The TRUTH about Tesla's V3 Solar Roof

The Tesla Solar Roof: A Game-Changing Option for Homeowners

When it comes to solar panels, homeowners have been presented with a range of options that cater to different budgets and preferences. However, a new option has emerged in the form of the Tesla Solar Roof, which promises to offer a premium aesthetic experience while also providing cost savings. In this article, we'll delve into the features and benefits of the Tesla Solar Roof and explore how it compares to traditional solar panels.

The Tesla Solar Roof is a high-end roof option that boasts an attractive design and superior performance. With a price tag of over $134,000, it's certainly not for the faint of heart. However, when compared to other high-end roofing options, it appears to be a pretty good value. The roof is made with high-quality materials and features a sleek, modern design that complements any home's architecture.

One of the standout features of the Tesla Solar Roof is its seamless integration with solar panels. While traditional solar panels are often installed on top of a roof, the Tesla Solar Roof seamlessly integrates them into the roofing material itself. This results in a clean, visually appealing look that eliminates the need for additional equipment or installation requirements.

But what really sets the Tesla Solar Roof apart from other options is its solar glass technology. The solar glass features tiny photovoltaic cells embedded in the glass panes, allowing it to generate electricity while still providing transparency and clarity. This means that homeowners can enjoy a clear view of their surroundings while also generating clean energy. And with prices ranging from $30 to $50 per square foot, it's an attractive option for those looking to upgrade their roofing materials.

Solar Panels: A Huge Step Forward for Homeowners

Solar panels have been a game-changer for homeowners in recent years, allowing them to take control of their power usage and reduce their carbon footprint. But what comes next? The Tesla Solar Roof represents a significant step forward in solar technology, offering homeowners the opportunity to integrate solar energy into their roofing materials.

By combining traditional solar panels with high-quality roofing materials, the Tesla Solar Roof provides an attractive solution for homeowners who want to generate clean energy while also enjoying a premium aesthetic experience. Whether you're looking to upgrade your current roof or install a new one altogether, this option is definitely worth considering.

Power Walls: The Next Step in Energy Storage

In addition to solar panels and roofing materials, Tesla's Power Wall system represents the next step forward in energy storage technology. These big batteries can help power homes even when the sun isn't shining, providing peace of mind for homeowners who want to ensure that their energy needs are always met.

Power Walls can be used in conjunction with traditional solar panels or as a standalone solution. They're essentially giant batteries that store excess energy generated by the solar panels and release it back into the grid during peak hours. This means that homeowners can generate clean energy, store it for later use, and even sell any surplus back to the electric company.

Using Tesla's Power Wall System

So how does the Power Wall system work? Essentially, you control everything through the Tesla app, which allows you to monitor your energy usage, adjust settings, and optimize performance. The system is designed to be user-friendly, with features like automatic storm warning detection and reserve power management that provide an added layer of security.

One of the key benefits of using a Power Wall system is the ability to generate clean energy during peak hours and sell it back to the electric company. In California, for example, homeowners can actually make money by selling excess electricity back to Edison. This means that not only do you get to enjoy the benefits of solar energy, but you also have the opportunity to offset your carbon footprint and reduce your reliance on fossil fuels.

My Experience with Tesla's Solar Energy System

I recently had the opportunity to install a Tesla solar energy system in my own home, which provided me with valuable insights into the performance and benefits of this technology. From my experience, it's clear that Tesla has truly revolutionized the way we think about solar energy.

One of the standout features of the Tesla app is its ability to detect storm warnings and automatically adjust the Power Wall settings to prevent power loss. When I had a blackout during one particularly severe storm, the app notified me that the Power Wall was still functioning within a safe range, providing me with peace of mind as I waited for the storm to pass.

Another benefit of using Tesla's solar energy system is the ability to generate clean energy even when it's not sunny. By storing excess energy generated by the solar panels in the Power Wall, you can enjoy power during peak hours and offset your reliance on fossil fuels. And with prices ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on the size of the system, it's an attractive option for homeowners who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

The Beauty of Tesla's Solar Energy System

So what really makes Tesla's solar energy system tick? In my opinion, it's the seamless integration of multiple technologies and the user-friendly interface provided by the app. Whether you're using traditional solar panels or the Tesla Solar Roof, the app allows you to monitor your energy usage, adjust settings, and optimize performance.

But beyond its technical features, Tesla's solar energy system represents a significant shift in how we think about sustainable living. By providing homeowners with the opportunity to generate clean energy and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, Tesla is helping to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


In conclusion, the Tesla Solar Roof represents a game-changing option for homeowners who want to integrate solar energy into their roofing materials. With its premium aesthetic design, seamless integration with traditional solar panels, and user-friendly interface provided by the app, it's an attractive solution for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and enjoy clean energy.

Whether you're upgrading your current roof or installing a new one altogether, the Tesla Solar Roof is definitely worth considering. And when combined with Tesla's Power Wall system, this technology provides homeowners with the opportunity to generate clean energy, store it for later use, and even sell any surplus back to the electric company. So why not give it a try?

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Our homes need energy.Whether it's cookingbreakfast in the morning,checking email,or now even driving across the country.Most of our lives depend on electricity.And solar is keyto making sure our future stays bright.So when Tesla reaches out andask you if you wanna take partin an exclusive first lookat one of the new products,I crossed my fingers hopingI was gonna be gettingbehind the wheel of a cyber truck.But when they tell you it'spart of their solar lights,their new solar glass roof,I still got kind of equally excited.But before we get there,let's start just a littlebit closer to home.(upbeat music)Solar like most technology has evolvedused to be really expensiveand didn't actually give youthat much of your return.But things are changing.The cost for the panels are going down.They can generate more electricity,they're less of an eyesorethan they used to be.And the case for adding solar to your homeis making more and more sense.So if you decide you want toget a solar set-up from Tesla,you pretty much have three options.You can get the traditionalpanels that are installedon your current roof, whichis kinda what we're usedto seeing, you now havethe new solar glass roof.And for either of those,you can add Tesla's power wall batteriesto get the most out of your system.So I've been living with Tesla solarfor little over a year now.So I've got traditional panels,and they also decided to install twoof Tesla's power wall two battery packs.So moved into a new houseabout three years ago.It gets hot here inCalifornia in the summer,so I was running my airconditioning at night.And one of the surpriseexpenses that I sawwas my electric bill.In the summer months,my electric bill wasreaching as high as $550.It was really high andsomething I didn't anticipateas an expense when I first movedand I've been looking at solar for Whilesomebody who drives electriccars it always seems somethingthat I was going to do eventually.But sort of seeing howmuch my electric bill wassped up that process.So I ended up settling onan 11.375 kilowatt arrayon my roof and decided to gofor two Tesla power wall tues.Those are the external battery packseach one's about 13.5 kilowattsand the government againis running some incentiveskinda the more you spend thebigger your tax credit was.So for solar panels on the roofand for my two power walltues it came to about $49,000.And I certainly didn'thave for $49,000 in cashto pay for it.I was able to financesrelatively low interestand no prepayment penalty,so that my monthly billfor all the solar stuff Ihad committed about $250.So, in the hot months,I was saving about $250.In the cooler months, I wassaving about 75 to 80 bucks.So every month, I was saving money.I added value to my home byputting the solar on thereand I could use my electricity nowwithout really having to worry about it.So that's it my experiencewith traditional solar panelsthat kind of we're allused to it's been like,but when Tesla reached outand asked if I wantedto see what a real housewith the solar glass roof waslike, I had to check it out.This is one of only afew houses in the worldthat have this tech right now.And I was pumped to see itand compare it to the solarthat kind of we're all used to seeing.(upbeat music)I don't know what to expect in my head,but I saw it it just lookslike a really nice roof.I think I was expecting itto look like solar panelsall across the roof.But the aesthetic of it isjust a really nice modern roof.I think that goes to the simplicityand the beauty of the productand every tile you see on the roofdoesn't have to be a solar tile.In fact, it wasn't.We went out to this gentleman's house,you can pick how many of the tilesactually have the sort ofcapability built into themyou can adjust or scale up or down,depending on how muchelectricity you want to generate.So Tesla made a lot of headlines I thinkespecially with the gentwo of the solar roof.They showed differenttiles, different versionsthat ended up being moredifficult to deliver,here at the third Gen,there's only one aesthetic.And because we want aesthetic,it seemed like Tesla wasable to fine tune it a lot.So now the solar cells insideof these tiles are 65% biggerthan last generation tilesthemselves are much largerso there's less gap in between the tiles,it's a lot easier for roofingsellers to install leasingso the install time isn't months anymore.It's same install time as a normal roof.So I think the bigquestion here is the cost.I think everything sounds awesome,but you have to pay for it.So I want to know whatthe cost savings was,if any, by installing this roofversus a ordinary, you know,generic roof most peoplehave on their houses.So I went to the best nerd I knowsort of the expert incrunching these numbers,Ben Sullins of Teslanomics.- Thanks, John.Let's break down the costs hereof this solar roof installation.The total cost herewas just under $65,000.And that was for a 9.2 kilowattphotovoltaic solar system.Now, this also includesthe price of a power wall.So at $8,000 average, let's remove thatgiving us a new total of justover $56,000 that they paidfor the roof and thephotovoltaic solar system.Now, the way that youlook at this typicallyis a price per watt.So take that 9.2 kilowattsand convert it to watts.So 9200 watts, divide that bythe 56,000 and change dollarsit costs for the system,and you're right at $6and 12 cents per watt.This is pretty high, consideringthe average in Californiais right around $3 and 44 cents,which is up slightly from whenI got my solar panel systemabout five years ago,so it makes sense that typicallyyou're paying a lot lessthan this $6 a watt price.In fact if you were to take the averagein California of $3 and 44 cents per wattand multiply times the 9200 watts here,you're looking at a price of$31,648 before any incentives.So that's the solar partof the equation here.The other part is the roof.And this is kind of difficultbecause the cost for roofsvary greatly.You're looking at $11,200 for asphalt,$38,400 for metal,$80,000 for tile andover $100,000 for slate.So the final answer hereis that if you were tolook at an asphalt roofand redo the roof with that,plus the solar panels systemusing the average rates herein Southern California, youwould actually spend $42,848,which is just under $14,000 cheaperthan what the solarroof costs in this case.Now, I think it's a fair thing to arguethat this is not an average roofand it's something that is more akin toone of the higher end materials.So if you look at those,a metal roof would cost just over $70,000,which would be about$13,263 more expensivethan the Tesla solar roof.A tile roof would cost over $111,000and be almost $55,000 more expensive.And the slate roof is just ridiculous herelooking at over $134,000which would be $77,000 more expensivethan the Tesla solar roof.So the Tesla solar roof here in this caseappears to be a pretty good valuebecause it is not your lowend common type of roofit is much higher end than that.But it is cheaper than allof the high end Optionsgiven the functionalityand the amount of roofthat's being covered.So I hope that analysishelp there and yeah,feel free to ring me anytimeyou need some numbers crunched.- Solar panels wasa huge step for homeownersand taking control of theirpower usage in their house.The solar glasses is for that next step.So I think anybody who needs a new roof,but also lives in a state where you havemore sunny months than rain or snowI think the solar glassmakes a tonne of sense.If you're paying for new roofanyway, that's expensive.So for a little bit more,and if you want to step up the materialsyou put that roof on, you getthe benefits of a new roof,you get the cost savings of solar,everything's done whilelooking aesthetically,really pleasing.So solar aside, I think whatreally makes the systemswork as well as theydo are the power walls.You can get them for bothtypes of solar installations.And essentially, they'rejust big batteriesthat can help power your home,you can scale them up or just have onevalue to store and thenuse your solar energyeven when the sun is down.I sent my house up alittle bit differently.So you control all of thisthrough the Tesla app.And you would think thatwhen it's sunny out,you're gonna use thesolar when it's dark outyour switch over to the power walls.That's not necessarily how I set it upor how I was advised to set it up.The electricity yougenerate from your houseobviously you can use for your house,but there's a lot ofextra it's not being used.In California, at least youcan sell that electricityback to electric company.So my case Edison so Ican actually make moneyby selling back Edisonelectricity that I'm generating.In the morning sun comes up,I'm using the solar panels to chargemy power wall batteries.So when I get to peak hours,so electricity is the most expensivelike mid morning to afternoon.I'm actually using the powerwalls during that time.And I'm selling electricitythat I'm generating on the roofback to Edison.And then at nightelectricity gets cheaper.I'm now using the gridpower my house at night.And should there be apower outage at nightI always little bit ofbattery in the power wallto keep things running.So by the time this is all said and doneon the Hot months, likethe electric company,generally ends up owing me money.It all runs through the appand the app does a couple ofcool things so it can detectif there's a storm warning for your areaand automatically set thepower walls to not drainbelow a certain level soyou have that reserve powerif you need it.So my power walls and through my app knewthat there was rolling blackouts happeningand that there was hugewinds that were going on.And they set the powerwalls to retain that power.And when we had that blackout,all my lights did was flicker for a secondand everything kept running as normallike didn't even knowthat we had lost power.I actually had to go into the app to checkIf we had any power loss usethe solar power generation,and the battery pack,sort of energy storagein your house always has that power.Add enough power walls and enough solar,you don't need to beconnected to the grid at allif you don't want to.But I like the peace of mind.I like knowing that if I never needed to,I can run my whole housewithout having any electricitybeing pulled from a dirtysource or just a nicepeace of mind for me,sort to keep my houserunning, you know, lit up.So whether you have solarpanels, or solar glass roof,or the power walls as well,I think the beauty of the whole system,is that you don't reallyhave to think about it.But once I got this all installed,I set the app onceand haven't really thought about it since.That's the awesomeness of the eco system.That's where I think a company like Teslathat clearly has anadvantage in this spacebring something new toan industry like solarthat was kind of flat for a long time.I like the peace of mind of solar,my wallet like the cost savings.I like the green factor as well.I think when you factorall of that together,it's a really winning combination.\n"