or d, E xc el ,built in for Word, Excel,built in for Word, Excel,Po we rP oi nt , Ou tl oo k an d ev enPowerPoint, Outlook and evenPowerPoint, Outlook and evenSk yp e fo r bu si ne ss .Skype for business.Skype for business.Th ey 'r e do in g a gr ea t jo b fo rThey're doing a great job forThey're doing a great job forMi cr os of t Of fi ce c om pl et eMicrosoft Office completeMicrosoft Office completesu pp or t fo r Ma cB oo k Pr o an dsupport for MacBook Pro andsupport for MacBook Pro andTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.Th er e ar e so m an y gr ea t to ol s.There are so many great tools.There are so many great tools.To ol s fo r gr ap hi c de si gn er s li keTools for graphic designers likeTools for graphic designers likeAf fi ni ty D es ig ne r su pp or ti ngAffinity Designer supportingAffinity Designer supportingTo uc h Ba r an d Ma cB oo k Pr o.Touch Bar and MacBook Pro.Touch Bar and MacBook Pro.Fo r ph ot og ra ph er s li keFor photographers likeFor photographers likePi xe lm at or .Pixelmator.Pixelmator.Fo r us er i nt er fa ce d es ig ne rsFor user interface designersFor user interface designerswi th S ke tc h, h ig h- en d vi de owith Sketch, high-end videowith Sketch, high-end videoed it in g an d co lo r gr ad in g wi thediting and color grading withediting and color grading withDa Vi nc i Re so lv e an d on a nd o n,DaVinci Resolve and on and on,DaVinci Resolve and on and on,so m an y gr ea t pr of es si on also many great professionalso many great professionalap pl ic at io ns a re g oi ng t o ta keapplications are going to takeapplications are going to takeun iq ue a dv an ta ge o f th isunique advantage of thisunique advantage of thisin cr ed ib le n ew e xp er ie nc e.incredible new experience.incredible new experience.An d th at 's w ha t th e Ma cB oo k Pr oAnd that's what the MacBook ProAnd that's what the MacBook Prois 's a n en ti re ly n ew e xp er ie nc e,It's an entirely new experience,It's an entirely new experience,it 's t he g ol d st an da rd o fit's the gold standard ofit's the gold standard ofno te bo ok s, i t' s a br an d ne wnotebooks, it's a brand newnotebooks, it's a brand newde si gn d we h av e a br ie f vi de o toAnd we have a brief video toAnd we have a brief video tote ll y ou a l it tl e bi t mo re a bo uttell you a little bit more abouttell you a little bit more aboutit .it.>> Th e ne w>> The new>> The newMa cB oo k Pr o co mb in es t heMacBook Pro combines theMacBook Pro combines thefu nd am en ta l qu al it ie s of a nfundamental qualities of anfundamental qualities of anul tr ap or ta bl e de vi ce w it hultraportable device withultraportable device withun co mp ro mi si ng p er fo rm an ce .uncompromising performance.uncompromising performance.Wi th o ur n ew d es ig n, t heWith our new design, theWith our new design, thepr od uc t' s ov er al l vo lu me h asproduct's overall volume hasproduct's overall volume hasbe en r ed uc ed d ra ma ti ca ll y.been reduced dramatically.been reduced dramatically.Th is r es ul ts i n an e xt re me lyThis results in an extremelyThis results in an extremelypu rp os ef ul a nd p ow er fu l cr ea ti vepurposeful and powerful creativepurposeful and powerful creativeto ol .tool.tool.It h as t he b es t Re ti na d is pl ayIt has the best Retina displayIt has the best Retina displaywe 'v e ev er p ut i n a no te bo ok .we've ever put in a notebook.we've ever put in a notebook.A pr ec is el y de si gn ed L EDA precisely designed LEDA precisely designed LEDsp ec tr um p ro je ct s th ro ug h aspectrum projects through aspectrum projects through ame ta l ox id e ba ck pl an e.metal oxide backplane.metal oxide backplane.Th is y ie ld s a re ma rk ab ly b ri gh tThis yields a remarkably brightThis yields a remarkably brighthi gh c on tr as t pi ct ur e wi th ahigh contrast picture with ahigh contrast picture with awi de r co lo r ga mu t.wider color gamut.wider color gamut.Th e la rg er F or ce T ou ch T ra ck pa dThe larger Force Touch TrackpadThe larger Force Touch Trackpadno w pr ov id es a n ex pa ns iv e ar eanow provides an expansive areanow provides an expansive areafo r a wh ol e ra ng e of g es tu re s.for a whole range of gestures.for a whole range of gestures.We 'v e co nt in ue d to r ef in e ou rWe've continued to refine ourWe've continued to refine ourke yb oa rd d es ig n to b e mo rekeyboard design to be morekeyboard design to be moreac cu ra te a nd e ff ic ie nt .accurate and efficient.accurate and efficient.Do me s wi tc he s be ne at h ea ch k eyDome switches beneath each keyDome switches beneath each keyha ve b ee n op ti mi ze d fo r a mo rehave been optimized for a morehave been optimized for a morere sp on si ve f ee l.responsive feel.responsive feel.We 'r e in tr od uc in g a ne w wa y toWe're introducing a new way toWe're introducing a new way toin te ra ct w it h yo ur n ot eb oo k.interact with your notebook.interact with your notebook.A mu lt i- to uc h ba r pr ov id es aA multi-touch bar provides aA multi-touch bar provides amo re i nt ui ti ve , mo re i mm ed ia temore intuitive, more immediatemore intuitive, more immediateco nn ec ti on t o yo ur c on te nt .connection to your content.Co mm an ds t ha t we re o nc e hi dd enCommands that were once hiddenCommands that were once hiddenar e no w vi si bl e, e as il yare now visible, easilyare now visible, easilyac ce ss ib le a nd a ls oaccessible and alsoaccessible and alsocu st om iz ab le .customizable.In e ac h ap pl ic at io n, t he m os tIn each application, the mostIn each application, the mostre le va nt c on tr ol s ar e di sp la ye drelevant controls are displayedrelevant controls are displayeddy na mi ca ll y al lo wi ng y ou t o wo rkdynamically allowing you to workdynamically allowing you to workwi th g re at er e ff ic ie nc y.with greater efficiency.Th is i s al so t he f ir st M ac w it hThis is also the first Mac withThis is also the first Mac withTo uc h ID .Touch ID.Touch ID.Th is s ea ml es s in te gr at io n ofThis seamless integration ofThis seamless integration ofha rd wa re a nd s of tw ar e is t ru lyhardware and software is trulyhardware and software is trulyun iq ue t o Ap pl e.unique to Apple.Th e sp ea ke rs h av e al so b ee nThe speakers have also beenThe speakers have also beenco mp le te ly r ed es ig ne d tocompletely redesigned tocompletely redesigned toma xi mi ze a ir d is pl ac em en t an dmaximize air displacement andmaximize air displacement andpr oj ec t hi gh f id el it yproject high fidelityproject high fidelityro om -f il li ng s ou nd .room-filling sound.At i ts c or e, p ro l ev el p ro ce ss esAt its core, pro level processesAt its core, pro level processesin te gr at ed w it h hi gh s pe edintegrated with high speedintegrated with high speedsy st em m em or y an d st or ag esystem memory and storagesystem memory and storagete ch no lo gi es m ak e ev er yt hi ng y outechnologies make everything youtechnologies make everything youdo f as te r an d mo re r es po ns iv faster and more responsive.In a n ot eb oo k th is p ow er fu l,In a notebook this powerful,In a notebook this powerful,th er ma l ma na ge me nt i s cr it ic al ,thermal management is critical,thermal management is critical,th in ne r, f av or ab ly s pa ce d fa nthinner, favorably spaced fanthinner, favorably spaced fanbl ad es p ro pe l ai r qu ie tl yblades propel air quietlyblades propel air quietlyth ro ug h a ne ar ly s ol idthrough a nearly solidthrough a nearly solidst ru ct ur e.structure.structure.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o ac hi ev es aThe new MacBook Pro achieves aThe new MacBook Pro achieves ade si gn t ha t op ti mi ze s bo thdesign that optimizes bothdesign that optimizes bothpe rf or ma nc e an d po rt ab il it y.performance and portability.performance and portability.It m ar ks a m il es to ne i n th eIt marks a milestone in theIt marks a milestone in theev ol ut io n of t he M ac .evolution of the Mac.evolution of the Mac.>> T he n ew M ac Bo ok P ro r un s ou r>> The new MacBook Pro runs our>> The new MacBook Pro runs ourla te st v er si on o f ma cO S, S ie rr a.latest version of macOS, Sierra.latest version of macOS, Sierra.An d Si er ra t ak es f ul l ad va nt ag eAnd Sierra takes full advantageAnd Sierra takes full advantageof a ll t he M ac Bo ok P ro h as t oof all the MacBook Pro has toof all the MacBook Pro has toof fe r, i ts w id e co lo r di sp la y,offer, its wide color display,offer, its wide color display,it s To uc h Ba r, T ou ch I D an d soits Touch Bar, Touch ID and soits Touch Bar, Touch ID and somu ch m or e.much more.much more.An d th e ha rd wa re a nd s of tw ar eAnd the hardware and softwareAnd the hardware and softwarewo rk in g to ge th er i n th es e su pe rworking together in these superworking together in these superth in a nd l ig ht n ot eb oo ks d el iv erthin and light notebooks deliverthin and light notebooks deliveral l da y ba tt er y li fe .all day battery life.all day battery life.Up t o 10 h ou rs o f ba tt er y li feUp to 10 hours of battery lifeUp to 10 hours of battery lifein b ot h th e 13 -i nc h an d th ein both the 13-inch and thein both the 13-inch and the15 -i nc h.15-inch.15-inch.Th is i s an i nc re di bl e ne wThis is an incredible newThis is an incredible newge ne ra ti on o f no te bo ok .generation of notebook.generation of notebook.No w, i t mi gh t be f un t o br in gNow, it might be fun to bringNow, it might be fun to bringba ck i n th at f ir st g en er at io n ofback in that first generation ofback in that first generation ofno te bo ok j us t fo r co mp ar is on .notebook just for comparison.notebook just for comparison.It i s re ma rk ab le h ow m uc h ha sIt is remarkable how much hasIt is remarkable how much hasoc cu rr ed i n ju st 2 5 ye ar s.occurred in just 25 years.occurred in just 25 years.Yo u ma y no t re me mb er t ha t fi rs tYou may not remember that firstYou may not remember that firstPo we rB oo k 17 0 ha d a 9. 8 in chPowerBook 170 had a 9.8 inchPowerBook 170 had a 9.8 inchbl ac k an d wh it e ac ti ve m at ri x6 40black and white active matrix640black and white active matrix640by 4 80 d is pl ay .by 480 480 display.It 's i nc re di bl e no w wi th t heIt's incredible now with theIt's incredible now with the15 -i nc h Re ti na d is pl ay h ow f ar15-inch Retina display how far15-inch Retina display how farwe h av e co me .we have come.we have come.Th at P ow er Bo ok 1 70 h ad a s ta teThat PowerBook 170 had a stateThat PowerBook 170 had a stateof t he a rt 2 5 me ga he rt z 68 03 0of the art 25 megahertz 68030of the art 25 megahertz 68030pr oc es so r.processor.processor.An d we 'v e do ne t he m at h.And we've done the math.And we've done the math.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o is 6 .8The new MacBook Pro is 6.8The new MacBook Pro is 6.8mi ll io n ti me s fa st er .million times faster.million times faster.Or , th ou gh t of a no th er w ay , aOr, thought of another way, aOr, thought of another way, afu ll y ea r of c om pu te t im e onfull year of compute time onfull year of compute time onth at P ow er Bo ok 1 70 c an b ethat PowerBook 170 can bethat PowerBook 170 can beac co mp li sh ed i n le ss t ha n fi veaccomplished in less than fiveaccomplished in less than fivese co nd s on t he M ac Bo ok P ro .seconds on the MacBook Pro.seconds on the MacBook Pro.It i s re ma rk ab le .It is remarkable.It is remarkable.We h av e ad va nc ed s o fa rWe have advanced so farWe have advanced so farin cl ud in g in h ow w e ma ke t he se .including in how we make these.including in how we make these.Ou r Ma cB oo k Pr os a re a ll m ad eOur MacBook Pros are all madeOur MacBook Pros are all madewi th a rs en ic -f re e gl as s,with arsenic-free glass,with arsenic-free glass,me rc ur y- fr ee d is pl ay s.mercury-free displays.mercury-free displays.Th ey 'r e BF R- fr ee , PV C- fr ee ,They're BFR-free, PVC-free,They're BFR-free, PVC-free,be ry ll iu m- fr ee .beryllium-free.beryllium-free.Th ey 'r e al l EN ER GY S TA R 6. 1.They're all ENERGY STAR 6.1.They're all ENERGY STAR 6.1.Th ey 'r e al l EP EA T go ld a nd o fThey're all EPEAT gold and ofThey're all EPEAT gold and ofco ur se m ad e hi gh ly r ec yc la bl ecourse made highly recyclablecourse made highly recyclablewi th t he ir a lu mi nu m an d gl as s.with their aluminum and glass.with their aluminum and glass.Th e te am h as s et o ut t o ma keThe team has set out to makeThe team has set out to makesi mp ly t he b es t no te bo ok s ev ersimply the best notebooks eversimply the best notebooks everfo r ou r hi gh -e nd p ro fe ss io na lfor our high-end professionalfor our high-end professionalco st um er s.costumers.costumers.An d th ey 'v e ab so lu te ly h it i tAnd they've absolutely hit itAnd they've absolutely hit itou t of t he p ar k wi th t he 1 3- in chout of the park with the 13-inchout of the park with the 13-inchan d 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o.and 15-inch MacBook Pro.and 15-inch MacBook Pro.An d we t hi nk o ur P ro c os tu me rsAnd we think our Pro costumersAnd we think our Pro costumersar e go in g to l ov e th em .are going to love them.are going to love them.No w we d o ha ve o th er c os tu me rs ,Now we do have other costumers,Now we do have other costumers,wh ic h is o th er p ro du ct s in o urwhich is other products in ourwhich is other products in ourli ne l ik e Ma cB oo k Ai r an d th eyline like MacBook Air and theyline like MacBook Air and theych oo se t he m fo r ho w th in a ndchoose them for how thin andchoose them for how thin andli gh t th ey a re .light they are.light they are.An d we 'r e go in g to c on ti nu e toAnd we're going to continue toAnd we're going to continue toof fe r Ma cB oo k Ai r wi th 1 3 in choffer MacBook Air with 13 inchoffer MacBook Air with 13 inchin o ur l in our our line.Bu t we c ha ll en ge d ou r te am t oBut we challenged our team toBut we challenged our team tota ke t hi s ne w de si gn , th istake this new design, thistake this new design, this13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o an d co ul d13-inch MacBook Pro and could13-inch MacBook Pro and couldth en m ak e a mo de l th at w ou ld b ethen make a model that would bethen make a model that would bere al ly e xc it in g fo r co st um er sreally exciting for costumersreally exciting for costumerswh o wo ul d tr ad it io na ll y pi ck awho would traditionally pick awho would traditionally pick aMa cB oo k Ai r.MacBook Air.MacBook Air.So , we 'r e ma ki ng a m od el t heSo, we're making a model theSo, we're making a model the13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi th13-inch MacBook Pro with13-inch MacBook Pro withtr ad it io na l fu nc ti on k ey s an dtraditional function keys andtraditional function keys andtw o Th un de rb ol t po rt s.two Thunderbolt ports.two Thunderbolt ports.An d we t hi nk t ha t a lo t ofAnd we think that a lot ofAnd we think that a lot ofpo te nt ia l Ma cB oo k Ai r co st um er spotential MacBook Air costumerspotential MacBook Air costumersar e go in g to b e ve ry e xc it edare going to be very excitedare going to be very excitedab ou t th is p ro du ct t oo .about this product too.about this product too.So , ho w do es i t st ac k up ?So, how does it stack up?So, how does it stack up?We ll y ou k no w, t he M ac Bo ok A irWell you know, the MacBook AirWell you know, the MacBook Airis b el ov ed f or i ts i nc re di bl eis beloved for its incredibleis beloved for its incredibleth in a nd l ig ht d es ig n.thin and light design.thin and light design.He re i t is .Here it is.Here it is.We ll l et 's b ri ng t he 1 3- in chWell let's bring the 13-inchWell let's bring the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o in n ex t to i t.MacBook Pro in next to it.MacBook Pro in next to it.Re me mb er , we t ol d yo u th eRemember, we told you theRemember, we told you theMa cB oo k Pr o is 1 4. 9 mi ll im et er s.MacBook Pro is 14.9 millimeters.MacBook Pro is 14.9 millimeters.Th at i s th in ne r th an t he M ac Bo okThat is thinner than the MacBookThat is thinner than the MacBookAi r.Air.Air.It 's a ct ua ll y 12 % th in ne r.It's actually 12% thinner.It's actually 12% thinner.No w, I k no w wh at s om e of y ou a reNow, I know what some of you areNow, I know what some of you areth in ki ng .thinking.thinking.Yo u' re s ay in g, \" We ll , Ma cB oo kYou're saying, \"Well, MacBookYou're saying, \"Well, MacBookAi r is a w ed ge s ha pe , so i t' sAir is a wedge shape, so it'sAir is a wedge shape, so it'spr ob ab ly s ma ll er .probably smaller.probably smaller.No . Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is 1 3%No. The MacBook Pro is 13%No. The MacBook Pro is 13%sm al le r in v ol um e th an t hesmaller in volume than thesmaller in volume than theMa cB oo k Ai r.MacBook Air.MacBook Air.Wh at a bo ut w ei gh t?What about weight?What about weight?Th ey b ot h we ig h th e sa me 3They both weigh the same 3They both weigh the same 3po un ds .pounds.pounds.So M ac Bo ok P ro w ei gh s th e sa meSo MacBook Pro weighs the sameSo MacBook Pro weighs the sameas M ac Bo ok A ir a nd i t' s th in ne ras MacBook Air and it's thinneras MacBook Air and it's thinneran d sm al le r.and smaller.and smaller.So , le t' s lo ok a t th em i nSo, let's look at them inSo, let's look at them inan ot he r wa y.another way.another way.He re t he y ar e- - He re w e ar eHere they are-- Here we areHere they are-- Here we arelo ok in g do wn o n to p of a M ac Bo oklooking down on top of a MacBooklooking down on top of a MacBookAi r.Air.Air.Le t' s sl id e on t he 1 3- in chLet's slide on the 13-inchLet's slide on the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o on t op o f it .MacBook Pro on top of it.MacBook Pro on top of it.Yo u ca n se e ho w mu ch s ma ll er i tYou can see how much smaller itYou can see how much smaller itge ts , wh y it h as a l ow er v ol um e.gets, why it has a lower volume.gets, why it has a lower volume.It 's t hi s ad va nc e de si gn ,It's this advance design,It's this advance design,in cr ed ib le n ew t ec hn iq ue s th atincredible new techniques thatincredible new techniques thatma ke t hi s 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o somake this 13-inch MacBook Pro somake this 13-inch MacBook Pro sosm al l, s o li gh t.small, so light.small, so light.He re t he y ar e ba ck t o ba ck .Here they are back to back.Here they are back to back.Ma cB oo k Ai r in t he l ef t Ma cB oo kMacBook Air in the left MacBookMacBook Air in the left MacBookPr o on t he r ig ht .Pro on the right.Pro on the right.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is s ma ll er b utThe MacBook Pro is smaller butThe MacBook Pro is smaller butbe tt er i n ev er y wa y.better in every way.better in every way.It h as a 1 3- in ch R et in a di sp la y.It has a 13-inch Retina display.It has a 13-inch Retina display.Th er e' s a fa st er p ro ce ss or ,There's a faster processor,There's a faster processor,fa st er m em or y, f as te r st or ag e,faster memory, faster storage,faster memory, faster storage,fa st er g ra ph ic s, m or e ad va nc edfaster graphics, more advancedfaster graphics, more advancedTr ac kp ad , mo re a dv an ce dTrackpad, more advancedTrackpad, more advancedke yb oa rd .keyboard.keyboard.It i s an i nc re di bl e ne w pr od uc t.It is an incredible new product.It is an incredible new product.So n ow , yo u se e we a ct ua ll y ha veSo now, you see we actually haveSo now, you see we actually haveth re e mo de ls o f th e ne w Ma cB oo kthree models of the new MacBookthree models of the new MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.A 13 i nc h wi th t ra di ti on alA 13 inch with traditionalA 13 inch with traditionalfu nc ti on k ey s, a 1 3 in ch w it hfunction keys, a 13 inch withfunction keys, a 13 inch withTo uc h Ba r an d a 15 i nc h wi thTouch Bar and a 15 inch withTouch Bar and a 15 inch withTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.No w, t he re a re m an yNow, there are manyNow, there are manyco nf ig ur at io ns o f al l th es e an dconfigurations of all these andconfigurations of all these andyo u ca n si t to i t wi th a ll o fyou can sit to it with all ofyou can sit to it with all ofth e di ff er en t th in gs y ou w an t onthe different things you want onthe different things you want onit t th ey e ac h of c ou rs e ha ve a nBut they each of course have anBut they each of course have anen tr y co nf ig ur at io n.entry configuration.entry configuration.So , I wa nt t o wa lk y ou t hr ou ghSo, I want to walk you throughSo, I want to walk you throughth os e no w.those now.those now.Th e 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withfu nc ti on k ey s st ar ts w it h a 2function keys starts with a 2function keys starts with a 2gi ga he rt z du al -c or e, I nt el C or egigahertz dual-core, Intel Coregigahertz dual-core, Intel Corei5 a nd a t ur bo s pe ed s up t o 3. 1i5 and a turbo speeds up to 3.1i5 and a turbo speeds up to 3.1gi ga he rt z.gigahertz.gigahertz.So , it 's r ea ll y fa ts .So, it's really fats.So, it's really fats.It h as I nt el I ri s Gr ap hi cs 5 40 .It has Intel Iris Graphics 540.It has Intel Iris Graphics 540.It h as 8 g ig s of f as te r sy st emIt has 8 gigs of faster systemIt has 8 gigs of faster systemme mo ry , 25 6 gi gs o f fa st er f la shmemory, 256 gigs of faster flashmemory, 256 gigs of faster flashst or ag e an d tw o Th un de rb ol t 3storage and two Thunderbolt 3storage and two Thunderbolt 3po rt s.ports.ports.Th e 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withTo uc h Ba r an d To uc h ID s ta rt sTouch Bar and Touch ID startsTouch Bar and Touch ID startswi th a 2 .9 g ig ah er tz d ua l- co rewith a 2.9 gigahertz dual-corewith a 2.9 gigahertz dual-corei5 .i5.i5.It t ur bo s pe ed s up t o 3. 3It turbo speeds up to 3.3It turbo speeds up to 3.3gi ga he rt z.gigahertz.gigahertz.An d of c ou rs e, i t ha s fo urAnd of course, it has fourAnd of course, it has fourTh un de rb ol t 3 po rt s.Thunderbolt 3 ports.Thunderbolt 3 ports.An d th e 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thAnd the 15-inch MacBook Pro withAnd the 15-inch MacBook Pro withit s To uc h Ba r an d To uc h IDits Touch Bar and Touch IDits Touch Bar and Touch IDst ar ts w it h a 2. 6 gi ga he rt zstarts with a 2.6 gigahertzstarts with a 2.6 gigahertzqu ad -c or e i7 .quad-core i7.quad-core i7.It h as R ad eo n Pr o 45 0 gr ap hi csIt has Radeon Pro 450 graphicsIt has Radeon Pro 450 graphicsan d st ar ts w it h 16 g ig s ofand starts with 16 gigs ofand starts with 16 gigs ofme mo ry .memory.memory.Th e pr ic in g fo r th es e th re eThe pricing for these threeThe pricing for these threeco nf ig s ar e $1 49 9, $ 17 99 a ndconfigs are $1499, $1799 andconfigs are $1499, $1799 and$2 39 9.$2399.$2399.Yo u ca n or de r th em t od ay .You can order them today.You can order them today.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o wi th f un ct io nThe MacBook Pro with functionThe MacBook Pro with functionke ys s ta rt s hi pp in g to da y.keys start shipping today.keys start shipping today.Th e tw o mo de ls w it h To uc h Ba rThe two models with Touch BarThe two models with Touch Baran d To uc h ID s ta rt s sh ip pi ng i nand Touch ID starts shipping inand Touch ID starts shipping intw o to t hr ee w ee ks b ut o f co ur setwo to three weeks but of coursetwo to three weeks but of courseyo u ca n ge t in y ou r or de r to da can get in your order can get in your order today.So , th os e ar e ou r Ma cB oo k Pr os .So, those are our MacBook Pros.So, those are our MacBook Pros.Be fo re w e fi ni sh , I wa nt t oBefore we finish, I want toBefore we finish, I want tobr in g ba ck o ne o th er p ro du ct a sbring back one other product asbring back one other product asyo u th in k ab ou t th is l in think about this think about this line.He re a re t he t hr ee n ew M ac Bo okHere are the three new MacBookHere are the three new MacBookPr os a nd I 'v e ad de d on t he l ef tPros and I've added on the leftPros and I've added on the leftth e 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo k.the 12-inch MacBook.the 12-inch MacBook.Be ca us e th at 1 2- in ch M ac Bo okBecause that 12-inch MacBookBecause that 12-inch MacBookst ar te d us o n th is p at h.started us on this path.started us on this path.It c re at ed m an y of t heIt created many of theIt created many of thepi on ee ri ng t ec hn ol og ie s th atpioneering technologies thatpioneering technologies thatwe 'v e no w ad ap te d an d ev ol ve dwe've now adapted and evolvedwe've now adapted and evolvedfo r th e Ma cB oo k Pr o.for the MacBook Pro.for the MacBook Pro.An d it r ea ll y ma ke s se ns eAnd it really makes senseAnd it really makes senseto ge th er a s yo u co ns id er t hi stogether as you consider thistogether as you consider thisli ne 1 2 in ch , 13 i nc h, 1 5 in ch .line 12 inch, 13 inch, 15 inch.line 12 inch, 13 inch, 15 inch.Tw o po un ds , th re e po un ds a ndTwo pounds, three pounds andTwo pounds, three pounds andfo ur p ou nd s.four pounds.four pounds.St ar ti ng a t $1 29 9 go in g up t oStarting at $1299 going up toStarting at $1299 going up to$2 39 9 fr om t he m os t ex tr em e$2399 from the most extreme$2399 from the most extremepo rt ab le n ot eb oo k we 'v e ev erportable notebook we've everportable notebook we've everma de t o th e mo st p ow er fu lmade to the most powerfulmade to the most powerfulno te bo ok w e' ve e ve r ma de .notebook we've ever made.notebook we've ever made.We t hi nk t hi s is t he m os tWe think this is the mostWe think this is the mostfo rw ar d lo ok in g ad va nc edforward looking advancedforward looking advancedno te bo ok l in e we h av e ev er h ad .notebook line we have ever had.notebook line we have ever had.Th an k yo u ve ry m uc h.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.Ba ck t o yo u Ti m.Back to you Tim.Back to you Tim.>> T ha nk y ou .>> Thank you.>> Thank you.We t hi nk y ou a re g oi ng t o lo veWe think you are going to loveWe think you are going to loveth is n ew M ac Bo ok P ro a nd w ethis new MacBook Pro and wethis new MacBook Pro and weca n' t wa it t o se e al l of t hecan't wait to see all of thecan't wait to see all of theam az in g th in gs t ha t pe op le a reamazing things that people areamazing things that people arego in g to d o wi th i t.going to do with it.going to do with it.We 'r e so e xc it ed t ha t we m ad e anWe're so excited that we made anWe're so excited that we made anad d I wo ul d lo ve t o sh ow i t toAnd I would love to show it toAnd I would love to show it toyo u no now.>> T he n ew M ac Bo ok P ro l in eu p>> The new MacBook Pro lineup>> The new MacBook Pro lineupar e th e be st n ot eb oo ks w e ha veare the best notebooks we haveare the best notebooks we haveev er m ad e an d th ey 'r e th e mo stever made and they're the mostever made and they're the mostad va nc ed n ot eb oo ks e ve r ma de .advanced notebooks ever made.advanced notebooks ever made.Th ey j oi n ot he r po we rf ulThey join other powerfulThey join other powerfulpr od uc ts t ha t we 'v e an no un ce dproducts that we've announcedproducts that we've announcedth is y ea r.this year.this year.Th e be st s ma rt wa tc h, t he A pp leThe best smartwatch, the AppleThe best smartwatch, the AppleWa tc h Se ri es 2 , th e be stWatch Series 2, the bestWatch Series 2, the bestta bl et s, i Pa d Pr o wi th s om etablets, iPad Pro with sometablets, iPad Pro with someam az in g ne w ca pa bi li ti es w it hamazing new capabilities withamazing new capabilities withth e Sm ar t Ke yb oa rd a nd t he A pp lethe Smart Keyboard and the Applethe Smart Keyboard and the ApplePe nc il .Pencil.Pencil.An d of c ou rs e, t he b es tAnd of course, the bestAnd of course, the bestsm ar tp ho ne a nd t he v er y be stsmartphone and the very bestsmartphone and the very bestiP ho ne s we 'v e ev er c re at ed .iPhones we've ever created.iPhones we've ever created.Th e iP ho ne 7 a nd t he i Ph on e 7The iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7The iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7pl us c ou ld n' t be m or e ex ci te dWe couldn't be more excitedWe couldn't be more excitedab ou t ha vi ng o ur b es t pr od uc tabout having our best productabout having our best productli ne up e ve r he ad in g in to t helineup ever heading into thelineup ever heading into theho li da y se as on .holiday season.I' d li ke t o th an k ev er yo ne f orI'd like to thank everyone forI'd like to thank everyone forco mi ng a nd j oi ni ng u s th iscoming and joining us thiscoming and joining us thismo rn in g.morning.morning.An d I pa rt ic ul ar ly l ik e to t ha nkAnd I particularly like to thankAnd I particularly like to thankev er yo ne a t Ap pl e, w ho w or ke d soeveryone at Apple, who worked soeveryone at Apple, who worked soin cr ed ib ly h ar d on c re at in gincredibly hard on creatingincredibly hard on creatingth es e pr od uc ts a nd b ui ld in gthese products and buildingthese products and buildingth em .them.them.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We h av e an a ma zi ng h an d on a re a.We have an amazing hand on area.We have an amazing hand on area.An d I' d li ke t o in vi te e ve ry on eAnd I'd like to invite everyoneAnd I'd like to invite everyoneov er t he re .over there.over there.It 's j us t ri gh t do wn t he h al lw ayIt's just right down the hallwayIt's just right down the hallwayan d yo u ca n ge t yo ur h an ds o nand you can get your hands onand you can get your hands onth e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr os a nd s ee t hethe new MacBook Pros and see thethe new MacBook Pros and see thene w TV a pp i n ac ti on .new TV app in TV app in action.Th an k yo u fo r co mi ng .Thank you for coming.Thank you for coming.\n"