Introduction to the Razer Phone 2
Hello good people, Eber here with Hardware Canucks and this is the RazerPhone 2. Now, at first glance, you're not going to notice a major difference between this and its predecessor because from a design standpoint, it's pretty much the same thing, except for a few minor increments in terms of features.
The Design of the Razer Phone 2
From a design standpoint, it's not that different from the original Razer phone. I think we noticed a difference that you'll see compared to the original phone is that the rear side of the device has been replaced with GorillaGlass 5 instead of the traditional matte black aluminum finish. This adds support for wireless charging but given that this is a glass back, you can definitely expect scratches and it being a slippery surface eventually over time.
The Features of the Razer Phone 2
I'm gonna keep my expectations neutral because from my initial testing or with my initial hands-on with this device I just wasn't impressed with the camera performance so let's just wait and see. So, in terms of what you're getting on the new finish on the back it is now Gorilla Glass 5 with the RGB logo and it supports wireless charging slightly improved cameras. It also comes with eye pieces own water-resistant rating a private display slightly better sounding speakers.
So, that's pretty much a story with the Razer Phone 2 and honestly it's an incremental upgrade over the original Razer phone just to quickly run over the updates you're getting a new finish on the back its now Gorilla Glass 5 with the RGB logo and it supports wireless charging slightly improved cameras. It also comes with eye pieces own water-resistant rating a private display slightly better sounding speakers. And of course, it's gonna be priced a little bit higher so the original Razer phone retailed for $6.99 for the base model, the Razer Phone 2 is gonna be starting at $7.99 for the base model which is certainly an expensive investment but if you look at the smartphone market in general I think it's priced competitively especially when you compare to the Pixel of 3, the Galaxy Note 9, P LG V 40 so again it's a smart phone specifically targeted towards a certain market if you're a gamer and if you're looking for an all-in-one entertainment device this is certainly something to look into because that one in 20 Hertz display is certainly something that I just can't take my eyes off.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello good people Eber here withHardware Canucks and this is the razerphone 2 now at first glance you're notgoing to notice a major differencebetween this and it's a previous orpredecessor the razer phone because froma design standpoint it's pretty much theexact same thing except for a few minorincrements in terms of features andlet's talk about that right aftermessage from our sponsor the new masterkeys MK 750 keyboard comes with acomfortable magnetic wrist restbeautiful RGB light bar on the perimeterand perky lighting control with avariety of Cherry MX switches and thebottom type-c connection Coolermasterdoing it right check it out belowokay so what's really new with the razerphone - well let's start off with thedesign and to be honest it's not thatdifferent from the original razer phoneI think we noticeable difference thatyou'll see compared to the originalphone is that the rear side of thedevice has been replaced with GorillaGlass 5 instead of the traditional matteblack aluminum finish this adds supportfor wireless charging but given thatthis is a glass back you can definitelyexpect scratches and it being a slipperyeventually over time because it'sobviously a surface that picks up greaseand fingerprints quicker than aluminiumsurfaces so that's again something tokeep note of now given that it's 2018 wehad to expect some sort of RGB lightingon a smart phone of this caliber andthat's exactly what's going on here sothe logo hidden underneath the GorillaGlass 5 back is RGB LED and it'scontrolled through Racers chroma apppre-installed on the device there arethree learning effects that you can playaround with so there's spectrum cyclingbreathing and static effect and you cancustomize the colors - up to sixteenpoint seven million colors which iscertainly a nice touch so if you'relooking for a smart phone with RGBlighting this is certainly the one toget apart from the rate of part from theROG phone then is that I still have noidea on availability or launch so yeahRGB where's our phone - they've alsoadded ip67 water-resistant rating whichis a welcoming update from the originalRAZER phone it's certainly on IP 68certified butyou've got to front-facing speakersrazer actually had to redesign thespeaker the system to accommodate thatcertification so it's certainly andwelcoming and refreshing update from theoriginal RAZR phone but aside from thatfrom a design standpoint it's again verymuch identical to the original RAZERphoneall right so spec wise you're getting asnapdragon 845 processor a gigabytes ofRAM 64 gigabytes of storage and a fourthousand milliamp hour battery again theonly incremental upgrade internally isthat processor bump you're still gettingthe same amount of RAM compared to theoriginal RAZER phone you're also gettingthe same battery capacity so again not asignificant upgrade on that departmentas wellbut what they have included is a newvapor cooling chamber design internallyso it actually dissipates the heat a lotbetter so that's again something to bevalidated in the full review the nextthing to talk about is the display andjust as expected it's not a significantupdate from the original RAZER phone soyou're getting the same 5.7 inch qHDplus display with the 120 Hertz refreshrate and my god it looks amazing inperson if you're someone who's used to atraditional smartphone especially likemyself who has never actually used theoriginal RAZER phoneI was certainly I just fell in love withthis display right away because thefluidity and the experience that you getjust browsing through the Androidoperating system and of course gamingfor the most part is just fantastic Ididn't get some hands-on time with thatgaming as well and it's again abreathtaking experience you really haveto feel it by yourself in person becausethe hundred twenty Hertz display is justquite amazing especially on a mobiledevice and it's really hard for me to goback to a smartphone that uses atraditional 60 Hertz display because thephone feels slower and it just doesn'tcomplete that experience now razer didincrease the brightness of this displayby 50 percent so you're looking at 580nits or just 318 it's on the originalRAZER phone so that's certainly again aincremental upgrade but certainlyrefreshing to see on the secondgeneration razer phone software wisethis phone is rocking Android 8.1 Oreoout of the box which is kind ofdisappointing because I was expectingAndroid Pi and you know for phone that'slaunching at the end of 2018 it justdoesn't make any sense for it to shipwith 8.1 but Razer is promising AndroidPi sooner than laternot just for the razer phone too butalso for the razer phone one so let'sjust hope that happens but other thanthat you are getting a pretty close tostock Android experience without anybloatware so that's awesome there are nothird-party skins or anything like thatin fact razer gives you fullcustomization options so it is rockinnova launcher by default but mostspecifically you do have a theme storeso if you want to play around withdifferent themes that's there butthere's also Razer cortex which is in adedicated application that makes youswitch between different modesparticularly for you know it balanced aperformance mode that lets you justconserve battery life for longer usageor if you want absolute best performanceyou can go for the max performance modewhich will give you the highest framerates but that's definitely gonna take alittle bit of hit on battery life nowone of the major drawbacks of theoriginal razer phone was the cameraperformance because it just wasn't up tothe standards especially when comparedto the flagships from last year andrazer is trying to address that with therazer phone too because they'veimplemented dual 12 megapixel camerasyou've got a standard lens and atelephoto lens with a different aperturevariants but they do come with opticalimage stabilization but mostspecifically you'd also get you knowextra features like po'trait mode betterlow-light performance and there's also abeauty mode integrated on this device soagain those are some of the things thatI'll have to validate for the fullreview so definitely stay tuned for thatbut I'm gonna keep my expectationsneutral because from my initial testingor with my initial hands-on with thisdevice I just wasn't impressed with thecamera performance so let's just waitand see I'm just gonna spend some timewith the camera on the razer phone to togive my full thoughts on that andperhaps I'll be able to compare it tothe note 9 and the pixel 2 so againdefinitely stay tuned for that so guysthat's pretty much a story with therazer phone 2 and honestly it's anincremental upgrade over the originalrazer phone just to quickly run over theupdates you're getting a new finish onthe back its now Gorilla Glass 5 withthe RGB lat logo and it supportswireless charging slightly improvedcameras it also comes with eyepieces ownwater-resistant rating a private displayslightly better sounding speakersand that's about it and of course it'sgonna be priced a little bit higher sothe original RAZER phone retailed for$6.99 for the base model the razer phone2 is gonna be starting at $7.99 for thebase model which is certainly anexpensive investment but if you look atthe smartphone market in general I thinkit's priced competitively especiallywhen you compare to the pixel of 3 thegalaxy note 9 p LG v 40 so again it's asmart phone specifically targetedtowards a certain market if you're agamer and if you're looking for anall-in-one entertainment device this iscertainly something to look into becausethat one in 20 Hertz display iscertainly something that I just can't Ican't take my eyes off said I will bespending some time with this device justlike my other devices especially likethe note 9 just to see what theexperience is like and if I really likeit particularly the cameras those aresome of the things that I really want totest to see if it's actually worth the$7.99 price tag so certainly stay tunedfor the review on eBay with Hydraconnects thank you so much for watchingmake sure to check out some relevantcontent over here subscribe to a newboot sequence channel for the latesttech news and rumors I'm signing off andI'll see you guys in the next onethe phone just dropped this is theproblem with having phones with glassbacks because they slip\n"