"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en>> P eo pl e th in k th at h av in g a>> People think that having a>> People think that having adi sa bi li ty i s a ba rr ie r- -disability is a barrier--disability is a barrier---- b ut t ha t' s no t th e wa y I se e-- but that's not the way I see-- but that's not the way I seeit .it.Yo u ca n ca tc h up w it h fr ie nd s.You can catch up with friends.You can catch up with friends.>> R ea dy ?>> Ready?>> Ready?>> Y ou c an c ap tu re a m om en t wi th>> You can capture a moment with>> You can capture a moment withyo ur f am il y.your family.your family.>> O ne f ac e.>> One face.>> One face.Sm al l fa ce .Small face.Small face.Fo cu s lo ck ed .Focus locked.>> A nd y ou c an s ta rt t he d ay>> And you can start the day>> And you can start the daybr ig ht a nd e ar ly .bright and early.Yo u ca n ta ke a t ri p to s om ew he reYou can take a trip to somewhereYou can take a trip to somewherene w.new.new.>> T hr ee m il es t o th e su mm it .>> Three miles to the summit.>> Three miles to the summit.>> Y ou c an c on ce nt ra te o n ev er y>> You can concentrate on every>> You can concentrate on everywo rd o f a st or y.word of a story.word of a story.>> A b ir d be ga n to s in g.>> A bird began to sing.>> A bird began to sing.Ja ck o pe ne d hi s ey es .Jack opened his eyes.Jack opened his eyes.>> Y ou c an t ak e th e lo ng w ay>> You can take the long way>> You can take the long wayho me .home.home.Or e di t a fi lm l ik e th is o ne .Or edit a film like this one.Or edit a film like this one.Wh en t ec hn ol og y is d es ig ne d fo rWhen technology is designed forWhen technology is designed forev er yo ne , it l et s an yo ne d o wh ateveryone, it lets anyone do whateveryone, it lets anyone do whatth ey l ov e.they love.they love.In cl ud in g me .Including me.Including me.>> G oo d mo rn in g.>> Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Go od m or ni ng .Good morning.Good morning.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.I se e a fe w iP ho ne s ou t th er e.I see a few iPhones out there.I see a few iPhones out there.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We lc om e ba ck t o th e Ap pl e Ca mp usWelcome back to the Apple CampusWelcome back to the Apple Campusan d th an k yo u so m uc h fo rand thank you so much forand thank you so much forjo in in g us t hi s mo rn in g.joining us this morning.joining us this morning.I co ul d no t be p ro ud er t o sh ar eI could not be prouder to shareI could not be prouder to shareth at v id eo w it h yo u th isthat video with you thisthat video with you thismo rn in g.morning.morning.Ou r te am s wo rk s o in cr ed ib lyOur teams work so incrediblyOur teams work so incrediblyha rd t o ma ke a ll o f ou r pr od uc tshard to make all of our productshard to make all of our productsac ce ss ib le t o ev er yo ne .accessible to everyone.accessible to everyone.An d to da y, w e' re l au nc hi ng a n ewAnd today, we're launching a newAnd today, we're launching a newac ce ss ib il it y we bs it e.accessibility website.accessibility website.It 's a ll a bo ut t he a cc es si bi li tyIt's all about the accessibilityIt's all about the accessibilityfe at ur es t ha t we 'v e de si gn ed a ndfeatures that we've designed andfeatures that we've designed andbu il t ri gh t in to o ur p ro du ct s.built right into our products.built right into our products.We b el ie ve t ha t te ch no lo gyWe believe that technologyWe believe that technologysh ou ld b e ac ce ss ib le t oshould be accessible toshould be accessible toev er yo ne .everyone.everyone.An d we h op e th at t hi s we bs it eAnd we hope that this websiteAnd we hope that this websitebe co me s a gr ea t re so ur ce t ha tbecomes a great resource thatbecomes a great resource thatpe op le c an u se a ll a ro un d th epeople can use all around thepeople can use all around thewo rl d.world.world.We b el ie ve t ha t if p eo pl e ha veWe believe that if people haveWe believe that if people haveac ce ss t o ou r pr od uc ts , th ey c anaccess to our products, they canaccess to our products, they canpu sh h um an it y fo rw ar d an d ch an gepush humanity forward and changepush humanity forward and changeth e wo rl d a bi t in t he p ro ce ss .the world a bit in the process.the world a bit in the process.It 's i nc re di bl y hu mb li ng t o se eIt's incredibly humbling to seeIt's incredibly humbling to seeth e am az in g th in gs p eo pl e dothe amazing things people dothe amazing things people dowi th o ur p ro du ct s ev er y da y.with our products every day.with our products every day.We 'v e go t- - Th an k yo u.We've got-- Thank you.We've got-- Thank you.We 'v e go t so me g re at n ewWe've got some great newWe've got some great newpr od uc ts t o sh ar e wi th y ou t hi sproducts to share with you thisproducts to share with you thismo rn in g an d I' d li ke t o st ar tmorning and I'd like to startmorning and I'd like to startth is m or ni ng w it h a fe w up da te sthis morning with a few updatesthis morning with a few updatesbe gi nn in g wi th i Ph on e.beginning with iPhone.beginning with iPhone.Of c ou rs e we j us t la un ch ed t heOf course we just launched theOf course we just launched theiP ho ne 7 l as t mo nt h an d pe op leiPhone 7 last month and peopleiPhone 7 last month and peoplear e lo vi ng i t.are loving it.are loving it.We 'v e ha d so me i nc re di bl eWe've had some incredibleWe've had some incrediblere vi ew s li ke t hi s on e, w hi chreviews like this one, whichreviews like this one, whichse em s to s ay i t al l,seems to say it all,seems to say it all,\"U np ar al le le d an d a cu t ab ov e\"Unparalleled and a cut above\"Unparalleled and a cut abovean yt hi ng i n th e in du st ry .\"anything in the industry.\"anything in the industry.\"I co ul dn 't h av e sa id i t be tt erI couldn't have said it betterI couldn't have said it bettermy se lf .myself.myself.Mo re i mp or ta nt ly , th e cu st om erMore importantly, the customerMore importantly, the customerre sp on se h as b ee n ve ry s tr on g.response has been very strong.response has been very strong.iP ho ne 7 m ak es t he t hi ng s th atiPhone 7 makes the things thatiPhone 7 makes the things thatyo u do e ve ry d ay s o mu ch b et te r.you do every day so much better.you do every day so much better.An d on e of t ho se v er y im po rt an tAnd one of those very importantAnd one of those very importantth in gs i s ta ki ng g re at p ho to s.things is taking great photos.things is taking great photos.Cu st om er s ha d be en u si ng t heCustomers had been using theCustomers had been using theiP ho ne 7 c am er a an d th ey a re s oiPhone 7 camera and they are soiPhone 7 camera and they are soex ci te d th ey 'v e be en s en di ng u sexcited they've been sending usexcited they've been sending usso me o f th e ph ot os t he y' vesome of the photos they'vesome of the photos they'veta ke n.taken.taken.I' d lo ve t o sh ar e so me w it h yo uI'd love to share some with youI'd love to share some with youth is m or ni ng .this morning.this morning.Th er e' s so me r ea ll y be au ti fu lThere's some really beautifulThere's some really beautifulon es l ik e th is o ne ,ones like this one,as w el l as t hi s.as well as this.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.Th ey a re a bs ol ut el y be au ti fu l.They are absolutely beautiful.They are absolutely beautiful.An d th is i s ju st a v er y sm al lAnd this is just a very smallAnd this is just a very smallse le ct io n.selection.selection.iP ho ne 7 t ak es i nc re di bl eiPhone 7 takes incredibleiPhone 7 takes incredibleph ot os .photos.photos.Bu t it 's n ot j us t ab ou t ta ki ngBut it's not just about takingBut it's not just about takinggr ea t ph ot os .great photos.great photos.Th e fu n is g oi ng b ac k an dThe fun is going back andThe fun is going back anden jo yi ng t he m an d sh ar in g th emenjoying them and sharing themenjoying them and sharing themwi th y ou r fr ie nd s an d fa mi ly .with your friends and family.with your friends and family.An d we 'v e ma de t ha t mu ch e as ie rAnd we've made that much easierAnd we've made that much easieran d mu ch b et te r wi th t he n ewand much better with the newand much better with the newme mo ri es f ea tu re w hi chmemories feature whichmemories feature whichau to ma ti ca ll y gi ve s yo u ne wautomatically gives you newautomatically gives you newme mo ri es e ve ry d ay r ig ht f ro mmemories every day right frommemories every day right fromyo ur p ho to l ib ra ry .your photo library.your photo library.Th is i s a ne w fe at ur e, b utThis is a new feature, butThis is a new feature, butde sp it e th at , al re ad y 40 0despite that, already 400despite that, already 400mi ll io n me mo ri es h av e be enmillion memories have beenmillion memories have beenvi ew ed a nd e nj oy ed b y iP ho neviewed and enjoyed by iPhoneviewed and enjoyed by iPhoneus er s.users.users.Th is i s th e be st c am er a, t heThis is the best camera, theThis is the best camera, thebe st p ho to e xp er ie nc e an d th ebest photo experience and thebest photo experience and thebe st i Ph on e we 'v e ev er m ad e.best iPhone we've ever made.best iPhone we've ever made.iP ho ne 7 i s po we re d by i OS 1 0,iPhone 7 is powered by iOS 10,iPhone 7 is powered by iOS 10,th e wo rl d' s mo st a dv an ce d mo bi lethe world's most advanced mobilethe world's most advanced mobileop er at in g sy st em .operating system.operating system.An d th e re vi ew s ar e in f or i OSAnd the reviews are in for iOSAnd the reviews are in for iOS10 , an d it 's o ff ic ia l, i OS 1 0 is10, and it's official, iOS 10 is10, and it's official, iOS 10 isaw es om e, a 5 o ut o f 5.awesome, a 5 out of 5.awesome, a 5 out of 5.I co ul dn 't h av e sa id t ha t be tt erI couldn't have said that betterI couldn't have said that betterei th er .either.either.Cu st om er r ea ct io n to i OS 1 0 ha sCustomer reaction to iOS 10 hasCustomer reaction to iOS 10 hasbe en p he no me na l.been phenomenal.been phenomenal.In f ac t, i n ju st o ve r a mo nt h,In fact, in just over a month,In fact, in just over a month,ov er 6 0% o f ou r cu st om er s ar eover 60% of our customers areover 60% of our customers areal re ad y us in g iO S 10 .already using iOS 10.already using iOS 10.An d in c on tr as t, t he o th er g uy sAnd in contrast, the other guysAnd in contrast, the other guysth at s hi pp ed b ef or e iO S 10 a rethat shipped before iOS 10 arethat shipped before iOS 10 areno t ev en a t 1% y et .not even at 1% yet.not even at 1% yet.An d of c ou rs e th e re al it y isAnd of course the reality isAnd of course the reality isth at m os t de vi ce s wi ll n ev er g etthat most devices will never getthat most devices will never getth is u pg ra de .this upgrade.this upgrade.No w, e ar li er t hi s we ek , weNow, earlier this week, weNow, earlier this week, wesh ip pe d an u pd at e to i OS 1 0,shipped an update to iOS 10,shipped an update to iOS 10,ve rs io n 10 .1 , an d it 's g ot s om eversion 10.1, and it's got someversion 10.1, and it's got somemo re c oo l ne w ca pa bi li ti es .more cool new capabilities.more cool new capabilities.Pe rh ap s th e be st f ea tu re i sPerhaps the best feature isPerhaps the best feature ispo rt ra it m od e fo r th e iP ho ne 7portrait mode for the iPhone 7portrait mode for the iPhone 7Pl us w hi ch o ff er s a de pt h ef fe ctPlus which offers a depth effectPlus which offers a depth effectto y ou r ph ot os .to your photos.to your photos.So t he p er so n in t he f or eg ro un dSo the person in the foregroundSo the person in the foregroundis s o sh ar p an d th er e' s ais so sharp and there's ais so sharp and there's abe au ti fu ll y bl ur re d ba ck gr ou nd .beautifully blurred background.beautifully blurred background.If y ou h av en 't s ee n it , it 'sIf you haven't seen it, it'sIf you haven't seen it, it'saw es om e.awesome.awesome.An d gu es s wh at , so m an yAnd guess what, so manyAnd guess what, so manycu st om er s ha ve b ee n se nd in g uscustomers have been sending uscustomers have been sending usso me o f th e po rt ra it s th ey 'v esome of the portraits they'vesome of the portraits they'veta ke n, a nd I 'm r ea ll y pl ea se d totaken, and I'm really pleased totaken, and I'm really pleased tosh ar e so me w it h yo u th isshare some with you thisshare some with you thismo rn in g, l ik e th is o ne .morning, like this one.morning, like this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.An d th is o ne .And this one.And this one.Th e re su lt s ar e ju st s tu nn in g.The results are just stunning.The results are just stunning.It 's a ma zi ng y ou c an d o th is .It's amazing you can do this.It's amazing you can do this.No w, i f yo u ha ve n' t ch ec ke d ou tNow, if you haven't checked outNow, if you haven't checked outpo rt ra it m od e ye t wi th y ou rportrait mode yet with yourportrait mode yet with youriP ho ne 7 P lu s, I e nc ou ra ge y ouiPhone 7 Plus, I encourage youiPhone 7 Plus, I encourage youto d o it .to do it.to do it.It 's r ea ll y aw es om e, t hi s is aIt's really awesome, this is aIt's really awesome, this is ahu ge f ea tu re .huge feature.huge feature.Al so t hi s we ek , Ap pl e Pa y ki ck edAlso this week, Apple Pay kickedAlso this week, Apple Pay kickedof f in J ap an w it h iP ho ne 7 a ndoff in Japan with iPhone 7 andoff in Japan with iPhone 7 andth e Ap pl e Wa tc h Se ri es 2 .the Apple Watch Series 2.the Apple Watch Series 2.So n ow o ur c us to me rs i n Ja pa nSo now our customers in JapanSo now our customers in Japanca n us e th ei r iP ho ne 7 a nd t he ircan use their iPhone 7 and theircan use their iPhone 7 and theirAp pl e Wa tc h Se ri es 2 f or t ra ns itApple Watch Series 2 for transitApple Watch Series 2 for transitan d fo r ma ki ng p ay me nt s.and for making payments.and for making payments.Th is i s a hu ge d ea l in J ap anThis is a huge deal in JapanThis is a huge deal in Japanbe ca us e ev er y da y, t he re 's o ve rbecause every day, there's overbecause every day, there's over16 0 mi ll io n co nt ac tl es s160 million contactless160 million contactlesstr an sa ct io ns m ad e.transactions made.transactions made.An d we a re o ff er in g th e be stAnd we are offering the bestAnd we are offering the bestex pe ri en ce b y fa r.experience by far.experience by far.No w we 'v e al so i nt ro du ce dNow we've also introducedNow we've also introducedsu pp or t fo r tr an si t in t he M ap ssupport for transit in the Mapssupport for transit in the Mapsap p wi th i OS 1 0. 1.app with iOS 10.1.app with iOS 10.1.An d th is p ro vi de s ex te ns iv eAnd this provides extensiveAnd this provides extensiveco ve ra ge a ll a cr os s Ja pa n an d itcoverage all across Japan and itcoverage all across Japan and itha s ve ry d et ai le d un de rg ro un dhas very detailed undergroundhas very detailed undergroundla yo ut s, i t' s re al ly c oo l.layouts, it's really cool.layouts, it's really cool.An d so w e' ve i nc lu de d co ol n ewAnd so we've included cool newAnd so we've included cool newfe at ur es w it h th is l ik e lo ca lfeatures with this like localfeatures with this like localsi gn s an d fa re c om pa ri so ns w hi chsigns and fare comparisons whichsigns and fare comparisons whichis f ar b ey on d wh at o th er f ol ksis far beyond what other folksis far beyond what other folksar e do in g, s o th is i s no w th eare doing, so this is now theare doing, so this is now thebe st a nd e as ie st w ay t o ge tbest and easiest way to getbest and easiest way to getar ou nd i n Ja pa n.around in Japan.around in Japan.Th e ne w Ap pl e Wa tc h ha s al soThe new Apple Watch has alsoThe new Apple Watch has alsogo tt en o ff t o an a ma zi ng s ta rt ,gotten off to an amazing start,gotten off to an amazing start,an d wa tc hO S 3 ma ke s th e wa tc hand watchOS 3 makes the watchand watchOS 3 makes the watchex pe ri en ce s o mu ch s im pl er a ndexperience so much simpler andexperience so much simpler andfa st er .faster.faster.An d we 'v e be en h ea ri ng t he s am eAnd we've been hearing the sameAnd we've been hearing the samegr ea t re sp on se f ro m re vi ew er sgreat response from reviewersgreat response from reviewerswi th t he w at ch .with the watch.with the watch.Li ke D ig it al T re nd s wh o sa ys ,Like Digital Trends who says,Like Digital Trends who says,\"t he A pp le W at ch i s th e be st\"the Apple Watch is the best\"the Apple Watch is the bestsm ar tw at ch y ou c an b uy .smartwatch you can buy.smartwatch you can buy.It 's s im pl y th e be st b y fa r. \"It's simply the best by far.\"It's simply the best by far.\"An d th e Wa ll S tr ee t Jo ur na lAnd the Wall Street JournalAnd the Wall Street Journalwh ic h sa id , \"i t ca n he lp y ou o nwhich said, \"it can help you onwhich said, \"it can help you onyo ur p at h to b ec om in g ayour path to becoming ayour path to becoming ahe al th ie r hu ma n. \"healthier human.\"healthier human.\"As y ou k no w, w e de si gn ed t heAs you know, we designed theAs you know, we designed theAp pl e Wa tc h to b e th e ul ti ma teApple Watch to be the ultimateApple Watch to be the ultimatede vi ce f or a h ea lt hy l if e.device for a healthy life.device for a healthy life.An d we 'v e be en w or ki ng w it h Ni keAnd we've been working with NikeAnd we've been working with Niketo p ro vi de t he b es t ru nn in gto provide the best runningto provide the best runningex pe ri en ce o ut t he re .experience out there.experience out there.To mo rr ow , Ap pl e Wa tc h Ni ke + isTomorrow, Apple Watch Nike+ isTomorrow, Apple Watch Nike+ isav ai la bl e, a nd w e th in k ru nn er savailable, and we think runnersavailable, and we think runnersar ou nd t he w or ld a re g oi ng t oaround the world are going toaround the world are going tolo ve i t.love it.love it.So a s yo u ca n te ll , it 's b ee n aSo as you can tell, it's been aSo as you can tell, it's been apr et ty b us y we ek a ro un d he re ,pretty busy week around here,pretty busy week around here,bu t we h av e mo re t o an no un cebut we have more to announcebut we have more to announceto da y.today.today.An d I' d li ke t o st ar t wi th A pp leAnd I'd like to start with AppleAnd I'd like to start with AppleTV .TV.TV.Wi th A pp le T V, w e wa nt t heWith Apple TV, we want theWith Apple TV, we want theex pe ri en ce o n yo ur t el ev is io n toexperience on your television toexperience on your television tobe a s gr ea t as t he e xp er ie nc ebe as great as the experiencebe as great as the experienceac ro ss y ou r Ap pl e de vi ce s.across your Apple devices.across your Apple devices.An d so , wh en w e la un ch ed t he n ewAnd so, when we launched the newAnd so, when we launched the newAp pl e TV , we l au nc he d wi th aApple TV, we launched with aApple TV, we launched with acl ea r vi si on .clear vision.clear vision.We b el ie ve t he f ut ur e of T V isWe believe the future of TV isWe believe the future of TV isap ps .apps.apps.So , ho w ar e we d oi ng o n th is ?So, how are we doing on this?So, how are we doing on this?We ll , ou r de ve lo pe rs n ow h av eWell, our developers now haveWell, our developers now haveac ce ss t o th e bi gg es t sc re en i naccess to the biggest screen inaccess to the biggest screen inyo ur h om e an d in j us t a ye ar , weyour home and in just a year, weyour home and in just a year, weno w ha ve 8 00 0 ap ps , an d th ey 'r enow have 8000 apps, and they'renow have 8000 apps, and they'reac ro ss e ve ry c at eg or y, f ro macross every category, fromacross every category, fromli fe st yl e, t o le ar ni ng , tolifestyle, to learning, tolifestyle, to learning, tofi tn es s, t o sh op pi ng , to f oo d,fitness, to shopping, to food,fitness, to shopping, to food,an d ov er 2 00 0 ga me s, w it h so meand over 2000 games, with someand over 2000 games, with someam az in g ti tl es l ik e Re al R ac in gamazing titles like Real Racingamazing titles like Real Racing3.3.3.No w th es e ga me s ke ep c om in g, n ewNow these games keep coming, newNow these games keep coming, newga me s ke ep c om in g an d th er e' s agames keep coming and there's agames keep coming and there's ave ry p op ul ar o ne c om in g be fo revery popular one coming beforevery popular one coming beforeth e en d of t he y ea r, a nd t ha t isthe end of the year, and that isthe end of the year, and that isMi ne cr af t.Minecraft.Minecraft.So n ow y ou c an b ui ld n ew w or ld sSo now you can build new worldsSo now you can build new worldson y ou r Ap pl e TV a nd p la y wi thon your Apple TV and play withon your Apple TV and play withyo ur f ri en ds o n th ei r iP ad s an dyour friends on their iPads andyour friends on their iPads andiP ho ne s.iPhones.iPhones.It 's g oi ng t o be r ea ll y fu n.It's going to be really fun.It's going to be really fun.Ou r cu st om er s al so l ov e wa tc hi ngOur customers also love watchingOur customers also love watchingth ei r fa vo ri te T V sh ow s on A pp letheir favorite TV shows on Appletheir favorite TV shows on AppleTV l ik e \"M r. R ob ot .\"TV like \"Mr. Robot.\"TV like \"Mr. Robot.\"An d in f ac t, w e no w ha ve o ve rAnd in fact, we now have overAnd in fact, we now have over16 00 a pp s fr om v id eo c on te nt1600 apps from video content1600 apps from video contentpr ov id er s fo r yo u to e nj oy .providers for you to enjoy.providers for you to enjoy.Th is i s ab so lu te ly i nc re di bl eThis is absolutely incredibleThis is absolutely incrediblean d it 's a n am az in g am ou nt o fand it's an amazing amount ofand it's an amazing amount ofco nt en t th at 's a va il ab le t o yo u.content that's available to you.content that's available to you.Yo u co ul d- - In a dd it io n to y ou rYou could-- In addition to yourYou could-- In addition to yourfa vo ri te T V sh ow s, y ou c an w at chfavorite TV shows, you can watchfavorite TV shows, you can watchso me i nc re di bl e mo vi es l ik esome incredible movies likesome incredible movies like\"F in di ng D or y\" .\"Finding Dory\".\"Finding Dory\".Yo u ca n wa tc h li ve a nd o n- de ma ndYou can watch live and on-demandYou can watch live and on-demandne ws .news.news.Yo u ca n ev en w at ch l iv e sp or tsYou can even watch live sportsYou can even watch live sportsan d so m uc h mo re .and so much more.and so much more.In f ac t, t he re 's a n ew c at eg or yIn fact, there's a new categoryIn fact, there's a new categoryof a pp s em er gi ng t ha t co mb in eof apps emerging that combineof apps emerging that combineth e po we r of A pp le T V to m ak ethe power of Apple TV to makethe power of Apple TV to makewa tc hi ng v id eo m or e in te re st in g,watching video more interesting,watching video more interesting,in te ra ct iv e an d so ci al .interactive and social.interactive and social.An d we h av e an e xa mp le o f th atAnd we have an example of thatAnd we have an example of thatto s ho w yo u th is m or ni ng .to show you this morning.to show you this morning.An d to d o th at , I' d li ke t oAnd to do that, I'd like toAnd to do that, I'd like toin vi te R ya n Tr oy f ro m Tw it te r toinvite Ryan Troy from Twitter toinvite Ryan Troy from Twitter tosh ow u s wh at w e' re t al ki ngshow us what we're talkingshow us what we're talkingab ou t.about.about.Ry an .Ryan.Ryan.>> J oi ni ng m e to da y is o ur>> Joining me today is our>> Joining me today is ourpr od uc t de si gn er J os e He rn an de z.product designer Jose Hernandez.product designer Jose Hernandez.To da y, w e' re g oi ng t o sh ow t heToday, we're going to show theToday, we're going to show thefu tu re o f vi de o ma de p os si bl e byfuture of video made possible byfuture of video made possible byTw it te r on A pp le T V.Twitter on Apple TV.Twitter on Apple TV.Le t' s ju mp i n an d wa tc h Th ur sd ayLet's jump in and watch ThursdayLet's jump in and watch ThursdayNi gh t Fo ot ba ll .Night Football.Night Football.Fa ns l ov e wa tc hi ng t he irFans love watching theirFans love watching theirfa vo ri te l iv e sp or t fr om t hefavorite live sport from thefavorite live sport from thela rg es t sc re en i n th e ho us elargest screen in the houselargest screen in the housese nd in g mi ll io ns o f tw ee ts a d aysending millions of tweets a daysending millions of tweets a dayfr om t he ir i Ph on es a nd i Pa ds .from their iPhones and iPads.from their iPhones and iPads.Wi th a s im pl e sw ip e on t heWith a simple swipe on theWith a simple swipe on thein cr ed ib le S ir i Re mo te , we c anincredible Siri Remote, we canincredible Siri Remote, we canbr in g th at c on ve rs at io n in t obring that conversation in tobring that conversation in toma ke v ie wi ng m or e en te rt ai ni ngmake viewing more entertainingmake viewing more entertainingwi th t we et s fr om a th le te s an dwith tweets from athletes andwith tweets from athletes andmo re i ns ig ht fu l wi th s ta ts f ro mmore insightful with stats frommore insightful with stats fromjo ur na li st s.journalists.journalists.Lo ok s li ke t he B ea rs h av eLooks like the Bears haveLooks like the Bears havere co ve re d in t he e nd z on e.recovered in the end zone.recovered in the end zone.No w, t he T wi tt er t im el in e co me sNow, the Twitter timeline comesNow, the Twitter timeline comesal iv e to s ho w im me di at ealive to show immediatealive to show immediatere ac ti on s.reactions.reactions.Th at p re tt y mu ch s um s up m yThat pretty much sums up myThat pretty much sums up myfa nt as y te am t hi s ye ar .fantasy team this year.fantasy team this year.Tw ee ts a ls o in cl ud e vi de oTweets also include videoTweets also include videore pl ay s an d pe ri sc op es f ro mreplays and periscopes fromreplays and periscopes fromdi ff er en t va nt ag e po in ts .different vantage points.different vantage points.I ha ve t o sa y, t hi s is a g re atI have to say, this is a greatI have to say, this is a greatwa y to w at ch T V.way to watch TV.way to watch TV.Wi th t ha t to uc hd ow n, I t hi nk t heWith that touchdown, I think theWith that touchdown, I think theBe ar s mi gh t be a bl e to w in t hi sBears might be able to win thisBears might be able to win thison d ef en se a lo ne .on defense alone.on defense alone.At c ri ti ca l mo me nt s in t he g am eAt critical moments in the gameAt critical moments in the gameli ke t hi s, a ud ie nc e po ll s le tlike this, audience polls letlike this, audience polls letJo se w ei gh i n on t he s it ua ti on .Jose weigh in on the situation.Jose weigh in on the situation.On ce h e' s vo te d, l iv e re su lt sOnce he's voted, live resultsOnce he's voted, live resultssh ow u p in st an tl y.show up instantly.show up instantly.No w, J os e se es s om e ca nd or t ha tNow, Jose sees some candor thatNow, Jose sees some candor thathe w an ts t o re sp on d to .he wants to respond to.he wants to respond to.Ap pl e TV m ak es i t ea sy f or h imApple TV makes it easy for himApple TV makes it easy for himto s en d th at t we et t o hi s iP ho neto send that tweet to his iPhoneto send that tweet to his iPhoneso h e ca n jo in t he c on ve rs at io n.so he can join the conversation.so he can join the conversation.Le t' s se e ho w he r es po nd s.Let's see how he responds.Let's see how he responds.St ro ng c ho ic e.Strong choice.Strong choice.In a dd it io n to N FL T hu rs da yIn addition to NFL ThursdayIn addition to NFL ThursdayNi gh t Fo ot ba ll , Tw it te r is v er yNight Football, Twitter is veryNight Football, Twitter is veryex ci te d to o ff er f re e pr em iu mexcited to offer free premiumexcited to offer free premiumsp or ts c on te nt f ro m th e NH L an dsports content from the NHL andsports content from the NHL andNB A, n ew s fr om B lo om be rg , an dNBA, news from Bloomberg, andNBA, news from Bloomberg, andel ec ti on n ig ht c ov er ag e fr omelection night coverage fromelection night coverage fromBu zz Fe ed .BuzzFeed.BuzzFeed.We 'r e me rg in g li ve v id eo ,We're merging live video,We're merging live video,so ci al , sp or ts a nd n ew s in a nsocial, sports and news in ansocial, sports and news in anin te ra ct iv e fo rm at n ot p os si bl einteractive format not possibleinteractive format not possiblebe fo re T wi tt er o n Ap pl e TV .before Twitter on Apple TV.before Twitter on Apple TV.It 's w ha t' s ha pp en in g.It's what's happening.It's what's happening.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.Th an k yo u, R ya n.Thank you, Ryan.Thank you, Ryan.Th is i s a gr ea t ex am pl e of t heThis is a great example of theThis is a great example of thepo we r of A pp le T V an d ho w ap pspower of Apple TV and how appspower of Apple TV and how appsar e ch an gi ng t he w ay t ha t weare changing the way that weare changing the way that ween jo y te le vi si on .enjoy television.enjoy television.No w, i n fa ct -- S o we n ow h av e soNow, in fact-- So we now have soNow, in fact-- So we now have soma ny g re at a pp s an d ea ch o fmany great apps and each ofmany great apps and each ofth es e ap ps h as a n in cr ed ib lethese apps has an incrediblethese apps has an incredibleam ou nt o f am az in g co nt en t.amount of amazing content.amount of amazing content.Wi th S ir i an d un iv er sa l se ar ch ,With Siri and universal search,With Siri and universal search,we 'v e ma de i t ea sy t o se ar chwe've made it easy to searchwe've made it easy to searchac ro ss y ou r ap ps .across your apps.across your apps.Bu t un iv er sa l se ar ch w as j us tBut universal search was justBut universal search was justth e be gi nn in g fo r us .the beginning for us.the beginning for us.We w an t to d o ev en m or e to m ak eWe want to do even more to makeWe want to do even more to maketh is e xp er ie nc e ev en b et te r.this experience even better.this experience even better.We w an t Ap pl e TV t o be t he o neWe want Apple TV to be the oneWe want Apple TV to be the onepl ac e to a cc es s al l of y ou rplace to access all of yourplace to access all of yourte le vi si on , a un if ie d TVtelevision, a unified TVtelevision, a unified TVex pe ri en ce .experience.experience.Th at 's o ne p la ce t o ac ce ss a llThat's one place to access allThat's one place to access allof y ou r TV s ho ws a nd m ov ie s.of your TV shows and movies.of your TV shows and movies.On e pl ac e to d is co ve r gr ea t ne wOne place to discover great newOne place to discover great newco nt en t to w at ch .content to watch.content to watch.So , to da y, w e' re a nn ou nc in g aSo, today, we're announcing aSo, today, we're announcing ane w ap p an d we s im pl y ca ll i tnew app and we simply call itnew app and we simply call itTV .TV.TV.It w il l co mp le te ly c ha ng e ho wIt will completely change howIt will completely change howyo u wa tc h TV w it h yo ur A pp le T V,you watch TV with your Apple TV,you watch TV with your Apple TV,as w el l as y ou r iP ho ne a nd i Pa d.as well as your iPhone and iPad.as well as your iPhone and iPad.Bu t ra th er t ha n ta lk a bo ut i t,But rather than talk about it,But rather than talk about it,we j us t li ke t o sh ow y ou .we just like to show you.we just like to show you.An d to d o th at , I' d li ke t oAnd to do that, I'd like toAnd to do that, I'd like tobr in g up J en F ol ds , a se ni orbring up Jen Folds, a seniorbring up Jen Folds, a seniorde si gn er o n Ap pl e TV t o sh ow y oudesigner on Apple TV to show youdesigner on Apple TV to show youal l ab ou t it .all about it.all about it.Je n?Jen?Jen?>> T ha nk s, T im .>> Thanks, Tim.Th e ne w TV a pp i s th e fi rs tThe new TV app is the firstThe new TV app is the firstpl ac e I go w he n I tu rn o n myplace I go when I turn on myplace I go when I turn on myAp pl e TV .Apple TV.Apple TV.It b ri ng s th e sh ow s an d mo vi esIt brings the shows and moviesIt brings the shows and moviesfr om a ll m y vi de o ap ps a ll i nt ofrom all my video apps all intofrom all my video apps all intoon e pl ac e.one place.one place.So I s ta rt o ff i n Wa tc h No wSo I start off in Watch NowSo I start off in Watch Nowwh er e th e fo cu s is o n Up N ex t.where the focus is on Up Next.where the focus is on Up Next.It h as a ll t he T V sh ow s an dIt has all the TV shows andIt has all the TV shows andmo vi es t ha t I' m cu rr en tl ymovies that I'm currentlymovies that I'm currentlywa tc hi ng f ro m ac ro ss a ll o f mywatching from across all of mywatching from across all of myap ps .apps.apps.Yo u ca n se e wh at 's u p ne xt a lo ngYou can see what's up next alongYou can see what's up next alongth e bo tt om a nd g et a l it tl e mo rethe bottom and get a little morethe bottom and get a little moreco nt ex t fo r ea ch i n th e to pcontext for each in the topcontext for each in the topri gh t.right.right.So f or e xa mp le , I bo ug ht S in gSo for example, I bought SingSo for example, I bought SingSt re et o n iT un es b ut d id n' tStreet on iTunes but didn'tStreet on iTunes but didn'tfi ni sh w at ch in g.finish watching.finish watching.An d as y ou c an s ee , Up N ex t le tsAnd as you can see, Up Next letsAnd as you can see, Up Next letsme c on ti nu e fr om w he re I l ef tme continue from where I leftme continue from where I leftof f.off.off.Fo r sh ow s th at I 'm b in gi ng o nFor shows that I'm binging onFor shows that I'm binging onli ke \" Ho me la nd \" on S ho wt im e, t helike \"Homeland\" on Showtime, thelike \"Homeland\" on Showtime, thene xt e pi so de i s ri gh t he re r ea dynext episode is right here readynext episode is right here readyfo r me t o st ar t.for me to start.for me to start.An d fo r cu rr en tl y ai ri ng s ho wsAnd for currently airing showsAnd for currently airing showsth at I 'm w at ch in g li ke \" Th e Bi gthat I'm watching like \"The Bigthat I'm watching like \"The BigTh eo ry \" on C BS , Up N ex t sh ow s meTheory\" on CBS, Up Next shows meTheory\" on CBS, Up Next shows meth e ne we st e pi so de o nc e it 'sthe newest episode once it'sthe newest episode once it'sav ai la bl e.available.available.It 's s o gr ea t to f in al ly h av eIt's so great to finally haveIt's so great to finally haveon e pl ac e to g o fo r ev er yt hi ngone place to go for everythingone place to go for everythingI' m wa tc hi ng .I'm watching.I'm watching.Bu t it d oe sn 't e nd t he re .But it doesn't end there.But it doesn't end there.Wh en I w an t to d is co ve rWhen I want to discoverWhen I want to discoverso me th in g ne w, I j us t sw ip esomething new, I just swipesomething new, I just swipedo wn .down.down.Ou r ed it or s ha ve s el ec te d th eOur editors have selected theOur editors have selected theab so lu te b es t co nt en t an dabsolute best content andabsolute best content andsh ow ca se i t in W ha t to W at ch a ndshowcase it in What to Watch andshowcase it in What to Watch andth e TV a nd M ov ie S po tl ig ht s.the TV and Movie Spotlights.the TV and Movie Spotlights.An d si nc e al l of t he se i sAnd since all of these isAnd since all of these isco nt en t fr om m y ap ps , it m ea ns Icontent from my apps, it means Icontent from my apps, it means Ica n ju st p la y ev er yt hi ng I s eecan just play everything I seecan just play everything I seehe re .here.here.I ca n ch oo se t o br ow se b yI can choose to browse byI can choose to browse byca te go ry o r ge t a lo ok e ve ncategory or get a look evencategory or get a look evenfu rt he r in to t he c at al og uefurther into the cataloguefurther into the catalogueav ai la bl e to m e th ro ug h th es eavailable to me through theseavailable to me through theseha nd c ur at ed c ol le ct io ns .hand curated collections.hand curated collections.So , if y ou 'r e on e th at h as n' tSo, if you're one that hasn'tSo, if you're one that hasn'tse en \" Ga me o f Th ro ne s\" y et , no wseen \"Game of Thrones\" yet, nowseen \"Game of Thrones\" yet, nowis a g re at t im e to s ta rt .is a great time to start.is a great time to start.An d wi th W at ch N ow I j us t cl ic kAnd with Watch Now I just clickAnd with Watch Now I just clickpl ay .play.play.I' m ta ke n st ra ig ht t o HB O NO WI'm taken straight to HBO NOWI'm taken straight to HBO NOWan d th e sh ow s ta rt s.and the show starts.and the show starts.So s in ce I 'm w at ch in g in H BOSo since I'm watching in HBOSo since I'm watching in HBONO W, p re ss in g me nu t ak es m e toNOW, pressing menu takes me toNOW, pressing menu takes me toth e sh ow d et ai ls f ro m wi th in t hethe show details from within thethe show details from within theap p.app.app.An d I ca n ge t ba ck t o TV j us t byAnd I can get back to TV just byAnd I can get back to TV just bypr es si ng t he T V bu tt on .pressing the TV button.pressing the TV button.As y ou c an s ee , \"G am e ofAs you can see, \"Game ofAs you can see, \"Game ofTh ro ne s\" w as a ut om at ic al ly a dd edThrones\" was automatically addedThrones\" was automatically addedto t he f ro nt o f Up N ex t, s o it 'sto the front of Up Next, so it'sto the front of Up Next, so it'sea sy f or m e to p ic k up l at er .easy for me to pick up later.easy for me to pick up later.So t ha t' s Wa tc h No w.So that's Watch Now.So that's Watch Now.It 's t he b es t pl ac e fo r me t oIt's the best place for me toIt's the best place for me toco nt in ue w at ch in g an d br ow se n ewcontinue watching and browse newcontinue watching and browse newTV s ho ws a nd m ov ie s ac ro ss m yTV shows and movies across myTV shows and movies across myap ps .apps.apps.No w mo vi ng o ve r to t he l ib ra ryNow moving over to the libraryNow moving over to the libraryvi ew , I ha ve a ll o f my i Tu ne sview, I have all of my iTunesview, I have all of my iTunespu rc ha se s an d re nt al s al l in o nepurchases and rentals all in onepurchases and rentals all in onepl ac e.place.place.An d no w yo u ge t a sn ea k pe ek a tAnd now you get a sneak peek atAnd now you get a sneak peek atso me o f my g ui lt y pl ea su re s li kesome of my guilty pleasures likesome of my guilty pleasures liketh e \"R ea l Ho us ew iv es \".the \"Real Housewives\".the \"Real Housewives\".Tr ue s to ry .True story.True story.Wh en I 'm i n th e mo od f orWhen I'm in the mood forWhen I'm in the mood forso me th in g co mp le te ly n ew , I he adsomething completely new, I headsomething completely new, I headov er t o th e st or e wh er e I ca nover to the store where I canover to the store where I canex pl or e gr ea t ne w co nt en t to a ddexplore great new content to addexplore great new content to addto W at ch N ow .to Watch Now.to Watch Now.Th er e' s ne w mo vi es a va il ab leThere's new movies availableThere's new movies availablefr om i Tu ne s an d al l of t he sefrom iTunes and all of thesefrom iTunes and all of theseap ps t ha t I ca n ju st s ig n up t oapps that I can just sign up toapps that I can just sign up toac ce ss .access.access.So w he n I fi nd o ne t ha t I li ke ,So when I find one that I like,So when I find one that I like,I ca n ju st c li ck t o in st al l.I can just click to install.I can just click to install.In j us t a fe w se co nd s, t he a ppIn just a few seconds, the appIn just a few seconds, the appin st al ls o n my A pp le T V an d itinstalls on my Apple TV and itinstalls on my Apple TV and itwi ll a ut om at ic al ly d ow nl oa d towill automatically download towill automatically download toal l of m y ot he r de vi ce s so I c anall of my other devices so I canall of my other devices so I canwa tc h wh er ev er I w an t.watch wherever I want.watch wherever I want.So h er e wi th in S TA RZ I c anSo here within STARZ I canSo here within STARZ I canea si ly s ig n up o r if I 'm a lleasily sign up or if I'm alleasily sign up or if I'm allre ad y au th en ti ca te d us in gready authenticated usingready authenticated usingAp pl e' s ne w si ng le s ig n onApple's new single sign onApple's new single sign onfe at ur e, I 'l l in st an tl y ge tfeature, I'll instantly getfeature, I'll instantly getac ce ss t o al l th e gr ea t co nt en taccess to all the great contentaccess to all the great contentth ey h av e ri gh t he re i n th e ap p.they have right here in the app.they have right here in the app.An d wh en I g o ba ck t o TV , I ca nAnd when I go back to TV, I canAnd when I go back to TV, I canse e th at W at ch N ow h assee that Watch Now hassee that Watch Now hasau to ma ti ca ll y be en u pd at ed a sautomatically been updated asautomatically been updated aswe ll t o in cl ud e th e be st o fwell to include the best ofwell to include the best ofST AR Z li ke \" Po we r\" a nd \" St arSTARZ like \"Power\" and \"StarSTARZ like \"Power\" and \"StarWa rs : Th e Fo rc e Aw ak en s. \"Wars: The Force Awakens.\"Wars: The Force Awakens.\"An d th e TV a pp d oe sn 't j us t wo rkAnd the TV app doesn't just workAnd the TV app doesn't just workon m y Ap pl e TV .on my Apple TV.on my Apple TV.It 's o n my i Ph on e an d iP ad a sIt's on my iPhone and iPad asIt's on my iPhone and iPad aswe ll , wh ic h is g re at f or w he nwell, which is great for whenwell, which is great for whenI' m on t he r oa d or j us t re la xi ngI'm on the road or just relaxingI'm on the road or just relaxingin m y ba ck ya rd .in my backyard.in my backyard.So l et 's s wi tc h to m y iP ad .So let's switch to my iPad.So let's switch to my iPad.So h er e' s th e ne w TV a pp .So here's the new TV app.So here's the new TV app.It h as e ve ry th in g th at w as i nIt has everything that was inIt has everything that was inth e pr ev io us v id eo s ap p ri gh tthe previous videos app rightthe previous videos app righthe re i n my l ib ra ry a nd w e' vehere in my library and we'vehere in my library and we'vead de d al l th e sa me f ea tu re s I' veadded all the same features I'veadded all the same features I'veju st s ho wn o n Ap pl e TV ,just shown on Apple TV,just shown on Apple TV,in cl ud in g Wa tc h No w.including Watch Now.including Watch Now.So i n Up N ex t yo u ca n se e th atSo in Up Next you can see thatSo in Up Next you can see that\"G am e of T hr on es \" ep is od e we\"Game of Thrones\" episode we\"Game of Thrones\" episode weju st p la ye d, a s we ll a s al l myjust played, as well as all myjust played, as well as all myot he r sh ow s an d mo vi es .other shows and movies.other shows and movies.An d we h av e al l th at s am e gr ea tAnd we have all that same greatAnd we have all that same greatcu ra te d co nt en t as w el l.curated content as well.curated content as well.No w of c ou rs e, S ir i wo rk s gr ea tNow of course, Siri works greatNow of course, Siri works greatwi th t he T V ap p.with the TV app.with the TV app.Fo r sh ow s th at I 'm w at ch in g, IFor shows that I'm watching, IFor shows that I'm watching, Ica n ju st s ay p la y \"B ro ok ly ncan just say play \"Brooklyncan just say play \"BrooklynNi ne -N in e\" .Nine-Nine\".Nine-Nine\".>> O K, h er e is \" Br oo kl yn>> OK, here is \"Brooklyn>> OK, here is \"BrooklynNi ne -N in e\" .Nine-Nine\".Nine-Nine\".>> T hr ee E T, 5 m in ut es l at e.>> Three ET, 5 minutes late.>> Three ET, 5 minutes late.Yi ke s. B ut I h ad t o st op t o ge tYikes. But I had to stop to getYikes. But I had to stop to getso me w in e.some wine.some wine.He ll o go od , si r.Hello good, sir.Hello good, sir.I' d li ke y ou r fi ne st b ot tl e ofI'd like your finest bottle ofI'd like your finest bottle ofwi ne , pl ea se ?wine, please?wine, please?>> T ha t wi ll b e $1 60 0.>> That will be $1600.>> That will be $1600.>> G re at , I' d li ke y ou r $8 es t>> Great, I'd like your $8est>> Great, I'd like your $8estbo tt le o f wi ne , pl ea se .bottle of wine, please.bottle of wine, please.It 's f ro m th e fi ne st v in ey ar d inIt's from the finest vineyard inIt's from the finest vineyard inAr ka ns as .Arkansas.Arkansas.>> Y ea h.>> Yeah.>> Yeah.>> S o Si ri k no ws e xa ct ly w hi ch>> So Siri knows exactly which>> So Siri knows exactly whichep is od e I wa s on a nd p ic ke d upepisode I was on and picked upepisode I was on and picked upri gh t wh er e I le ft o ff .right where I left off.right where I left off.Le t' s sw it ch b ac k to m y Ap pl eLet's switch back to my AppleLet's switch back to my AppleTV .TV.TV.So o nc e ag ai n, y ou c an s ee t ha tSo once again, you can see thatSo once again, you can see thatUp N ex t wa s au to ma ti ca ll yUp Next was automaticallyUp Next was automaticallyup da te d wi th t ha t ep is od e weupdated with that episode weupdated with that episode weju st p la ye d on m y iP ad .just played on my iPad.just played on my iPad.So t ha t' s th e ne w TV a pp .So that's the new TV app.So that's the new TV app.It b ri ng s th e be st s ho ws a ndIt brings the best shows andIt brings the best shows andmo vi es f ro m al l my v id eo a pp smovies from all my video appsmovies from all my video appsal l in to o ne p la ce .all into one place.all into one place.An d it w or ks a cr os s Ap pl e TV ,And it works across Apple TV,And it works across Apple TV,iP ho ne , an d iP ad .iPhone, and iPad.iPhone, and iPad.It 's g oi ng t o co mp le te ly c ha ng eIt's going to completely changeIt's going to completely changeho w we w at ch t el ev is io n.how we watch television.how we watch television.No w, I 'd l ik e to t al k ab ou tNow, I'd like to talk aboutNow, I'd like to talk aboutan ot he r im po rt an t ca te go ry a ndanother important category andanother important category andth at 's l iv e.that's live.that's live.Ap pl e TV h as s o ma ny a ma zi ngApple TV has so many amazingApple TV has so many amazingap ps t ha t ar e gr ea t fo r tu ni ngapps that are great for tuningapps that are great for tuningin t o li ve n ew s an d sp or ts .in to live news and sports.in to live news and sports.An d to da y, S ir i is m ak in g itAnd today, Siri is making itAnd today, Siri is making itea si er t ha n ev er t o wa tc h th eeasier than ever to watch theeasier than ever to watch theli ve c on te nt t ha t yo u wa nt .live content that you want.live content that you want.So n ow I c an s ay t hi ng s li keSo now I can say things likeSo now I can say things likewa tc h CB S Ne ws .watch CBS News.watch CBS News.>> R un ni ng t wo m as te rp ie ce s by -->> Running two masterpieces by-->> Running two masterpieces by-->> S ir i tu ne s in s tr ai gh t to>> Siri tunes in straight to>> Siri tunes in straight towh at 's l iv e on C BS .what's live on CBS.what's live on CBS.No w si nc e I' m wa tc hi ng i n th eNow since I'm watching in theNow since I'm watching in theap p, I c an g et m or e ne ws j us t byapp, I can get more news just byapp, I can get more news just bysw ip in g up , an d ch oo se aswiping up, and choose aswiping up, and choose adi ff er en t st or y ju st b ydifferent story just bydifferent story just bycl ic ki ng .clicking.clicking.>> 9 11 . Wh at 's t he a dd re ss o f>> 911. What's the address of>> 911. What's the address ofth e em er ge nc y?the emergency?the emergency?>> W e go t a gu y wh o ju st s to le a>> We got a guy who just stole a>> We got a guy who just stole abi ke h er e at W al ma rt .bike here at Walmart.bike here at Walmart.I go t hi m ro pe d an d ti ed t o aI got him roped and tied to aI got him roped and tied to atr ee .tree.tree.>> W ha t?>> What?>> What?>> T he c av al ry a rr iv ed m om en ts>> The cavalry arrived moments>> The cavalry arrived momentsla te r.later.later.>> S o th at 's g re at w he n I kn ow>> So that's great when I know>> So that's great when I knowwh at c ha nn el I w an t.what channel I want.what channel I want.Bu t wh at a bo ut w he n I ju st w an tBut what about when I just wantBut what about when I just wantto w at ch m y fa vo ri te s po rt .to watch my favorite sport.to watch my favorite sport.So l et 's s ay i t' s Sa tu rd ay a ndSo let's say it's Saturday andSo let's say it's Saturday andyo u kn ow w ha t th at m ea ns ,you know what that means,you know what that means,co ll eg e fo ot ba ll d ay .college football day.college football day.Al l I ne ed t o do i s te ll S ir i toAll I need to do is tell Siri toAll I need to do is tell Siri totu rn o n th e ga me .turn on the game.turn on the game.Wa tc h th e Lo ui sv il le g am e.Watch the Louisville game.Watch the Louisville game.Si ri k no ws w hi ch a pp h as t heSiri knows which app has theSiri knows which app has thega me a nd t ak es m e st ra ig ht t ogame and takes me straight togame and takes me straight toth e ac ti on .the action.the action.>> F in le y lo ok in g at a b li tz .>> Finley looking at a blitz.>> Finley looking at a blitz.Th ro ws o ne o ve r th e mi dd le a ndThrows one over the middle andThrows one over the middle andth ro ws a no th er i nt er ce pt io n.throws another interception.throws another interception.>> W ow . We ll , si nc e th is g am e>> Wow. Well, since this game>> Wow. Well, since this gamelo ok s li ke a t ot al r un aw ay ,looks like a total runaway,looks like a total runaway,le t' s us e Si ri t o fi nd o ut w ha tlet's use Siri to find out whatlet's use Siri to find out whatot he r fo ot ba ll g am es a re o n no w?other football games are on now?Si ri s ho ws m e al l of t od ay 'sSiri shows me all of today'sSiri shows me all of today'ssc he du le s an d sc or es a nd e ve nschedules and scores and evenschedules and scores and evenwh ic h ot he r ga me s I ca n wa tc hwhich other games I can watchwhich other games I can watchli ve .live.live.We ll , I kn ow a c er ta in C EO a ndWell, I know a certain CEO andWell, I know a certain CEO andAu bu rn a lu m th at p ro ba bl y wa nt sAuburn alum that probably wantsAuburn alum that probably wantsto t un e in , so l et 's t ak e ato tune in, so let's take ato tune in, so let's take alo ok .look.look.>> L oo k at K am M ar ti n.>> Look at Kam Martin.>> Look at Kam Martin.He re h e go es .Here he goes.Here he goes.I me an t hi s is j us t ge tt in gI mean this is just gettingI mean this is just gettingsi ll y in t he b ox s co re r ig htsilly in the box score rightsilly in the box score rightno w.now.now.>> S ir i ma ke s it s o ea sy t o>> Siri makes it so easy to>> Siri makes it so easy toca tc h al l th e ex ci ti ng m om en ts .catch all the exciting moments.catch all the exciting moments.So w it h Si ri l iv e tu ne i n an dSo with Siri live tune in andSo with Siri live tune in andth e un if ie d ex pe ri en ce o f th ethe unified experience of thethe unified experience of thene w TV a pp , Ap pl e TV i s th e be stnew TV app, Apple TV is the bestnew TV app, Apple TV is the bestpl ac e to w at ch T V sh ow s, m ov ie s,place to watch TV shows, movies,place to watch TV shows, movies,sp or ts , an d mo re .sports, and more.sports, and more.Th an ks s o mu ch .Thanks so much.Thanks so much.>> T ha nk y ou , Je n.>> Thank you, Jen.>> Thank you, Jen.Th an ks , Je n.Thanks, Jen.Thanks, Jen.I' m ve ry e xc it ed a bo ut t he n ewI'm very excited about the newI'm very excited about the newTV a pp f or A pp le T V, a s we ll a sTV app for Apple TV, as well asTV app for Apple TV, as well asfo r iP ho ne a nd i Pa d.for iPhone and iPad.for iPhone and iPad.So n ow t he re i s a un if ie d TVSo now there is a unified TVSo now there is a unified TVex pe ri en ce .experience.experience.Th at 's o ne p la ce t o di sc ov er a ndThat's one place to discover andThat's one place to discover anden jo y yo ur f av or it e TV s ho ws a ndenjoy your favorite TV shows andenjoy your favorite TV shows andmo vi es a cr os s al l of y ou rmovies across all of yourmovies across all of yourde vi ce s.devices.devices.No w, w e' re g oi ng t o ma ke t he T VNow, we're going to make the TVNow, we're going to make the TVap p av ai la bl e fo r fr ee w it h aapp available for free with aapp available for free with aso ft wa re u pd at e fo r tv OS a nd i OSsoftware update for tvOS and iOSsoftware update for tvOS and iOSbe gi nn in g in t he U ni te d St at esbeginning in the United Statesbeginning in the United Statesby t he e nd o f th is y ea r.by the end of this year.by the end of this year.Ap pl e TV , iP ho ne a nd i Pa d ha veApple TV, iPhone and iPad haveApple TV, iPhone and iPad havebe co me t he p ri ma ry w ay s th atbecome the primary ways thatbecome the primary ways thatma ny o f us e nj oy w at ch in gmany of us enjoy watchingmany of us enjoy watchingte le vi si on .television.television.An d no w wi th t he T V ap p, t he re 'sAnd now with the TV app, there'sAnd now with the TV app, there'sre al ly n o re as on t o wa tc h TVreally no reason to watch TVreally no reason to watch TVan yw he re e ls e.anywhere else.anywhere else.So t ha t' s Ap pl e TV a nd t he n ewSo that's Apple TV and the newSo that's Apple TV and the newTV a pp .TV app.TV app.Th e ne xt t hi ng w e' d li ke t o ta lkThe next thing we'd like to talkThe next thing we'd like to talkab ou t is s om et hi ng d ea r to a llabout is something dear to allabout is something dear to allof u s at A pp le , an d th at i s th eof us at Apple, and that is theof us at Apple, and that is theMa c.Mac.Mac.Th e Ma c is m or e th an a p ro du ctThe Mac is more than a productThe Mac is more than a productto u s, i t' s a te st am en t toto us, it's a testament toto us, it's a testament toev er yt hi ng w e do a nd e ve ry th in geverything we do and everythingeverything we do and everythingwe c re at e at A pp le .we create at Apple.we create at Apple.Th e Ma c is s o in cr ed ib lyThe Mac is so incrediblyThe Mac is so incrediblyim po rt an t to u s.important to us.important to us.Bu t it 's n ot j us t im po rt an t toBut it's not just important toBut it's not just important tous , it 's i mp or ta nt t o th e wo rl d.us, it's important to the world.us, it's important to the world.It 's h ad a p ro fo un d im pa ct i nIt's had a profound impact inIt's had a profound impact ined uc at io n, d es ig n, b us in es s, t heeducation, design, business, theeducation, design, business, thear ts , th e sc ie nc es , an d so m an yarts, the sciences, and so manyarts, the sciences, and so manyar ea s.areas.areas.Th e wo rl d' s cr ea ti ve f or ce s us edThe world's creative forces usedThe world's creative forces usedth e Ma c to p us h th e wo rl dthe Mac to push the worldthe Mac to push the worldfo rw ar d.forward.forward.We c on ti nu e to p us h th e Ma cWe continue to push the MacWe continue to push the Macex pe ri en ce f or wa rd w it h ma cO S.experience forward with macOS.experience forward with macOS.An d th is y ea r we l au nc he d th eAnd this year we launched theAnd this year we launched thebe st v er si on y et , ma cO S Si er ra .best version yet, macOS Sierra.best version yet, macOS Sierra.It b ro ug ht a l ot o f po we rf ul n ewIt brought a lot of powerful newIt brought a lot of powerful newfe at ur es t o th e Ma c su ch a sfeatures to the Mac such asfeatures to the Mac such asiC lo ud D ri ve , wh ic h ma ke s al liCloud Drive, which makes alliCloud Drive, which makes allth e fi le s on t he d es kt op o r inthe files on the desktop or inthe files on the desktop or inth e do cu me nt s fo ld er o f on e Ma cthe documents folder of one Macthe documents folder of one Macav ai la bl e to a ny o th er M ac , asavailable to any other Mac, asavailable to any other Mac, aswe ll a s yo ur i Ph on es a nd i Pa ds .well as your iPhones and iPads.well as your iPhones and iPads.An d Un iv er sa l Cl ip bo ar d, l et ti ngAnd Universal Clipboard, lettingAnd Universal Clipboard, lettingyo u co py c on te nt f ro m yo uryou copy content from youryou copy content from youriP ho ne o r iP ad i n yo ur M ac a ndiPhone or iPad in your Mac andiPhone or iPad in your Mac andpa st e it i n yo ur M ac .paste it in your Mac.paste it in your Mac.An d hu nd re d of t ho us an ds o fAnd hundred of thousands ofAnd hundred of thousands ofwe bs it es n ow a re o ff er in g th ei rwebsites now are offering theirwebsites now are offering theircu st om er s' A pp le P ay .customers' Apple Pay.customers' Apple Pay.So y ou c an s ho p wi th y ou r Ma cSo you can shop with your MacSo you can shop with your Macan d th en j us t wi th a c li ck a nd aand then just with a click and aand then just with a click and ata p co mp le te y ou r pu rc ha se .tap complete your purchase.tap complete your purchase.Si ri i s no w av ai la bl e on a llSiri is now available on allSiri is now available on allAp pl e pl at fo rm s in cl ud in g th eApple platforms including theApple platforms including theMa c.Mac.Mac.An d on t op o f th e ca pa bi li ti esAnd on top of the capabilitiesAnd on top of the capabilitiesyo u' ve g ro wn t o lo ve w it h Si ri ,you've grown to love with Siri,you've grown to love with Siri,we 'v e de si gn ed s om e sp ec if icwe've designed some specificwe've designed some specificon es j us t fo r th e Ma c.ones just for the Mac.ones just for the Mac.Fo r in st an ce , yo u ca n do d et ai lFor instance, you can do detailFor instance, you can do detailfi le s ea rc he s ju st b y as ki ngfile searches just by askingfile searches just by askingSi ri .Siri.Siri.Th is i s in cr ed ib le p ro du ct iv it yThis is incredible productivityThis is incredible productivitysa vi ng s.savings.savings.We 'r e re al ly e xc it ed a bo ut a llWe're really excited about allWe're really excited about allth e th in gs y ou c an d o wi th m ac OSthe things you can do with macOSthe things you can do with macOSSi er ra .Sierra.Sierra.Th e Ma c ex pe ri en ce j us t ke ep sThe Mac experience just keepsThe Mac experience just keepsge tt in g be tt er a nd b et te r.getting better and better.No w, y ou m ay n ot r ea li ze i t bu tNow, you may not realize it butNow, you may not realize it butth is w ee k ha pp en s to b e a hu gethis week happens to be a hugethis week happens to be a hugewe ek i n th e hi st or y of t he M acweek in the history of the Macweek in the history of the Macan d in t he h is to ry o f Ap pl e.and in the history of Apple.and in the history of Apple.Th is w ee k ma rk s th e 25 thThis week marks the 25thThis week marks the 25than ni ve rs ar y of o ur f ir stanniversary of our firstanniversary of our firstno te bo ok .notebook.notebook.It w as o n Oc to be r 25 th o f 19 91It was on October 25th of 1991It was on October 25th of 1991th at A pp le u nv ei le d th e fi rs tthat Apple unveiled the firstthat Apple unveiled the firstPo we rB oo k.PowerBook.PowerBook.No w, t he P ow er Bo ok a ct ua ll yNow, the PowerBook actuallyNow, the PowerBook actuallyde fi ne d th e mo de rn n ot eb oo k fo rdefined the modern notebook fordefined the modern notebook forit s ti me , ch an gi ng t he c at eg or yits time, changing the categoryits time, changing the categoryan d ch an gi ng A pp le f or ev er .and changing Apple forever.and changing Apple forever.Th is w as t he f ir st p or ta bl e th atThis was the first portable thatThis was the first portable thatfe at ur ed t he k ey bo ar d fo rfeatured the keyboard forfeatured the keyboard forde si gn , so y ou c ou ld r es t yo urdesign, so you could rest yourdesign, so you could rest yourpa lm s wh en y ou a re t yp in g.palms when you are typing.palms when you are typing.It h ad a p oi nt in g de vi ceIt had a pointing deviceIt had a pointing devicein te gr at ed r ig ht i nt o th e pa lmintegrated right into the palmintegrated right into the palmre st .rest.rest.No w al l of u s ta ke t hi s fo rNow all of us take this forNow all of us take this forgr an te d to da y, b ut t hi s is w he regranted today, but this is wheregranted today, but this is whereit a ll s ta rt ed .it all started.it all started.It w as a ls o th e fi rs t la pt opIt was also the first laptopIt was also the first laptopwi th a n ac ti ve m at ri x di sp la y.with an active matrix display.with an active matrix display.No w we d id n' t st op h er e.Now we didn't stop here.Now we didn't stop here.Ev er y ge ne ra ti on o f Ma cEvery generation of MacEvery generation of Macno te bo ok s ha d so me m aj ornotebooks had some majornotebooks had some majorin no va ti on t ha t wo un d up p us hi nginnovation that wound up pushinginnovation that wound up pushingth e in du st ry f or wa rd .the industry forward.the industry forward.Th e fi rs t Tr ac kp ad , th e fi rs tThe first Trackpad, the firstThe first Trackpad, the firstno te bo ok w it h bu il t- in W iF i, t henotebook with built-in WiFi, thenotebook with built-in WiFi, thefi rs t al um in um u ni t bo dy d es ig n,first aluminum unit body design,first aluminum unit body design,th e fi rs t wi th a ll f la sh s to ra gethe first with all flash storagethe first with all flash storagean d th e fi rs t wi th a ll d ayand the first with all dayand the first with all dayba tt er y li fe , an d th e fi rs tbattery life, and the firstbattery life, and the firstre ti na d is pl ay i n a no te bo ok .retina display in a notebook.retina display in a notebook.Fo r 25 y ea rs , we 'v e be enFor 25 years, we've beenFor 25 years, we've beende fi ni ng a nd r ed ef in in g wh at adefining and redefining what adefining and redefining what ano te bo ok i s an d wh at a n ot eb oo knotebook is and what a notebookca n do .can do.can do.An d to da y, w e' re g oi ng t o do i tAnd today, we're going to do itAnd today, we're going to do itag ai n.again.again.Le t me s ho w it t o yo u.Let me show it to you.Th is i s th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o an dThis is the new MacBook Pro andThis is the new MacBook Pro andit i s ab so lu te ly i nc re di bl e.it is absolutely incredible.it is absolutely incredible.To t el l yo u al l ab ou t it , I' dTo tell you all about it, I'dTo tell you all about it, I'dli ke t o in vi te P hi l Sc hi ll er u p.like to invite Phil Schiller up.like to invite Phil Schiller up.Ph il .Phil.Phil.>> T ha nk y ou , Ti m.>> Thank you, Tim.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We ll , go od m or ni ng e ve ry on e.Well, good morning everyone.Well, good morning everyone.Th is i s so e xc it in g.This is so exciting.This is so exciting.A ne w ge ne ra ti on M ac Bo ok P ro a ndA new generation MacBook Pro andA new generation MacBook Pro andit i s se ri ou sl y co ol .it is seriously cool.it is seriously cool.It h as a w ho le n ew d es ig n ma deIt has a whole new design madeIt has a whole new design madeof a lu mi nu m.of aluminum.of aluminum.It i s me ta l on a ll s id es .It is metal on all sides.It is metal on all sides.It i s in cr ed ib ly e xt re me .It is incredibly extreme.It is incredibly extreme.An d th is k in d of d es ig n is o nl yAnd this kind of design is onlyAnd this kind of design is onlypo ss ib le w it h th e un iq uepossible with the uniquepossible with the uniqueco ll ab or at io n be tw ee n ou rcollaboration between ourcollaboration between ourha rd wa re e ng in ee ri ng , ou rhardware engineering, ourhardware engineering, ourop er at io ns , an d ou r in du st ri aloperations, and our industrialoperations, and our industrialde si gn t ea m wo rk in g to ge th er t odesign team working together todesign team working together toso lv e pr ob le ms o th er s ha ve n' tsolve problems others haven'tsolve problems others haven'tev en t ri ed t o ta ck le .even tried to tackle.even tried to tackle.It i s th e ne w go ld s ta nd ar d inIt is the new gold standard inIt is the new gold standard inno te bo ok c om pu te rs t ha t en ab le snotebook computers that enablesnotebook computers that enablesin no va ti on s no t po ss ib le b ef or e.innovations not possible before.innovations not possible before.It c om es i n a 13 -i nc h an dIt comes in a 13-inch andIt comes in a 13-inch and15 -i nc h si ze s in s il ve r an d15-inch sizes in silver and15-inch sizes in silver andsp ac e gr ay , an d it i s si mp ly t hespace gray, and it is simply thespace gray, and it is simply theth in ne st a nd l ig ht es t Ma cB oo kthinnest and lightest MacBookthinnest and lightest MacBookPr o we h av e ev er m ad e.Pro we have ever made.Pro we have ever made.So l et 's d iv e in to a f ew o f th eSo let's dive into a few of theSo let's dive into a few of thede ta il s.details.details.Fi rs t, l et 's l oo k at t he 1 3- in chFirst, let's look at the 13-inchFirst, let's look at the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.He re 's t he p re vi ou s ge ne ra ti on ,Here's the previous generation,Here's the previous generation,ab so lu te ly t he l ea de r in i tsabsolutely the leader in itsabsolutely the leader in itsfi el d in p er fo rm an ce a nd t hi nfield in performance and thinfield in performance and thinan d li gh t.and light.and light.Bu t he re 's t he n ew 1 3- in chBut here's the new 13-inchBut here's the new 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o on t he r ig ht .MacBook Pro on the right.MacBook Pro on the right.Ye s, i t is j us t 14 .9 m il li me te rsYes, it is just 14.9 millimetersYes, it is just 14.9 millimetersth in .thin.thin.Th at 's 1 7% t hi nn er t ha n th eThat's 17% thinner than theThat's 17% thinner than thepr ev io us g en er at io n, a nd i t' sprevious generation, and it'sprevious generation, and it'ssm al le r to o, 2 3% s ma ll er i nsmaller too, 23% smaller insmaller too, 23% smaller invo lu me , al mo st a q ua rt er l es s.volume, almost a quarter less.volume, almost a quarter less.Th at 's a h ug e di ff er en ce .That's a huge difference.That's a huge difference.An d it w ei gh s le ss t oo .And it weighs less too.And it weighs less too.It w ei gh s ju st 3 p ou nd s, a lm os tIt weighs just 3 pounds, almostIt weighs just 3 pounds, almosta ha lf a p ou nd l es s th an t hea half a pound less than thea half a pound less than thepr ev io us v er si on .previous version.previous version.Le t' s tu rn i t ar ou nd s o we c anLet's turn it around so we canLet's turn it around so we canse e th e al l me ta l de si gn o n al lsee the all metal design on allsee the all metal design on allsi de s.sides.sides.It i s an a bs ol ut el y st un ni ng lyIt is an absolutely stunninglyIt is an absolutely stunninglybe au ti fu l no te bo ok .beautiful notebook.beautiful notebook.No w le t' s lo ok a t th e 15 -i nc hNow let's look at the 15-inchNow let's look at the 15-inchno te bo ok .notebook.notebook.Ag ai n, t he p re vi ou s 15 -i nc hAgain, the previous 15-inchAgain, the previous 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o, t he s ta nd ar d, t heMacBook Pro, the standard, theMacBook Pro, the standard, thebe st p ro fe ss io na l no te bo ok t ha tbest professional notebook thatbest professional notebook thatha d ev er b ee n ma de u nt il t od ay .had ever been made until today.had ever been made until today.He re 's t he n ew 1 5- in ch p ro n ex tHere's the new 15-inch pro nextHere's the new 15-inch pro nextto i t.to it.to it.15 .5 m il li me te rs t hi n.15.5 millimeters thin.15.5 millimeters thin.Th at 's 1 4% t hi nn er a nd i t isThat's 14% thinner and it isThat's 14% thinner and it issm al le r as w el l, 2 0% s ma ll er i nsmaller as well, 20% smaller insmaller as well, 20% smaller invo lu me t ha n th e pr ev io us o ne .volume than the previous one.volume than the previous one.On e- fi ft h le ss , it 's a h ug eOne-fifth less, it's a hugeOne-fifth less, it's a hugeen gi ne er in g fe at .engineering feat.engineering feat.An d it w ei gh s ju st f ou r po un ds .And it weighs just four pounds.And it weighs just four pounds.Ag ai n, a h al f a po un d le ss , fo urAgain, a half a pound less, fourAgain, a half a pound less, fourpo un ds f or a h ig h pe rf or ma nc epounds for a high performancepounds for a high performancepr of es si on al 1 5- in ch n ot eb oo k.professional 15-inch notebook.professional 15-inch notebook.Th at 's j us t un he ar d of .That's just unheard of.That's just unheard of.Bu t wh at 's r ea ll y im pr es si ve i sBut what's really impressive isBut what's really impressive iswh en c us to me rs o pe n it u p fo rwhen customers open it up forwhen customers open it up forth e fi rs t ti me a nd l oo k in si de ,the first time and look inside,the first time and look inside,be ca us e ev er yt hi ng i s al l ne w.because everything is all new.because everything is all new.Th er e' s a ne w Tr ac kp ad , a Fo rc eThere's a new Trackpad, a ForceThere's a new Trackpad, a ForceTo uc h Tr ac kp ad .Touch Trackpad.Touch Trackpad.It i s tw ic e as b ig a s th eIt is twice as big as theIt is twice as big as theTr ac kp ad i n th e pr ev io usTrackpad in the previousTrackpad in the previousge ne ra ti on .generation.generation.A lo t mo re r oo m fo r yo urA lot more room for yourA lot more room for yourge st ur es .gestures.gestures.An d th is i s on ly p os si bl eAnd this is only possibleAnd this is only possiblebe ca us e of t he F or ce T ou chbecause of the Force Touchbecause of the Force Touchte ch no lo gy .technology.technology.In o rd er t o ha ve a g re at c li ckIn order to have a great clickIn order to have a great clickfe el w it h a me ch an ic al c li ckfeel with a mechanical clickfeel with a mechanical clickme ch an is m, i t wo ul d no t bemechanism, it would not bemechanism, it would not bepo ss ib le .possible.possible.Th is i s re al ly s ta te o f th e ar tThis is really state of the artThis is really state of the artan d th e be st T ra ck pa d we 'v e ev erand the best Trackpad we've everand the best Trackpad we've everma de .made.made.Th e ke yb oa rd i s al l ne w as w el l.The keyboard is all new as well.The keyboard is all new as well.It u se s th e bu tt er fl y sw it chIt uses the butterfly switchIt uses the butterfly switchme ch an is m th at w e pi on ee re d inmechanism that we pioneered inmechanism that we pioneered inth e 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo k.the 12-inch MacBook.the 12-inch MacBook.Bu t no w we 'v e ap pl ie d it t o aBut now we've applied it to aBut now we've applied it to apr of es si on al n ot eb oo k, a nd i nprofessional notebook, and inprofessional notebook, and inth is c as e th er e' s a ne w sw it chthis case there's a new switchthis case there's a new switchme ch an is m, a 2 nd g en er at io nmechanism, a 2nd generationmechanism, a 2nd generationbu tt er fl y.butterfly.butterfly.It 's m or e re sp on si ve a nd g iv esIt's more responsive and givesIt's more responsive and givesan e ve n gr ea te r se ns e ofan even greater sense ofan even greater sense ofke yb oa rd t ra ve l as y ou p re ss o nkeyboard travel as you press onkeyboard travel as you press onit .it.it.It i s a gr ea t ke yb oa rd .It is a great keyboard.It is a great keyboard.An d I co ul d ta lk a ll d ay a bo utAnd I could talk all day aboutAnd I could talk all day aboutit b ut I t hi nk y ou 'r e pr ob ab lyit but I think you're probablyit but I think you're probablylo ok in g at t ha t ar ea j us t ab ov elooking at that area just abovelooking at that area just aboveit .it.it.Wh at o ur t ea m ha s do ne i n th isWhat our team has done in thisWhat our team has done in thisar ea w he re f un ct io n ke ys u se d toarea where function keys used toarea where function keys used toex is t is r em ar ka bl e.exist is remarkable.exist is remarkable.Bu t be fo re w e ge t in to t ha t, IBut before we get into that, IBut before we get into that, Ido t hi nk i t' s wo rt h a mo me nt f ordo think it's worth a moment fordo think it's worth a moment fora re qu ie m fo r th e fu nc ti on k ey .a requiem for the function key.a requiem for the function key.Ma ny o f yo u pr ob ab ly e xp er ie nc edMany of you probably experiencedMany of you probably experiencedfo r th e fi rs t ti me a s so me o f usfor the first time as some of usfor the first time as some of usdi d ba ck w it h so me th in g li kedid back with something likedid back with something liketh is .this.this.Th is i s an I BM 3 27 0 ma in fr am eThis is an IBM 3270 mainframeThis is an IBM 3270 mainframete rm in al f ro m 19 71 .terminal from 1971.terminal from 1971.Th at 's w he n ma ny o f us f ir stThat's when many of us firstThat's when many of us firstex pe ri en ce d th is g re at n ewexperienced this great newexperienced this great newte ch no lo gy c al le d th e fu nc ti ontechnology called the functiontechnology called the functionke y.key.key.An d it a ll ow ed u s to d oAnd it allowed us to doAnd it allowed us to doop er at io ns o n a ma in fr am eoperations on a mainframeoperations on a mainframete rm in al .terminal.terminal.Th os e fu nc ti on k ey s mi gr at ed t oThose function keys migrated toThose function keys migrated toou r de sk to ps a nd t o ou rour desktops and to ourour desktops and to ourno te bo ok s.notebooks.notebooks.Ov er 4 5 ye ar s, w e' ve b ee n us in gOver 45 years, we've been usingOver 45 years, we've been usingfu nc ti on k ey s.function keys.function keys.We ll , ac tu al ly f or t he l as t- -Well, actually for the last--Well, actually for the last--wh o kn ow s ho w ma ny y ea rs ?who knows how many years?who knows how many years?We r ea ll y ha ve n' t be en u si ngWe really haven't been usingWe really haven't been usingth em a ny mo re .them anymore.them anymore.Be ca us e wh en i s th e la st t im eBecause when is the last timeBecause when is the last timeyo u' ve h ad a 3 27 0 ma in fr am eyou've had a 3270 mainframeyou've had a 3270 mainframete rm in al e mu la ti on s es si on ?terminal emulation session?terminal emulation session?It 's b ee n a wh il e, r ig ht ?It's been a while, right?It's been a while, right?So w e' ve m ap pe d ot he r fu nc ti on sSo we've mapped other functionsSo we've mapped other functionson t o th es e ke ys .on to these keys.on to these keys.We 'v e pu t vo lu me a nd b ri gh tn es sWe've put volume and brightnessWe've put volume and brightnesson t he m.on them.on them.Bu t th is i s cr az y, k ee pi ngBut this is crazy, keepingBut this is crazy, keeping45 -y ea r- ol d te ch no lo gy a ro un d45-year-old technology around45-year-old technology aroundan d ma pp in g ot he r th in gs t oand mapping other things toand mapping other things toth em .them.them.Ou r de si gn t ea m is -- h as t ak enOur design team is-- has takenOur design team is-- has takenon t he c ha ll en ge t o mo ve f or wa rdon the challenge to move forwardon the challenge to move forwardan d sa y, w ha t if w e ge t ri d ofand say, what if we get rid ofand say, what if we get rid ofth em ?them?them?Wh at c ou ld w e do i n th ei r pl ac e?What could we do in their place?What could we do in their place?Wh at t ec hn ol og y ca n we p ro vi deWhat technology can we provideWhat technology can we provideth at a ct ua ll y en ha nc es t hethat actually enhances thethat actually enhances theex pe ri en ce t ha t we a ll h av e wi thexperience that we all have withexperience that we all have withou r no te bo ok s al l da y lo ng ?our notebooks all day long?our notebooks all day long?An d wh at t he y' ve d on e is t ru lyAnd what they've done is trulyAnd what they've done is trulyre ma rk ab le .remarkable.remarkable.Th is i s wh at i t lo ok s li ke .This is what it looks like.It 's a r et in a di sp la y.It's a retina display.It's a retina display.It i s mu lt i- to uc h.It is multi-touch.It is multi-touch.It r es po nd s to y ou r ge st ur es a ndIt responds to your gestures andIt responds to your gestures andyo ur t ap s an d ma ke s th in gsyour taps and makes thingsyour taps and makes thingsin cr ed ib ly e as y to u se .incredibly easy to use.We c al l it T ou ch B ar .We call it Touch Bar.We call it Touch Bar.No w To uc h Ba r ca n do s o ma nyNow Touch Bar can do so manyNow Touch Bar can do so manyth in gs t o he lp u s as w e us e ou rthings to help us as we use ourthings to help us as we use ourMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.Fi rs t, i t re pl ac es t he s ta nd ar dFirst, it replaces the standardFirst, it replaces the standardsy st em f un ct io ns w e' re u se d to .system functions we're used to.system functions we're used to.So i f yo u wa nt t o se t th eSo if you want to set theSo if you want to set thebr ig ht ne ss o r th e vo lu me , it 'sbrightness or the volume, it'sbrightness or the volume, it'sea si er t ha n ev er b ef or e, j us t aeasier than ever before, just aeasier than ever before, just asl id e or a t ap .slide or a tap.slide or a tap.Bu t it g oe s wa y be yo nd t ha t.But it goes way beyond that.But it goes way beyond that.Th e To uc h Ba r ad ap ts t o wh at ev erThe Touch Bar adapts to whateverThe Touch Bar adapts to whateverso ft wa re y ou a re u si ng .software you are using.software you are using.So f or e xa mp le , in t hi s ca se ,So for example, in this case,So for example, in this case,we 'r e in S af ar i.we're in Safari.we're in Safari.An d no w th e To uc h Ba r is s ho wi ngAnd now the Touch Bar is showingAnd now the Touch Bar is showingus b ut to ns f or o ur f av or it eus buttons for our favoriteus buttons for our favoritewe bs it es .websites.websites.If y ou w an t to g o to a w eb si te ,If you want to go to a website,If you want to go to a website,yo u co ul d ju st s li de a lo ng a ndyou could just slide along andyou could just slide along andta p it a nd i t ta ke s yo u to t ha ttap it and it takes you to thattap it and it takes you to thatwe bs it e.website.website.On ce y ou 'r e th er e, i t ch an ge sOnce you're there, it changesOnce you're there, it changesag ai n.again.again.No w it s ho ws y ou a s ea rc h fi el d,Now it shows you a search field,Now it shows you a search field,th e ba ck b ut to n, a nd a dd a no th erthe back button, and add anotherthe back button, and add anotherta b in y ou r vi ew , ju st t he t oo lstab in your view, just the toolstab in your view, just the toolsyo u ne ed f or w he re y ou a re .you need for where you are.you need for where you are.An d it g oe s be yo nd j us t be in gAnd it goes beyond just beingAnd it goes beyond just beingap pl ic at io n sp ec if ic .application specific.application specific.Th e To uc h Ba r ca n pr ov id e ne wThe Touch Bar can provide newThe Touch Bar can provide newsu rf ac es f or t oo ls t ha t we u sesurfaces for tools that we usesurfaces for tools that we useal l th e ti me .all the time.all the time.So f or e xa mp le , he re I a m inSo for example, here I am inSo for example, here I am inph ot os a nd I w an t to s tr ai gh te nphotos and I want to straightenphotos and I want to straightenth at p ho to , I ha ve a n ewthat photo, I have a newthat photo, I have a newin te rf ac e ri gh t th er e on T ou chinterface right there on Touchinterface right there on TouchBa r fo r st ra ig ht en in g th e ph ot o.Bar for straightening the photo.Bar for straightening the photo.An d my h an ds a re r ig ht d ow n onAnd my hands are right down onAnd my hands are right down onth e ke yb oa rd w he re I w an t th emthe keyboard where I want themthe keyboard where I want themin a n ot eb oo k.in a notebook.in a notebook.It 's a p er fe ct e xp er ie nc e.It's a perfect experience.It's a perfect experience.An d si nc e it 's n ea r th eAnd since it's near theAnd since it's near theke yb oa rd , it 's a ls o re al lykeyboard, it's also reallykeyboard, it's also reallyhe lp fu l wh en y ou 'r e ty pi ng .helpful when you're typing.helpful when you're typing.So a s yo u' re t yp in g, t he T ou chSo as you're typing, the TouchSo as you're typing, the TouchBa r ca n sh ow y ou q ui ck t yp eBar can show you quick typeBar can show you quick typesu gg es ti on s.suggestions.suggestions.Yo u co ul d ju st t ap o n an d ty peYou could just tap on and typeYou could just tap on and typeev en f as te r.even faster.even faster.It i s in cr ed ib ly u se fu l an dIt is incredibly useful andIt is incredibly useful andin tu it iv e an d re al ly f un t o us e.intuitive and really fun to use.intuitive and really fun to use.We ll , ne xt t o To uc h Ba r isWell, next to Touch Bar isWell, next to Touch Bar isan ot he r te ch no lo gy , To uc h ID .another technology, Touch ID.another technology, Touch ID.We 'r e br in gi ng T ou ch I D to t heWe're bringing Touch ID to theWe're bringing Touch ID to theMa c fo r th e ve ry f ir st t im e.Mac for the very first time.Mac for the very first time.So n ow , yo u ca n lo g in t o yo urSo now, you can log in to yourSo now, you can log in to yourMa c wi th y ou r fi ng er pr in t.Mac with your fingerprint.Mac with your fingerprint.An d it 's i nt eg ra te d ri gh t wh er eAnd it's integrated right whereAnd it's integrated right whereit b el on gs , in w it h th e po we rit belongs, in with the powerit belongs, in with the powerbu tt on .button.button.It 's s up po rt ed b y a se co ndIt's supported by a secondIt's supported by a secondge ne ra ti on T ou ch I D se ns or s ogeneration Touch ID sensor sogeneration Touch ID sensor soit 's r ea ll y fa st .it's really fast.it's really fast.It 's c ov er ed w it h a sa pp hi reIt's covered with a sapphireIt's covered with a sapphirecr ys ta l so i t fe el s gr ea t.crystal so it feels great.crystal so it feels great.An d it 's s up po rt ed b y a br an dAnd it's supported by a brandAnd it's supported by a brandne w ch ip , th e Ap pl e T1 c hi p.new chip, the Apple T1 chip.new chip, the Apple T1 chip.An d th is c hi p in cl ud es s ec ur eAnd this chip includes secureAnd this chip includes secureen cl av e.enclave.enclave.So n ow y ou c ou ld d o Ap pl e Pa ySo now you could do Apple PaySo now you could do Apple Paypu rc ha se s wi th y ou r fi ng er r ig htpurchases with your finger rightpurchases with your finger righton y ou r Ma cB oo k Pr o.on your MacBook Pro.on your MacBook Pro.So t hi s is t he T ou ch B ar a ndSo this is the Touch Bar andSo this is the Touch Bar andTo uc h ID .Touch ID.Touch ID.An d to s ho w it t o yo u wo rk in gAnd to show it to you workingAnd to show it to you workingli ve f or t he v er y fi rs t ti me ,live for the very first time,live for the very first time,I' m re al ly e xc it ed t o br in g upI'm really excited to bring upI'm really excited to bring upCr ai g Fe de ri gh i.Craig Federighi.Craig Federighi.Cr ai g.Craig.Craig.>> W el l, g oo d mo rn in g.>> Well, good morning.>> Well, good morning.Th an k yo u, P hi l.Thank you, Phil.Thank you, Phil.It 's a r ar e pr iv il eg e to b e ab leIt's a rare privilege to be ableIt's a rare privilege to be ableto b e th e fi rs t to s ho w yo u th eto be the first to show you theto be the first to show you theam az in g ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o an damazing new MacBook Pro andamazing new MacBook Pro andTo uc h Ba r li ve i n ac ti on .Touch Bar live in action.Touch Bar live in action.An d to d o th at , I' m go in g toAnd to do that, I'm going toAnd to do that, I'm going toha ve t o do a g ra nd r ev ea l he re .have to do a grand reveal here.have to do a grand reveal here.So h er e' s my D av id C op pe rf ie ldSo here's my David CopperfieldSo here's my David Copperfieldmo me nt .moment.moment.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.He re i t is , th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o.Here it is, the new MacBook Pro.Here it is, the new MacBook Pro.We ll , ge tt in g st ar te d on y ou rWell, getting started on yourWell, getting started on yourMa c ha s ne ve r be en e as ie r.Mac has never been easier.Mac has never been easier.I ca n- - We 'v e no w br ou gh t To uc hI can-- We've now brought TouchI can-- We've now brought TouchID t o th e Ma c.ID to the Mac.ID to the Mac.So n ow I c an j us t ta ke m y fi ng erSo now I can just take my fingerSo now I can just take my fingerre st i t on t he T ou ch I D se ns orrest it on the Touch ID sensorrest it on the Touch ID sensoran d I' m in st an tl y in si de m y Ma c.and I'm instantly inside my Mac.and I'm instantly inside my Mac.No w I wa nt t o fo cu s ou rNow I want to focus ourNow I want to focus ourat te nt io n he re o n th e am az in gattention here on the amazingattention here on the amazingne w To uc h Ba r.new Touch Bar.new Touch Bar.Th e fi rs t th in g, i s sy st emThe first thing, is systemThe first thing, is systemco nt ro l, s ho ul d be r el ie ve d tocontrol, should be relieved tocontrol, should be relieved tose e th ey 'r e al l st il l he re .see they're all still here.see they're all still here.So y ou c an a cc es s yo urSo you can access yourSo you can access yourbr ig ht ne ss , yo ur p la yb ac kbrightness, your playbackbrightness, your playbackco nt ro ls , yo ur a ud io a nd f or t hecontrols, your audio and for thecontrols, your audio and for thefi rs t ti me e ve r, S ir i ha s afirst time ever, Siri has afirst time ever, Siri has ade di ca te d ke y ri gh t on t he M acdedicated key right on the Macdedicated key right on the Macke yb oa rd .keyboard.keyboard.It 's r ea ll y gr ea t.It's really great.It's really great.No w, P hi l' s to uc hi ng e ul og y fo rNow, Phil's touching eulogy forNow, Phil's touching eulogy forth e fu nc ti on k ey s ma y ha ve b ee nthe function keys may have beenthe function keys may have beena bi t pr em at ur e.a bit premature.a bit premature.I kn ow s om e of y ou h ad s om e 32 70I know some of you had some 3270I know some of you had some 3270em ul at io n se ss io ns p la n fo r th isemulation sessions plan for thisemulation sessions plan for thisaf te rn oo n.afternoon.afternoon.An d go od n ew s, t he y ca n ca rr yAnd good news, they can carryAnd good news, they can carryon .on.on.Be ca us e if y ou h ol d do wn t heBecause if you hold down theBecause if you hold down thefu nc ti on k ey , yo u no ti ce t he yfunction key, you notice theyfunction key, you notice theyco me r ig ht b ac k an d av ai la bl e tocome right back and available tocome right back and available toyo u ri gh t he re .you right here.you right here.It 's a h ug e re li ef .It's a huge relief.It's a huge relief.No w, n or ma ll y yo u' re g oi ng t oNow, normally you're going toNow, normally you're going toru n wi th y ou r sy st em c on tr ol srun with your system controlsrun with your system controlstu ck ed a wa y in c on tr ol s tr ip .tucked away in control strip.tucked away in control strip.Wh at 's r ea ll y gr ea t is c on tr olWhat's really great is controlWhat's really great is controlst ri p st il l ma ke s it r ea ll y ea systrip still makes it really easystrip still makes it really easyto d o ev er yt hi ng y ou w an t to d oto do everything you want to doto do everything you want to dowi th y ou r sy st em c on tr ol s.with your system controls.with your system controls.Be ca us e yo u ha ve m ul ti -t ou ch ,Because you have multi-touch,Because you have multi-touch,yo u ca n ta p an d sl id e ri gh t he reyou can tap and slide right hereyou can tap and slide right hereto d o th in gs l ik e ad ju st in g yo urto do things like adjusting yourto do things like adjusting yourvo lu me a nd y ou r br ig ht ne ss .volume and your brightness.volume and your brightness.Bu t yo u' ll n ot ic e he re o n th eBut you'll notice here on theBut you'll notice here on themi dd le i s an a re a fo r co nt ex tu almiddle is an area for contextualmiddle is an area for contextualco nt ro ls f or t he a pp s th at y oucontrols for the apps that youcontrols for the apps that youru n.run.run.Le t me s ho w yo u th os e in si de o fLet me show you those inside ofLet me show you those inside ofma il .mail.mail.So h er e we a re i n ma il a nd y ouSo here we are in mail and youSo here we are in mail and youno ti ce t ha t th e ba r ha s be ennotice that the bar has beennotice that the bar has beentr an sf or me d.transformed.transformed.So n ow I h av e co nt ro ls f orSo now I have controls forSo now I have controls forth in gs l ik e ad ju st in g- -things like adjusting--things like adjusting--co mp os in g a me ss ag e, r ep ly in g,composing a message, replying,composing a message, replying,ev en f la gg in g, a ll r ig ht h er e.even flagging, all right here.even flagging, all right here.An d as I w or k my w ay t hr ou gh o urAnd as I work my way through ourAnd as I work my way through ourme ss ag es , yo u' ll n ot ic e an ot he rmessages, you'll notice anothermessages, you'll notice anotherbu tt on h er e.button here.button here.Th is o ne a ct ua ll y pr ov id esThis one actually providesThis one actually providespr ed ic ti on s fo r wh er e I mi gh tpredictions for where I mightpredictions for where I mightwa nt t o fi le m y me ss ag es b as edwant to file my messages basedwant to file my messages basedon m y pr ev io us f il in g ha bi t.on my previous filing habit.on my previous filing habit.So I c an j us t se nd t hi s on e of fSo I can just send this one offSo I can just send this one offwi th a t ap .with a tap.with a tap.It 's t ha t ea sy .It's that easy.It's that easy.No w be ca us e To uc h Ba r is p ar t ofNow because Touch Bar is part ofNow because Touch Bar is part ofth e ke yb oa rd , it 's g re at f orthe keyboard, it's great forthe keyboard, it's great forty pi ng .typing.typing.I ca n re pl y to t hi s me ss ag e an dI can reply to this message andI can reply to this message andyo u no ti ce I 'm p re se nt ed w it hyou notice I'm presented withyou notice I'm presented withqu ic k ty pe o pt io ns .quick type options.quick type options.An d qu ic k ty pe h as l ea rn ed h ow IAnd quick type has learned how IAnd quick type has learned how Ili ke t o co mm un ic at e.like to communicate.like to communicate.So I c an j us t re sp on d to t hi sSo I can just respond to thisSo I can just respond to thison e wi th I 'm t ot al ly s to ke d,one with I'm totally stoked,one with I'm totally stoked,ri gh t th er e.right there.right there.An d wh en i t co me s to f or ma tt in gAnd when it comes to formattingAnd when it comes to formattingmy t ex t, T ou ch B ar h as m emy text, Touch Bar has memy text, Touch Bar has meco ve re d as w el l.covered as well.covered as well.Yo u se e it p re se nt s fo rm at ti ngYou see it presents formattingYou see it presents formattingco nt ro ls .controls.controls.So f or i ns ta nc e, I c an m ak e th eSo for instance, I can make theSo for instance, I can make thete xt b ol d, c ha ng e it s co lo r,text bold, change its color,text bold, change its color,it 's a ll t ha t ea sy .it's all that easy.it's all that easy.An d wh en I w an t to a dd re ss aAnd when I want to address aAnd when I want to address ame ss ag e, I 'l l ju st c li ck i n th emessage, I'll just click in themessage, I'll just click in theCC f ie ld h er e.CC field here.CC field here.Yo u se e, i t ev en p re di ct s wh o IYou see, it even predicts who IYou see, it even predicts who Imi gh t wa nt t o ad d to t hi smight want to add to thismight want to add to thisme ss ag e.message.message.I ca n do i t ju st l ik e th is a ndI can do it just like this andI can do it just like this andwi th a t ap o n th e se nd b ut to n,with a tap on the send button,with a tap on the send button,se nd t hi s me ss ag e on i ts w ay .send this message on its way.send this message on its way.No w of c ou rs e wh at I 'v e do neNow of course what I've doneNow of course what I've donehe re i n te rm s of t yp in g En gl is hhere in terms of typing Englishhere in terms of typing Englishte xt h as b ec om e to ta ll y pa ss e.text has become totally passe.text has become totally passe.It 's a ll a bo ut e mo ji n ow .It's all about emoji now.It's all about emoji now.So l et m e br in g up m es sa ge s.So let me bring up messages.So let me bring up messages.An d yo u' ll s ee w ha t ha pp en s as IAnd you'll see what happens as IAnd you'll see what happens as Ity pe p um pk in s he re o n th e ba r,type pumpkins here on the bar,type pumpkins here on the bar,qu ic k ty pe s ug ge st a r ep la ce me ntquick type suggest a replacementquick type suggest a replacementem oj i th at I c an a dd w it h ju st aemoji that I can add with just aemoji that I can add with just ata p.tap.tap.Bu t To uc h Ba r ev en p ro vi de s aBut Touch Bar even provides aBut Touch Bar even provides agr ea t in te rf ac e fo r br ow si ng a llgreat interface for browsing allgreat interface for browsing allof m y em oj i.of my emoji.of my emoji.I ca n sl id e th ro ug h th em j us tI can slide through them justI can slide through them justli ke t hi s or e ve n br ow se t he m bylike this or even browse them bylike this or even browse them byca te go ry .category.category.It 's s up er e as y.It's super easy.It's super easy.We 'l l ju st g o ba ck t o myWe'll just go back to myWe'll just go back to myfr eq ue nt ly u se d.frequently used.frequently used.I ca n fi ni sh c om po si ng m yI can finish composing myI can finish composing myre sp on se j us t li ke t hi s.response just like this.response just like this.No w so me ti me s, y ou g et a m es sa geNow sometimes, you get a messageNow sometimes, you get a messagefr om a f ri en d an d yo u re al iz efrom a friend and you realizefrom a friend and you realizeyo u wa nt t o gi ve t he m th atyou want to give them thatyou want to give them thatne ce ss ar y em ot io na l ba ll as t wi thnecessary emotional ballast withnecessary emotional ballast witha qu ic k re sp on se .a quick response.a quick response.Yo u ca n gi ve t he m a th um bs u p orYou can give them a thumbs up orYou can give them a thumbs up orma yb e ev en a h ea rt t o gi ve t he mmaybe even a heart to give themmaybe even a heart to give themth at p er so na l af fi rm at io n th eythat personal affirmation theythat personal affirmation theyne ed t o ma ke i t th ro ug h th e da y.need to make it through the day.need to make it through the day.It 's r ea ll y gr ea t.It's really great.It's really great.Yo u ca n do t ha t al l ri gh t onYou can do that all right onYou can do that all right onyo ur T ou ch B ar .your Touch Bar.your Touch Bar.No w To uc h Ba r is r ea ll yNow Touch Bar is reallyNow Touch Bar is reallyfa nt as ti c fo r na vi ga ti on i n yo urfantastic for navigation in yourfantastic for navigation in yourap ps .apps.apps.Yo u se e he re I 'v e op en ed aYou see here I've opened aYou see here I've opened aSa fa ri w in do w th at h as m ul ti pl eSafari window that has multipleSafari window that has multipleta bs a nd T ou ch B ar i stabs and Touch Bar istabs and Touch Bar istr an sf or me d wi th a c on tr ol f ortransformed with a control fortransformed with a control formo vi ng b et we en m y ta bs .moving between my tabs.moving between my tabs.I ge t pr ev ie ws h er e, I c an j us tI get previews here, I can justI get previews here, I can justta p an d mo ve t hr ou gh m y ta bstap and move through my tabstap and move through my tabsli ke t hi s, o r ev en s li de a nd g etlike this, or even slide and getlike this, or even slide and geta pr ev ie w.a preview.a preview.An d wh en I w an t to o pe n a ne wAnd when I want to open a newAnd when I want to open a newta b, w el l, t ha t' s ea sy t oo .tab, well, that's easy too.tab, well, that's easy too.I ca n ta p on t he p lu s bu tt on a ndI can tap on the plus button andI can tap on the plus button andyo u se e ri gh t he re , I ha ve a llyou see right here, I have allyou see right here, I have allmy f av or it es .my favorites.my favorites.I' m ju st g oi ng t o ta p in to a nI'm just going to tap into anI'm just going to tap into anit em I 'v e ha d my e ye o n he re o nitem I've had my eye on here onitem I've had my eye on here onEt sy .Etsy.Etsy.An d yo u se e no w th at E ts y isAnd you see now that Etsy isAnd you see now that Etsy isbr in gi ng A pp le P ay t o th ei rbringing Apple Pay to theirbringing Apple Pay to theirch ec ko ut p ag e, w el l, I c ancheckout page, well, I cancheckout page, well, I canac tu al ly b uy t hi s im pu ls eactually buy this impulseactually buy this impulsepu rc ha se h er e wi th j us t a ta p,purchase here with just a tap,purchase here with just a tap,ca n se cu re ly a ut ho ri ze t hecan securely authorize thecan securely authorize thepa ym en t wi th T ou ch I D.payment with Touch ID.payment with Touch ID.It 's t ha t ea sy .It's that easy.It's that easy.An d so on I w il l be f ee li ng t heAnd soon I will be feeling theAnd soon I will be feeling theam az in g po we r of p yr am id s an damazing power of pyramids andamazing power of pyramids andco pp er t og et he r.copper together.copper together.It 's g oi ng t o be a bs ol ut el yIt's going to be absolutelyIt's going to be absolutelyfa nt as ti c.fantastic.fantastic.Al l ri gh t, l et 's m ov e on t oAll right, let's move on toAll right, let's move on toph ot os b ec au se t he T ou ch B ar i sphotos because the Touch Bar isphotos because the Touch Bar isre al ly g re at i n ph ot os .really great in photos.really great in photos.No w I ca n ta ke p ho to s he re f ul lNow I can take photos here fullNow I can take photos here fullsc re en .screen.screen.Th is i s ob vi ou sl y no t myThis is obviously not myThis is obviously not mype rs on al p ho to l ib ra ry .personal photo library.personal photo library.Bu t I' m ab le t o en jo y th is p ho toBut I'm able to enjoy this photoBut I'm able to enjoy this photoin f ul l sc re en o n my m ai nin full screen on my mainin full screen on my maindi sp la y be ca us e To uc h Ba r ta ke sdisplay because Touch Bar takesdisplay because Touch Bar takesov er a ll o f th e na vi ga ti on .over all of the navigation.over all of the navigation.So I h av e th e st ri p of a ll m ySo I have the strip of all mySo I have the strip of all myph ot os .photos.photos.I ca n ea si ly s wi pe b et we en t he mI can easily swipe between themI can easily swipe between themor f li ck m y wa y to t he e nd o f myor flick my way to the end of myor flick my way to the end of myli br ar y.library.library.It 's s up er e as y to i de nt if y aIt's super easy to identify aIt's super easy to identify apa rt ic ul ar p ho to l ik e th is o ne .particular photo like this one.particular photo like this one.An d yo u no ti ce , th is i s a vi de o,And you notice, this is a video,And you notice, this is a video,so I h av e pl ay ba ck c on tr ol sso I have playback controlsso I have playback controlsri gh t on T ou ch B ar .right on Touch Bar.right on Touch Bar.An d if y ou n ot ic e, T ou ch B arAnd if you notice, Touch BarAnd if you notice, Touch Baral so h as a s cr ub bi ng c on tr olalso has a scrubbing controlalso has a scrubbing controlwi th t he p re vi ew o f my v id eo .with the preview of my video.with the preview of my video.So I c an j us t sc ru b th e vi de oSo I can just scrub the videoSo I can just scrub the videofo rw ar d, b ac kw ar d, i t' s a re al lyforward, backward, it's a reallyforward, backward, it's a reallygr ea t us e of m ul ti -t ou ch .great use of multi-touch.great use of multi-touch.No w To uc h Ba r is a ls o gr ea t fo rNow Touch Bar is also great forNow Touch Bar is also great forma ki ng q ui ck e di ts .making quick edits.making quick edits.So i f I go t o a ph ot o li ke t hi sSo if I go to a photo like thisSo if I go to a photo like thisth at m ay be I w an t to r ot at e, y outhat maybe I want to rotate, youthat maybe I want to rotate, youno ti ce t he re 's a c on tr ol o nnotice there's a control onnotice there's a control onTo uc h Ba r to d o th at .Touch Bar to do that.Touch Bar to do that.Yo u ca n do i t wi th j us t a ta p.You can do it with just a tap.You can do it with just a tap.An d I ca n do m or e po we rf ul e di tsAnd I can do more powerful editsAnd I can do more powerful editsas w el l.as well.as well.Fo r in st an ce , I mi gh t wa nt t oFor instance, I might want toFor instance, I might want toma ke s om e ad ju st me nt s on t hi smake some adjustments on thismake some adjustments on thison e.one.one.I ca n us e my l ev el in g co nt ro l.I can use my leveling control.I can use my leveling control.Yo u co ul d se e I co ul d le ve l ju stYou could see I could level justYou could see I could level justli ke t hi s.like this.like this.It 's r ea ll y ea sy .It's really easy.It's really easy.I ca n pe rf or m ad ju st me nt s toI can perform adjustments toI can perform adjustments toli gh ti ng f or i ns ta nc e.lighting for instance.lighting for instance.Ta p in to m y li gh t sl id er , I ca nTap into my light slider, I canTap into my light slider, I cango d ar ke r or l ig ht er .go darker or lighter.go darker or lighter.I ca n al so a pp ly e ff ec ts a ndI can also apply effects andI can also apply effects andfi lt er s.filters.filters.Yo u se e th os e fi lt er a reYou see those filter areYou see those filter areac tu al ly p re vi ew ed r ig ht h er e onactually previewed right here onactually previewed right here onth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.So I c an j us t ta p th ro ug h, l oo kSo I can just tap through, lookSo I can just tap through, lookat d if fe re nt e ff ec ts , pi ck o neat different effects, pick oneat different effects, pick oneth at I l ik e.that I like.that I like.Th er e' s ev en a b ut to n to p re vi ewThere's even a button to previewThere's even a button to previewth e be fo re a nd a ft er .the before and after.the before and after.So I t hi nk t ho se a re a g re at s etSo I think those are a great setSo I think those are a great setof e di ts r ig ht t he re .of edits right there.of edits right there.So , To uc h Ba r ob vi ou sl y, h asSo, Touch Bar obviously, hasSo, Touch Bar obviously, hasso me a ma zi ng o ut o f th e bo xsome amazing out of the boxsome amazing out of the boxco nt ro ls t o ac ce le ra tecontrols to acceleratecontrols to accelerateev er yt hi ng y ou d o on y ou r Ma c.everything you do on your Mac.everything you do on your Mac.Bu t pr os r ea ll y li ke t oBut pros really like toBut pros really like tocu st om iz e th ei r to ol s to m at chcustomize their tools to matchcustomize their tools to matchth ei r pe rs on al w or k fl ow s.their personal work flows.their personal work flows.An d he re , To uc h Ba r re al lyAnd here, Touch Bar reallyAnd here, Touch Bar reallysh in es .shines.shines.I' m go in g to s ho w yo u so me th in gI'm going to show you somethingI'm going to show you somethingin F in de r.in Finder.in Finder.So , he re i n Fi nd er w he n I se le ctSo, here in Finder when I selectSo, here in Finder when I selecta fi le , we s ee w e ha ve a b un cha file, we see we have a buncha file, we see we have a bunchof u se fu l co nt ro ls t ha t I ca nof useful controls that I canof useful controls that I canqu ic k lo ok a nd s ha re a nd e ve nquick look and share and evenquick look and share and eventa g my f il es r ig ht f ro m th etag my files right from thetag my files right from theTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.Bu t ma yb e, I w an t to d oBut maybe, I want to doBut maybe, I want to doso me th in g di ff er en t.something different.something different.We ll n ow , I ca n cu st om iz e myWell now, I can customize myWell now, I can customize myTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.An d yo u se e I ge t th is p al le t ofAnd you see I get this pallet ofAnd you see I get this pallet ofal l of t he c ap ab il it ie sall of the capabilitiesall of the capabilitiesav ai la bl e to m e.available to me.available to me.Le t' s sa y, I l ik e to c on ne ctLet's say, I like to connectLet's say, I like to connectof te n to s er ve rs w he re I s to reoften to servers where I storeoften to servers where I storemy b ig a ss et s.my big assets.my big assets.We ll n ow , I ca n dr ag t hi sWell now, I can drag thisWell now, I can drag thisbu tt on .button.button.An d I wa nt y ou t o wa tc h wh atAnd I want you to watch whatAnd I want you to watch whatha pp en s as I d ra g it t o th ehappens as I drag it to thehappens as I drag it to thebo tt om o f my m ai n di sp la y, i tbottom of my main display, itbottom of my main display, itdr op s ri gh t th ro ug h in to t hedrops right through into thedrops right through into theTo uc h Ba r, w he re I c an p os it io nTouch Bar, where I can positionTouch Bar, where I can positionit d ow n th er e.it down there.it down there.It 's i nc re di bl y ea sy t oIt's incredibly easy toIt's incredibly easy tocu st om iz e th e sy st em .customize the system.customize the system.No w, y ou c an c us to mi ze y ou rNow, you can customize yourNow, you can customize yourco nt ro l st ri p an d ev en y ou r se tcontrol strip and even your setcontrol strip and even your setof p ri ma ry s ys te m co nt ro ls .of primary system controls.of primary system controls.So , I co ul d ad d a do n ot d is tu rbSo, I could add a do not disturbSo, I could add a do not disturbbu tt on .button.button.Or t hi s co ol n ew s cr ee ns ho tOr this cool new screenshotOr this cool new screenshotco nt ro l.control.control.Ju st d ra g it d ow n, p la ce i tJust drag it down, place itJust drag it down, place itwh er e I wa nt i t an d ju st l ik ewhere I want it and just likewhere I want it and just liketh at , I' ve c us to mi ze d my T ou chthat, I've customized my Touchthat, I've customized my TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.No w, f or m y gr an d fi na le , I wa ntNow, for my grand finale, I wantNow, for my grand finale, I wantto p ul l fu ll c ir cl e an d th at 'sto pull full circle and that'sto pull full circle and that'sba ck t o To uc h ID .back to Touch ID.back to Touch ID.An d so , fo r th is f in alAnd so, for this finalAnd so, for this finalde mo ns tr at io n, I 'd l ik e to b ri ngdemonstration, I'd like to bringdemonstration, I'd like to bringPh il S ch il le r to t he s ta ge .Phil Schiller to the stage.Phil Schiller to the stage.No w- -Now--Now-->> J us t so me on e ra nd om f ro m th e>> Just someone random from the>> Just someone random from theau di en ce .audience.audience.>> S om e ra nd om i nd iv id ua l ch os en>> Some random individual chosen>> Some random individual chosenfr om t he a ud ie nc e.from the audience.from the audience.It t ur ns o ut , I' m go in g toIt turns out, I'm going toIt turns out, I'm going tore ve al a l it tl e se cr et , Ph il a ndreveal a little secret, Phil andreveal a little secret, Phil andI ac tu al ly s ha re t hi s ma ch in e.I actually share this machine.I actually share this machine.An d so , Ph il i s ac tu al lyAnd so, Phil is actuallyAnd so, Phil is actuallyen ro ll ed h is f in ge r in T ou ch I D.enrolled his finger in Touch ID.enrolled his finger in Touch ID.An d wh en P hi l pl ac es h is f in ge rAnd when Phil places his fingerAnd when Phil places his fingeron t he s en so r, i t ac tu al lyon the sensor, it actuallyon the sensor, it actuallyre co gn iz es h im a nd w it h a cl ic k,recognizes him and with a click,recognizes him and with a click,he c an f as t us er s wi tc h ri gh the can fast user switch righthe can fast user switch rightin to h is a cc ou nt .into his account.into his account.Fa nt as ti c fi ng er w or k, P hi l.Fantastic finger work, Phil.Fantastic finger work, Phil.So , th at i s a qu ic kSo, that is a quickSo, that is a quickde mo ns tr at io n of t he n ew M ac Bo okdemonstration of the new MacBookdemonstration of the new MacBookPr o an d it s am az in g To uc h Ba r.Pro and its amazing Touch Bar.Pro and its amazing Touch Bar.I ho pe y ou 'l l lo ve i t.I hope you'll love it.I hope you'll love it.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk s Cr ai g.>> Thanks Craig.>> Thanks Craig.Th e on e an d on ly C ra ig F ed er ig hiThe one and only Craig FederighiThe one and only Craig Federighila di es a nd g en tl em en .ladies and gentlemen.ladies and gentlemen.We ll , Cr ai g sh ow ed y ou s o ma nyWell, Craig showed you so manyWell, Craig showed you so manygr ea t us es o f To uc h Ba r on t hegreat uses of Touch Bar on thegreat uses of Touch Bar on theMa cB oo k Pr o an d it d oe sn 't s to pMacBook Pro and it doesn't stopMacBook Pro and it doesn't stopth er e.there.there.It 's i nt eg ra te d th ro ug ho ut t heIt's integrated throughout theIt's integrated throughout thesy st em a nd t hr ou gh ou t th esystem and throughout thesystem and throughout theap pl ic at io ns w e al l lo ve .applications we all love.applications we all love.So n ow , it 's s o mu ch e as ie r toSo now, it's so much easier toSo now, it's so much easier tose ar ch f or t hi ng s in M ap s wi thsearch for things in Maps withsearch for things in Maps withTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.It 's s o ea sy t o an sw er aIt's so easy to answer aIt's so easy to answer aFa ce ti me c al l ri gh t fr om t heFacetime call right from theFacetime call right from theTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.It 's g re at f or z oo mi ng b et we enIt's great for zooming betweenIt's great for zooming betweenwe ek s in y ou r ca le nd ar .weeks in your calendar.weeks in your calendar.It c on tr ol s yo ur m us ic p la yb ac kIt controls your music playbackIt controls your music playbackwh en y ou 'r e in i Tu ne s.when you're in iTunes.when you're in iTunes.Th is c om pl et e su pp or t ac ro ss a llThis complete support across allThis complete support across allof t he i Wo rk a pp li ca ti on s, s oof the iWork applications, soof the iWork applications, soit 's b ui lt i nt o pa ge s, k ey no teit's built into pages, keynoteit's built into pages, keynotean d nu mb er s.and numbers.and numbers.It 's a we so me w he n yo u' re e di ti ngIt's awesome when you're editingIt's awesome when you're editingvi de os i n iM ov ie .videos in iMovie.videos in iMovie.An d it 's g re at f or c on tr ol li ngAnd it's great for controllingAnd it's great for controllingth e mu si ca l in st ru me nt s yo u pl aythe musical instruments you playthe musical instruments you playin G ar ag e Ba nd .in Garage Band.in Garage Band.We e ve n bu il t in T ou ch B arWe even built in Touch BarWe even built in Touch Barsu pp or t in to t he e ve r po pu la rsupport into the ever popularsupport into the ever popularTe rm in al .Terminal.An d fo r de ve lo pe rs , th ey 'r eAnd for developers, they'reAnd for developers, they'rego in g to l ov e th e su pp or t ingoing to love the support ingoing to love the support inTo uc h Ba r, i ns id e Xc od e.Touch Bar, inside Xcode.Touch Bar, inside Xcode.No t on ly f or u si ng X co de b utNot only for using Xcode butNot only for using Xcode butcr ea ti ng T ou ch B ar i n th ei r ow ncreating Touch Bar in their owncreating Touch Bar in their ownap pl ic at io ns .applications.applications.Th er e ar e so m an y gr ea t us es o fThere are so many great uses ofThere are so many great uses ofth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.It c ha ng es t he e xp er ie nc e weIt changes the experience weIt changes the experience weha ve o n ou r Ma c an d it 's r ea ll yhave on our Mac and it's reallyhave on our Mac and it's reallywo nd er fu l.wonderful.wonderful.So n ow , le t' s tu rn t o th eSo now, let's turn to theSo now, let's turn to thedi sp la y.display.display.Th e di sp la y in t he n ew M ac Bo okThe display in the new MacBookThe display in the new MacBookPr o is s im pl y th e be st d is pl ayPro is simply the best displayPro is simply the best displaywe 'v e ev er m ad e on a M ac .we've ever made on a Mac.we've ever made on a Mac.Co mp ar ed t o th e pr ev io us 1 5- in chCompared to the previous 15-inchCompared to the previous 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o, i t is 6 7% b ri gh te r.MacBook Pro, it is 67% brighter.MacBook Pro, it is 67% brighter.Th er e' s a 67 % gr ea te r co nt ra stThere's a 67% greater contrastThere's a 67% greater contrastra ti o.ratio.ratio.It d is pl ay s wi de c ol or w it h aIt displays wide color with aIt displays wide color with a25 % gr ea te r co lo r ga mu t.25% greater color gamut.25% greater color gamut.Al l th is i n th e di sp la y th atAll this in the display thatAll this in the display thatco ns um es l es s po we r an d is a sconsumes less power and is asconsumes less power and is asth in a s a 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo kthin as a 12-inch MacBookthin as a 12-inch MacBookdi sp la y.display.display.It 's a ma zi ng .It's amazing.It's amazing.No w, l et 's f li p it o ve r an dNow, let's flip it over andNow, let's flip it over andle t' s lo ok i ns id e be ca us e th elet's look inside because thelet's look inside because theen gi ne er in g in no va ti on i s ju stengineering innovation is justengineering innovation is justas r em ar ka bl e on t he i ns id e ofas remarkable on the inside ofas remarkable on the inside ofth e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o.the new MacBook Pro.the new MacBook Pro.So , ev er y 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr oSo, every 15-inch MacBook ProSo, every 15-inch MacBook Proin cl ud es -- o op s, I 'm s or ry .includes-- oops, I'm sorry.includes-- oops, I'm sorry.Ev er y Ma cB oo k Pr o is t he m os tEvery MacBook Pro is the mostEvery MacBook Pro is the mostpo we rf ul M ac Bo ok P ro w e' ve e ve rpowerful MacBook Pro we've everpowerful MacBook Pro we've everma de .made.made.Th er e yo u go .There you go.There you go.So , in si de e ve ry 1 5- in ch M ac Bo okSo, inside every 15-inch MacBookSo, inside every 15-inch MacBookPr o is a n In te l Co re i 7, 6 thPro is an Intel Core i7, 6thPro is an Intel Core i7, 6thge ne ra ti on q ua d- co re c hi p.generation quad-core chip.generation quad-core chip.It 's p ai re d wi th f as te r 21 33It's paired with faster 2133It's paired with faster 2133me ga he rt z me mo ry .megahertz memory.megahertz memory.It i s a re al ly f as t sy st em .It is a really fast system.It is a really fast system.It h as f as te r gr ap hi cs a s we ll .It has faster graphics as well.It has faster graphics as well.Ra de on P ro g ra ph ic s, t hi s is t heRadeon Pro graphics, this is theRadeon Pro graphics, this is theAM D Po la ri s ar ch it ec tu re u p to 4AMD Polaris architecture up to 4AMD Polaris architecture up to 4gi gs o f vi de o me mo ry a nd i tgigs of video memory and itgigs of video memory and itde li ve rs g ra ph ic s po we r th at 'sdelivers graphics power that'sdelivers graphics power that'sno w 2. 3 ti me s fa st er t ha n th enow 2.3 times faster than thenow 2.3 times faster than thepr ev io us g en er at io n 15 -i nc hprevious generation 15-inchprevious generation 15-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.An d th e st or ag e is f as te r to o,And the storage is faster too,And the storage is faster too,no w up t o 3. 1 gi ga by te p ernow up to 3.1 gigabyte pernow up to 3.1 gigabyte perse co nd .second.second.Yo u ca n fi gu re w it h tw ic e asYou can figure with twice asYou can figure with twice asmu ch u p to 2 t er ab yt es a nd i t' smuch up to 2 terabytes and it'smuch up to 2 terabytes and it's50 % fa st er a s we ll .50% faster as well.50% faster as well.No w, a ll t he se p er fo rm an ce o fNow, all these performance ofNow, all these performance offa st er C PU , fa st er g ra ph ic s,faster CPU, faster graphics,faster CPU, faster graphics,fa st er m em or y, f as te r st or ag e infaster memory, faster storage infaster memory, faster storage ina de vi ce t ha t' s th in ne r to ok --a device that's thinner took--a device that's thinner took--cr ea ti ng i n a wh ol e ne w th er ma lcreating in a whole new thermalcreating in a whole new thermalar ch it ec tu re .architecture.architecture.Th e te am h as d on e an a ma zi ng j obThe team has done an amazing jobThe team has done an amazing jobat t hi s.at this.at this.Ne w th in ne r he at p ip es , ne wNew thinner heat pipes, newNew thinner heat pipes, newin no va ti ve f an b la de s, a nd a llinnovative fan blades, and allinnovative fan blades, and allth is t o ru n th e sy st em c oo le rthis to run the system coolerthis to run the system cooleran d qu ie te r as w el l.and quieter as well.and quieter as well.Bu t on e th in g th at 's n ot q ui et erBut one thing that's not quieterBut one thing that's not quieteris t he s pe ak er s.is the speakers.is the speakers.Th e sp ea ke rs f it i nt o a sm al le rThe speakers fit into a smallerThe speakers fit into a smallersp ac e, b ut t he y pu t ou t mo respace, but they put out morespace, but they put out morevo lu me a nd i t so un ds b et te r to o.volume and it sounds better too.volume and it sounds better too.It 's g ot t wi ce t he d yn am ic r an geIt's got twice the dynamic rangeIt's got twice the dynamic rangeof a ud io .of audio.of audio.No w, t hi s is a s ys te m th at j us tNow, this is a system that justNow, this is a system that justfl ie s.flies.flies.An d it i s in cr ed ib le w it h th eAnd it is incredible with theAnd it is incredible with theap ps y ou u se .apps you use.apps you use.Ev er yd ay , yo u' re g oi ng t o fe elEveryday, you're going to feelEveryday, you're going to feelth e pe rf or ma nc e in cr ea se s.the performance increases.the performance increases.So , he re 's s om e ex am pl es o f th eSo, here's some examples of theSo, here's some examples of thepe rf or ma nc e di ff er en ce b et we enperformance difference betweenperformance difference betweenth e ne w 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o an dthe new 15-inch MacBook Pro andthe new 15-inch MacBook Pro andth e pr ev io us g en er at io n.the previous generation.the previous generation.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o at 3 DThe new MacBook Pro at 3DThe new MacBook Pro at 3Dgr ap hi cs 1 30 % fa st er .graphics 130% faster.graphics 130% faster.At g am in g, 6 0% f as te r.At gaming, 60% faster.At gaming, 60% faster.Vi de o ed it in g 57 % fa st er .Video editing 57% faster.Video editing 57% faster.Th is i s th e ki nd o f pe rf or ma nc eThis is the kind of performanceThis is the kind of performanceyo u fe el , ev er yd ay r ea l wo rl dyou feel, everyday real worldyou feel, everyday real worldap pl ic at io ns .applications.applications.So , th at 's t he 1 5- in ch M ac Bo okSo, that's the 15-inch MacBookSo, that's the 15-inch MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.No w, l et 's l oo k at t he 1 3- in chNow, let's look at the 13-inchNow, let's look at the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.It c an b e co nf ig ur ed w it hIt can be configured withIt can be configured withdu al -c or e 6t h ge ne ra ti on I nt eldual-core 6th generation Inteldual-core 6th generation Inteli5 o r i7 c hi ps , al so m ad e it t oi5 or i7 chips, also made it toi5 or i7 chips, also made it to21 33 m eg ah er tz s ys te m me mo ry .2133 megahertz system memory.2133 megahertz system memory.It h as f as te r In te l Ir isIt has faster Intel IrisIt has faster Intel Irisgr ap hi cs w it h 64 m eg s of e DR AM ,graphics with 64 megs of eDRAM,graphics with 64 megs of eDRAM,wh ic h pr ov id es u p to t wo t im eswhich provides up to two timeswhich provides up to two timesth e gr ap hi cs p er fo rm an ce o f th ethe graphics performance of thethe graphics performance of thepr ev io us g en er at io n.previous generation.previous generation.An d it a ls o ha s th e fa st er f la shAnd it also has the faster flashAnd it also has the faster flashst or ag e.storage.storage.In t hi s ca se , th at n ow d el iv er sIn this case, that now deliversIn this case, that now deliverstw ic e th e st or ag e pe rf or ma nc e oftwice the storage performance oftwice the storage performance ofth e pr ev io us 1 3- in ch M ac Bo okthe previous 13-inch MacBookthe previous 13-inch MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.An d he re a re s om e ex am pl es o fAnd here are some examples ofAnd here are some examples ofre al w or ld a pp li ca ti on t es t onreal world application test onreal world application test onit .it.it.Th e ne w 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o isThe new 13-inch MacBook Pro isThe new 13-inch MacBook Pro is10 3% f as te r at g am in g th an t he103% faster at gaming than the103% faster at gaming than thepr ev io us g en er at io n an d 76 %previous generation and 76%previous generation and 76%fa st er b ot h at v id eo e di ti ng a ndfaster both at video editing andfaster both at video editing and3D g ra ph ic s.3D graphics.3D graphics.No w, t he s ys te m is m uc h fa st erNow, the system is much fasterNow, the system is much fasteran d so i s th e I/ O.and so is the I/O.and so is the I/O.It i s th e fa st es t, m os tIt is the fastest, mostIt is the fastest, mostve rs at il e I/ O we 'v e ev er b ui ltversatile I/O we've ever builtversatile I/O we've ever builtin to a M ac Bo ok P ro .into a MacBook Pro.into a MacBook Pro.Bo th t he 1 3 an d th e 15 -i nc h ha veBoth the 13 and the 15-inch haveBoth the 13 and the 15-inch havefo ur T hu nd er bo lt 3 p or ts .four Thunderbolt 3 ports.four Thunderbolt 3 ports.Th at d el iv er s an i nc re di bl e 40That delivers an incredible 40That delivers an incredible 40gi ga bi t pe r se co nd o f ba nd wi dt h.gigabit per second of bandwidth.gigabit per second of bandwidth.It a ls o su pp or ts U SB 3 .1 G en 2It also supports USB 3.1 Gen 2It also supports USB 3.1 Gen 2an d of c ou rs e Di sp la yP or t 1. 2.and of course DisplayPort 1.2.and of course DisplayPort 1.2.An d I kn ow m an y of y ou k no w th atAnd I know many of you know thatAnd I know many of you know thatTh un de rb ol t 3 us es t he U SB -CThunderbolt 3 uses the USB-CThunderbolt 3 uses the USB-Cst yl e co nn ec to r.style connector.style connector.An d th at m ea ns t ha t an y on e ofAnd that means that any one ofAnd that means that any one ofth e fo ur p or ts c an b e yo urthe four ports can be yourthe four ports can be yourch ar gi ng p or t.charging port.charging port.Pl ug i t in to w hi ch e ve r on e yo uPlug it into which ever one youPlug it into which ever one youwa nt , le ft s id e, r ig ht s id e, a ndwant, left side, right side, andwant, left side, right side, andth at 's y ou r ch ar gi ng p or t.that's your charging port.that's your charging port.Bu t it 's s o mu ch m or e ve rs at il eBut it's so much more versatileBut it's so much more versatileth an t ha t.than that.than that.Ea ch o ne o f th e po rt s ca n beEach one of the ports can beEach one of the ports can bepo we r, i t ca n be T hu nd er bo lt , itpower, it can be Thunderbolt, itpower, it can be Thunderbolt, itca n be U SB , di sp la y po rt , vi de ocan be USB, display port, videocan be USB, display port, videoou t wi th V GA o r HD MI .out with VGA or HDMI.out with VGA or HDMI.So h er e' s an e xa mp le , im ag in eSo here's an example, imagineSo here's an example, imagineyo u' re a F in al C ut P ro e di to ryou're a Final Cut Pro editoryou're a Final Cut Pro editoran d yo u wa nt t o se t up y ou rand you want to set up yourand you want to set up yourMa cB oo k Pr o on y ou r wo rk st at io nMacBook Pro on your workstationMacBook Pro on your workstationat h om e or a t wo rk , yo u wa nt t oat home or at work, you want toat home or at work, you want tobu il d it o ut .build it out.build it out.We ll , he re 's a n ex am pl e of w ha tWell, here's an example of whatWell, here's an example of whatyo u ca n do w it h th is i nc re di bl eyou can do with this incredibleyou can do with this incrediblesy st em .system.system.Fi rs t, y ou w an t to a dd aFirst, you want to add aFirst, you want to add adi sp la y.display.display.An d th er e ar e ma ny d is pl ay s yo uAnd there are many displays youAnd there are many displays youca n ad d ov er t he d is pl ay p or t,can add over the display port,can add over the display port,bu t th is o ne i s re al ly s pe ci al .but this one is really special.but this one is really special.Th is i s a br an d ne w LG d is pl ayThis is a brand new LG displayThis is a brand new LG displayth at w e wo rk ed t og et he r wi ththat we worked together withthat we worked together withth em o n to m ak e it a n am az in gthem on to make it an amazingthem on to make it an amazingdi sp la y fo r Ma cB oo k Pr odisplay for MacBook Prodisplay for MacBook Procu st om er s.customers.customers.It 's c al le d th e LG U lt ra Fi ne 5 KIt's called the LG UltraFine 5KIt's called the LG UltraFine 5KDi sp la y.Display.Display.It d is pl ay s 5K r es ol ut io n, i t' sIt displays 5K resolution, it'sIt displays 5K resolution, it'swi de c ol or , it h as b ui lt -i nwide color, it has built-inwide color, it has built-inca me ra s, m ic ro ph on es a ndcameras, microphones andcameras, microphones andsp ea ke rs , it h as t hr ee U SB -Cspeakers, it has three USB-Cspeakers, it has three USB-Cpo rt s.ports.ports.So , yo u co ul d pl ug p er ip he ra lsSo, you could plug peripheralsSo, you could plug peripheralsdi re ct ly i nt o th e di sp la y.directly into the display.directly into the display.An d al l of t ha t co nn ec ts t o yo urAnd all of that connects to yourAnd all of that connects to yourMa cB oo k Pr o ov er a s in gl eMacBook Pro over a singleMacBook Pro over a singleTh un de rb ol t 3 ca bl e.Thunderbolt 3 cable.Thunderbolt 3 cable.No t on ly t ha t, i t al so c ha rg esNot only that, it also chargesNot only that, it also chargesth e Ma cB oo k Pr o ov er t ha t sa methe MacBook Pro over that samethe MacBook Pro over that sameca bl e.cable.cable.It 's t he u lt im at e do ck in gIt's the ultimate dockingIt's the ultimate dockingst at io n.station.station.An d it 's s o co ol t ha t wh y no tAnd it's so cool that why notAnd it's so cool that why notad d tw o, r ig ht ?add two, right?add two, right?So , yo u co ul d ha ve t wo 5 KSo, you could have two 5KSo, you could have two 5Kdi sp la ys p lu s yo ur b ui lt -i ndisplays plus your built-indisplays plus your built-in15 -i nc h Re ti na d is pl ay , th at 's15-inch Retina display, that's15-inch Retina display, that'sal mo st 3 5 mi ll io n pi xe ls b ei ngalmost 35 million pixels beingalmost 35 million pixels beingdr iv en b y th e gr ap hi cs o f th edriven by the graphics of thedriven by the graphics of the15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o.15-inch MacBook Pro.15-inch MacBook Pro.Wi th o ur t wo f re e Th un de rb ol t 3With our two free Thunderbolt 3With our two free Thunderbolt 3po rt s, w e' re g oi ng t o ad d no tports, we're going to add notports, we're going to add noton ly o ne , bu t tw o RA ID s to ra geonly one, but two RAID storageonly one, but two RAID storagear ra ys .arrays.arrays.Th is i s th e ne w Pr om is eThis is the new PromiseThis is the new PromisePe ga su s3 .Pegasus3.Pegasus3.It 's c on fi gu re d wi th 2 4It's configured with 24It's configured with 24te ra by te s pe r ar ra y he re .terabytes per array here.terabytes per array here.So , wh en y ou t hi nk a bo ut t ha tSo, when you think about thatSo, when you think about thatst or ag e, t ho se d is pl ay s, t hi sstorage, those displays, thisstorage, those displays, thisle ve l of e xp an da bi li ty a ndlevel of expandability andlevel of expandability andpe rf or ma nc e is n ot p os si bl e onperformance is not possible onperformance is not possible onan y ot he r no te bo ok .any other notebook.any other notebook.It 's t ru ly r em ar ka bl e.It's truly remarkable.It's truly remarkable.We t hi nk P ro c us to me rs a re g oi ngWe think Pro customers are goingWe think Pro customers are goingto l ov e us in g th e Ma cB oo k Pr o.to love using the MacBook Pro.to love using the MacBook Pro.So , I wa nt t o sh ow y ou t hr eeSo, I want to show you threeSo, I want to show you threeex am pl es o f pr of es si on alexamples of professionalexamples of professionalap pl ic at io ns b ei ng u se d on t heapplications being used on theapplications being used on thene w Ma cB oo k Pr o.new MacBook Pro.new MacBook Pro.Th e fi rs t on e, F in al C ut P ro .The first one, Final Cut Pro.The first one, Final Cut Pro.So , to s ho w yo u th at , I' m ve rySo, to show you that, I'm verySo, to show you that, I'm verypr ou d to b ri ng u p Su sa nproud to bring up Susanproud to bring up SusanPr es co tt , VP o f Ap ps P ro du ctPrescott, VP of Apps ProductPrescott, VP of Apps ProductMa rk et in g, S us an .Marketing, Susan.Marketing, Susan.>> T ha nk y ou .>> Thank you.>> Thank you.Th is i s th e ne w ve rs io n of F in alThis is the new version of FinalThis is the new version of FinalCu t Pr o wi th t he r ed es ig ne dCut Pro with the redesignedCut Pro with the redesignedin te rf ac e.interface.interface.It l oo ks g re at o n th e Ma cB oo kIt looks great on the MacBookIt looks great on the MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.Bu t I' m re al ly e xc it ed t o sh owBut I'm really excited to showBut I'm really excited to showyo u ho w it a ls o ta ke s ad va nt ag eyou how it also takes advantageyou how it also takes advantageof t he i nc re di bl e gr ap hi csof the incredible graphicsof the incredible graphicsho rs ep ow er t hi s ma ch in e ha s go t.horsepower this machine has got.horsepower this machine has got.Th e be au ti fu l wi de c ol or d is pl ayThe beautiful wide color displayThe beautiful wide color displayth at P hi l ta lk ed a bo ut a nd o fthat Phil talked about and ofthat Phil talked about and ofco ur se , th e am az in g ne w To uc hcourse, the amazing new Touchcourse, the amazing new TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.So , we 'r e lo ok in g he re a t aSo, we're looking here at aSo, we're looking here at ash or t fi lm f ea tu ri ng a b ot an ic alshort film featuring a botanicalshort film featuring a botanicalar ti st , a bo ta ni ca l ar ti st w hoartist, a botanical artist whoartist, a botanical artist whocr ea te s st un ni ng f lo we rcreates stunning flowercreates stunning flowersc ul pt ur es .sculptures.sculptures.It w as s ho t an d ed it ed i n 4K a ndIt was shot and edited in 4K andIt was shot and edited in 4K andal so i n wi de c ol or .also in wide color.also in wide color.I th in k it 's a bs ol ut el yI think it's absolutelyI think it's absolutelybe au ti fu l.beautiful.beautiful.Le t' s ta ke a l oo k at t heLet's take a look at theLet's take a look at thebe gi nn in g of t he p ie ce .beginning of the piece.beginning of the piece.Th e ne w To uc h Ba r le ts m e ed itThe new Touch Bar lets me editThe new Touch Bar lets me editin w ay s I ne ve r co ul d be fo re .in ways I never could before.in ways I never could before.Ri gh t he re i n th e To uc h Ba r, IRight here in the Touch Bar, IRight here in the Touch Bar, Ica n se e my e nt ir e ti me li ne .can see my entire timeline.can see my entire timeline.An d it s ho ws m e ex ac tl y wh er e IAnd it shows me exactly where IAnd it shows me exactly where Iam i n my p ro je ct .am in my project.am in my project.An d th at 's c oo l.And that's cool.And that's cool.Bu t ev en b et te r, w ha t co ul d beBut even better, what could beBut even better, what could bebe tt er , it 's f ul ly i nt er ac ti ve .better, it's fully interactive.better, it's fully interactive.So , I ca n dr ag t o mo ve t hr ou ghSo, I can drag to move throughSo, I can drag to move throughmy p ro je ct .my project.my project.I ca n ju st t ap t o ju mp t o aI can just tap to jump to aI can just tap to jump to asp ec if ic s ec ti on .specific section.specific section.An d, I c an e ve n zo om i n to g et aAnd, I can even zoom in to get aAnd, I can even zoom in to get acl os er l oo k.closer look.closer look.It 's p re tt y co ol .It's pretty cool.It's pretty cool.No w, I 'm g oi ng t o ad d a cl ip .Now, I'm going to add a clip.Now, I'm going to add a clip.Wh en I s el ec t it i n th e br ow se rWhen I select it in the browserWhen I select it in the browserin t he t op l ef t, y ou m ay n ot ic ein the top left, you may noticein the top left, you may noticemy T ou ch B ar a ut om at ic al lymy Touch Bar automaticallymy Touch Bar automaticallych an ge s to s ho w me r el ev an tchanges to show me relevantchanges to show me relevantco nt ro ls .controls.controls.So , fo r ex am pl e, w it h ju st aSo, for example, with just aSo, for example, with just ata p, I c an s ee t he s ta rt a nd e ndtap, I can see the start and endtap, I can see the start and endof m y ti me -l ap se t o ma ke s ur eof my time-lapse to make sureof my time-lapse to make sureit 's w ha t I wa nt .it's what I want.it's what I want.I' m go in g to d ra g it i nt o myI'm going to drag it into myI'm going to drag it into myti me li ne r ig ht h er e at t hetimeline right here at thetimeline right here at thebo tt om o f th e sc re en a nd I 'mbottom of the screen and I'mbottom of the screen and I'mgo in g to a dd a n au di o cl ip t o gogoing to add an audio clip to gogoing to add an audio clip to gowi th i t.with it.with it.Bu t I se e he re i n my t im el in eBut I see here in my timelineBut I see here in my timelineth at t he a ud io c li p ru ns athat the audio clip runs athat the audio clip runs ali tt le b it l on ge r th an I 'd l ik e.little bit longer than I'd like.little bit longer than I'd like.We ll , go od n ew s, t he T ou ch B arWell, good news, the Touch BarWell, good news, the Touch Barch an ge d ag ai n to s ho w me e di ti ngchanged again to show me editingchanged again to show me editingco nt ro ls I n ee d.controls I need.controls I need.It 's s o co nv en ie nt t ha t I ca nIt's so convenient that I canIt's so convenient that I cantr im t he e nd o f th e cl ip w it htrim the end of the clip withtrim the end of the clip withju st a t ap i n th e To uc h Ba r.just a tap in the Touch Bar.just a tap in the Touch Bar.Pr et ty a ma zi ng Th an kPretty amazing ThankPretty amazing Thankyo u.you.It 's g re at b ec au se I c an a ls o,It's great because I can also,It's great because I can also,wi th t he T ou ch B ar , do t hi ng s Iwith the Touch Bar, do things Iwith the Touch Bar, do things Ido a ll t he t im e, a nd i t' s ev endo all the time, and it's evendo all the time, and it's evenea si er .easier.easier.Li ke , I ca n dr ag a s li de r toLike, I can drag a slider toLike, I can drag a slider toad ju st m y vo lu me .adjust my volume.adjust my volume.If y ou l oo k at t he s ou nd e ff ec tIf you look at the sound effectIf you look at the sound effectI ju st a dd ed , yo u ca n se e th eI just added, you can see theI just added, you can see thewa ve f or ms c ha ng e.wave forms change.wave forms change.I' ll g et i t ju st r ig ht t he re .I'll get it just right there.I'll get it just right there.An d wi th a t ap , I ca n ad d a fa deAnd with a tap, I can add a fadeAnd with a tap, I can add a fadein a nd a f ad e ou t, p re tt y co ol .in and a fade out, pretty cool.in and a fade out, pretty cool.So , it 's t ha t si mp le .So, it's that simple.So, it's that simple.Le t' s go a he ad a nd t ak e a lo okLet's go ahead and take a lookLet's go ahead and take a lookat w ha t we 'v e do ne s o fa r.at what we've done so far.at what we've done so far.In f ul l sc re en , th e To uc h Ba rIn full screen, the Touch BarIn full screen, the Touch Barsh ow s me t he s am e de ta il edshows me the same detailedshows me the same detailedov er vi ew o f my t im el in e.overview of my timeline.overview of my timeline.Bu t it 's g re at b ec au se n ow , IBut it's great because now, IBut it's great because now, Ica n na vi ga te w it ho ut e ve rcan navigate without evercan navigate without everle av in g fu ll s cr ee n.leaving full screen.leaving full screen.An d wi th t he p ow er o f th eAnd with the power of theAnd with the power of theMa cB oo k Pr o, i t' s sm oo th a ndMacBook Pro, it's smooth andMacBook Pro, it's smooth andpr ec is e ev en w it h re al lyprecise even with reallyprecise even with reallyde ma nd in g 4K f oo ta ge .demanding 4K footage.demanding 4K footage.I lo ve t ha t pa rt , le t me g o ba ckI love that part, let me go backI love that part, let me go backag ai n.again.again.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Le t' s go t o th e en d wh er e I' mLet's go to the end where I'mLet's go to the end where I'mgo in g to a dd o ne l as t sh ot .going to add one last shot.going to add one last shot.It 's t hi s ra th er d ra ma ti c sh otIt's this rather dramatic shotIt's this rather dramatic shotof t he s cu lp tu re i ns ta ll ed i n aof the sculpture installed in aof the sculpture installed in aba mb oo f or es t.bamboo forest.bamboo forest.Th er e li es t he a ns we r to w ha tThere lies the answer to whatThere lies the answer to whatbo ta ni ca l ar ti st s do .botanical artists do.botanical artists do.So - - So me o f yo u mi gh t ha veSo -- Some of you might haveSo -- Some of you might havebe en w on de ri ng .been wondering.been wondering.Th e To uc h Ba r is g re at a tThe Touch Bar is great atThe Touch Bar is great atsu rf ac in g re al ly u se fu l fe at ur essurfacing really useful featuressurfacing really useful featuresth at c an b e ha rd t o di sc ov er i nthat can be hard to discover inthat can be hard to discover ina ri ch a pp l ik e Fi na l Cu t Pr o ifa rich app like Final Cut Pro ifa rich app like Final Cut Pro ifyo u' re j us t se ar ch in g th ro ug hyou're just searching throughyou're just searching throughme nu s.menus.menus.So , fo r ex am pl e, P la y Ar ou ndSo, for example, Play AroundSo, for example, Play Aroundsh ow s me m y ed it s in c on te xt .shows me my edits in context.shows me my edits in context.So i f I ta p on t ha t no w, I 'l lSo if I tap on that now, I'llSo if I tap on that now, I'llse e a fe w se co nd s be fo re a ndsee a few seconds before andsee a few seconds before andaf te r th e cl ip I j us t ad de d.after the clip I just added.after the clip I just added.An d it 's a g re at w ay t o wa tc hAnd it's a great way to watchAnd it's a great way to watchth e en d of o ur f il m.the end of our film.the end of our film.Th at - - Oo ps , al l ri gh t.That -- Oops, all right.That -- Oops, all right.Th at i s a qu ic k lo ok a t Fi na lThat is a quick look at FinalThat is a quick look at FinalCu t Pr o wi th t he i nc re di bl eCut Pro with the incredibleCut Pro with the incrediblepe rf or ma nc e of t he M ac Bo ok P ro .performance of the MacBook Pro.performance of the MacBook Pro.An d as I h op e yo u sa w, t he d ee pAnd as I hope you saw, the deepAnd as I hope you saw, the deepin te gr at io n wi th t he T ou ch B ar ,integration with the Touch Bar,integration with the Touch Bar,it 's j us t gr ea t.it's just great.it's just great.Th an ks s o mu ch .Thanks so much.Thanks so much.>> T ha nk y ou S us an .>> Thank you Susan.>> Thank you Susan.Ne xt , I wa nt t o sh ow y ou aNext, I want to show you aNext, I want to show you apr od uc t th at o ur c us to me rs c ou ntproduct that our customers countproduct that our customers counton a nd l ov e so d ee pl y,on and love so deeply,on and love so deeply,Ph ot os ho p.Photoshop.Photoshop.So m an y pr od uc t, c us to me rs u seSo many product, customers useSo many product, customers usePh ot os ho p ac ro ss t he p ro je ct sPhotoshop across the projectsPhotoshop across the projectswi th t he ir M ac Bo ok P ro .with their MacBook Pro.with their MacBook Pro.An d we 'r e so h ap py t o ha ve w it hAnd we're so happy to have withAnd we're so happy to have withus B ra de e Ev an s, e xp er ie nc edus Bradee Evans, experiencedus Bradee Evans, experiencedde si gn m an ag er f or A do bedesign manager for Adobedesign manager for AdobePh ot os ho p, B ra de e.Photoshop, Bradee.Photoshop, Bradee.>> H i, t ha nk y ou .>> Hi, thank you.>> Hi, thank you.Th is n ew M ac Bo ok P ro a ndThis new MacBook Pro andThis new MacBook Pro andPh ot os ho p ar e ma de f or e ac hPhotoshop are made for eachPhotoshop are made for eachot he r.other.other.Th is n ew e di ti on o f th e To uc hThis new edition of the TouchThis new edition of the TouchBa r re al ly c om bi ne s wi th t heBar really combines with theBar really combines with theke yb oa rd a nd t hi s ne w gi an tkeyboard and this new giantkeyboard and this new giantTr ac kp ad t o cr ea te t hi sTrackpad to create thisTrackpad to create thisin cr ed ib ly n at ur al e xp re ss iv eincredibly natural expressiveincredibly natural expressivean d po we rf ul n ew w ay o f wo rk in gand powerful new way of workingand powerful new way of workingwi th P ho to sh op .with Photoshop.with Photoshop.Le t me s ee i f I ca n sh ow y ouLet me see if I can show youLet me see if I can show youwh at I m ea n.what I mean.what I mean.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.I ha ve u p he re o n th e sc re enI have up here on the screenI have up here on the screenth is a ma zi ng i ma ge o f a wo ma nthis amazing image of a womanthis amazing image of a womancl im bi ng T er sa na s Ca ve i nclimbing Tersanas Cave inclimbing Tersanas Cave inGr ee ce .Greece.Greece.Bu t, w ha t if t hi s ca ve w er e no tBut, what if this cave were notBut, what if this cave were notin G re ec e?in Greece?in Greece?Wh at i f it w er e he re ?What if it were here?What if it were here?No w to p ul l th is o ff , I' m go in gNow to pull this off, I'm goingNow to pull this off, I'm goingto n ee d to c ut t he c av e ou t ofto need to cut the cave out ofto need to cut the cave out ofGr ee ce .Greece.Greece.An d th e to ol f or c ut ti ng t hi ng sAnd the tool for cutting thingsAnd the tool for cutting thingsou t in P ho to sh op i s ca ll edout in Photoshop is calledout in Photoshop is calledSe le ct a nd M as k.Select and Mask.Select and Mask.An d no rm al ly , it 's i n a me nu o rAnd normally, it's in a menu orAnd normally, it's in a menu ora su bt oo l.a subtool.a subtool.Bu t wi th t he T ou ch B ar , it 'sBut with the Touch Bar, it'sBut with the Touch Bar, it'sri gh t he re a t my f in ge rt ip s.right here at my fingertips.right here at my fingertips.No w, y ou c an s ee t he T ou ch B arNow, you can see the Touch BarNow, you can see the Touch Barha s ch an ge d to s ho w me o nl y th ehas changed to show me only thehas changed to show me only theco nt ro ls I n ee d fo r th is t as k.controls I need for this task.controls I need for this task.Yo u ca n se e ho w wi th m y ri gh tYou can see how with my rightYou can see how with my rightha nd I 'm m ou si ng a nd s el ec ti ng ,hand I'm mousing and selecting,hand I'm mousing and selecting,an d wi th m y le ft h an d, I 'mand with my left hand, I'mand with my left hand, I'mad ju st in g th e si ze o f th e br us h.adjusting the size of the brush.adjusting the size of the brush.It 's a r ea ll y fu n an d na tu ra lIt's a really fun and naturalIt's a really fun and naturalwa y of w or ki ng .way of working.way of working.Le t me s ee i f I ca n ge t he r le gsLet me see if I can get her legsLet me see if I can get her legsth er e.there.there.I' m go in g to s wi tc h ov er t o myI'm going to switch over to myI'm going to switch over to myre fi ne me nt t oo l.refinement tool.refinement tool.An d ag ai n, I c an j us t re si zeAnd again, I can just resizeAnd again, I can just resizewh il e I wo rk .while I work.while I work.To ta ll y, t hi s tw o- ha nd w ay o fTotally, this two-hand way ofTotally, this two-hand way ofwo rk in g, i t' s re al ly f un .working, it's really fun.working, it's really fun.I do n' t kn ow i f yo u gu ys c anI don't know if you guys canI don't know if you guys cante ll h ow m uc h fu n I' m ha vi ng .tell how much fun I'm having.tell how much fun I'm having.OK . Al l ri gh t.OK. All right.OK. All right.He re w e go .Here we go.Here we go.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Le t' s se e ho w I di d.Let's see how I did.Let's see how I did.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.Th at 's n ot b ad f or 1 0 se co nd s.That's not bad for 10 seconds.That's not bad for 10 seconds.An d th at w ho le t im e, m y tw oAnd that whole time, my twoAnd that whole time, my twoha nd s we re r ea ll y wo rk in g inhands were really working inhands were really working inco nc er t, a nd m y ey es w er e up a ndconcert, and my eyes were up andconcert, and my eyes were up andon m y im ag e.on my image.on my image.Re al ly m ak es a l ot o f se ns e.Really makes a lot of sense.Really makes a lot of sense.It 's r ea ll y a go od w ay o fIt's really a good way ofIt's really a good way ofwo rk in g.working.working.OK . So , th is i s gr ea t.OK. So, this is great.OK. So, this is great.Th is i s de fi ni te ly n ot G re ec e.This is definitely not Greece.This is definitely not Greece.Bu t I' d li ke t o se e mo re d ra st icBut I'd like to see more drasticBut I'd like to see more drasticof a c ha ng e.of a change.of a change.An d ad di ng c on te nt t o an a lr ea dyAnd adding content to an alreadyAnd adding content to an alreadyop en d oc um en t ca n be a l ot o fopen document can be a lot ofopen document can be a lot ofmo us in g, b ut n ot w it h th e To uc hmousing, but not with the Touchmousing, but not with the TouchBa r.Bar.Bar.I' ll j us t ta p th at , se le ct t heI'll just tap that, select theI'll just tap that, select thesu ns et , pu t th at r ig ht t he re ,sunset, put that right there,sunset, put that right there,an d we 'l l mo ve t ha t un de r an dand we'll move that under andand we'll move that under andse e ho w th at l oo ks .see how that looks.see how that looks.Al l ri gh t, w e' re g et ti ngAll right, we're gettingAll right, we're gettingso me wh er e.somewhere.somewhere.I li ke t hi s.I like this.I like this.Bu t it 's k in d of y el lo w.But it's kind of yellow.But it's kind of yellow.An d so , I' d li ke t o ad d mo reAnd so, I'd like to add moreAnd so, I'd like to add moreco lo r.color.color.An d to d o th at , I' m go in g toAnd to do that, I'm going toAnd to do that, I'm going tone ed t o do s om e br us hi ng .need to do some brushing.need to do some brushing.Bu t fi rs t, I 'm g oi ng t o go i nt oBut first, I'm going to go intoBut first, I'm going to go intomy T ou ch B ar , I' m go in g tomy Touch Bar, I'm going tomy Touch Bar, I'm going toch oo se m y fa vo ri te s, a nd t he nchoose my favorites, and thenchoose my favorites, and thenI' m go in g to a dd a n ew l ay er ,I'm going to add a new layer,I'm going to add a new layer,an d th en I 'm g oi ng t o go i nt oand then I'm going to go intoand then I'm going to go intofu ll s cr ee n.full screen.full screen.No w, f ul l sc re en i s am az in g asNow, full screen is amazing asNow, full screen is amazing aswa s ju st s ai d.was just said.was just said.Th is i s gr ea t.This is great.This is great.I ha ve n o pa ne ls , I ha ve t oI have no panels, I have toI have no panels, I have tome nu s an d I ca n 10 0% f oc us o n mymenus and I can 100% focus on mymenus and I can 100% focus on myim ag e.image.image.An d th an ks t o th e To uc h Ba r, IAnd thanks to the Touch Bar, IAnd thanks to the Touch Bar, Ica n ge t a lo t mo re d on e in t hi scan get a lot more done in thiscan get a lot more done in thisvi ew m od e.view mode.view mode.So , br us hi ng i s so i mp or ta nt t oSo, brushing is so important toSo, brushing is so important toso m an y wo rk fl ow s in P ho to sh opso many workflows in Photoshopso many workflows in Photoshopth at w e ac tu al ly c re at ed a m od ethat we actually created a modethat we actually created a modeof t he T ou ch B ar j us t fo r br us hof the Touch Bar just for brushof the Touch Bar just for brushco nt ro l.control.control.An d he re , I ca n ad ju st t he s iz eAnd here, I can adjust the sizeAnd here, I can adjust the sizeof m y br us h an d I' ll a dj us t ho wof my brush and I'll adjust howof my brush and I'll adjust howha rd i t is .hard it is.hard it is.An d th en , I' ll a ls o ad ju st t heAnd then, I'll also adjust theAnd then, I'll also adjust thefl ow o f co lo r th ro ug h my b ru sh .flow of color through my brush.flow of color through my brush.No w, s pe ak in g of c ol or , yo u ma yNow, speaking of color, you mayNow, speaking of color, you maykn ow , th er e ar e a lo t of w ay s toknow, there are a lot of ways toknow, there are a lot of ways toch oo se c ol or i n Ph ot os ho p.choose color in Photoshop.choose color in Photoshop.Bu t my n ew f av or it e by f ar i sBut my new favorite by far isBut my new favorite by far iswi th t he T ou ch B ar .with the Touch Bar.with the Touch Bar.Th is i s ab so lu te ly a we so me .This is absolutely awesome.This is absolutely awesome.Do wn h er e, I c an k ee p my r ig htDown here, I can keep my rightDown here, I can keep my rightha nd d ed ic at ed o n th e To uc hhand dedicated on the Touchhand dedicated on the TouchBa r- - I me an , on t he T ra ck pa dBar-- I mean, on the TrackpadBar-- I mean, on the Trackpadju st f or p ai nt in g an d no t do in gjust for painting and not doingjust for painting and not doingan y po in ti ng o r pi ck in g.any pointing or picking.any pointing or picking.An d my l ef t ha nd i s ju st k in d ofAnd my left hand is just kind ofAnd my left hand is just kind ofsl id in g ac ro ss t hi s To uc h Ba r.sliding across this Touch Bar.sliding across this Touch Bar.It 's r ea ll y aw es om e.It's really awesome.It's really awesome.It a lm os t fe el s li ke y ou 'r eIt almost feels like you'reIt almost feels like you'repl ay in g a mu si ca l in st ru me nt ,playing a musical instrument,playing a musical instrument,an d it 's k in d of h ar d to s to p.and it's kind of hard to stop.and it's kind of hard to stop.Bu t I wi ll s to p.But I will stop.But I will stop.OK , he re w e ar e.OK, here we are.OK, here we are.So , th is i s lo ok in g pr et ty g oo dSo, this is looking pretty goodSo, this is looking pretty goodbu t my c ol or i sn 't r ea ll ybut my color isn't reallybut my color isn't reallybl en di ng v er y we ll w it h th eblending very well with theblending very well with thela ye r be lo w th at .layer below that.layer below that.An d to d o th at -- t o fi x th at ,And to do that-- to fix that,And to do that-- to fix that,I' m go in g to s wi tc h ba ck i nt oI'm going to switch back intoI'm going to switch back intoth e la ye r pr op er ti es a nd I 'mthe layer properties and I'mthe layer properties and I'mgo in g to c ha ng e th e bl en d mo de .going to change the blend mode.going to change the blend mode.No w no rm al ly c ho os in g a bl en dNow normally choosing a blendNow normally choosing a blendmo de i n Ph ot os ho p is a l ot o fmode in Photoshop is a lot ofmode in Photoshop is a lot ofcl ic ki ng a nd t ry in g an d ho pi ngclicking and trying and hopingclicking and trying and hopingan d gu es si ng .and guessing.and guessing.Bu t wi th t he T ou ch B ar , it c anBut with the Touch Bar, it canBut with the Touch Bar, it canei th er b e a sc ro ll o r a co up leeither be a scroll or a coupleeither be a scroll or a coupleof t ap s.of taps.of taps.An d th is i s re al ly g re at , re al lyAnd this is really great, reallyAnd this is really great, reallyop en s us u p to a l ot o f cr ea ti veopens us up to a lot of creativeopens us up to a lot of creativeex pe ri me nt at io n an d le av es r oo mexperimentation and leaves roomexperimentation and leaves roomfo r se re nd ip it y to h ap pe n.for serendipity to happen.for serendipity to happen.Th er e, I c an k in d of l ik e th is .There, I can kind of like this.There, I can kind of like this.Th is i s pr et ty g oo d.This is pretty good.This is pretty good.Wh at d o yo u gu ys t hi nk ?What do you guys think?What do you guys think?Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.No w, I 'v e be en d oi ng a ll o fNow, I've been doing all ofNow, I've been doing all ofth es e bl en di ng a nd c ut ti ng a ndthese blending and cutting andthese blending and cutting andpa in ti ng c om pl et el y fe ar le ss lypainting completely fearlesslypainting completely fearlesslybe ca us e I kn ow t ha t ri gh t he rebecause I know that right herebecause I know that right herein m y To uc h Ba r, I c an s cr ol lin my Touch Bar, I can scrollin my Touch Bar, I can scrollal l th e wa y ba ck t hr ou gh m yall the way back through myall the way back through myvi su al h is to ry a nd p ic k upvisual history and pick upvisual history and pick upan yw he re a lo ng t he w ay w it ho utanywhere along the way withoutanywhere along the way withoutlo si ng a ny o f my w or k.losing any of my work.losing any of my work.Al l ri gh t.All right.All right.An d so , th at --And so, that--And so, that--Th at i s a pr ev ie w of t he n ewThat is a preview of the newThat is a preview of the newam az in g sy ne rg y be tw ee namazing synergy betweenamazing synergy betweenPh ot os ho p an d th e ne w Ma cB oo kPhotoshop and the new MacBookPhotoshop and the new MacBookPr o wi th T ou ch B ar .Pro with Touch Bar.Pro with Touch Bar.An d we h op e to h av e it i n th eAnd we hope to have it in theAnd we hope to have it in theha nd s of o ur P ho to sh op u se rshands of our Photoshop usershands of our Photoshop usersbe fo re t he e nd o f th e ye ar .before the end of the year.before the end of the year.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk y ou , Br ad ee .>> Thank you, Bradee.>> Thank you, Bradee.An d th at 's i nc re di bl e.And that's incredible.And that's incredible.Ph ot os ho p ju st f li es i n th e ne wPhotoshop just flies in the newPhotoshop just flies in the newMa cB oo k Pr o.MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.An d yo u ca n se e no w ho w wi thAnd you can see now how withAnd you can see now how withtw o- ha nd o pe ra ti on s, o ne o ntwo-hand operations, one ontwo-hand operations, one onTr ac kp ad , on e on T ou ch B ar ,Trackpad, one on Touch Bar,Trackpad, one on Touch Bar,cr ea te s a ne w ex pe ri en ce t ha t wecreates a new experience that wecreates a new experience that weth in k cu st om er s ar e go in g tothink customers are going tothink customers are going tolo ve u si ng o n th e Ma cB oo k Pr o.love using on the MacBook Pro.love using on the MacBook Pro.Fo r ou r th ir d de mo , we l ik e toFor our third demo, we like toFor our third demo, we like tobr in g up a m us ic a pp li ca ti on .bring up a music application.bring up a music application.Th er e' re s o ma ny i nc re di bl eThere're so many incredibleThere're so many incrediblepr of es si on al m us ic a pp li ca ti on sprofessional music applicationsprofessional music applicationson t he M ac , an d we t ho ug ht w e' don the Mac, and we thought we'don the Mac, and we thought we'dpi ck a r ea ll y fu n on e.pick a really fun one.pick a really fun one.So , we 'r e so e xc it ed f or y ou t oSo, we're so excited for you toSo, we're so excited for you tose e DJ P ro .see DJ Pro.see DJ Pro.An d to d em o fo r yo u, w e ha veAnd to demo for you, we haveAnd to demo for you, we haveKa ri m Mo rs y, C EO o f Al go ri dd im .Karim Morsy, CEO of Algoriddim.Karim Morsy, CEO of Algoriddim.Ka ri m.Karim.Karim.>> T ha nk s, P hi l.>> Thanks, Phil.>> Thanks, Phil.Go od m or ni ng e ve ry on e.Good morning everyone.Good morning everyone.Yo u mi gh t kn ow o ur a pp d ja y onYou might know our app djay onYou might know our app djay oniO S, i t wo n an A pp le D es ig niOS, it won an Apple DesigniOS, it won an Apple DesignAw ar d, a nd i t' s us ed b y mi ll io nsAward, and it's used by millionsAward, and it's used by millionsof D Js a ro un d th e wo rl d.of DJs around the world.of DJs around the world.I' ve b ee n a DJ f or a lm os t 20I've been a DJ for almost 20I've been a DJ for almost 20ye ar s.years.years.An d I' ve g on e tu rn ta bl es a ndAnd I've gone turntables andAnd I've gone turntables andvi ny l al l th e wa y to d ig it al .vinyl all the way to digital.vinyl all the way to digital.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is t he s ta nd ar dThe MacBook Pro is the standardThe MacBook Pro is the standardfo r pr of es si on al D Js .for professional DJs.for professional DJs.An d we u se d ed ic at ed c on tr ol le rsAnd we use dedicated controllersAnd we use dedicated controllerswh en w e pe rf or m li ve o n st ag e.when we perform live on stage.when we perform live on stage.We ll , wi th t he T ou ch B ar , we n owWell, with the Touch Bar, we nowWell, with the Touch Bar, we nowha ve o ne b ui lt r ig ht i nt o th ehave one built right into thehave one built right into theMa c.Mac.Mac.Wi th m ul ti -t ou ch a nd d yn am icWith multi-touch and dynamicWith multi-touch and dynamicco nt ro ls , th e To uc h Ba r en ab le scontrols, the Touch Bar enablescontrols, the Touch Bar enablesth e ne xt g en er at io n DJ s of tw ar e.the next generation DJ software.the next generation DJ software.Le t' s di ve r ig ht i n.Let's dive right in.Let's dive right in.On t he T ou ch B ar , yo u ha veOn the Touch Bar, you haveOn the Touch Bar, you haveac ce ss t o th e co re f un ct io na li tyaccess to the core functionalityaccess to the core functionalityof D J Pr o.of DJ Pro.of DJ Pro.He re i s th e sa mp le r.Here is the sampler.Here is the sampler.Th e sa mp le r al lo ws m e to t ri gg erThe sampler allows me to triggerThe sampler allows me to triggerso un d ef fe ct s on t op o f my m ix .sound effects on top of my mix.sound effects on top of my mix.No w, l et 's c re at e a lo op .Now, let's create a loop.Now, let's create a loop.An d us in g mu lt i- to uc h, I c anAnd using multi-touch, I canAnd using multi-touch, I cansi mu lt an eo us ly a pp ly a f il te r.simultaneously apply a filter.simultaneously apply a filter.No w, l et 's z oo m in to t he w av eNow, let's zoom into the waveNow, let's zoom into the wavefo rm .form.form.He re , I ca n sc ra tc h-Here, I can scratch-Here, I can scratch--- a nd I c an p re ci se ly f in d th e-- and I can precisely find the-- and I can precisely find thecu e po in ts t o st ar t my s on g.cue points to start my song.cue points to start my song.I' ll s et o ne h er e.I'll set one here.OK . No w, w e' re r ea dy t o pe rf or mOK. Now, we're ready to performOK. Now, we're ready to performen ti re ly w it h th e To uc h Ba r.entirely with the Touch Bar.entirely with the Touch Bar.Le t' s ta ke i t fo r a sp in .Let's take it for a spin.An d th is w as a ll d on e ri gh t onAnd this was all done right onAnd this was all done right onth e To uc h Ba r.the Touch Bar.the Touch Bar.It 's a r ev ol ut io na ry t oo l fo rIt's a revolutionary tool forIt's a revolutionary tool forDJ s.DJs.DJs.An u pd at e to D ja y Pr o is c om in gAn update to Djay Pro is comingAn update to Djay Pro is comingla te r th is y ea r an d welater this year and welater this year and weab so lu te ly c an 't w ai t fo r yo u toabsolutely can't wait for you toabsolutely can't wait for you toch ec k it o ut .check it out.check it out.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.>> T ha nk y ou K ar im .>> Thank you Karim.>> Thank you Karim.I me an , he a bs ol ut el y ki ll ed i tI mean, he absolutely killed itI mean, he absolutely killed itin t ha t.in that.in that.Th at s on g wa s so m uc h fu n toThat song was so much fun toThat song was so much fun toli st en t o.listen to.listen to.An d I' m su re y ou g ot i t th at h eAnd I'm sure you got it that heAnd I'm sure you got it that hewa s us in g bo th h an dswas using both handswas using both handssi mu lt an eo us ly o n To uc h ba rsimultaneously on Touch barsimultaneously on Touch barbe ca us e wi th i ts m ul ti -t ou chbecause with its multi-touchbecause with its multi-touchin pu t, i t ca n su pp or t up t o 10input, it can support up to 10input, it can support up to 10in pu ts f ro m yo ur f in ge rs .inputs from your fingers.inputs from your fingers.Th at 's i nc re di bl y po we rf ul .That's incredibly powerful.That's incredibly powerful.An d th er e ar e so m an y gr ea tAnd there are so many greatAnd there are so many greatde ve lo pe rs t ha t ha ve s ta rt eddevelopers that have starteddevelopers that have startedwo rk in g on t he ir a pp s fo r th eworking on their apps for theworking on their apps for thene w Ma cB oo k Pr o as w el l as T ou chnew MacBook Pro as well as Touchnew MacBook Pro as well as TouchBa r, a nd t he y' re d oi ngBar, and they're doingBar, and they're doingre ma rk ab le t hi ng s.remarkable things.remarkable things.Fo r ex am pl e, M ic ro so ft i sFor example, Microsoft isFor example, Microsoft iswo rk in g to b ri ng a ll o fworking to bring all ofworking to bring all ofMi cr os of t Of fi ce t o Ma cB oo k Pr oMicrosoft Office to MacBook ProMicrosoft Office to MacBook Prowi th i nc re di bl e To uc h Ba rwith incredible Touch Barwith incredible Touch Barsu pp or t.support.support.So , yo u' re g on na s ee T ou ch B arSo, you're gonna see Touch BarSo, you're gonna see Touch Barbu il t in f or W or d, E xc el ,built in for Word, Excel,built in for Word, Excel,Po we rP oi nt , Ou tl oo k an d ev enPowerPoint, Outlook and evenPowerPoint, Outlook and evenSk yp e fo r bu si ne ss .Skype for business.Skype for business.Th ey 'r e do in g a gr ea t jo b fo rThey're doing a great job forThey're doing a great job forMi cr os of t Of fi ce c om pl et eMicrosoft Office completeMicrosoft Office completesu pp or t fo r Ma cB oo k Pr o an dsupport for MacBook Pro andsupport for MacBook Pro andTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.Th er e ar e so m an y gr ea t to ol s.There are so many great tools.There are so many great tools.To ol s fo r gr ap hi c de si gn er s li keTools for graphic designers likeTools for graphic designers likeAf fi ni ty D es ig ne r su pp or ti ngAffinity Designer supportingAffinity Designer supportingTo uc h Ba r an d Ma cB oo k Pr o.Touch Bar and MacBook Pro.Touch Bar and MacBook Pro.Fo r ph ot og ra ph er s li keFor photographers likeFor photographers likePi xe lm at or .Pixelmator.Pixelmator.Fo r us er i nt er fa ce d es ig ne rsFor user interface designersFor user interface designerswi th S ke tc h, h ig h- en d vi de owith Sketch, high-end videowith Sketch, high-end videoed it in g an d co lo r gr ad in g wi thediting and color grading withediting and color grading withDa Vi nc i Re so lv e an d on a nd o n,DaVinci Resolve and on and on,DaVinci Resolve and on and on,so m an y gr ea t pr of es si on also many great professionalso many great professionalap pl ic at io ns a re g oi ng t o ta keapplications are going to takeapplications are going to takeun iq ue a dv an ta ge o f th isunique advantage of thisunique advantage of thisin cr ed ib le n ew e xp er ie nc e.incredible new experience.incredible new experience.An d th at 's w ha t th e Ma cB oo k Pr oAnd that's what the MacBook ProAnd that's what the MacBook Prois .is.is.It 's a n en ti re ly n ew e xp er ie nc e,It's an entirely new experience,It's an entirely new experience,it 's t he g ol d st an da rd o fit's the gold standard ofit's the gold standard ofno te bo ok s, i t' s a br an d ne wnotebooks, it's a brand newnotebooks, it's a brand newde si gn .design.design.An d we h av e a br ie f vi de o toAnd we have a brief video toAnd we have a brief video tote ll y ou a l it tl e bi t mo re a bo uttell you a little bit more abouttell you a little bit more aboutit .it.>> Th e ne w>> The new>> The newMa cB oo k Pr o co mb in es t heMacBook Pro combines theMacBook Pro combines thefu nd am en ta l qu al it ie s of a nfundamental qualities of anfundamental qualities of anul tr ap or ta bl e de vi ce w it hultraportable device withultraportable device withun co mp ro mi si ng p er fo rm an ce .uncompromising performance.uncompromising performance.Wi th o ur n ew d es ig n, t heWith our new design, theWith our new design, thepr od uc t' s ov er al l vo lu me h asproduct's overall volume hasproduct's overall volume hasbe en r ed uc ed d ra ma ti ca ll y.been reduced dramatically.been reduced dramatically.Th is r es ul ts i n an e xt re me lyThis results in an extremelyThis results in an extremelypu rp os ef ul a nd p ow er fu l cr ea ti vepurposeful and powerful creativepurposeful and powerful creativeto ol .tool.tool.It h as t he b es t Re ti na d is pl ayIt has the best Retina displayIt has the best Retina displaywe 'v e ev er p ut i n a no te bo ok .we've ever put in a notebook.we've ever put in a notebook.A pr ec is el y de si gn ed L EDA precisely designed LEDA precisely designed LEDsp ec tr um p ro je ct s th ro ug h aspectrum projects through aspectrum projects through ame ta l ox id e ba ck pl an e.metal oxide backplane.metal oxide backplane.Th is y ie ld s a re ma rk ab ly b ri gh tThis yields a remarkably brightThis yields a remarkably brighthi gh c on tr as t pi ct ur e wi th ahigh contrast picture with ahigh contrast picture with awi de r co lo r ga mu t.wider color gamut.wider color gamut.Th e la rg er F or ce T ou ch T ra ck pa dThe larger Force Touch TrackpadThe larger Force Touch Trackpadno w pr ov id es a n ex pa ns iv e ar eanow provides an expansive areanow provides an expansive areafo r a wh ol e ra ng e of g es tu re s.for a whole range of gestures.for a whole range of gestures.We 'v e co nt in ue d to r ef in e ou rWe've continued to refine ourWe've continued to refine ourke yb oa rd d es ig n to b e mo rekeyboard design to be morekeyboard design to be moreac cu ra te a nd e ff ic ie nt .accurate and efficient.accurate and efficient.Do me s wi tc he s be ne at h ea ch k eyDome switches beneath each keyDome switches beneath each keyha ve b ee n op ti mi ze d fo r a mo rehave been optimized for a morehave been optimized for a morere sp on si ve f ee l.responsive feel.responsive feel.We 'r e in tr od uc in g a ne w wa y toWe're introducing a new way toWe're introducing a new way toin te ra ct w it h yo ur n ot eb oo k.interact with your notebook.interact with your notebook.A mu lt i- to uc h ba r pr ov id es aA multi-touch bar provides aA multi-touch bar provides amo re i nt ui ti ve , mo re i mm ed ia temore intuitive, more immediatemore intuitive, more immediateco nn ec ti on t o yo ur c on te nt .connection to your content.Co mm an ds t ha t we re o nc e hi dd enCommands that were once hiddenCommands that were once hiddenar e no w vi si bl e, e as il yare now visible, easilyare now visible, easilyac ce ss ib le a nd a ls oaccessible and alsoaccessible and alsocu st om iz ab le .customizable.In e ac h ap pl ic at io n, t he m os tIn each application, the mostIn each application, the mostre le va nt c on tr ol s ar e di sp la ye drelevant controls are displayedrelevant controls are displayeddy na mi ca ll y al lo wi ng y ou t o wo rkdynamically allowing you to workdynamically allowing you to workwi th g re at er e ff ic ie nc y.with greater efficiency.Th is i s al so t he f ir st M ac w it hThis is also the first Mac withThis is also the first Mac withTo uc h ID .Touch ID.Touch ID.Th is s ea ml es s in te gr at io n ofThis seamless integration ofThis seamless integration ofha rd wa re a nd s of tw ar e is t ru lyhardware and software is trulyhardware and software is trulyun iq ue t o Ap pl e.unique to Apple.Th e sp ea ke rs h av e al so b ee nThe speakers have also beenThe speakers have also beenco mp le te ly r ed es ig ne d tocompletely redesigned tocompletely redesigned toma xi mi ze a ir d is pl ac em en t an dmaximize air displacement andmaximize air displacement andpr oj ec t hi gh f id el it yproject high fidelityproject high fidelityro om -f il li ng s ou nd .room-filling sound.room-filling sound.At i ts c or e, p ro l ev el p ro ce ss esAt its core, pro level processesAt its core, pro level processesin te gr at ed w it h hi gh s pe edintegrated with high speedintegrated with high speedsy st em m em or y an d st or ag esystem memory and storagesystem memory and storagete ch no lo gi es m ak e ev er yt hi ng y outechnologies make everything youtechnologies make everything youdo f as te r an d mo re r es po ns iv e.do faster and more responsive.In a n ot eb oo k th is p ow er fu l,In a notebook this powerful,In a notebook this powerful,th er ma l ma na ge me nt i s cr it ic al ,thermal management is critical,thermal management is critical,th in ne r, f av or ab ly s pa ce d fa nthinner, favorably spaced fanthinner, favorably spaced fanbl ad es p ro pe l ai r qu ie tl yblades propel air quietlyblades propel air quietlyth ro ug h a ne ar ly s ol idthrough a nearly solidthrough a nearly solidst ru ct ur e.structure.structure.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o ac hi ev es aThe new MacBook Pro achieves aThe new MacBook Pro achieves ade si gn t ha t op ti mi ze s bo thdesign that optimizes bothdesign that optimizes bothpe rf or ma nc e an d po rt ab il it y.performance and portability.performance and portability.It m ar ks a m il es to ne i n th eIt marks a milestone in theIt marks a milestone in theev ol ut io n of t he M ac .evolution of the Mac.evolution of the Mac.>> T he n ew M ac Bo ok P ro r un s ou r>> The new MacBook Pro runs our>> The new MacBook Pro runs ourla te st v er si on o f ma cO S, S ie rr a.latest version of macOS, Sierra.latest version of macOS, Sierra.An d Si er ra t ak es f ul l ad va nt ag eAnd Sierra takes full advantageAnd Sierra takes full advantageof a ll t he M ac Bo ok P ro h as t oof all the MacBook Pro has toof all the MacBook Pro has toof fe r, i ts w id e co lo r di sp la y,offer, its wide color display,offer, its wide color display,it s To uc h Ba r, T ou ch I D an d soits Touch Bar, Touch ID and soits Touch Bar, Touch ID and somu ch m or e.much more.much more.An d th e ha rd wa re a nd s of tw ar eAnd the hardware and softwareAnd the hardware and softwarewo rk in g to ge th er i n th es e su pe rworking together in these superworking together in these superth in a nd l ig ht n ot eb oo ks d el iv erthin and light notebooks deliverthin and light notebooks deliveral l da y ba tt er y li fe .all day battery life.all day battery life.Up t o 10 h ou rs o f ba tt er y li feUp to 10 hours of battery lifeUp to 10 hours of battery lifein b ot h th e 13 -i nc h an d th ein both the 13-inch and thein both the 13-inch and the15 -i nc h.15-inch.15-inch.Th is i s an i nc re di bl e ne wThis is an incredible newThis is an incredible newge ne ra ti on o f no te bo ok .generation of notebook.generation of notebook.No w, i t mi gh t be f un t o br in gNow, it might be fun to bringNow, it might be fun to bringba ck i n th at f ir st g en er at io n ofback in that first generation ofback in that first generation ofno te bo ok j us t fo r co mp ar is on .notebook just for comparison.notebook just for comparison.It i s re ma rk ab le h ow m uc h ha sIt is remarkable how much hasIt is remarkable how much hasoc cu rr ed i n ju st 2 5 ye ar s.occurred in just 25 years.occurred in just 25 years.Yo u ma y no t re me mb er t ha t fi rs tYou may not remember that firstYou may not remember that firstPo we rB oo k 17 0 ha d a 9. 8 in chPowerBook 170 had a 9.8 inchPowerBook 170 had a 9.8 inchbl ac k an d wh it e ac ti ve m at ri x6 40black and white active matrix640black and white active matrix640by 4 80 d is pl ay .by 480 display.by 480 display.It 's i nc re di bl e no w wi th t heIt's incredible now with theIt's incredible now with the15 -i nc h Re ti na d is pl ay h ow f ar15-inch Retina display how far15-inch Retina display how farwe h av e co me .we have come.we have come.Th at P ow er Bo ok 1 70 h ad a s ta teThat PowerBook 170 had a stateThat PowerBook 170 had a stateof t he a rt 2 5 me ga he rt z 68 03 0of the art 25 megahertz 68030of the art 25 megahertz 68030pr oc es so r.processor.processor.An d we 'v e do ne t he m at h.And we've done the math.And we've done the math.Th e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr o is 6 .8The new MacBook Pro is 6.8The new MacBook Pro is 6.8mi ll io n ti me s fa st er .million times faster.million times faster.Or , th ou gh t of a no th er w ay , aOr, thought of another way, aOr, thought of another way, afu ll y ea r of c om pu te t im e onfull year of compute time onfull year of compute time onth at P ow er Bo ok 1 70 c an b ethat PowerBook 170 can bethat PowerBook 170 can beac co mp li sh ed i n le ss t ha n fi veaccomplished in less than fiveaccomplished in less than fivese co nd s on t he M ac Bo ok P ro .seconds on the MacBook Pro.seconds on the MacBook Pro.It i s re ma rk ab le .It is remarkable.It is remarkable.We h av e ad va nc ed s o fa rWe have advanced so farWe have advanced so farin cl ud in g in h ow w e ma ke t he se .including in how we make these.including in how we make these.Ou r Ma cB oo k Pr os a re a ll m ad eOur MacBook Pros are all madeOur MacBook Pros are all madewi th a rs en ic -f re e gl as s,with arsenic-free glass,with arsenic-free glass,me rc ur y- fr ee d is pl ay s.mercury-free displays.mercury-free displays.Th ey 'r e BF R- fr ee , PV C- fr ee ,They're BFR-free, PVC-free,They're BFR-free, PVC-free,be ry ll iu m- fr ee .beryllium-free.beryllium-free.Th ey 'r e al l EN ER GY S TA R 6. 1.They're all ENERGY STAR 6.1.They're all ENERGY STAR 6.1.Th ey 'r e al l EP EA T go ld a nd o fThey're all EPEAT gold and ofThey're all EPEAT gold and ofco ur se m ad e hi gh ly r ec yc la bl ecourse made highly recyclablecourse made highly recyclablewi th t he ir a lu mi nu m an d gl as s.with their aluminum and glass.with their aluminum and glass.Th e te am h as s et o ut t o ma keThe team has set out to makeThe team has set out to makesi mp ly t he b es t no te bo ok s ev ersimply the best notebooks eversimply the best notebooks everfo r ou r hi gh -e nd p ro fe ss io na lfor our high-end professionalfor our high-end professionalco st um er s.costumers.costumers.An d th ey 'v e ab so lu te ly h it i tAnd they've absolutely hit itAnd they've absolutely hit itou t of t he p ar k wi th t he 1 3- in chout of the park with the 13-inchout of the park with the 13-inchan d 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o.and 15-inch MacBook Pro.and 15-inch MacBook Pro.An d we t hi nk o ur P ro c os tu me rsAnd we think our Pro costumersAnd we think our Pro costumersar e go in g to l ov e th em .are going to love them.are going to love them.No w we d o ha ve o th er c os tu me rs ,Now we do have other costumers,Now we do have other costumers,wh ic h is o th er p ro du ct s in o urwhich is other products in ourwhich is other products in ourli ne l ik e Ma cB oo k Ai r an d th eyline like MacBook Air and theyline like MacBook Air and theych oo se t he m fo r ho w th in a ndchoose them for how thin andchoose them for how thin andli gh t th ey a re .light they are.light they are.An d we 'r e go in g to c on ti nu e toAnd we're going to continue toAnd we're going to continue toof fe r Ma cB oo k Ai r wi th 1 3 in choffer MacBook Air with 13 inchoffer MacBook Air with 13 inchin o ur l in e.in our line.in our line.Bu t we c ha ll en ge d ou r te am t oBut we challenged our team toBut we challenged our team tota ke t hi s ne w de si gn , th istake this new design, thistake this new design, this13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o an d co ul d13-inch MacBook Pro and could13-inch MacBook Pro and couldth en m ak e a mo de l th at w ou ld b ethen make a model that would bethen make a model that would bere al ly e xc it in g fo r co st um er sreally exciting for costumersreally exciting for costumerswh o wo ul d tr ad it io na ll y pi ck awho would traditionally pick awho would traditionally pick aMa cB oo k Ai r.MacBook Air.MacBook Air.So , we 'r e ma ki ng a m od el t heSo, we're making a model theSo, we're making a model the13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi th13-inch MacBook Pro with13-inch MacBook Pro withtr ad it io na l fu nc ti on k ey s an dtraditional function keys andtraditional function keys andtw o Th un de rb ol t po rt s.two Thunderbolt ports.two Thunderbolt ports.An d we t hi nk t ha t a lo t ofAnd we think that a lot ofAnd we think that a lot ofpo te nt ia l Ma cB oo k Ai r co st um er spotential MacBook Air costumerspotential MacBook Air costumersar e go in g to b e ve ry e xc it edare going to be very excitedare going to be very excitedab ou t th is p ro du ct t oo .about this product too.about this product too.So , ho w do es i t st ac k up ?So, how does it stack up?So, how does it stack up?We ll y ou k no w, t he M ac Bo ok A irWell you know, the MacBook AirWell you know, the MacBook Airis b el ov ed f or i ts i nc re di bl eis beloved for its incredibleis beloved for its incredibleth in a nd l ig ht d es ig n.thin and light design.thin and light design.He re i t is .Here it is.Here it is.We ll l et 's b ri ng t he 1 3- in chWell let's bring the 13-inchWell let's bring the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o in n ex t to i t.MacBook Pro in next to it.MacBook Pro in next to it.Re me mb er , we t ol d yo u th eRemember, we told you theRemember, we told you theMa cB oo k Pr o is 1 4. 9 mi ll im et er s.MacBook Pro is 14.9 millimeters.MacBook Pro is 14.9 millimeters.Th at i s th in ne r th an t he M ac Bo okThat is thinner than the MacBookThat is thinner than the MacBookAi r.Air.Air.It 's a ct ua ll y 12 % th in ne r.It's actually 12% thinner.It's actually 12% thinner.No w, I k no w wh at s om e of y ou a reNow, I know what some of you areNow, I know what some of you areth in ki ng .thinking.thinking.Yo u' re s ay in g, \" We ll , Ma cB oo kYou're saying, \"Well, MacBookYou're saying, \"Well, MacBookAi r is a w ed ge s ha pe , so i t' sAir is a wedge shape, so it'sAir is a wedge shape, so it'spr ob ab ly s ma ll er .probably smaller.probably smaller.No . Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is 1 3%No. The MacBook Pro is 13%No. The MacBook Pro is 13%sm al le r in v ol um e th an t hesmaller in volume than thesmaller in volume than theMa cB oo k Ai r.MacBook Air.MacBook Air.Wh at a bo ut w ei gh t?What about weight?What about weight?Th ey b ot h we ig h th e sa me 3They both weigh the same 3They both weigh the same 3po un ds .pounds.pounds.So M ac Bo ok P ro w ei gh s th e sa meSo MacBook Pro weighs the sameSo MacBook Pro weighs the sameas M ac Bo ok A ir a nd i t' s th in ne ras MacBook Air and it's thinneras MacBook Air and it's thinneran d sm al le r.and smaller.and smaller.So , le t' s lo ok a t th em i nSo, let's look at them inSo, let's look at them inan ot he r wa y.another way.another way.He re t he y ar e- - He re w e ar eHere they are-- Here we areHere they are-- Here we arelo ok in g do wn o n to p of a M ac Bo oklooking down on top of a MacBooklooking down on top of a MacBookAi r.Air.Air.Le t' s sl id e on t he 1 3- in chLet's slide on the 13-inchLet's slide on the 13-inchMa cB oo k Pr o on t op o f it .MacBook Pro on top of it.MacBook Pro on top of it.Yo u ca n se e ho w mu ch s ma ll er i tYou can see how much smaller itYou can see how much smaller itge ts , wh y it h as a l ow er v ol um e.gets, why it has a lower volume.gets, why it has a lower volume.It 's t hi s ad va nc e de si gn ,It's this advance design,It's this advance design,in cr ed ib le n ew t ec hn iq ue s th atincredible new techniques thatincredible new techniques thatma ke t hi s 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o somake this 13-inch MacBook Pro somake this 13-inch MacBook Pro sosm al l, s o li gh t.small, so light.small, so light.He re t he y ar e ba ck t o ba ck .Here they are back to back.Here they are back to back.Ma cB oo k Ai r in t he l ef t Ma cB oo kMacBook Air in the left MacBookMacBook Air in the left MacBookPr o on t he r ig ht .Pro on the right.Pro on the right.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o is s ma ll er b utThe MacBook Pro is smaller butThe MacBook Pro is smaller butbe tt er i n ev er y wa y.better in every way.better in every way.It h as a 1 3- in ch R et in a di sp la y.It has a 13-inch Retina display.It has a 13-inch Retina display.Th er e' s a fa st er p ro ce ss or ,There's a faster processor,There's a faster processor,fa st er m em or y, f as te r st or ag e,faster memory, faster storage,faster memory, faster storage,fa st er g ra ph ic s, m or e ad va nc edfaster graphics, more advancedfaster graphics, more advancedTr ac kp ad , mo re a dv an ce dTrackpad, more advancedTrackpad, more advancedke yb oa rd .keyboard.keyboard.It i s an i nc re di bl e ne w pr od uc t.It is an incredible new product.It is an incredible new product.So n ow , yo u se e we a ct ua ll y ha veSo now, you see we actually haveSo now, you see we actually haveth re e mo de ls o f th e ne w Ma cB oo kthree models of the new MacBookthree models of the new MacBookPr o.Pro.Pro.A 13 i nc h wi th t ra di ti on alA 13 inch with traditionalA 13 inch with traditionalfu nc ti on k ey s, a 1 3 in ch w it hfunction keys, a 13 inch withfunction keys, a 13 inch withTo uc h Ba r an d a 15 i nc h wi thTouch Bar and a 15 inch withTouch Bar and a 15 inch withTo uc h Ba r.Touch Bar.Touch Bar.No w, t he re a re m an yNow, there are manyNow, there are manyco nf ig ur at io ns o f al l th es e an dconfigurations of all these andconfigurations of all these andyo u ca n si t to i t wi th a ll o fyou can sit to it with all ofyou can sit to it with all ofth e di ff er en t th in gs y ou w an t onthe different things you want onthe different things you want onit .it.it.Bu t th ey e ac h of c ou rs e ha ve a nBut they each of course have anBut they each of course have anen tr y co nf ig ur at io n.entry configuration.entry configuration.So , I wa nt t o wa lk y ou t hr ou ghSo, I want to walk you throughSo, I want to walk you throughth os e no w.those now.those now.Th e 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withfu nc ti on k ey s st ar ts w it h a 2function keys starts with a 2function keys starts with a 2gi ga he rt z du al -c or e, I nt el C or egigahertz dual-core, Intel Coregigahertz dual-core, Intel Corei5 a nd a t ur bo s pe ed s up t o 3. 1i5 and a turbo speeds up to 3.1i5 and a turbo speeds up to 3.1gi ga he rt z.gigahertz.gigahertz.So , it 's r ea ll y fa ts .So, it's really fats.So, it's really fats.It h as I nt el I ri s Gr ap hi cs 5 40 .It has Intel Iris Graphics 540.It has Intel Iris Graphics 540.It h as 8 g ig s of f as te r sy st emIt has 8 gigs of faster systemIt has 8 gigs of faster systemme mo ry , 25 6 gi gs o f fa st er f la shmemory, 256 gigs of faster flashmemory, 256 gigs of faster flashst or ag e an d tw o Th un de rb ol t 3storage and two Thunderbolt 3storage and two Thunderbolt 3po rt s.ports.ports.Th e 13 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withThe 13-inch MacBook Pro withTo uc h Ba r an d To uc h ID s ta rt sTouch Bar and Touch ID startsTouch Bar and Touch ID startswi th a 2 .9 g ig ah er tz d ua l- co rewith a 2.9 gigahertz dual-corewith a 2.9 gigahertz dual-corei5 .i5.i5.It t ur bo s pe ed s up t o 3. 3It turbo speeds up to 3.3It turbo speeds up to 3.3gi ga he rt z.gigahertz.gigahertz.An d of c ou rs e, i t ha s fo urAnd of course, it has fourAnd of course, it has fourTh un de rb ol t 3 po rt s.Thunderbolt 3 ports.Thunderbolt 3 ports.An d th e 15 -i nc h Ma cB oo k Pr o wi thAnd the 15-inch MacBook Pro withAnd the 15-inch MacBook Pro withit s To uc h Ba r an d To uc h IDits Touch Bar and Touch IDits Touch Bar and Touch IDst ar ts w it h a 2. 6 gi ga he rt zstarts with a 2.6 gigahertzstarts with a 2.6 gigahertzqu ad -c or e i7 .quad-core i7.quad-core i7.It h as R ad eo n Pr o 45 0 gr ap hi csIt has Radeon Pro 450 graphicsIt has Radeon Pro 450 graphicsan d st ar ts w it h 16 g ig s ofand starts with 16 gigs ofand starts with 16 gigs ofme mo ry .memory.memory.Th e pr ic in g fo r th es e th re eThe pricing for these threeThe pricing for these threeco nf ig s ar e $1 49 9, $ 17 99 a ndconfigs are $1499, $1799 andconfigs are $1499, $1799 and$2 39 9.$2399.$2399.Yo u ca n or de r th em t od ay .You can order them today.You can order them today.Th e Ma cB oo k Pr o wi th f un ct io nThe MacBook Pro with functionThe MacBook Pro with functionke ys s ta rt s hi pp in g to da y.keys start shipping today.keys start shipping today.Th e tw o mo de ls w it h To uc h Ba rThe two models with Touch BarThe two models with Touch Baran d To uc h ID s ta rt s sh ip pi ng i nand Touch ID starts shipping inand Touch ID starts shipping intw o to t hr ee w ee ks b ut o f co ur setwo to three weeks but of coursetwo to three weeks but of courseyo u ca n ge t in y ou r or de r to da y.you can get in your order today.you can get in your order today.So , th os e ar e ou r Ma cB oo k Pr os .So, those are our MacBook Pros.So, those are our MacBook Pros.Be fo re w e fi ni sh , I wa nt t oBefore we finish, I want toBefore we finish, I want tobr in g ba ck o ne o th er p ro du ct a sbring back one other product asbring back one other product asyo u th in k ab ou t th is l in e.you think about this line.you think about this line.He re a re t he t hr ee n ew M ac Bo okHere are the three new MacBookHere are the three new MacBookPr os a nd I 'v e ad de d on t he l ef tPros and I've added on the leftPros and I've added on the leftth e 12 -i nc h Ma cB oo k.the 12-inch MacBook.the 12-inch MacBook.Be ca us e th at 1 2- in ch M ac Bo okBecause that 12-inch MacBookBecause that 12-inch MacBookst ar te d us o n th is p at h.started us on this path.started us on this path.It c re at ed m an y of t heIt created many of theIt created many of thepi on ee ri ng t ec hn ol og ie s th atpioneering technologies thatpioneering technologies thatwe 'v e no w ad ap te d an d ev ol ve dwe've now adapted and evolvedwe've now adapted and evolvedfo r th e Ma cB oo k Pr o.for the MacBook Pro.for the MacBook Pro.An d it r ea ll y ma ke s se ns eAnd it really makes senseAnd it really makes senseto ge th er a s yo u co ns id er t hi stogether as you consider thistogether as you consider thisli ne 1 2 in ch , 13 i nc h, 1 5 in ch .line 12 inch, 13 inch, 15 inch.line 12 inch, 13 inch, 15 inch.Tw o po un ds , th re e po un ds a ndTwo pounds, three pounds andTwo pounds, three pounds andfo ur p ou nd s.four pounds.four pounds.St ar ti ng a t $1 29 9 go in g up t oStarting at $1299 going up toStarting at $1299 going up to$2 39 9 fr om t he m os t ex tr em e$2399 from the most extreme$2399 from the most extremepo rt ab le n ot eb oo k we 'v e ev erportable notebook we've everportable notebook we've everma de t o th e mo st p ow er fu lmade to the most powerfulmade to the most powerfulno te bo ok w e' ve e ve r ma de .notebook we've ever made.notebook we've ever made.We t hi nk t hi s is t he m os tWe think this is the mostWe think this is the mostfo rw ar d lo ok in g ad va nc edforward looking advancedforward looking advancedno te bo ok l in e we h av e ev er h ad .notebook line we have ever had.notebook line we have ever had.Th an k yo u ve ry m uc h.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.Ba ck t o yo u Ti m.Back to you Tim.Back to you Tim.>> T ha nk y ou .>> Thank you.>> Thank you.We t hi nk y ou a re g oi ng t o lo veWe think you are going to loveWe think you are going to loveth is n ew M ac Bo ok P ro a nd w ethis new MacBook Pro and wethis new MacBook Pro and weca n' t wa it t o se e al l of t hecan't wait to see all of thecan't wait to see all of theam az in g th in gs t ha t pe op le a reamazing things that people areamazing things that people arego in g to d o wi th i t.going to do with it.going to do with it.We 'r e so e xc it ed t ha t we m ad e anWe're so excited that we made anWe're so excited that we made anad .ad.ad.An d I wo ul d lo ve t o sh ow i t toAnd I would love to show it toAnd I would love to show it toyo u no w.you now.>> T he n ew M ac Bo ok P ro l in eu p>> The new MacBook Pro lineup>> The new MacBook Pro lineupar e th e be st n ot eb oo ks w e ha veare the best notebooks we haveare the best notebooks we haveev er m ad e an d th ey 'r e th e mo stever made and they're the mostever made and they're the mostad va nc ed n ot eb oo ks e ve r ma de .advanced notebooks ever made.advanced notebooks ever made.Th ey j oi n ot he r po we rf ulThey join other powerfulThey join other powerfulpr od uc ts t ha t we 'v e an no un ce dproducts that we've announcedproducts that we've announcedth is y ea r.this year.this year.Th e be st s ma rt wa tc h, t he A pp leThe best smartwatch, the AppleThe best smartwatch, the AppleWa tc h Se ri es 2 , th e be stWatch Series 2, the bestWatch Series 2, the bestta bl et s, i Pa d Pr o wi th s om etablets, iPad Pro with sometablets, iPad Pro with someam az in g ne w ca pa bi li ti es w it hamazing new capabilities withamazing new capabilities withth e Sm ar t Ke yb oa rd a nd t he A pp lethe Smart Keyboard and the Applethe Smart Keyboard and the ApplePe nc il .Pencil.Pencil.An d of c ou rs e, t he b es tAnd of course, the bestAnd of course, the bestsm ar tp ho ne a nd t he v er y be stsmartphone and the very bestsmartphone and the very bestiP ho ne s we 'v e ev er c re at ed .iPhones we've ever created.iPhones we've ever created.Th e iP ho ne 7 a nd t he i Ph on e 7The iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7The iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7pl us .plus.plus.We c ou ld n' t be m or e ex ci te dWe couldn't be more excitedWe couldn't be more excitedab ou t ha vi ng o ur b es t pr od uc tabout having our best productabout having our best productli ne up e ve r he ad in g in to t helineup ever heading into thelineup ever heading into theho li da y se as on .holiday season.holiday season.I' d li ke t o th an k ev er yo ne f orI'd like to thank everyone forI'd like to thank everyone forco mi ng a nd j oi ni ng u s th iscoming and joining us thiscoming and joining us thismo rn in g.morning.morning.An d I pa rt ic ul ar ly l ik e to t ha nkAnd I particularly like to thankAnd I particularly like to thankev er yo ne a t Ap pl e, w ho w or ke d soeveryone at Apple, who worked soeveryone at Apple, who worked soin cr ed ib ly h ar d on c re at in gincredibly hard on creatingincredibly hard on creatingth es e pr od uc ts a nd b ui ld in gthese products and buildingthese products and buildingth em .them.them.Th an k yo u.Thank you.Thank you.We h av e an a ma zi ng h an d on a re a.We have an amazing hand on area.We have an amazing hand on area.An d I' d li ke t o in vi te e ve ry on eAnd I'd like to invite everyoneAnd I'd like to invite everyoneov er t he re .over there.over there.It 's j us t ri gh t do wn t he h al lw ayIt's just right down the hallwayIt's just right down the hallwayan d yo u ca n ge t yo ur h an ds o nand you can get your hands onand you can get your hands onth e ne w Ma cB oo k Pr os a nd s ee t hethe new MacBook Pros and see thethe new MacBook Pros and see thene w TV a pp i n ac ti on .new TV app in action.new TV app in action.Th an k yo u fo r co mi ng .Thank you for coming.Thank you for coming.\n"