Building The Ultimate iPhone XS

The Ultimate iPhone XS Build: A Trip to the Park

Hey guys, this is Austin, and this is the ultimate iPhone XS. Unlike our usual studio setup, I felt like why not take a little trip outside to the park and enjoy some sunshine and fresh air as I build really stupid things for the internet. To start out with, we have the brand new Marshall Kilburn II. Marshall were awesome enough to sponsor this video because they too share an affinity for building really ridiculous things on the internet, and they have some special speakers.

This is how you do a Bluetooth speaker. One of the main reasons why we choose the Kilburn II for this video is because it does support Bluetooth 5.0. Something shared by thenew XS and the XS Max. Now this actually gives you a few different features. One of the big ones here specifically with the Kilburn is that you can pair it with multiple devices. So now did you hear that? (thud) I was about to blast the speakers, we can't do this in front of the Mayor. Can we go back to the studio?

Okay, so pretty cool. This is actually got a a wireless charging Apple Watch That's actually really cool as is. Now can this monstrosity charge? This doesn't charge via wireless, does it? This is a case for the iPhone XS Max which does have a battery built in that also supports wireless charging itself so you can make an air power sandwich.

I'm going to start with this, the Appstronics VXX Max iPhone XS Max battery case. (inhales deeply) This is a case for the iPhone XS Max which does have a battery built in that also supports wireless charging itself so you can make an air power sandwich. First step is to drop our iPhone XS Max into the case it will connect via Lightning and this is going to give us five thousand additional milliamp hours of charging capability.

Now let me see if this will charge the iPhone by itself. Yes, okay, immediately it pops up that it is charging. So the battery is working now. This needs to charge, wait, does it charge upside down or something stupid? No. It's got to have wireless charging on the back right? How do I ever know if this charging though? There's no, like, the LEDs are on the back so if you put it face down.

Okay, step one, we have an air power that actually works. We've got the watch charging, we've got the phone charging. Don't worry about the case in the battery bank, that's all totally fine. I'm actually really impressed with the air power, and no this is not me just clinging desperately on to any small part of my contraption that actually is working today.

So if you guys want to check out anything that does work, including the wonderful Marshall Kilburn II Speaker which is linked in the description alongside some of the other slightly less impressive products. You can go check that out, and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to some music really loudly and charge my things wirelessly I hope.

Next Up: Wireless Charging Action

The iPhone XS actually does charge faster wirelessly than the X, and we're going to put that to the test. Starting with this, the Appstronics VXX Max iPhone XS Max battery case. (inhales deeply) This is a case for the iPhone XS Max which does have a battery built in that also supports wireless charging itself so you can make an air power sandwich.

First step is to drop our iPhone XS Max into the case it will connect via Lightning and this is going to give us five thousand additional milliamp hours of charging capability. Now let me see if this will charge the iPhone by itself. Yes, okay, immediately it pops up that it is charging so the battery is working now.

This needs to charge wait does it charge upside down or something stupid no its got to have wireless charging on the back right how do I ever know if this charging though theres no like the LEDs are on the back so if you put it face down. Okay step one we have an air power that actually works we've got the watch charging we've got the phone charging dont worry about the case in the battery bank thats all totally fine.

I'm actually really impressed with the air power and no this is not me just clinging desperately on to any small part of my contraption that actually is working today. So if you guys want to check out anything that does work including the wonderful Marshall Kilburn II Speaker which is linked in the description alongside some of the other slightly less impressive products. You can go check that out and if you'll excuse me Im going to go listen to some music really loudly and charge my things wirelessly I hope.

Last but Not Least: Stupid Things for the Internet

Okay so this was a little trip to the park to build some stupid things for the internet and that's exactly what we did. We built an ultimate set-up with the Marshall Kilburn II Speaker which is linked in the description alongside some of the other slightly less impressive products.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys this is Austin,and this is the ultimate iPhone XS.So unlike when we usually dothese videos in the studioI felt like why not take alittle trip outside to the parkand enjoy some sunshine andfresh air as I build reallystupid things for the internet.To start out with we have thebrand new Marshall Kilburn II.Now, Marshall were awesomeenough to sponsor this videobecause they too share anaffinity for building reallyridiculous things on theinternet, and they have somesome special speakers.This, my friends, is howyou do a Bluetooth speakerSo now did you hear that?(thud)One of the main reasons whywe choose the Kilburn IIfor this video is because itdoes support Bluetooth 5.0.Something shared by thenew XS and the XS Max.Now this actually gives youa few different features.One of the big ones herespecifically with the Kilburn isthat you can pair itwith multiple devices.(Announcer speaking in the distance)Oh, oh, we should leave.I was about to blast thespeakers, we can't do this infront of the Mayor.Can we go back to the studio?- [Spongebob SquarepantsAnnouncer] A few moments later.- Back in the studio letsgive this a bit more of aproper try.- Pretty cool.So it's actually got a Scorpioon the front, which wouldmake sense because it isScorpio version of the consolethat now has a skin covering all that up.- So that was eight.(rapping)This thing is so powerful Ican literally feel the airmoving this far behind it.It has one twenty five watt amp andtwo fifteen watt amps inside.This is ridiculous, andthe cool part about itis that it is a fully wireless speaker.You can get twenty hours of battery life.So I'm going to be crankingit to ten here, and one ofthe cool parts about it isthat it is multidirectional.So that its not like Kenis only going to be able tohear on a very narrow kind of thing.I mean, this thing fills the room.(hip hop music)Take one look at the Kilburn2 and you'll see its got thatclassic Marshall style, butit also is fairly rugged.Its IPX Seven water resistantso its not afraid of a day atthe beach or something.It does feel pretty sturdy,I mean, its ready to party.If you want to get your handson your own Marshall Kilburn IIof course, the link willbe in the description.Uh, I've got to say, this isthe loudest, the best soundingBluetooth portable speakerthat I've ever tried.Excuse me I'm gonna go backto the park now, and hopefullythe Mayor doesn't yell at mefor, uh, disturbing the peace.Of course audio isn't theonly component in building theultimate iPhone XS.Video also plays a huge rollwhich is where, well, some ofour more creative accessories come in.First off, we need the CaseyNeistat special, and byCasey Neistat special I mean the knock-offCasey Neistat special.The Allsop Three Pod.So this is a combo tripodmount and selfie stick, andthat actually feels really sturdy.Um, okay, so I guess thiscould be better than a tripodif I just was able to lock it down.I'm sure this light is goingto be very useful shootingoutside in beautiful sunlightand wonderful shade with somecloud cover and everythingwe could ever want in life.Dude look how much easier this is.Okay, so now we have not onlytripod which bounces a lotand is kind of derpy,but we also have a light.Do you see how, uh, revolutionary this is?So this is a test of whatthe video looks like on oursuper cool iPhone with thelight which I don't think ismaking a difference.Can we do some cool stuff now?So this, this is a slightlycreative take on building theultimate iPhone XS camera.So first of all we do havethe B-strip case as well asthe lens adapter.Now this is actually meantto work with a wide varietyof smart phones and the ideais that you can attach amuch nicer piece of glasssuch as this really niceL series 7820 Canon lens butwe didn't really plan thisout fully if you can possiblybelieve something likethat, and so we had to bea little creative.Most notably there's a littlebit of gap between the lensand the iPhone.Uh, you know, flange distanceand all that kind of stuff.So using our three pod andour little mini tripod we wereable to get it just about rightto, um, sort of look decent.This is what iPhone videoreally should look like ifits shot by a true professional set-up.And I mean, this is not atrue professional set-up,but with a little bit ofingenuity and a whole lot ofstupidness we've got ourselves a, uh,an ultimate set-up my friends.Next up its time for somewireless charging action.So the iPhone XS actuallydoes charge faster wirelesslythan the X, and we're goingto put that to the test.Starting with this, theAppstronics VXX Max iPhone XSMax battery case.(inhales deeply)This is a case for theiPhone XS Max which does havea battery built in that alsosupports wireless chargingitself so you can make awireless charging sandwich.First step is to drop ouriPhone XS Max into the caseit will connect via Lightningand this is going to giveus five thousand additional milliamp hoursof charging capability.This is the Momax QPower 2 X.Now we've actually taken alook at a couple of wirelesslycharging battery banks in thepast, but what makes this onea little bit special is notonly does it have a massivetwenty thousand, wait, twenty thousand?Twenty thousand, not twothousand, its twenty thousandmilliamp hours of capacity,but also will supportnot only charging over USBas well as wireless but,it will support USBC power in place.First of all let mesee if this will chargethe iPhone by itself.Yes, okay, immediately itpops up that it is charging.So the battery is working.Now this needs to charge,wait, does it charge upsidedown or something stupid?No.Its got to have wirelesscharging on the back, right?How do I ever know ifthis charging though?There's no, like, the LEDsare on the back so if youput it face down,(plastic fumbling)So right now the battery bankis wirelessly charging thecase supposedly which isthen charging the phone whichis definitely getting acharge from something in thisstack right now.If that's not enough howabout some air power, or someknock-off air power.So I guess part of this is forthe iPhone and part of thisis for the Apple Watch?I think.Oh, so that's the watchcharger which pops up.Wow, this actually might not be garbage.I totally assumed it would be terrible.Okay, step one, we have awireless charging Apple Watch.That's actually really cool as is.Now can this monstrosity charge?This doesn't charge via wireless, does it?This is a, it charges thephone wirelessly, it doesn'tactually take wireless power.Alright, I'm just gonna, we'rejust gonna move past that.Don't worry about it, itsfine, I'm just gonna put theiPhone on the charger andpretend that I totally knewthat my wireless chargingsandwich was going to work.Okay, so, just do this.Hey, look!Airpower!It actually works.What?This stupid thing actually works?We've got the watch charging,we've got the phone charging.Don't worry about thecase in the battery bank,that's all totally fine.I'm actually really impressedwith the air power, and no,this is not me just clingingdesperately on to any smallpart of my contraption thatactually is working today.So if you guys want to checkout anything that does work,including the wonderful MarshallKilburn II Speaker whichis linked in the descriptionalongside some of the otherslightly less impressive products.You can go check that out,and if you'll excuse me, I'mgoing to go listen to somemusic really loudly and chargemy things wirelessly I hope.