Creating an Agent with Deep Neural Networks and Mountain Car Environment
To create an agent that can learn to navigate the Mountain Car environment, we need to initialize our agent with appropriate parameters. We start by importing the necessary modules and defining the learning rates for our agent. The alpha value is set to 0.123456, which is a small learning rate, while the beta value is slightly larger at 1e-4. The input dimensions are specified as [2], indicating that we have two inputs in our environment.
Next, we define our deep neural network using a tuple unpacking technique. We use two layers with sizes of 256 and 256, respectively. These layers will form the foundation of our agent's decision-making process. We also specify the Mountain Car environment, which has two parameters: the car's position and velocity. Additionally, we set gamma to 0.99, which is a discount factor that determines the importance of future rewards.
We then create an instance of the MountainCarContinuousEnv class from the gym library, passing in our defined parameters. We initialize our agent with the alpha value and learning rate schedule specified earlier.
To train our agent, we iterate over a large number of episodes (approximately 100) and perform the following steps:
1. Initialize the environment and reset it to its initial state.
2. Set `done` to False, indicating that the episode has not yet ended.
3. Select an action from the environment using our agent's policy network.
4. Pass in the current observation, reward, new state, and done flag to our agent's actor network to get the action.
5. Update our agent's old state with the new state.
By following these steps, we can train our agent to learn a policy that maps observations to actions. The goal is to maximize the cumulative reward over many episodes.
After training our agent for an episode, we keep track of the score and append it to the `score_history` list. We also print out a message indicating the completion of each episode.
Finally, we use our `plot_learning` function to visualize the output of our `score_history` list. This function plots the learning curve over many episodes, allowing us to see how our agent's performance improves or deteriorates over time.
Running the Code in the Terminal
To run our code, we can execute it in a Python environment using an IDE such as PyCharm or Visual Studio Code.
When we run the code, we encounter two errors related to variable scope and reference before assignment. These issues arise due to the use of local variables within nested scopes. By addressing these issues and adjusting our code accordingly, we can resolve the errors and execute our script successfully.
Upon executing the code, we observe that our agent settles on a reward near zero, indicating that it fails to navigate the Mountain Car environment effectively. This outcome is attributed to the fact that our agent never achieves a cumulative reward of 100, as it never learns to overcome the obstacle. As a result, its policy network tends to minimize negative rewards, leading to instability and suboptimal performance.
The limitations of after-critic methods become apparent in this scenario, where the agent struggles to learn from experience due to instability issues. However, this example also highlights the importance of carefully designing rewards and using techniques such as actor-critic methods or other advanced algorithms to improve policy learning.
In conclusion, creating an agent that can navigate the Mountain Car environment is a challenging task that requires careful consideration of reward design, policy learning, and stability. By understanding the limitations of after-critic methods and exploring alternative approaches, we can develop more effective agents that overcome complex problems in reinforcement learning.